《Welcome to a New Life》Ch. – 9 the Awakening
Hey guys sorry for such a long wait, been busy and stressed out with some life stuff. Some may have noticed I have added the mature and tragedy tag. This is due to the expansion of the story I planned.
Well everyone enough about me enjoy this new chapter.
You're awesome
Kaiden was surrounded by light again, a familiar feeling that he didn’t want to feel again. Leo was standing in front of him with a wide eyed grin. Something isn't right Kaiden though, why was he there? Kaiden then remembered the stab wound to his side and rushed to check his body. He was fine and Leo just chuckled.
“What’s going on? Don’t tell me I’m dead again!” Kaiden asked in a panic. He didn’t want to die again, he’d really been enjoying this life and wanted more out of it. Not including all the good he’s done.
“Relax you’re not dead!” Leo told him as Kaiden sighed a breath of relief.
“You’re only half-dead.” Leo said while turning his head away to avert his gaze from Kaiden.
“Say what?! What do you mean?” Kaiden asked while panicking again.
“Relax and let me explain you dolt!” Leo shouted trying to regain control.
The situation was dire, but not horrible. In the last few years Leo had left the old group of gods and was now employed to the Goddess of life. He was no longer an ‘Angel’ but now a servant of life, as a guardian of life but that was because she paid better than the other gods. Leo had saved enough to almost be incarnated again and was planning on joining Kaiden on his quest. Then again that was before the assassination attempts on Kaiden and his family.
“Before I explain though what was that?!” Leo asked.
“What was what?” Kaiden responded.
“Freezing up like that! You’ve been training for years now and couldn’t roll out of the way or run the other direction?” Leo berated him.
Kaiden thought about it again, true he had tensed up but this wasn’t like before for the first time he started practice fighting. He almost felt ‘heavy’ as it was a similar effect to what he’d been feeling over the years.
“Did you feel heavy? Like a bag of rocks were holding you back?” Leo asked with a smile.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Kaiden responded.
“Well simple that was me, I’ve been casting a slight gravity spell on you whenever I saw you improving too much. With you trying to be very ‘incognito’ I figured if you could spar with veteran so early in life it’d cause some suspicions. Sorry Kaiden I casted Gravity on you so you’d be stabbed so I could talk to you again. I also casted [Lifeward] so you won’t die so you’ll be ok I promise.” Leo told him in a sly smile.
“You got me stabbed so we could talk?! Why is that so important!?” Kaiden raged.
“Two reasons actually, the messages you sent weren’t accepted. So I being the one who handled your case was told to return your Karma to you.” Leo said.
“Messages weren’t accepted? Why weren’t they accepted?” Kaiden questioned.
“They already didn’t believe you committed suicide without a doubt in their mind so you get a refund. Next is the issue of your awakening and your future in this world.” Leo said.
“What does my awakening have to do with the future of the world?” Kaiden asked.
“Well you know Krieg and his story, but what you don’t know is that is that when he died he used his Karma in becoming a deity. Becoming a deity is tricky though.” Leo explained to him.
Becoming a deity required a ceremony of ascension for the soul into a deity. After becoming a deity they could become either a god or a spirit. Gods had more power but more restrictions, Spirits could come back but under conditions.
“Krieg became a spirit under the Goddess of Line and is tethered to her. If she were to disappear he’d disappear as well.” Leo said.
“What does that have to do with the future?” Kaiden asked.
“[The Mark of Krieg]. It is a warning as you know but this time it’s different. Krieg can’t interfere this time. If he helps then the other forces would attack the goddess and will be in danger. Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘Isn’t the goddess of life stronger than Krieg?’ yes she is but there is a problem.” Leo told him.
It became apparent that the Goddess of Life was not as almighty as it seemed. She was restricted in the way that she could only affect her followers and they could use the grated abilities to channel her divine power. Her powers were considered light while Krieg was fire, Leo was water in this world technically. The different alignments affected the blessings that was granted upon their followers. Krieg’s followers were soldiers and mercenaries mostly, while most followers of the goddess were priests, healers, and civilians.
“The reason Krieg can’t help is because in his contract he could only help fight against living forces who threated Zerte.” Leo said.
“So what are you saying? The undead will be rising from the depths of the netherworld to attack the living and consume out flesh?” Kaiden joked but Leo remained serious.
