《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Chapter 11: Squint-master 5000
Look forward to the next chapter, Ladies and Gentlemen! :)
I can feel bloodlust seeping through the air. It comes from the questionable addition to the shop – a group of men looking slightly out of place here. They have all the fancy shit the nobles are waltzing around in, but… their boots… they have mud on them. There is no mud on the streets.
Where did that mud come from? And why aren’t they hiding their bloodlust. Maybe they are trying to, but have little training in it?
I manoeuvre closer to where the two ladies are changing to make sure I get there first in case they decide to attack. They picked out to very beautiful dresses intended for more formal ceremonies. Actually… I picked them out, but they changed their minds, and found something else until the scary shopkeeper told the two of them that they would look good in it.
They take the word of a random stranger, but not the man they have spent at least a month with. I would think that I have built up some accountability by now.
I sulk while keeping an eye on the group of men. When I entered the hallway to the changing room, the men started looking on female underwear – which by chance, happens to be just outside of the changing room. I don’t know if they are good or bad at their job. I probably wouldn’t have noticed what they are doing if it wasn’t for the fact that I can feel their intent.
What worries me is that the ladies will get out of the changing room eventually. That means they will have to walk past this small group of men. A small group of men that … you know… just happens to be looking at female underwear.
Ok! It is decided! They are bad at their job.
I can hear the sound of curtains open, and Eliyon walks over to me. She is truly stunning in that gorgeous red dress. It is hanging halfway loosely on her body, but it gives me glimpses of her curves as she walks towards me. Her breasts look enchanting hidden underneath the lacy torso on her dress. Not too big, not too small. Just perfect.
You can see just enough skin to make things interesting, but also hide everything important. Her perky bottom begs for my attention when she spins around in a pirouette showing off how the dress looks on her.
I can only look at the goddess in front of me with worship.
“How do I look”, she asks me with a knowing smile.
“You truly look like a goddess in that dress, Eliyon. Just… stunning”.
She gives me a gentle smile before walking over to me.
“And you one of the very few men in this country that is able to see me in this dress”.
I find it hard to tear my eyes off Eliyon, but in the corner of my eye, I can see the group of men looking at her with quick glances while they look at the ladies’ underwear.
Fucking underwear. Seriously, boys? Why didn’t you just pull your dicks out and have a circle jerk. Ladies fucking underwear…
I can’t believe the tailor hasn’t chased them out yet, but I guess he accepts customers in any shapes and forms.
I didn’t even notice Sera exiting the dressing room. She does her usual thing – wraps her arms around me, while whispering in my ear;
“Do you want to see how your lover looks in her dress?”.
Something in her voice makes my blood stir, and I nod frantically.
She unwraps herself from me, and I turn around.
She has picked out a pure black dress. It is more tight fitting, but it doesn’t have the same laces on the torso as the one Eliyon picked out. This dress leaves more to the imagination, but it follows Sera’s hourglass body exquisitely.
If I was to put a word on how she looks, it would be “delicious”. She looks like a perfect fruit ready for my taking.
A goddess and a delicious meal. Just what my tense heart needs right now. The men seem to be just as captivated as I am, but when they start moving closer, I decide to take action. I gently pull the two women into a dressing room with me, and whisper to them;
“The group outside have been tailing us for a while. I don’t know for how long, but they keep moving into the line of sight every time we go somewhere they can’t see us. They have been fondling the ladies’ underwear now for the past few minutes while subtly sneaking glances in our direction. They have mud on their boots, so they have probably not been following us on the road. Please wait here while I go and have a nice little chat with them”.
I give the girls a reassuring smile as I exit the dressing room. At this point the group of men have started moving closer, but when they see me looking at them, they try to go back to staring at the women’s lingerie.
Guys… haven’t you realized that I have caught you? And here I was even wondering if you guys were good at you job.
I walk towards the men with a friendly smile on my face.
“Is there something I can help you guys with? You have been looking at my ladies pretty intensely for the last few minutes. Don’t you think it is pretty suspicious that you keep looking at my women while fondling lingerie? It does look good on them, I admit”.
One of the men in a fancy suit looks away from the lingerie and starts to speak.
“Sorry if we have offended you, but we are looking for gifts for our ladies. My lady looks quite comparable Sera, so I figured I would use her as my model. No harm in looking, right?”
“Of course not! No harm, no foul. However, what I am curious about is how you knew her name?”.
