《Ein Gard》Chp 15 Reminiscence of a Guard
Guys, thanks for the support. Here’s chapter 15.
Disclaimer: The picture of Gold Omega was by icondevco.
Chapter 15 Reminiscence of a Guard
Day of Faima, 7th Luna, Year 1090
Hill of Canterra, Astarian Empire.
Very early morning.
It was the place where the Emperor would go for a retreat after his busy weekdays. Surrounded by lush forests of green pines, there were three nearest towns around the hill, with combined population of over 100,000.
On top of the hill, was one of the Emperor’s humble residences. It was quite luxurious for a house, yet too humble to be called a mansion – of which some even called it “The Emperor’s Chalet”. The house was bright and airy with light jade colour scheme, with large windows were built around it.
The structure was rectangular with wide great hall and many rooms within. A tower-like structure was connected to it with a dome on top. In a way, it was similar to a manor house. Open-air recreational park and garden beside it were visible even from afar.
Nearby there were several more houses – around ten, with a green house in the middle, a field, a stable and a wide and long landing strip for Garudas, Wyverns and Airships.
Nearby, a rounded teahouse on a higher ground was present just near a cliff, with wooden path and railings connecting the residence to it. It showed a grand view of the Mountains near the place as well as forests and clearings. At one spot it featured a scenic view of the whole valley just beside the hill. The three towns were also visible.
From the Emperor’s residence, two figures were walking silently towards the long landing strip, stopping by the guards only to be saluted in shock --
“My Emperor, if you don’t mind me asking…”
“No, go on.”
“Why this all of a sudden? You could’ve planned an official visit to these towns. That’ll make people happier…”
“I’m going in this time to avoid such situation, young Averon.”
Averon knitted his eyebrows.
“Because looking at the people during their daily life, knowing you influence them to live better… would inspire you… besides,”
“I also wish to hear their normal chatters, complaints and worries.”
“I see… Then again, My Emperor… do you mind if I give my honest opinion?”
“No, what is it?”
“Your… attire… doesn’t suit this… incognito operation…”
He noted the Emperor’s black and shiny coat – one which would instill immediate recognition that the person was not common. Not-at-all. The Emperor made a blank expression.
“Well, what do you suggest?”
“At least, change your… coat, My Emperor. There should be some common-looking ones near the airfield… in the staff office.”
“Good thinking, young Averon. Let’s do that.”
“Yes, My Emperor.”
Few minutes later, they arrived at the airfield – one which was lighted slightly all around by luminescent stones. They went into a building just beside the airfield, lighted with lamp post all around. It was the staff office.
Thuk! Thuk!
Thuk! Thuk!
“Yes, who is it!”
“Captain Averon here. Mind opening the door a bit?”
“Captain Averon?! It’s three and half in the morning!”
“I know. It’s necessary. Mind opening a little?”
“Yes, Sir! The code, Sir.”
“Truth and Justice for Our Homeland.”
The iron door was opened a little, with a metal chain still undone. The lad raised his hand, and lightball emerged from his palm. He was a blonde younger lad. He recognized Averon immediately.
“Captain! …An emergency?”
“No Corporal, sorry to disturb your sleep. I need to borrow a coat – just an average one. Do you have any?”
“Err… Yes, there’s a dozen here. But the officer’s coats are not here, it’s in--”
“Nevermind. Can you pick the most common-looking one?”
“Yes Sir!”
He picked up a brown coat, a rather coarse one.
“Thanks. I’ll return it… later. Maybe tonight.”
“Yes Sir. Eh… who’s that with you, Sir?”
He noticed a figure behind him, but the light did not reach him.
“Someone I need to escort. Can I get the keys for the Garudas?”
“Yes Sir – but I need the document for that.”
He handed the young man a writ through the opening. He took it and read it, with eyes opened wide and then looked over at the man behind Averon again.
“T-then… that’s…”
“Any problem?”
The man behind Averon inquired, of which the young Corporal jolted.
“N-no, nothing! I’ll hand over the keys now! Then I’ll escort you too, My Em---”
“Shuhhh! You’re too loud!”
