《Aghori》Chapter 10 - Brides of the City
"How much more must you make me wait you fucking worm!!"
A hateful voice was booming across a small dark room. The owner of the said voice was a fat and sleazy looking man who had black greasy hair with some hint of whites here and there. One could see that this person, who was clearly in his forties judging by his facial appearance, was shouting on a weak looking person who was currently bowing in front of him.
"This lowly servant humbly apologizes my lord. Our master is still being tended to by a healer so please honor us with your patience for a little longer."
"Chhe!! That's what you said fifteen minutes ago you worthless scum. I tell you, if you do not let me in within the next ten minutes, I will personally kill both you and that dog of a master of yours."
The servant visibly shuddered on this proclamation and hastily bowed to this man before leaving the room again.
"Ara ara, scaring the servants again Lord Bali?"
A girlish voice rang from the door of the room. Accompanying it was a slender person who had a dyed red hair. Simply by looking at this person's face, it would have been impossible to tell whether he was a girl or a boy. Not that his face was girlish but he had so much make up plastered on his face that it simply made one doubt whether he was a woman overly conscious of her face or a man posing as a woman. Nevertheless, his breasts didn't have the two beautiful mountains that are inherent to females and he wasn't really dressed up in a female's attire so one could say with reasonable confidence that he really was a man.
"How mean of Lord Krita to accuse me of scaring a servant. I was merely asking him to make haste is all." The fat person said with a gentle tone.
"Who is Lord Krita you fucking fatty!!" the slim man exploded in anger.
"Ahaha," the one named Bali let out a nervous laugh, "I say, old age is really getting to me. To confuse Lady Kriti's name, ahh I really am becoming senile."
"Hmph! Your wordings are really getting smoother with age you sly old man." Lady Kriti said, relaxing her angered visage.
"So Lady Kriti, what brings you here at this early hour." Bali asked.
"Same business as you Lord Bali. But where is Lord Gidha? Why has he not personally received me yet?" Kriti asked.
"What to say Lady Kriti, apparently that bastard got done in by the mistress of the Scented Rose yesterday and has only regained his consciousness now. Even so, these stupid servants aren't letting me in.." Lord Bali expressed his dissatisfaction.
"Haha, he really got beaten by a woman? That twat really did? HAHAHAHA.." She began to laugh in a half-girl, half-boy voice which was really quite creepy.
Only after a full minute did her laugh subside and she took a serious tone,
"At this rate, will he be able to procure the goods that I asked him for?"
"Who knows... the servants were saying that he got done in quite badly." said Bali.
"But he has always fulfilled my quota before, maybe he will manage somehow again. Last night, he was saying that he had only one remaining to procure from my request of three. Say old man, how many are you taking this time?"
"Two pure ones.." Bali said shyly.
"What age?"
"Fifteen to Seventeen."
"Hehe, who says you are becoming old Lord Bali? As I see it, you still have a lot of power remaining on your carrot." Lady Kriti gave a creepy chuckle.
"Carrot? Haha, the things you say are the weirdest Lady Kriti." Bali too gave a chuckle.
"So," said Kriti, "how long are we to wait for him?"
"I have already been waiting for past twenty minutes.. I would say pro--"
"This Gidha greets Lord Bali and Lady Kriti. Please accept my apologies on keeping you waiting."
Baron Gidha supported by two of his men on either sides entered the room. He had that same face that reminded one of a mouse, only now his face was deathly pale and looked as if he had just missed his date with Yama [1].
"Finally!" Bali exclaimed.
"How have you been Lord Gidha," Kriti said in a coy tone, "I dare say not so good?"
"Minor problems Lady Krita. So, might I inquire to the reason of my lord Viscount Bali and Viscount Kriti's pleasurable visit so early in the morning?" Gidha asked the two of them.
"I just wanted to ask if you have my goods prepared? I have to leave by midnight and I want them before then." Viscount Bali came right to the point.
"Yes indeed Lord Bali. Please grace this servant's abode with your presence tonight at the second prahara of night (9-12 pm) and I will have your items prepared." Gidha said with an extremely respectful tone.
