《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Chapter 6: Emerald striped tigers
“So… what are lovers?”, I ask Sera after I hear Atre leave the tavern. The door is still clirring from the force the spirited elf used to shut it with.
“Uuuh… I will show you later… Easier to show with an example”, Sera replies, obviously embarrassed by my question.
I really need to figure out what is acceptable to say. I presume it has something to do with love, since most of the word “lover” is made up from that very word.
“Ok, Sera”. I halt my words while I think.
“Thank you for helping me out like this, Sera”, I tell the blushing girl while holding her gaze. Normally I would expect a smile in return after I told someone “thank you”, but she just grows redder.
“Uuuhm… Why are you thanking me?”
“I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have you here with me. I never even thought about what it would mean for me to be a free man. It has been my dream ever since I was a child, and now that I am I realize how ill equipped I am to actually live a normal life in this society. If it wasn’t for you, I probably would have gone back to your father eventually”. Sera seems to have calmed down after that.
Soo… she mistook my words as something else? Did that have two different meanings here?
I halt my words again while a gentle looking Sera gently gazes at my eyes.
“You have no idea how much it means to me that you are doing this for me. You teach me things I never even heard of. You show me how to do things – like using a fork and a spoon. You are gentle with me, and you show me how I should be as a man”. I nod assuringly to myself.
The last part is mumbled underneath my breath, but Sera heard It I think. She places both of her hands on my cheeks while holding my head to her eyelevel. I can see a pair of gentle blue eyes looking at me, and the smile on her face makes me feel warm again. A warmth I only get for her.
“Akif… I only give you tips. YOU are the one that does everything. I will not hold your hand through life, but I will be there for you to ask for help”.
With a soft look on her face, she leans in and kiss my nose. Then she grabs a glass of rum, and drinks it all in one go.
Shit… that was a trap, wasn’t it?
She lets out a loud *Phuah* after the glass of rum downed, and ends the whole thing with few light slaps on my cheek.
“Come on! If you don’t start drinking you will have to carry me out of this tavern”, She tells me with a playful grin on her face.
“How can I start drinking when you are drinking everything? Here I was enjoying my mead and rum, and storm named Sera came through and took everything away from me!”, I exclaim with exaggerated motions of my hands.
A cheerful laugh can be heard from behind us, and I see Atre leading a beautiful young lady that looks like she is at the start of her early 20s. She has light brown leather clothes and sturdy looking boots. I can see that she is used to being in the woods – evidenced by a twig of pine stuck in her hair. She has a couple of plain looking, but sturdy dirks on either side of her hips.
The shape of her jaw looks like a curved “V”, and it all meets up at a round chin. She has a long slender nose, with two cute nostrils flaring up as she sees me studying her. Her eyes are captivating. Red and clear like crystal. Two pointy ears protrude from her shrivelled brown hair.
Her brown hair and red eyes give me the same feeling I get from Atre – Determination. She is a beauty. Just like Sera.
She isn’t as curvy as Sera, but her slender frame and perky chest draws my attention. Her leather clothing seems quite tight fitting, something I think every man in this tavern praise the gods for. From what I can see from her front, her ass looks nice and round – but firm.
“Akif! Meet my niece Eliyon Regai! Her father sent her to me for some combat training, but she was asked to come back home. Apparently her council is needed in something. She is the client we will be transporting”.
Sera taps my hand as if telling me to follow her, so I stand up when she does.
Sera stretches out her hand to greet the smiling elf, and greets her with a friendly “Hello”.
I follow her example.
“Hello Eliyon Regai. My name is Akif Kas. I don’t know what your uncle told you about me, but I assure you that most of it is a lie!”.
I smirk to the grinning guild master, and get back in my seat while carefully studying Eliyon as she walks past me.
“Akif? That is an unusual name in these parts? Are you from the north perchance?”
“Aah… My family was from the north. Our village got slaughtered when I was a child, and I was sold into slavery. I recently won my freedom in the arena”.
