《Summoned to Another World with My Truck》A quiet night at the tavern, for the most part. Why cant I stop attracting attention?
The stew is delicious. It’s some kind of red meat swimming in a dark brown gravy, and heavy on the vegetables. I can tell there are carrots and potatoes as well as some root variety I don't recognize. The bread is more of the dark brown I’m starting to get used to. Its flakey crust and soft center makes it perfect for dipping into the stew. When I reach for my dagger to slice the cheese, Shiva stops me. She takes her own dagger and makes quick work of cutting it into small cubes for Thea and I. Sarge finishes his bowl first, shifting around to lay on my feet under the table.
“Good boy.” I tell Sarge as I pass down several of the cheese cubes to him. I’m not a fan of feeding him from the table, but he has been doing a lot lately.
“It's probably a good thing that you left your armor upstairs.” Shiva looks around the room, eyeing the others inside. “You would have stood out in it tonight. More than you are for not wearing shoes.” She gives me a look then, causing me to hurriedly swallow my mouthful of food.
“Well what can I say, we were in a hurry to get down here before the kitchen closed.” I laugh as pull Thea closer to me and give her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Obviously not in too much of a hurry.” Shiva lets out a huff as she raises her glass to try and get Sherri’s attention. “Considering you two decided to get a bath and then fuck in there too.”
“Goddess, do you have to keep bringing that up?” Thea hisses as she moves to slap the redhead. Shiva rolls under her arm, grabbing Thea’s wrist and twisting it up behind her back.
“Yes! Obviously I do because you two don't understand. We are supposed to be keeping a low profile. The two of you fucking like rabbits is fine, whatever makes you happy. Screaming loud enough to be heard outside of town, that draws attention. Do you understand?”
“We get it.” I give Shiva an angry look as I speak. “Now, let go of her arm. What's done is done.” Shiva lets go of Thea’s arm. She raises her glass and finally getting Sherri’s attention. As the waitress makes her way through the crowd, Jacob turns toward me.
“You should look into getting a silence charm.” He snags one of the few remaining cubes of cheese and pops it in his mouth.
“What's that?” Shiva kicks me under the table as I ask the question. The kick makes me have to bite down on a cry of pain to keep from drawing attention to us. Looking over, I see her giving me a look that even I can tell means shut up.
“It's an inexpensive charm that will keep noise from escaping a room.” Jacob seems to be ignoring the tension between Shiva and me. Reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket, he draws out a small red pendant and hands it to me. “You can borrow mine for tonight. The trading post here sells them, but they are already closed for the evening.”
I accept the pendant from him and pull it up to look at it closer. The small red stone is set in a cage like setting of some silver metal. The clasp on the necklace is a simple hook and loop that looks like it would be in danger of falling off in any hurried movements. Turning the stone into the light, I notice a figure of some kind etched into the stone. The lines are filled in with some kind of golden material which gives off a dull shine.
“You push a little mana into it and it creates a sound barrier inside an enclosed space.” Thea whispers into my ear as she reaches up to turn the pendant in her hand. “This rune is for silence and its inlay is … gold.” She turns her head and gives Jacob a strange look. “You are just giving us an enchantment this strong to borrow?”
“Borrow yes, keep no. I trust Shiva and she trusts you. Even if she isn't telling you that right now. So I trust you, too an extent anyway.”
“I’ll make sure I return it to you in the morning.” I say leaning down and sliding the pendant inside the medkit on Sarge’s harness. Rubbing his head, I make a mental note to strip his harness off him tonight. He has been wearing it nonstop since we got here, and it could be rubbing on him by now. Reaching for the mug in front of me, I start to take a drink when I realize it is empty.
“Here you go, hun.” Sherri sets another tall mug of ale in front of me, then collects the empty plates and glasses.
“Thank you.” I tilt the mug at her before taking a long drink from it. Sarge shifts as I start to stretch out, my bare feet shifting him from his resting place. He gives out a loud huff and his tail slapping Sherri’s leg as he walks to sit under Shiva. Leaning back, I see Shiva’s hand slip down to pet Sarge’s head.
“He really has taken a liking to you.” I take another drink. As I look up, I see Sherri still standing in front of our table. “Is something wrong?”
“No, I was just wondering if you need anything else?” She is batting her eyes at me again, and I’m pretty sure she has lost another button on her top.
“We are fine, just want some privacy.” Thea snaps, causing the waitress’s head to turn towards the elf.
“Shut up, twig! I wasn't talking to you!” The whole tavern seems to get quiet at the Sherri’s exclamation. From under Shiva’s chair, Sarge starts a low growl. I push my chair back and the harsh scraping sound fills the room.
“Apologize. Now!” I stare at Sherri, seeing her shrink back from my glare. She starts to open her mouth and closes it. She clenches her jaw and stares into my eyes.