"Kept me waiting for this much only didn't you.. Anyways, I will be going now. Lady Kriti, please allow me."
After a slight nod by Kriti, Bali stormed off the room without so much as sparing a glance towards Gidha.
"As for me Lord Gidha, I came here to give you the advance."
Kriti tossed a bag of purse towards the Baron which he hastily caught.
"A full hundred gold coins. Rest I will give you on purchase. Lord Gidha, I trust that I need not remind you on the quality of items?"
"Yes yes, of course my Lady." Gidha hastily said.
"Also, the age must be strictly within 10-12, otherwise--"
"Trust me my Lady, you have absolutely no need to worry. I will not fail you!"
"Good. I too will come tonight to take my items."
With these words, Lady Kriti left off the room. Once she had gone, the Baron, who had been standing up until now suddenly collapsed to a nearby chair.
"Oh I so hate that fucking fatso and that tranny. Always Gidha this and Gidha that!"
"My Lord," the servant from before spoke up, "we are one short on Lady Kriti's demand."
"Aah.. So troublesome. Send the men to search the slums and tell them that material must be of high quality and right age. They are to deliver it straight to the warehouse."
Upon receiving the instructions, the servant left the room leaving only the Baron and another servant behind.
"Ceta, have you contacted him yet?" Gidha asked his other servant.
"Yes Lord Gidha.. But there is a problem."
"He is asking ten times the money." the servant said weakly.
"WHAT !!"
He suddenly got up, his face full of fury.
"Yes, Lord Gidha. Apparently, he recently broke through the second realm and thus increased his price."
The Baron's face was full of fury before but after hearing this news, the anger on his face instantly vanished and he now had a countenance mixed with disbelief and fear.
"Third realm!!! Fool! Instantly send word that we agree on his price!! Hurry up!!"
"But Lord Gidha, a thousand gold coins.." the servant hesitated.
"YOU FUCKING MORON!!" Gidha kicked him furiously.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous the warriors of the third realm are? At this point, the money isn't even important. If a thousand gold coin means that we can establish an amicable relationship with him then it is nothing at all. Now go! Anymore delay and I will skin you alive!!"
"Yes, Lord Gidha." the servant hastily bowed him and stormed off.
After his servant had left, Gidha began to laugh maniacally
"That bitch!! Now she will know how unwise it was to offend me! I will fucking burn that place to the ground and rape that little whore in front of her eyes. AHAHAHAHAHA!!"
* * *
It was the middle of the day. The market district, as usual, was busting with activities. Due to the influx of so many people from all around the region, the one that had benefited the most was undoubtedly the market district. Currently, all sorts of people were making rounds in here to both buy and sell different merchandises. Curiously, amongst these people was an odd pair.
"Hurry up! Hurry up idiot Surya!" A small girl was pulling a boy vehemently.
This small girl was quite cute. She had black eyes and long and black hairs. Her skin was fair and her facial features were really adorable. One could surmise that when this little girl would grow up, she would undoubtedly become a stunning beauty.
"Waa.. Please don't pull so hard Rosey!" the boy was complaining.
This pair of a small little girl and a not so big boy with different eye colors were making quite a scene at the market district.
"First of all, just why did you drag me out of the inn so suddenly? Why are you in so hurry Rosey!? Where are we even going?" Surya asked.
"To find brother Sesha of course!!" Rosey exclaimed.
"Ehhh.. But mistress said he found a relative of his and went to live with him.. It isn't like he needs finding you know."
"Whatever!! Like hell would I let him go without even saying a goodbye!" Rosey was adamant.
A sigh involuntarily escaped from Surya's mouth. This little girl before his eyes was really impossible. Not only did she weep the entire morning upon finding that her brother Sesha was missing, she also refused to eat anything at all! Only after a long session of consoling and promises of things that ranged from toys to dresses had she finally calmed down. Surya had thought that it was the end of her tantrum. Evidently, that was not the case.
"Mistress would kill me if she finds out." Surya sighed again.
"You really are a little girl Surya. Grow some spine!" Rosey chided him.
