《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》Dinner with a Twist
Chapter 3
Dinner has finally begun.
Alfern, Dian and Alowey took their respected seats. The positions are Alfern at the first edge of the table, on the right is his future wife Diana and on his left is his first daughter Alowey.
Since every person on this family has a respected seat, they quickly noticed that two seats are empty.
[Alfern] “Hmm? Ifca isn’t here yet even Asher, didn’t Deloria stay with him?”
[Alowey] “I believe that Deloria is with him, I knocked and check Asher’s room, but he isn’t inside.”
[Alfern] “I see, he must have taken a tour of the castle.”
Though Alfern is sure that Deloria is capable of handling things, he is still worried about Asher, seeing as he is new to this world and this new home. But as for Ifca, she tends to pop out of nowhere that even Alfern himself get surprised.
[Alfern] “Could it be Asher got lost?”
[Diana] “Don’t worry; he isn’t the type to get lost easily.”
[Alfern] “Are you sure? I mean, when you just got here, you quickly gotten lost just by going to the comfort room.”
[Diana] “Don’t remind me…”
That event happened 4 days ago, Diana suddenly needed to do her business and step out of her room. Miraculously, Diana got to the comfort room quickly while dozing off, but when she woke up and started to walk back to her room, she got lost faster than finding the comfort room itself.
The time when she got lost was about midnight, the lamps that are placed on the walls started to dim, making the hallway darken.
Though Terrafis has two moons and tends to shine brightly even at night, the weather was cloudy so the 2 moon’s light was covered.
Her knees started to shake but she still continued to walk forward.
She wasn’t sure how long she has been walking, but if someone timed her, it would be about 15 minutes.
While she walks the dark hallways, she started to do a mantra to keep her from getting scared. But, a few steps ahead, she saw something.
It was a red flame floating in mid-air.
Diana grew quiet as she watches the mysterious object getting closer and closer. She really wants to run, but her body was frozen in fright so she wasn’t able to.
Diana is the type of woman who puts up a front when watching a horror movie. The last time she and her son Asher watched a movie DVD called ‘The Ring’, she didn’t let go of Asher till the end of the show. But it didn’t end there; she was so scared that she slept with her son for the whole week and wakes him up just so she could go to the bathroom for every 10 minutes.
But now that her son isn’t with her, she couldn’t do anything else but drop down the floor and cry.
With that embarrassing event that happened 4 days ago, her face grew deep red and hid her face.
[Alowey] “I’m sorry Mother; I shouldn’t have scared you like that.”
That’s right, the floating fire that Diana saw that night was actually Alowey, who casted a flame spell to light her way, so that she herself can get to the comfort room.
[Diana] “No, that’s alright. But promise me that you won’t say anything to Ash.”
[Alowey] “Don’t worry Mother, I won’t.”
[Asher] “Don’t tell me what?”
Suddenly, Asher’s voice came out from behind Alfern. With still a carrying a questioning look, he slowly made his way to his mother’s left seat.
Diana quickly thinks of an excuse in a panic.
[Asher] “Sorry for being late, I had things to do.”
[Alfern] “Don’t worry its fine; I’m just glad that you didn’t get lost.”
[Asher] “No way, what kind of Ditz would get lost that easily. The paths here are so easy to remember.”
[Diana] “…………………………”
[Alowey] “……………………….”
Since Alowey promised, the only person who knows of that event is Alowey herself and the victim Diana.
Though her son didn’t really point his finger on anyone, she was still dissatisfied from being call a ditz.
[Asher] “So what we’re you talking about?”
[Diana] “Oh it’s nothing for you to worry about; it’s just that I remembered how I had a hard time with RPG games.”
With those words, Diana fell silent while remembering a rare item she wasn’t able to find in a certain game.
With Alfern in the middle of the table, at his right are Diana and Asher, to his left is Alowey, but his second daughter still isn’t seated.
