《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Chapter 10: Tittysaurus 1 to 4
Akif POV
Atre comes at me with his sword drawn. I can see the determination in his eyes. Sadly, I can’t go all out on him… I don’t think killing the brother of the king in his own home is acceptable.
Buuut! That doesn’t stop me from having a bit of fun!
I parry his overhead strike with a curved parry. Both of us are currently using telekinesis to enhance our bodies, but that is it. We figured that it would be bad for business if we were to send out flames and shit, inside a tree.
The loud sound of metal clashing together and subsequently sliding off excite me. I can feel the adrenalin rushing through my body as I dodge blow after blow with minimum avoidance. Atre is smiling menacingly – a look he always has on his face when we spar.
I figure it is time for me to go on the offence. Atre has had his fun for now.
A blade that was intending on cutting down on my shoulder is blocked with my left sword while I plant the pummel of my right straight into his ribs. I can feel the destruction of flesh and bone happening inside his body. I held back, of course. I don’t want to kill the elf. He is a good dude!
“You leave yourself too open after an attack. Remember! Attack and evade. Don’t attack and stand there like a freshly raped granny!”, I tell the moaning elf after stepping away from him.
“Yeah… I know. I just didn’t expect you to attack… You have been defending thus far”.
“Do you expect opponents to behave like you want them to? If I went into the arena with that mind-set, I would have a dagger so far up my ass I would be tasting the shit covered blade for months, Atre”.
“Got it…” he tells me while holding onto his ribs. I send some Naturakinesis to heal up the damages I inflicted. I have become pretty good at that lately. He doesn’t complain much though. I even chopped of his arm once – accidentally, of course. It was pretty interesting to figure out how to attach it again.
“Shit, Akif… you aren’t holding back at all are you”, Louvian tells me while looking worriedly at his brother.
“Louvian… I got off easy this time…”, the half dead prince tells his brother.
Louvian and the girls come closer now that they see we have made a temporary hiatus in our sparring session. He pulls out a card of some sort and hands it to me.
“The…Rapist… Why would I go to a rapist? I could have stayed in the barracks if I enjoyed butt play…”, I tell Louvian with a wondering look.
“THERAPIST, Akif… THERAPIST!” He yells at me.
“And what is a “Therapist?”.
“It is the specialist we were talking about a few days ago?”.
“And why would I talk with him? Or her… I don’t judge…”.
I make sure to cover all my bases. The queens are quite touchy regarding what jobs are suitable for men and women for some reason. “Women can be just as good in combat as men can”, Cynthia – the first wife of Louvian – argued.
Of course I agree on that sentiment, but there is an undeniable fact that men are physically stronger than women. Women have to train a lot harder to achieve the same result in close combat. They are highly skilled long range combatants, however. There is a drive force and focus women have that we men seem to lack. That doesn’t mean women shouldn’t do close combat! They have higher agility than men… Fuck… now I confused myself…
“Because you need it?”
“Why is that? I am not complaining about my life?”
“Well… you may not know this, but you are a bit of a damaged man, Akif”.
Now the man is starting to piss me off. I can see the faces of the people around me tighten in anticipation of what is to happen here.
“Louvian… Is this going to become an issue? Do I have to go to a therapist if I am to live here? I have lived in slave barracks for my entire life. Although it is nice to have all this fancy shit surrounding me, I don’t need it. I am perfectly happy with living on the streets or rent a room in an Inn. Sera’s father gave me enough money to live comfortably for years, and if I get poor, then… I’ll just have to go to the woods and slaughter some animals, now don’t I? Food and hide always sells well”.
Eliyon grabs her father’s head and pulls him down at her eyelevel. He is easily 20 cm higher than her, thus making his stance quite odd-looking when he bends down.
“Sperm shooter. Akif may be damaged, but it is not something me and Sera can’t handle. Do you understand that? As you can see and feel on your body – he is not interested in going to a therapist. That type of bloodlust is hard to mistake for acceptance. Haven’t you been looking at him for the past few days? He is probably one of the most well-adjusted people in this city. Yeah, he has a weird stor…”
And there I lost connection with the world.
Rapist…Rapist… AAAH! I REMEMBER WHERE I HAVE THAT WORD FROM! Wasn’t it when four eared Joar got taken in the ass? That is probably why I connected that word with ass play. Oooh… the look on his face when a 2.35 m tall Cyrildian pulled down his pants and bent him over the dinner table. He looked like he was going to shit himself! Actually… He did after the dude was finished with him! “I`m a virgin! I`m a virgin”. BWAHAHAHAHA! Aaah! That explains where I have the word virgin from… I don’t think I want to lose my virginity if that is what it entails… He couldn’t walk properly for weeks! BWAHAHAHAH!
Good times… And now I am stuck with a mentally slow king, and his brother that makes it way too easy for me to kill him… I need to find better opponents. Maybe the adventurer’s guild has some decent dudes to fight?
“Akif? Are you listening?” Sera asks me with a gentle voice.
“I said, are you listening”.
“I heard that… Do you need my help with something?” I tell her with a sweet smile on my face.
