《Summoned to Another World with My Truck》Where am I and how did I get here
The pond on the back side of my grandparents’ property has always been quiet. Once a year, my brother Mark and I stocked it with bluegill for the young’un to have something to fish for without going off the property. The most you ever had to worry about was a wandering horse checking on you. It always was one of my favorite places to relax.
As I leaned back in the camp chair, my rod gives a gentle tug. Setting down my beer, I start to reel in the fish. It's just another small bluegill. I toss it back and recast my line. As I take another sip, I listen to the wind rustling the trees nearby. The sky is a beautiful blue without a cloud in sight. It really is a perfect day to be out fishing.
“Nice day for it, ain’t it?” Mark comments as he reaches into the cooler for another beer.
“Yeah, it's a good day to waste some time.” I set my beer down to recast my line. My line is drifting towards the snag and I don't want to lose another hook.
“You know what you should be doing don't you?” My brother reels in his line.
“If you say cutting my grass, I am going to hit you.” I chuckle. He always loves to remind me it needs cut.
“Alright, I won’t say it. You know, Sarge is going to get fleas if you don't. You really want to deal with that?”
“No.” I let out a long sigh. “Let me worry about that tomorrow. I don't want to deal with that today. We don't get enough time just the two of us, you know.”
“Can't waste all day.” My brother tells me as he takes another sip. For the next few minutes, we sit in silence while we reel in a few fish and toss them back. The sun feels good on my skin, warming me up.
“You see where Sarge ran off to?” I start looking around. “Last thing I need is him digging up a badger and getting tore up.”
“Come on bub, you know what's going on.” Mark deadpans, staring in my eyes.
“What's that?”
“Sarge is probably with Shiva. He is starting to like her.” My blood runs cold at Mark’s words.
“How do you know about her? That was just a dream.”
“That's not a dream, bub. You know this.” Mark gets off my couch and grabs a pair of beers from my fridge. Handing me one, he sits down on my couch and flips the channel to the game.
“When did we come home? We were just fishing.” I get really confused at our sudden change of scenery.
“Calm down, bub. Don't think about it too hard or you’ll wake up.” Mark gives me a calm look, setting his hand on my shoulder.
“This is a dream ain’t it?”
“Yup.” He takes another drink. “It ain’t that bad, though. I mean, at least you are aware of it.”
“What am I gonna do bub?” Setting my beer down on the table, I lean forward and put my elbows on my knees. “I have half the country after me and I’m struggling to keep afloat right now.”
“First, calm down. It doesn't do any good to freak out.” Mark rubs my back, it's the same thing he always did to calm me down. “You are going to be alright.”
“Glad one of us is sure.” I start to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I’m in a dream, talking to my brother, and he is the one calming me down. “Seriously, what am I going to do?”
“You are going to calm down and when you get up, you are going to handle business. Start off with having some fun with that sexy elf girl of yours. After that, figure out what you need and make a plan.”
“What I need. God, do you have time to make a list.” I laugh again and shoot him a look. “Sexy elf girl, huh.”
“What can I say, I’m just a part of your mind trying to help you out.” He laughs and slaps a new magazine in his rifle. Firing down range, he starts to cut the center out of the target. Shouldering my rifle, I briefly wonder when we got to the range. Pushing that thought down, I fire on my own target.
“So what should I do?” I reload my rifle and lay it on my shoulder.
“Well, let's break it down.” Mark slings his rifle on his back and sits on the tailgate. “You are in another world with limited ammo and few friends. Right?”
“Yeah.” I run over my list of supplies in my head. “A couple, three sacks of cash as well. Don't know how long it will last and I’m not really sure how the conversion rate works here.”
“What else do you have?” Mark is staring at me now, eyes boring into my soul. “Come on bub, you know this.” He throws a square bale up to me in the loft of the barn. I stack the bale with the others while thinking about what he said.
“I don't know, what am I missing, bub?” Mark gives a loud sigh, climbing up the ladder. He sits on a bale and motions me to join him.
“This world is not as advanced as ours, bub. Use what you know.” He slaps me in the back of my head and continues. “What's the formula for gunpowder?”
“Saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. Mixed in three parts, one to one.” I dig the memories from my mind.
“What about tannerite?”
“Ammonia nitrate and powdered aluminum.”
“Do you think those two might make a difference?” He twist off the top of a beer and hands it to me.
“I don't exactly have that just laying around.” I take a sip of beer. I look around and realize we are back on the banks of my grandparents’ pond.
“Not now, but I bet you could still find them.” He reels in his line and a largemouth bass is on the end of it. We never stock those in this pond. As I stare at the fish, it transforms into a bluegill.