By the airfield, was a special kind of cage – one which was designed to be a large dome as home to majestic birds – Garudas. As the three went into the dome, the iron bars squeaked a little. The Corporal was still carrying a lightball of slight yellow as they went in.
The Garudas seemed cautious of them, yet…
With a whistle, all the Garudas in the dome immediately moved and flapped their wings. They started to move towards and landed near them.
Dust covered the view for awhile before revealing, standing in a row…
Majestic Garudas.
Lined up with their head up, and some down. All eyes on the three men.
They all amounted to fourteen birds. Each with beak larger than a man’s head, claws larger than a man’s thigh. Garuda was a large eagle-like bird with height of 4 metres and a wingspan between 8-10 metres. Each had its own majestic appearance – some had black and some red head, with wings and body varied in colour between white, yellow, orange, sky blue and black.
Averon took a black and red head Garudas, both with body filled with orange feathers.
“My Emperor, where do you intend--”
“The town with the busiest early morning.”
Averon raised his eyebrows.
“…Town of Kirla then.”
The Emperor chuckled, as if he had confirmed something. With the help of the Corporal, they tied belts around themselves at the back of each Garuda. The Garudas made a free fall from the cliff before flapping their wings.
The Garuda which carried the Emperor made a swirling flying manoeuvre, of which his rider made a really… weird laugh.
“Are you fine, My Emperor?!”
Averon asked loudly while riding the Garuda, since the Emperor seemed a bit too excited.
“Perfectly! It’s been awhile since I last ride a Garuda!”
“Please don’t make such unnecessary manoeuvre, My Emperor – You’re giving me a heart attack!”
“Don’t be so uptight! Have fun too young Averon!”
“Haha… Yes, Sire…”
They flew for awhile before the lights of the town of Kirla was obvious to the eyes. The town had white-stones fortification surrounded it, with half of it connected to an ocean bay.
They were close. However, the moon was not out, so it was too dark for anyone – not even the town guards, to even notice their approach to Kirla. They landed nearby the town gate to avoid attracting attention from the populace. The sound of them landing alerted the town guards.
Two of the guards, carrying lance, approached them. One of the guards created a lightball and lightened up the surrounding.
“Who’s there? Identify yourself.”
“Averon Arcad, Captain of Imperial Guards.”
He gave them his silver emblem of circular shield, of which they identified and saluted him afterwards.
“Who’s that with you Captain?”
“…VVIP. We’re just here to look around town. Here’s his identification.”
He handed them with a Gold Omega symbol, with luminescent light surrounding it.
Both guards were shocked, turned to each other, and quickly saluted the man.
“Can you take care of the Garudas? We’ll be out of town today – perhaps in the evening.”
“Yes Sir. We’ll take them to Kirla’s Garuda dome.”
“Much appreciated. I’m going to borrow two horses---”
“No need young Averon.”
The Emperor raised his hand.
“We have feet. We’ll just walk or run around town.”
“Yes Sire-- Sir. Let’s use wind cladding at least.”
Wind gathered and swirled around them, giving off a soothing feeling and pleasant humming. Wind cladding increased overall speed, also could hurl them forward when they dashed or jumped, as well as acted as defense against projectiles.
Have you ever experience hunger, shame, and desperation?
If you had, then you probably could empathize with the following story. If you have not, then at least, try.
It was the story of a once glorious Empire -- Astarian Empire. It was not quite a happy story, and thus it was intentionally made short.
Post-War, Year 1070.
Astarian Empire.
It was crumbling.
It was an Empire which had lost its Emperor due to war. And the victorious nations demanded absurd reparation for a war of which they themselves started. They took over the workings of the government – especially the banking and the media. They scrapped the nation’s railway and train, took many of its heavy machineries, technologies and ships.
Within a year without an Emperor… starvation, economic depression… all coming in… desperation started to be replaced by depravity, in order to get food on the table.
The world and media did not help, but instead, had been showing depraved theatre and pictures to the populace… by making it a daily occurrence; they were slowly corrupting the mind of the people.
At first, it was bad… yet still bearable to most. The people lost their pride, but did not lose their bread… at least, to most of them.