“Why should I? She is just a slave and an elf slave at that. Just one more stupid twig that should have stayed out of Dolus.” I feel my hands aching to reach out and strike her. I want to wipe that stupid smirk off her face. If it hadn't been for the way I was raised, I would have already. However, the old lessons of my youth are trying to push through. In a fight is one thing, but I don't hit women just because I am angry.
“Because if you don't, I’m going to let her stand up and I’m not going to hold her back.” My voice is low, but carries over the entire room.
“Better say you are sorry, girl.” A voice exclaims from somewhere in the crowd. Sherri looks around and sees that most of the room is watching. The ones who aren't are studying their drinks closely and not meeting her eyes.
“You can't let her do anything to me. If she assaults me, you will be responsible for it.” Sherri’s eyes are searching around the room.
“It won't be the first time I have had to fight my way out of town.” My voice is calm, but my insides are churning. If we have to fight our way through, we are outnumbered bad. The room is crowded with people. Thea’s pistol is upstairs, meaning we will have to fight our way to the room before we can run.
“I’m sorry.” Sherri’s whisper surprises me as I barely heard her. She is speaking so softly. I know I could let it go now, but I just can’t right now.
“When you called her a twig, you did it in a loud voice everyone could hear. When you apologize, it should be in the same tone, so everyone can hear it.” Sherri gives me an angry look and huffs before opening her mouth again. “Not to me,” I interrupted her before she can start.
“She is the one you need to apologize to.” Sherri turns towards Thea, her face screwed up like she just bit into something rotten.
“I’m sorry.” Thea stares at her for a moment, making her shift uncomfortably. Finally, she speaks up with her voice calm, but I can hear the anger underneath the stillness.
“I don't accept your apology. I don't think it is sincere, so I don't want to hear it. For now, just leave. If we need more drinks, we will go to the bar ourselves.” Thea reaches into the bag of coins on my waist. She pulls out a handful of copper and two silver coins. Tossing them onto the tray, she tells the waitress. “Now get away from us, and don't come back again.”
As Sherri makes her way back through the crowd, most of the people look away from her. Sitting back down, the crowd begins to talk amongst themselves again. The noise level is significantly quieter than before, but it's still enough to cover any conversation we might have at our table.
"I'm sorry, Shiva." Turning to the redhead, I see her confused expression. "That's not exactly maintaining a low profile. I'm sorry, but I couldn't just ignore that." I tell her because I feel like I need to explain myself.
"It could have been worse." She replies after a moment. Letting out a long sigh, she continues. "Now, we just have to go with you two are actual lovers. Not that she is your plaything. It will draw more attention, but I have a feeling that anything you do will draw attention."
I'm shocked at the cat girl's statement, more so that she wasn't angry. Or at least she wasn't visibly angry at me. It seems like every mistake I have made around her leads to an outburst of some kind. Her calm acceptance and moving forward from there is slightly out of character.
"You feeling ok there, Shiva?"
"I'm fine! Just figuring out what the next step should be since we can't lay low anymore." There's the anger I have come to know and expect.
" We should probably go someplace quiet to make a plan. Where we won't be overheard." Thea remarks, head turning to look around the room.
"That's probably a good idea." I start to push away from the table when someone pulls a chair up to the opposite side of the table. Looking up, I see an older man sitting down.
His armor is well maintained, but has definitely been used heavily. His hair is close cropped, salt and pepper gray with a large balding spot on the crown of his head. His broad shoulders block most of my view of the rest of the room. In his right hand, he grips a mug of ale with the foam spilling down the side. His left holds a stone pipe, trailing sweet smoke up into the air.
"Evening." He takes a draw from his pipe.
"You have some kind of business with us?" I lean back in my seat and my hand drops to my pistol. I don't like this and it is causing me to react as if he is a threat. My ears catch the sound of Sarge standing and moving to flank the man across from me. The man glanced around the room and leans forward before he whispers.
"Gullyfair?" At his words, I feel the rest of the table relax. Willing myself to calm down, I lean forward in my own seat until I am almost nose to nose with the man.
"I am a lost child seeking the wayfair." I respond, remembering what Thea told Marcus. Thea gives me a kick under the table, leaning in to whisper.
"Not a lost child, we already found the wayfair." Seeing my confused expression, she explains. "If we are a lost child, we haven't made contact. We already made contact so we aren't lost. Just passing through right now."
"Sorry, I guess you will have to teach me all the codes then." I lean back in my chair again.
"Either way, I'm glad I pegged you right." The man across from us pushes the mug of ale in front of me. "That's for you. I don’t figure you will have much luck getting another one." Nodding to him, I accept the drink and take a small sip of it. It really is an excellent brew and I wish I knew who was making it.
"I'm assuming you have a reason for coming over here." He takes a long draw from his pipe and blows out gentle smoke rings.
"More of trying to see who you were. Depending on what I found out, we were either going to help, or try and get them away from you." He motions to Thea and Shiva as he speaks.
"I wouldn't suggest trying it." Shiva replies, finishing off her drink and setting the glass aside.
