《Aghori》Chapter 11 - Mrita
WARNING: This chapter contains mature contains (nudity, sexual assault, child abuse) so if you have a problem with that sort of things, please stay away from this chapter.
Golden Bird city was a prosperous city. Not only did it have an active market district which attracted merchants from the entire empire, it also hosted fine establishments like the Scented Rose, making it favorable to many nobles. In addition, the city hosted lavish festivals, including the tournament every so often to indulge its citizens and invigorate the economic flow. However, no matter how much well-off a city becomes, it can never eradicate poverty entirely. Even the Golden Bird city was no exception to this fact and the testimony to that was the slums.
Located in one forsaken corner of the city, the slums' existence was in stark contrast to the city itself; a dark spot in this otherwise golden city. For the most part, the city did its best to forget the slum's existence as if hoping that turning a blind eye would make it vanish from the city magically. Naturally, that never happened. But what did happen was that the city's feigned ignorance rapidly fueled its deterioration and made it into what it was today: a center of crime and poverty where the strong lived like kings and the weak were murdered in broad daylight without anyone even batting an eye.
Within this very slums, there was a particular warehouse. If one were to casually observe it, one would infer that it was no more than a forsaken warehouse. However, upon closer and more detailed inspection, one could see some weak signs of human activity around it. All in all, this warehouse was giving off a weird vibe. First there was the fact that the warehouse itself was located in an area that had a minimum human population and on top of that, great effort had been directed towards making it look like it was no more than an abandoned warehouse. This suggested that whatever was happening inside the warehouse demanded a great deal of privacy which would have been easily obtained had there not been someone bent on digging it out.
That someone was a shadow that was lurking in the far perimeters of the warehouse. This shadow was dressed in all black under the cover of the night and thus it was virtually invisible to an untrained eye. The shadow was intently observing the hidden guards stationed at multiple points outside the warehouse.
After remaining stationary for quite a while, the shadow finally moved. Gently it moved towards the warehouse through the lands where the darkness was in abundant, taking great care to hide its presence from those who might have been looking out for someone like him. Occasionally it would stop and take cover behind a tree or a house before moving again. Or it would climb the roof of a building and then jump to another with the lightest of steps.
Its steps were akin to someone who was trained in the art of infiltration, for none of the guards noticed as it arrived via land and air within a few yards of the warehouse.
A figure suddenly noticed this shadow but before he could even respond,
A calculated blow to his plexus instantly silenced him.
Dragging the body of the now incapacitated man to where no one would find it, the shadow once again moved forward. After it had come in the immediate vicinity of the warehouse, it jumped, with an strength that was inhuman, to the roof of the warehouse.
As the shadow remained on top of the roof, it heard the hoofbeats of horses approaching the warehouse. Before long, a small carriage arrived at the warehouse and stopped at the entrance. A man followed by another man, who seemed like the guard of the former, emerged from the carriage and stepped into the warehouse after which the carriage left.
This scene repeated itself two more times. Each time a carriage would stop at the warehouse, breaking the silence of the surrounding. Two or three people would emerge from the carriage and walk into the warehouse and then the carriage would leave.
After witnessing this entire procedure, the shadow moved again to the opposite side of the warehouse and entered into it via a small window.
* * *
The room where Ananya was locked, was for the most part, empty. There were no windows here but only a door and that too was completely shut. Small traces of starlight that had managed to sneak its way in through some cracks on the wall was dimly illuminating the room but Ananya still found it difficult to make everything that was around her.
Ananya looked at the little girl in her embrace. She knew that this child was quite terrified of this whole ordeal. It was understandable. After all, to be snatched away from one's loved ones by unknown men and at such a tender age would inevitably scare such a little child.
"Calm down little Rosey," she said gently to the trembling girl that was sobbing against her bosom and then tightened her embrace.
Ananya's embrace was providing a small sense of security to the child Rosey which managed to calm her down a little bit.
"uuuuu.. I want to go home.. *sob*," Rosey whispered to this sister who was comforting her.
"I know that sweet Rosey.." Ananya said sadly while caressing her.
When Ananya had been forcibly abducted from the Scented Rose by that hateful Baron and his men and brought here to this forsaken place, she too had been extremely terrified at first. Her thoughts at that time were divided between her mistress' unknown fate from battling that fearful man and the things that were about to befall upon her in the upcoming moments; both of which were equally terrifying. Had she been dumped alone in this room, her worries would have definitely nibbled at her with each passing second, making her completely miserable. But the little girl, who was now in her embrace, had stopped that from happening.