Ten years going… and then!
The worst economic downturn in history occurred.
Jobs lost in millions. Families crumbled… a father lost his dignity, a mother lost her shame, and a child lost his or her family. People resorted to mischief, prostitution and any unlawful measure that could, they thought, better their life – all to escape the desperation everyone was experiencing. It got worse year by year.
Even the farmers and people in remote countryside could not escape the heat. They were slapped with a huge amount of interest payment from the money lent by the banks, and plus the heavy tax imposed onto them – it was an oppression at a level where small and medium business owners and farmers had become a mere servant to the high finance – burdened by these payment of which unjustly imposed. Unable to make the payments on time, factories, farm and farmhouse were seized as mortgage payment.
In order to meet the demands for the reparation in time, the interim government was desperate. Possibly under the order of the government officials – pushed by the internationalists – they used their power of printing paper money to print as many as possible, further worsening the situation. The inflation made money worthless. Foreign nationals came in and bought the farms, the lands, and the factories for such a low price. The government then fell behind in their payment. An army from the neighbouring country came and seized a vital production area of the Empire – worsening the condition.
Without the means of work and production, people became even more desperate.
To make matters worse, a new movement – a fanatical movement which blindly target business owners and farm holders, even when they could not even make ends meet – was burning and killing people of whom they claimed were “oppressors of the people”. The movement was aggressive, and deadly – influencing hordes of people into their cause. Desperate people now became the oppressors yet claiming they were fighting the oppressors.
What irony.
It was a very terrible time, one of which compelled many to degrade themselves with a payment nowhere fitting for a day’s work, the more desperate to whore themselves or let their women did so to any foreign nationals with money, and the most desperate ones committed suicide.
Everything – everyone – was for sale.
One man, however, believed he had the solution – something he had been preaching since the following year of the post-war. That man was now walking… no, was propelling himself with the grace of wind towards the port to see the activity there.
“Even in the year just before I took power, we often read in the paper that another mother took suicide, taking her children with her… Believe me, young Averon, when I say these people -- they are not bad people… they were desperate, and whose mother is it, that could bear seeing her children starving?”
“...Yes, My Emperor.”
Averon lowered his head in agreement. He was there as well. He knew how hard the times – no, the corruption of certain people, within and without – had hit the populace. He had however, the fortune of being a child of the Wind Clan – The Ciellune Clan – one of the most powerful clans in Astaria. The clan, situated high in the mountain with valley, lake and rivers, knew how to deal with the hard times. They knew well how to feed themselves with the abundance of God’s wealth.
Inspired by what the man in question claimed, they did their best to support him. The clan moved, convincing other clans to join in their cause. They organized and distributed their idea to the crowd in an easy to understand way – through the speeches by the man himself and men well-trained, and beforehand, pamphlets to inform the public. They also established a printing press – of which many death threats and attacks ensued, though prevail they did. As the movement grew, it was later protected by well-organized men, carrying the movement with power and determination.
The movement preached “Unity and Noble Work” as a way to get out of the depressing and shameful situation that gripped their people.
Flags of Gold Omega were flapping majestically by the sea wind.
They arrived at the port with their wind cladding still on, where fishermen had just arrived and trading their goods with the people. The people were surprised at first, yet later continued on their business as they thought of them as Imperial Knights. Under the Imperial decree, the price for fishes and other marine products were justly stated to be around such and such, taken in the consideration of the time, labour and risk involved in acquiring the goods.
“Officer, thank you for the hard work.”
“Noble Knights, come and see these fine products!”
“Officer, do you think this building could be improved--”
They walked around and were kindly welcomed by the people, who thought of them as either Knights or people from the military. In Astaria, military personnel guard the populace, and were taught to be kind and helpful to anyone who sought help. They were the protectors of the people, and even went as far as receiving complaints and relaying those complaints to the proper people. Thus, the people became rather close and confident with them as a whole.
They could see grocery owners were picking the products, restaurant employees and even housewives were there in the early morning to get the best products possible. A sense of security and fairness were visible – with them bargaining in a fine manner and accepting or declining the deal nicely. They also heard complaints from the populace, but mostly minor complaints such as the boats needed proper maintenance, the buildings needed further improvements and so on. He told Averon to ask of them about the local government, and they received either compliments, or no complaints or minor complaints.