Alfern though that it might be rude to make his soon-to-be-son wait, he decided to go pick her or even find her.
[Maid] “Dinner is served.”
But before he even stands, the maids started to walk in and place the covered food at the table. Alfern then noticed someone following another maid from behind, he was able to recognize her instantly.
[Alfern] “Ifca, you’re finally here.”
[Ifca] “……………….Father Person…*Nod*”
With his youngest daughter finally present, they can finally start to eat. But before they do, Alfern told Ifca to try not to be late again, though she nods at her father’s words, she was too busy staring at the food that is covered by silver covers.
[Alowey] “Now Ifca, hurry up and be seated so we could start eating.”
[Ifca] “………………Ok…Sister Person…”
She then starts walking to the table, but instead of heading to her seat on the left, she walked around and headed to the right.
[Diana] “Eh, wha-what?”
Suddenly, the feeling of depression quickly dispersed from inside her. Seeing the small figure of Ifca walking towards her made her really happy.
[Diana] (C—could it be, could it be that she finally accepts me as her new mother!?)
She was overjoyed for the sudden development, but she could care less because the 2nd daughter of her beloved future husband has finally accepted her.
[Diana] (I’m finally going to become a mother of a cute child again, after all Asher was only cute until his puberty came.)
While suppressing her inner feelings, she quickly gave in and stood with arms open, ready to hug her adorable little girl. Alfern and Alowey smiles as they watch the spectacle, thinking of the same thing as Diana, the acceptance of her motherhood.
[Ifca] “…………………………”
[Diana] “……………………………”
Unfortunately the feeling of acceptance wasn’t directed to Diana. Ifca walks pass her and is headed somewhere else.
[Ifca] “…………………………Gnn…”
Without a single word, as soon as she got close to Asher, she grabs on to his shirt and started climbing.
[Ifca] “…………………………hmph…”
Seeing as she’s having a hard time, she looks up to Asher, trying to tell him something without the use for words. Luckily
for Asher, with the years of experience he got from his part-time job, he easily understood what Ifca wanted.
Asher lifts her by and placed Ifca on his lap.
[Asher] “There you go, you comfy?”
[Ifca] “………………………*Nod*…”
Though Ifca didn’t turn around and express her feelings, Asher could tell she is happy since not only did she nod; she is also currently swinging her legs energetically.
Asher actually likes little children; he always thinks that if he had a younger brother or sister, he would happily show his feelings. Unfortunately he can’t do that right now, since the Diana is still standing with open arms, waiting for a hug that never came.
Asher wasn’t the only one that felt the awkwardness in the air, Alowey, Alfern and also some of the maids stayed quiet and looks at Diana full of worry.
Amazingly, 3 minutes has passed and she finally put down her arms. But as soon as she did, she turns her head facing Asher with slightly teary eyes while biting her thumb nail. If the people of Terrafis knew what a Drama series is, they would be able to tell that Diana look like a jealous woman staring enviously at a certain couple.
[Alfern] “Now, now dear, you will have your chance with Ifca someday.”
With Alfern came closer to Diana, calming her down as he gently holds her shoulders, she returns to her seat pouting. But Asher could still hear her say “So unfair…” in her small voice. Seeing this Alfern gave Diana a wary yet gentle smile.
[Alfern] “But I’m actually impressed myself; Ifca doesn’t really get close to people she just met. She even avoids my guest and runs off.”
[Alowey] “That is true; it took me by surprise that she gotten so close to someone she just met today.”
Hearing praises from both Alowey and Alfern, he couldn’t help but blush while awkwardly smiling with a dry laugh.
[Diana] “Loli-con………”
[Asher] “Hmm…!?”
Asher wanted to talk back, but he knew that if he did, a long argument will rise and they might never start with dinner.
When the atmosphere has finally died down, Alfern looks around him and confirms if everyone is accounted for.
[Alfern] “Alright then, shall we eat?”
The maids that stood close at the table began taking off the food trays’ cover and reviled tonight’s dinner.