That seems to have put the girl off balance, but she swiftly corrects herself back to her previous demeanour.
“I thought I heard your name before! You became the champion, correct?”
Sera nods in Eliyon’s direction.
“Do you believe I lost now, Eliyon?”, Atre laughs out while motioning for the waitress to get us some more drink.
“I wouldn’t know until I saw it myself, Uncle. What I do know is that I would like having a practice match with Akif!”.
Sera shakes her head slightly and mumbles a “Great… another one” underneath her breath.
I don’t quite understand what she means with that, so I decisively ignore her comment. Eliyon laughs out quietly and smirks in Sera’s direction. There are some subtle differences in that smile I don’t quite know where to place, but I know she doesn’t smile because she is happy.
Atre seems to know what is going on since he is smirking at me and hiddenly nods repeatedly in Eliyon’s direction. I just smile at him and give him a small nod.
Apparently that was the wrong thing to do, as Sera gives me a light slap on my right hand, and stare daggers at me. I am to terrified to return her gaze, so I happily look down in the glass of rum a waitress was kind enough to deliver.
I seek refuge in my alcohol as the two girls chat merrily while me and Atre share a moment of mutual acceptance. This is how our life will be from now on…
Atre jolts up with a “FUCK”.
“What is it, Atre?” I ask the startled man.
“We forgot to register you! Come on, Akif! You are going to become an adventurer!”
We leave the two girls in their own little world, and head to the adventurer’s guild. Luckily it is a short walk, because I can feel the rum and the mead starting to take effect as I walk there.
“Ursula! Do you have the licence and registration ready?”, the slightly drunk guild master yells out in the middle of the adventurer guild. I can see every single head inside the place turning in our direction, and I let out a loud laugh when I see their startled expression.
The Urs lady – Ursula – Blushes furiously at the sudden attention, but nods her head.
“Good! Now… I don’t think either of us is able to write properly at this point, so you have to do the writing for him!” the man chuckles out while ploughing through the line of adventurers in front of us. I can see some angry and curious faces looking at me, but from my point of view, they could piss in headwind for all I care.
Oi! Don’t blame me, folks! It is your glorious guild master`s doing!
“Soo… Akif Kas… that was your name, right?” She tells me with a look of impatience and anger on her face.
I nod at Ursula in slight fright.
“I believe you are mostly close combat oriented?”
The guild master quickly responds;
“He was close combat oriented with ME. I have a feeling he can hold his own in medium – long range as well, isn’t that right, Akif?”
“Maybe? I haven’t really tried long range telekinesis. Today was the first time I used telekinesis in an actual fight”.
“Aah… well we have to fix that, don’t we?” the Atre grins at me.
“Hey! You two! Focus, please!”
Me and Atre look down and nods at Ursula’s commanding voice.
“Good. Now… I believe Atre can tell you about the rules? Would be a waste of time for me to explain them to you. What I will explain are the contracts. The adventurer’s guild is a branch of the military, and it mostly deals with feisty monsters and groups of bandits that are threatening public security. You also have escort requests and other interesting things”.
“Akif will be escorting Eliyon home to Felis”.
“Aah… well there you go! Your first contract!”
“Write down that he accepts the contract, Ursula. We haven’t agreed on the price since that will vary on whatever we might encounter”.
“Got it!”
We finish of the last details. It would be more entertaining looking at grass grow, and I feel the need to go back to the tavern to continue with whatever we were doing. Really… anything is better than having to be lectured by a slightly miffed bear woman that looks at our drunk asses with impatience.
Ursula hands me a stone licence with some telekinetic infused runes on them. Or at least that is what Atre is telling me they are.
We head back to the tavern, and is met with a group of men from different races. They seem to be hitting on them?
I just glance over at Atre, who erupts in one of his trademarked loud laughs. That seems to have gained the attention of the men. Them and the ladies.