The Emperor seemed to note these complaints in his mind. It was quite dark, and the people who had seen him only thought of him as someone who resembled the Emperor – probably a fan who kept his appearance that way, they thought.
“Young Averon, let’s see the building of the new port.”
“Yes Sire.”
They took a visit to the port, and could see the construction of a better port was well on the way.
“The sun will come out soon. Let’s go back to town.”
“Yes Sire, let’s.”
They went back into town, and on the way, greeted the soldiers guarding the streets.
“Keep up the good work guys.”
“Sir, yes Sir. Thank you.”
Flags of Gold Omega were present in abundance in the middle of the town. On each floors, and each buildings, you could find three or more of the national Imperial Flag of Astaria.
Soon, they observed the sleeping town awakening slowly as the time went by. The houses there were finely arranged siding on each other, with fine stones placed to form wide pathways. Most of the houses were built by timber, with a triangle shape on the top, several floors and a lot of windows on each floor. The colour of the houses ranged from dark red wood, brown, orange, light blue, black, grey and white. Many of their windows had the pleasant green colour and plants as well as flowers arranged in a row, especially so for their wide ground window.
As the sky started to brighten up a bit…
“It’s morning… wake up, dear…”
“You have school today Nielle…”
“Wake up or you’ll be scolded by your father.”
“It’s your favourite breakfast today Marielle~”
They could hear mothers waking up their children in such gentle manner… some did shout, but it was not in extreme. They could see more housewives went out of their house to buy groceries, and to prepare breakfast for their soon to-be-working husband.
As the morning came, the streets started to become lively with more horses, carts, wagons, bicycles and people walking the streets to start their working day. Some Garudas and Wyverns flew in the air, carrying their riders past the town. As people came across them, they were greeted kindly with a slight bow, some with hands raised to the chest, palm-opened and some even took off their hat and gave a slight nod. Many had pleasant smile.
“Good morning, gentlemen.”
“Thanks for the hard work.”
“Good day, Officers.”
“May God let the Empire continue to prosper. Thank you.”
As threads of sunlight started to emerge, they could see several small café was opened. At the Emperor’s behest, Averon chose a table for them. It was a café with three tables outside with large umbrella as shelter, and four more tables inside the modest brown building.
Averon chose a table just outside the building, with his seat leaning over the wall and he had a good view of the surroundings – a habit out of his training as a bodyguard. The table was surrounded with several flowers – red roses, yellow tulips and white purplish lilies.
“After you, young Averon.”
“No, you first My Em— Good Sir, please.”
“Very well.”
They took a pleasant breakfast together. It was milk, red tea, slices of melon, bread and butter plus some honey. After paying, Averon asked the café worker about the direction of the nearest school. They went and observed the school.
It was a primary school where children age five to twelve received their education for free – so did the secondary, and college level. There were only several buildings with a chest-high white fence. They jumped to a large tree just beside the school, and sat on top of its largest branch. The shade and leaves of the tree made their position a rather hidden one. They observed the children playing, and how a teacher was trying her best to curb the pupils from running about in class.
“Must be a new teacher, My Emperor. She needs to learn class control.”
“Still, a good one. She used kind words and advice to persuade the children…”
“The problem is, they don’t listen.”
“Kukuku… Perhaps we need to focus more on the training of teachers.”
“Yes, perhaps.”
Averon observed the seemingly young teacher. With his well-trained eyes, he could observe her in details. She wore yellow long dress with pleated cloak. She had blonde hair with pony-tail reaching half of her back and a pair of soft, green eyes. White, clear skin and a beauty, plus her gentle voice and elegant manner – she was someone worth remembering.
“Now listen, I know it’s hard. Yet I know you can do it. Here, give me a fist of confidence – like this!”
She held her fist to her chest and pulled it down. She repeated it several times with passion. Soon the children copied her and seemed to be pulling more among them into a… “fist of confidence” frenzy.