[Alfern] “Wha—what in the…”
[Alowey] “Wow, these looks amazing…”
Both father and daughter we’re shocked to see the food placed in front of them.
The usual food they serve the royal family are mostly boiled veggies and meat with some salt or fried chicken along with bread, but what they see before them are not only delicious in appearance but also artistic.
[Alfern] “Did—did Mrs. Emma made these? They look exquisite!”
[Maid # 1] “A—actually your highness, it was all Sir Asher’s doing, he cooked every single one of these delicacies.”
[Asher] “Ca—calling them delicacies is a little too much isn’t it? I just did what I thought would be appropriate for tonight, besides their just simple dishes.”
Though Asher said ‘Simple’, Alowey and her father couldn’t believe what they see before them could be called as such.
[Diana] “Huh, isn’t this…could these be…*Gulp*”
Diana already knew what kind of food she is seeing right now since these food came from Asher and her own world, but seeing them here in Terrafis made her smile in joy. As for Ifca, though she doesn’t know what its name are, but since she watched Asher in the kitchen making them she wasn’t that surprised.
But then again, Ifca doesn’t really show much of her expressions.
Seeing never before seen food made them stare, but the appearance wasn’t the only thing that got Alowey and Alfern in a trance, the scent that it’s emitting was amazing.
From behind, the maids who are trying their best to not show it gulped and quickly wiped away their slightly dripping saliva from their mouths.
They have no idea what this foreign food is or what its name, but Diana who could no longer keep it to herself answered their curiosity.
[Diana] “Its Chinese food, it’s been so long!”
[Alfern] “Ch—Chinese food, is that the name of all of these food, Diana?”
[Diana] “Oh no, it’s what we call them all together but they actually have their own name.”
[Alfern] “I see…um…what is the name of this one?”
Amongst the all the food at the table he points out at one of the biggest in size.
[Alfern] “I could tell that it’s a chicken, but I never seen it prepared like this before.”
Since all the people in the dining room are curious, Asher explains each and every thing he prepared, starting with…
[Asher] “That is called an Herbal Steamed Chicken. I first chopped herbs and vegetables into strands and stuffed the chicken’s belly, after taking out the organs of course.
After stuffing them the herbs and vegetables inside, I closed the belly with a string.
I then massaged it with salt and pepper and let it stay put for about 15 minutes and after that instead of boiling it, I let it cooked on top of a boiling pot full of hot water.”
Asher wasn’t able to hear anything, but some of the maids made a gulping sound just from listening to Asher’s explanation.
Alowey then looks at the table and asked for the name so f the other dishes that Asher prepared.
[Asher] “That one is call Vegetable and Liver Stir Fry; I used the organs of the chicken and fried it by using the chicken’s oil.
This one is called Siomai, I made my own wrapping by using some flour and then minced some carrots, pork, spring onions, there are a few ingredients I couldn’t find but I was able to make some.
This one is called Siopao, I used some of the remaining pork and cooked them by using a bit of red wine with onions garlic, sugar and salt, I then put some flour and water until it thickens, I had to improvise some things but after that I steamed it like the Chiken and Siomai.”
With never before heard way of cooking, Alowey and the others could barely contain their curiosity.
[Asher] “A—actually, a few hours ago, I uh…I got so excited since I had so many ingredients so close to me, I made too much for just the four of us to finish…sorry.”
Asher shyly confessed on one of his blunders. The dishes that is spread in front of them is actually some of the things he made, most of the remaining food is still in the kitchen.
Alfern wasn’t angry what so ever nor does he find it hard to deal with, he was actually very impressed that Asher could make so many dishes that normally take the maids longer, and he is also happy in the fact the he made something for Alfern and his family.
[Alfern] “It’s alright Asher, since I wouldn’t want your hard work to be wasted…”
Before he finishes, Alfern call out to a maid who is standing next to him.
