《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》Night time raid
Chapter 16
Inside a certain room of the royal castle, Asher slightly opens the door and peeks through. Before getting to the baths, he must first do through the changing room, made from white clean marble and other fancy decorative ornaments; it could only be seen as a high class and extremely expensive room.
[Asher] (A…am I really allowed to use this room? Deloria said that it’s used for the royal family, so I guess its fine…but still…)
Getting used to a life that made him work his butt off and live in a small apartment that tends to have faulty water lines, this is a major change to him.
As he wearyingly walks inside the room, he quickly notices a mirror that stretches in about 8 feet in both height and width. Asher stood in front of the mirror while his eyes stayed open, could easily see his whole body from the tip of his head to his toes.
After making a silent gulp, Asher turns around and found a big square shaped shelf.
[Asher] (I guess this is where I should put my clothes.)
Since Asher grew up quite disciplined, after taking off his clothes, he folds them properly and place them on the shelf, and while doing so, Asher notice another shelf but only smaller and the shape is rectangular.
[Asher] “Ah, what about the gauntlets are there a special way to take them off…hmm?”
As if reading his mind, the gauntlets, Regulus expands and loosens its grip. Asher then pulls the right arm first and looks inside the gantlet.
[Asher] “So it can do that too huh, that’s convenient.”
He then looks up and found 3 white towels.
[Asher] (Wow, they got everything ready.)
After taking a towel so he could not only cover his lower region but also to dry his body afterwards, he walks towards a door that seems to be made with frosted glass. He then grabs the door’s handle and stops.
[Asher] (If the changing room looked like this…no, I’m pretty sure that it would look amazing too.)
[Asher] “Hehe~ thought so.”
As soon as he opens the door, he gave a tired look as well as a slighted head tilt to the right.
The bath that he sees in front of him is round and big as a school pool that is used for competitions, made with the same white marbles with white big pillars to add. Next to the pillars are plants similar to palm trees, but only with multi color along with other plants.
The ceiling reaches the length in about 30 or 35 feet and placed directly atop of the bath is a giant round window where one could see the dusk sky clearly.
At the middle of the pool or bath, is a big stalagmite that has a woman caring a vase on her shoulder carved into the giant stone with hot water gushing out of the vase it carries.
With the taping sound of his bare feet echoing throughout the bath room, Asher looks to his left and right and found the things that is needs for a bath, some soap, a few small basins and some small stools.
[Asher] “But it doesn’t look like they have any showers or even faucets. Well, it’s not like it’s going to be a problem to me though.”
Thinking that he would just tire himself out if he keeps thinking about it, he lets go of the thought and takes of his towel while walking towards the piled up stools.
[Asher] “I’m here to relax, not to think about some random stuff.”
While sitting down on a stool, Asher grabs on a basin and scoops some hot water and pours it onto himself.
[Asher] “Wow, the water is heated just right too. Man, if she found out about this place, she would flip over in joy.”
Covering himself with soap and remembering about one of his childhood friend that love baths, someone suddenly opens the bathroom door.
[Asher] “Huh, wha!?”
[Ifca] “…………………Brother Person…….I’m……….here…….”
[Asher] “S—so you are…”
As if it was the most normal thing to do, Ifca came walking in without even covering herself with a towel.
Luckily, Ifca is a 5 year old girl with a five year old body, so Asher didn’t even blush and continue to look at her naked body while she walks closer to her.
[Asher] “You want to take a bath with me?”
[Ifca] “……………………*Nod*………….Yes…..”
[Asher] “Well then, come on over and grab a stool, I’ll help you put some shampoo…huh, where’s the shampoo?”
Searching both his left and right side, Asher wasn’t able to find the thing he was looking for. Ifca, who did what she was told and sat in front of him, while face the same way as Asher, she looks back at him and tilts his head.
[Ifca] “……………………….Poo?”
[Asher] “Um…no, that would be bad if we did do that. What I’m talking about is the soap that is used for the hair.”
[Ifca] “……………………….Poo?”
[Asher] (I guess they don’t have any hair care products here in this world.)
Though unknowingly, Asher was actually starting to think once again, but only to be stop by a sudden appearance of someone.
[Asher] “Hmm?...Huh!?”
The person who walks in the bathroom is a woman that has a beautiful figure; she had long flowing silver hair and has an attractive face.
Since the woman stood without any towel to cover her body, she is completely exposing her naked bare body right in front of Asher’s eyes.
Though her height wasn’t tall, she still had nicely shaped thighs and large breasts.
