《Ein Gard》Chp14 The Deciding Factor
To all dear readers...
Please forgive me...! :noei:
For having wronged you with cliffhangers for such a long time... I am ashamed... Here's Chapter 14... And how I wish I could upload Chapter 15 today, but I have an invitation to fulfill...
Anyway, Thank you for your support!
Chapter 14 – The Deciding Factor
Laksha and old Heinz was looking over the Master-Apprentice Linking ceremony, of which Shisha would share her Life-Force Regalis and form a bond with Averon.
At the time, Laksha noticed Shisha already entered into a trance, of which she would view glimpses of who her apprentice really was. The trance seemed to last for quite some time, unnaturally long. Old Heinz knitted his eyebrows, and turned to her.
“How long this would take? I’m under impression it wouldn’t be this long.”
“It should’ve ended already… This could only mean…”
…That the memory that was shared with her was quite strong – one of which would entail vivid description due to the person’s strong memory.
“Please be patient, Lord Heinz… I’ll take a look…”
She closed her eyes, and…
“Hmm… hm?”
She jolted, and opened her eyes back with her heart racing… She just caught a glimpse of what Shisha had been seeing – possible due to her inscribing additional “Watcher’s Seal” on top of Shisha’s Life-Force Link Seal.
“What the heck… was that? …A demon dragon?”
She whispered.
“Are you alright, Lady Laksha?”
Old Heinz noticed her peculiar behaviour.
“Y-yes… I’m sorry, I’m just surprised, that’s all…”
“What did--”
The shout came from Shisha, of which garnered their attention. The four High Knights as well as Vestianna, who encircled her and Averon, lowered their stance with hand on the hilt of their sheathed sword. Laksha opened her eyes wide, and bulging blood veins appeared.
Her now sharper eyes could see Shisha’s Life-Force flow, which previously had poured into Averon, yet now something else from him poured into her. Something… powerful… Something… eerie.
- This is… Is this bad? What… is that? Damn it dealing with something unknown like this…!
She jumped into the circle, and touched Shisha’s arm which was linked to Averon’s back ---
Auw, Auw!
She retracted her right hand, and shook it profusely. Her hand was red hot, and so did Shisha’s.
- Alright. This does it. It’s bad enough!
She put her hands onto the ground, trying to sever the link through the Seal circling them.
- It’s not responding?! How… Nevermind!
“Lord Heinz, I’m going to sever their link with force!”
Old Heinz raised an eyebrow before nodded in response.
She raised both her hands up, and wind started to swirl around the circle. From her right hand she gathered the wind around her arm, and then did the same to her left. She closed her eyes, concentrating the swirling winds even more.
She pushed both winds from her hands – her right for Shisha while her left for Averon. The swirling winds seemed not to have enough effect, only staggering both of them.
“Tch… Ummh… O’ My Creator who commands the loyal wind… please, grant your servant the wind which pushed the clouds!”
The winds intensified. The High Knights and Vestianna near the scene had to kneel to shelter themselves from the violent wind, while old Heinz only held his heavy sword with his left, both hands on his chest, smiling in amusement. Soon, the twin swirling mini-tornadoes seemed to be pushing them both apart, yet her hand still stuck.
Laksha was pushing herself. She had to handle both winds to be strong enough to push them back, yet careful enough not to harm them.
Her last push made the winds strong enough to sever their link. Both of them went back flying – Vestianna jumped and caught Averon while Alnair caught Shisha. Both put them onto the ground as soon as possible.
She’s burning my hand!
“Stop whining, you two… Check their condition. Alteram, Leste, Siran take water from the pool.”
““Yes, Milord.””
Old Heinz went immediately to Averon’s side, taking a glimpse of him and then Shisha. He took his grandchild while his purple aura manifested from him and engulfed him. He placed him next to Shisha and his aura did to her the same. His aura turned brighter, seemingly absorbing the heat from them. He turned to Laksha, who was still panting.
“Are you fine, Lady Laksha?”