“Yeah that pretty close to what will happen and as it happens this will be the first Kingdom to be attacked since in the forest near Clearwater Village is where it will begin. Take this seriously Kaiden, the forced that can animate undead are a force to be reckoned with. The worst thing about the undead is that as they kill they get stronger. If you can’t stop them, then a lot of people will die Kaiden which is how luckily your karma is now useful again.” Leo told him. In his hand he pulled out a paper parchment.
“This is how I can help you Kaiden. There are some weapons, armors, and even magical items from Great Paladins, Mages, and even Krieg’s old enchanted items of the past. I can get you those locations but you must pass the rites of each item. The second is that your Karma is enough to buy one brand spanking new Divine weapon made by Krieg and the blessed Goddess herself. Those are the two options and you only have enough for one, so choose wisely.” Leo said.
Kaiden thought for a while and weighed out each option, the locations would be useful but they would take time, a divine weapon would be nice but would he be able to wield it was his worry. Kaiden was a little unsure so he asked Leo, “Do I get to design it?”
“Sorry but no, Divine weapons are designed by the Krieg and granted power by the goddess. Although I can put in a request if you want, but if they follow through with it or not I won’t know.” He explained.
“Let’s go with a divine weapon then. I will need it sooner and won’t waste my time getting items that I might run across to anyway.” Kaiden said.
“Great, the last thing I have to tell you is that we don’t know how long until the party gets started but its ok. You have time to explore and gain experience but don’t dawdle.” Leo told him.
“Ok, so no...” Kaiden was cut off before he knew it was back in front of his burning house, at a moment he was now prepared for. Time had slowed down and he could hear a voice ‘Don’t forget to dodge this time’ as Kaiden immediately rolled out of the way. The attacker immediately turned to slash at him again but there was an arrow in his eye already. Maria had seen Kaiden and yelled at him to run. There in the road his parents were still fighting and the fire in his house was still blazing. He could hear guards coming and ran towards them, Raz was leading the guards and some of his own soldiers were now charging the attackers.
Kaiden could not for the first time focus on his parents fighting, they were amazing. Kaiden saw his father using his shield to bash in the attackers and his mother putting arrows in people as she danced around swords and axes. Raz and his men had finally reached the fight and slowly the attackers were cut down.
“Kaiden are you alright?” Maria asked as she ran to him.
“I thought you were done for!” Christian said. The two of the said as they hugged him, they then turned to Raz and asked him.
“Who attacked us?” Christian asked Raz.
“Don’t know which is why you’re leaving the city, Kaiden’s good will had brought some unwanted attention and according to the information networks we have they aren’t going to stop with just this.” Raz said.
Christian and Maria looked worried while Kaiden was trying to figure out something else.
“What about my awakening?” Kaiden asked.
“I’ve arranged for the Grand Priest to do your awakening in private. Now hurry we must make haste.” Raz told them as they went into hiding.
Leo sent Kaiden back in time a little bit but it was under the order of the goddess so it was ok. A feeling of depression waved over Leo, not for himself but for purist soul he’d met in a long time.
‘Kaiden, I hope you’re ready when it comes.’ Leo pondered as he went to the goddess’s chamber.
“My Goddess, the message has been delivered, he is aware of the future danger.” Leo said as he bowed his head to her.
“Good, is he well Leo?” she asked.
“Yes my goddess, he has been doing many good deeds and has amassed a great deal of karma. He should have enough in time.” Leo said.
“Good, now about the favor he chose?”
“A Divine weapon, I have seen his style and must say he will be a good warrior.” Leo said.
“I don’t need him to be good, I need him to be great, amazing, divine, or unstoppable. Not just good Leo, the forces that are coming will get rid of any good warriors and leave only the best to fight in the wake of their deaths.” She responded.
Leo stood there in silence, he didn’t know what to say to her. The fact of the matter was she was right, good swordsmen were not enough, there would be maybe twenty years until the attack but it will still come. Even with Krieg constantly battling in the [Spirit Realm].
“Leo do you wish to join Kaiden?” She asked him.
“I do but I don’t know how much help I will be to him.” Leo said plainly.
“Then how about this you may be the one to design the divine weapon and I will do what I can to build it.” She offered.
“That’s be most welcome goddess.” Leo smiled as he walked off to design a weapon for him.
It’s been three weeks since the attack and Kaiden has been in hiding with his parents. Tomorrow is the day where he will have his awakening. Although since then he hasn’t been allowed to leave the safe house, every day he was training with his parents. After tomorrow they would leave the city and head to the east of the kingdom to the town of Sufas. After that Kaiden wasn’t told what would happen after but was sad he’d have to leave Setat after all the time he spent there.
