《Ein Gard》Chp 3 This World Called Ein Gard
Within a year and a half, Averon managed to make some sense of the world around him.
The world was not that different from his world, albeit slightly technologically inferior. There were some airships, much to his relief. However, a long-range flight was not possible, thus sea route still remained dominant.
It seemed there were indeed gunslingers around, yet their existence were mysterious and they kept their knowledge as a well-guarded secret. Not many existed throughout the known history.
That caught his interest, yet he went on to gain knowledge of the now first…Knowledge of the fundamental aspects, which were different from his world. He grasped some understanding from listening to adult’s conversation, but confirming it through books would not hurt.
The world was called Ein Gard. He found the map. A bit incomplete and lack the names of minor nations and cities, yet it was a good reference to grasp the summary of the world politics in general.
From what he could hear, the land his family affiliated to and currently in was the Kingdom of Cestia, a prospering Kingdom of Commerce situated strategically in the middle between Continent of Arcad and Continent of Erlin.
Many nations who wished to circumvent the monopolization of Vrien Empire found Cestia to be the best alternative, especially in the trade with Serian Archipelago, the Minor Nations around Cestia and even Arcadia Federation further west.
Cestia was located in the continent of Trish, just below many minor nations of which the influence of Vrien Empire, was dominant. The empire was also a land of commerce, yet it engaged much in colonization policy and banking, dominating hundreds of vassal states in the east, in the Continent of Heraldia.
Averon noted he was born in a village near the Central City, Crest.
He wondered why Cestia was not dominated by Vrien. It must not be that easy, and such knowledge would be quite limited to acquire just from books, so he decided to ask his grandfather later on… when he could be considered mature enough.
- Did Vrien ruled here by proxy as well? Well, let’s say they didn’t… Let’s see… might be since Cestia have a good navy or coastal defenses… and the land connecting the Empire and Cestia is rather small, thus the land defense could be concentrated there. I wonder how much the existence of minor nations there influence the survivability of Cestia… what about their agents in the royal court… Ah, the role of Arcadia…
The were four notable Superpower…
After gathering much information, he made his initial conclusion…
Vrien Empire, to the North, Central City Visdan, was an old 1000+ years Superpower through its sea dominance, trade, monetary and colonization policy. Much was written of how it conducted its operations, book after books. It included slave trading as a major source of income. They euphemized it, but there can be no mistake about it. They also had dominance of commerce and policy in Kriz Union while staging a false façade that they had different agenda.
- Ah, a cunning Empire, eh… cheap, lying, deceitful bastards…
Harsh words!
From a toddler!
Alvinn Theocracy, to the Southeast, Central City Alvina, was Superpower through the spread of faith and compassion, dominated the land through the confidence of the masses. Strong land cavalry and armies.
- Oh? Interesting… I wonder if it’s a true religion or a false one… investigate more later.
Arcadia Federation, to the Northwest, Central City Saint Averburg, was a Superpower through its large amount of resources and self-sufficiency. The Federation was founded around seven hundred years ago, originating from a large warrior clan. It had been forging good relations with the many minor nations down until the Kriz Union. Famous for its War Behemoths and Garuda Knights, plus its technological superiority. It seemed their Knights had mysterious power similar to Mana.
- Hm, seems decent… must have capable leaders in lines… have to read their policies and applications. Hm? Arcadia… Averburg… sure sounds familiar… mysterious power… whatever, I’ll find out later.
Kriz Union, to the Southwest, Central City Misr, was a Superpower through an ideological revolution erupted around three hundred years ago. It was supposedly build to help the weak, and it seemed quite true to some extent within the first fifty years, yet the theory and application within the recent hundred years seemed very contradictory, at least with the information available so far.
- Uhh… a case where you should not judge a book by its cover… suspicious… there might be some people who are still good but… well, I’ll just defer my judgement now.
There were also notable major nations worth noting.
Cestia herself. A powerful nation with good relations with minor countries around it. Located between Superpowers in the sea, a really strategic location one must attain for world domination.
Then Armuld, Dusran dan Restia in the continent of Erlin. Powerful nations that resisted Vrien’s agenda for long years.
The Melc Island, with many tribes and city-states merging together to form a united front against Vrien Empire’s expansion, and Trias, a nation that withstood the colonization from Vrien, much to the credit of its neighbours in Erlin.
The Serian Archipelago was under protection from Arcadia Federation, and this stopped Vrien from having its claws on it, much to the relief of Cestia.
- It seemed Vrien has the most influence among the Superpowers, but it seemed to gather a lot of enemies as well. Arcadia could very well be second, but it restrained itself as a regional power. Why? Is it because of the Ocean…?
Alright, enough with politics for now.
The number of life one possessed. Yes, surprisingly so.