Hearing the little girl scold him like that, a sigh escaped from his mouth... for the third time. It was inevitable that if this were to continue, he will soon become an old man from too much sighing.
They continued on their quests for finding Sesha. Rosey ended up dragging him through every nook and cranny of the market but even after all this time, they couldn't find any trace of him.
"Let's go home, Rosey. See, the day is already coming to an end." Surya gently asked her.
"No!" She refused.
"Tell you what, your brother Sesha probably plans to visit the Inn some days after, to properly bid you farewell." Surya attempted to reason with her.
"But how can you be so su-- OUCH!"
Right before she could complete her sentence, she collided with someone and fell into the ground.
"Don't you have eyes mister!!" Rosey shouted at him vehemently!
The one who she had collided with was a frail looking person but he had a sinister look about his face. When he heard Rosey shouting at him so furiously, his gaze fell at the cute little girl of about ten on the ground before him. Something about that girl caught his eyes and he remained staring at her for an uncomfortably long time.
"Oye! What are you looking at creep!" Rosey shouted again.
"Oh.. Pardon me young miss, here let me help you up." He extended his hands towards the girl which she ungraciously slapped away.
"Hmph! Let's go Surya." She stood up and pulling Surya's hands again, left from the scene.
After she had gone, the man's face became full of sinister smiles.
He whistled a particular tune and instantly five men appeared from different directions.
"Make preparations men, looks like we finally found something for Lady Kriti.."
He led the men with him and began trailing Surya and Rosey.
* * *
Back at the Scented Rose, the atmosphere was quite.. gossipy.
A bunch of girls were talking within themselves.
"Hey, is it true?"
"Yeah, the mistress finally took a fancy to a man!!"
"Seriously! Our mistress did!?"
"Impossible! He must be quite the man then!"
"I hear he is a boy!"
"~Kyaa~.. I tell you, he is amazingly handsome! And he is even staying at *THE* Guest room!!"
"Our mistress finally found a love. Ahh, I am so happy!!"
In this way, different rumors were floating around the Scented Rose. Listening to these gossiping girls, Ananya couldn't help but sigh. It was inevitable really. The favor that mistress was showing towards this boy was so unnatural that people couldn't help but be mistaken. All of this, just because his name happened to be a bit special.
`Is he even the boy that mistress thinks he is?` was a question that was on Ananya's mind ever since her meeting with her mistress this morning.
However, despite her doubts, Ananya couldn't help but feel that the boy who was living in the guest room was indeed a bit special. Afterwards, when she had gone to his room to serve him breakfast, she could clearly feel that something about him was quite similar to the image of the celestial girl that her mistress had carved. It was not his enchanting face because she could tell that they did not look similar. Rather, however bizarre it may sound, they felt quite similar.
Leaving apart this vague similarity, there was another thing about the boy that was bothering her. The boy was behaving strangely. She went to deliver him his breakfast, and also to deliver his lunch and also to clean the room. All in all, she went to the room about five or six times (which was quite odd in itself) but that boy had remained in a meditative posture, never showing any signs of movement at all!
Even the food that she had fetched him had remained untouched. When Ananya reported this to her mistress, she had simply said, "Leave him be Ananya. And make sure that others do not disturb him."
This mysterious answer from her mistress had bewildered her even more. Nevertheless, there was no way that she was going to refute her mistress' orders and this was precisely why she was standing guard at the entrance of the guest room.
"Please Ananya, let us see him. Just once, we beg of you!" a beautiful girl asked her.
"I will take over all your washing duties for the next week. Please let me have a glimpse of him." Another girl asked.
"""Please sister Ananya!"""
"No, No and No!"
Ever since someone started the rumor that mistress had taken fancy to a boy, many many girls had lined up before the room to see this object of their mistress' affection for themselves. And no matter how many times Ananya refused them, they would not simply relent! She even told them that it was mistress' explicit order that nobody was to disturb him but it only ended up fueling the girls' curiosity."
Seeing that Ananya wasn't going to relent, the girls took it up a notch.
"Ananya meanie.. Taking such a handsome boy for herself!"
"Yes yes, she and mistress plan to take him for themselves!"
"Unfair I tell you!!"