Two of the men have taken our spots at the table, so I am forced to stand on the edge of the table.
Sera points her lips in my direction and waits for a kiss? Maybe?
I give her one anyways, which seems to please her greatly. Surprisingly Eliyon stands up and takes my hand. She starts leading me out of the tavern. I hear Sera quickly telling the men sitting with her that she is leaving, and the sound of hurried footsteps can be heard as she jogs to catch up to us.
Atre… Atre was left behind to deal with the mess.
We exit the tavern, and I am resolutely forced back into the hell hole where the beast Ursula dwells. I feel her eyes piercing my very soul as I enter the reception area, but what really puts me off balance is the hatred I can feel stemming from the various groups of men.
The reason – I think – is because by now Sera has caught up to me and the determined elf, and grabbed my other hand.
I have no idea what is happening right now, but I figure that since Sera is here with me, I should be safe. Eliyon drags the two of us to a board filled with contracts. Apparently it is called the bounty board – because it is written bounty board on a sign hanging from the wall.
I am quite proud of myself! I managed to read what was written! I give myself an internal “fuck yeah” while Sera and Eliyon scans the contract with great interests.
“How about this one?”
“Naa… too far to travel, but this one looks good”.
“Do you know where that is?”
“Yeah! Pretty decent pay as well”.
“Ok! We take that one then”.
As usual I am left out of the decision making process, so I use my time looking aimlessly through the room. The two girls haven’t let go of my hands yet, so I am forced to stay put.
Sometimes I feel like a child when I am with Sera… And now I have two of them.
Suddenly I am being dragged back to the queue Ursula attends. I am almost expecting a “good boy” to be heard from the two girls, but to my surprise they blatantly ignore my confused self.
“Uuumm… What is happening?”, I ask the chatty girls after having built up courage to do so.
“Aah! We are going to do a contract. We figured that you and Atre would be staying in the tavern until the day grows old if we didn’t drag you out of there”.
“Soo… You literally dragged me out of there?”
“Yup! It is for your own safety. Trust me”, Eliyon tells me with a grin. The two girls go back to whatever they were talking about, and I am left to my own volitions.
We accept the contract, and start heading out. A couple of emerald striped tigers have been running around wreaking havoc in the surrounding areas, and some merchant has had enough and has posted a bounty on the pair of troublemakers. The man is very generous with his money, since the contract posted a payment of 5 gold. Of course it is shared between members, but still! Pretty good!
Or so I have heard.
We take our Dunedime beast and head out. Sera is in the front, and Eliyon plopped her perky ass behind me and embraces me just like I am doing with Sera. We must look rather comical riding like this, but the sensation of the two bodies covering either side makes me lose a bit of focus. My dick starts to grow, and to my chagrin it starts poking Sera with every step the Dunedime beast takes.
A good hour later we finally enter the area where the tigers were last seen. This particular species of beast can use Fulgurkinesis to some degree. What really makes them formidable is their insane speed.
Apparently they sleep in a cavern, so we head there first. Sadly, they are missing from, so we plop our butts down and have a hearty chat.
Eliyon is a spirited lady. She reminds me of Sera. Both of them have the same qualities. She is proud and straight forward when she speaks, but she is gentle and loving to the ones she like. Blistering bloodlust can be felt if she dislikes someone, but luckily I seem to be on her good side for now. The two of them are VERY decisive, so when they say something is going to happen – it will.
She didn’t want to tell me too much about herself, but apparently she is very good at using telekinesis. She has been training ever since she discovered she could do it. The reason she came to Viamyr was because her father insisted she needed to learn close combat as well, and in her head her uncle is the best one there is in that.
Eliyon specializes in long range combat – something that has its weaknesses, so I can understand why her father is so determined regarding her learning close combat as well. It is always a good thing to learn different fighting styles. It makes you able to predict your opponents move AND lets you counter various attacks easier.