"He might not look it, but he is hard to kill." At Shiva's words, I feel a chill run down my back. If he hadn't liked my response, would he have tried to kill me? Sizing him up, I realize that even though he is quite a bit older, he is still a solid mass of muscle. It would be tough if it came to a fight.
"We wouldn't have tried to kill him." He takes another long draw on his pipe. "The way the elf was screaming earlier we figured you were not trying to hard to get away." He reaches his hand out to me. "My name is Hans, I'm with the main underground here in Sacren."
"Silas." I shake his hand, his grip is firm almost vise like. "What did you mean about the way she was screaming?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Thea blushing again.
"Collars won't force a slave to fake certain things. She sounded like she was having fun." Hans winks at Thea, causing her to tilt her head forward and hide her face with her hair.
"Goddess, please tell me we weren't that loud." She mutters as her hands try to cover her face. At her words, Shiva starts to laugh loudly.
"Oh, you were very loud " Jacob says as he finishes the last of his drink as well. "When you first started, there was a group of younger guys that wanted to make sure he wasn't killing you." Thea shakes her head, slipping lower into her chair.
"I'm going to go hide in our room now."
"Not just yet." I tell her, rubbing her shoulders to calm her down. "So now what's your plan?" I ask Hans, seeing him smirk at the blushing elf beside me.
"Now, nothing. If you need help with anything, just ask, but otherwise we won't bother you. Except maybe to ask what your plan was fighting Chloe." At the mention of the blue haired giant, I let out a groan.
"Honestly, that was an accident. We were just trying to get a room when I accidentally struck her son."
"Yeah, that's her nymph blood. They get super protective when it involves their kids." At my puzzled expression, he laughs and goes on to explain. "Her grandmother was a water nymph, that's why she has blue hair."
"Wouldn't that mean she would be classified as a demi human?" My eyes move to the bar where Chloe just walked behind from a back doorway.
"If she was full blood, yes. However, she is only a quarter nymph. She is considered human right now. If the laws that are rumored to be coming to pass, she won't be. If that happens, a group of us plan on getting her and her son out."
"Good to know she has such good friends." I finish off the mug of ale in my hands.
"Most of us here owe her our lives." Hans says as his voice gets serious. "She used to be an adventurer, till she got pregnant with Sean. Her man died about a year after he was born. The two of them saved more than half the people that call Sacren home. We all look out for her." He gives a sniff then takes another draw from his pipe. "Not that she needs much looking after, as you already found out."
"Yeah, she seems to hold her own." I say, my fingers playing with the hole in my jeans. Thea had washed them between our bath and the play between. She used a tool in the room that blew hot air to dry them, but the hole was still there. It reminds me of the fact that it was my bone that had made it.
"Anyway, I won't bother you all anymore. I'm sure you have a lot to discuss with everyone. Jacob included since she's with you." He motions to Shiva as he stands. "Just remember if you need anything, I can be found either at the forge or here." With a gentle nod, he walks away and threads through the crowded room.
"Room, now." Shiva says, standing and pushing Jacob out from around the table. The way she acts makes me wonder if there is anything between the two. It kind of reminds me of a bossy girlfriend with a passive boyfriend. Tossing a couple copper coins on the table, Thea and I follow the pair. I know Thea paid for our drinks already, but I always try to leave a tip. A holdover from when my friends waited tables as teens.
As we get back to the room, Shiva is tapping her feet by the door to remind me that Thea has the key. Shiva and Jacob can't get in her room and Thea giggles as she sees the frustrated redhead. Unlocking the door, we all enter and lock the door behind us. Jacob looks around the room, finally sitting on the edge of the bed after scrunching his nose after it.
"We need to come up with some kind of plan you can actually stick to." Shiva shifts my gear from the chair to sit on it.
"I'm all ears." Leaning against the door, I strip off the sword belt. I wrap it over my shoulder since there is a shortage of places to hang it. Thea kneels by Sarge and takes out the pendant from his harness. She focuses on it for a moment, causing it to glow.
"We are good." She gives me a smile.
"You shouldn't stay here longer than necessary." Jacob says, surprising me at his comment. "No offense, but you stand out too much. People will remember you and lots of adventures pass through on their way north."
"We do need supplies." I say, thinking over what we need. "Preferably a void bag to carry them in. If we can, let’s get some about the size of my mag pouches so I can carry more ammo. Also, I need a few things for a plan I am working on." I remember what my dream brother had said. If I could find what I need here, it would be a big help.
"Nearest place you will find a void bag is Shevel. The entire stock of them was bought up here last month." Jacob scratches his chin as he tells us this, reminding me that I need a shave.
"Why did they get bought out?" Shiva asks, leaning forward in the chair. "They are usually too expensive for the trading post to be completely out."
"The new dungeon. It's only about a day north of here. Midway between here and Shevel. Every adventurer heading that way is buying all they can afford."
