《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》A young Princess' new family and experience
Chapter 2
[Asher] (A new Father, huh?)
The conversation he had with his so call new father is over. Asher stood outside the veranda in deep thoughts on the new family he will be entering soon.
But honestly, Asher isn’t against his mother getting remarried, more like he is happy for her. Even when Alfern asked him for his mother’s hand in marriage, he simply said…
[Asher] “You’re the man that my mother chose and loves, I won’t question her decision.”
He completely trusts his mother and if she chose him, then he will trust him as well. But the problem is that Asher never really experienced to be in a big family, all he could remember is that they we’re only two of them.
As for his father, he was only 4 when his father died, so he couldn’t even remember his voice, much less his face.
[Asher] (Speaking of which, how does a son treat a father? Oh wait; he’s also a king, huh?)
After thinking that, his troubles got even bigger.
After their talk 2 hours ago, Asher found out that Alfern was a respectful king that manages the kingdom equally. Though Asher still hasn’t seen the outside, he could easily tell from how he treats the servants inside the castle.
The other things that Asher found out the despite how the king looks, he was actually 554 years old. Asher’s mother must have already known what his husband’s age is since Asher is the only one that has a stupefied look on his face.
He couldn’t believe that the man sitting before him is that old, he then noticed that he also has long pointy ears, just like Alowey. He then faced Alowey who is sitting next to him and thought that she might be older than she looks.
[Alowey] “Oh no, I’m only 21.”
…was the answer she gave Asher, though he didn’t voice the question, Alowey was able to understand him.
Alfern of course noticed Asher’s surprise, so he explained about what he and his daughter are and what Djinns are all about. He then explains about how their world works and other things that the world Asher came from didn’t have.
Asher was honestly excited when he found out that magic exists in this world and a force that surrounds the world called Mana fuels them. But the Djinn race on the other hand is different, what makes them so special is that they don’t need the Mana that comes from the surrounding but they can actually make their own inside their body and they can absorb in the Mana if they wish to.
Asher could only think that the Djinn races are so over powered.
After explaining that world and the Djinn race, Asher finally asks about their wedding.
To their explanation, the wedding will be held in about 4 or 5 months, since it will be a king’s wedding, he will be inviting other royalties and nobles to the wedding as well as the after party.
With everything explained and Asher not having any more questions, the conversation was finally over.
Just when they stopped talking, someone knocked at the door and entered.
One of the maids that brought the tea earlier came inside and told everyone that the preparation for tonight’s dinner is still being readied and told Asher and the others to wait.
Since Alfern is a king, he most likely has other things to attend and surprisingly, Diana now has other responsibility. When Asher asked, Diana said that she helps Alfern with the kingdoms money problems.
[Asher] (That was her job back in the other world, so it’s perfect for her, I guess.)
As for Alowey, she will be busy with correcting some test papers. Asher unintentionally asked “Test papers?” without him even realizing it as he tilts his head to the side.
[Alowey] “Oh I haven’t told you, have I? I’m actually a teacher in a school for mages; it’s actually close to this city.”
Hearing the word ‘Mages’ made Asher excited once again, he remembers that unlike his previous world, this world has magic and their might be some other things like dragons and other mythical creatures.
After knowing that all of them have things to do, they eventually left Asher in his room, but Alfern said that if Asher thought up of another question, they can talk while eating dinner.
Seeing as they left, Asher walks to the veranda to get some air and think of the events that happened today, though he wasn’t really alone.
[Deloria] “If you don’t mind me asking Sir Asher, but could it be that you don’t want his highness to be your father?”
Deloria, who is standing about 2 steps away from Asher, asks him since she noticed that Asher looked somewhat troubled.
In honesty, Asher would have preferred to be alone, but after Alfern’s explanation that he might need someone to explain and broaden his knowledge. After hearing that, Asher couldn’t refuse the offer, if he’s going to live here, he need to know more about the world.
So in the end, Deloria has become Asher’s personal attendant.
[Asher] “It’s not that I don’t want it to happen, I mean my mom’s happy so that’s a good thing, but being in a big family like this one is new to me. So I don’t really know how to act from now on.”