I never actually fought a match with long range combatants, but it sounds pretty interesting. I know long range pretty well, but I am unsure how good I am at utilizing it in active combat without sparing with someone first.
I plan out different ways of attacking a long range combatant when I hear the sound of heavy footsteps approaching us. The ladies are too busy chatting to notice, so I ready myself. Somehow I can feel when the tigers are going to attack, and I grip the handles of my dirk and semi draw them from their sheath.
I pounce at the – now – airborne tigers, and shove the dirks straight into the chest of the surprised beasts. I can feel the flesh of the tigers being pierced, and blood starts flowing down the shaft of my dirks and down my hands. The tigers died immediately from my thrust.
Luckily I knew they were coming, and they did not. The surprise attack was turned against them, and their carelessness led to their doom. I have a feeling that fight would have been a lot harder if I didn’t kill them on our first encounter.
It is pretty easy to figure out where the organs of an animal are if you know where it is on humans. They aren’t located in different places, just different angles.
The two dirks find themselves a home in the hearts of the beasts. I can feel the adrenalin coursing through my body. The fright I was feeling when I felt the tiger’s presence was something I have never felt before. The only thing I could think of is “I have to save them”.
I take a heavy breath in attempt to calm down my racing heart, but it feels futile. I turn around and see two shocked faces looking at me. It is not weird since half of my torso is covered with squirts of tiger blood.
Sera jumps up and runs towards me. She grabs my hand and turns it around.
“You are injured!”.
I take a look down and I can see a few puncture wounds on my left arm where apparently one of the tigers managed to take a bite before dying.
When did that happen? I didn`t even feel that!
Eliyon comes over and uses some Naturakinesis. Naturakinesis has the effect of actually replacing dead muscle and grow new tissue unlike Aquakinesis which only rejuvenates and restore tissue.
Of course the two branches of telekinesis are very formidable in offence as well, but they still have to take a step back in comparison to the other branches. That is why they are mostly used for control and restoration.
I look over at Eliyon with grateful eyes. I can feel it is her telekinesis at work, and with a small smile I express my gratitude.
She gives me an indebted smile in return before skinning the two tigers. The tiger copses are given to our slightly startled Dunedime beast, but he seems to calm down after seeing the meat laying in front of him.
That fucking glutton. You see food and everything else is forgotten.
We ignore the fact that if I didn’t know the tigers were coming the two of them would have died, and start heading back to Viamyr after the Dunedime beast is done eating the two tigers. The tigers were at least half the size of the giant lizard, but somehow he managed to eat both of them.
When we enter Viamyr we are met with a focused looking Atre waiting for us at the village gates.
“We need to leave now”.
- In Serial51 Chapters
Hi everyone, really, really sorry for disappearing on you guys, illness lead to a deep depressive episode that I'm still struggling with. Been thinking about coming back to revamp/finish writing Artisan and noticed a kind reader pointing out my work has been stolen and published on Amazon. The offending novel is The Artisan by Jon Moremont - obviously a GoT fan who didn't even read the blurb properly and put a wizard on the cover. Just wanted to let everyone know that this book has nothing to do with me, and has no new content. Thanks, and sorry again - LF Superhero Litrpg Skills, level-ups, powers, crafting, and base-building. Releasing a chaplet daily, ~1,200 words. It is 2054 and unemployment is at an all-time high. In the era of the quantum computer, autonomous systems have taken over as the backbone of the workforce. Justin, 20 years old and unemployed, has nothing holding him back, and since his government stipend will cover the expense, he signs up to play Imagitech's brand new game: A Time of Heroes. Justin has never been that into multiplayer games, but for a full-immersion virtual reality where he can play a Superhero, Justin is definitely in. 'Superheroes and Villains are on the rise in an alternate America of 2020. Forces of good and evil must band together to control the future'. Justin plays Artisan, an alien AI trapped on Earth.Inventor, hacker, and gadgeteer to a team of heroes. Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave reviews and comments.
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