《Ein Gard》Chp 4 Growing Up With Hope
Chapter 4: Growing Up With Hope.
“Dearest brothers! Averon already summoned his status window!”
“What? Already?”
“That boy is really scary… at one year’s of age?”
“One and a half. No wonder father is so attached to him… well, at least we’ll be safe from father’s hell training when he’s around…”
The younger brothers of Averon’s father nodded in agreement.
Another half year went by…
He had just finished his breast-feeding period, a crucial growth for a healthy mind and body.
A period of which he enjoyed fully…
He drank quite a lot of milk, and thankful for his mother that she was patient enough to feed him all the milk he need, and not to feed him any other than from her own.
It might be strange to say this, but the baby had a plan…
He intended to grow up to be a man stronger than he had ever been.
And of course, the milk was important… heuheu… …ehem!
That’s his mother, nothing wrong with that… don’t laugh!
- I’m already two years old… the body should be prepared enough. I want to drink juice… huhu…
Optimum Growth
Due to your insistence on only being breast-fed for the whole two years, your body’s growth and potential further on would be at Optimum potential as long as you did not take intoxicant or be poisoned.
Your immune system is at Optimum.
Your physical constitution is at Optimum.
Your mind potential is at Optimum.
- Hm? Lucky me. Thank you O Creator.
Previously, his family made a commotion with him summoning his status window at such a young age… one and half year-old! His grandfather had been dedicating himself to train him and instilled all necessary knowledge, even when he was still a toddler.
- It’s really lucky to have such a positive-minded Knight’s family.
From his grandfather, he learned that the Knights of Cestia were bestowed with four different ranks.
First, young knights who had proven himself in missions were bestowed the rank “Noble Knight”. All over Cestia, they numbered at around 5000 Knights including those who served the nobles.
Second, veteran knights who had shown bravery and accomplished much in battle or missions were bestowed the higher rank “Valiant Knight”. They numbered at 700+ in Cestia. Highly admired by many. All three Averon’s uncles were conferred this rank.
Third, a very privileged rank, given only to Knights that commanded successful campaigns involving great risk and of great importance, coupled with good command and well-liked by other Knights. The “High Knight” was a rank aimed by many knights. They amount to a mere hundred plus in Cestia, all were high-ranking Commanders of important post.
Averon’s father was one, responsible for the defense of Eastern area before the Capital.
Finally, a rank that no Knights should say he aimed for it without reaching the High Knight first. A rank only Eight were bestowed in the powerful Knightly Kingdom of Cestia, all of which were Generals. They had commanded large army in the perilous war against Vrien Empire’s assault, about ten years before Averon was born. Respected and awed among Knights…
The rank of “Great Knight”
The best of the best…
Another six moons…
“Come on, Averon my boy, nine more laps…”
“Ha… ha… wa…ter… ha…”
- Old man… I know you meant it good, but this body is merely two and a half years old… geez. If it’s my old body this is nothing… but this…This is child abuse!
At the time, one of the so-called Great Knight was forcing his two year-old grandson to complete a run around the mansion… for a total of 30 laps, one lap was around two kilometers.
“Good, good… A man should never give up when he made his mind on a worthy cause.”
- It’s you who made the decision for me! I want to have a say too… but he’s too scary…
As a once powerful Knight, Averon could sense his grandfather’s real fighting spirit, even when the old man suppressed it. With his original fighting spirit LOCKED, it affected him.
A gasp could be heard from a distance.
“My God, Father..!! I left only for awhile and you--”
“Oh no your mother’s here! I’ve got to hide. Go to your mother for now, Averon. We’ll train sword skills later, okay?”
- Yes! Mama, thank you~~
Hard to believe the old man was a Great Knight.
Averon trained hard with his grandfather, while in the presence of his mother he studied the various books and his mother would always tell him various stories and facts important enough for him to relate certain subject with another.
His mother, being a magic scholar, only needed to report her research to the Cestian Central Institute of Magical Application (CIMA) every fortnight. Everytime she did, she spent several days in the mansion with Averon. She had to go occasionally to the institute, sometimes bringing him along.
He learned that his mother was well-respected among the scholars.