Looking around the room, she eventually sees Asher scrubbing Ifca’s back and smiles. She then walks towards both of them without a single thread of shame.
But as for Asher…
[Asher] “Gyaaaaaaaaaaaa! My eyes!”
[Diana] “Hohohoho! Mommy is here for some Parent to Children Skinship! Hohohohoh!”
[Asher] “What the hell are you doing here, more like, put something to cover yourself!”
Ignoring Asher’s words, Diana grabs another stool and sat behind him. She then grabs some soap and start to rub her hands together.
But before starting, she stood up again and looks at the bathroom’s door.
[Diana] “Hey, what are you guys waiting for!? Hurry up and come on in!”
Asher was confused on what his mother just said, but seconds later, his confusion is answered.
[Alfern] “A—alright dear, I—I’m come in…”
[Alowey] “M—Mother, do—do we really have to do this?”
Two other people came walking in with the color red covering almost their entire faces. Covering their most private parts, Alfern and Alowey walks closer to the beckoning Diana while trembling in embarrassment.
[Diana] “Come on, you guys are so slow, you’ll catch a cold if you don’t hurry it up.”
Seeing as the two couldn’t move the way Diana wants them to, she walks towards them and held on to their hands and drags them.
[Diana] “Alright, first is Ifca because she’s the youngest, then comes Asher; next are Alowey and then the mother, which is me, and finally the father AL, perfect.”
After giving everyone their positions, Diana gave a satisfying smile and nods, she tells everyone to grab some soap and instructed them to scrub each other’s back.
But since Diana has the duty to scrub Alowey’s back, she is the only one having a proper cleaning. Ifca stared blankly into the air, Asher’s hand move slowly, Alowey is shaking too much with a complete redden face like a tomato and finally Alfern, who keeps looking away from Diana’s curvy and smooth back while still taking small glances.
[Diana] “Ah~ I always wanted to do this with a big family.”
Due to Diana’s joyful emotions, she fails to notice everyone’s trouble.
Meanwhile, the two intruders that successfully sneak inside the castle, starts with their mission and split up to get as much information as they can about their target.
Gale, the eldest amongst the two, aimed for the maids that are in charge of cleaning the rooms and furniture while the younger sister Hail talks to the maids that are in charge of washing the clothes and other cloth related things.
Presently, the eldest sister, Gale is now having a Question and Answer session with the other maids while doing his work surprisingly well.
And while doing her job properly, she looks at both of her side, seeing that she is alone with one single maid, Gale saw this as s chance.
[Gale] “Hey, can I ask you guys a few questions?”
[Maid # 1] “Hmm, what is it or more like, who are you? I don’t think I’ve met you before.”
[Gale] “Actually I just started this job. Anyway, forget about me, what I want to know is about the prince.”
[Maid # 1] “The prince?”
[Gale] “Yeah, the Prince, what do you think about him?”
[Maid # 1] “Eh? Wh—what do I think about him? Um…well…”
Right after asking, Gale quickly notice the maid’s slightly blushed cheeks. The maid then made sure that no one beside herself and Gale inside the room.
[Maid # 1] “Well…isn’t he…”
[Gale] “Yes, yes, isn’t he—what?”
[Maid # 1] “Isn’t he really hot?”
[Gale] “…………Pardon?”
With the unsuspecting answer, Gale’s expression suddenly went blank.
An hour later, Gale is now walking the hallways, slowly making her way to the meeting spot where she and her younger sister Hail, agreed to meet.
But for some reason, Gail has this exhausted look on her face and even though she is supposed to quicken her pace, her walking is slow and slightly swaying.
[Hail] “Ah…Sister, you’re here.”
[Gail] “Hmm…I see that Sister is here as well. As you can see, I just got here.”
[Hail] “So did I Sister.”
Finally meeting on each other, Gail quickly noticed that something was wrong with Hail as well, but what gave her a shock is that Hail looks as exhausted as she is.
Hail also notices how similar her older sister’s face with her own, she after greeting each other, both twins fell silent. But a few seconds later, Gail spoke.
[Gail] “So, do you have any information about our target, Sister?”
[Hail] “Well, I guess you could say that. What about you Sister?”
[Gail] “Close enough I guess…well then, shall we share our info with each other?”
Though it was gale herself said that, she still has a tired expression and as for her younger sister Hail, she merely nods and gave her older sister an unenergetic smile.
[Gale] “All right, I’ll go first. The info I got isn’t very reassuring, but it only one I got so…”
[Hail] “It doesn’t matter Sister, let’s hear what you’ve got.”
