《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》[ONE SHOT]
Title: Just the usual Mornings
If you readers are looking for a story full of adventure, like some poor sap suddenly being transported to another world and had to defeat some but butt Demon Lord, then get the hell out and go read something else because this inst that kind of story.
The names Alex Brooks and I’m just your everyday, normal 17 year old, 2nd year high school student that you can find walking everywhere.
If you’re going to ask if I have any super power or some sort of cheat-like ability, then you’re not even reading in the first place or you got a problem with ether your eye or brain, or maybe even both. Like I said, I’m just your average high school student, and let me tell you this; I will not gain any powers or cheat–like ability in the near future.
I’m just giving you the heads up.
Damn it, I know…
I said I know, already…
[Alex] “I said I know, so shut the hell up!”
Shit, I know I own the damn thing and I see it every freaking day, but why do I keep forgetting to change the alarm setting to an hour later?
Oh well, not like I’m going to be late or anything, the school is literally across the street near my apartment. But I guess I should do it now, while still can.
As my anger start to disappear while setting my alarm, I turn I around and look at the time. Since class will be starting in 8 in the morning and the school is about 10 seconds away from my apartment, I don’t really have to be worried.
It’s 5: 34 am.
What the hell, Isn’t that a too early!? This piece of shit woke me up 2 hours earlier than I should have!
With the alarm clock still on my right hand, I suddenly raise the clock into the air was about to throw it at the wall. But I quickly stop the urge and lower my hand.
If did throw it to the wall my neighbor might wake up and start pestering me.
[Alex] “*Sigh* Shit, might as well go take a bath.”
After making an unenergetic sigh, I got out of my bed and put the damn alarm clock at the table next to the head of my bed. I then head to my bathroom to take a hot shower.
Maybe I’ll feel better after taking a shower.
As I open the door, I took of my short and underwear and threw them into the laundry machine, since I don’t have a laundry basket, I might as well put it directly.
But before I head to the showers, I decided to check my condition on the mirror.
After all, I felt slightly weird last night due to my 3 noisy neighbors’ drinking and as well as their loud laughter. It wouldn’t be a problem if they did it in their own room, but do they have to do in mine?
I then walk closer to the mirror and check my left cheek.
[Alex] “Hmm…doesn’t look like I’m neither shedding nor any of my scales missing. I guess I was just tired.”
That’s good, as a DRAGONKIN, I would want people to see me shed, that will be so freaking embarrassing I wouldn’t be able to get to class and if I did, my green scales would look red.
[Alex] “I guess I’m really was just tired last night. But seriously though, I know that it was Sunday, a weekend, but they really have to go all the way out like that?”
Voicing out my complains into the empty space of my bathroom/laundry room, I open the shutter of my shower and walk in.
Finished with my bath, I change into my school uniform out of my closet.
I don’t really like wearing the school’s formal shirt so I just chose my own shirt, a pure red shirt with a black tribal cross on the side. But since the teachers won’t shut up if I came to school wearing this shirt alone, I plan to put on my school’s blazer.
I then walk towards the small table next to my bed and look at the time.
[Alex] “It’s still 6: 23, huh?”
Seeing that I still have a lot of time, I walk towards the kitchen.
And since I woke up earlier than expected, I’ll cook some Cockatrice Eggs and Cuchivilu bacon…oh and I think I still have some Camahueto milk in my fridge. Hmm, I guess waking up early also has its advantages.
With the menu already on my mind, I heard something resound in my room.
*Ding* *Dong*
I was about to wear my apron, but some idiot came to my door step. But to all honesty, I think I know who that idiot is, or more like, she’s been coming over a lot lately, regardless of the time.
*Ding* *Dong*
[Alex] “……………………”
Maybe she’ll go away if I ignore her.
*Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong*
[Alex] “Damn it, alright, fine, I’m coming! Just stop, before you break my freaking doorbell!”
Sheesh, I should have known better that something like ignoring her wouldn’t stop her appetite.
Slowly making my way to the front door, I peek through the peephole.
Yup, it is her.
[???] “Good morning Alex, I breakfast read yet?”
[Alex] “I wasn’t planning to cook for your portion.”
[???] “Now, now, don’t be like that. Excuse me for intruding.”
[Alex] “Wha—hey, don’t just barge in…*Sigh*”
In case any of you are wondering, this is one of my neighbors, she and I live at the second floor, while she lives at the left side of the apartment, my room is placed at the middle.
By the way, I don’t live in a big ass place, alright? I live in a 2 storied building with 6 apartment rooms, 3 rooms on each floor.
[???] “So what’s for breakfast?”
Oh right, I forgot to introduce who this moocher is.
Her name is Noel Castell, a 22 year old woman, has a short golden blond hair that only reaches the nap of her neck, blue crystal like eyes and a figure that could easily beat a gravure model. Ample breasts, a thin and waist and a tight hips.