And it clearly had the desired effect i.e. Ananya got flustered.
"Whaa.. What are you girls saying!!?"
"That's right, I saw how hungrily Ananya was looking at him!"
"Oh! Have our virtuous Ananya fallen for him too!?"
The girls began to tease her which made her red from embarrassment.
"See, how she is blushing!!"
"I AM NOT BLUSHING!!" Ananya was so flustered that she ended up shouting inadvertently.
Seeing her like this, the girls couldn't help but giggle loudly. After all, it was not always when they could get past the guard of the stoic Ananya.
Suddenly, the door that Ananya was standing guard to opened and a boy emerged from the inside. There were two things that were quite special about this boy. One, he had a devilishly handsome presence and two, he was not wearing any garments on his upper body which meant that his entire upper body was showing.
His chest was milky white with only some hints of hair showing on it. His arms as well as his abdomen were gloriously toned which gave him a look that belied his cuteness. All over his body and his face were the traces of perspiration which suggested that he was involved in an arduous exercise not long before.
The girls that were laughing up until a moment ago, instantly silenced. Even Ananya's heart inexplicably skipped a beat after seeing Sesha like that, however, that was not the worst of her problems. Only after a while, the previously silence girls erupted at once!
They simultaneously lunged at Sesha and surrounded him from all directions. What followed that was a session that involved a lot of touching, pinching and embracing.
"So handsome!!"
"What is your name!?"
"Where are you from!?"
Asked the girls as they wandered their hands all over Sesha. Seeing the actions of the girls devoid of any shame at all, Ananya couldn't help but be stupefied. It was only a while before she regained her composure and that too was due to a particular question,
"Is it true that you slept with Ananya!?"
"Oye Just what are you asking him!!" She said angrily but the girls didn't mind her.
"Really? Did you really sleep with her??"
"How was she???"
"Did she com--"
"SHUT UP!!!" Ananya couldn't bear it any longer.
"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU IDIOTS!!" She roared at the lot of them.
The girls, jolted to awareness by Ananya's fury, finally stopped at once. They unwillingly lifted their hands from Sesha, disappointment clearly written on their faces.
While all this was transpiring, Sesha had remained in a daze due to the overwhelming actions of the girls.
"SESHA! Why are you not wearing any clothes!?" Ananya growled at him.
"Umm.. I was meditating.. and my clothes got sweaty.. and.." Sesha said with apparent discomfort. Even though the girls had lifted their hands from his body, they were still in close proximity to him and were eyeing him with eyes that gave the feeling of a pack of hungry wolves eyeing a small little rabbit.
"Vaishali, prepare the bath.." Ananya suddenly said to a girl in the group.
"The bath is still under renovation you know," Vaishali replied.
"Oh," Ananya thought for a while and then said, "fine, take him to the bathhouse then. But first of all, get him a shirt or something."
"~Okay~" said Vaishali in a sing-song voice as she led Sesha away from the clearly discontent group of girls.
* * *
Vaishali was a girl of the Scented Rose and like all of the other girls, she too was quite beautiful. She had cute blue eyes and a fair skin and her overall body appeared to be quite athletic. This, coupled with the fact that she had this cheerful aura around her, made her quite likeable among those who frequented the Scented Rose.
Currently, She was leading Sesha towards the bath house at the end of the streets and for some reason, which might be related to the boy walking alongside her, she was in high spirits.
"So, your name is Sesha huh.. It's quite a cute name." she was saying to him.
"Thanks. Your name is cute too Vaishali." Sesha answered to her.
"Oh, you sure know your way with girls. Tell me, is that how you managed to seduce our mistress and Ananya?" Vaishali asked Sesha in a sly tone.
"I seduced them?" Sesha was perplexed.
"Playing dumb are we??" she said with a laugh.
"Why do you think that I seduced them?"
"Ehh.. Why else would mistress let you use the Grand Guest room!?"
"What about the room implies that I seduced your mistress?" Sesha asked her, "Isn't it just a big room?"
"Just a big room?? Isn't that like the understatement of the decade?"
"Even Ananya said something like that but the way I see it, it's not that special really." Sesha casually remarked.