The children were happy, and with her seemingly passionate advice, they soon listened to her. She did not let the children learn all the time just by sitting. Instead, she held activities with songs and that which tickled their imagination and gained their attention.
“I take back my earlier comment, My Emperor. She’s like you said, a good teacher.”
“We need to observe more details of humans in order to judge them, young Averon. I’ll teach you that whenever possible.”
“I’m grateful, My Emperor.”
They observed the children for awhile, before…
“…Heh. Don’t you think it’s a miracle?”
“Yes, a miracle. It’s only been four years since, but the moods of the Empire changed this much. Happiness and prosperity… it was to your credit, My Emperor.”
“… Everyone did their part… but no, I wasn’t speaking about that, young Averon. I was referring to the children.”
“The children?”
“Yes, the guarantors of the continuity of our effort, the bearers of our values and inheritors of all our work. A miracle of God.”
“A miracle…”
“Remember this well, young Averon. The next generations are akin to the King on the Chessboard – if chess truly had importance. They are the absolute tangible existences of which we must protect at all cost – Mind, Spirit and Body.”
“…Yes Sire. I shall remember.”
They went on to the church, of which he could see the Emperor had a longing yet upset expression. He had heard of his relation and the bitterness he had felt against the corrupted church authorities... yet he dared not ask for more, at least not now. Still, he never see him badmouthed them, though he had heard the word "corrupt" from him when someone mentioned the Papacy.
Later, they went on to observe the works all around town. The factories, they went around asking the workers how fare was their work, how they were treated and so on. Most gave a pleasant answer, credited to the Imperial Policy of making harmony the employers-employees relationship. Their treatment was fair even similar to that of family -- with two hours break in-between with café available and to some, were even provided swimming pool. The work was limited to eight hours with fair extra hours pay and paid vacation. Their monthly pay was just and the employee enjoyed a stable stream of income.
Hearing their pleasant comments and reliefs of being released from the shackles of post-war situation, the Emperor cannot help but to smile ear to ear.
“Didn’t I say so, My Emperor? What you did these four years was a miracle by itself.”
“Heh. Everyone did their part, young Averon.”
As the morning turned into late morning, they went to Kirla’s Garuda dome, and went out to see the nearest highway construction. A highway was necessary as it prevented monsters from attacking caravans and populace trying to get from one town or city to another.
A highway was one of the many public projects. Using the ability of issuing money, the government issued money without interest – without usury – and poured all of it into necessary projects which gave people the opportunity of work and proper pay, of which they would soon spend it on the economy. The money issued by the government would have real worth – the worth of their labour; the projects. The projects would later be useful for the populace as a whole, generating income and expanding trade.
They were standing on one, with their Garudas just beside them. They could see the fence, the well-done road and security posts alongside it. The highway itself brought in confidence – a mark of a true quality work.
“The project is going well, My Emperor.”
“Yes, it’ll take another year for it to finish, but once it did, we’ll see a boost of trade and income coming into our border. Safety, speed, lower cost and fairness contribute confidence, and confidence then transforms into prosperity. Note into your mind what I’m going to say, young Averon…”
“Work brings prosperity. Work is the true lifeblood of a nation – of which we produced something useful from the abundance provided to us by God. Remember that.”
“Yes Sire I shall.”
“Let’s visit the border a little bit, young Averon.”
“Eh…? Wait, My Em--”
And thus Averon was dragged to the border, of which he witnessed the exchange of goods using the barter system. With the restriction on international money, Astaria had to resolve it using barter – and it seemed the system was successful, even better than expected. Food and many necessities were procured this way. People from the neightbouring nations loved the fair treatment and evaluation of worth the Astarian Empire gave to their products. The products of Astaria itself, were notably among the highest quality in the world.
They returned to Hill of Canterra in the late evening, of which he unfortunately, still remembered being admonished by the Field Marshals and Ministers for bringing the Emperor out without them knowing. They were capable and nice people, but when they were angry…
“It’s not my fault! Boohoo~~”
Averon snapped out of his reminiscence. He was still sitting on the black rock by the lake, with the soft wind blowing and the sound of water moving.