"That's the second time you mentioned it. A new dungeon can't have that much loot in it." I try and remain silent, not wanting to interrupt the two.
"It's not new." Jacob shakes his head. "Just newly discovered. They have mapped over forty floors to it with loot still spawning regularly " Shiva looks shocked at the news, her mouth hanging open.
"We should check it out." She turns to me as she continues to talk. "If it is like he said, we might be able to get enough goods to offset the price of your flask."
"I already have money. Why do we need more? Grizz said he would handle it, remember."
"Grizz is setting up the meeting and putting down the down payment. It is still going to cost a lot. I counted the coins you have and it might cover it, but if you want a void bag, we won't have enough." Shiva pauses as if she is trying to figure out how to explain something.
"If you go to the dungeon, you can use my bag. As long as I go with you that is." Jacob leans back, setting his hands back as he relaxes. His face is scrunched up and he leans back forward, wiping his hand on his pants. Thea's face blushes as she realizes he must have found a spot that's still damp, causing me to grin.
"We would still need to dive deep." Shiva interrupts my train of thought as she speaks. "We could possibly find a lot of valuable items to sell."
"You still haven't convinced me we should go." She shoots me an evil look. "Our plan was to lay low here till we left for Shevel. Why would we change that now?"
"Because we are already sticking out way too much here. With your weapons, we could run the dungeon quickly. We collect a shit ton of loot and be gone before we draw anymore suspicion." I think about what she said for a moment and mull over her words, but one thing is still bothering me.
"From what I understand of a dungeon, they are mostly underground. Remember the cave? My weapons are too loud underground. I don't feel like rupturing an eardrum for loot." At my words, Shiva pauses and I can see her thinking.
"Your weapons can't be that loud." Jacob scoffs as he turns to look at Shiva.
"They are like if lightning struck right beside you. Louder even when you are in a cave." Shiva tells him, causing Jacob to look at my pistol thoughtfully.
"And I haven't figured out how to build a suppressor just yet." I remember my thoughts on them. I had been thinking on how to do it since the cave.
"A what now?" Shiva turns to me confused. As I start to explain, Thea walks to me and wraps her arms around me. I grin as it seems to be her go to spot wherever we are.
"Where I'm from, we have these things called suppressors. They go at the end of the weapons and lower the volume of the shots. I didn't have one so I couldn't bring it with me." Shiva is silent at my words, seemingly thinking about what I said.
"Why not just put a silence enchantment on something and attach it to the end of your weapon?" Jacob asks as if it's obvious.
"Attach it how? It would have to be literally attached to the end of his weapons."
"Wait. Would it need to be enclosed like this room?" I ask, my mind running over the way my guns are made. "I mean could the enchanted bit itself have holes in it and it still work?"
"As long as it was enchanted right, it wouldn't need to be enclosed. The hard part would be securing it where it wouldn't come off. I was thinking maybe a piece of metal pipe close to the same size, then tied to the end." At Shiva's words, I start to grin.
"We don't need anything new to put on it." I start to explain my thoughts to her. "The gun I used in the goblin cave. The very end of it can be screwed on and off. I can go get it, then we can get it enchanted and see if it works." I start to get excited as I speak. I had always wanted a suppressor, but didn't want to spend the money on a tax stamp. If what she was saying was true, I could suppress most of my guns here easily.
"We would still need to find an enchanter nearby." Shiva remarks as her face scrunches up in thought.
"I know one in town. He owes me several favors I can cash in on." Shiva to turn towards Jacob again.
"If that's the case, then it's a good plan. We should do this, and soon." Turning back to me, she seems to be pleading with her eyes. "Please, trust me on this. It's the right move for where we are now." Looking down to Thea, I ask.
"What do you think?" Thea tilts her head as she thinks. Finally, she speaks after a long minute with Shiva staring at her.
"We should do it. I know Shiva and I don't get along all the time, but she hasn't steered us wrong yet. Besides, it could be fun to go dungeon diving again." She smiles up at me, creating a warm feeling to rise in my chest. Even with her simple looks, she drives me crazy.
"Ok, then. First thing tomorrow, I'll head back to the truck and gather what ones we need. After that, we can make final plans to head to the dungeon. Can't believe I just said that. Then we can leave right before dark."
"I should be the one going to the truck." Shiva says, immediately changing my plan.
"You don't know which ones could work and we should test." I try to explain why I should be the one to go.
"I can slip in and out of town without being seen easiest. The last thing we need is someone following you and finding your vehicle. That's the whole reason we didn't bring it right into town."
"I can go with her." Jacob cuts me off. "With my void bag, we can bring everything back and sort it here. I was the one who taught her to sneak, and I'm going with you all now anyway."
“We don't need all of them, just the one I used on the goblins. None of the others have the piece that will come off. Do you think you can remember which one it is Shiva?” I give her a grin, letting her know it’s a joke.
“Oh, I remember. It has that light on the end.”