Deloria stood next to him, listening to every word Asher says quietly. She could tell that there is no lie to his words that is why she to became honest and told Asher.
[Deloria] “Actually Sir Asher, I to have experienced the emotion you are feeling right now. When the king took me in when I was alone as a stray, he and along with his daughter princess Alowey treated me like family, it made me confused…”
[Asher] “Are you still confused even till today?”
When Asher asks, she fell silent for a few seconds and finally nods.
[Deloria] “Yes, even till today. But I’m willing to stay close to them until I find the answer to my confusion.”
She then gave a smile directly towards Asher. Seeing this, Asher slightly twitched but he quickly relaxes himself after hearing her words.
He then stood straight and raises his arms in the air and stretched.
[Asher] “Hmmm…yeah, you’re right; I just got to be patient.”
He once again stretches his arms and he suddenly slaps his cheeks, causing Deloria to get startled. He then turns towards Deloria, showing her a broad smile that no longer has any worries.
Deloria’s white cheeks turned slightly pink when he saw him smile, though Asher wasn’t able to take notice of it.
[Asher] “So, how long do we have to wait for dinner? I’m not really that hungry though.”
[Deloria] “About 3 or 4 hours.”
[Asher] (Eh? does it really take that much time to get things ready?)
Though at first Asher was doubtful and wanted to ask why it will take so much time. But seeing as he is in another world, they might have a different way of doing things, so he just restrained himself from asking.
[Asher] (But man, I got so much time to kill I don’t know what to do. If I get any free time, I quickly ask for overtime at my part-time jobs.)
Having nothing to do is a rare thing for Asher, so he started to walk back and forth as he tried to elevate his boredom. Deloria on the other hand was just standing in one place while following Asher with her eyes.
But finally, Asher found out what he can do, at least for now.
[Asher] “Hey Ms. Deloria, you wouldn’t mind if I ask for a tour around the castle do you?”
[Deloria] “It will be my pleasure Sir.”
With Deloria’s compelling smile and Asher’s usual energetic grin, they both left his room and started to walk the hallway. Neither did they now that after their sharing if feelings, they started to grow closer.
10 minutes has passed and only a few Rooms are show to Asher, and most of them are empty guest rooms. After seeing this, Asher couldn’t help himself but think on how many rooms does this castle have?
But the number of room is the second thing she is worried about, because the first thing on his mind is…
[Asher] (I can feel it; I can feel someone staring at me from behind.)
Asher wasn’t sure but maybe Deloria can’t feel it because she’s too busy explaining the rooms’ different furniture.
Actually, Asher already felt the presence just before he left his room and the staring feeling continued for 10 whole minutes, which made Asher slightly tremble.
[Asher] (Cou—could it be that…it’s a stalker!? But I just got here, that’s impossible!)
Before Asher got to this world, he already had experience with stalkers. Whenever he goes home from work, he sometimes feels the stare of a person. Luckily, Asher has strong legs, so he quickly runs as fast as he could and eventually escaping whoever the stalker was.
But getting a stalking in the first day here in the world called Terrafis, just how?
Asher walks to Deloria and brings his face closer to her face, Deloria’s face quickly went red and quickly draws her face away, but when she noticed that Asher wanted to say something, she brought her face closer to his, though her face is still red as an apple.
[Asher] “Someone is following us, let’s make a run for it and hide at the next corner.”
When Deloria heard this, she was about to look back and see who it was, but Asher stop her fro m doing so.
[Asher] “We need to see who it is, if you look back now, he might run away before we could catch him.”
With Asher’s words Deloria gave him a small nod.
[Asher] “OK, on 3…1…2…3!”
On the count of 3, they both dash forward and quickly slide to the corner, just as Asher’s instruction.
As they place their back to the wall, they waited for whoever was following them.
Whoever it was, he started to run after them. Mostly because Asher and Deloria suddenly ran, the pursuer quickly ran.
Since the hallway is huge and made of a lot of solid objects, Asher and Deloria could hear the tapping footsteps of the person. But the footstep suddenly stops and a new sound echoed though the hallway.