- Geh! What a long reminiscence… I wonder why I'm being so sentimental...
Remember, remember, remember…
Those words still rang… He learned much from the teachings of his Emperor; someone much dear to him that he considered him his own father. He tried to sum it up into six lessons… though he still had a lingering feeling that he missed something, he decided to try to remember it later.
“I’ll note it down in my mind… for now. The foundation I wish to build will follow these lessons.”
Lesson 1: Noble Work
– You reap what you sow. Work is the lifeblood of the economy. By means of work, we produce something. Better yet, something useful from the God-given materials all around us.
Lesson 2: Usury, Speculative Economy, Any Parasitic “work” and Seigniorage right to private entity or irresponsible governance must be forbidden.
– In contradiction with work as the lifeblood of a nation, these are the bloodsuckers. At one point, they would be in a position to manipulate the perceived value of money – spreading injustice and destroying people’s work. Never allow such thing to happen. Seigniorage right belongs to the people, and thus must be committed to the building of public utility and to provide works of real value.
Lesson 3: Know and Unite the People
- Build the ability to judge and evaluate people. Know how to influence them, what interest them, and what their nature really is. For many people, you may see their true behaviour just from their face – formed by their everyday’s work and activity. It is one’s behaviour which determines one’s abilities. If you’re responsible for a mass of inferior quality, seek to improve their inherent ability through culture, splendid behaviour and family values – all habitual formation.
Lesson 4: God, Culture, Behaviour and Family Values
- A leader must know the importance of building up the right culture and behaviour of the people. The environment must be molded in a way that it will uphold God in high regard through justice, fairness, and kindness. To achieve this, the role of family must be stressed and values nurtured. Government and everyone must help struggling families.
Lesson 5: Building up your team
- The people surrounding you must be kept limited only to people who could use rational judgement, highly devout to your cause and have no interest in squandering the nation’s wealth. Lead the masses using emotion, and lead your circle with rational thinking and consideration.
Lesson 6: The Next Generations
- The guarantors of the continuity of our effort, the bearers of our values and inheritors of all our work. A miracle of God, the next generations are the King on the Chessboard, the absolute tangible existence of which we must protect at all cost – Mind, Spirit and Body.
“I shall remember, My Emperor… Now, let’s start practising Fire Manipulation.”
He thought so and started to channel Ether and formed fire just outside his body. He felt it working, and as he opened his eyes, he could see fire all around him. Training fire manipulation had never been easy during his past life, but now... he attributed it for his 100% affinity.
He raised his hand, the fire followed and flew upwards ----
The fire burst upward for several metres…
“Ops… too strong… Must control --- !!”
Averon turned his body and made a quick spin on the air, evading an incoming attack – a swirling wind coming in at such a speed.
The rock of which he was sitting blew up. The impact threw him further towards the rocky cliff, of which he turned and landed with his feet, almost in a vertical position. He already activated wind cladding while he was spinning, and now wind was moving around him.
“I know you’re not normal… but to be able to use fire so well… plus, that wind…”
The soft yet stern voice was familiar to him.
- But why would she out of all people, attacked me?
He turned to the place her voice was coming, seemingly forgetting one important fact – that she was a wind user as well. He immediately realized his mistake – a mistake only was made since his instinct was dulled.
Eerie wind blew past his back… Only then he realized… that she was… No doubt, the short grey robe… grey hair, the long, wide sleeves… leather shoes up to her knees… the black-silver eyes… sharp gaze… yes, at his… back… Laksha.
“Do – not – move, else…”
A cold, moving wind was coming from his back. He knew the sound of it… the technique… created by his own sworn-sister… a very dangerous one…
“Shia’rine’s Sword of Wind…”
He whispered.
Just by his neck, wind was swirling so fast, yet so stable in its course that it was assuming the form of a long sword… which came out from her bare hand.
“Just answer my question… no playing with words, else your head…”
She made a stern yet incomplete statement. Before Averon could say anything, he could feel her high fighting spirit flared behind him… one which made him staggered. He could barely withstand it, since his own fighting spirit was locked by God. He had a cold sweat…
“What on Ein Gard… are you?!”
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