“No… not really… you just kinda zoned out”.
“It looked like you guys could handle Louvian, so I was remembering a funny story from the barracks”.
“You remembered something horrible, I presume”, Sera blurts out.
“Depends on your definition of horrible. Does involuntary man to man butt play count as horrible?”, I ask my lover with a wondering look.
“Yes it does, Akif”, she nods strongly.
“Ok… I`m not going to tell you that story then… but if any man in this house have any ideas of taking my virginity, their cock will be introduced to the wonders of Ohmium blades”, I tell her while looking at Louvian and Atre.
“Take your virginity? NOPE! DON’T ANSWER THAT QUESTION!”.
Louvian seems to be terrified of hearing my answer, so I leave him be.
Hey… it wasn’t that bad… That is one of the nicer stories of that place… I was a bit grossed out when I found a floating head in the stew… Good thing I didn’t eat any stew that day!
I figure that we have been standing here long enough, so I head towards the dining area. I am hungry as fuck, and could use some food.
I wonder how the stew tastes here… Hmm… maybe I should eat some?
I can feel two soft hands reaching for me. The two beauties seem to be tired with the two old-timers. I am very happy having them accompany me, but for some reason Eliyon has been quite… close to me lately. She kisses me on the cheeks from time to time, I am sure it is just her way of showing her friendliness. She is a very beautiful woman, though… Kind aswell…
The castle is made in the same style as the rest of the city. It is a giant fucking tree, that has been hollowed out somehow. Hallways can be found everywhere. Rooms of all shapes and sizes are randomly spread around the place. I had to ask Eliyon for a map of the place, but sadly they don’t have any maps, so I am stuck with her as my guide. Not that I am complaining. She is a sweet girl. A girl that makes my day feel better.
When I think about it; She is very comparable to Sera in that area. The two of them are practically identical.
Kind and loving, but fierce from time to time. They certainly are with me.
One thing I have learned from the two of them, is that a smart man is a man that knows when to pick his battles. No point in arguing when you can do something easily. A smart man is also a man that bends down to the female supremacy. Sometimes the ladies are right – even though they are wrong.
It is just the way it is.
I don’t hate being told what to do though. I am used to it – it was my life for 16 years after all. The added bonus of a kiss is very welcome as well. And! I get to hold their hands, which is nice!
I mention to the ladies that I intend to find something to shove into my face hole. I ask Eliyon if they have stew here, and she replies with a;
“No, but I am sure they can make some for you”.
Somehow that brightens me up – although I am already as bright as the sun… That didn’t make any sense, but… fuck it. It is true.
We enter the dining area, and the queens are sitting there chatting with some random ladies while drinking some wine. The ladies are good looking as well! Just like every fucking elf in this place. For some reason it kind of pisses me off, but I decide not to care. Not my problem.
They don’t hold a candle to Sera and Eliyon… but their tits are fucking epic! Tittysauruses… Yup! Tittysaurus 1 to 4. From left to right.
“Akif! How did the practice go?”.
“Went well! Atre still uses too much time to get away from a possible counter, but I think the few broken ribs he suffered will fix that issue. Nothing like a bit of pain to increase the pace of your ability to learn!”
“Ladies! This is Akif. He used to be a slave, but gained his freedom after becoming the champion of the arena in Alymor – Cosir. You should watch him fight someday! Trust me! It is a sight you will never forget”.
I can see the ladies looking at me with the faces of distain after the word “slave” is uttered. They seem to judge my whole life based on that one word, and it infuriates me.
FUUUCK THIIIS! First I have Louvian telling me I need a fucking therapist, and here I have 4 cunts looking at me as if I am covered with shit! I am not taking this any longer!
“Oi… Tittysaurus 1 to 4. Is there something wrong with me having been a slave?”
The ladies look at me as if I have offended their whole ancestry.
“Did you grow mute? I may be bad at reading emotions for now, but I am PERFECTLY able to see what you guys were thinking after you heard the word “Slave”. Cynthia, Aelynn and Vissa. I am sorry for being so rude to your guests, but the sight of distain is something I have seen my entire life. I am NOT going to stand here taking it again without saying anything. Tittysaurs 1 to 4 can come and apologize if they are interested, but if they are not, then they can go and fuck a tree for all I care”. I can feel my blood boiling in rage, and the aghast faces of the noble ladies – presumably - are looking at me in shock.
“That’s right, you cunts. I can slay each and every one of you before you guys even realizes you are dead. You should learn to stop acting like complete braindead mice. People aren’t just the words used to describe them. People are living things. Yes, I used to be a slave, but I was also a man that used to kill people regularly.
I am used to bloodshed, and adding a couple of pretty ladies like yourself doesn’t go against what I am standing for at all. Equality? That is equality for you, cunts. Men are gutted, and women are gutted. EVERYONE IS GUTTED! WE ALL DIE THE SAME WAY! SCREAMING WHILE TRYING TO FORCE THE BLOOD AND INTESTINES BACK INTO THE MEATBAG WE CALL OUR BODY!