“So what, just bring modern war to a medieval world. Kill anyone who gets in my way till they quit chasing me. That's not who I am, bub.” Taking a drink, he swishes it in his mouth before spitting it out.
“It’s not who you were. This ain’t home, bub. Well, not yet and maybe not ever. You have to decide and decide right now.”
“Decide what?” I ask, afraid of what he might say.
“Are you going to lay down and die, or kick this world in the teeth and show it who's boss?” Mark stares at me, seeming to challenge me to say he’s wrong. “If you keep going like you are, they will win. You have to get tougher, bub. You have to find that part of you that wants to give up, then you have to cut it out. Amputate it so it doesn't drag you down.”
“I’m trying.” I say with my hands shaking as I lean forward in my chair. “It's just so hard bub. I’ve killed people here. If I keep going, I’m going to have to kill again.” My hands won't quit shaking. I grab my knees and try to stop the shakes.
“I’ve killed people too, bub.” Mark whispers. As I looked up, my smiling brother is gone. My breath catches in my throat and I’m not prepared for this.
We are now in the woods where we deer hunted as teens. Mark has the barrel of his deer rifle in his mouth. This isn't a dream, not anymore at least. This is a memory and it’s the one I have struggled to forget every day.
Mark had gotten home from his last deployment and he said he wanted to go hunting. He walked up the hill before dawn by himself. When I got off work, I had decided to go up after him. I didn’t get to spend much time with him and thought hunting would be good. When I got to the top of the hill, I found him. In this same exact position, almost four years ago now, I wrestled the gun away from him that day. I nearly get shot in the process.
He broke down crying in my arms on top of that hill. Telling me he couldn't take it anymore. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes, not for as long as I live. He begged me to walk away, to let him end it once and for all. I wouldn't let him because I couldn't give up on my brother. The next day I quit my job and spent every waking moment with him. It was a rough time. One of the hardest I have ever had.
He eventually broke down and told me everything. He wasn't sleeping, barely eating, and living off whiskey and painkillers. He did anything he could to dull his senses and let him sleep for a few hours. The pain inside him was like a knife to my own heart. There was nothing I could do, but try and help. Eventually with a lot of help, he became his old self again. Or at least as close to himself as he could.
A part of him had died overseas, his innocence forever gone. Even now with his family and kids, he wasn't his old self. There was always that hollowness to him where the kid used to be. You could see it when he held his son; a fear in his eyes, half hidden. The things he has seen stayed with him and he just got better at dealing with them.
“Why are you showing me this?” I toss his rifle away.
“Because you know how hard it can be. You pulled me back from my ledge. Sooner or later, you will need someone to pull you back from yours. Until then, push it down.”
“Bury it, kill it, and stomp it out like a campfire. You take every emotion, every feeling that isn't helping you and lock it away. Put it in a box and lose the key. Later when you have a moment, deal with it. Till then, you have to ignore it and stop holding back.”
“I’m not holding back!” I yell, causing Mark to jump.
“If you aren't holding back, how did Chloe beat you?” Mark holds out a hand to me and pulls himself to his feet. “You are a summoned hero, you have powers you can't understand. Use them and learn to control them.”
“How am I supposed to do that? I don't know what they are or how to unlock them.” Casting out my line, I feel the tug of a fish on the line.
“For one, stop fishing. It's not helping you figure anything out, now is it? Two, you have help available so use it.”
“What help?” I ask as I turn to face Mark.
“He means me.” Thea’s voice drifts over my shoulder which causes me to turn to her. She’s wearing the panties I had put on her and nothing else. She giggles as she wraps her arms around me and whispers in my ear. “Glad to see you picture me like this in your dreams.” She nibbles my ear, causing me to groan.
“She has already began teaching you how to manipulate mana.” Mark’s voice comes from all around me. Looking around, I see that he has disappeared, leaving me alone with Thea.
“Learn more and use the power you have. Do whatever it takes to survive and kill anything that threatens you. Protect the ones you care about and keep them safe.” With that, his voice disappears and I’m alone with the sexy elf in my arms.
“I’ll show you, Jim. You just have to ask.” Just like that, Thea starts to kiss down my body. My clothes have disappeared and we are now in my bedroom back home. Her fingers reach out to tweak my nipples as her mouth trails down. Feeling her tongue trace along the stiffness of my cock, I groan. She smiles up at me as she traces her tongue over the head of my cock.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks as her left hand comes up to cup my aching balls.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” I groan as she licks the entire length of my aching cock. With a grin, she takes the head of me into her mouth, sucking hard. Threading my hands in her hair, I force her head deeper on my aching cock.