[Gale] “……….OK, um… the info I got is that the prince is…well…HOT………….”
[Hail] “……………………”
[Gale] “………………….”
Both sister fell silent for a minute, Hail continue to stand without looking away from her sister while a single drop of sweat slides down her right cheeks.
[Hail] “Wait, that’s it?”
[Gale] “Yes Sister, that was it. The maid that I got assigned with didn’t mention anything else besides how HOT he was or how HOT his body. Honestly, I wanted to get away from her as soon as I could, but she grabbed me by my arm and wouldn’t let got until she’s finished.”
[Hail] “I—I see, so that’s why you look exhausted.”
[Gale] “Yes well…What about you Sister, do you have anything?”
Seeing her older sister look at her with a slight gleam of hope, Hail’s eyes swims away from her older sister’s face and smiles warily and with stuttering words, Hail spoke.
[Hail] “A—actually Sister, the information I got is…well…similar to yours. The only difference is, is that they called him a HUNK.”
[Gale] “………that explains why you look so tired Sister. Did they grab hold of you too?”
[Hail] “No, I had one maid on each side and one at my back, I was surrounded.”
[Gale] “……………….I see.”
Since Gale herself experienced something similar to Hail’s situation, she didn’t even need a few seconds to understand and just fell silent.
Unfortunately for them, even though they are tired and wanted to at least rest for an hour before searching for Asher’s room, Gale and Hail heard multiple voices getting closer to them.
Hail quickly chants a light element type of spell, she casts it amongst them and light wraps around their body.
As the light around their bodies quickly fading, their figure suddenly became blurry and soon making their whole bodies disappear and then lay their bodies against the wall and stay silent.
As the voices slowly getting closer and closer, the owners of the voice reviled themselves.
[Diana] “Can you believe that kid, after all the effort I did in gathering all of us in the bath to have some family time, he just had to escape in his room.”
[Alfern] “Well in a way, I somewhat understand his troubles. After all, he is a grown man.”
[Diana] “Even so, he doesn’t have to be that against it, he acts like he never seen me naked before and besides, we’ve taken multiple baths together when he was in kindergarten and in his 2nd grade in elementary.”
Seeing his wife make an adorable pouting face, Alfern stays quiet and simply smile while walking beside Diana.
[Diana] “And not only that, Alowey also escaped by saying the same ‘I’m tired’ excuse as Asher, as for Ifca, well…she did almost drown in the bath due to drowsiness so guess she’s fine. But even so, I mean seriously, why can’t we just have some family…….time……….”
With her words getting cut off, Alowey suddenly stops in a single spot while staring at an empty wall. Alfern, who walked pass her, turns around and asks.
[Alfern] “Diana, what’s wrong?”
But even though Alfern asked, Diana didn’t answer back and simply raises her right arm and suddenly thrusting the wall with an Open Palm Strike.
*Thud!* *Crack*
With her powerful thrust, the thick marble white wall now has a big crack that has a similar shape that of a spider web that spreads in about 6 feet.
[Diana] “Huh, I guess I was just imagining things.”
Since Alfern trusts Diana to an amazing degree, Alfern wasn’t shocked and simply asked again.
[Diana] “Well…it’s just that I thought I felt the presence of two people in the corner, guess I stayed in the bath for too long. Oh, um…sorry about the wall, can it be fixed?”
[Alfern] “Heh, though the size of the crack is huge, it can still be fixed with Earth magic. I’ll just tell the mages that my Wife had a little fit.”
[Diana] “Oh come on, you don’t have to tell them that, you meanie.”
Fully knowing that Alfern is only joking, Diana also gave Alfern a joking pout as she locks her arms around Alfern’s left arm.
With small giggles coming out from their mouths, the atmosphere around the two made a pink and sweet image.
As soon as the two idiot couples leave, a sound of two bodies dropping down the floor could be heard.
Releasing their spell, the figures of both Gale and Hail can now be seen. But this time both aren’t standing but they are now seated on the floor with their eyes wide open in shock.
With their lower jaws chattering, they both look at each other without saying anything. After a few seconds looking at each other in shock, Gale and Hail looks behind them and sees the damage that Diana has made.
While they were invisible, the two were shocked and even felt scared when Diana suddenly stops in front of them and stares at the spot where they stood.
But what almost gave them away was that Diana’s sudden and powerful attack.
The two continue to look at the spider web shaped cracks that are engraved into the marble wall, Gales and Hail turns their heads towards each other and finally said something.