“I’m… huh… fine…”
She was breathing in deeply to restore her stamina. It should have been easy to sever a link, yet the fact that it was not confused her.
- I don’t understand… if the devil still did not possess him… how… I have report this to the Sage Council.
She took a look at them both. Old Heinz’s aura was shining purple, slowly restoring their temperature to normal. She sighed weakly. It seemed she might have underestimated what was reported to her before.
“Just what in Ein Gard… happened?”
Late Morning,
Central City of Crest, Eastern Port.
The wind was blowing pleasantly.
The flag of Cestia, with its flashy red background lined with yellow rectangular, and purple armored knight with a pike and a shield in the middle, was high up in the air.
Merchant ships of various sizes were coming in and out of the city’s port. The wind blew the ships’ sails very well, making haste their journey to the ocean. The lake just on the east side of the central city of Crest was a special kind of lake, of which it was connected with a grand waterway that came all the way from the ocean. In a vital way, the waterway made the central city of Crest, which was situated on a hill, a strong trading city in the centre of Southern Trish continent.
Though the lake was connected to the ocean, the sea water did not merge with the water from the lake, as God per decreed, there was a barrier between the two types of water – forbidding their merging. This in fact had helped Cestia in maintaining its freshwater supply year by year.
Just by the lake, a young black-haired boy was sitting on one of the enormous black rock – with many more similar rocks of various sizes around. The boy was wearing a white tunic and brown trousers with laced dark-red shoes. He had a sturdy build, which suggested that he was over the age of perhaps eight. In actual fact, he was merely five years-old.
Shaa--- Shaaa---
The lake’s water around the rocks was moving and shaking as the wind blew.
He was facing the calm lake, watching ships getting into the port as well as those getting out towards the grand waterway leading to the ocean. With his superior vision, he could see people working or wandering about on top of those ships.
Look! Look! It’s so big!
I saw a really big fish!
Where? Where?
Hey hey wait for me~~
Laughter was carried by the wind to his ears. He looked up and gazed upon those people in one of those ships – a massive 30m long and around 12m wide brown-coloured passenger and supply ship, with two lines of different height at its side and its main mast reaching over 40m while its mizzen mast at 30m. He saw children running about and people admiring the wide open sails – counting over fifteen, opened with all their glory.
All the sails by themselves, were bigger than the ship.
He focused his gaze upon some children running excitedly at the ship’s side, while some were trying to climb over the ropes and some were pulling over the riggings, swinging their body around – only to be chased by the sailors. It was a heartwarming scene, yet…
- The people… normal citizens and children… living so cheerfully without much worry. Of course the adults have their own issues, but the children… so innocent… heh ,am I not one?
At the top of the main mast, as well as near the spanker sail, were flags of blue sphere and a sword at its back – the flag of Armuld. The scene reminded him of her origin.
- She said she took a ship from a port in Armuld, didn’t she?
He sighed weakly.
“It’s my fault. I’m acting too spoilt, as if I’m really a child. I should’ve known – or at least, theorize it.”
He sighed again. He clearly believed he needed to plan his course of action.
“Let’s meditate.”
He said it out loud. It had become his habit to do so, usually when he was alone and wished to do something.
On the rock, he sat in a lotus position. He aligned his breathing to be slower, yet deeper and much better in quality. Wind after wind passed by him… Soon, he closed his eyes… and the sounds of wind and birds chirping faded away as he did.
From the link Shisha established, he had somewhat recovered more of his memory – especially so the memory from when he was fighting the Two-headed Demon Dragon. His seemingly intact memory from back then was not actually intact – a fact he knew when he heard the story of The Martyr Emperor from her.
Still, he felt like he was missing something from the battle.
- Did General Rome not attack the dragon with his earth shells? Or… no, thinking about the scene from back then would not help. I should focus on what I should do, now that I have this information – Arcadian Empire, named after my family name, was conferred to me by My Emperor… So it’s not Athmus who did this out of his own whim…
The “whim” word struck him hard, as he remembered using Life’s Nature Aura and plunging himself into the midst of demons, alone. Not only the Emperor did not scold or scorn him, he even planned to transfer his Life-Force to him, since someone who used Life’s Nature Aura already traded his life for the activation of the technique.
