《Rebirth in a corrupt world》Chapter 4 - Growing Up
Author: Hello readers and thank you for getting this far.
The first few chapters was a way to understand how everything fits together.
The scales of good and evil determine the potential for a person’s growth, but just because a scale is tipped far in one direction doesn’t guarantee anything, that only happens if a scale is fully on one side. After all people grow with the things they experience during their lives. When the scale is too far in one direction things get a little unstable *cough*.
Oh and when the MC talks about reading Amare’s book, think of a codex in a game menu. She is a god why can’t she add a screen/tab for him to see.
If there are any other things you all want clarified I’ll be sure to respond when I can.
I never realized how boring being a baby is.
After I got taken in by this woman, who goes by the name Abra, I was left in the care of some kid who looked to have no business taking care of anyone. I’ve been here for about 2 days and I’m already depressed.
Truth be told I would hear a few names flying around, but with my inability to move the way I want to, I can’t figure out which name went to who. But hearing how these people behave and treat each other leaves me feeling that it’s not worth my time trying to remember them.
Things only get quiet when that fat middle aged guy shows up. His name I still don’t know, but everyone seems to call him Boss. I’ll be sure to correct that when I get older.
Other than eating gruel that tastes like it was fished out of a dung heap and watered down, I’ve been passing the time trying to alleviate my boredom. If it wasn’t for the random objectives popping up, and keeping me focused on the reality of my situation, I would have been seriously lost in my imagination just to get some entertainment. It’s nothing special just basic activities to pass the time and build strength. The returns are practically nonexistent in terms of stats which amounts to 1 CP point so far.
After eating more of that questionable liquid, I was left again with that kid who proceeded to just fall asleep. *Sigh* I managed to barely gaze over at the last occupant. That wolf-kin girl was lightly whimpering in the corner of the room, If I could I would try comforting her. I guess the failure of protecting my mom in my past life is still affecting me. Don’t get me wrong I know that there was nothing I could have done, but it doesn’t mean I can accept it.
Seeing as there is nothing I can do for her now until I gain the ability to move I can only endure.
One thing I noticed about the activities these screens are having me do oddly resemble a weird exercise. I couldn’t do much before I got tired. Even though my stats are higher than a normal infant, they drop extremely fast. I have no proof but it may be because, in the end, I’m still a baby and stats ain't changing that. Or maybe some of these stats don’t affect me immediately, like having to grow into the stat level. I mean even in my previous world, working out and dieting didn’t show quick results, maybe this is the same.
…*Sigh* trying to figure out the hidden aspects of this system might end up being really annoying in the long run.
The only way I can think to find some way to prove this would be to save my stats for a while and distribute a bunch in one go to see if the results are immediate or not. Hmm well it’s something to do later since I need to first survive my next feeding. I swear I think the increase in vitality suggested by Amare was more for this.
After about two weeks something finally happened.
It turns out those weird exercises really was for something. The reason is because before my eyes is a new screen along with a familiar sound.
Physical ControlPassive SkillMastery 0/100Description:The user has better control over their bodyEffects:Flexibility +.5%
Perception +.5%
Energy +.5%
I finally got a skill!
When I decided to admire the skill further, what I saw shocked me. Apparently I’m an idiot since I never thought to check my Skill Screen. Since I was a baby I thought I wouldn’t have any but it turns out that the thought was unfounded. Then when I looked at the book Amare gave me, revealed an update with new information. It was basic information on skills, and just like everything else most likely has hidden aspects that I have to discover.
But beside my frustration for not just checking for the hell of it, I can only chide myself and try to be more careful about things like this in the future. Last thing I need is to find out some random object in a closet, in the beginning of some random journey, turns out to be a key for a hidden treasure chest. Only staring at treasure unable to get it because of something so stupid doesn’t sit well with me.
It’s not that I’m greedy for treasure or anything, but in a world like this money can help do some serious talking. Especially for the things I’m gonna be doing in the future.
But getting back on track these are the other skills I wasn’t aware of.