“God, this feels so real.” I mumble, blinking my eyes. I don't recognize this room as the wood walls are lit by a single lamp in the center. Looking down, I see I am covered by a rough wool blanket dyed green. A lump on the blanket moves up and down at my waist in time with the feeling of a hot wet mouth around my cock.
“About time you woke up.” Thea pulls the blankets off her. “I was beginning to think you were going to sleep through the whole thing.” She gives me a wink before returning to my aching cock. Her mouth moves quickly up and down my shaft. Her hands rub over my balls gently. I can feel my cum already rising from her talented mouth as she works over my length.
“Fuck! I’m about to cum.” I hiss, trying to pull her off my hard cock. She slaps my hands away and looks up into my eyes as she takes me into her throat. With another wink, she starts to hum on my cock as she bobs. The vibrations causes my already racing orgasm to come flooding up from my balls. With a loud groan, I feel myself start to erupt in her mouth. She doesn't back off and her hands massage my balls as she continues to work my cock in her mouth.
It feels like she is pulling my soul out through my cock. Spurt after spurt of my cum fills her mouth and throat. She swallows it down and keeps sucking for more. Finally, I stop cumming as she continues to milk my cock with her mouth. With a loud ‘pop’, she lets my softening cock slip from her mouth. Licking up a drop of my cum from her lips, she smirks at me. Giving my cock one final pump, she licks a drop of cum that leaks from the tip before laying her head on my stomach.
“What brought this on?” I ask, breathing raggedly as my heart rate returns to normal.
“Well …..” She gives me a naughty look as she runs her hands over my stomach. “You were hard and it seemed such a waste not to enjoy it. I didn't think you would have a problem with it.” I can see her eyes shining with mischief as she speaks to me.
“Oh, no complaints from me.” I laugh quietly. “Feel free to wake me up like that anytime.” Pulling her up to me, I kiss her. “One question, though?”
“What's that?” She runs her hand over my chest as she lays her head down on me.
“Where’s Shiva and Sarge?”
“They left about a half hour ago. I stayed to watch over you, then I got bored.” She is running her hands lower now. She starts to rub my now hardening cock as she speaks. “Then I figured, why not have some fun.” With a growl, I flip her over on the bed so she is laying on her back.
“You had your fun.” I cut off her complaints. “Now, it's my turn.” I kiss along her neck. She starts to moan as my hand strip the bra off her. Her nipples are standing up to say hello to me. Taking one in my mouth and sucking hard, she arcs up to meet my mouth. Pushing on her stomach to lay her flat on her back, I start to kiss my way down her body.
At her stomach, I pause and kiss her navel as my hands trace along her thighs. I can feel the heat coming off her center like a furnace. Her smell is driving me wild and making me want to drive myself home inside her. Drawing a ragged breath to calm myself, my hands slip the panties off of her. Kissing her inner thigh, her scent fills my nostrils. I move her thighs further apart and enjoy the view of her soaking sex infront of me.
After all the time we have been on the road, she is still smooth and silky, with only a small tuft of blonde hair above her glistening lips. Tilting my head, I nuzzled my nose against her dripping lips. I fill my nose with her scent as I feel her buck against my touch.
“No one has ever.” She says which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her. She blushes as my tongue reaches out, tracing gently over her slit.
“Then they were idiots.” I tell her as I take a long lick with the widest part of my tongue. “Let me show you what you have been missing.” I nuzzle my nose along her slit and use my tongue to spread her lips. She bucks against my touch, making a soft mewing sound as I work over her soaking sex. Running my hands under her, I cup her ass and pull her to me. I start off with long slow strokes and search out every drop of her juices.
Feeling her start to buck against my face, her hands gripping my hair and I smile. Driving my tongue inside her wet channel, curling it and dragging it back out. She curses with her hands tightening almost painfully in my hair. Using a long slow stroke, I circle her hard clit with my tongue. Feeling her start to buck against me harder, I double down on my efforts. I work my tongue faster and harder against her clit. I can feel her bucking wildly against me, getting closer and closer to the edge.
Pulling her clit into my mouth, I suck hard on the nub and flick it rapidly with my tongue. She stiffens and her hands pull painfully on my hair as she reaches her peak. Grinding my chin against her lips, I double the effort of my tongue. Her back arches, forcing her harder into my mouth as she screams. Her wordless yell devolving into sobs and curses as she soaks my face while covering me in her juices. I trace my tongue over her pussy and search out all of her juices as she moans and quakes.
Her thighs are quaking with aftershocks as they squeeze against my head. It's getting hard to breath, but I keep going. I feel her body quake again as she cums again on my tongue. I drive my face deeper into her soaking pussy as she groans through another orgasm. After what seems like mere seconds, she pushes my head away from her.