- One of Astaria’s High-Tier Knights… acting so childishly… meh perhaps I already forget what I felt at the time… now…
He tried to remember all the details… The people whom he knew… The skills he used back then… The strategies and tactical maneuvers used against Astaria… The various kinds of demons… and then, the fiery Demon Dragon itself, with its fearsome black fire… why did he hate it so much…?
He jolted a little. The image of a beauty… a blonde in the middle of a flower field, with her hair flying due to the wind… came into view. She wore long yellow dress with pleated cloak; beads sewn into it. She was holding a bucket of flowers, and seemed engrossed in picking the right one yet still careful in her steps -- as to not inflict unnecessary damage to the flowers around her.
His footsteps that time warned her of his presence.
She turned to him, and the most innocent smile was there… Her green eyes… Her clear, smooth skin… The butterflies and flower petals swirling around her…
- Stephenie…
He figured… actually, just took it into attention the reason he did not train his Fire Manipulation. It was hatred, deep hatred – abhorrence toward the freaking giant lizard and his fire… All this time, he did not forget… Merely brushing it aside and focused on something else.
- And due to my selfishness, now my next generation… I did not make use of God’s gift…
“Haah… It’s my fault… damn it Averon how childish can you be!”
This was due to the event taking place the night before yesterday… From what he had heard, the heat was something unnatural – putting himself and Shisha unconscious. He woke up a few hours later, yet Shisha did not – even after 30 hours. Her body was in a high fever, and the heat continued to rise if it was being left unattended.
Averon quickly recognized the possibility that such heat came from his massive… no, perfect 100% Fire Affinity – something a human cannot handle. He could, since it was God’s gift.
- I did not use this gift… is this God’s way of making me realize my mistake? Then it’s super effective! And I even troubled my own mother…
His mother Nea, who had returned from the institute, had to take care of her constantly – since normal physicians had no idea how to deal with her condition.
She put a type of Seal that absorbed heat constantly, yet the Seal, which was supposed to withstand a dragon’s breath, broke every hour. She did not say it; yet putting a Seal of that degree put a strain on her. Fortunately, his grandfather used his aura to absorb the heat, preventing her from over-straining herself – the only downside of using aura would be that he cannot be apart more than five minutes from Shisha.
- That Seal is strong, but only enough to withstand the breath of normal fire dragon’s… Forget it. That’s not the issue here… How could I miss what I should be focusing… Did being a child for five years dull my thinking? No, that’s not it. I simply forgot.
He clenched his right fist.
- I neglect my fire manipulation. Power is just a tool… if it was water instead that killed Stephanie and my children, would I hate water as well? No… Forget the Demon Dragon – it’s dead anyway. I need to master my fire manipulation, and somehow get Shisha out of coma as soon as possible. Also…
“Status Window!”
STATUS WINDOWNameAveron ValeryLevel26ClassNoneTitleMartyrFameLockedHP Regen2.0% per minuteMP Regen5.6% per minuteST Regen2.5% per minuteNP Regen12.0% per minute (MAX)STATUSHealth1994/1994Mana32860/32860Stamina4307/4320Nature60,000/60,000Strength174Agility177Vitality182Wisdom1800 + 1000Faith3000 + 3000Intelligence3006Fighting SpiritLOCKEDHonourLOCKEDCharismaLOCKEDLeadershipLOCKEDCharm75Luck1000Art110Endurance121AFFINITYEarth29%Water29%Lightning49%Wind51%Fire100%MAGIC RESISTANCEFIRELOCKEDWATERLOCKEDEARTHLOCKEDWINDLOCKEDLIGHTLOCKEDDARKLOCKED
Granted Lives: 27.
Stats improve faster from physical exercise than normal Knights until you reach your previous life’s value.