"NOT that special!? How could you even say that? That room is so grand and luxurious and do you know how much trouble we have to go through every time when mistress' asks us to clean it? And it isn't like that room is even used that often. Last I know of when the room was opened was when a Marquis came to visit us and clearly you are not a Marquis.. Or are you?" Vaishali concluded her rapid speech with an inquiring look to Sesha.
"I am not." Sesha assured her.
"So you see, you get the luxurious room and that Ananya personally serves you. The only reason I see this happening is that mistress has taken a fancy to you." She concluded.
Sesha couldn't really conjure a reply to her arguments. Vaishali noticed this and to prevent making the atmosphere awkward, immediately changed the flow of the conversation.
"Anyways Sesha, why have you come to this town? For the tournament I presume?"
"No. I came here in search of a job."
"Ohh.. It's curious that you somehow ended up with the brides in search of your job?" Vaishali asked him.
"Yeah, us. We call ourselves the brides of the city."
"Why?" Sesha asked.
"Simple really. See, each of us in the 'Scented Rose' is so beautiful that it would have been a waste for us to be married to a single person. So unlike others, we city brides marry to the entire city itself. [2]" She clarified.
"Really?" a surprised Sesha asked.
This was quite different from what his master had told him about marriage. His master's version mentioned a man and a woman tied together with sacred vows and included only two person in its definition. Vaishali's version, however, included an entire city.
"Yep! Unlike other women, who remain bound to a single man throughout their life, we serve the entire city, for a small compensation of course. Aren't we great?" Vaishali proclaimed proudly.
"But don't you get tired from serving the entire city?" Sesha asked innocently.
"Stu~~pid! It's not like we do them all in a single night!!" She flashed a devilish grin.
"Even so, you girls are indeed quite amazing." Sesha remarked honestly.
He might not have understood Vaishali's words in entirety but the fact that she and her friends somehow took care of the entire city and not just a single man really impressed him.
"So, what do you say?" Vaishali asked coyly, "Want me to serve you tonight?"
"Serve me? How??" Sesha asked.
"Like how Ananya served you last night.." She implied.
"Oh.." understanding dawned on Sesha's face and he said, "Fine by me.. Although, I hope you give me a little less this time okay? Ananya gave me so much last night that I am still full."
"Less huh? You are quite different from other men. Normally, they keep on asking for more and more." Vaishali said in amusement.
"Really? They must really have quite an appetite." Sesha casually remarked.
"Oh you have no idea!!" Vaishali complained.
"Also, you have that red stuff too right? What Ananya had last night was really tasty!" Sesha added.
"Ananya's R..ed stu..ff?" Vaishali blurted.
"Yes that one. That was quite delicious!" Sesha said.
"Ummm.. You are into that sort of things huh? I guess its true that you can't tell a man by his appearance. Who would've thought that such a cute boy like you would turn out to be such a pervert?" Vaishali had an incredulous look about her.
"Pervert!??" Sesha exclaimed.
"But I must say, you are quite an open one. Normally they do not request these things until we are inside a room already."
"Aren't you mista--"
Sesha was interrupted.
"Now, now, you need not make any excuses. Although you are a bit strange, believe me when I say that this older sister has seen many many stranger men than you."
"I remember there was this one merchant who wanted me to *censored* *censored* and then there was this noble who *censored* *censored* and then--"
Vaishali was about to continue but she noticed something that made her stop. Sesha was not walking alongside her anymore. Turning backwards, she found a ghostly pale Sesha trembling on the spot where he stood and looking at her with a look full of disbelief and horror.
"Hey, what happene--"
"Food. I was talking about food." Sesha said in a weak voice.
* * *
Vaishali and Sesha were returning from the public bathhouse. Sesha had a refreshing look on his face which suggested that he had just taken a bath and Vaishali, who was alongside him was..
"AHAHAAHhahahaa my... My stomach.. haaah"
"Would you stop it already Vaishali," Sesha reprimanded her.
"But.. But.. you were.. talking.. food.. AHAHAHA" She erupted again.
"It's not funny you know." Sesha complained.