Seeing this girl of no more than ten who was sobbing uncontrollably at a corner after she had been thrown into this room had somehow reminded Ananya of a vaguely familiar feeling and it was then that she had abandoned all her worries and wholeheartedly decided to comfort her.
"*sob* what's going to happen to us sister," Rosey asked her.
"I assure you sweet Rosey, nothing will happen to us. The city guards must already be patrolling the area, searching for us. They will find us in no time.. so please don't worry okay," Ananya gently comforted her again.
This was, of course, a lie. Ananya knew this very well. After all, even if the city guards were looking for them, there was no way that they were going to search the slums. Besides, she was fairly sure that the Baron had somehow paid the guards up. Why else would they not intervene during the entire ordeal at the Scented Rose which lasted for not an insignificant time?
However, what worried Ananya the most was not the guards or the Baron. Rather, it was *him*. The one who had fought with her mistress. She knew that her mistress was extremely strong, so much so that she could stand her ground even before the warriors who were famed for great strength. But the man that had been the center of the attack at Scented Rose had completely overpowered her mistress. Even now when she recalled his arrogant and ruthless laugh, she couldn't help but shudder.
"Big sister.." Rosey said while tightening her embrace over Ananya.
Seeing that this little child, who was trembling a moment ago, had somehow sensed the unease in her heart and had attempted to console her, an incomparably warm feeling washed over Ananya which instantly changed to an equally bitter one.
`Oh dearest child, if only your sister wasn't so powerless...`
Ananya bitterly thought to herself. Never was there a moment before in her life when she had felt such disgust upon her helplessness. Not even when she was about to be coerced into being a rich noble's plaything. That time, she could have at least taken her own life if worst came to worst! But how could that help now!?
`O mightiest Gauri who is the mother of all, even if you must abandon me, please spare this child from this cruel fate. I beg of you mother, I beg of you!!`
She prayed in her heart to the venerable goddess Gauri for the girl whom she, despite of knowing for only a little while, had already accepted as her own little sister.
Just after she had finished her prayer, the door to the room opened and two men entered the room. Ananya's heart was instantly filled with dread because she instantly recognized these men to be the henchmen of the Baron! The men drew close to the both of them. One of them reached out his hands towards the girl in her embrace and forcefully pulled her out.
Ananya desperately tried to cling on to her but at the end, the men were too powerful and she could do nothing but watch helplessly as the men dragged Rosey out of the room.
"NOOO..." Rosey's cries filled with terror were still resounding in her ears as the men left, shutting the door behind them.
Strength left her legs and she plopped to the ground crying over the fate of the little sister that she had found in this desolate room only to be separated again.
In all her life, this was the only time that she felt betrayed by the goddess that was the object of her devotion since her childhood.
* * *
Inside the warehouse was an area akin to a hall. Only, it was cold, damp and dimly lit. Gathered in this hall were nine or ten people, a mix nobles and soldiers who were guarding them. The soldiers, while each of them were dressed differently, wore top grade armors and carried swords upon them and remained vigilant of their surroundings, whereas the nobles were all dressed in luxurious clothes and wearing a greedy expression on their face as if they were eagerly anticipating something.
Amongst these nobles were three who were particularly recognizable. One was the Baron Gidha, who for some reason had an impatient look on his face and kept looking at a seemingly ordinary person standing at one corner of the hall. Second was a fat and sleazy man who was pacing up and down while the third was a man dressed as a woman. These two were the Viscounts who had paid a visit to the Baron early on the evening, Lord Bali and Lord Krita (who liked to be called Lady Kriti).
The congregation of these nobles had established a strangely delicate tension around the atmosphere which was suddenly broken by a girl who was dragged in by the Baron's men.
The girl appeared to be about fifteen or sixteen years old. Dressed in tattered clothes, it was clear that she came from the slums and yet her face had a charm that reminded one of a wild flower. If she were to be bathed properly and dressed in a formidable attire, she could definitely be called a cute girl but right now there was nothing cute about her. Her face was full of tears and mucus from her crying for who knows how long and her eyes were showing signs of extreme fear. This girl was clearly terrified.
