《Arbiter of Power (Canceled and currently redone as 'Re:' version.)》Chapter 010: In Two Weeks
(Yup, school started once again. My plan will probably be like this. Prepare half a chapter, finish the chapter on the next day and then prepare another half chapter for the next day, and so on and so forth. So it will probably only be 1 chapter per day now, maybe two when I got some more time, most likely tomorrow it will be two :D
Enjoy this chapter, plot is still progressing slowly or not at all, but my plot will revolve around messing around with kings, queens, emperors, empresses, tyrants, patriarchs/matriarchs and so on. Anyway, enjoy :P Mistakes will be corrected right now, or tomorrow, like always XD )+ Oh yeah tell me about the new synopsis. I can still tweak around :D!
Facing of against each other, a peerless warrior of the High-Human race and the leftover half of a God, it was bound to be a fight that thirsted to have specators. Regrettably only the sun and the azure sky would have the chance to watch these two ehavyweights fight it out.
Lifted into the air, with magic power unmatched, the floating island stood its 'ground' against the sharp gales that chipped over its rocky surface. Some clouds tried to reach out to the titanic mass of earth that somehow found its way among their otherwise soft kin, but this giant towered over the puny clouds with an unbridgable gap between. Yet nature embraced all its oddities and soon the floating landmass, so foreign in this uncharted territory, was lovingly coaxed by its elapsing children; loving rays of the sun and the rgiorous yet fond gusts.
The earth mass purred softly, a deep, visceral din of earthly might that clangoured through the sky, as the two foes atop began their dance with kicks and fists.
Hirahn waited with indulgence for his pupil to initiate the fight, he needed to test just how much force he had to apply to gracefully keep Alexander's life on the thin and instable line between life and death. A rope act that would need a whole lot of patience from Hirahn's side. To what length would he go for those humans? His magnanimity knows no bounds, truly.
There was no need for circling around each other, for taunting, for gestures even. Alexander felt Hirahn's intentions just by the way he stood. Exuberant the winds blew through his hair, would it hinder him in the fight, should he have cut his hairs down, something he prided himself on? What did that matter now?
Blazing resolve shot through Alexander's eyes, his feet crunched the ground beneath with the pressure they enforced onto the earth. A second later his whole being stirred as the muscles coiled like springs in his inner workings, heat builded steadily up and vented their ferocity on the earth that provided them with the much needed stability. Akin to the explosion of a volcano, its cauldron Alexander's feet and the pyroclastic flow the dust that exalted itself behind him. What a sprinter would need a handful of seconds for was done by Alexander in the blink of an eye.
Nigh instantaneously he appeared with frightening speed in Hirahn's line of sight. A fist with bones clustered denser than steel and skin tougher than kevlar swatted the air in its path to dense pockets, ignited the oxygen and left a minute trail of explosions stagnant in the air. A full powered fist of a High-Human, a weapon turned limb, pierced straight towards Hirahn's chest. There was no tactical reasoning behind the punch, it was an intuitive motion spurred by the high-pitched ululation in his heart, a scream for freedom, to fight and achieve victory through raw force alone.
For a moment there was nothing than the barreling fist, the wind stopped, gave homage to the mettlesome man that lifted his fist against a God.
With cold calculative eyes, as dark as the eclipsing shadows, and face bearing an infantile grin Hirahn watched the whole scene unfold before him. The thousand of millions of ways he would redirect, parry, crush, obliterate, the fist that was coming his way. In a fight like this, when he was not being overpowered by his 'true', cold yet fervent nature, he was a being of irrationaly brutal rationality and calculation. There was nothing he did not see, he did not sussed in Alexander's movements.
'Should I break his limbs, shatter his organs, trample his will?', it all crossed his mind at once. If he willed it he could seal with a single flick alone the aether inside Alexander's body, tell him it is nothing and wait for the catastrophe to uncurl, the ticking bomb to explode. Slowly his thoughts took and abstract turn.
