《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Chapter 5: Fulgurkinesis
I wake up to a smiling face laying on my chest. She seems to have been awake for quite some time, and beams with joy when she notices I am awake. She leans close, and plants her lips on mine again.
I wonder why she does that! It feels good, but still! Why?
“Good morning, handsome! It looks like you had nice dreams?”
I nod at her while holding her gaze. She leans in and plants her lips on mine again.
“Sera? Why do you do that?”
“Hmm? What? Kiss you? It means I like you. It is something people do when they want to show their love for another person”.
“So… you “Kissing” me means you love me?”
“Yeah”, she replies happily.
Wait… She loves me? She feels the same bubbly feeling I feel for her?
“So you are all bubbly inside as well?”
She breaks out in laughter from that comment, leaving me looking at her with questioning eyes.
“Hahahaha… Yeah! I am all bubbly, all right”.
She grows silent for a bit before continuing;
“I have actually been bubbly for a while. It wasn’t until yesterday I realized that I felt the same way about you. That is why I don’t have any issues with what you were doing yesterday morning. If I had, then I probably would have kicked you out from the room and had you live in a separate room”.
“But… You showed me how to masturbate…”
“And I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t love you, Akif” She tells me with a mellow voice and a gentle smile. Her eyes are practically sparkling as she intently stares at me. It actually makes me blush.
She chuckles at the sudden blush seen on my face, but I decide not to care.
“So! Adventurers guild today then?”
I attempt to break the touchy feely mood with a change in subject, but I seem to be discovered as she lets out a small snort.
“Yeah! Today my little Akif will become an adventurer! You have to take a combat test with an instructor, but I have a feeling you will pass that one with flying colours”.
“Combat test? I have been out of training for a couple of days… I think that combat test is perfect morning exercise”.
She leans in for yet another kiss, as she exits the bed. I stare at her jiggly butt while she walks across the room to fetch her clothing. My little friend is standing tall again, but I decide to ignore his plight.
I get dressed and follow the gorgeous woman down to the tavern. The same cute girl is our waitress this time. Sera seems to hate her for some reason, but I don’t really care.
“What do you two want to eat? Do you want anything to drink?”.
The girl blatantly ignores Sera as she looks at me for some answers with a weird smile on her face.
I look over at Sera, but she is too preoccupied with the girl to actually look in my direction.
“Uumm… Something delicious please. I will leave it up to you. May I have a tankard of mead?”
“Mead? You sure you want mead, Akif?”
That sentence seems to have broken Sera out of her trance, and looks at me questioningly.
“You are going to do a combat test today, you know…”
“Don’t worry… I didn’t feel different after the last time I drank mead. I think a tankard will be fine”.
“If you say so”, she replies offhandedly.
The girl chuckles at me, and nods. She walks off while swaying her butt exaggeratedly, but I am too scared to look. Sera is giving me a look I feel is unwise to ignore.
“Soo… She seems… interesting. She is hitting on you, you know?”
“I thought that was she was doing. What was that smile she gave me?”
Sera sighs and replies;
“That, my dear Akif, was her blatantly flirting with you. She isn’t even trying to hide it. Remember the man you chucked through the oak door yesterday? He was doing the same thing with me”.
“Aaah… that explains why you seem to hate the girl”.
“I don’t hate her. I just dislike her being so open about hitting on you in front of me”. She mumbles between the fuming irritation radiating from her.
“I understand. Just know that I don’t have any intentions on acting on whatever she wants”, I tell the angry girl in front of me.
“I know, Akif. It just pisses me off. It basically means she thinks that she is better than me”.
Aah? Seriously? How does a smile translate to her thinking she is better than someone else?
“Yeah… I need more experience to understand those subtle differences in smiles. A smile is a smile. Someone is happy when they smile. That is all I know for now”.
She chuckles at me before starting to tell me about her plan for the day.
Apparently we are going to go to the adventurer’s guild after we are done here. There I will register, and the next instructor available will be doing a combat test. I will also be taken to a few classes being held there during the stay in this village. My lack of survival skill is overwhelming, so she wants to combat that with me being taught by an instructor. We will also try to incorporate ourselves in a seasoned group of adventurers to learn from them. Sera already has been doing this for years, but I am a “diamond in the rough” as she called it.
After that, we will be taking a contract. We will start off with the easy kill contracts first, and then maybe something more challenging later on. The reason she wants to do an easy one first is for me to get used to how the system works.
During the combat test, Sera wants to see if she can pick up a group of adventurers for us to follow. We are very flexible with our schedule, so we can do and leave whenever we want to. I ask her why she wants to travel with a group of adventurers, but the only answer I get is that she wants to make new friends.
Well… That is a valid reason, I believe?
The rest of the day will be used on whatever we find interesting to do that day.