“In the same bag, there is a green wrench in the front pocket. I will need that too in order to get the end off.”
“I'm sure we can find it with those directions.” Jacob is smiling as he says it and I squint my eyes at him.
"Who said you were going with us?" I feel like I had been left out of the loop somewhere.
"I did. I'm sticking with Shiva till she gets out of Dolus. Plus, you will need me to get to the dungeon. I'm the one who knows where it is, and they are requiring a minimum party of four. So you need me." He crosses his arms as he stands, trying to stare me down. It might have worked if he was two foot taller and not as thin. However, he did have a few good points.
"Fine." I let out a long sigh. "Might as well add more to our happy group. Not like we are on the run and hiding or anything."
"Oh, I already know you are running. Shiva told me that much. Point is, I don't care and I'm offering to help."
"What if I decide you can't come along?" I am already starting to like this guy. Something about him reminds me of one of my friends back home. It's the unwillingness to quit, or leave a friend in a bind.
"Better question is, how would you stop me?" I can't help but laugh.
"What the hell. Sarge seems to think you are ok. That's good enough for me." I reach out my hand to shake his and tell him. "Welcome to our jolly band of misfits."
"Glad you seen it my way." He shakes my hand again, this time putting a little pressure on his grip. "With that, I think I will get some sleep." He nods to the small window. "It's starting to get dark and if we are sneaking out early, I need my rest." With that, he starts to the door, causing Thea and I to move out of his way.
"You mind letting Thea and I test to make sure your charm works right before you get too far?" I ask as Thea holds the pendant again.
"I'm going to my room then. So you know if it works with my door shut too." Shiva goes into the connected door and Sarge close on her heels.
"You mind taking his harness off for tonight? He has been wearing it a while." Shiva waves a yes, kneels to unbuckle Sarge's harness and lays it beside the door. Sarge shakes, seemingly happy to be free of the harness for a while. Shutting her door, Shiva yells out.
"Ok, I'm ready." Jacob steps into the hall and closes the door. At Thea's nod, I let out a loud yell.
"Anything?" I open the door.
"Didn't hear a thing." Jacob chuckles as he walks off towards his own room. Closing the door, I grin at Thea. She gives me a grin of her own as she sets the pendant on the chair.
"Now, let's see if I can make you scream like I did earlier." She drops to her knees. She works my belt loose as I strip my shirt off, tossing both to the chair. Pulling down my jeans, my erection nearly slaps her in the face. With a grin, she licks my aching hardness before standing and dancing away from my grasp.
"Come here, you." I growl, kicking out of my Jean's and chasing her the few steps to the bed. She quickly sheds her robe, her breast bouncing free.
"No, no. This is my turn to play." She spins me around and pushes me onto the bed. She kneels down and pushes my legs apart as she kisses up my thighs. I stifled a groan as her tongue traces up the length of my hard cock. As my hands reach for her head, she pushes them away. She stares into my eyes as she draws the head of my cock into her mouth. Pulling her mouth free with a pop, she smiles.
"Just lay there. I'll let you know when you can move again." With another wink, she swallows me to the base, her throat wrapping around my cock. Letting out a long groan, I realize this is going to be a long night. I smile and think about how much fun we are about to have.
Shiva's point of view
Fuck! It's not working. I think as I hear Jim's yell from the connected room. I'm about to get off the bed when I hear Jacob talking to him.
"Didn't hear a thing." Oh shit it is working for the hall but not here. As I hear Jim and Thea start into their playing, I spring for the door. I have to tell them before they keep me up all night.
Reaching the door, I stop as my ears pick up Jim's moan. What the fuck are they doing already? Staring at the door, I notice a narrow crack between the boards. Just wide enough to see through if I place my eye to it. This is probably why the pendant didn't work on this room. The magic probably saw this as an opening to my room and not a door.
I know I should look for a way to plug the crack, but a loud pop causes me to shiver with excitement. Glancing down, Sarge is laying on the floor by the bed. He is already falling asleep and not caring about the noise. Pressing against the door, I peer through the crack.
There is Jim, spread out on the bed Thea bobbing on his cock. Goddess, how does she do that? I wonder as I watch his cock disappear into her mouth. His groan tells me whatever she is doing, it's driving him crazy. As she continues to work on his cock, I feel myself starting to get wet.
Fuck! If I say anything now, they will know I could hear them the whole time. I think to myself as I work my pants down my hips. Better to just keep quiet and pretend I didn't hear them. I think, denying to even myself that I really just want to watch them.
Jim's cock is throbbing in Thea's mouth, his hands balling in the covers. There is no harm in watching, it's not like they even know. My right hand slips down to stroke my wet folds, left reaching up to tease my nipples. I can't help but feel jealous of Thea as I watch them. My low groan as I cum is covered by Jim's own. I can see Thea swallowing and I can almost imagine his cum flooding her mouth.