The realization that they are busted is starting to emerge in their minds, and I can see their faces transform from friendliness to open hostility. I look over and the tailor, and give him an apologetic look.
This might get bloody…
The first man attempting to run out the door is met with a palm to the solar plexus. I can hear the air being pushed out of his lungs, and he falls to the ground heaving for breath. I use one of my swords to hit his spinal cord. Out of air, and unconscious he lays head first in the surprisingly clean floor of the tailor shop.
Huh… that was easy? What have you been doing all this time? I’ve had shits that had more training than what you have…
Now that I am blocking their only exit, they have no choice but to draw weapons. There aren’t many men, and I can probably get information out of the one laying on the floor, but if I can manage to take all of them in, then great!
I sheath my swords – wouldn’t want to mess up these beautifully crafted clothes, now do we?
“Let’s get this party started, boys!”, I think with a huge grin on my face. I must look like the devil right now, because the men start retreating somewhat.
Oooh no, you don’t! Not where the goddesses are! Those tits… those asses… Soo nice and round… Shit… I need to masturbate now…
With my telekinesis infused body, I fly across the floor and into the group of stalkers… or whatever I am to call them. The two first men don’t quite understand what has happened until they meet the same fate as the man fleeing. When the rest of the group catches on, I have already disarmed the next opponent, and is shoved back at the 3 remaining combatants.
Man… are everyone this easy? I had anticipated a bit more resistance…
The three men are knocked on the floor by the weight of their flying companion. I use some Naturakinesis to force roots up from the floor. I have been hesitating to use it inside the shop, but since they are basically laying targets right now, I figure a few holes in the floor won’t hurt.
After binding all the men, and gagging them with a piece of cloth I so generously extracted from their tunic, I move back to the dressing room to tell them the coast is clear.
“Sera, Eliyon. You can exit the dressing room now”.
“We know. Can you give me my clothes, Please? They are in the other dressing room”, Sera’s birdsongy voice tell me.
“Aah sure! Give me a second”, I tell her as I start gathering her clothes.
I exit the dressing room, and walk over to where the two ladies are hidden. I hold her clothes through the curtains, and wait for her to take them.
Someone in there are trailing their fingers down my hand, and it drives me insane.
“Girls… There are a bunch of men laying outside that would much rather be going back to whoever sent them. Are you two planning on letting them? Take your clothes now, Sera. I will see if I can contact some guards”, I tell the two – hopefully naked – ladies inside the dressing room. At least that is what I am imagining them as… Naked and very touchy… uhuhuhu.
“Aaaww, Aki~if! You are no fun at all!”, Sera’s tells me with a mock pouty voice while someone is trailing their fingers down my hand some more. I just shake my head at my little seductress. That is a new word she taught me over the month we travelled together. Seductress… Seeeduuuuuctress. Rolls off the tongue like a beautiful made poem, doesn’t it? That or rotten fruit.
Apparently the girl she hates at the Inn was one of them. I don’t quite know why she calls her that, but… she does. She didn’t really strike my fancy. Nice to look at when you are bored, but… nothing else.
She grabbed the clothes, and I am free to do what I planned on. The tailor has been looking at us with a glint in his eyes, and the feeling of my ass squinting can be felt when he gazes at me with great intensity.
“Handsome AND knows how to fight? I must say… those women you came with are lucky!”.
“Aah? Why do you say that?”.
“Well… just take a compliment, will you?”, he tells me with a slight blush.
Aight… That man was definitely dropped on his head a few to many times as a child…
“Well, thank you!”, I tell the man with a smile. He nods his head and look over to the men rolling on the floor. They are trying to yell… I think. Whatever they are doing, it is failing miserably.
“You mind finding a guard while I keep an eye on these people? We will pay you for the cost of the floor”.
“Sure. I leave them to you then!”.
The squint-master 5000 walks off to find a guard, and I sit down with the rather unruly group of people that so rudely interrupted my otherwise very nice day.
I didn’t even get any food for fuck sake... Seriously… I get pissy when I don’t get my food. I didn’t even have breakfast! “You will get fat if you eat that much”, they said… “Go two rounds”, they said. “Don’t eat yellow snow”, they said.
See? THIS is what happens when I don’t get to eat my fill… If it got to eat as much as I wanted in the morning, I wouldn’t be hungry right now!
Who knows when a few cuntflaps shows up and demands my attention. Now I have to sit here and wait on the fucking guards to get the fingers out of their asses, and take care of these dudes. Fuck… I want to piss on them now.