[Alfern] “Go call Mrs. Emma and the other servants; I want everyone in the castle enjoy tonight’s dinner that Asher prepared for us.”
Though the maid tried to not show it on her face, she was actually really happy hearing Alfern’s words.
Within a few minutes, the huge table that was empty in appearance, even if Asher his new family seated, is now filled up.
Deloria, who helped bring in the dishes, is now seated to the left of Asher while Emma seats next to Alowey.
Asher was really surprised to see this, usually from the history book he read before, a servant and its master doesn’t eat together like this, but one could see that the maids are used to do things like this.
[Asher] (They must have been eating together from time to time.)
With all of the maids accounted for, they finally await for the king’s order.
[Alfern] “Is everyone seated? Alright, now we can start eating.”
He then raised his cup full of wine in the air.
[Alfern] “To Diana and Asher, may our new family stay strong and happy, cheers!”
With everyone raising their cup and cheered, Asher told the other maids to pull the string that stitches the chicken’s belly together, and with his instructions they simultaneously pulled the string, causing the rich scent that is locked inside to spread.
[Emma] “Whoa…what an amazing smell!”
[Maid # 1] “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
After admiring the scent it releases, Emma and the other maids started cutting the chicken with a knife so they could serve Alfern and the other family members.
[Emma] “Hmm!?”
[Maid # 2] “That was…”
Due to Asher steaming the chicken perfectly, Emma and the rest of the maids we’re shocked on who easily they cut the chicken’s body.
[Emma] “It’s like the knife just slides through and the bone just slips out of the meat.”
While being astonished once again, Emma and the other maids, slices a big piece and served them to Alfern and the rest.
With full of anticipation, everyone used their forks pierced with ether chicken, veggie and liver or siomai into their mouths, except for Asher though, he was too busy feeding Ifca who is seating on his lap.
[Alowey] “S—so soft, this chicken is really soft!”
[Emma] “Princess Alowey is right; I’ve never eaten anything like this before!”
[Maid # 3] ”And the taste of the herbs makes it even more delicious!”
The Steamed Chicken has a lot of good comments coming from the Alowey, Emma and some maids who tasted the chicken first.
As for the Stir Fry…
[Alfern] “Hmm!? The vegetables maintained their crunchiness and the liver’s bitter taste has dimmed! This is amazing!”
[Diana] “It’s been so long since I had your Chinese cooking Ash…the way you cook the Stir Fry has improved!”
The future husband and wife made good expressions along with good comments towards the Stir Fry.
[Deloria] “I can’t believe that this thing that’s covering the small pieces of meat is actually made out of flour, it’s really good!”
[Maid # 4] “I never knew you can cook meat by only using the hot air coming from heated water, this is amazing!”
And of course, the Siomai also has been praised greatly.
Hearing all of this complements about Asher’s cooking made his cheeks blush and tried to cover his big smile with is arm, unfortunate for him, Alowey who is seated across him saw his expression and made her giggle.
[Alowey] (How cute…)
Everyone was having a good time, but Diana who came from the same world as Asher asks him something.
[Diana] “Hey Ash, if you made siomai and siopao, would that mean that you also made their sauce?”
[Asher] “I knew you’d be asking for it, that is why I already made them.”
Asher was about to stand up, but he quickly stopped since Ifca is currently seated on his lap, munching on a Siopao. He wanted to get it himself but with the situation he’s in he had no choice but to ask a maid to get it for him.
It only took the maid a few minutes to get what Asher asked for and she slowly walks towards him. In her hands are two small jars that Diana believed to be the sauce for the Siopao and the chili garlic for the Siomai.
Right after the maid place the jars on the table between Asher and Diana, she quickly said thank you and opens the small jar. With the use of a tea spoon, she place small amounts on top of the siomai and eats it.
[Diana] “This…this is what makes the siomai taste even better!”
Everyone at the dining table looks at Diana’s satisfied look, of course Alfern also got curious and asked Diana what she put on top of her Siomai.