"Indeed, definitely not a bad one from her looks," Lord Bali remarked when the girl was dropped in front of him.
"Only the best for my esteemed customers Lord Bali," Lord Gidha replied, trying to sound humble.
Lord Bali stepped forward towards the girl who remained seated on the ground and motioned her to stand up. The girl, however, was too terrified to do so. Lord Bali saw this and with an unpleasant expression, motioned his guards.
Immediately two men who were behind the Viscount, ran to the girl's side and hoisted her body up.
Lord Bali then moved towards her and began moving his hands all over her body.
"Not bad, not bad.. Although she is underfed but I suspect with a little bits and pieces, these"-- he grasped one of her breast, forcefully squeezing it--"will certainly grow to my liking. As for other things.."
Lord Bali then grasped her clothes and viciously pulled it, tearing it in the process. The girl was now dressed in her birthday suit and was desperately attempting to move her arms to cover her two places of virtue. Her efforts, however, were in vain because the two men who were holding her up were too powerful for her to overcome.
As she remained naked, Lord Bali devoured every inch of her body through his lustful eyes.
"Lord Gidha, surely you would not mind if I check her."
It was a statement more than a question but Lord Gidha replied nonetheless,
"Of course Lord Bali. Please proceed."
Lord Bali motioned to his men again who then threw the girl into the ground and restrained her. The girl, as if knowing what was to come, became more terrified. She somehow found the courage to utter some words of protest,
"please my lord, spare me.. Please.."
She truly had a pitiable appearance on her face but Lord Bali was not moved in the slightest.
"SILENCE WHORE!!" He thundered.
He grabbed her by her hair and threatened, "If not for the fact that I just spent two hundred golds on you, I would have cut your tongue out. Now shut your mouth and spread your legs."
Being threatened like that had noticeable effect on the already terrified girl and she slowly spread her legs out, tears streaming silently from her eyes.
Lord Bali moved between her now spread legs and slid two of his fingers into her vagina.
The girl began to weep bitterly trying desperately to hold back her voice but the Viscount paid her no mind.
After a while, he pulled his fingers out and said to Baron Gidha,
"Yes, she is indeed pure. I must commend you Baron Gidha. You truly kept your word."
"Of course lord Bali. This lowly Baron wouldn't dare of deceiving you even in his dreams!" Baron Gidha said in an exaggerated tone.
"Well, this makes it two. Since my purchases are done, I will take my leave. You, dump that girl with the other one." the Viscount shouted his orders as he turned and made his way to the door.
"Finally! I was wondering if he would ever leave.." the half-girlish and half-boyish voice of Lady Kriti said in a displeased tone.
"I apologize my Lady but since he was here first, I naturally had to tend to his demands." Baron Gidha said with a business like smile.
"Yes, yes, never mind that now.. So bring them out already, I can't wait any longer!! ~heheh~"
"Of course my Lady, I have already sent my men to retrieve your goods."
Just after the Baron had finished his sentence, a cry resounded in the hall,
"noooo.. sisterr.. ananya..noooooooo"
This was the cry of a distraught Rosey as she was torn apart from the embrace of Ananya. Although she was quite far from the hall itself, her voice still carried over inside. Hearing this voice, the cross dressing Lord Krita began showing strange expressions..
"~~AH~~ What a melodious voice!!" he exclaimed in pleasure, "I could listen to this all day ~~ahhh~~, such innocence and such pain.. truly ~~marvelous~~ Tell me Lord Gidha, please tell me that she is for me!!"
"Of course my lady!! I specially procured this girl for you!" Lord Gidha eagerly replied.
Lady Kriti giggled in response, unable to hold her excitement any longer. Suddenly, her eyes lit up!
"Ahh.. What a magnificent doll !!"
She began eyeing the frightened little girl who was dragged into the hall by the Baron's men. She then moved towards her and started caressing the little girl's cheeks, in response of which, the girl visibly flinched.
"Little girl, cry for me again!" Lady Kriti said.
Although Rosey had still redness and moistness in her eyes, she was no longer wailing. She began eyeing the one before her with fright and confusion.
Out of nowhere, Lady Kriti slapped Rosey viciously.
"I SAID CRY !!" She thundered.
Due to the slap, Rosey's cheeks began swelling and a sharp pain flooded her senses. And yet the little child did not gave even the smallest of sounds, as if determined to defy the vile man/woman in front of her.