The sound of someone falling to the floor could be heard.
Asher and Deloria peek out of the corner and found someone has fallen and lying down on the ground.
As soon as Asher saw who the so called stalker was just a little girl, he quickly calmed down and stops hiding. He then walks towards the fallen figure and helps her up. But what Deloria said next surprises him.
[Deloria] “Princess Ifca? Are you alright?”
[Asher] “Eh? P—princess?”
After helping her stand up, Asher could finally see her complete figure.
She stood in about 3 to 3.5 feet and just like Alfern and Alowey, she to have pure white hair that is fashioned in twin ponytails tied with violet ribbons along with pointy ears, but even though they are tied in a twin tails fashion, it could still reach all the way down to her knees,
On the other hand, unlike Alowey and Alfern’s red eyes, this little girl has light violet colored with a bit of dark violet.
She is also dressed in an expensive looking dress almost similar to Alowey’s, but of course there is no cleavage, seeing as she is only a child.
As for her facial features, it would look like her face is frozen in the neutral position between smiling and a sad look, or in other words she isn’t making any expression whatsoever even if her forehead is slightly red.
She then raises her left hand and started to rub her forehead. But right after she drops her hand, she then stared straight at Asher.
[Ifca] “……………………ah…”
With a really small twitch and slightly surprised eyes, she ran quickly towards an empty armor that is on display, kneels down and hid behind it.
Though she might have thought that her running was fast, it was actually close to the speed of simply walking fast.
While the little girl named Ifca hides behind the armor, for every 5 second or so, she peeks and takes a look at Asher with the same expressionless face and then goes back into hiding.
And once again, her hiding is really hiding either, with her baggy dress and long hair; her figure could be easily seen by Asher.
While Asher continues to watch the little Ifca’s actions, Asher could help himself by thinking…
[Asher] (What is this adorable creature!? She’s like a really shy bunny!)
[Deloria] “Princess Ifca, please done be rude, come closer and greet you older brother!”
[Asher] (Huh, older brother, me? Ah…now that I remembered it, the king had two daughters, guess she the youngest one.)
While Asher is still crouching down and thinking, Ifca answered Deloria with a sweet adorable voice.
[Ifca] “……………………no…”
And then she runs away.
Or at least that was her plan. As soon as she got 4 or 5 steps away from them, she suddenly trips and hits the floor.
[Deloria] “Ah! Princess Ifca, are you alr—“
Deloria was about to run towards Ifca, but then she was quickly overtaken by Asher who was already close to the fallen Ifca.
He then lifts her up again and then, Asher faced her while giving his usual energetic grin.
[Asher] “Wow, for someone so young to not cry after tripping. You must be very brave.”
While Asher gave her compliments, he started to wipe some of the dirt on her face with the handkerchief he brought out from his back pocket.
[Asher] “There you go; your pretty face is all clean again. Now then, let’s see that forehead of yours.”
[Ifca] “…………………………”
As Asher checks on the condition of Ifca’s forehead, she stares at the man that is holding her head gently.
In all of Ifac’s 5 years of her life all the men she met are big, brawny and angry looking, like the elder officials and the knights and soldiers of the kingdom, that is why besides her own father Alfern that looks nothing of the sort is the only man she can get close to.
Even when her father introduces someone to her, she tends to hid behind him and starts to think…
[Ifca] “…………………scary…”
And she then draws away from them by running towards either her sister Alowey, Deloria, or the maids that are close by.
And then, from out of nowhere, a woman she never met before suddenly got close to her father. She doesn’t hate it though; same goes for her older sister Alowey. Seeing as their father is giving a happy expression that they didn’t get to see for a while.
That is why as long as her father is happy, they are happy as well.
After 3 days of thinking, her father and the woman named Diana finally agreed to get married, her father said something that made her twitch.
[Alfern] “Alowey, Ifca…we’re going to have a new family member…his name is Asher, he is Diana’s son that was left behind. I’m thinking of inviting him here and live with us.”
The words ‘He’ and ‘His’ made Ifca’s inner thoughts react. (If he is Diana’s son wouldn’t that mean that he will start living her as well?) Those kinds of thought ran in circles inside her head, causing her to get cautious.