Delicate BodyTraitRareDescription:This trait makes the user’s body have a delicate and supple appearance with clear and beautiful skin and hair without hindering physical performance. This is a rare trait of the user’s species. This trait is currently locked.Effects:Delicate and supple muscles
Unblemished skin
Perfect white teeth
Pleasant scent (varies from person to person)
Soul Bound MindTraitUniqueDescription:This trait allows the user to recall memories. Even ones he shouldn’t have.Effects:Grants memories from the soul
Language ComprehensionPassive SkillUniqueDescription:All language is understood and spoken by the user.
(Consider this a little extra, good luck. Best Wishes, Amare)Effects:All spoken and written language is understood
Growth CorrectionPassive SkillUniqueDescription:Due to mastering being allowed control of your body and mind your future growth can be decided by your desires. (Other’s can be influenced when conditions are met)Effects:Influence your growth.
Truth be told I wasn’t expecting these. When I thought about it the mind trait would explain me being able to retain my memories and the language skill can be considered really broken in a world where education took a dive (Thank you Amare!). The growth correction skill is pretty obvious except for that message in the description, I'll have to figure that out later. Seriously the fact I knew what people were saying as a new born in another world should have tipped me off.
The one that left me more than a little uncomfortable would be the [Delicate Body] trait.
SERIOUSLY!? Am I gonna be some androgynous guy.
I can handle not being good looking but looking like a girl is something I refuse to let happen.
I must of stared at that trait for a long time because it was already time for my tortu...I mean feeding. When I was placed back on my perch I thought back on the trait. No matter how I read the trait it doesn’t say I’ll look like a girl but will have a delicate appearance. The fact that It’s locked is also something to think about. Now that I think about it I still don't know how I look like.
It also said it’s a trait for my race. My status says unknown so it doesn’t help. I guess I'll find out later.
I just had a very worrisome thought if I have racial traits, does that mean my body will have any weird changes in the future...let’s just ignore this for now.
Let’s get back to my baby exercises.
I wonder when these tasks will change to do something more interesting than a butchered version of yoga for babies. I can’t say it’s really yoga but these movements need a lot of stretching to be done, if you can even call it that.
*Sigh* Being a baby really sucks. I can only feel like sighing will become a habit if this keeps up.
Based on my status I’m now 2 years old. I know this since it’s my only form of entertainment sadly and I look at it everyday. Thus the change from 1 to 2 was completely noticed.
After all this time I gained 2 levels and 17 CP along with a few stat gains. The physical skill only went up 1 rank. I guarantee that these ranks will get really difficult to increase as they go up if it took me two years to increase 1 rank. Well it could also be because my body is still developing or most likely both.
Infancy seriously puts a limit on training.
To pass the time I spent it trying to befriend the unfortunate wolf-kin girl but she seemed to be extremely timid. I can’t really blame her though, but I still put in some effort and now she at the very least doesn’t run away when I approach her. Hugs and stuff are still out of the question and she seems to always be trying to hide her appearance as if she is ashamed of herself. I’ll have to help work on her confidence in the near future.
I’m seriously getting angry at the other kids as well. They keep bullying the wolf-kin and seem to enjoy tripping me when I walk around. Out of everyone here the only decent one is the woman Abra. Unfortunately she can’t watch over us all the time because of the fat guy always sending her to do things.
It’s also very obvious he is the only one eating well in this place while everyone else gets whatever food he decides to grace us with. It usually amounts to scraps and the like.
*Sigh* another bowl of slop today it seems. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to give me something worse than whatever it was I was having before. Now It’s as if I’m eating a bowl of flavorless slime. The texture is the killer with how difficult it is to get down my throat. I seriously cried when I first ate the stuff only to be awarded some jeers from the other kids. I seriously want to wipe those smiles off their faces. All I can do is endure.
On a more positive note I found out why I didn’t get a name.
It’s apparently a type of blessing from the church that I can only get when I’m 5 years old. Other races also seem to have their own varying rituals for this as well. I just hope my name won’t be something stupid.
As you may have guessed I haven’t really spoken much, well to anyone beside the wolf-kin and Abra. I mostly kept my words short and a little awkward to keep the toddler image.