Oh, before you guys say anything, it’s not like I’ve seen her naked or anything, it’s just that what she is wearing right now pretty much reveals her 3 sizes. A tight shirt that slightly shows her navel, as well as the shape of her chest and finally short cut jeans that shows a lot of her thighs.
It might not be that much of a big deal for me, since I stood in 6.7, but apparently her height is also model material; she stood in about 5.9 or something…I wouldn’t know, not like I got a measuring tape on me.
But despite her size, she eats a lot and I do mean a lot. I once asked her if she excises on a daily basis, but all she said to me was…
[Noel] “I don’t, too much of a pain.”
Is what she said to me.
But there was one time back in summer, it was so hot and Noel and I couldn’t move due to the heat so we just sat at a bench in a park. But suddenly we heard the ice cream truck’s usual melody. Noel and I tried to call for it but it didn’t notice us and just drove off.
Noel looks at the back of the truck with her sharp and yet sleepy looking eyes and suddenly ran after it. Believe it or not, she chased after the truck for half a mile away.
We were able to buy some, but I spend more money that day so I could buy 6 ice creams because I needed it to prevent Noel having a heatstroke.
Remembering that time just reminds me that she would do anything for food.
But like I said, this woman Noel, is one glutinous woman.
[Alex] (Hmm? What’s this?) “Huh!?”
When I follow her from behind, something rectangular fell from her back pocket, at first I thought it was her cell phone, but when I picked it up what I found was a container and what it contains are…
[Alex] “Hey Noel, why do you have a Lock Picking Kit?”
[Nole] “……………………..”
As I wait for an answer, Noel tilts her head and puts her forefinger on her cheek; she then gave me a questioning look.
[Noel] “Eh, a Lock Picking Kit, whatever do you mean by that?”
[Alex] “…………………..”
So annoying! Does she seriously think that I’ll be trick by something like that? Or more like, stop tilting your head left and right and besides, that cutie stuff won’t work on me!
[Alex] “Quit playing around, why do you even have these things?”
[Noel] “I don’t see a Lock Picking Kit, what I see is my Makeup Kit.”
[Alex] “……Your Makeup Kit, seriously?”
[Noel] “That’s right, my Makeup Kit.”
[Alex] “…………………………..”
[Noel] “……………………………”
[Alex] “That’s amazing, since when did you face turn into a freaking doorknob?”
When I asked her another question, she steps closer to me and used her forefinger to poke my chest.
[Noel] “Oh come on Alex, you should already know that. It’s a woman’s S-E-C-R-E-T. *Wink*”
This conversation is going nowhere and even if you spell the word ‘Secret’ on my chest, I still wouldn’t know what you meant? So what, are you telling me that your race changes into a doorknob-faced every now and then!?
*Sigh* Seriously, the way she acts makes a person think twice if she really is an Elf.
Finishing with cook our breakfast, that’s right ‘Our’ breakfast, I got out of the kitchen a head to my dining table, where Noel is holding on to the remote while watching a newswoman that has pink bunny ears.
[Noel] “………………………….”
For some reason, Noel is really into today’s news, she has this very serious look in her eyes, did something happen?
[Noel] “………They look delicious.”
[Alex] “What kind of ominous thing are you thinking about?”
She then turns around looking at me with her usual calm face.
Now that I think about it, she tends to show that serious face whenever she watches a cooking show on TV.
[Alex] “Here…”
[Noel] “Thanks for the food.”
As soon as she finishes saying her thanks, her hands grab on to the spoon and fork next to the plate and starts eating.
I didn’t even take my seat and yet she’s already half way through her food, not even Orcs could eat that fast. But even though she eating at such a fast pace, I’m surprise that she doesn’t make any mess.
Finally finishing with her own portion, Noel walks to the kitchen. I then hear a sound of the faucet and running water.
Well at least whenever she eats here, she washes her own plate.
Later on, the sound of water stops and Noel walks out of the kitchen while holding on to some glass of milk in hand and sits back on her seat at the table.
[Noel] “…………………………”
[Alex] “…………………………”
[Noel] “…………………………”
[Alex] “………………You’re still hungry?”
[Noel] “*Slurp*”
I literally saw her drool a little.
I wanted to ignore her, but whenever I open my mouth to eat my breakfast, she opens her mouth as well and not only that, when I raise my spoon to my mouth, she draws her face towards mine, as if she’s diving in for a kiss!
Damn it, this is bad for my heart.
[Alex] “Here, you can have the rest.”
[Noel] “Really? *Nom* Thanks Alex, I love you.”
[Alex] “Yeah, yeah, just be quiet and eat.”
