《Dagon, Dungeon evolved》10 - Music to my ears
I am not out of ideas. I simply want to see what others can think of and build around them. Here are some Dungeon Crawler Highlights.
Spoiler : 09/06/2016 00:17:18Arykai Wrote: [ -> ]Like the story right now, also really hyped about it being a plant dungeon, cause I've recently been having the idea to write a story based off of a Treant MC (wasn't sure if I wanted it to be a VRMMORPG or a dungeon story though).
So yeah, basically looking forward to where this is going, cause you don't see too many stories based around murderous plants.
13/06/2016 09:14:10voidpath Wrote: [ -> ]13/06/2016 08:16:51Daelkyr Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the chapter.
With that ability he needs to start looking for abilities that give random effects.
nah not really.
it makes my plant a little strong than how it is. maybe some hybrids but most likely end up with something like this
NameParalysis Herb IITypeHerbHP0MP0Attack0Defence0AbilitiesThe effect of paralysis is strong in this one- Apothecary Vader
13/06/2016 19:30:50Daelkyr Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the chapter.
I take it that the "perfect" in the body description means that it had no wounds before death, rather than the person being perfect.
perfect meaning unblemished and not wounded. it is used for this future ability/talent called Syntheses or something along those lines.
20/06/2016 13:50:54voidpath Wrote: [ -> ]20/06/2016 10:41:49Lufia Wrote: [ -> ]When I saw those goddess messages. The first thought that came to my mind was " Oohhhh it's on now b*tch, nobody makes fun of my dungeon" then I realized I was reading and not there in person. Good job there I got absorbed in reading.
*Goal Achieved* [th_053_XD.gif] [th_059_.gif]
20/06/2016 11:45:40voidpath Wrote: [ -> ]20/06/2016 10:16:38VRDraco Wrote: [ -> ]He is abusing his friendship for ev points. That said the idiot did het lots of laughs from the mc's BS
it can't be helped. Evolution points are hard to get early levels. mobs are weak and do not provide much exp for level up, need players to die to possibly get more exp.
i think i will USE the shortform EV points from now on. XD
20/06/2016 10:44:16Dsutc3 Wrote: [ -> ]nice, i like the story the more i read the more i like, just need to name the tumble weed something....
do look up this plant called tumbleweed. nvm. i found an awesome vid of it
just saying, i needed a rolling plant and that came out of a Brainstorm.
20/06/2016 13:39:43voidpath Wrote: [ -> ]20/06/2016 13:01:21Gingi71 Wrote: [ -> ]thank you for the chapter, does he not get attack when he log off? or the dungeon only spam when he is online?
the spam from the first 2 chapters are due to accelerated time. 5 minutes = 1day. he got a stack of exp for that as a prompt. now the game runs as normal time.
it is meant to kick start a Dungeon. a Dungeon takes time to set up and it is not like you walk into a forest and you see a tiger or deer immediately. it takes time before you get to spot them. cant imagine having to play a game where for the first 7 days you are simply waiting for something to happen. you will end up losing all the Dungeon type players.
the dungeon is always under attack due to , and . the author simply decided to hide all irrelevant tier 0 prompts from now on.
22/06/2016 08:08:16Aethelred Wrote: [ -> ]I love how indirect the plant dungeon is, it's totally what I would choose. :)
Remember. Plants Are Weak. ... XD
26/06/2016 19:22:42voidpath Wrote: [ -> ]26/06/2016 18:33:24Kshail Wrote: [ -> ]Woot another update can't say I havent been waiting for this...been obsessed with Dungeon fics recently.
So plants ideas...
Cloud of Poison spores based on proximity...so clerics have to heal the constant damage.
Something that reduces caution..so people wont be as tempted to retreat...
Something that increases mana costs since people are relying on clerics pretty heavily.
Pretty much all I got.
would not be thinking about the Spores. i not going the fungus route yet.
the first few rooms only need 1 Cleric. Once they get to singing tree and all the AOE sleep effects, they can't dispel that fast enough. or at least not fast enough for a low level cleric. for clerics, in the future they will have mass dispel to counter that. or until they get a gas mask type of equip that can block status effect triggered by breathing in or hearing it. once they do, my dungeon is totally useless against them.
the game seeks a balance. NPC always has the priority to escape. it is like asking a player to do suicide run knowing that they will die. every new NPC starts at tier 0. imagine you are a shop, if you put your price too high(high kill rate), you will not get repeat customers. they may buy and never return due to the price(dies), or just not buy and never return(escape). if you set your price just a little higher than what they can afford, they will return when they can(tactical retreat). If you set at affordable price, they will keep coming back but you put yourself the chance to run out of stock(boss dies and you lose your Dungeon core.) one very important thing about repeat customers, they tell their friends(more NPC).