Whenever I had the chance I would tinker around with things. It was one of those objectives that popped up that I’ve been working on for a while now whenever I’m done with my regular exercise. Suddenly I heard a ding
HandicraftPassive SkillMastery 0/100Description:Delicate work and artistry is easier to performEffects:Intricacy +.5%
Artistry +.5%
Work Speed +.5%
Hmm...this is a pretty interesting skill. But it’s obvious that time will need to be invested into it.
This has actually been nagging at me but...what is the life expectancy of my race? I really have no information or clues as to what I am except for that racial trait, and it doesn’t help much.
Well let’s just continue on and get my childhood over with. *Sigh* Normally people don’t want to grow up.
I’m now 5 years old and it is time for me to head to the church to get my name.
Sadly when the wolf-kin went with Abra, nobody cared except for me. Me and Abra were the only two people who cared she got a name, which is Shiro by the way. She was pretty dejected by the way people treated her special day so I tried extra hard to make her happy. She only made a bitter smile, but it’s the most I’ve ever got from her so I felt successful. I know I must seem really obsessed with trying to make her happy but just seeing her sad just makes my heart ache.
As for my gains these past 3 years I got another 21 CP and 3 levels, various stat increases are also obvious. Just to note when I tried the Class selection I was hit with a lot of unmet requirements so that's out of the question till later.
This is the first time I was aloud outside due to all the danger that can befall a child.
It was even worse than I remember from when I was abandoned out here. Seriously can’t these guys take out the trash properly, the smell is bad enough to kill flies.
Spurred by the desire to get away from this place; me, Abra, and surprisingly Shiro reach the church quickly. Of the 3 churches in this town this one was the most run down. What was probably once a very grand place is now in need of serious repair. Cracks all over the walls, thick balls of dust lay all over the place, and planks of wood that used to be benches lay scattered across the floor. Sunlight can’t even pass through the windows with all the dirt.
Amare must really be disappointed. Now that I think about it what would happen if I prayed to her.
As I was thinking about this an old man came out from a back room, from what I can see he is the only one here. Based on the painful expression he makes with every step, it’s no wonder he never got around to fixing this place. He smiled lightly as he approached and gave a simple greeting.
“Hello and Welcome to the Church of Connections and Love. I’m sorry for the state of things but my followers have all left and I’m too old to maintain the place. *Sigh* This place used to look so beautiful.” (Old Priest) He had a very sad face filled with longing, most likely for the way things were before. He seemed to break away from his melancholy and proceeded to ask our purpose. “What can this old priest do for you all?” I got a little depressed hearing a church that follows Amare was in such a condition but there was nothing I could do right now, which is becoming repeated excuse unfortunately.
“We wish to perform the naming ritual for this little boy here.” (Abra)
“Ah I see head through that door there and give me a moment to get the materials.” (Old Priest)
“Shiro do you mind helping the priest?” (Abra)
“...Okay” (Shiro)
Truth be told Shiro doesn’t speak often so it’s often hard to hear what she says, she speaks even less than me.
Me and Abra entered the room and she told me to sit in the chair in the center while we wait. To be honest I worried the chair would break as I sat and hoped they wouldn’t take long. Thankfully the priest and Shiro came back relatively quickly, I suspect it would have been a lot longer without Shiro though.
After setting everything up on the table in front of me he proceeded to give me some basic instructions.
It was the classic dropping blood on the small crystal while I keep my mind clear and the priest performs a chant.
After being blinded by light (could’ve been given some warning) I heard the familiar ding.
The Goddess of Love and Connections, Amare Anima Nexu, has bestowed upon you the name Kuro Lux. Congratulations and good luck on your journey.
p.s. Why don’t you pray to me *sob* even though we’re connected with the ‘Unbound’ title you never use it *sob*.
Oh crap I’m gonna have to pray when I get home.
Wait connection from the title?
UnboundTitleUniqueDescription:You are no longer chained by the laws of the world. Those who wield this title are immune to any control spells and have limitless growth potential.EffectsMind Control Resist +100%
Physical Binding Resist +100%
Mysterious connection to the Goddess Amare Anima Nexu
Body growth unrestricted (awarded the skill: Growth Correction)
Ahhh!? I really need to pray!