“No, no I can't take anymore.” Her words are breathless and her hands still shaking. Crawling up her body, I kiss my way up to her mouth. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for another kiss. Her mouth fighting to drive herself deeper into my face. Tongue darting out to taste herself from my lips and face. She darts back in to share her stolen juices with me. Biting my lip, she pulls her head back with a groan.
“Fuck! I’ve never felt like that before.” Her eyes are full of lust as her hand circles around my hard cock. She smiles and slides my head against her still dripping lips. “Fuck me, Jim!”
“Are you sure?” I tease, feeling my head slip inside her briefly before withdrawing it. “You did say you couldn't handle any more.” She bucks up against me, trying to get the head to slide back inside her.
“That was then. Fuck me, make me yours!” She screams as I slap the head of my cock against her clit. With a small laugh, I feed the head of my cock inside her tight pussy and barely hold back a groan.
“You are already mine.” I tell her as I pull her legs up to wrap around my hips. “I’m never letting you go.” I drive my hips forward, filling her tight pussy with my hard cock in one stroke. Her head snaps back and drives into the pillows as she cums around my cock.
“All yours! Just don’t stop fucking me!” She screams as I start driving into her as hard as I can. The only sound in the room is our hips slapping together and our loud groans. Thea’s hands scratch up and down my back. Her nails are digging into my skin. Groaning, I pull her legs up and set them on my shoulders as I drive myself home inside her. My hands gripped her hips, digging into the soft flesh as I slam my cock into her.
Feeling her pussy tightened along my cock as she cums, I let out a low moan. I reach down, grab her collar, and pull her up for a kiss. Feeling her tongue darting into my mouth, I pull myself almost all the way out. Her eyes go wide as I slam myself home, pulling out slowly again. I keep the same pattern going. I withdraw almost all the way out slowly and slam home in her tight pussy.
As I feel her cumming for the third time on my cock, I feel my balls start to tighten again. With a wordless yell of my own, I drive into her again and feel my cum shooting inside her tight pussy. Pumping hard, I continue to flood her with my cum as my strokes turning into a frenzy of wild thrust. I feel her legs slip from my shoulders as her hands wrap around my neck. Falling back onto the bed, she drags me with her. Our mouths welded together with passionate kisses as we continue to thrust weakly at each other. I feel my softening cock start to slip from her dripping pussy and she slides me onto my back.
“Bed is better.” She slips on top of me as she speaks with her legs intertwining with mine. “The truck is fun, but the bed is better.”
“I have to agree with you there.” I laugh as she lays her head back on my chest. “Definitely better.” As I kiss the top of her head, I look around the room for the first real time. My clothes and gear are laying on top of a chair against the wall. An open doorway leads to a small room off to my left and a single narrow bed inside it.
“One more question, how did we get here? The last thing I remember is the giant blue haired woman breaking my leg.” Feeling Thea squeeze me tighter, I look down into her eyes.
“She did more than break your leg.” Running her hand over my skull, she winces. “She fractured your skull in three places and damn near killed you. After that, she helped me heal your leg and gave us this room. Shiva’s friend helped get you to the room. I don't know if Shiva and I could have done it on our own.”
“Shiva has a friend?” That is a shock to me. I thought her attitude would drive most people off. Thinking about it, I realize that wasn't fair to Shiva. Yes, her attitude has been sour towards me, but she hasn't exactly been in a great position most of the time. There was Thea and I having sex in the truck. According to her, her sense of smell is a lot stronger than mine, so that had to be awkward for her.
“From what I could tell, he is an old friend. Like pre-adventurer friend. Well, I think at least. He had to help her to the room after she spoke to Chloe. Or I imagined him helping her, I’m not really sure.” Thea’s face contorts in thought as she tells me this. Taking a moment to absorb the information, my mind can't help but wander.
“What?” Thea asks as she feels me stiffen underneath her. I remembered my dream, my brothers warning to me. I know in my mind it was my inner voice talking to me not my brother. That still doesn't change how much it has shaken me. My hands start to shake, so I wrap them around Thea’s waist.
“Just a weird dream.” I kiss the top of her head, then leaned my forehead down to her head. I lay there breathing in our scent, the smell of our sex only slightly overpowering her personal scent. I remember what the dream of my brother had said about kicking this world in the teeth.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Her hands are tracing a soft pattern over my core. With every stroke of her hands, I feel my mana stretching out towards her.
“No, not right now.” I tell her as my hands roam down to her ass. I cup her cheeks in either hand. “For now, I think we need to have a talk about how you are doing that to me. Then maybe grab something to eat.”