“Lady Valery, welcome back! We’ll be having a discussion regarding the Mana Manipulation this evening in Dome Three, we would be proud if…”
“Lady Valery, please grace us with your presence in our conference next month.”
“Lady Valery, concerning our invitation last week, could you think it over? Having you with us would…”
“Oh my, what a cute boy you have Lady Valery!”
“So cute!”
“And chubby!”
“Oh my… playing with swords this young? So you want to succeed your father and grandfather eh?”
The people greeting her come in droves, and the number of lady scholars who came and caressed him was in dozens.
Averon did not ignore them, but he was more interested in the structure of the Academy. Located in the middle of the Central city, it was a large square land on a hill with walls complete with guards, one very large mansion-like building, three observatory domes with this huge telescope, residential areas and towers with guards and some Wyvern Riders flying around.
Looking at them reminded him of Demon Wyverns during the war. Wyverns, with two hind legs and two front legs, were majestic creatures. The difference of the demon one to a normal one was that it carried a dark presence, bloodlust and fierceness not akin to mere hunting for food.
- It’s normal Wyverns… didn’t see any in the villages…so in this world it’s quite rare as well… so this world managed to use them as a ride too… Anyway, this place gives off the feeling that the information available here is really valuable.
The visit was memorable, but nothing of significance. It seemed whatever his mother taught him was already the best in the field that he knew nothing before, the “Mana Manipulation”.
With Mana, one could enchant equipments for certain period of time. In Mana Manipulation subject, “Seals” were used in order to stabilize Mana in object, gave certain orders or directives and augmented its longevity to up to several years. It seemed his mother was particularly specialized in Mana Manipulation and the use of Seals to use it with much higher stability, potency and flexibility.
He learned that not many had reached her level of understanding, despite her young age of barely 20. Many Magic Institutes competed in their struggle to get her to affiliate herself with them. However, it seemed she chose CIMA due to it being close to to where her husband works.
Time went on…
Averon now started to take vegetables, fruits, goat’s milk, grain and fishes. Fortunately, rice was available from traders from eastern Cestia. Rice was his staple food in Astaria. He decided not to take meat yet as it might upset his stomach.
When he was in the village, he managed to mingle around the children his age. However, that was merely for appearance’s sake. At the time where he was left alone, he activated Nature’s aura and trained himself to conceal it. After months of training his new skill, he managed to activate Nature’s Aura without alarming anyone around, including his parents.
Since the skill used Nature Power, even his mother did not notice the presence around his body. It was a presence akin to nature herself, and thus people did not notice. He later trained to make his other skills available in fine details, since there could be circumstances, he thought, that he might have to use it without alarming others. It was better to avoid fame, since he was pretty much weak as a mere three year-old. He still carried his wooden sword around, though.
- Everyday, 10,000 swings! 10,000 push-ups, sit-ups, 40 KM run… divided by two! Huhu this body is still weak… I’ll have to defer Astarian Special Training Regiment for a few years at least.
His determination of undergoing massive physical training was noticeable to his parents, even with him playing dumb. His mother in particular, was worried.
- He takes after his grandfather too much… it would be better if he takes after Gerald. He trained hard, but not this hard. This is not normal… why would my little baby trained as if he’s a knight? Did his grandfather influence him that much?
*Haah…* She sighed.
Averon trained Mana Manipulation when no one was watching, and managed to reach a level where simple villager would not notice him activating his Mana Manipulation.
The difference between Mana Manipulation and Nature Manipulation was its source.
Mana came from within him, the energy his body processed from the nature. He then had to manipulate it by taking out Mana and convert it into several forms fitting his imagination.
- So in a way, its similar to Qi circulation… not that I know much, but General Chan did tell how he manage to do that destructive inner palm strike. One clean hit at the head of a Shrieker, it dropped dead, brain destroyed. He did say something about breathing technique. I did learn it, but…
Averon recalled one of his colleagues in Astaria. Back then, the breathing technique did reduce his stamina usage, thus making him able to battle well for a long time…
“This time…” He grinned.
- If it’s true… then I should be able to do the same! Imagine… channeling Mana into the palm, concentrating it… match it with the breathing pattern… release it into the ground all at once!