I don’t care if I have to shove a dick down someone’s throat, or a tit. Tits are a bit harder to fit, but with enough force it goes down just as easily as a dick.
Learn to recognize who you should respect. Your KING respects me, the same goes for Atre. You know Atre? THE PRINCE AND THE PREVIOUS HEAD OF MILITARY? They KNOW they should respect me. You ladies should get in line before I shove your heads up each other’s pretty and perky asses. I am sure I can find a willing homeless man to rape the one on the back… or maybe I will just make a circle out of it? Who knows? Are you sure you want to find out, you shits?
Goodbye, Tittysaurus 1 to 4. I hope the next time I see you it is because of an apology”.
I probably went a bit overboard with my Menskinesis, but they seem to get the picture. I haven’t been angry in a while, but these ladies just rub me the wrong way.
I give a pleasant smile to the embarrassed queens, and take my two infuriated ladies away from the scene of the crime. They yell at the noble ladies the entire time, and doesn’t stop until we have exited the dining area.
“Oohh… well… I guess no food for me then”. I can feel my anger subside as I hold the warm hands of the two ladies I am growing more and more attached to.
I take it for granted that I feel warm when I spend time with Sera, but I am starting to feel bubbly when I am with Eliyon as well. She gives me everything she can, and doesn’t ask for anything in return. I can feel my feelings grow day by day for both of them, and it is a very nice feeling.
After calming down, Eliyon turns to me and says;
“Let’s go to the noble district. They have a restaurant I wish to take you too. I promise you, their Diamond deer venison is the best thing you have eaten in your entire life!”.
I chuckle at her while thinking;
That isn’t too hard to believe at all. The stew I was eating for 16 years was questionable at best. The food I ate in Viamyr, and that other place was pretty good, but Elven food? High class elven food? I think that is a lot better.
“Sounds good! And afterwards we can buy some more clothes. We only have these traveling clothes, and Akif has ripped everything to pieces with all his sparring and training. We also need ne…”
Connection lost.
Maan… if Tittysaurus 1 to 4 decide to send people after me, I wonder what Eliyon and the royal family will think. Aaah… maybe Louvian will insist on me meeting up with that therapist after this?
“Sounds like a plan! I have some frien…”
I wonder what to tell the girls after they hear what I said to those cunts. Well… they were pretty pissed, so I think it will be fine? One thing that scares me are two angry beauties I care for… *shiver*
“… o you think, Atre?”
Shit… that was a question. Fuckfuckfuck… Let’s go with… Yes.
I stare into the eyes of sera with a stone face. I can see on her face that “Yes” wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear, because it looks like someone punched her in the face, and started twisting. Her face starts to deform as she yells out;
She is oddly pissed? She normally doesn’t get this pissed when I answer her questions wrongly… Maybe she is still pissed off from the noble ladies earlier?
“Sorry… I wasn’t listening. But that was an oddly aggravated response? Are you still angry from the cunts earlier?”
“And why do you take it out on me?”
Note to self:
Don’t remove women from the target of their wrath. They will be pissed at you, and it is not a pleasant experience.
“Got it. Next time you get pissed I will let you do whatever you want with the person you are angry at”.
“Good! Now, what do you think? Does white or red fit me better? Clothing I mean...”, Sera asks me.
“I… don’t know. You look beautiful no matter what clothes you are wearing, Sera”.
Apparently that was the right answer, because she seems to radiate happiness like a child that got her first toy.
Fuck yeah! Nice save, Akif!
Eliyon looks at me with impressed eyes, and when I smirk at her she muffles a loud laugh with her hand.
Impressed, eh? I did pretty good there, didn’t I? Comeon… admit it… you were impressed, Eliyon.
“What about me, Akif?”, Eliyon asks me after she choked her laughter.
“As I said earlier, I don’t know. Maybe a red dress will fit you? You have gorgeous red eyes, after all. I think maybe a light blue dress will fit Sera? By the way, why are we talking about clothes?”.
Eliyon beams like a ray of light, while Sera asks me with a… something… voice…
“*sigh* You weren’t listening at all, were you?”
“I heard something about clothing, but why are we talking about it? Why don’t we just go over there and try some on? I can join you guys in the dressing room if you want to”. I wiggle my eyebrows at the ladies. It is something I have seen Louvian doing with the queens when he says something suggestive, so I try to imitate him.
For some reason the outcry he gets from the queens is missing when I do it with Sera and Eliyon, they imitate tomatoes, but smile at me sweetly.
By now we have exited the royal circle, and the carriage I apparently entered while I was in my own little world seems to have stopped outside of a smooth looking building. There is a sign over the doorway saying; “Tailor”.
The girls drag me out of the carriage so fast I am 95% sure I left behind atleast half of yesterday’s dinner on the carriage seat.
We enter the Tailor, and are met with the… fairiest looking elf I have ever seen. It is as if I can see sparkles shooting out of the man.
“Welcome to Raisen Tailoring”, he tells us.
The look he gives me makes my asshole squint.
Shit… I may lose my virginity after all...
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