[Diana] “Oh this…hehehe…it’s something good…here, say ahh…”
Diana’s sudden action made everyone, including Asher and Alowey look their way.
This action is a first for Alfern, not even his long departed wife did this to him. He wanted to refuse since the stares of his daughter and future son is embarrassing, but also Emma and the maids made him even more embarrassed.
[Diana] “Ahh…”
But seeing his beloved Diana wait for him with an innocent smile, he wasn’t able to refuse and ate the siomai on Diana’s fork.
At first, Alfern’s face was red because of embarrassment, but now it’s red because of the chili garlic that was on the siomai.
[Alfern] “Y—your right Diana, it’s spicy but it made the Siomai taste better that before!”
After hearing that, Alowey asks Diana for the chili garlic and she then pass it to Emma and to the rest o f the maids.
After eating their siomai, with slightly red faces, they smiled and once again complimented the sudden improvement of taste of the siomai.
While Asher looks around him with a smile, he noticed that Ifca who is seated on his lap, staring at the other small jar as she continue to eat her siopao.
[Asher] “Are you curious about this, Princess?”
[Ifca] “…………………………*Nod*…”
With one of her signature nods, Asher gently grabs the siopao that Ifca was holding and puts the sweet sauce on the small bit bark that Ifca made.
[Asher] “There you go Princess, enjoy.”
[Ifca] “*Nom…………………Hm…!?”
[Asher] “How is it, Princess? It became better, right?”
[Ifca] “…………………*Nod* *Nod* *Nod*…!”
Everyone was surprised to see Ifca’s reaction, normally she would only nod once, but seeing her nod 3 times made, but not only that, she also started to swing her legs energetically and lean her back on to Asher’s chest, Deloria and the watching maids we’re amazed.
[Deloria] (For Princess Ifca to act like that, what could it be?)
Out of pure curiosity, Deloria leans to her right and asks…
[Deloria] “Um…Sir Asher, what is that liquid that you put on top of Princess Ifca’s food be?”
[Asher] “Hmm? Oh this, this is a sweet sauce made especially for siopao.”
[Deloria] “It—its sweet you say?”
Deloria, who secretly has a sweet tooth, asks Asher to give her some while having eyes full of child like curiosity. He then hands her the jar that contains the sweet sauce.
[Asher] (Ah…she’s making that look again.)
The child like smile that Deloria is making reminded Asher the time he first met Deloria. She is making the same smile when she drank the coffee he made for her. Asher smirks at Deloria’s child like expression.
[Deloria] “*Nom*…Hm!? This sauce matches well with this siopao bread…*Nom*…”
[Maid # 4] “Really? Hurry up Del, pass it to me!”
[Maid # 5] “Oh, I’m next please!”
The friendly conversation on the table continues. Alfern along with Diana talked about preparations, Asher Alowey and Emma talked about how he prepared the dishes and other methods while Deloria and Ifca sat quietly, munching on the dishes.
The master of the castle along with his family and servants enjoyed a beautiful dinner while talking about life and other things happily until they eventually notice that they have finished the dishes placed on the table.
[Alfern] “This was an amazing dinner, thank you Asher.”
[Asher] “Your welcome, but to tell you the truth I actually prepared something for dissert.”
[Deloria] “*Gasp* Could it be…is it the…”
[Asher] “Yup, It’s a dissert called Leche Flan.”
[Deloria] “!?”
[Ifca] “………………………!?...”
Hearing Asher’s words almost made Deloria and even Ifca jump for joy.
With dinner finally over, Asher returned to his overly sized room.
He wanted to stay and help clean the dining room, but the maids refused his offer while carrying satisfied looks on their faces.
[Asher] “There’s nothing to do…”
Usually Asher would still be working ether at a construction site or cooking at a restaurant or even doing repairs at a garage. But now that he has nothing to do, he couldn’t help but realize that he was actually what a lot of people would call a Busy Body.