"*hah* *hah* what do you mean it's not funny.. Hahahaa my sides.. They hurt so much!!" Vaishali stopped to catch a breath.
"Anyways," she continued, "so Ananya only served you food and wine?"
"For the hundredth time, yes, she only gave me some food and the red wine." Sesha said in an exhausted voice.
"Ohh.. What a dumb girl. She was alone with you in a room and did nothing at all.. Seems like I'll have to give her some scolding." Vaishali said with a huge smile on her face.
"You should probably leave her alone, I don't think she's gonna like being teased." Sesha reminded her.
"I don't care if she doesn't like it. Being her older sister, it's my duty to properly educate her. She's almost twenty and hasn't even been initiated into the art of love making. At this rate, she is going to end up as a priestess in a temple. Oh what a shame!" Vaishali lamented.. or at least feigned so.
"HUH?" Sesha noticed something.
Currently, they were quite a distance away from the Scented Rose and had yet to take a turn before the establishment came into view but Sesha noticed that something was wrong with the way people were moving about.
He immediately broke into a run towards the establishment. After a turn, the Scented Rose building came into Sesha's view. Sesha immediately noticed why the people were moving about so frantically!!
The building had been severely damaged at many places, and the debris was scattered around the vicinity. At the front yard of the building, many people were lying around, clearly injured from the calamity that had caused the partial destruction of the building.
Sesha noticed that amongst the injured people, there were some of the girls from the Scented Rose itself but most notable among them was a group of girls who were huddled around someone.
"Aaaahhhh," Vaishali who just happened to arrive gave a scream filled with horror.
Sesha placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her and then together with her, moved towards the group of girls huddled around someone.
"Mistress!!" Vaishali screamed again.
The mistress of the Scented Rose, Nagini, was currently lying on the ground. She was clearly injured to an extreme degree with the signs of battle all over her body. Her clothes were in tatters and her body was covered in severe bruises.
She opened her eyes when she heard Vaishali scream her name. It was then that she saw Sesha who was accompanying Vaishali.
"er... Se...sha.."
It was taking her too much effort to even whisper his name.
Seeing that she wanted to say something to her, Sesha moved a little closer.
"Ma..ster.. Se..sha.." she was squeezing every last bit of her strength to say the words.
"Mistress.. Please don't talk."
One of the girls who was huddled around Nagini, said with a teary eyes.
"Ma..ster.. Plea..se.. plea...se save... Anan..ya. They..too.. took.. her.." she barely managed to say.
"Who took Ananya?" Sesha asked her.
"That Baron Gidha *hic* came with a powerful warrior.. And.. And he took her!!" another girl from the group exclaimed.
As if deciding on something, Sesha faced the mistress and assured her,
"Rest assured Nagini, I will definitely save Ananya."
"N..ot.. Na..gini. My..name.. is.. Parvati.." her voice was getting so weak that it was almost impossible to hear. But Sesha heard her nonetheless. And as if understanding her desire, he said with a smile, "Parvati, what a beautiful name," as she faded into nothingness.
* * *
[1] Yama: Yamaraja, the judge of the Dead souls.
[2] Brides of the city: This is a reference to Nagar Badhus. They were the most stunning women of any city in ancient India. They were not allowed to marry any single man and had to serve as a courtesan or a prostitute for an entire city. They were, however, extremely respected and generally only served rich merchants, princes and nobles.
Author's Notes:
Hello everyone, Author here,
I hope you all aren't getting impatient with the lack of action in the last few chapters. If you haven't guessed it already, action is coming soon enough.
Secondly, I hate to say this but I won't be able to post anything else in this week (RL stuffs) so please don't curse me or anything.
Many of you commended me on the last scene of the last chapter but sadly, no one said anything at all about Prince Kartik or Sir Christopher / Krishna which made me quite sad. Frankly, I was hoping something like "ehhh I don't believe it!! Visha Asru was prince Kartik all along!!". Anyways, I guess Nagini just has that effect on people.
Lastly, please do not forget to comment your thoughts about this chapter below. Ratings or Reviews are welcome as well. Until next time then!!
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