Seeing this resoluteness, Lady Kriti's face again lit up!
"Ahh.. What courage!! ~~AHH~~ Those fierce eyes.. I will definitely have the greatest fun in breaking you, sweet child.. ~~AHHH~~"
Hearing this weird woman making the sounds of moan while saying such disgusting thing to a child, an ordinary person would have definitely felt his blood boil. But none of the guards present in there showed such expression. Rather, their faces were extremely cold as if the suffering of others didn't matter in the slightest to them.
But there was one person in the group who did not have such cold face. This person was the one who was standing in a corner with an irritated face. Incidentally, he also happened to be the one whom Baron Gidha was nervously eyeing from time to time.
"Oye tranny, would you mind not making such creepy expressions?"
The man who was silent up until now, finally said something.
Lady Kriti, who was immersed in the joy of coming up with different torture techniques for the sweet little flower in front of her, was suddenly jolted into the reality by this rude words. Turning to look at the source of it, she saw an ugly looking person with a bored and irritated look on his face.
This person had sharp black eyes and short grey hair. Judging from his face, he was undoubtedly in his late fifties. What particularly bothered Lady Kriti was that he had no respect whatsoever for her which was uncommon for the Baron's men. But she also knew that this person was indeed associated with the Baron. This anomaly was making her unsettled.
"You dog!! You dare call me a 'tranny'?? Baron Gidha! Does your man knows no respect!??" She fiercely spat at the Baron.
"M.. My lady, please calm down. This esteemed person is not my man, but my guest." The Baron said nervously as if afraid to offend either of the parties.
"Hmph!! I don't care if he is your guest. He has offended me and he must pay the price.. Guards, quickly carve out his wretched heart out for me!!" She said with extreme fury.
Her two guards who were previously flanking her on either sides, moved swiftly towards the bored looking man. With a swift motion of pulling out their swords, they attacked the man with an intent to behead him. However, before they could even reach within ten paces of him, a huge force struck both of them right at their hearts following which, two large chunks of meat flew out from their chests, revealing a large gaping hole at where their hearts should have been.
It took a short time for Lady Kriti to register what happened to her two warriors, both of which were extremely powerful swordsmen.
"This.. this..." She began to stutter.
"Hmph! You two are a hundred years too early to carve out my heart!" the man spoke disdainfully to the two lifeless bodies who were now lying on the floor in the pool of the blood.
"And you tranny, do you dare send more of your men to me? I was feeling bored anyway!" he mocked the Lady Kriti.
But before she could response, Baron Gidha instantly moved forward and said,
"Please Lady Kriti, this esteemed person is none other than Warrior Mrita."
"Mrita the Greedy??" She muttered.
Baron Gidha nodded his head in response and Lady Kriti's face instantly changed colors.
"Mightiest Warrior, please forgive this fool for not knowing your esteemed self. I trust that mightiest warrior would look over this lowly Viscount's impudence and forgive my worthless self??"
Lady Kriti sweetened her words to utmost degree in order to preserve her life from this fearful man. After all, who didn't know of this vicious warrior's temperament? So even if she had to beg in front of him, she would do precisely that.
"Five hundred gold coins is the price of my forgiveness," Mrita said lazily.
"Of course my lord, of course." She instantly agreed.
Although five hundred gold coins was no small sum, it was insignificant if weighted against Lady Kriti's own life. So she instantly agreed upon his request.
"And you Baron, you said that you'd compensate me after your deal was over. I see that you have already made all of your deals, now hand out my money!" he said disdainfully towards the Baron.
"Yes, yes of course esteemed warrior." Baron Gidha, with a weak voice collected the golds that he had obtained and handed a total sum of a thousand gold coins to Mrita.
"Good!! 'Baron, with this our deal is complete, so I should be going,' is what I would say normally but since you made me wait for this much time, I want additional recompense."
As soon as these words were dropped, the Baron lost his colors. On one hand, it was a plain extortion and on the other hand, he could not dare offend this vicious monster in front of him so he had no other choice but to weakly comply with his request.
"What does my esteemed warrior request of me?" He asked.
"Bring out that girl for me."
* * *
Ananya was standing in the middle of a hall with two of the Baron's men holding her in restraint. This was the only thing that was stopping her from running to her little sister Rosey who happened to be in the same room, opposite of her; frightened and injured.