[Gale] “S—Sister, did you see that woman cast any enhancement spell to herself?”
[Hail] “N—no Sister, she didn’t cast anything.”
[Gale] “Th—then, that would mean that—“
[Hail] “—that strike she just did was her own strength…”
With the two ending up with the same conclusion, Gale and Hail couldn’t help but tremble and get socked by their own cold sweat.
In all the years that the twin’s have experienced, they never have met someone like Diana.
The twins have fought against a monster with similar strength, but they had the element of surprise as well as Gale’s Wind and Water type magic and Hail’s Light and Electric type magic, both of them have elements that can strike fast, Gale has wind and Hail has Electricity.
But for Diana, she almost saw through Hail’s invincibility magic.
With someone that dangerous around the castle, Gale and Hail looks at each other once more and decided to no longer stay inside and find Asher’s room.
[Hail] “Since that Djinn woman said that our target is in his room resting.”
[Gale] “Then all we need to do is finish him there, let’s go Sister.”
[Hail] “Right behind you Sister.”
And so, the two Night Elves are now headed to the 2nd floor to find Asher’s room.
While the two hired elves roam around the 2nd floor of the castle, Asher is now in his room reading some book that he borrowed from his older sister Alowey.
[Asher] “So that’s why the Mana that’s been spraying behind me turned into a wall of ice. The Mana itself changes to the chosen element that the caster wants.”
Remembering that Alowey was an actual teacher, despite being a kingdom’s princess, Asher asks if he could borrow some of her books that can describe the characteristics of Mana.
Unfortunately, even though Alowey is a princess, she much prefers to spend her own money on this she wants to buy and not only that, books are extremely rare in this world, so she only owns two.
One book that explains inner Mana and the other book explain about the Mana that spreading around the world. It also explains about chants and other spells that needs strong concentration.
He also found out that Alowey’s books were the one that Diana read that gave her a lot of ideas with her spell.
But since a lot of thing happened in a single day, Asher’s eyes starts to get heavy and slowly get sleepy.
Though Asher wanted to read more, he could no longer stay awake and decided to sleep.
[Asher] “Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.”
Putting the book on the office like table, Asher walks towards his bed.
[Asher] (I was so excited about the book that I didn’t notice that it took 20 steps just to get to my bed.)
He then looks around his room, left and right and top and bottom. From the size, Asher could tell that he could fit multiple cars inside his own room and still have some space to put 5 or 6 motorbikes and as for the ceiling, 2 fighter jets could fit.
Making it to his bed, Asher took off his shirt and lay down at the amazingly soft mattress. He then looks at the canopy of his bed and stared at it in a daze.
[Asher] (Why would a bed need a roof if it’s already inside?)
Realizing that he would be able to sleep if he keeps thinking about it, Asher turns to his right and closes his eyes. He then turns to his left while still having his eyes closed, then turns to his right again.
[Asher] “I can’t sleep like this; everything is too wide and luxurious.”
With so much luxury items around him and staying in a room with a stupid crazy size, Asher who grew up in a very small apartment couldn’t get used to the lifestyle of the royalty.
Sitting up from his bed with a stiff smile, Asher lies down and rolls his body 3 times just so he could get out.
With the use of the moons of Terrafis, Asher looks around tries to find a suitable place to sleep. At first he wanted to try the couch, but he quickly realized that he might just fall off and wake up.
Just when he was about to give up, he finally found a place to sleep. Taking one of the bed’s blankets, Asher lies down and closes eyes slowly.
An hour later, after painstakingly checking all the rooms in the second floor, the two Night Elves finally found their target’s room.
Making sure that no sound could be heard from the door, Gael and Hail slowly opens the door and enters the room.
With total silence, Gale and Hail looks at each other and communicated with their eyes and hand gestures.
Taking advantage of the darkness of the room as well as the strong eye sights of a Night Elf, Gale and Hail quickly found the bed.
But usually they could work even faster if they are compared to what job they did before, but since they found someone troubling like Diana is inside the castle, they rushed towards the bed in a panic.
With the two taking both side of the bed, Hail used her invisibility spell again and Gale starts to chant a wind type attack spell.
Though Hail could also use her lightning type magic, their target is a direct royal family member, so if they use a lightning type spell, it would leave too much evidence and might track her and her older sister down, but with Gale’s wind type magic, no evidence will be found.
Floating above the bed are 3 crescent shaped blades that are made entirely out of wind, Gale and Hail starts to count from 3.
[Gale] (3...)