You may now learn Nature’s Aura up until Master level. Life Nature’s Aura (Ultimate Level) is now locked.
Main Title:
Hidden Title:
Two-Headed Demon Dragon Slayer
Other Title(s):
Successor of Astaria
Hero of Canterra
Tactical Strike Leader
Exemplary Knight
Style Freak
Unique Toddler
Genius Child
Undistributed Bonus Stat Point(s): 130
- With all these advantages… plus my knowledge of what is to come, it would be a sin for me not to prepare… I’ve to use all available means necessary… Prepare, by all means necessary! I need to prepare myself and the world I live in…
He went deep in thought. He thought about his goal – of protecting this world. Then it came to him, that if he was successful in protecting this world, then what?
The fact that he received 27 lives... was an obvious statement of his future role.
- Then… with all force available, I’ll liberate all the other five dimensions currently in struggle against the demons… including Astaria!
The thought that he could liberate his homeland excited him, yet he did not let it overexcite him as to lose logic. He focused on his current goals. A struggle without definite goals would be a serious offence to one’s God-given ability to think.
- My goal… immediate and long term… Let’s set up the goals first then I’ll take action immediately.
His immediate goal would be to master the Fire Manipulation and help Shisha recover from her condition. His long-term goal would be the protection of Ein Gard and then the liberation of all five known dimensions.
He set these goals in his mind, similar to what the status window would look like.
Immediate Goal: Master the Fire Manipulation and help Shisha recover from her condition.
Long-term Goal: The protection of Ein Gard and then the liberation of all five known dimensions.
- In order to do this, I need to ready a foundation… set forth the stage… better to choose and condition the place when we have time.
He used “we” as he thought of himself and his people as a whole. As the successor of the Emperor, and the prophesized “Martyr Emperor” of Arcadia, he thought of the need of Imperial Policies – Those which will help in achieving the goals.
Again, he noted these Imperial Policies within his mind in a similar manner.
First Five Imperial Policies:
I. Total Submission to God's Will.
II. Uphold Justice and Punish Injustice.
III. Strong Economic, Provision & Defense Position.
IV. Strong and Loyal People -- The Use of Media and Habitual Training.
V. Continuous Improvement – Research and Development.
- Just the basic five for now… Will add some more later if necessary… I’m not a Policy Maker, but I’ve been close to the best… two years…
“The best among us…”
The boy longed the good times... back then...
Day of Faima, 7th Luna, Year 1090
Astarian Empire: Hill of Canterra.
Thuk! Thuk!
Two knocks woke him up from bed. He looked at the clock, and it was 3.00 in the morning. He usually would start his day at 4.30 am, readying himself and then went to the Emperor’s Chamber just before 5.00 am to start his job.
What job? The job.
The Personal bodyguard -- of the Emperor.
The dream job of any Knight.
“Who is it?”
“It is me.”
A voice calm, yet definite and clear… no mistaking it. It was his voice.
“My Emperor?!”
“Yes, would you open the door or do you need some time?”
“Y-yes, My Emperor – give me some time.”
“Very well.”
- I can’t let him see me like this!
His black hair was a mess and he was in his pyjamas. He tidied his bed and went straight to the bathroom, did what was necessary and put on his readied military uniform of dark green. He combed his hair, put on some perfume and put on his shiny black boots and gloves. He stood directly in front of thick wooden door.
“My Emperor, I’m ready.”
“Good. Open the door.”
He went straight to the door and opened it… slowly.
There stood the Emperor – a much younger version of what Shisha had seen. The man was in his 40s with his trademark small goatee. He had a solemn, confident face and gave off a vibrant feeling. White, clear skin and black-haired, he was fine-looking, with his similar yet black military uniform, finely tugged and tidy. Black boots and gloves were there too.
At his back, was his large black and shiny coat. To his left side, was his Imperial Sword hidden well by his coat.
“Let’s go.”
“Go… where, My Emperor?”
“Go and see the people of course!”
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