As he continues to look up at the starry sky on his room’s veranda, he sensed someone was walking closer to him from behind.
[Asher] “Hey Mom, what brings you here so late at night?”
Asher could tell that it was Diana without even looking back.
[Diana] “Yeah, kind of. What about you, can’t sleep either?”
[Asher] “Well, we’d usually still be working at this time so…”
Diana agreed and made a small laugh. She then walks closer to Asher’s side and joins him watching the night sky.
Both mother and son didn’t say a single word for about 15 minutes, until Diana finally spoke.
[Diana] “Ash, tell me what you really feel. Are you OK with me getting married, getting a new father, a new family, are you really fine with all of this?”
Diana’s usual tone has become serious; hearing his mother like this is rare, even for Asher himself.
Asher looks to his side and found her mother looking at him seriously.
[Diana] “IF and only IF you feel that I shouldn’t marry Alfern, then I will gladly decline his proposal.”
Though this is a rare occasion for Diana, Asher could tell that she won’t even think twice in declining Alfern. These kinds of choices made Asher tremble, but luckily Asher has already an answer.
[Asher] “A few hours ago I watched both you and Mr. Alfern, I saw you smile that I’ve only seen in photos, back when Pops was still alive.”
[Diana] “I know, I fell in love with him after all, but right now what is important is what you think.”
Asher was confused, why would his mother throw away her own feelings as simple as throwing away paper?
[Asher] “Why would you want to throw away your own happiness?”
[Diana] “Because I took yours away…”
Diana started to tremble as she looks down on the floor, while Asher is now more confused than ever before.
[Diana] “You seriously think I didn’t know? When you we’re in middle school, you get up so early in the morning so that you can deliver the news papers around town and quickly come back just so you can make me breakfast while pretending that you aren’t even tired. You even sneak the money I give you and sneak it in our house savings.
When you graduated from middle school and you’re finally at the age where you can be hired for part time jobs, our livelihood became better sure, but the price you had to pay is that you’ve become so busy that you can only hang out with your friends once every 3 or even 4 months. Not to mention that you even work on weekends, holidays and you even avoid your school festivals just so you can take more shifts in your jobs. You barely have any time for yourself.
Not to mention the thing you did last week. You gave me all of your money just so I could go to some expensive and stupid trip.”
[Asher] (So she knows about that too.)
[Diana] “And now I drag you into this…you must think I’m selfish, huh?”
Diana’s eyes started to get teary, her body trembles and the grip of her hands while holding her own arm tightens.
She blames herself for not being able to support her son properly like what a normal mother should be doing. She was great at her work, but because of her own boss or other officemates sexual harassment, she quickly gets angry and the result was her getting demoted.
She blames herself for making her own son work endlessly.
As she thought of those things inside her head, Asher finally answered Diana’s question.
[Asher] “You only noticed it now?”
[Diana] “……………..Huh?”
Diana was surprised on Asher’s answer, he is even making a face that says ‘Why is she asking such a dumb question.” towards her.
[Asher] “You throw a tantrum whenever you see me eat ice-cream, you secretly put all my rare items to your character and whenever you sleep on my bed, you tend to kick me out just so you can take the entire blanket for yourself. If that’s not selfish, I don’t know what is.”
Diana couldn’t say a single word to Asher because all the things he said we’re true. She bends her body and started to get depressed.
[Asher] “But you know Mom; I love that selfishness of yours.”
[Diana] “Huh?”
[Asher] “Even when you rudely interrupt me when I’m cooking, just so you can play a 2 player game with me, I love that to.
When you came to my Parents Day back when I was an elementary student and you played your right half as my mother and the other half as my father, it was really embarrassing, but I love it.”
[Diana] “…hehe…”
[Asher] “Your clumsiness when you we’re doing the laundry and you accidentally slipped inside while having the washing machine was set in ‘Cycle’, I then found you screaming while having your legs raised up and spun like and out of control top, yeah…I really love that to.”