"Hateful Baron, how dare you hurt a child!? Do you have no heart at all??" She spat at the Baron.
"Quiet whore," the Baron said extremely displeased.
Originally, he had wanted to keep this alluring beauty all for himself but who would've thought that the warrior Mrita would end up asking for her before he even had a chance to taste her. This turn of events had truly displeased him to no extent. But he could do nothing against the warrior so he had no choice but to comply.
He faced the warrior who was renowned all over the empire for his greedy nature and said with extreme respect,
"Esteemed warrior, here's the girl you asked for."
"Truly a delicacy!" the warrior began eying her greedily.
"Esteemed Warrior," Lady Kriti who had been silent, respectfully said, "I would like to ask for my leave. In the future, I hope that esteemed warrior and this lowly noble could have an amicable business cooperation."
"Yes, yes, since I've already got my money, there's no need for you to stay here tranny. Now go out of my sight."
Even while faced with the words of disdain, the Viscount only bowed gracefully before walking towards the door while dragging his purchase clumsily.
"Nooo.. I don't want to go.. Sister.. Save me!! Sisterr!!" Rosey began crying while she was being dragged. She resisted furiously, with a strength that belied her age but all was in vain before the strength of the one dragging her.
"Shut up you wretched child!!"
Lady Kriti, who wanted nothing more than to quickly leave this place, out of the sight of the warrior Mrita, began dragging the protesting child even more furiously.
Rosey's clothes were in tatters, her nails broken, the sharp stones on the ground cutting her soft skin but still she didn't give up. As if understanding that this was her last battle, she resisted with extreme force.
Lady Kriti began slapping the child mercilessly. The sight of her slapping a small defenseless child was heart wrenching for Ananya who began to plead incessantly to the Baron.
"Lord Gidha, please stop her.. Please, I will do anything but please don't hurt little Rosey."
When the Baron showed no indications of having heard her, she began to plead to the warrior,
"Mighty warrior, where is your pride? How can you let that beast torture such a small child! Please save her! I beg of you."
"Heh, why should I care what happens to a small rat? What's in it for me?" The warrior snickered.
"Anything!!" Ananya instantly replied without even a bit of hesitation.
"That so?? Hehehe, then how about, you strip and spread your legs for me? If I like what I see, I might decide to do something.." he said with a lewd voice.
Rosey was still crying for her to save her. Hearing this heart wrenching cry, it did not take Ananya long before she reached towards her clothes and with a great force, teared them apart.
Ananya's chest and nether regions were now laid bare for all to see. Seeing the pristine peaks of beauty on her chests and the mound of venus clumsily hidden by her hands, the warrior Mrita was already drooling through his mouth.
"Please," she said with a voice mixed with tears, "please just save her."
"HAHAHA,"--he pushed her into the ground forcefully--"whoever said that I'll save her?? I only said that if I liked your body, I might decide to do something. And since I like it, I have decided to do.. YOU!!"
"HAHAHAHAAH," the warrior erupted into a huge laughter, impressed by his own twisted humor.
Immediately following him, other remaining people including the Baron and his men began to laugh as if enjoying the show about to begin before their eyes.
Suddenly, the warrior stopped his laughter and grabbing his sword, hurled it into one corner of the ceiling of the hall.
The sword thrown with a warrior of third realm's might crashed into the ceiling making a thunderous noise, blowing up that part of ceiling completely.
"That was a bit dangerous," said a figure descending from the place where the sword was hurled. That figure was dressed in all black from his head to toe with not even his eyes showing.
"Who are you?" seeing this suspicious figure, the warrior Mrita who was standing besides Ananya's naked body, said.
"About me, let's just say that I am your death."
* * *
Author's Note:
Hello everyone,
This chapter was quite dark in nature. It was partly because I wanted you to show that this world is not all cookies and rainbows. Since you are reading this fiction despite of it being tagged mature, I trust you have no serious problems with that. However, do tell me if I crossed some sort of line.
On another note, I feel that I must apologize for the delay but I was a bit tangled with my course project. Now that it is complete, I have some more time at my hands. I will have another chapter out for you guys tomorrow so please forgive me already.
As always, if you have any suggestions or comments, drop them below. Until tomorrow then! Chao!
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