Is it weird that I want to piss on them? I don’t think it’s weird I want to piss on them. Pissing relieves stress. Pissing on someone that made you stressed, relieves even more stress.
Soo… Stressed? Piss on the one that made you stressed. The secret to a happy life! That and my goddesses.
My introspective analysis on how the world works is broken by the honey laced words coming from Eliyon.
“Here you are, my saving angel. What would we do without you? Who knows what those men would have done to us while we were in the dressing room. They wouldn’t have been standing outside waiting for us to tell them to enter, that is for sure”, She tells me with bewitching voice.
Ok… what has gotten into those two. They are telling me that I am weird, but I seriously start feeling like a prey here!
“How long are you planning on keeping us waiting”, Sera tells me as she strokes her fingers across my cheek while she is looking through the room for more clothes.
Eliyon sits down in my lap, and pulls my hands around her. I don’t offer much resistance, but when she starts gently wiggling her ass in my lap, I feel like I have to say something.
“Eli… I will have to talk with the guards… What do you think they will be thinking when they see their princess rubbing her ass in my lap? You can feel that it is working”, I say, making sure she understands the effect it has on me. It is really hard to keep myself from touching her right now.
Ok… What is going on?
“Girls? Why are you acting like this?”
“Don’t worry, Akif… you will see in the evening”, Sera tells me with a smirk while she looks at a tunic she seems to have taken a liking to.
The guards took their time, and by the time they arrived, the men had already woken up. Eliyon was still sitting in my lap when they came, and I practically had to lift her up as I tried to stand. Of course the guards noticed my little issue down stairs, but they didn’t say anything. Probably because it was their princess that was the culprit of my predicament.
On the orders of Eliyon, the guards took the men with them to the castle in a carriage. Of course they didn’t go without a fight, but after I yelled at them with a telekinetic infused voice, they became VERY agreeing.
Sera and Eliyon have made my life harder and harder (and not just my life, mind you), but somehow I managed to stay strong. As soon as we came to the castle, the men were taken down to a dungeon system they have underneath the castle for those prisoners they keep telling the world they don’t have.
I run to the dining room to get myself some food, but on the way there I am meet with Tittysaurus 1 to 4.
Great… Them again.
“And here we have the slave. What are you doing here, and what makes you think you can speak to us like that? The queen will be having a chat with you about what you said to us”, Tittysaurus 3 told me as she looked at me with the same disdainful eyes as she did before.
Seriously… what is wrong with these women? I think I was pretty clear earlier. SHIT! I REALLY want to stab them…
I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. For some reason I have become very aggressive lately, but I am sure it is nothing.
I am probably just hungry.
“Tittysaurus 3. Why don’t you go and, I don’t know… jerk off a homeless man or something? I am sure he would be very willing. Give him some money while you are at it. At least you would contribute with something instead of wasting the time of the women that help rule this country”, I tell the cunt as I walk past the four ladies blocking my road. They don’t seem to register that I am moving closer after hearing what I said, but at this point, I don’t give a flying fuck about what they think.
I just want some food. *Sob* Is that too much to ask for?
Literally force my way through the wall of flesh in front of me, and I make sure to get a good feel as I do.
I have become a lot more… free with my impulses as well. It doesn’t help the fact I feel like I am about to make it rain cum either.
The noble women are still standing in the hallway when I enter the dining area. I see a pretty little girl around 11-12 years old running around cleaning up the plates.
“Hello there! Do you guys have any food, by chance? I am starving”.
She seems not to have heard me coming, and yells out a loud “Woah!” when she hears my voice. She looks at me like a scared kitten, but when she sees my smiling face, she calms down.
“Aah! Yes… If you want to I can make you something to eat. I am not very good at it, but I can try?”, She tells me with a sweet smile only a child can give.
“Sounds like a plan! Make enough for the both of us. I don’t enjoy eating alone. I have done that far too much in my life”, I tell her as she starts running to the kitchen. I sit down by the table – a thick oak table that is literally raised out of the wood the house is made of. I have no idea how they managed to do it, but the wood the house is made of is not the same as the one the table is made out of. It is quite an impressive feat!
The dining room is beautiful. Green leaves can be seen lightly placed over the brown wooden walls, and intricate paintings and paters are engraved into the beautifully crafted walls. The table can fit at least 14 people comfortably, and the chairs are made out of the same wood as the table is made out of. They aren’t one with the house, but they seem to be attaching themselves to the wooden floor slowly. I think it is just a matter of time before they share the same fate as the table.