Will he be big and scary? Will he shout at me if I did something wrong? Will he hurt me if I said something he didn’t like?
With so many questions starting to pop out from her head, she trembles the day when he finally comes.
4 days later, the man in question finally appeared in from the magic circle that her sister made.
From a distance, he could easily see him.
[Ifca] “……………………so tall…”
Even from this distance he could tell that ‘He’ is taller than most men in the castle. Especially since Ifca only stood in 3.5 feet, ‘He’ seems like a giant to her.
[Ifca] “……………………brawny…”
Though not as muscular as most knights in the kingdom, ‘He’ still has a wide chest and thick looking arms that might show more muscles if he flexes them.
[Ifca] “…………………..scary eyes…”
Since she was in quite a distance, she couldn’t really tell ‘His’ eyes color, all she knew was that they we’re sharp.
Seeing ‘Him’ finally standing inside the castle, made Ifca even more scared than before, but he remembers that words that her father said that one must not judge by appearance alone, so she quietly followed ‘Him’ and her older sister Alowey.
To her surprise, ‘His’ room is right next to Ifca’s and in front of ‘His’ door is her older sister’s room. She started to think that she might not get a good night sleep from now on.
Hours later, right after Alfern, Diana and her sister left ‘His’ room, ‘He’ along with Deloria left the room and head somewhere. She of course followed after them.
10 minutes later, she made a blunder. She trips and falls to the ground, not only once, but twice. But to her surprise, “He” was there to help him 2 times in a row.
Ever since Ifca grew cautious to others, she started to learn how to tell if a person is lying or not. That is why when people praise her, she could tell that they are only saying it to get close to her father the king or to get close to her personally.
But ‘His’ words have no lie in them. When ‘He’ said that she was pretty, ‘He’ was honestly telling the truth. Beside her father, ‘He’ was the first man to call her that. Inside, she was slightly happy to hear that.
‘He’ then starts to rub her head to check if she is injured.
As he rubs her head, she could feel that ‘His’ hands are even bigger than her father’s, but she felt something similar from his hands. The same feeling she gets form her father, she felt safe.
As she slowly looks up to see ‘His’ face closer, she quickly notice his eyes.
She was quickly mesmerized by the color of his eyes; she has never seen eyes that have the same color as the clear blue sky before.
Suddenly her feelings about ‘Him’ changed; true he has a tall and brawny body, but she felt safe just being close to him. ‘His’ eyes are sharp, but they’re not scary, their kind and yet strong in the same time.
‘He’ isn’t scary; ‘He’ isn’t someone that would scream at me for no reason, ‘He’ wouldn’t hit me even if I did something wrong.
With her thoughts and feelings changed, she raised her hand towards ‘His’ cheeks and said…
[Ifca] “……………………Brother Person…”
She finally accepts him as family, as her older brother…but…
[Asher] “Eh, Person? Well I guess I am going to be your older brother, but the ‘Person’ part is…”
[Deloria] “Oh, you don’t have to worry about it Sir, she calls everyone she is close to like that, even her own family.”
[Asher] “R—really? If you put it like that, I guess its fine.”
After all, Asher was accepted by Ifca as her older brother, so he wouldn’t complain just by being called in a weird manner.
[Deloria] “But I’m quite surprised; princess Ifca tends to stay clear in front of men and other strangers. You must have quite an aura around you Sir.”
After checking Ifac’s forehead, he stood up and answered Deloria honestly.
[Asher] “I don’t think it’s because of that, I think it’s because I have a lot of experience with children her age. It’s all thanks to my part-time job day-care center though.”
[Deloria] “Job? Oh, you must have taken a job that requires taking care of 3 or 4 children.”
[Asher] “I say ‘Yes’ at the ‘Taking care’ part, but ‘No’ at the ‘3 or 4’ part.”
[Deloria] “What do you mean?”
[Asher] “I took care of 38 kids all at once.”
[Deloria] “……………………w—wow, th—that is really amazing.”