“I’m just brushing your mana with mine.” She shrugs, stopping her movements. “I just channel mine and yours reaches for me.”
“Then why doesn't yours respond to me when I do the same?” I move my mana along my hands and feel disappointed when I don't feel hers respond.
“Because I’m actually channeling mine and you are still forcing yours. When you learn to channel it, to manipulate it freely, mine will react to yours the same way.” Thinking about her words, I just feel confused.
“So how do I learn to channel my mana?”
“How else, practice and lots of it.” Kissing my chest, Thea steps off the bed and stretches her arms over her head. For a moment, I’m stunned and stuck staring at her perfect body. I don't know what I did to find a woman like her, but whatever it was, I’m grateful.
“So are you going to get up?” Thea turns back towards the bed, giving me a better view of her body.
“I don't know, but I’m considering pulling you back into this bed.” I give her a smirk as I speak. Thea blushes and her lack of clothes showing me just how far her blush goes down.
“If we are going to do that, I may need to do some healing. Otherwise, I might not be able to walk.” She waves her hand down towards her sex, still leaking our combined juices.
“Mmmm, I didn't hear you complaining earlier.” Sitting up on the side of the bed, I wrap my arms around her waist. I pull her flush against me, her breast even with my mouth as I look up at her.
“You won't hear me complaining about that.” Thea laughs. The sound as pure as anything I have ever heard before. “I have never felt anything like that before. When I came, I thought I was going to pass out.” Her voice takes on a rough, almost husky growl as she remembers what we had just done.
“Let me show you what my A game is like sometimes. I bet that I can make you black out and forget your own name.” My lips tease over her body and her eyes are filled with lust. It looks like we won't be leaving the room anytime soon. Thea spreads her legs gently and brings one of my hands up her leg to cup her. As my finger starts to lightly tease over her wet slit, she throws her head back. A low moan escaped her lips which drives me on.
“Hello.” A loud knock from the door pulls us out of our lustful state. “We are going to start serving dinner soon. Shiva said to let you know.” Laughing, Thea pulls away from my grip.
“Thank you!” She calls through the door. “We will be right down.We just need to get dressed first, Sean.”
“Sean.” I say, remembering the boy from yesterday or this morning whenever it was we reached town. “Hold on a minute!” I call out as I leap from bed and pulling my jeans on quickly. Thea seems to realize what I was planning and hurriedly pulls my shirt over her head. It shows off a good portion of her thigh and she gives me a wink. Opening the door, I see the blue haired boy still waiting in the hall.
“I need to say something to you.” I drop to one knee, bringing myself to eye level with him. “I’m sorry for what I did yesterday. I couldn't see when I entered the bar. When you hit me in the stomach, I thought I was being attacked. I wish I could take it back, not because your mom kicked my ass. I wish I could take it back because I don't hit children. I am truly sorry that I kicked you.” Sean looks shocked at my apology, scuffing his feet on the floor boards below.
“It's no big deal. I told mom I was ok. She just gets crazy when it involves me you know.” He looks back into my eyes. “It's kinda embarrassing.”
“Trust me Sean, parents always embarrass their kids. It's just a part of growing up. You are lucky to have a mom who cares so much for you.” Ruffling his hair, I stand and start to head back into the room. Thea sticks her head out as I’m about to enter.
“Is there a bathhouse around here?”
“There is a public one down the street just before the blacksmith. We also have one here, but it’s a silver an hour to use.” He points to a narrow stairwell at the back of the hall. “That leads to the bathing area and it's the only way to it. If you can cycle mana, you can adjust the heat from the spout.”
“Thank you, Sean.” I say rubbing his head, causing him to duck away from my hand.
“How long until dinner is served?” Thea dives back into the room and comes back to the door a moment later.
“You have about a half hour before food starts coming out. Kitchen usually runs out in a couple of hours and when it’s out, that's it.” He inches towards the main stairs.
“Before you go, take this.” Thea takes Sean’s hand to place a small stack of coins. “Two silver for the bath and the rest is for you. Spend it on whatever you want.” Sean looks to the coins in his hand, smiles, and takes off running down the stairs.
“Just how much did you give the kid?” I turn back towards the room, grab my gun belt and buckle it on.
“You know putting clothes on is counterproductive to bathing.” Thea tells me as she gives me a wink.
“Maybe, but I’m not going anywhere without a weapon. Not till we get the fuck out of Dolus at least.” As I look around the room, I can't find what I’m looking for. “Is there a key to this room?”
“Of course there is.” Thea smiles at me and lifts her hand to show me a small brass key.