[Diana] “Hehe…I see—wait, why was there a ‘REALLY’ part in that last sentence?”
[Asher] “Look, what I’m trying to say here is that, not even once did I ever regret how I live my life, nor did I ever hate it.”
Though Asher deliberately avoided the ‘Really’ question of her mother, he honestly told her what he felt.
[Diana] “But that isn’t enough, if you want me to marry Alfern for his money, then I will. Also, I openly told Alfern that I might marry him just for that specific reason.”
Asher was shocked when he heard that from his mother. There is no doubt that if anyone was told that, he or she would be hated. He then asked her what Alfern’s answer was, with a voice filled with worry.
Diana then shrugs her shoulder and made a weak laugh.
[Diana] “He still wanted to marry me.”
[Asher] (Wow, how tolerant.)
[Diana] “Heck, I even told him that no matter how much he will love me or show me his feelings; he will always remain 2nd to me.”
Once again, Asher was shocked hearing this.
[Asher] (2nd, could it be that Mom has another man in her life that even I didn’t know about?)
Diana easily noticed that her son, Asher was confused. She then came closer to him and gave Asher a motherly smile.
[Diana] “It’s you, you dense idiot. My number one man will always be you Ash. That’s why I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
With slightly red cheeks, Asher looks straight to her mother’s eyes and said…
[Asher] “If you really want me to be happy then go marry the man you…um…2nd love and live a happy life. I’ll be happy once you do that.”
[Diana] “……..ha…hahaha.”
With a slightly loud laugh and teary eyes, she hugs her son tightly while burying her face on his chest, as if she was trying to hide her big smile.
[Diana] “Why the hell are you so stubborn? *Sniff*”
[Asher] “I don’t know, it must be in the blood.”
[Diana] “Hahaha~”
With Diana’s worries gone and Asher being honest to his feelings, they can finally move on to a new family.
Both were quiet for about a minute, but then Asher and his mother Diana already knew that they we’re being watched. The reason why they didn’t panic is because they already knew who it was, so Diana speaks out.
[Diana] “Alf, I love you and all, but eavesdropping isn’t really what I call an attractive attribute.”
[Alfern] “Haha, it seems that I’m caught. Sorry, I didn’t really mean to. I honestly wanted to talk to Asher some more but…”
[Diana] “I got ahead of you, sorry about that.”
Alfern gave Diana a smile saying ‘It’s alright’ as he walks closer towards them.
As he walks closer, Asher noticed that Alfern is holding a silver tray with 2 cups.
[Alfern] “Oh these, I was thinking that maybe we should drink something warm while we talk, but I guess we won’t be needing these anymore, they’ve become cold after all.”
[Asher] “It’s alright, thanks for thinking about me though. So what is it you want to talk about?”
[Alfern] “I’m actually here to ask you if you’re alright with me asking your mother for marriage. But I guess Diana beat me to it.”
Though the king didn’t really show it to Asher, he was actually really nerves meeting his bride’s son, he was scared that he might get hated by Asher. But after listening to him talk with his mother honestly, he could finally asked Asher without any reserve.
[Alfern] “If you alright with me please let me marry you mother and treat me like your own father.”
Asher stood motionlessly for a few seconds and finally showed him his usual grin.
[Asher] “What are you talking about? You are the man that my mother chose, I’m sure you’ll make her happy.”
He then places his hands on Alfern’s shoulder and said…
[Asher] “Besides, I think you’re the only man who can tolerate her besides me.”
While keeping his voice quiet enough for Alfern alone to hear. Diana’s face looked suspicious though.
[Alfern] “I—I see. But still, it’s great to be accepted by you Asher.”
[Asher] “Just call me Ash, we’re family after all.”
Alfern made a big smile when he heard Asher say ‘Family’, but it also reminded him about something.
[Alfern] “Ah, that’s right, I almost forgot.”