He remembered what his friend told him before.
“Inner palm strike!”
“Inner palm strike!”
“Inner palm strike!”
“Inner palm strike!”
“Inner palm strike!”
He tried it many times, yet that did not work.
- I guess it’s not going to be that easy… huhu… wait, is there any need to call out the technique’s name out loud?! Chan did it all the time so I thought it’s necessary?
Meanwhile, for Nature Manipulation it took the source directly from the environment. Directing water for various purpose, using wind to increase speed, hinder enemy movement with earth, collide the air around to produce lightning, and using the ether around to produce fire.
Some logic here probably would apply differently in different world.
For example, Fire-Breathing Demon Dragon took the ether around and turned it into the burning source of its devastating fire. It was made almost instantaneous, and it did not involve Mana. Fire Manipulation would be so much devastating should there be a volcanic source around.
Earth, Water, Lightning and Wind.
These were the elements Averon mastered during his past life.
- I’ll have to train using both Mana and Nature. In a way, it’s quite similar. Mana could probably be said as a processed form of Nature from a human’s body. There must be reason for God to give me both.
He pondered.
- Well, I’ll also train the usual breathing technique… ah, its already done… it’s a habit already.
Averon was three years-old.
In the village… He played with the children for a little while, then went out all by himself.
For such a young child, one might think it was preposterous to let him go out all alone.
However, this was a village where practically everyone knew each other and care for each other. There was no immediate danger as the village had fences and guards patrolled them frequently. Wells were located in places where people could see often, and were closed tight with wood cover when no one was using them.
There was a river flowing through, but it was too small to drown anyone, even to a three-year old. Averon found a spot beside a large kapok tree, well-hidden from prying eyes.
He froze the small river’s water using Mana! Then use water manipulation to unfreeze it!
Created an artificial pool using Earth manipulation.
Also use Mana to solidify the soil into solid substance.
Filled it with underground water, using Water Manipulation to channel it.
Heating… heated it with Mana!
And finally, soaked himself in the artificial hot spring…
- Huhuhuu… heaven… I’ll have to find some volcanic stones to put here and there…
He hesitated to use his new Fire Manipulation, since it came from the Demon Dragon…
He played around, um, trained until all his Mana was drained.
- Funny how easy it is to train Fire-based Mana…
He thought, since even in his past life he was never good in Fire Manipulation.
Another year passed on…
Averon was four years-old.
With his grandfather’s insistence, his mother Nea stayed with Averon in the mansion for several weeks at a time when she need to focus in her research, with her husband coming home every two or three days.
It was in the evening, when the sun was no longer up over the head. He rode his horse into the front of the mansion, and quickly searched for his father.
“Nea! Father! I’m home!”
“Gerald! Nice timing. Come and join us!”
At the back of the mansion, Averon’s grandfather, Heinz Valery, was in the middle of the sparring field, where the ground was cleared out of any grass and even pebbles. Averon was on the ground, gasping for air. His face was pale. Gerald looked around, noticing broken practice swords… in the dozens.
“Nea went out to the institute this morning. She’ll probably return soon.”
“Uhh… Father… don’t you think… this is… a bit too much?”
“Hm? What are you talking about… Oh the mess! We didn’t take any break so I didn’t bother cleaning up.”
“Didn’t take any break? How long have you been… sparring?”
With a four-year old!
“Hm? Hmm… since the sun started to fall…”
“That’s three to four hours, at least… Haah Father, please restrain yourself.”
“Restrain? Nonsense! The child himself never complains!”
- Even if I never complain, I had to agree with my father there… huhu… this old man is more brutal than me as an instructor…
“He got bruises all over.”
He put his hand on his son’s cheek, and casted Healing Hand, a type of healing Magic.
“He’s a boy, Gerald. That’s normal. You want to be strong, don’t you Averon?”
He looked him, expecting the usual answer. It was this question that continuously reminded him that he need to keep going on. His grandfather’s honesty and straight forward manner really impacted him. He thanked his father, then raised his upper body, now sitting in dogeza. His gripped his knuckle.
“Yes, Grandfather!”