“Now, where did you hide that ‘cause I know that shirt doesn't have pockets.” I laugh as I wind my arm around Thea’s waist. The two of us lock the door, then start down the back stairs.
“I’d tell you where I hid it, but then you would start asking questions.” Thea reaches up on her tips of her toes and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
“Now hurry up, I want a hot bath.” She drags me down the stairs and barely stops to flip a small sign from open to in use. Bursting into the bathing area, Thea stops and lets out a high pitched squeal.
“Oh, look at it!” Her head is whipping around the room to take in the whole setup. In the center of the room is a large copper tub. It’s big enough for four people to lounge in. A large tap hangs over the back edge with a simple valve to turn on the water. The floor is tiled in a rough black stone and judging from the look, it won't be slippery when it gets wet. A rack of brown towels are against one wall with a tray holding rough cut soap beside it. A small window is open on the back wall and my best guess is to let out excess heat.
“It sure is nice looking. We may actually get clean.” I laugh, turning back to the door and locking it. As we strip off our few clothes, Thea starts the water. After a few moments of her doing something with the valve, steam starts rising off the water.
“How hot do you like your water?” She looks back over her shoulder and shakes her hips in my direction. Feeling myself start to stiffen, I pull myself in close to her and lockher hips with mine.
“As hot as you can stand it, that's fine with me.” I start to run my hands up her hips and feel her push back against me. We may have come down here for a bath, but I am fairly sure we will end up getting dirtier before we get cleaner. Thea moans and lifts her hips to cause her to straddle my hard cock. Grinding back and forth on me, my hard shaft rubbing along her wet slit, but not slipping in.
“I don't know, I like it hot.” She cuts off a groan, causing me to smile at her. The tub is mostly full, so Thea shuts off the water. Pushing back against me a final time, she slips into the tub with a giggle. I’m left standing there beside the tub and my manhood juts out like a flagpole.
“Are you coming in?” She winks at me and splashes a small wave of water at me. With a low growl, I slide inside the tub. I pull her into a kiss, making her straddle my waist and pin my manhood between us.
“Quick bath, play, then bathe again?” Thea’s eyes go unfocused at my suggestion, her breathing going erratic. “Do you like that idea?” I ask, nibbling along her pointed ears.
“Goddess!” Her breath starts to come in ragged bursts. She grips my shoulders so tight I’m almost sure she is drawing blood.
“That sounds amazing, but remember we have to hurry if we want to eat dinner.” She starts to scrub me down with the soap. I’m pleasantly surprised to find it smells vaguely of citrus.
“We should probably hurry.” I try not to groan as her body rubs against mine, the feel of her skin drives me wild.
“Yes we should or we could miss dinner.” Thea reaches between us, guiding me between her lips. Sinking down on my hard shaft, we both groan. Something tells me we are going to miss the food. As she starts to bounce up and down on my aching manhood, I can't bring myself to care about the food.
What seems like hours later, we finally leave the tub. Watching the water drain, I can't help but feel we need to tip whoever cleans this room. Drying each other off quickly, we help each other dress. The very act of that nearly starting another round right there on the rough stones. With a giggling elf on my arm, we make our way back to our room. Thea reluctantly gives me back my shirt and puts on her own clothes.
“Think they still have anything left?” I give Thea a smirk as she pulls her robe over her head.
“If not, we will just have to find some food elsewhere and then I can cook for you.” Handing me the belt with the sword and dagger, she motions me to put it on. “If you wear that, it will help the rest of your gear not to stand out so bad.” I shrug, but fasten the belt on my waist and I feel the solid weight of the sword on my left hip.
“I should really get someone to teach me how to use this thing.” I mutter to myself as I run my hand over the pommel.
“You could ask Shiva or her friend Jacob.” Thea grabs my arm to lead me out the door, not even giving me a chance to pull my boots on. She ties the bag of coins around my waist, her hands playing over my crotch just a second longer than necessary. When we hit the bottom of the stairwell, we both pause. The room is filled with men and women crowded around tables, perched on stools by the bar. A thick layer of smoke dances around the room, curling up from numerous pipes and cigars.
Seeing the number of people, I want to dive back up the stairs and grab my boots. Instead, Thea pushes me ahead and into the room. As we start into the bottom of the room, the crowd falls silent. Then a thunderous roar starts at the back of the room, spreading across the entire crowd. They are all applauding and catcalling as we step through the crowd. Several of the men slap me on the back, more than a few give Thea grins or whistles.
When one of them makes a move to grab her ass, I snatch his hand away. Glaring into his eyes, he begins to stammer an apology. Thea pulls my hand away from his and leads me through the crowd. There in the back corner of the room and sitting at a square table is Shiva. Sarge is laying under the table at her feet with a dark haired man I don't know beside her.
