《Arbiter of Power (Canceled and currently redone as 'Re:' version.)》Chapter 009: Brilliance of the devil


(Sorry that it took so long, I was to immersed with another story here on RoyalRoad. http://royalroadl.com/fiction/1233; Overseer, a brilliant story. No, I have not permission from the author to post his link and promote his series, I will PM him and ask for permission, but I can't stand still, I want the whole world to know of this gem.

The synopsis might seem a bit boring but the story folks, the story. It's about lizards but I will be damned if I don't confess that I cried manly tears, multiple times. It's a story about life and death, the good for you and the group as whole, feelings of happiness and feelings of hate and vengeance. If some of you think my story is good then I can only tell you this. My story is shit, compared to Overseer. It is so... so... good! You want to know more about the Mc with every chapter and each chapter takes you on a ride you would have never expected. I can only warmly recommend this fiction. Read it and brag to others that you were a few of the ten-thousands that discovered this gem before through the, hopefully, coming releases this fiction will again climb towards the top 5 or the top 1 position. Enjoy this chapter and Overseer, read it, now!!!!!!!!!! ;) )

All the while walking back to my room the early sun's rays shone on my back through the tall windows. Through the heightened position of the castle I could watch the denizen of Asthea and the citizens of Ysolde go on about their daily struggles. They sold their handmade trinkets, goods of all kind, and grappled with the problems life threw at them.

It was such a nice change in comparison to earth. I was sure Saraya could have kept living if we had found this place sooner. But it did pose the question, 'Why have I got the easy task?'. Hate and death was always existent, it was a natural in most living beings and empowered me with each spurn and quarrel. On the other hand we had the frail feelings of love and the desire to comfort, so weak and unable to hold prevail in most people. Some say hope dies last, that is false, I was the best proof of that. As long as you had enough despair and hatred you cut suffocate each and every speck of warm love that dared to intrude on the cursed lands.

I shuddered as my stomach churned from the unpleasant memories. The choleric feelings, I tried to surpress them as best as I could, it was an arderous task.

Contemplating on life and such I did not notice that I stood in front of my room already. I let the last cogitations flush through my mind before I was freed from my torpidity.

Unreserved I broke into my room, completely forgetting about the princess inside.

Stunned I stood in the doorframe as I saw the halfnaked figure of the princess peeking out over the window ledge and into the city beneath. My eyes couldn't help but wander towards her supple buttocks wrapped in white lace panties. I feasted my eyes on the buttocks lifted slightly and accentuated by the wonderfully revealing piece of cloth. I thought for a moment about it. Objectively speaking she was more than just a simple beauty, she was mind-blowing beautiful and yet my body did not react, not even the slightest bit. It seems my heart still had only one it could open up to.

*AHEM!*, cleared my throat.


Unlike what I expected, a flustered spin around or maybe even a squeal, she did not even move an inch. Her body did not even the slightest tremble, her breathing was serene like a forest smothered lake.

"Oy!? Are you alright?", I asked but got no answer. Either she was dead or.... No she could only be dead at the moment.

"I can't marry anymore...", a faint whisper left the princess.

"W-what?", I did not hear completely what she said.

I moved closer to her, touched her bare shoulders. The nightgown she had worn before laid on top of my bed. Carefully I peaked at her face.

She didn't even look at me, her gaze directed at the horizon, her body cold as ice. But what I saw stunned me a whole few seconds.

Tears, a nonstop stream of tears, hailed down from her two sky-blue eyes. Heavy and perforated with unending sadness the tears rolled down her cheeks, followed the line of her curvaceous body, over her perky breasts, her hiding navel and then fulfilled their purpose as they bickered on the ground, to the home that nourished their host.

Taken aback I could only distance myself from her a bit. A light clicked inside my mind. I took the blanket from my bed and drapped it around her shoulders. "It's all good now, right?", I asked and forced myself to smile.

She only answered my smile with a blank stare. Her pale face regained its healthy pink as she traced down my own naked body that was now standing so close to her, and this time it was fully illuminated by the sun's prominence. Furhter and further her gaze left the rudiments of what was 'O.K.' and what was considered sexual harassment in my old world. With a mix of disgust and curiosity she traced down my body, I could only stand still as she inspected me, at least my debt would then be paid off. I could see her mind conflicting with her actions; horrified even she could only watch her own eyes, not under control of her sanity anymore, trace down to the deepest parts of my body.

Her gaze rested softly on my manhood, my pride, and the jewels that contained the seed for the next generation. With a light smile she returned to stare at my eyes. Her face rested in this horrifying expression for a while, the dead smile widening, threatening to split her head apart. 'My God!', I felt my back shudder as the smile contained a dead soul and silence that did not wish to be disturbed. No words could describe her expression. The once dried up tears bubbled out of her 'contently' closed eyes, the sun painted them in a red that could certainly be her lifeblood slowly seeping from her body.

"I-I really won't marry anymore, I will die as an old hag.", her lips slightly parted as this single phrase exploded in the stillness. With the blanket covering her body she picked up the nightgown from the bed. Slow trods, each step further down into despair, she removed herself from my room. I could only helplessly sigh as I watched her back.