“Ahh… I don’t care anymore… as long as you don’t cripple him or drive him insane…”
“Hah hah! He won’t… He might fell unconscious sometimes, but I’ll never let him damaged permanently.”
- Uh oh! Now I’m starting to regret answering his question that way! Whatever! Where’s my water…
Averon was five years old.
He was in the field, alone after his Grandfather trained him.
Afterwards his three uncles would usually train with him, but they were unavailable from then.
Why? Well, they just got married of course.
It was a hectic day, and Averon hated it.
He however, was happy for his uncles…
Who clearly seemed quite lonely.
The youngest was 19 already, so they had to force him to marry somehow.
They already had their eye on certain daughters of Knights.
All three were married at the same time.
So said his grandfather…
Though it was him who said to his sons,
“Those who had yet to be High Knight should not marry!”
It seemed the King had convinced him somehow.
Only Averon’s father managed to reach that rank, when he was 25. In these day and age, marrying someone at 25 was quite late. Fortunately, he managed to get a superior bride, a girl of 17. And Averon was successfully born a year later…
Averon just finished his morning routine and sparring with his grandfather. All bruised up, he sat down in the field alone, with a large kapok tree on his back shading him. Recently he became worried of how he had hit a plateau in his study of Mana Manipulation all by himself.
- I need a teacher… no, a Master… Mama could teach me well, but if she knew the level I achieved at five years of age, I think she’ll faint… and that’s the least of the worry… it’s imperative that I should not do so at this time.
The time he mentioned in his deliberation was the fact that… His mother was pregnant for six months.
“I just hope I’ll get a cute, healthy sister… huhu… I don’t want any brother!”
Spending his time for five years acting the role of a child, his mind was affected somehow…
- Haven’t checked it for awhile…
“Basic Stats Window.”
STATUS WINDOWNameAveron ValeryLevel25ClassNoneTitleMartyrFameLockedHP Regen2.0% per minuteMP Regen5.6% per minuteST Regen2.5% per minuteNP Regen12.0% per minute (MAX)STATUSHealth1970/1970Mana32800/32800Stamina4290/4290Nature60,000/60,000Strength160Agility175Vitality175Wisdom1800 + 1000Faith3000 + 3000Intelligence3000Fighting SpiritLOCKEDHonourLOCKEDCharismaLOCKEDLeadershipLOCKEDCharm72Luck1000Art110Endurance115AFFINITYEarth29%Water29%Lightning49%Wind51%Fire100%MAGIC RESISTANCEFIRELOCKEDWATERLOCKEDEARTHLOCKEDWINDLOCKEDLIGHTLOCKEDDARKLOCKED
Granted Lives: 27.
+Stats improve faster from physical exercise than normal Knights until you reach your previous life’s value.
+You may now learn Nature’s Aura up until Master level. Life Nature’s Aura (Ultimate Level) is now locked.
Main Title:
Hidden Title:
Two-Headed Demon Dragon Slayer
Other Title(s):
Successor of Astaria
Hero of Canterra
Tactical Strike Leader
Exemplary Knight
Style Freak
Unique Toddler
Genius Child
Undistributed Bonus Stat Point(s): 125
He gained experience from the intense sparring he had with his grandfather and sometimes, his father and uncles.
- Quite a slow growth… but still, faster than any of my age… Hmm I’m still wondering where I should distribute these bonus stat points… Grandpa said to do so as my heart told me… from what he said, the higher the stats, the harder it is to improve it later… so the best course of action would be the same as the years before… look at intelligence and wisdom… books no longer gave that much stats like before. The Luck stat did not so much as adding one more these four years… Even the nature affinity becomes harder as it goes. So I’ll have to wait until I really need to distribute it. Until then, train like crazy…
He noticed the word MAX beside the NP Regen…
- So there’s a MAX value for my Nature regeneration… NP, Nature Point, the value of how much the body could use nature… this Stats Window really tells me a lot. Nature Manipulation depended on Faith, my confidence in Our Creator…
For Mana Manipulation, I guess Grandfather would do…
“Young Master Averon, breakfast time!”
A maid called out to him from a distance.
- I promise. I’ll be even stronger than before! Way stronger… and smarter even!
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