[Hail] (2…)
Reaching the final number, Gale strikes her cutting wind magic and it slices the bed’s mattress into confetti. But unfortunately form the both of them, due to their panicked actions from earlier they fail to notice that the bed is empty.
The sisters wanted to shout out loud in surprise, but they quickly close their mouths with their hands.
[???] “Hngh…what…what’s with all that noise?”
With a voice coming out of nowhere, Gale and Hail look to their left and right, searching for the owner of the voice.
But to their shock, they couldn’t see anyone in the room besides themselves.
As they continuously look around them, they start to hear rustling noises and soon, the owner of the voice shows himself.
[Asher] “I was having such a good nap too…huh?”
It was their target Asher.
Seeing their target all of a sudden, the two girls quickly jumps back to get some distance from him.
[Gale] (C—could it be that he knew we were coming!?)
[Hail] (To think he would be hiding himself in such a location!?)
Both never would have thought that their plans was already known to the target, so they both slowly take small steps backwards while still having their eyes on Asher.
Asher on the other hand, honestly has no idea on what was going on.
Right now, Asher could only see that there are two maids jumping back in surprise while carrying shocked looks on their faces.
Asher, who has woken up, started to worry.
[Asher] (Oh no, did I scare them? Well, I did just pop out under the bed, so I guess I did. They must think I’m some sort of weirdo.)
Since all the places where he can sleep tends to make him think about the size of the room as well as the expensive furniture, Asher needed a confined space to sleep and as a result, Asher slept under the bed.
Thinking that he needs to apologize, Asher quickly got the rest of his body out and stood.
[Asher] “Um…uhh…sorry about tha—hmm!?”
Just when Asher was about to say his apologies, he suddenly senses something invisible coming towards his neck, so he bends his back making a shape of an upside-down letter ‘U’.
But just when he thought that he successfully dodged the first maids attack, or Gale’s attack, Asher finds the other maid behind him is already finished chanting and lines of blue light started to wrap around her hands.
Having no time to figure what kind of magic it is, Asher kicks the ground and lifts his whole body with his arms and as if jumping with the sue of his feet, Asher pushes his body into the air.
Once again, Asher was able to dodge the second maid’s attack, or Hail’s attack spell, successfully.
Landing on the floor gently, Asher looks behind Gale and found his gauntlets that he removed from his arms, placed on top of his table. He then ran towards Gale fearlessly.
With Gale slightly panicking, she quickly chants another wind attack spell that shoots like a small cannon and aim, and behind Asher was Hail starting to chant for another spell.
With Asher getting closer, Gales aims for his head and shoots.
*Pheeew!* *Pheeew!* *Pheeew!* *Pheeew!*
[Gale] “What, how in the world did he!?”
Asher easily dodged her shoots without even slowing down.
Though she was shocked to see her spell miss, she quickly regains her composure and chants another spell, but before she even said a single word, she finds Asher 15 inches away from her.
As a last resort, Gale grabs the knife on her hips and swings it towards Asher, but just like her magic, Asher easily dodge her by ducking.
Seeing her right arm wide open, Asher grabs her wrist and threw her towards Hail, who was just about to fire her spell.
[Gale] “Whoaaaa!?”
[Hail] “Huh—umph!?”
But even though her spell got interrupted, the lightning spell still shot straight. But luckily, Asher is close to the table.
Asher then jumps over the table while grabbing hold to the table’s edge and just as soon as he landed, he flips the table used it as a shield from the lightning attack.
With his gauntlets that fell beside him, he puts on Regulus, leaves the table’s safe zone and confronts the two night elves.
The two Night Elves that just stood up, sees their target bask in moonlight, making his silver colored gauntlets shine blue, similar to the blue glow of the scarf-like Mana on Asher back that seems to be getting longer and is moving wildly.
[Asher] “Only a blind moron would still think that you two are maids right after what tried to do.”
Bashing his left fist into his right palm, Asher gave Gale and Hail a fearless and confident crooked smile.
[Asher] “Don’t worry ladies; I’ll be sure not to hurt you...well, not much, we still need to talk after this after all.”
Hey guys ZYLOS here, sorry for not being able to post anything lately, my computer is starting to break down on me and i don't have the money to get a new one. since this PC is a windows XP the part are all old and i can't get them replaced. i'm really sorry, but i will still continue this story as well as my other one. i will not abandon these stories, they're like my own kids. so when i open my PATREON web site, please support me, i'll also be making comic there as well. thank ans see you next chapter!!!
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