'Curiosity killed the cat.', I chuckled.

Somehow I knew things would be different now between us, be it a good change or a bad one, I had not the slightest clue.

I openned the closet and picked out stretchly but resilient woven clothes. A dark brown shirt, its loose ends knotted by a light brown leather girdle; the lax ends of my pants were stuffed into tough, dark leather boots; a leather vest topped my attire off. Heavy protection was unneeded since, I knew that pretty much, I would not suffer one wound form the upcoming battle.


Completely clothed and ready to battle I began searching for the King, magic wuld make it easier but somehow it was boring to rely on it all the time. But after looking for the King another 15 minutes, tiring 15 minutes, I decided that magic might sometimes be appropriate to be used.

My etheral body sparked from one dot of magic to the next, a giant web of my consciousness spread over the castle and even further. It was not exactly taxing but more irritating to spread my self like that. Since then I would hear and feel everything that happened inside this dome that was disquietingly the scattered parts of my body. The thought made me pertrubed as I thought what disgusting acts were currently performed INSIDE my body; the twitch turned into a tremor coating the whole city in panick, hilarious.

I found the King resting on the walls of his city. I needed only a second before I rematerialized beside him.

He didn't even turn his head and only spoke to me. "That tremor, was that you?", he asked but I was to preoccupied in ogling his regal clothing. 'Damn, I really want that....', I thought and gawked down at my own impoverished clothes. 'Was that room inhabited by a beggar or what?', I asked myself, slightly angered about my bad decision making.

"Hirahn?", he turned to look at me, my eyes still scanning his scarlet robe and golden chain mail with intricate ornamentations. Even the boots he was wearing were clad in precious metals and gems.

"If you want I can let one be made for you. Not the same quality but at least it would look similiar.", he hit his fist onto the sturdy looking mail.

"Wait, haven't I destroyed that armor?", I asked bewildered as the phoenix and dragon reappeared inside my memory.

"Hahahah! You certainly did.", Alexander trailed along the chest area with his fingers. "But this armor, 'Bulwark', has special properties.". He stripped a glove from his hand and applied pressure. The enchanted metal cracked between his fingers that were harder than any steel. I felt his aether flow from his body and into the metal. Enraptured I watched as the gauntlet took on its original shape.

'This... Magical minerals? Why was something like that not on Earth? So many cool things could have been done with that stuff.", I complained inside my mind but my eyes were still glued onto the shape-shifting metal.

"W-where can you find such stuff?", I asked as my vocie trembled. I might have been a godly being but this was new to me and I was always enthralled by new stuff. It didn't even come to my mind that all the time I could have made this stuff myself if I put my mind to it.

"It's not that hard, it's the process of injecting magic into the material with a beforehand imprinted task. The smith was a highly renowed High-Human [....]", Alexander praised without limits.

Carefully I began to send my own being into the gauntlet. The stable magic energy, each with its own pre-destined position that would be recovered once a strong source of aether was fed into the metal, was captioned by my own will. I changed the structure a bit and made it sturdier. I tinkered around a bit before I realized that the King was giving me a questioning look.

"Uh... Sorry. I changed your gauntlet a bit, it should be stronger now.", I said, completely oblivious of the fact that this was a family heirloom.

"You did what?!", his anger was audible and understandable.

"Relax, I can change it back to how it was. But test it out, the metal should be much tougher like this.", I smiled arrogantly.

The King furrowed his eyebrows before he began to clench tightly onto the gauntlet. What took only a few seconds before and ended in the utter destruction of the gauntlet was now nigh impossible. I left a durable imprint of my own magic inside the gauntlet; whenever force was applied, lethal force to the armor, it would push back and try to keep its form, likewise I augmented the overall defense by changing the position of the metal on the molecular level.

"W-what... No. How?! How did you do that?", the king asked in a trembling and anxious voice, his hands gripped tightly onto my shoulders.

"What's gotten into you? That was nothing special, let me tinker a bit further and this gauntlet alone could shatter whole kingdoms beneath it.", I voiced out what information I could grasp from the power output and the possibilities in infusing mana into metals. If I wanted I could make a whole assortment of weapons that can shake the foundations of this planet, is what I could tell from my little experiment.

"My forefather's... No one! No one could even grasp the principle behind enchanting armors and weapons! Only the elves and dwarves are able to produce such things but they keep the whole process behind closed curtains. Even wars were fought for the mystery behind enchanting. H-how did you do it?", and there he went and told me another juicy piece of information.' One of these days I will make a trip to the other races just to see their faces when I stomp them into ground.', I already felt the laughter that would fill my lungs once this day would come. (Even I am trembling from excitement when the 'Zero-Fucks-Given Arc' starts :P )

"Hum... I can't explain. It's not that dfficult really, you just have to use your aether to give the magic inside a task. Once that is done you hve to leave the aether inside, best with another layer of magic preventing it from leaving.", I brood a bit about how to explain it but I think my explanation was good enough.

"Of course! How easy! How could we have not thoguht about that?!", Alexander nodded his head vigorously, a true epiphany struck him.