“The fuck is that all about?” I growl, flopping down in the seat beside Shiva. Thea looks at the table and eventually slides into my lap.
You see, most of the people in this room, they have been here drinking for the last few hours.” The dark haired man starts to explain. “It was about, oh maybe two hours ago, when this yell started shaking the windows loose.” He gives Thea a wink and a knowing look.
“Since then, most have been waiting to see who comes down and who was doing the screaming.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” I notice Thea is turning red like a fire engine and ducking her head to hide her face behind her hair.
“This is Jacob.” Shiva raises her glass to her lips and takes a small sip of some dark liquid. “He’s an old friend and he can be trusted.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Jacob sticks out his hand towards me. Giving it a quick shake, I return my focus to the blushing elf on my lap. “Though not as much of a pleasure as you two seemed to have.” He gives Thea a wink, causing me to burst out into loud laughter.
“Goddess, please help me.” Thea whispers a prayer, her voice so low I doubt anyone else heard her.
“My name is… Silas.” I say to Jacob as I rub my hand over the blushing elf’s back.
“Yeah, let's go with that, right.” Shiva shoots me a look saying to keep quiet as I start to question what Jacob meant by that.
“You two were lucky, kitchen isn't going to be open much longer.” Shiva takes another sip of her drink and gives me a look I can't quite place.
“What can I say, I got distracted.” As we were talking, a shorter brunet woman walks up to the table. Her dark brown hair is pulled back into a tight braid and is carrying a large wooden tray. She is dressed in a brown dress with a clean, but very wrinkled apron. Giving the table a smile, she drops a pair of drinks off infront of Shiva and Jacob, then turns towards me.
“Hello! My name is Sherri and I’ll be your server today. Tonight's special is stew, served with bread and cheese on the side. If you want a drink, I can take that order while you wait.” Her smile is infectious, causing Thea to start to smile in my lap.
“Have you all ate already?” At my question, Shiva nods her head.
“Sarge hasn’t. We tried, but he wouldn't touch his food.”
“That's my fault. He was taught not to take food from strangers when I’m not around.” Turning back to the waitress, I give her a smile and drop a couple coins onto her tray.
“We will have three of the specials and I’ll have whatever ale or beer that's on tap. Same for my dog, but in a wide bowl if it's no trouble. Thea?” The elf seems to think for a moment before responding.
“Do you have any summer wines?” At her question, Sherri nods smiling.
“We do as a matter of fact. We have an apple that is fairly tart, an elderberry that most seem to enjoy, and a tarin wine that is pretty good.” Thea smiles at the waitress, then turns to me with a wink.
“I would like the tarin, just bring the bottle if you don't mind.”
“No problem. I’ll be right back with your drinks, and it shouldn't be too long on your food.” As she turns to walk away, Sherri gives Thea a wink and looks me over before walking off. Thea stiffens in my lap and I can see her ears twitching in annoyance.
“What's wrong?” I whisper in her ear. Leaning back against me, she whispers in my ear.
“I didn't appreciate the way she was looking at you.” Her response causes me to laugh and I wrap my arms tightly around her.
“So planning on chasing off every woman who looks at me, are you?” I say
“No, just the skanky ones.” Thea sounds sure of herself as she says it. “If they are decent, then I don't care if they look, but no touching without permission.” Her words cause me to laugh and Sarge huffs along under the table.
“Here, take my seat.” Shiva says to Thea while shoving Jacob onto the next chair.
“Aww, but I like my seat.” Thea pouts, spinning to look at me. “You don't mind do you?”
“Oh, I don't mind.” I chuckle at her words. She seems to be over blushing and the rest of the room seems to be minding their own business now.
“Maybe not now, but when your food gets here, that will be a hard position to eat from.” Shiva’s words seem almost angry as she spits out the words. Thea gives her an evil glare, then slides into the empty seat with a huff.
“What has you all pissy?”
“Oh, I don't know. Here we are supposed to be keeping a low profile. Then the two of you decide to see who can scream the loudest while fucking. Best do it when the tavern is packed too. Just to make sure everyone remembers you. Then after you get done with that, why not go for round two in the tub.” Shiva nocks back her drink and slams the glass on the table. The blood seems to rush out of Thea’s face as the catgirl speaks.
“How did you know about the tub?” Her voice shakes as she asks.
“The walls are not soundproof. You scream very loud.” Shiva stretches each word out, making hand motions as she speaks. Thea drops her head to the table, her hair covering her face as she groans. As I am about to try and comfort Thea, Sherri walks back up to the table. Setting a large tray in the center of the table, she sets a large bowl in front of Thea and I. Another large bowl goes down in front of Sarge, followed by a shallow bowl of ale. Thea gets a greenish tumbler full of wine with the bottle beside it. A tall mug of ale is sat down in front of me and it's a rich dark brown color.