Deloria couldn’t even imagine what kind of hard work Asher put out, just to take care of children who aren’t even related to him.
Suddenly, a small cute sound came out of Ifca’s stomach. Without making any expression on her face, she held her stomach with her hands and said…
[Ifca] “……………………hungry…”
Another adorable action that almost made Asher hug her out of instinct, but of course he didn’t do it, he wouldn’t want to ruin the good vibe he got going.
From Ifca’s hunger, Asher remembered that the food won’t be ready for a while, but he could really let her new younger sister go hungry, so he thought up of a way.
[Asher] “Hey uh…Ifca was it?”
[Ifca] *Nod*
[Asher] “Can you tell me where the kitchen is? If you show where it is, I’ll make you something you might like.”
She would have agreed even if Asher didn’t offer her anything, but hearing something that she might like and also made by her new brother got her curiosity going. She then clench on to Asher’s shirt sleeve.
[Ifca] “……………..come, Brother Person.”
With that being said, Ifca started to pull him, but since Asher is huge compared to herself, Asher isn’t moving even an inch. But due to her pulling, Asher’s sleeve got stretched out and wrinkled.
He didn’t really mind his shirt getting stretched out, but Asher thought that if they got their faster, Ifca will be able to eat earlier. He could slightly hear her stomach make a cute noise, so he carried her and made her sit on his right arm while Ifca herself has her arms around his neck.
There seems to be no discomfort coming from her, more like she actually likes it.
Seeing as she has no problem in the way she is being carried, Asher asks her to point the way and Asher would just follow.
While following Ifca’s pointing direction, they started to walk towards the kitchen while Deloria herself gave a warm smile behind them.
5 minutes later, they finally step inside the kitchen.
While still having Ifca on his arm, he looks around. Since he notice that the era her is similar to the medieval era that he sometimes come across when reading a history book, electrical appliances doesn’t exist in this world.
Upon notice the princess entering the kitchen, all 4 maids stop their working hands and bows courteously towards her. But something was different, the young princess walking in the kitchen isn’t something unusual, she comes over whenever she is hungry. But what made the maids grow quiet is that she was being carried by a tall, black haired man.
At first they started to whisper amongst themselves and questioned one another on who he is, but one of the maids recalled something.
[Maid # 1] “Wait…isn’t Lady Diana’s son coming over to the castle today? Could it be that…”
With that question as a starting point and realizing that Deloria, a high serving attendant is right beside him, they quickly realized that the man standing before them is Asher, the soon-to-be queen’s son.
In a panic, they quickly bowed once again and greeted him in loud voices.
[Maids # 1 to 4] “It’s our honor to finally meet you Prince Asher!”
Hearing the word ‘Prince’ made Asher twitch and feel weird again. When he, Ifca and Deloria made their way to the kitchen, the maids they come cross with started to bow down and called him ‘Prince’, one after another.
[Asher] (I don’t think I’ll get used to being call that.)
Without saying anything out loud, Asher simply gave a wary smile and told the maids to continue their work and to not mind him being here.
At first, the maids looked at each other but since it was an order from the new prince, they slowly got back to their work.
[???] “Hmm? Why if it isn’t Princess Ifca and Deloria, huh…who is this?”
Hearing a voice from behind, Asher turns around and found a woman almost as tall has he is.
[Deloria] “Hello there Mrs. Emma, this man here is Lady Diana’s son, Asher.”
[Emma] “I see. Nice to meet you Prince Asher, I’m Emma the head cook of this kitchen.”
Emma who is giving an energetic greeting is a tall woman; her body looks like it is well trained and balanced. She has long wavy fiery red hair, brown eyes with small eye brows.
In appearance, she looks like a 30 year old, but nevertheless she is quite attractive.
After her introduction, she brought out her left hand while maintaining her smile. Asher then followed and greets her.
[Asher] “Deloria already told you this, but my name is Asher and it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Emma.”
When they finished saying their greetings, Emma asks them why they came here together. Asher was about to answer her but he was cut off by the same cute sound her heard a few minutes ago. After hearing that, she quickly understood their purpose and simply said…
[Emma] “I see…”
While giving of a wary smile.