After stating our goodbyes to the priest we proceeded to head back to the supposed house.
Apparently, since I have a name I am now required to work to earn my keep. I’ve seen how difficult it is for Shiro to do anything with how she is treated, so I suggested to her that we work together. She didn’t seem against it so now I take advantage of whatever freedoms I still have right now.
I’m now 10 years old and A lot of things have happened after I got my name.
Firstly I gained 13 levels and 57 CP and some good stat increases. From what I could see I seem to be approaching the stat ranges of a normal human adult. It is still a bit away though. However, the SP and CP will help me pass that more easily if I distribute them, but I'll continue to save them. The tasks I was given became more and more challenging as time went on and the gains were pretty decent. Stat gains have been popping up more often since I turned 9. I also got two skills from these assignments and I was really happy with them
IdentifyActive SkillMastery 0/100Description:Mastering this skill gives the user more information.ExampleLvl 1 - This is a basic sword.
Lvl 35 - This is a basic copper sword with a blunt edge, due to mistreatment the durability is low and will break at any moment. Overall Quality: H
Mana ControlPassive SkillMastery 0/100Description:The ability to manipulate mana and cast more effective spellsEffectsEfficiency +.5%
Purity +.5%
AOE Range +.5%
I got a pretty good analyse type of ability be constantly observing objects while willing energy into my eyes. Trying to will my energy or mana was actually pretty hard. It consisted of focusing on an organ we didn’t have on my old world, and guide the energy within it two my eyes. The amount of failures I got doing this seriously stressed me out. When I managed to do it at the age of 9 those two skills were what I got. the feeling I got when I succeeded was so sweet.
channeling mana became more easier as time went on. From the information I gather from Abra when I asked about magic, from what she knew. Most people are incapable of using magic and that it is impossible when someone is young because the organ, or better yet mana core, is still undeveloped. The youngest human to succeed in casting magic was 19 years old.
Hearing this I realized my race may be more amazing than I thought. But from my experiences getting cocky will lead to my ruin so I didn’t let it get to me.
As for Shiro, she been sticking to me a lot more lately. The tasks I suddenly started getting though seemed a bit too...odd. It was pretty much giving her a massage while channeling my mana into my hands. I also did it for Abra but she wasn’t always around so the only other person I could do it to was Shiro. It was really awkward at first but I made an excuse about being it helping her be more comfortable or something. She was really skeptical and looked at me very suspiciously, but she allowed it as long as I didn’t do anything weird.
Since I had better control over my mana it wasn’t too hard and when I hit 10 years old I got my favorite ding.
Magic HandsActive SkillMastery 0/100Description:You can use mana channeled through your hands to influence your surroundingsEffectsAlter the properties of objects for a permanent or limited effect time.
Effect the body of other people (the mind is immune to alteration)
This is an amazing skill, just altering objects alone has various uses. I’m not completely sure what it means with effecting other people. other than giving them an amazing massage, I could only think of something my growth correction skill mentioned. However, how I can combine these two skills I haven’t figured out. For now let’s continue to grind my stats and skills while resisting the urge to kill those bastards at the house.
While I seem to distract myself with my inner monologue, it’s been pretty rough growing up. Out on the streets, Shiro is my only ally. The amount of trouble I’ve gotten into is getting pretty bad too. Like I thought when I first entered that home, the family business is stealing. Due to my moral compass I perform my criminal activities against people with a questionable character. Given how corrupt the world is, they weren’t hard to find. The real danger was when thugs would try to kidnap us, which I bet was to make us slaves. Shiro almost got caught but thankfully I managed to provide a good enough opening for her to escape. Since then she has been more open with me.
Resisting the desire to sigh and break my growing habit I looked in the distance wondering about my future troubles.
Extra note: I’m gonna make a quick side chapter for Shiro to understand her thoughts and the events that happened when he prayed.
This chapter was to grow him out of childhood, now that he is older things will progress.
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