“Can I get you anything else?” Sherri bats her eyes at me as she leans against the table. I am fairly sure when she was over her before her dress was buttoned up more at the top. Now, I have a fairly unobstructed view down her top.
“No thank you, I believe we are good.” I tell her as I take a slow sip of the ale. It's good, a rich earthy ale with a little nuttyness to balance out the flavor. I don't know who is brewing this, but they know what they are doing. Seeing that I seem to be ignoring her, Sherri lets out a huff.
“Well, if you need anything just holler. I'll be right over.” Giving me a wink, she walks away and her hips shakes much more than necessary in the crowded room.
“The fuck!” Shiva bangs her empty glass on the table. “Is everyone thinking with their hips or something? My glass is empty and she doesn't even ask if I want a refill.” Thea laughs at Shiva’s complaint and leans in close to whisper something in her ear. Whatever she said, it causes the cat girl to blush and Jacob to burst out laughing beside her.
- In Serial38 Chapters
Dungeon Pearl
Zeke lived a normal life and died a normal death. Fortunately for him, this wasn't the end. Swallowed by a strange creature known as a dungeon pearl he quickly gained the godlike power of the core for himself! A very small, weak god. Unfortunately for him, it seems that he won't be left alone. An attempt at a more organic dungeon core novel. Riffs on a lot of litrpg stuff without actually being litrpg. Cover by Douglas Terabyte!
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Resurrect Nobody
Dreams are concepts that should guide you through life on a path towards a better future. For Colt West, his dream brought his life to a complete standstill. One day, as he is making his way through the halls of his university, he crosses paths with the one thing he wants to destroy: Death. This incident ends his life as he knows it, leading him down a spiral of madness and insanity. Having been given a second chance at life, will he be able to capitalize on it to seize his dream of resurrecting the dead?
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Sealed Within
[Again, a box full of thanks to Wei for the cool summary!] A story from a dream.... The pinnacle of VR games, GeaOnline, is a world of that boasted unlimited possibilities. Gathering allies, slaying monsters of enormous proportions. Leading an army to defeat the forces of evil, becoming a hero, receiving the praise of the masses, or even becoming a farmer! ...that was the picturisque world Kail had imagined, however, that all came down to a burning halt once he became a sole witness to the abnormalities of the game. NPCs talking like humans, NPCs and mobs bleeding, and even his Summon Beast acting like a cute, innocent girl. What was wrong with his game? Was this a premonition...? =---= ...is it wrong to me waiting to be saved? ...They are talking to me. Is my game corrupted? I saw blood... ...I can't go back. I can't log out... I want to see my family... I don't want to die! It hurts...! It hurts! Anyone... get me out of here...! ...why should I go back? ... Anyone who opposes me will die. =--= ...he was living a normal, high school life... ...until a fateful event trapped him in the game. Trapped as the strongest, cruelest mob in the game, born to be killed over and over by fellow players... Warnings: 1. Weak male MC at the start 2. Bullying, this may offend some 3. Gore, blood, violence 4. Dark, twisted story and will continue to get darker. There's a chance that you will dislike the MC or abandon the story altogether in the middle of the story progression. Remember it tagged Psychological. 5. Slow-paced story.
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Growing Wings
Standing between demons dominating the entire continent lays a nation filled with fighters who pride themselves on keeping the evil at bay. Demon hunting is a lucrative and revered profession. Xellie wishes to become a hunter feared by demons, helping clean up the world. Motivated partly by wanting to save lives, partly by money, but mostly wanting to prove herself to her brother, Niko - a famous demon hunter partnered with an equally famous exorcist.It's a simple mantra to live by. Demons are bad. People who summon demons are also bad. It can't be complicated, can it?
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ANIME.BookCoverShop (CLOSED Permanently!)
~ Closed ☻
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Realm || A Game Of Thrones Fanfiction
'I think deep down inside, everyone likes to see themselves sitting on the Iron Throne. Some just refuse to listen to their desire for power. Others give in to it. And others let other people do the hard work for them. But no matter who you are or have become, no matter what your heart desires or how much power you would like to gain; we will all burn if we don't stand strong together.' || This is a Game of Thrones fanfiction. The story takes place somewhere at the start of season 7. This fanfiction does not follow the entire plot of the new season. Some characters are not where they should be according to the actual story. I do not own Game of Thrones, nor the characters. I do own Anthea Lannister and some other characters.||
8 103