not so keen on increasing Mana cost. that spoils the fun and makes that more tempted to retreat. :-D :-D :-D
26/06/2016 19:57:31LordSaucy Wrote: [ -> ]You haven't used mushrooms, lichens, moss, or roots yet. I've always been a fan of venus flytraps but perhaps something along the line of mimic plants? Like how some plants mimic insects to attract them to pollinate. Maybe make a special plant based trap of a moss curtain that causes some sort of sticky debuff that makes spores stick to the body and grow? The slightly obvious thought of trip wire ivy that hangs people above a pitfall trap. Maybe a plant that induces fear or anxiety. Hallucinogenic plants or mushrooms... I'm really liking the pace of this story though
same as before. no Fungi yet. Venus fly trap will come. Pitcher Plant is coming in the next Variant.
27/06/2016 08:03:53EnablingBarley Wrote: [ -> ]Hope she will fall asleep to the Eternal Sleep so the MC can have some fun with the chicks body later on when he has his own :P
Lol. i need some ‘pervert’ filters so watch me.
It was a long wait. That evil bastard PMed me to say make the ground quake more…
Fully annoyed i replied.“Fine i present you ... a Thousand years of Pain.” Followed by giving the ground a good rumble. I made a stalagmite right up his ass. It was just too bad that environment would not deal damage to him that way. But it did not mean the pain was not real.
*Player has disconnected*
You have performed an ILLEGAL action without Permission. Should you continue this act, Enforced Redemption will be activated.
Liana looks at the now empty space that used to where Alex was standing and saw that stalagmite. “Really?” and then she disconnected as well.
“... Now i am all lonely again.”
Time to tinker the Dungeon Again. I need to find good hiding Spots for my Common weed for the upcoming crowd of ‘treasure hunters.’
As the tinkering happened, another NPC Party entered the dungeon. It would seem that my current Dungeon allows 1 team of NPC constantly. It is a pity though. I am still at 1 team at any point of time, with some minutes to spare after 1 leaves. The last i check the top Dungeon has 6 NPC Parties of G to F ranks running about at any point of time. He is apparently has 8 floors and uses Kobolds as his base type. The runner up is at 7th floor with 5 parties of G to F ranks.
It was not before long that the first of the many Players came about. At first there was just 1. He was a mage and managed to clear the only the first room before the 2nd person came. It was another mage. Then followed by another just seconds later. After about 10 minutes, i had 14 Mages and 2 Rogues. I was rather surprised to see Rogues. Apparently they have the ability and that My Common Weed is the best target for them to Steal from. With so many different types of items, it is impossible to not get anything from . It does not matter though. More than half the items are trash any way. Once they reach a certain level, these trash would not give any EXP for the ability.
During this time, the first mage just reached the 4th room. It was a rather slow progression for him now. The small Runners kept dashings about making him waste much of his mana on empty spaces. The Chompers were easier to handle as they were stationary but the Sappers as compared to the 3rd room were much more numerous and harder to kill. Many of the Sappers are strategically placed between big rocks so that they are harder to be hit. Just to annoy the trespassers, i placed Sensors near these rocks so if Swordsman or Rogues tried to rush over to hit it, they run before they could reach.
As for that NPC team, they are now at the 7th room. It would seem that at the rate that they are going, they would be reaching the end of their journey at the 8th room. The mana that the cleric is having will only last them to 8th room or maybe the 9th room. The rooms get bigger and more complicated each time and if they were to progress on with skill, they would get to 9th and that is all they will reach. It is good times while it lasted for time.
Slowly the number of people increased. By the end of the hours, i had 30 Mages, 22 Rogues, 16 Clerics, 8 Archers and 9 Swordsmen.
1 NPC and 5 Players died so far and 1 NPC and 2 Players captured, giving me 9 Bonus EV Points. That also allowed me to gain a Level a the same time. It was very tempting to upgrade my Dungeon. Make it larger seems like a good choice. I could spam the Dungeon Levels and make it larger and grant myself Mini-Bosses. Once i reach tier 5 in , i could opt to turn my Bewitcher into a Mini-Boss and in turn have 3 more Mini-Boss and 1 Boss. i am short 6 points if i do want to do so. Having this Scavenger Hunt really increased the number of Kills and Captures i now have. In wake of all the decisions, i have :
AbilityLevelDescriptionTraps1Current available: Pitfalls
Next available: Spike TrapsMonster Tier upgrade2Allows monsters to evolve into the next tierArea expansion2Increases the area of influence you have. (current floor space - 20m X 20m X 20m)
Current Floor Limit : 2
WARNING! Too much expansion may cause you to encroach on another Dungeon. Loss of dungeon core would result in losing 90% of your levels and you will be relocated.Special4Random ability or talent will be grantedUproot1Grants some plants the ability to remove their roots from the ground and travel around.(plant only)Sense1Mobs you control have increased awareness of their surroundingAllure2A sweet fragrance that lures all kinds of living beings into your Dungeon.Paralysis1Injuries left by your dungeon will leave a mild numbness to afflictedBoss Monster1Allows user to summon 1 boss monster for each level invested (Available every 5 levels of Area Expansion)LockedLockedLocked
I have 8 Options
Skills, more monsters, or more space?