The next day when he woke up he was awakened to a familiar face that he’d not seen in a while. Lina was sitting at the end of his bed and was smiling as his eyes adjusted.
“Morning there Kaiden, how’ve you been?” she asked as Kaiden leaped up to hug her.
“Better now that you’re here. Will you be at the awakening?” Kaiden asked her
“Of course, Raz pointed me where to go, how has your training been?” She asked him.
“Good, but im kind of tired with all of the training recently.” Kaiden complained.
“Hah don’t complain, this training is easy compared to your father learned under.” She said to him. Kaiden was surprised, he’d never heard about who taught his parents.
“That old man is truly terrifying. Never piss him off Kaiden, now hurry up and get dressed were going to leave in an hour to go see the high priest.” He heard as he turned to see Christian at the door. Kaiden just nodded his head and went to get dressed as Lina left with Christian. Two hours later they were back in Setat and were on the way to the Main temple.
Kaiden was brought inside by his parents, Lina, and several guards escorted to the main temple. Raz had organized the high priest to do Kaiden’s awakening before the other children in the city. The insides of the temple were astonishing, the walls were a white stone with the ceiling being almost as tall as the sky. The temple was a amazing piece of architecture that had been standing since the second age. The majestic aura the temple had a way of calming everyone down.
As Kaiden walked through the main temple and stopped at the altar, where the High Priest stood. He was preparing something next to him. Beside him were three things, a small ring, a small knife, and a small bowl.
“Ah, glad to see you’re the punctual sort. Now let’s hurry with your awakening so I can go back and prepare for the others today.” He said with a face of slight annoyance.
“Here, stand here, a little to the left. Good, now I am going to perform the ceremony and all you have to do is stand there, and let me prick your finger and a drop of blood. Then answer my questions honestly, ok?” He finished.
“Yes, sir” Kaiden responded.
“Good, now clear the altar everyone!” he shouted and everyone obeyed what he said and cleared out. Finally there was just Kaiden and the High Priest left on the altar, and the high priest took out his staff and began a chant.
“Blessed Goddess of Life, I ask for your blessing to awaken the gift of this one before you.” he chanted before striking the ground. Behind the High Priest was a basin of water, slowly it began to glow a divine light.
“Blessed Goddess of Life, we ask that you grant me the power to awaken the one before me.” He continued. The basin was now shining brighter.
“Blessed Goddess of Life, with your blessings and your permission I will awaken the one before me.” He continued as now the basin was glowing very brightly almost as bright as the sun. The priest took the bowl and scooped some water out of it then took Kaiden’s hand and pricked his finger and squeezed some blood into the bowl. Slowly the blood and the glowing water changed color. What it became was recorded as the first ever divine messenger but that is for another story.
The bowl before them started shining, turning a bright white and split into seven different colors. Red, blue, gray, brown, white, purple, and orange were shining brightly in his bowl of blood and water. The high priest couldn’t help but let out a look of astonishment as well as everyone else in the room couldn’t help it either.
After a few moments of astonishment, the High Priest finally said, “Ah yes you have to drink this now.”
Kaiden lifted the glowing bowl of colors to his mouth and drank slowly. When he finished the High priest took the bowl from him and continued his chant.
“Oh Divine Goddess of Life, we thank you for awakening the one before you.” He chanted and the light faded.
Finished with the chanting he took the knife and took tome more blood from Kaiden, this time from his thumb. The blood was put into the bowl by itself and was dropped onto the ring. Kaiden could see the ring take in the blood and change shape. The High priest took the bowl and placed it in kaiden’s hand.
“Kaiden Tala Greywolf, your awakening had begun, there are many who have the awakening but not many become fully awakened. This is common for us to not tell those younger because it cannot be explained. Put on your ring and offer your prayer to the goddess and it shall all be explained.” The high priest said to him, as Kaiden picked up the ring from the blow.
Once he put it on the ring adjusted to fit his finger and was guided to the main altar of the Goddess of Life. There he knelt to in front of the altar and began his prayer.
Divine goddess thank you for your blessings,
I wish to be a force of good in your name,
I wish for peace and a place where suffering is little,
I wish that war was only a story and not a reality,
And I wish for your guidance in making the world a better place.
Divine Goddess,
Thank you
As Kaiden looked up the room was frozen, no one was moving that he could see. He looked around only to see his body still on the floor kneeling.