They drifted into the dark recesses of his being, the part that wanted to consume life itself, extinguish its sparks, the part that she tamed! He did not want to stare into the ever-consuming abyss that threatened inside his heart, the abyss that cleft ever since she left him. Sometimes it's void eyes gave him accusing looks, as part of him it peered deep into his soul. 'Why have you not helped her?' , 'You could have rescued her!', the abyss screamed at Hirahn. But he didn't know it himself. Maybe he wanted Saraya to live her life unrestrained by his own selfish desires. But had he persisted, would she have changed her mind? Hirahn was confused, one moment he was in battle the other he secluded himself from reality. He did not want to face the world, the fact that she was gone; his only salvation were the convexing thoughts that spiraled deeper down into a self-destructive amount of forlornness but kept his mind preoccupied.
Were it not for the despair that clawed at him, that he he cussed at and tried to admonish from his being, than he had longst given up on life. A life without Saraya was not worthy of being called a life. Certainly she would hit him for such thoughts. But she was not -not anymore- there to do so.
Now it was only Hirahn with his abhorrent thoughts.
Fist connected with face yet Hirahn's body stood rooted in place. A God would not buckle from such a puny attack.
As the fist pushed skin layer upon skin layer over each other Hirahn could only smile through clenched teeth. "Thank you Alexander.", his words were taken with the wind.
'What was I even worrying about?!', his fists snapped back, power cursed through his arms. 'This is all that counts right now!', with the truculent might his twin fists, twin lightnings!, struck out. As though a hammer pounded onto a heavy gong Alexander's body merely trembled, it trembled before it collapsed.
Brittle his armor split apart, two indentations reaching through to his back decorated the golden chestplate. A misty spray of red bursted from Alexander's frozen lips, his brain could not even keep up with the damage in his organs. He was dying after a single hit.
"Ups!", Hirahn supported the curbing Alexander. Blank eyed his vision shock, his eyes revealed surprise before their life was forcefully taken from them. 'No good.', Hirahn thought and infused his own being into Alexander.
'Hum... I certainly overdid it a bit with the attack.', respectfully his essence bowed inside Alexander. 'Won't happen again.'. In light speed he began to fuse the tissue together, mend the broken bones and severed nerves, even strengthening them. He was luckily still 'fresh', his soul only waiting to be released into the nether, alas that won't happen, not under Hirahn's tutelage!
The faint shimmer in Alexander's eyes regained its vigor, with a sharp gasp he snapped back into the realm of the living. "*cough!*", residue blood flowed from his hanging mouth. "I-I thought I would die!", flabbergasted Alexander uttered under his erratic breath.
"Well, you were not far from it! Hahahah!", Hirahn laughed hefty. His gaze turned proper, with a palm strike he sent Alexander flying over the earth platform.
His body flew like a ragdoll over the uneven ground, bumping into stalagmites that probed from the rocky surface. With a coughing fit Alexander tried to stabilize his body. With more ease than he could have possibly mustered he stood up. Incredulous Alexander's hands felt over his body, the power from the palm strike alone could have shattered his ribs, but right now his skin was a bit reddened and a soft pain spread across his chest.
He had already wondered to much and seen to many impossibilities. "You did this to me, did you not?", Alexander asked Hirahn who only responded with his trademark smirk.
Kicking a pebble with incredible speed down from the floating island Hirahn appeared rather bored right now. "Well, else one hit of mine would kill you. It still does, your body is just that weak that even all my tinkering won't help out.", he pouted as if he was a child that had a potential toy taken from him. "But if we take your strength as the mean value then you would now be at least. Hum.... thrice as strong? Of course magic is something else entirely, as long as you can't understand it you won't be able unleash its true power."
"T-thrice as strong?!", Alexander gulped down the ecstasy that was surging within his body. With a rapid flop Alexander kowtowed before Hirahn.
"T-thank you so much, you have done so much for me, for my people even, already.", his words of veneration left unabashedly.
"Ah, don't sweat the small stuff, you gave me a roof over my head and treat me like a ordinary being, that's already good enough for me.", Hirahn spoke and gave a rare honest smile.
"Come on stand up! Now we can really fight!", and like that his personality changed again into his cold self that waited to crush his opponent, but somehow, this time, the ruthlessness seemed more mellow.
"Alright Master!", Alexander clasped his hands together before taking another fighting stance.
The deadly dance between the torn God and the ascended High-Human fomented into a crackling of fists. The sky boomed with explosions and buzzed with unleashed power and yet those echoes of the strongest were left unheard, their legacy swallowed by the yawning sky.