In a flash, Jim has her pinned to the bed and kissing down her body. What is he doing? I wonder as he starts to spread her thighs. Surely, he isn't going to…. My thoughts are interrupted as he pulls her soaked panties to the side. Running his tongue along her dripping lips.
Oh Goddess! I think pulling my belt free and doubling it over before biting down on it. I got lucky on the first time, but I need to make sure I don't make any noise from here on out. My mind is running with wild thoughts as I watch Jim licking Thea. The thought of Jim doing the same to me and telling me to be quiet. Shoving my own soaking panties into my mouth to make sure I do.
Goddess, I am fucked in the head. I think to myself as I feel another orgasm rip through me. Thea is far from quiet, her moans and screams covering my own soft whimpers. Feeling my knees go weak, I lean heavily against the door. Not wanting to miss a second of the two together.
I know this is depraved, watching the two in such a private moment. As two of my fingers slip inside me, I just can't bring myself to care. Jim is rolling her over now, pulling her hips up into the air. He slaps his hard cock against her ass. Asking her how bad she wants his hard cock inside her.
It's all I can do not to moan out how bad I want it as she yells to fuck her. With a laugh, he slides inside her, slowly and deliberately teasingly. She bucks back against him at the same time I buck against the door. As my fingers work in and out of me, I can't help but wish they were him.
That it was me beneath him, being taken like an animal by his hard cock. He is gripping her hips hard now, slamming home into her with almost violent thrust. My throbbing pussy clamps down on my fingers, but I keep pumping them in and out to his rhythm. Her screams and moans almost covering the slaps he is delivering to her ass.
Her ass is nearly all red now, crossed with his handprints. It makes me ache at the thought of him doing the same to me. The thought of him slapping my ass, pulling my tail to force himself inside me. He's pulling out now, turning Thea around. His cock erupts, cum spewing out to cover her face. She ducks the head of him into her mouth, swallowing the rest of his load.
As she licks his shaft clean, I feel myself cum again. I can't remember how many times that makes now. I'm falling now, my knees not supporting me any longer. I'm barely able to keep from making a racket as I hit the ground. Laying quietly by the door, I listen to see if they heard me. A few moments later, there is the sound of Thea moaning again.
Pulling myself to the bed, I drag myself into it. Sarge looks up at me, seeming to take in my wadded pants around my ankles as he stares.
"I know, I'm pitiful." I whisper to the dog as I kick my pants free. My pussy feels swollen as my fingers stroke over it. I don't know how much more I can handle. Listening to Jim cuss, and the wet slapping sounds through the door, I groan as my fingers slide back inside. One more time at least, I'm aching as I work the first two, then three fingers inside.
This is torture. To hear them this close while I'm so worked up. I think as I feel myself building to another orgasm. I haven't acted like this in so long. It's almost like I am in heat again. I feel a shudder run through my body at the thought. The thought of Jim thrusting into me, filling me up with his cum while I'm in heat. Jim getting me pregnant, carrying his child.
I have to bite down on my pillow to keep from screaming out. The idea of him taking me, of making me his is driving me crazy. Why does it hit me so hard? He's just a human. Humans are weaker than beastkin or demi humans as they call us. It doesn't make sense for me to be so attracted to him, he's just a weak human.
He was strong enough to take me down. To pin me to the ground and tie my up. He could have done anything and I couldn't have stopped him. I think as I feel another orgasm rip through my body, causing me to arch my back on the bed. Yes, he is strong. Humans may be weaker, but he isn't. I feel myself starting to pass out, the toll of my body cumming so many times catching up to me.
Why did he have to find Thea? I think to myself as I struggle to pull the blankets over me. In the other room, I can hear Jim and Thea starting again. This causes me to moan in frustration as I’m a little jealous. He certainly does have a lot of stamina for a human.
Near Jim's truck just as it's getting dark
Muldoon's point of view
"So what did you find?" The scout had just returned from up the road. He had stopped long enough to catch his breath and swing up onto his horse. The fact that he had yet to tell me anything is getting on my nerves.
We had teamed up out of Torrance as he had been traveling with a mage and a thief. I hate mages, almost as much as I despise thieves. Unfortunately, the mage had skills we needed on this trip and wasn't going along without his partners. Looking over to my sister, I can see her annoyed look.
She is fiddling with the short sword on her hip, a sure sign she is ready to kill someone. Her bow is strung, but slung across her back and the bowstring splitting her chest. Dirty leather armor hugs her body and showing off more of her figure than I as her brother am comfortable with.
"Limp dick! The fuck did you find?" She snarls which makes the scout to jump. He straightens the hood on his dirty gray cloak before turning to look at her.
"The thing pulled into the trees. Later, three came out on foot. One man, two women, and a dog." Turning back to the mage and the thief, it's obvious he's done talking. The mage seems to be deep in thought at the news. Scarred fingers strokes his unkempt beard. The thief doesn't seem to care either way as he stares off in the distance.