The little girl comes humming to me with a beaming smile on her face. As we eat, she keeps telling me about herself nonstop. It is actually quite relieving to just listen for once, and not speak. She is talking like a waterfall, this one.
Apparently she is named Tinia … something. She just reached 11 years old, and she had a big party in the servant’s quarters. I have no clue where that is, but it sounded pretty awesome. All her friends came, and they went riding on Dunedime beasts and shit. Just add some mead into that mix, and you basically have an episode that happened while we were on the road south of here.
I almost thought Sera would attack me when we went to sleep that night. She was… vigorously interested in me.
The conversation breaks off when Louvian enters the room. Tinia gets up, and does a deep curtsey before starting to walk off. With a deep voice I tell the girl to finish her food before running off.
“You have any idea how many people would literally kill to eat what you just left behind, Tinia?”, I tell her.
She turns around while looking at the king, but she seems to be a lot more scared of me than of the king right now, so she runs back and wolfs down her food before running off.
Louvian looks at the girl with an amused glint in his eye, before suddenly growing serious.
“It seems like the humans have killed Balfin. Sera is the sole survivor of her family right now. We have already made preparations to have someone pick up everything of importance from her old house”.
The next chapter will me a bit of an info dump if my inspiration doesn`t spiral out of control. That being said, there will be some interesting events people are looking forward to read (including yours truly)
- In Serial88 Chapters
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Everywhere Isaac goes people die. The magician has learned to shrug in the face of death. Not foolhardy enough to laugh, nor fast enough to run, he greets its repeated appearance with blasé resignation. Whether he's collecting arcane artifacts for the mysterious agency known as Arrangement or doing a freelance demon summoning, all of his half-hearted attempts at preserving life seem to go awry. Blanketed by the shadow of his former master - a magician most believe to be a myth - Isaac just wants to do his job and keep his head low. As he encounters professional witch hunters, a failed feline familiar, angry cannibals, a possessed moonshine jug, and a competitive cabal of necromantic surgeons, Isaac finds that he's becoming very popular with the wrong kind of people. Book 1: The Albatross Tales - complete Book 2: The Furious Sons - TBA Cover by @Guinealove2005 at Instagram - Her business inquiry email is: [email protected]
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The Novel's Extra's Extra
As a reader, Cristopher always looked for things that entertained him, didn't matter what the "critics" said, all that matters was his own opinion on the novel, so he started reading "The Novel's Extra", a webnovel that despicts an author who is transmigrated to his own novel. It was fun and all with its own good and bad points, really, one of his favorites novels at the end of the journey, and that's taking into account the little fact that he didn't have too many things he was able to enjoy, not in that empty shell that was called life for him... Why could someone be born like that? With a void inside, an endless void that slowly consumes oneself... But... for better or worse... everything changed one day, the same day he woke up to discover he had the same faith of the author whose novel he just finished reading, becoming an extra in a novel, becoming The novel's extra's extra... /Ok, now that's the description I thought of... first of all, for those of you who are reading this, if any, a few points I have to make clear: 1. I'm not an english native speaker, so if you find anything wrong in the text, please let me know, that would help me learn, and I would be thankful for that.2. I'm writting this out of pure "enjoyment", so while I'll try to be constant, I'll not make any promises.3. True reason why I'm writing this is because I'm going through a moderate to crippling depression right now (and no, is not because anything trully bad and horrendous happened to me, it seems to have something to do with my brain's malfuctioning, among other things), and doctors told me to try writing as I enjoy reading. So yeah, this is more like a self-help excercise, to keep myself distracted while trying to be safe from my self.4. I choose to make a fanfiction of "The Novel's Extra" as I don't trully know how to write, and because I really loved that webnovel, though there are some points I didn't particulary liked.5. If you see some (let's be clear, really much) self insertion on this series, well, that may be me trying to escape reality, to which I make an early warning and disclaimer, and also ask for forgiveness, as I said before, this is more of an excercise, so don't take it too serious.6. I'll be a slow writer, as I have to still check a few things from the novel, even when I've read it like 3 or 4 times already, and because I know shit about writing a novel or a series.7. If you get to enjoy this, then that's good, I would be glad about it, maybe even more motivated, but I don't really expect this to be any good. Thanks to you all who may, or may not, be reading this novel./
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