"I-I-I can't even... I can't even tell how grateful I am to you Hirahn. I am truly, truly grateful.", he said and bowed his head.

"Boy, call me master.", with that out the window we still had a sparring to do.

"Y-yes master.", and with that I have straight out killed Alexander's excitement. Oh I love myself so much.

"Ehm, Hirah-.". "Master!". "Ehm, Master..... Where should we fight, I don't think using the plains would be a good idea.", he had a point.

"Hum..... Wait a moment.", again I spread my entirety over the lands. If I wanted to I could encompass this whole world but I would have a massive headache afterwards, again rather from the unnerving stimulations than from the magical strain.

With eyes closed my peerspective changed to that of an allmighty overseer. I could see the vast oceans, the towering mountain ranges, the earth that tried to touch the sky, I could see whatever I wished to. But instead of a land battle I choose a different location.

Spacial ripples surrounded myself and Alexander. *Poof*, I let him vanish and followed closely after. (For my next trick I will make you disappear. Shoutout to all those that know this quote. XD )


I didn't know what happened just that I was thrown into a storm cloud of magical energy. All around me it suffocated me with its absoluteness, it had unsourmountable strength that all beings alive could never hope to even cathc a glimpse off. The power, I knew it came from the person I was standing side to side only a second before, and it made me fear on a whole new level.

His whole being encompassed me, a being of raw power, the cusp of all existence held me in its dreading graps. In that moment I really thought it was my end. Unlike the mindless and even playfull power that Hirahn displayed when he was angry this was much more foundamental, it was as if I starred into magic itself. Slowly the realisation dawned onto me, when Hirahn told me he was more Godly than anything could ever be. He spoke the truth. He was more of a God than the Gods we believed in, not a demon, not a devil, he was the chasm of magic itself. 'H-how can such a being exist?', I thought in the quivering shambles that were my mind.

Deeper and deeper I was swallowed by Hirahn's, by Master's, absolute power, a power that would contest the heaven's. I thought us Higher beings to be the apex, the summit of strength, the elite of our people but I was so wrong, I was never so wrong in my entire life. If we considered us the peak, what was Master then? He was what laid beyond the peak; while we stare into the sky, reached out to this endless distant place, he was the sky. He looked from above and laughed about our thriftless wishes, because he stood at the peak he knew we would never reach it. Such a being was now my Master.

Joy which I never felt before welled inside my heart as I thought about the magnanimous being that not only has proven mercy to an insect like myself but also taken me under its wing. A debt for a life time. The brilliance of the Devil was without bounds.

A brilliant light enveloped me, I felt my Master tug at my very being, pulling me out from within him, from the maelstrom of energy that no being shall ever reach. So grateful I let him guide me iout of the precipice of magic, I wanted to learn so much now. 'Dragons, demons, angels, Gods quiver in fear! My master could face you all with ease! And maybe, just maybe, some of his brilliance will rub off on me. I felt truly joyous at that moment.


For some reason I felt really weird while transporting Alexander over the clouds, there was some disturbing feeling fanning over from him. Before I knew it goosebumps spread over my etheral body.

'Must be my imagination.', I simply shrugged the lingering presence of horror from me and rocketed forth into the sky, a huge mass of earth trailing behind me.


The light gradually strengthened and like the sun's providence it beamed onto my body before I was ejected roughly onto the... ground?

I stood up, looked around, and my vision grew hazy from the miracle my Master once again created. An island floating in the sky!

Even mother nature had to bow down before Master.

My eyes gaped wider and wider as I saw the huge mass of earth that was floating stock still in the sky, clouds floating beneath us testifying for what my eyes couldn't fully dare to believe.

I paused my thoughts for a bit, wondered if there was any instance in which such a thing occured throughout history. there was none, no being has achieved such an incredible feat. All those pathetic Highers' I would love to see their faces once they encountered my Master. Those arrogant brats, thinking themselves as the pinnacle of creation yet they have seen nothing!

I clamped down on my gauntlets, unsure whether I should feel insulted or happy that the divine armor I was gifted with was further strengthened. And from Master's words this was not even the limit to their true potential. Draws, Elves, they couldn't hold a candle against Master.

"Oy Boy! What you starring at like an ass?", I turned my head and saw the person that could be considered the top of creation.

"Just admiring the view.", I tried not to show to much of the apotheosis I felt for Hirahn, for the Master that could certainly bring ruin or prosperity on a whim.

"It certainly is beautiful, standing above the clouds, being free from everything earthly. I don't like it that much.", he answered me with a typical crooked grin.

"Well, whatever, we are here to fight are we not?", his entire being changed as he clenched his fists and turned a deadly chill into my direction. The aloof attitude, nothing more than a lie, now replaced by a cold aurora of energy that flashed past my face like arctic wind.

"Are you ready?", he asked while I shrunk and his figure grew bigger and bigger, more imposing with each second.

"O-of course Master.". My fighting spirit was kindled but at the same time it waned, there was no possbility for me to reach where Master is now; but at least, at least I could try to climb the starry sky and admire its view from close-up. A egoistical wish, I know, but I so dearly wanted to view the world as Master did.

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