“Hello Kaiden, Glad to see your well.” A voice he heard. The statue of the goddess was talking to him with a smile on her face. Kaiden smiled back at her seeing how she just stopped time so they could speak.
“Do you stop time for everyone?” Kaiden asked.
“Not always, but I do always send a message or some guidance to everyone at least once. You on the other hand are just very special case. I have something you should have Kaiden, your memories.” She said as some bracelets appeared in front of him.
“I don’t need them” he said.
A little confused, she said to him, “Are you sure? There’s a lot of things that could be useful to you. There are things that could be useful for the future, knowledge from other worlds are a not very often allowed onto other worlds.”
“It’s ok, if I accepted that knowledge there may be things or people from the past I may miss or want. Better not to have those memories, all I know is that my goals in life are the same for both worlds. The memories I had of that life isn’t needed in this life. I am me either way, that will never change.” Kaiden said solemnly.
“Very well Kaiden, I will not return them to you but I will keep them safe until you need them again. The bracelets will grant you blessings of vitality and strength but not constantly, you’ll understand them as you grow up. The bracelets will reappear later as to not arouse suspicion of course. Kaiden, before I leave you I just want to say sorry.” She said with a regretful smile.
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” Kaiden asked.
“I’m sorry for your life since it will have more trials, tribulations, and suffering than most. Just know that I never wanted this to happen to you. I hope you overcome the future challenges Kaiden. Good Luck. ” She said. Kaiden blinked and found himself kneeling down again, but this time everyone was moving around again. He then went back to the High Priest and continued the ceremony.
“Now you offer your prayer to War Spirit Krieg, Savior of Humanity. Offer your prayer for his guidance in strength.” The High Priest said, as he led Kaiden to the Statue of Krieg.
Kaiden offered his prayer but at the end of it he felt nothing. The high priest finally led him back to the center of the altar and finished the ceremony.
“You have completed your awakening ceremony, life will truly begin for you now. May you have the strength of Krieg for your trials and the wisdom of the goddess for your tribulations.” The high priest finished.
Kaiden stood up and thanked the High Priest, and as he walked down to join his parents who were smiling. He could see the look of proudness in their eyes, he could see the same look in Lina, Raz, and even some of the soldiers he’d met during training. Kaiden had a feeling that today was going to be one of those day you look back on forever. Together they left the Temple and headed back for the safe house outside of town. Kaiden hated not being able to see his friends, or even the kids at the orphanage but since the danger wasn’t over he had no choice but to leave with them.
Kaiden was with his parents being escorted when a man rushed into the group with a dagger and charged at him. A guard managed to stop him with a shield but then suddenly everything became chaotic. Kaiden was shoved to the ground and all he heard were screams. Looking up he saw five of the ten guards dead already. Next he saw the remaining guards had surrounded him and his parents and formed a small shield wall.
“Christian lead the men I’ll carry Kaiden.” Maria said.
“I’ll be back in a few, watch for me Maria and don’t shoot me again.” Lina said as she ran off into a crowd.
“Where we going?” Christian asked with his shield in hand when suddenly arrows started falling on them.
“Barracks of the third! Let’s go! Kaiden stay close!” Maria shouted as they began moving through the central temple area to the south. Arrows were falling on them constantly and eventually some got lucky and hit a soldier now and then but luckily no one else died. The progressed slowly towards the southern barracks where the third had made its home. They were almost halfway there when the path to the south barracks was blocked off by turned over wagons. Cursing Christian used [Earth Crater Wave] to grant them some protection.
“Maria they’re already damaging the wall I made, any hope of moving the wagon?” He asked.
“No, you’re going to have to do it, I don’t have the strength to do it.” She replied.
“Ok.” He moved in front and took a deep breath. The wall had summoned was slowly falling apart.
“[Earth Totem]!” he roared as he slammed his shield into the ground, four pillars of earth rost from the ground lifting the few wagons blocking their path. Slowly the totems were sinking so they only had a limited amount of time.
“Everyone move it, Reko leave your shield your hurt. Everyone let’s go!” Christian yelled. They all funneled through the path and on the other side you could hear the wall crumble and the wagons fall back into place. They heard screaming and cursing on the other side as they kept running.