After a brief contemplation, i came to some conclusion. more space is good but i should not expand too much.
Having more monsters is also good but i should reserve it to later levels. I can always opt for more traps. Increasing the variety is good as well. According to the Forums, tier 5 trap is a teleporting trap it seems good as well. So many options but so little points.
In the end, i chose 1 Level to Area Expansion, 1 Level to Traps, and 1 level to Allure. Allure is fun. It grants me so much Passive Mana regeneration. I call it passive mana regeneration as i do not have to do anything and there would always be some random trespasser dying or be captured every once in awhile.The amount of tier 0 monsters increases every time i increase Allure. ( Bears, sheeps, chicken, rats. Basically every single mob under level 10 or so that you can think of)
Display New “Mobs”
NameLove HändelTypePlantHP400MP200Attack50Defence300Abilities -Its beautiful music resounds in the soul and causes everything that hears it to be implicitly drawn towards Listening to it. (Passive)
- Slams itself into its target, stunning and knocking back its target.
Really…. Just what is wrong with the developers. What naming sense did the have…
Even after planting one, i still did not understand its naming sense. It grows out with 2 thick stems that ends with a 2 pink furballs that look like their hair is electrified with static. It would bump into each other and create a resounding two-tone rhythm as it moves to and fro from each other.
Nevertheless, i began planting more of it. As i planted, i slowly began to understand why. No two plants are the same. As i increased in the number, a slow melody began to play out of them. It truly began to captivate me. In the end, i built a room with purely just it. Not a big room but just enough to hear it’s beauty at it’s finest. It will be my personal room of refuge in this Dungeon. When i am sick of watching all these people walking about and hunting in my Dungeon.
27,000 m3 that is a lot of space as compared to the 8,000 m3
Instead of just the original 10 rooms of about 17m x17m x2m and the rest leaving for the tunnel, Boss Room and the ‘Bonus’ Rooms, Floor 1 became a mixture of these few room that were 20m x 20m x 3m. There were 12 of such rooms, giving Players and other NPC plenty of space to travel around and hunt. There is now more ceiling room too. It was really weird seeing my Singing tree having grow and hit the roof.
Spoiler :
2x Room 1, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Pollen Dash,Carpet Thorns and Runner
2x Room 2, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Pollen Dash,Carpet Thorns, Runner and Chomper
2x Room 3, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Runner, Chomper and Sapper
2x Room 4, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Runner, Chomper and Sapper
2x Room 5, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Chomper, Sapper, and Sapling
2x Room 6, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Runner, Chomper, Sapper, and Sapling
As for Floor 2, it was just 6 rooms.
Spoiler :
Room 7, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns,Runner, Singing Tree, Sapper and Sapling
Room 8, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Runner, Singing Tree, Sapper and Sapling
Room 9, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Chomper, Singing Tree, Sapper and Sapling
Room 10, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Chomper, Singing Tree, Sapper and Sapling
Hidden Trap Room( Accessed from Pitfalls and Spike traps from Level 1), Common Weed, Flower Of Fragrance, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Love Händel, Singing Tree and Sapper
Hidden Treasure Room( Accessed from Pitfalls and Spike traps from Level 1), Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Love Händel, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep and Pollen Dash
You could say it was just 4 room as 2 of them were hidden rooms only accessible by Pitfalls and Spike Traps.
Floor 3 consisted of only 3 rooms.
Spoiler :
Room 11, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Chomper, Love Händel, Singing Tree, Sapper and Sapling
Love Händel Room. Love Händel.
Boss Room, Common Weed, Healing Herbs, Sleep Herbs, Paralysis Herbs, Flower Of Fragrance, Hypnotic Herbs, Eternal Sleep, Pollen Dash, Carpet Thorns, Love Händel, Runner, Chomper, Singing Tree, Sapper, Sapling and Bewitcher
I tried fitting more but i realized one thing, even if they managed to reach the 2nd floor, they would be running low on mana already due to the number of mobs i have placed in the rooms of the first floor. The whole point of the Dungeon became a long drawn out battle to conserve mana. It is something that a Swordsman would not need worry about as much. Those that need to worry about that were the Mages and Clerics. They need all the mana they can have to kill and support. The Common Weed’s special drop grant them the survivability in the later half thankfully. For now that is, as i am going to lower the drop rates for Common Weed after today.
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