She wanted to give Ifca some food to eat, but since they heard that there will be an important guest coming, who is Asher, Emma decided to make some special food for tonight’s dinner. That is the reason why their taking so much time in preparation.
[Emma] “Sorry Princess Ifca, we don’t have anything for you right now.”
[Asher] “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll make something for her. If you can just lend me a stove and some ingredients, I might make something fast for her.”
[Emma] “Eh? You’ll be cooking Prince?”
[Asher] “If I’m allowed to.”
[Emma] “Go right ahead, don’t hold yourself back.”
[Asher] “Thanks Mrs. Emma, and…could I ask for something else?”
[Emma] “Hm, what is it?”
[Asher] “Is there any way for me to change the Prince title? I’m not really used to being call that way.”
No matter how many time Asher is called Prince, he would never get used to it since its makes him feel uncomfortable.
[Emma] “Well…we can’t really call you without any honorifics…I know, why don’t I just call the same way Deloria. I’ll just call you Sir, how about it.”
Asher guesses that being a noble is actually pretty constricting, but choosing between ‘Prince’ and ‘Sir’, he would gladly pick ‘Sir’ any day.
[Asher] (Well, it’s an improvement.)
After finally agreeing on what to be called, Emma leads Asher and the rest to a free stove.
Though they call it a stove, it actually just made of bricks with a 3 inch rectangular hole where you can place the wood while having a bigger hole on top that has a small steel bars lined up in a row.
Emma asks if he knows how to work it, unfortunately Asher has never seen this kind of stove before so he embarrassingly said no.
Without a single sign of irritation, Emma grabs on to a red crystal that was hanging on the stove’s wall. She then took a piece of wood from the pile that is conveniently place beside the stove.
While Emma hold on to both the crystal and the piece of wood, Asher quickly notice that the 2 inch crystal started to light up, and just like a match stick, Emma scratched the crystal at the piece of wood and it quickly burst into a small flame.
[Asher] “Whoa!?”
Asher couldn’t help himself, as a human that lives at a world that only thinks that magic is just stuff out of a fairy tale; this was an amazing thing to see.
Asher, with a bit of excited tone in his voice, asks how the crystal works and Deloria who was beside him answers.
[Deloria] “The stone is actually crystallized Mana, or to be more precise, it a pure solid form of a Flame Mana. It can start flames by simply squeezing one of its tips.”
Since the function is simple, Asher quickly got the grasp on how it works. He then asks if it’s hard to find them or could they be a rare kind of materials. Deloria’s answered and said they weren’t rare, they could be easily mined within the kingdom.
[Emma] “Honestly Sir, I’m actually curious on what you’re going to make, you don’t mind me stay, right?”
[Asher] “Oh no, I don’t really mind.”
While he put Ifca down, he starts to think of something he can make, while having his right hand on his chin and his left hand on the side of his waist. As he continues to pounder, he looks around the kitchen and look at the ingredient that can be used.
While checking on the ingredients, he noticed that it wasn’t only Deloria or Emma is watching, the 4 maids stopped on what they were doing and is now watching Asher. He felt slightly bothered by it, but the bothersome feeling quickly fades because of one reason.
Ifca who was waiting, pulled his pants while placing her right hand on her stomach. Asher then looked down at her.
[Ifca] “…………………Brother Person…hungry…”
Without a single change on her face, Asher could still feel that she is pouting and is starting to get impatient. So with his usual energetic grin, he rolls up his sleeves and made a gutsy pose.
[Asher] “Don’t worry little Princess, I’ll be done in a jiff, so hold on until then.”
He then walks around the kitchen, grabbing everything he needed. Within a few seconds, he finally returned and places all the things he grabbed on the table.
[Asher] “Alright, let’s get started”
With only 30 to 35 minutes of waiting. The dessert that he made was finally finished. While carrying a big tray that contains small multiple containers made of thin steel, he slowly place then on the table.
[Ifca] “………………………now...?”
[Asher] “Sorry Princess, it just needs a few more minutes to cool down. Then you can eat them.”