The street was now quiet and people on the other side looked at them in confusion. They ran for another thirty minutes before reaching the barracks. In total seven guards died, and everyone but Kaiden was injured. There was screaming and shouting with men running everywhere. Kaiden went off to the side and watched it all. His parents were ordering soldiers around when Lina came through the door with a man tied up as she dragged him through the barracks and tossed him in front of his parents.
“Caught one and figured we should ask him some questions. I brought something as well.” She said as she had a collar in her hands.
“Wow, I didn’t think there were any more of those collars left. An enchanted slave collar is quite rare. Sure you wanna use it on this guy?” Christian asked.
A slave collar, a symbol saying you were ones property. Slaves were not common in the west but more common in the east as it was part of the culture but that’s a story for another time. The enchanted slave collar was a type of collar made specifically in the [Rangosla Empire]. The enchanted collar forced the slave to be completely honest and to be completely obedient. Maria who was completely furious snatched the collar, wrapped it around the man’s neck, and shouted.
“Who are you!?” she yelled. The man trembling from trying to hide the truth from her until the enchantment forced him to confess.
“o aum au faunj if nausil” the man replied with a contempt in his eyes..
“Oh crap” Lina said.
“What’d he say?” Kaiden asked.
With a sigh Lina translated for them, “He said he’s a [Fang of Nazol]. This isn’t going to end well guys.”
“Damn, well that explains everything. This isn’t good Maria, were going to have a huge problem soon.” Christian sighed.
“I know Christian, I know” she panicked.
“Why are the [Fangs of Nazol] after you guys?” Lina asked.
“Do you remember the job we did before we found out Maria was pregnant? Back in the Kimto Mountains? It was a Rank E quest where we had to remove some bandits from there. Turns out they weren’t bandits. They were followers of the [Dark God Abaddon] and were attacking and were about to launch an attack on the [Kimala Kingdom]. We tried to stop them but after we discovered them it was too late. The assassination attempt failed but it didn’t matter. The [Kimala Kingdom] still fell and the reason they want to kill us is cause of us they lost a lot of people. Not counting the amount of people we killed they marked us for death and won’t stop killing us.” Christian explained.
His expression went dark, Maria’s expression wasn’t any better. Lina was unsure of what to do either. Silence befell them, then Kaiden asked, “Who is Abaddon?”
“Another time Kaiden. We have to get him to the dungeons, then we have to figure out what to do.” Lina said as his parents nodded. They split up and later that night they regrouped and rested.
Reko was in the infirmary, with an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. His captain came in and sat down in front of him.
“Hey Reko, thanks for earlier. If you didn’t take that arrow for the kid we’d be in deep shit right now.” His captain said.
“Uhh sure cap. Is Commander Christian ok?” Reko asked.
“Yeah he is, I asked him and he was thankful for what you did. By the way how old are you?” his captain asked.
“Uhh 16 sir, why?” he asked, in the two years since he joined the army they never asked until then.
“Sixteen huh? Well it might be nothing but be on guard. People who attack in the middle of broad daylight aren’t people to be messed with.” The captain said as he stood up and walked out.
Rako was tired since today was a first time for him to be in a battle in the middle of town. Normally he went on monster subjugations or bandit hunts. Rako laid down and started drifting to sleep when suddenly he felt someone kick his bed. Rako sat up to a smiling Christian Greywolf.
“Hey there Rako, how you feeling?” he asked
“Uhh, good sir. You commander?”
“Well I need to talk to you about something Rako. This will be between you and me and nobody else, is that ok with you?” Christian asked him.
Rako looked around the infirmary to see no one else was there. He felt a sense of foreboding and that to him meant it wasn’t going to be good.
“Yeah sure thing, sir. What’s this about?” he asked.
“Well, things have become a little complicated and I will need your help for a while. I want to offer you a job, separate to the army, and off the record. I need you because you’re the youngest person I know in the army and you know some people who may be able to help.” Christian said as he began explaining his plan.
Christian and Maria were planning on leaving the Kingdoms service and planned on disappearing. They however couldn’t leave their son with Raz or in the city since he would be targeted. So Christian wanted Reko to protect Kaiden, in return for some gold and a possibility to become a great swordsman. Christian told Reko to take three others, two recruits that he would select and one more that Reko could decide. The place they would be going to would be in secret and would be guided by a friend. Reko was told he had three days to decide and was told he was given this opportunity due to the fact he took the arrow for his son.
In three days his decision was due, to leave the army, go on a trip and maybe become a great swordsman. On the other hand stay and rise through the ranks and have a future of certainty. What was he supposed to do?
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