"We should wait on them to come back. That way, we can ambush them in the trees." The mage, the fuck is his name, Albert, Eggbert, something stupid brings up an idea.
"Can't wait on this one. The reward is too high." I remind them as I run my hand through my close cropped hair. The reward had been a hundred thousand gold coins when it first came through. Yesterday, it had jumped to five hundred thousand for him alive, two hundred thousand dead.
"We should check the thing in the trees." The thief says, showing he had been paying at least some attention. Shaking my head, I feel myself getting angry at the idiot.
"Dumbass, did you not read the quest report? He has some kind of area affect magic that he doesn't need to be present for. He killed one of the idiots in armor that was chasing him with it. You really want to go walking up on something of his and catch a blast to the face?"
"Then what do you suggest?" The scout asks, stringing his own bow and checking the tension.
"It’s obvious ain't it?" Seeing their confused looks, I start to lose my temper. Luckily, my sister yells at them before I have the chance.
"The only thing along this road is Sacren. They are headed there. We sneak up on them and take them by surprise." Seeing there still confused faces, I fight back the urge to cut them all down.
"They had to stop to get supplies. If we go in and pretend to be normal adventurers, we can get close. We set an ambush and collect our gold." I can feel my pulse rising with each word I say, speaking slowly so as not to confuse them.
"Ambush them how?" The thief, Keith, Kevin, whatever the fuck his name is, asks.
"Get him in the street alone, then you." At this, I point to the mage. "Hit him with your paralysis spell and when he goes down, we tie him up." I let out a long huffy. This should be simple, why isn't it simple?
"Wha… what if he doesn't go down?" The mage is fidgeting in his saddle as he asks. He is really starting to piss me off now.
"Then we put a few arrows in him, trying not to kill him. If we have to, oh well." Smiling at the three idiots, I try and get their head in the game. "Two hundred thousand split five ways is still a lot of coin."
I have to fight back a snigger at my words, but it gets the effect I wanted. The three start to chatter amongst themselves and talk about what they are going to spend their coin on. Looking to my sister, I can't help but grin. These idiots don't know it, but they aren't going to see a coin of the reward.
As soon as we are out of town and headed for the nearest outpost, those three are going to have an accident. There are lots of deep holes to lose a body in, especially in this part of the country. If we hadn't needed the tracker and the mage's paralysis spell, they would already be dead.
Have to admit, it was lucky running into them in Torrance. Almost as lucky as running into that stupid girl, Dawn. She had went on and on about the man Silas that saved her. She talked about his weapons, the strange armor, and how his dog seemed to know what he wanted like magic. She even talked about the elf with the healing powers.
The cat girl had thrown a wrench in things. For a moment, I had been worried that he wasn't the man we were looking for. Then she had mentioned the symbol on the top left side of his armor. That had been all the proof I needed to know he was the right guy. A small patch in a tan and green with a weird symbol, O- on it.
It was part of the description just shared with the bounty hunter guild, not even the useless adventurers got that information. That along with the dog, black with a little white and even less brown. Yeah, this was the man the king is looking for. I'd bet my life on it.
"So, should we head into town now?" The scout asks, damned if he wasn't an idiot at times.
"No, we make camp. If we go into Sacren after dark, we will draw attention. We camp here, then head in with the first light." Dismounting from my horse, I lead it over to the side of the road. Stripping the saddle bags, I loosen its girth. My sister walks up behind me and slings her saddle to the ground.
“I can't wait to cut this dead weight.” She chuckles as she digs out a hunk of hard bread and cheese.
“I know what you mean and I don't like the way that dumbass Kevin keeps looking at you.” She starts to laugh, causing me to shoot her a questioning look.
“His name is Carter, not Kevin.”
“Fucking dumbass is what it should be.” I growl out as I see the idiot looking over our way.
“If he keeps looking at you, I’ll gouge his eyes out and feed them to him.” I raise my voice just loud enough so that he can hear me. At my words, the thief turns back around, focusing on his pack. At least the scout knows how to set up camp as he already has a fire started. Out of the three, he is the only one worth a damn. Too bad he likes to stay so damn quiet and insist on sticking with his friends.
As I spread out my bedroll, my sister spreads hers out beside me. We quickly work out a watch rotation amongst the group with dumbass one and two taking the final two watches. Laying back, I chew on my own rations, hard jerky and a dried tarin fruit.
“Won't be too long now.” My sister whispers to me. “When the time comes, I get to stick it into that idiot mage.” Her eyes are flashing with anger, making me wonder what the mage did to set her off.
“What did that idiot do, Sabel?”
“Him, nothing. I just hate mages and you know why.” She rolls over and plans on getting as much sleep as she can before her turn on watch. As the scout starts to walk the perimeter, I lean back. I keep an eye on him from the corners of my eyes. He keeps looking my way and it's starting to annoy me.
“What?” I growl as he gets close to my bedroll.