Though Asher said to wait, Ifca came closer to the table and placed her hand on the tray, and from out of nowhere, a blue circular light came out of the bottom of the tray.
Asher was not only surprised at the blue light, but could feel the air around the table started to become colder.
[Asher] “Could it be that…is that magic?”
Asher asks Deloria who was standing next to him and she quickly said yes. She then said that Ifca was actually more special than other spell casters.
Surprisingly, when a Djinn, who are well known for being powerful spell casters, casts a spell, he or she need to chant, same goes for the other races. But Ifca on the other hand is different, she has no need for chants, she only need to think of the spell.
After hearing that, Asher was so amazed, he walks closer to Ifca and started to pat her head and praised her. Though her face expression didn’t change, her cheeks went pink and felt really happy.
[Asher] “Oh…Ok, I think that’s enough Princess. Thanks, you’re a big help.”
After saying his thanks, he asks one of the maids that were watching him to grab 7 small plates and 7 spoons.
The maid panic, but she quickly got the things Asher asked for.
As they continue to watch Asher full of curiosity, he place the small plat on top of the small steel container and flips it, he then continued to do the same thing to the other 6 containers.
After flipping them, he personally handed the strange food to not only to Ifca, but to Deloria, Emma and the maids as well.
The appearance of the strange food was new to them; it had a light brown body while having a darker brown color on its head. It was soft and squishy, and from the slightest movement of the hand, it starts to jiggle.
No one touched the mysterious food, since this is the first time they seen this kind of food, they have no idea what to do with it. But one of them grabs on her spoon and took a piece of it without a single shred of worry.
Ifca wasn’t scared, she was more curious on what it might taste like and since this was made by her ‘Brother Person’ there is no way that this could be dangerous. So she was the first in the whole world that is called Terrafis, to take a bite out of the food call Leche Flan.
Her face quickly burst in surprise, her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red. After taking out the spoon out of her mouth, she quickly takes another piece and eats it.
Seeing the Princess Ifca act like this surprised the Deloria, Emma and the maids. Though she wasn’t smiling, they could tell that she was enjoying the food she is eating.
So without restrain, Deloria, Emma and the maids took a piece to their mouths.
The castle’s kitchen turned noisy, full of joyful screams that afternoon.
HI its me ZYLOS101!!! here you guys go, another chapter. i'm not sure if you guys are having gun with my stories, so go right ahead and give me a comment if you enjoying this story to. i'm still planing the Vol.2 of James Moriarty, so please read this story for now. see you guys next chapter!!!!
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8 276 - In Serial7 Chapters
The wish granting entity and the benevolent lord!
An entity that grants the wishes of dying people grants the wish of a guy to become the lord from a book and help the people and end their opression.
8 100 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Queen's Toy
I missed how the sparrows struggled to escape a cage, which hopeless to leave at. Before I became the slave of the queen, I once was a commoner, no perhaps, I could say, I’m still a commoner as of now. I don’t know about anything but, one day while I was catching a few fishes from a riverside, my father suddenly called me in there, and shove right in front of my face a letter from the Queen. I could say, the context inside the letter, seemed normal. Yea, it was really normal. There were only threatening short words that said, if I don't become her toy, my whole family's head would be rolling in the ground! And in the end, that resulted in… Me, becoming the Queen’s toy. Struggle as long as I lived, no matter what everyone, nor my family will say, I’ll definitely escape from the palm of the queen! I’ll definitely become free one day! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/3d2u6abF4w
8 121 - In Serial12 Chapters
Save State
What would happen if an ability to traverse time and space has been given to a quiet yet fierce individual?
8 95 - In Serial27 Chapters
Lombardi - Finn Shelby
SPOILER WARNINGRose Lombardi was kidnapped at the age of 11, she watched her mother die and here father was nowhere to be found. Will someone save her from the harsh life she lives.{Complete}
8 139 - In Serial15 Chapters
dream x Georgedream x Sapnapsapnap x Karlsapnap x punzsapnapxkarlxquackity requests are openthis is my first FF/smut Story so please don't judge meEnglish is not my first launguage and I'm dyslexic so I'm sorry if I spell anything wrong.
8 141