The girl comes back with a couple of plates with food. She smiles in my direction again, and I give her a friendly smile in return. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do, but at this point I don’t really care. I just want my fucking food.
“There you go! One rabbit stew with potatoes and various vegetables. The meat and the vegetables are cooked in a mushroom sauce. Aaand here is your mead!”
As she delivers the plate to me, she leans in and whispers in my ear;
“I made it personally”.
The mead or the food? I bet on the food.
That really seems to have set something off in Sera, so I calm her down by taking her hand and gently stroke it with my thumb. That was the only thing I could think about doing in this situation.
The girl delivers the food to Sera with a slight grunt, and walks off again.
“I reeeeally dislike that girl…” Sera mumbles as she stuffs the food in her mouth.
She brightens up after the first taste, however.
“At least the food is good”.
While eating I tell her;
“She told me she cooked the food herself. I agree! She is quite the cook”.
Sera looks at me with disbelief and annoyance as if she is telling me;
“Did you seriously just say that?”
I decide to ignore what I think she is saying, and wait for her actually telling it to me. That seems to be the safest way through life.
One thing I have learned by all of this is that if I want to live a cosy life, submit to the female authority. Even though Sera can’t touch a hair on my head if I get serious, I still feel like my death looms over my head when I somehow piss her off. Being in the arena is child’s play in comparison the bloodthirst that girl can give out.
I enjoy the food and mead the girl gave me as I listen to Sera rambling about something that happened with her father in the senate. I don’t understand half of what she is saying, but she seems so caught up in the story I don’t have the heart to tell her I don’t understand. Sooo… I just let her vigorously tell her story while nodding and occasionally looking her in the eyes between bites.
Soo… Someone was mean to her father? Or was it the other way around… And what is an orgy?
We end the meal, and before I know it we are standing in front of a building that look identical to the Inn. Outside there are a few groups of armed people standing there in various types of armour. Sera seems to attract a few of those looks of lust? Maybe? I don’t know. I don’t care.
There is a small queue in front of the guild desk or whatever it is called. A female Urs is happily giving advices and doing whatever she is doing with those pieces of paper. A boy runs back and forth between the desk and a back room with various pieces of paper.
This place is rather lively!
I look around the room. The guild reception has a few desks like the one I am standing in front of, but they seem to be used for different things. This one seems to be primarily used to accepting contracts and stuff like that.
I look over at Sera, but she gives me a reassuring nod.
Apparently we are in the right queue.
Now that it is our turn, I get a good look at the Urs lady. She is quite good looking. She has small round ears on top of her head, and fluffy black fur placed on various places on her body. She has two pretty big breasts barely hidden underneath a leathery looking armour, and a rather fetching figure.
She looks at me with a beaming smile while saying;
“Welcome to Viamyr adventurer’s guild. Is there something I can help you with?”
Viamyr? Is that the name of this place?
“Aah! Akif here is looking to join the guild. Is there an instructor vacant? You probably want at least a black ranked Instructor to test him out. If you have a white one, then perfect”.
She looks shocked at me before asking;
“A white ranked instructor? The only white ranked person here is the guild master. You know there are only a handful of white ranked adventurers in our country, right?”
“Yeah… but Akif is the Champion of the Arena in Alymor. He became that without using any telekinesis. He is pretty good at using telekinesis as well”.
She looks at me with a stunned expression before yelling at the boy to get the guild master out here.
An slender, tall elf comes out from the back room with a small smile on his face. If I wasn’t a man, I would probably have jumped the man right there and then. He is quite good looking. Somehow that doesn’t seem to have an effect on Sera though, which pleases me greatly.
Like is frame, his face is slender and distinct. He has piercing silver eyes which matches his long silver hair. He seems to be quite fit, and has the perfect build as a high speed agility practitioner.
I will have some fun with this one!
He can see in my eyes that I look forward to having a tussle with him, and gives me a knowing grin. It is a grin I have missed seeing for years!
Me and the guild master enter our own little world of expectations as the two girls finish off the details.
We don’t say anything to each other, but somehow I feel like the man is already a friend of mine.
“We are going to grab something to drink after this”, the guild master tells me as we walk into a training field they have behind the main guild house. Sera followed us here, but seems to have missed something as she stares at me with questioning eyes.
“I look forward to it, Mister guild master!”
“Aah Call me Atre. Atre Theran”
I shake the man’s hand and introduces myself.
“Soo… let’s get this battle started, shall we?”
I can see Sera leaving the two of us in our own little world, and figure I should get ready aswell.
I ready my two short swords and enter a short stance. This is the first time I am using my telekinesis in battle, so I am even more excited about how that will go.
I flood my body with mental energy, and start the battle with a wave of energy to distract the man as I speed to his right flank. The man stands there in a half guard with his longsword ready to either attack or defend. He seems surprised by my sudden pulse of telekinesis, and is blown a few meters back. I can see a smile forming on his face as he deflects my attacks.