For outsider, beings that did not stand toe to toe with immortals and Gods, the fight was nothing more than shimmers of gilt streaks and the occasional bolting out of a dust clothed figure, like a meteor crashing into the ground. But this figure stood up again and again. Heroic and yet in vain the man jumped up, dirt followed his weakening steps, and fought against nothing more than what seemed to be a beggar, his clothes plain but contrastingly clean; it made one's heart rap when the beggar's cold gaze swept the iron clad man.
"Haaaah. *Pant*. Haaaaaah. So-*cough*. Master, what do you think?", Alexander laid limply on the ground, more blood than his body could wring out clotted on his cleaved armor. Over the whole process Alexander was on the brink of death and everytime is life seemed forfit Hirahn would heal him back to health, to start it all over again.
"Weak!", Hirahn's foot trampeled onto Alexander's open wounds.
"AHHH!", he screamed and squirmed in pain.
"So... When are you leaving?", Alexander asked between his askew gasps, his kingly demeanor returned as the relationship between student and master was for a while dissolved.
"How did you know?", Hirahn asked, he was impressed by Alexander's uptake.
"Just a hunch.", Alexander smiled cordial.
Hirahn sat down with slow, laggard movements. With a content sigh he leaned back and gazed at the sky, his arms keeping his body upright. "I think, after the meeting. Though I doubt that. Because of my interference there will be no such thing anymore.", a wry smile, unsure if this was funny or rather tragic, crossed Hirahn's face.
"Meh, I don't think so. They are to afraid to back out now, they lost so much already, likewise I don't think they care about their heirs. They can just make another one after all.", Alexander said with a sad tone of voice.
"I never asked, what is this Alliance exactly?"
"It's just a stupid bunch of kings trying to take away my land, claiming High-Humans to be the bane of humanity, being in cahoots together with the other Higher beings. A load of bullshit."
"Why not kill them if they get on your nerves so much?"
"They are stronger than... no, sorry, for you they might not even amount to a grain of dust, but for me they are a real threat. What would happen if they took the chance to get my dear daughter?", a nigh unaudible sob left Alexander's lips.
"The little missy, huh...", Hirahn debauched in the few moments he had with the arrogant princess. "You really need to teach her some manners."
"Come on, it's not like you are making it easy for her. I think she really likes you.", Alexander elbowed Hirahn in an amicable fashion. What father did not wish a God to be together with his daughter.
Hirahn couldn't believe what he had heard. "Wait, what? Are you blind and deaf?!"
"If you would have seen her handle other people besides me and her uncle. It was not easy for her since my wife died, for both of us.", with eyes gazin into the distance Alexander revealed more of his past. Not whishing to pry any further Hirahn chose to ignore the latter half of what Alexander said.
"Don't even try to couple me with your daughter, there will ne-... No maybe there is a possbility but that is far in the future.". "Haaa... all the things I could do if you would only marry my daughter.", his wounds closed up Alexander relaxed and let his head rest on his arms.
"You are trying to use me? You got a death wish?", Hirahn's cold gaze sent a chill through Alexander's body.
"C-certainly not, who would do that?! Hahaha, haha.", his nervous laughter resounded through the open sky.
Hirahn got up as the sun began to set, red warm rays grazed past his face. After dusting of his clothes he helped the fatigued king up to his feet. "Let's go back, your daughter is probably bawling her eyes out right now."
"She is probably pilgrimaging through the city."
"Does she..."
Space folded onto itself as Hirahn prepared the teleportation spell. With wobbly legs Alexander tripped into the fluctuating mist of space.
A second later they were already inside the castle, their dirty feet sullying the carpeted floor. Sighing Alexander floundered into his chambers, though he was in no condition to even attempt such a thing. Mentally exhausted thefirst thing he did was crash into the nearest support pillar and fainting on the spot.
Giving the king's worn body a few light kicks Hirahn could only facepalm. "A looooong way to go...", he let the king peacefully sleep in the midst of passage, not caring of what pedigree he is or from what caste. Hirahn was a God, he stood above them all.
'In two weeks.', Hirahn rubbed his hands against each other like some cartoon villain. Oh, how he would enjoy causing havoc all over the world.
(He will see the princess and king again in the future, just saying. I might not have the best storyline but that much is certain.)
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