“I can't be sure, but I think someone is out there.” He whispers while leaning down towards me. My hand wraps around the hilt of my sword, eyes darting around.
“Where do you think they are?”
“It's not anything I have heard. It's more of a feeling than anything else.” He scans the treeline, eyes darting back and forth.
“If you see something more than a feeling, let me know.” I grumble, setting my sword beside my bedroll. “Till then, keep your feelings to yourself.” Rolling over, I close my eyes and try to ignore the snores from idiot one and two.
- In Serial168 Chapters
A Dark God In An Otherwise Godless Multiverse
Eons ago a devastating and apocalyptic battle took place that rocked every dark and loathsome corner of the multiverse. In the aftermath of the battle, deities, demon-lords, old ones, arch-devils, angel kings and archon queens, not to mention other cosmically powerful entities were totally obliterated. Despite this history-changing occurrence, life found a way and life went on in a godless multiverse for an unimaginable length of time. And in time, even the mightiest and most popular gods were nearly forgotten. But one day, in a universe unlike our own, an altogether fantastic and magical universe, a deity is born. A new deity. An evil deity. Join the aforementioned dark deity as he embarks on a quest to gain power, worshippers, and dark glory. This story features a deity as its protagonist, but it's a deity who starts off alone in a dark and harsh multiverse. He needs worshippers to grow in power and has to earn his victories intelligently. He seeks to gain worshippers, discover the truth behind his genesis, and become the deity he is meant to be. He is a villainous protagonist who will hurt others, and he's unafraid to kill and destroy what he can't control. This is his story. Please note: this story will contain evil beings doing evil things. Violence, gore, profanity, and sexual content will all be featured throughout this story.
8 134 - In Serial10 Chapters
Two Gods Battled, I Dealt the Finishing Blow, Profit?
The battle between good and evil has ended long ago, now the God of Creation and God of Destruction are fighting, trying to be better than the other, destroying the earth in the process.On the final clash of the two Gods, they dealt a fatal blow on each other, weakening them beyond their expectations and when the two lost strength to move, the ground below them opened. A man who appeared from the hole dealt the finishing blow.Losing its god, the earth started to crumble and a week after the death of the two gods, the man who ate them was summoned to another world.With the power of the two gods at his disposal, what can the ultimate hikkikomori, who stayed true to his path even when the world was ending, do in the new world?
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Investigation of the Occult School Club - Case "Kids of the Station"
Macabre stories, legends passed down for generations, the newest supernatural discovery by unsuspecting students… All of this and more is within the club's scope. This investigation is about a certain legend, of a certain city, about a certain station… Will our investigators bring results home, or…?
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Tales of Realms
A Cultivation World. A Young man named Scrifo with no knowledge of his birth parents, raised by a rowdy man, starts his journey in the world filled with complex relationships, plots and powerhouses that could bend the world to their will with just a glance. A Path filled with War, Honor and Helpless Sighs of Scrifo and his comrades. His brothers and sisters, who together with him will laugh with content at the World's Apex. A Tale of Brotherhood, Love, Tears and Oaths that will sometimes fill them with heart-warming joy while other times with heart-wrenching sorrow and would unknowingly lead them to the centre stage of the realms. Disclaimer: Though the book has Xianxia tag there will be no chinese names in the novel because it would be quite idiotic of me to try and use chinese names without understanding what they mean or represent and for that you have my apologies. What this tag represents is that you'll have a working cultivation system, fighting techniques, people on the quest to reach the top of the world, a world built around cultivation. Of course, everything with my own salt and pepper added to it. Hope you won't be veered off right here and will try a different take on the xianxia genre. I can assure you you won't be disappointed. Release Schedule - Ideally, Weekly Updates on Fridays or Saturdays. Chapter Size - Around 2200 Words Book Size - Honestly, I Don't Know. Reading Tips: 'Character Thinking in Their Head' "For Spoken Dailogues" *For Sounds* ||For Location And Timing|| [Attacks | Cultivation Techniques | Scriptures] Discord: https://discord.gg/zvGPYyb Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MunchingDevil
8 188 - In Serial204 Chapters
the only one who remembers
Since his first, unfortunate visit to the Holy Island of Velence, Cale had been a prisoner, held in a recurring war of grief and destruction. He wanted nothing more than to reach an end and bring the people he loved to safety. But the world was against him no matter what he did. Therefore, he put a new plan into effect, build connections between countries and made friends with the most powerful people in the world. After almost two decades, it was finally time to let his preparations sprout. Even though no one was aware of his influence, Cale would not let the past rest and would protect the future by any means necessary. After all, he was the only one who remembers. ____________________________________ Deutsche Version: https://www.wattpad.com/story/248618817-the-only-one-who-remembers
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Lucy and Wendy's pain
When Lisanna came back from the "dead" everyone has been treating Lucy and Wendy like their ghost. But something made them want to quit the guild. What will happen to the angels of Fairy Tail~DISCONTINUED~
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