[Diana] “Forgot, what Alf?”
[Alfern] “I was going to ask both of you about this, which is if Asher— I mean Ash, agrees to our wedding, and since he did I guess this is the perfect time.”
[Diana] “And that question is…”
Before Alfern asks them, he cleared his throat and readied himself.
[Alfern] “Alright, here it goes…Diana, Ash; would you two like to become Djinns like myself?”
[Asher] “……………………Eh?”
[Diana] “……………………Eh?”
Asher and Diana mad the same pose, with arms crossed, tilting their head to the right with stiff smiles and their right eyebrow raised. One could easily see that these two are no doubt mother and son.
But their expression isn’t questionable, after all, they we’re given a choice to become a magical beings call Djinns.
hi its me ZYLOS101, i feel really down since they cut the Gate anime series, but i must keep going and finish this story and keep making plots for the every day life of James Moriarty story, anyway thanks for reading this, please give me a lot of comments, i love reading them. see you next chapter guys!!!
- In Serial974 Chapters
Cthulhu Gonfalon
Cthulhu Gonfalon is a story about a man who woke up in another world. After a drink over his loss in a game, Sui Xiong ended up in the middle of the sea. Surprisingly, he now found out he no longer existed in a human shape but in a spirit state without any flesh. In order to survive and find a way to return to Earth, he then searched for a body to accommodate his spirit. After several confrontations with some creatures under the sea, he decided to settle for a jellyfish flesh. This Jellyfish was extraordinarily huge. With its tentacles, it caught others’ spirits to nurture its own power. In this world, Sui Xiong wasn’t only matchlessly powerful but he also had an ability to cast magic. With this gifted ability and combined with his knowledge from the civilized world on Earth, he could help a deceased person resurrect, change a person’s look, and do tons of other crazy things that he didn’t know. As his journey to discover this world went on, he encountered many bizarre and mystic creatures along the way, who were Gods, Humans, Devil Beasts, Giant Dragons and lots of other undetermined organisms. Some of them might insanely worship him, while others hated him. Some might become his enemies. Some might end up becoming his teammates in the end. From a gamer on Earth to here, he became a God (even he himself could not verify this yet), had his own religion and even a church with a Holy Land to fight for justice. What kind of world is this? What kind of existences might live in this world? What kind of secret this world owns? Can Sui Xiong return to Earth? Keep on following the story to find out the answers for those questions. Little explanation about Cthulhu: Cthulhu has been described in appearance as resembling an octopus, a dragon and a human caricature, hundreds of meters tall, with webbed human-looking arms and legs and a pair of rudimentary wings on its back. Cthulhu’s head is depicted as similar to the entirety of a gigantic octopus, with an unknown number of tentacles surrounding its supposed mouth.Thank you for reading updated Cthulhu Gonfalon novel @ReadWebNovels.net
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When I first woke up I knew only three things: My name is Reiza, I have a seed I need to care for, and a song. I was told that the forest I woke up in was mine and that I needed to take control of it and protect it. The only things standing in my way are nature itself, a bunch of strange floating boxes, and a group of crazy powerful creatures known as the forest queens. Sounds pretty simple right? It might be if it weren't for the fact that I have absolutely zero memory, but hey at least I know my name. Also apparently my enemies aren't only inside the forest. Forces from the outside got news that somthing was going down in my new home and are coming to crash my party. Can I claim this forest? Can I protect it? And most importantly can I figure out who I am and what's going on? I'm not sure but I'm going to try. Hey everyone I'm fairly new to writing novles and this is my first time ever putting my work on a site like this one. I hope you enjoy the story and would appreciate your feedback. I would ask that you read through at least a couple of chapters before leaving a rating. I know I have some trouble with grammer and how I structure some of my sentences and while feedback on that is appreciated what I would value most is feedback on the story as a whole in terms of how the plot works and if you are enjoying it or not. Cover art by Kalhh from Pixabay
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