In this world, a normal person possessed two lives. Once they were killed or died, they would be revived again in another place, usually a cathedral or the nearest safest place possible. The revival would take around a week. If they died of disease or battle, they would have another chance to live. However, this does not do well for people who died of old age, usually 130-140 years old, since they would just die again within several years.
Yet he could see the possibility of the condition set here.
- Amazing. This mean people could fight in battle without worrying much so long as they have another life to spare.
Meanwhile, an excellent person, given birth from family of Knights or powerful people, would possess three lives instead of two. They were sought after by nations and principalities since they could be trained and have two lives to waste in battle, one to spare.
And thus bloodline was important. Such hereditary element was of high value in any country, and thus, they supported their knights to have a lot of sons in order to bolster their country’s might.
Additionally, should one do great deeds deemed to be worth it, it was believed that another life would be conferred to the said person. Knights were trained to be honourable and excellent, in hope that they might be given another life by the Creator.
Averon wondered if he had three lives available.
There was another reason why Knights were sought after. The power of the Knights here were a whole lot different than normal foot soldiers. An average Knight could take on a hundred foot soldier in a level battlefield. Of course, this was similar to Astaria, yet it seemed they were strong not entirely because of physical training.
It was the existence of Mana.
Reading on, he knew that people who came from family of knights had stronger potential in Magic and higher Mana pool. A theory also suggested such condition was due to the parents and their lineage of the layers and layers of people with high affinity to Mana. Another one suggested that it was due to early on experience and training in magic. They had uncanny ability to combine physical attacks using Mana, resulting in devastating attacks.
Higher than Knights in pure Magic potential were Mages and Magic Scholar, but they were not front line unit.
- So the so-called magic is practically the same with our magic. A bit of difference here, usually only Magicians use Magic, while we Astarian Knights use Nature Manipulation or for some, Qi Manipulation. Magic reminds me of Dark Arts though… is it similar to how water element could heal, wind element increases speed and overall power? I did not study it and was not that close with the court magicians… They were quite capable. I remember some of them… Ah, need to read more… Maybe I’ll act spoiled sometimes and ask Mama to explain while sitting on her laps… heuheuheu…
And Forth,
He read about the “Stats Window”. Usually available to youth with enough maturity and excellence, they could call upon it using their voice. Upon saying so, they could monitor their growth and excellence in basic numerical value. The value was not all that determine their worth though.
“Skills” and “Mastery” played a role as well.
“Level” was stressed as not the value of fighting force, just suggestion on one’s experience in battle.
“Bonus Stats Skill” was given in every level up. One may freely distribute it to certain Stats and increased it that way.
One’s Stats Window could only be viewed by him or herself.
However, the wise author of the book stressed that the decision one made in times of need could very well differentiate between one who truly was excellent and one who was excellent only numerically.
- So usually a child of Knights between age of 9 to 11 could call upon their Stats Window, huh… why don’t I try out…
“Stats Window”
He said so, to the surprise of the Maids.
“D-did he just said…?”
“So he really did read those books!”
They wondered whether the Stats Window really did appear…
The toddler’s amusement confirmed it. Both of them were in confusion.
“He did it! W-what should we do?”
“I’ll call on the Lady and Master. Look after him for awhile. Don’t take your eyes off him.”
“Alright. Please be back soon…”
Averon was delighted. He suspected it, but for it to emerge in front of him, meant that God acknowledged him as mature enough. Well, with 43+1.5 years of experience…
The toddler was mature enough.
STATUS WINDOW Name Averon Valery Level 0 Class None Title Martyr Fame Locked HP Regen 2.0% per minute MP Regen 5.0% per minute ST Regen 2.5% per minute NP Regen 11.0% per minute STATUS Health 44/44 Mana 27,500/27,500 Stamina 21/21 Nature 57,000/57,000 Strength 4 Agility 4 Vitality 4 Wisdom 1500 + 1000 Faith 2500 + 3000 Intelligence 2500 Fighting Spirit LOCKED Honour LOCKED Charisma LOCKED Leadership LOCKED Charm 50 Luck 1000 Art 100 Endurance 1 AFFINITY Earth 25% Water 25% Lightning 49% Wind 50% Fire 100% MAGIC RESISTANCE FIRE LOCKED WATER LOCKED EARTH LOCKED WIND LOCKED LIGHT LOCKED DARK LOCKED Granted Lives: 27.
- Stats improve faster from physical exercise than normal Knights until you reach your previous life’s value.
- You may now learn Nature’s Aura up until Master level. Life Nature’s Aura (Ultimate Level) from your previous world is now locked.
Main Title: Martyr
- You have proven your worth.
You died in defense of your people, without any arrogance or conceit. Under God’s Favour, you are allowed to keep your previous memories and skills. Your previous Life Nature’s Aura augmented your ability by a factor of 24 in fighting off the Demons, the highest value done so far. Thus, you have been granted 24 extra lives in addition to 3 from your family.