We are just testing each other out at this point, but I can feel he is increasing the difficulty more and more.
He is using mental energy to coat his Ohmium blade, so I decide to do the same.
A fierce swing aiming for my neck is parried with my right sword, and I retaliate with my Fulgurkinetic coated blade. A flash of lightning can be seen as the blade hits the hilt of his dagger. He barely managed to raise his waist up when he noticed the blade coming dangerously close to his kidneys. I can see the man being slightly stunned from my attack. I didn’t use enough telekinetic energy to actually do any damage, but the half a second stun is all I need. With a fierce kick to his solar plexus, I send the man flying.
I can hear the air leaving his lungs as he flies through the air, and I pounce forward intending to finish the battle there.
He manages to deflect my blade with a wary parry, and soon is back on his feet.
I decide to give the man some time to gather himself, so I start circling the man like a wolf would do his prey.
When I deem the man ready, I send a pulse of Pyrokinetic force his way as a distraction while I make a secondary attack. The Terakinetic spikes I use as my secondary attack pierce his thigh. He attempts to use some Aquakinesis to deflect my pulse, but doesn’t notice the secondary attack.
I can hear a small yell coming from the man, and I finish the fight with my left blade slightly touching his throat while my right is touching his pierced thigh. I could cut either artery at this point and he knows it.
I remove the spikes that pierced his thighs, and start regenerating the damaged muscle tissue. Half a minute later the man is up and walking – with a huge grin on his face.
That was fun! I need to practice more with this! That wasn’t nearly as clean of a victory as I wanted. I need to get used utilizing that telekinesis.
I can see the shocked face of the receptionist in the corner of my eye as the guild master walks over to me.
“BWAHAHAHA! YES! YEEES! I NEEDED THAT! Man… you need to come here every day! You and I can have a lot of fun together!”
I grin at the exited man, and reply with a nod.
“Soo… how about that drink?”, I ask the excited man.
He vigorously nods his head and starts to lead me to the tavern adjacent to the guild. However, we never get that far before the Urs lady interrupts our chat.
“The hell is wrong with you two? You know you just pierced the legs of my boss, right?”
I look questioningly at the Atre, and is met with the same look. We both look at the Urs lady and replies simultaneously;
She just looks at the both of us in disbelief as we walk back through the guild, and into the tavern.
A chubby half-elf lady comes over with a sunny smile on her face, and asks us what we want to drink. We both take a tankard of mead, and order a few glasses of spirits.
“Man… Where have you been all my life? Do you have any idea how tedious it is to run a guild? Paper work and no decent opponents. It is as if the gods have finally answered my prayers!”
“I have been fighting in the colosseum until a few days ago. I became the champion before I quit gained my freedom”.
“aah! So you were a slave? It must feel nice to finally be a free man I believe. And who was that gorgeous tail you were with?”
“She is a very good friend of mine”.
I can hear some familiar footsteps coming up behind me, and a birdsongy voice teasingly calls out;
“A good friend? What we are is lovers, Akif. L.O.V.E.R.S”
The elf looks at me with a shit-eating grin while drinking his mead. He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know. Somehow I am able to read the emotions of this man without any problems.
I wonder why that is?
“Yes, Sera. Lovers”
I need to ask her what that is later on.
She plops her juicy ass down by my side, and grabs one of the glasses of spirits placed in front of me.
“Aah! This rum is delicious!”
“Right? They have the best damn rum in Viamyr. It is like the nectar of the gods!”
She nods her head before finishing the glass.
Oi! Don’t you get drunk like last time!
I decide to keep an eye on the playful girl as I wave to the waitress to get me another glass of rum.
“So! How did it go?”
“You did some great work digging this one up, Sera”, the elf replies after he gulped down a glass of rum.
“Right? I believe he told you were he came from?”
“Yup. No wonder I lost. He has been fighting death battles for years while I was sitting in that damned office rotting away… You know… he sent a couple of earth spikes through my legs? Pretty brutal in a practice match”
“Oi! And I fixed you up again afterwards! Don’t give Sera bad thoughts about me!”
“Just a couple of earth spikes? You got off easy, Guild master”, she replies offhandedly before aiming in on my tankard of mead. I refuse to give in to her longing looks for my alcohol, so I gulp the whole thing down before she gets the chance to grab it from me.
A hearty laughter can be heard from Atre, and the cutest fucking pout I have seen in my life is plastered on Sera’s face.
“Got off easy?”, Atre mumbles while stroking the exit wound of my spikes.
“Ah! I almost forgot. I have a request for you. You see, I will be guarding a specific guest back to her home country, and I am curious if you two want to join? It is very well paid”.
“Well… We are quite well off at the moment, but sure! We want to go exploring anyways”, Sera tells him with curved lips.
“Good! Wait here while I grab the girl”.
The guild master runs off to find the girl.
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