Brushing of her obvious fake confession, I suddenly remembered that what she is using right now is the spoon and fork I used.
[Alex] “Hey Noel, you should—“
[Noel] “*Nom* Hmm, what is it?”
[Alex] “Never mind.”
I always thought that Elves are a shy race, but I guess not all of them are like that. Sorry to disappoint you nerds out there who that that.
While Noel continues to breathe in my breakfast, yeah that’s right, she so fast in eating it’s like she’s just breathing in air. Anyway, while Noel is busy, I look at the time that is shown on the TV that says 7:14.
Time sure flies when you’re busy, or being bothered by someone.
I then grab the remote and switch of the TV. I then call out to Noel, who is already done eating, and told her to get ready.
[Alex] “Come on Noel, it’s almost 8, you should go back to your room and get ready.”
Ok, she is about to show you reason number two on why I continue to wonder on how is she not getting fat.
[Noel] “Haaa~ Do I have to, can’t the student put their own damn band-aid? I mean they do have their own arms, right?”
She is very lazy, even if she is the resident doctor of the school I got to; she rarely does anything um…well…doctor-like.
I’ll give you an example. Last week there was some student who had a stomachache, he of course heads down to the infirmary and met with Noel. As the residential doctor, she should have taken care of him properly, but that didn’t happen at all. What she did was look at him in a slight annoyed face and said…
[Noel] “What do I look like to you, your mom? Just go home and let her take care of you.”
I could remember the blank look on the poor sap’s face, I almost felt like crying for him, you know, almost.
Hmm, what was that, how did I see all of that happen when I’m not there?, well that’s because…it’s…uh…I had a headache and um…I needed…to uh…rest, yeah that’s right, I had a headache so I needed to rest.
By no means was I trying to get out of class just to get some sleep, I swear I’m not…really.
Anyway, her laziness is so amazing, when ever it’s a weekend, she would stay in a single spot while eating and watching the TV for 24 hours straight. Well, at least she could go to the bath room if needed to be.
As for the reason why I know what she does in her weekend is because whenever she does have free time, she mostly does ‘Nothing’ in my room. Honestly, I’ve already lost count on how many times I slept on the floor, the cold, cold floor.
But then again, I’m a Dragonkin, so I guess I’m fine with the cold ground, but I need warmth too you know!
This reminds me, I still need to know about that Lock Picking Kit she has on her. I sure hope she didn’t get that just to get in my room when I’m not around.
[Alex] “Hey Noel, isn’t about time you tell me about this?”
With my forefinger, I flick the box that contains the kit that is place on the dining table. Gulping down the whole glass down, Noel opens her mouth while pointing at the box kit.
[Noel] “Actually, I forgot the key to the infirmary dozens of times now.”
I see, so she needs it just in case she…...wait a minute.
[Alex] “Our apartment is just 10 seconds away from school; can’t you just run over here and get it?”
[Noel] “Now way, it’s such a bother”
[Alex] “………………………………….”
This is Laziness at its finest people.
[Alex] “Aren’t Elves supposed to be very…I don’t know, athletic?”
[Noel] “Oh Alex…”
Before finishing her words, Noel closes her eyes while carrying a smile full of confidence. She then sticks out her thumb and points towards herself and changes her confident smile into a smug once.
[Noel] “Don’t overestimate me; I’m not like any other elves out there.”
[Alex] “And you’re proud of that? *Sigh*”
Making another sigh, I got off my seat and grab my school’s blazer. I then face Noel and told her to get ready again.
[Noel] “………………Fine.”
Though she still had a reluctant look on her face, she stood up from her seat and starts walking towards the door.
[Noel] “Ah, I almost forgot.”
She stops and turns around, walking towards my bed and sits on my mattress. She then grabs the alarm clock that is placed next to her.
[Noel] “I almost forgot to set the time.”
Casually putting back the alarm clock back to the table, she walks pass me and then turns her head.
[Noel] “Wait for me outside alright.”
[Alex] “………………Fine, just go already.”
Hearing my words, Noel walks out of the door and went back to her own room.
While silently look at my open door, I turn my head and look at my alarm clock and I once again face the open door of my apartment.
[Alex] “So it was her doing…”
*Sigh* Seriously, why can’t my neighbor be an Elf that acts gently and diligently. I’m starting to fear that I might shed away all my scales if this keeps happening. I’m a Drakonkin, I don’t want to turn into some sort of gecko that has no scales.
But then again, I guess hoping for things to change is next to impossible. After all, this is just a usual morning for me.
Hey guys its me ZYLOS! let me tell you guys the reason of why i wrote a ONE SHOT, its because its been on my head for week and i can think of any other plots for my other stories, so i thought that i should write it and just get it over with. anyway i hope you guys will like my ONE SHOT story. see you guy at the real Chapter!!!!
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