Overall abilities were streamlined to fit in this world. However, most of your abilities will be kept locked until you are physically mature to cultivate proper growth.
For now, you may use your Mana and Nature Manipulation and your new skill, Nature’s Aura (Lesser Version) without sacrificing yourself. This information is for your knowledge only.
Demons would know you are a Martyr when they take a proper look at you. Some might become more hostile.
Fame +40,000 (Locked)
Wisdom +1000.
Fighting Spirit +1000 (Locked)
Charisma +100 (Locked)
Face to face, brave and honourable people will trust you better.
Be at ready. You have the responsibility to quench evil and oppression.
Hidden Title: Two-Headed Demon Dragon Slayer
- You have slain the fearsome Two-headed Demon Dragon of the Demon world! Your name had been spread across the worlds as the only human in history to defeat the Two-headed Demon Dragon, pride beast of the Demon Overlord.
You have shamed the Demons Army. Demons affiliated with them across dimensions would hunt you if the knowledge of your existence reached them. The Force fighting Demons Army across five dimensions had your name chanted in raising morale against the terrible scourge of the Demons’ horde.
This Title is hidden for the time being.
Faith +3000.
Fame +1,000,000. (Locked)
Inherit All Fire Affinity and Traits of the Two-headed Demon Dragon.
Nature Affinity increased tremendously during times of need.
All Stats +100. (Locked)
Hostility with the Demons Army is at Maximum. (Locked)
Other Title(s):
Successor of Astaria
Hero of Canterra
Tactical Strike Leader
Exemplary Knight
Style Freak
Unique Toddler
Undistributed Bonus Stat Point(s): 0
- HP 44… it said in the book that normal adults without training have 600-800 HP… means I’m so squishy right now… huhu… Granted lives… 27! Martyr… Slayer… Hah, so that fire-breathing freak dead huh… yosh! …Hm? Style freak…? Whatever. Fame locked… I see, Thank you, O God… for hiding me from the Demons… Fame invites disaster…
Finally, Fifth…
The Demon Army had yet made their appearance. However, records of incidents involving demons existed within the writings of historian. Though no all-out war had ever been waged, punitive campaigns had been waged from time to time.
From the descriptions of creatures existed he identified Growlers, Minotaurs, Steel Serpents, Skeleton warriors and other types of lesser Demons. Medium-class Demons occasionally appeared, causing much commotion. The appearance of higher level Demon, such as pure-blood Vampire, was very rarely reported and the existence of a Demon Dragon was considered as an Ancient legend… told in tales of the storytellers.
- No Shriekers, huh? Thank God, thank God... Vampires would’ve been better, they took blood usually for their necessary nutrient anyway, once every several years. A Shrieker could easily destroy a town on a whim.
Averon recalled.
The higher-level here hint on their battle prowess such as destructive capability. It did not mean the higher-level one possessed smart mind, though it usually the case. If the power was overwhelming but the mind was not well-developed, it could still be considered high-level. A Shrieker was one prime example. In this contrary, Vampire, though not as destructive as a Shrieker, possessed superior intelligence, style, creativity and flexibility.
There were only handfuls of Vampires in the Demon Army, most did not join and chose to stay neutral. Some reported that there were vampires who cooperated to kill a Shrieker when it was going to destroy the town they lived in. Astaria chose to treat them as neutral existence, and publicly declared any vampire who did no crime or hunted just enemy of Astaria would be left alone. Any who wished for blood could register and took the necessary blood from the blood bank.
It was a move to ensure public safety and focused on only aggressive ones.
Shrieker was a giant crawler demon, four-legged, with body much like human, but backbone and thorns evident at the back, with giant eagle-like claws as its feet. The head was similar to a fish with mouth gaping wide, baring its human-sized teeth. Very ferocious.
It got its name from its nasty habit of shrieking in high pitch frequency, piercing its enemies’ consciousness and fighting spirit. Many trembled at the sight of such giant, easily bigger than a thirty metres ship, shrieking from the distance. It was a lot smaller than the seventy metres Demon Dragon, but seeing its numbers in the front line easily destroyed the morale of young recruits.
- Killing even one cost me a massive heart-pounding action…. Those things are quite fast… How many did I defeat… hmm forty? Well even so I didn’t do it alone…
Knowing that the Demon Army not yet made their appearance in this world gave him hope.
- I wonder if my people were transported to this world as well… I stopped the dragon somehow so they could be somewhere out there… regardless, I definitely need to be stronger… way stronger…
The fact that he had 27 lives hit him.
“Be at ready. You have the responsibility to quench evil and oppression.”
- Could it be… The God gave me this much lives for this purpose? So this world is next… No matter. I’ll protect the people of this world… This world called Ein Guard.
Forgive me for the lack of coding.... :-fightingchicken:-
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