《Dragon Princess》Chapter 15 - The Ambush
Hey guys, I couldn't write yesterday, but I hope you will enjoy this chapter !
Don't forget to leave a comment, Enjoy !
Edit : Thanks for Krishna1289 for pointing my mistakes; by the way Eniel possess two katana.
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There is only one week left before the begin of the School Tournament, me Fiona and Estiel already agreed to form a team but we still need another member. We tried to ask some of our classmate and older student; however they all refused.
Estiel said it was all my fault, I was already perceived as a someone cruel who enjoy beating other students; but with now Pan always on my head, everyone now think that I am a monster.
By the way Pan is the name I gave to the baby golden dragon, he is always sitting on my head but he is really light so it doesn't bother me.
It was like everyday with Fiona and Estiel in the garden of the academy trying to find someone to join us. Normally Veyna would be together with us, but with the tournament approaching she and Faust are always busy. Veyna is still the student president after all.
However today I can feel that something is strange; normally this part of the garden is crowded, however today not even one students is present, only ten man dressed as commoners; but it is obvious that they are not a part of this school staff and not even student, I can also tell that they are well trained.
Four of them are obviously weaker than Veyna, but one of them should be around the same strength as her and they all seem to be lowering their heads as they talk to him.
Estiel : " Looks suspicious. "
Shina : " Let's take another road. "
Fiona : " Ye-Yeah, let's go "
As we were walking back, I could feel the stares of those men on us, when I turned back, they were following us... We are their target, but why?
The five men then charged at us and encircled us, none of them seems to be a mage so I can probably escape on my own, but what if Estiel or Fiona are their target? They are the princess of two countries; they may be trying to assassinate them.
Shina : " You two, close your eyes and when I tell you to run, you go and bring Veyna. " I whispered to them.
Fiona : " B-But ! And you ?! "
Estiel : " Just listen to her, we would only be burden right now... "
I waited for the two of them to close their eyes and waited for the men to start to move, I closed my eyes as well and yelled.
Shina : " Light... NOW RUN ! "
A bright light appeared around us which blinded the five men.
The man shooted, I gathered my mana in the earth and formed an earth sword, it is something I managed to invent while I was training with Veyna; I grew far stronger than before I fought against the prince, if I was in the same situation again, I don't think I would lose.
I dashed to one of the man behind us and gave him a strong vertical slash in which I gathered my mana to make the sword heavier; the man managed to block my sword but my strike forced him to go on his knee to block it, meanwhile Fiona and Estiel used that chance to escape while he was busy with me.
The light slowly dispersed and the five men regained their sight, I placed myself in the way where Fiona and Estiel ran away to make sure they wouldn't pursue them.
Leader : " No choice, let's start with her and after that we'll take care of other witnesses. "
Shina : " Who are you ? "
Leader : " You don't need to know missy, but don't worry we won't kill you. "
On those words the five man attacked together, two of them used the Wind-Cutting style and the three others the Lightning Sword style. Among them the stronger one also used the Lightning Sword style.
Once again I gathered my mana in the ground and formed another sword; dad once trained me in a twin sword style made for fighting against many enemies at once.
The first people to attack me were the two Wind-Cutting users, the first one made a cross strike with his of his sword, while the second one tried to stab my in the two legs. I infused Ice mana in my left sword and slashed at at the two of the first one. His swords were now frozen together and unusable.
I then gathered wind magic in my two legs and made something close to a tornado around them which deflected the two swords. At the same time I infused my right sword my wind magic and cut through his left shoulder, the man fainted from the pain.
To finish the first man, I made a circular kick aimed at the frozen parts of his swords, they shattered at the impact and my kick reached his stomach; the shock made him black out.
The three others stopped and stared at me with an amazed face, two of them displayed a frightened expression, only the stronger one seemed to be able to keep his calm.
Leader : " You two, don't be afraid, reinforcements will soon be here ! "
At the word 'reinforcements' I felt scared, I already don't know if I will be able win against this man, but if their reinforcements show up, I will be doomed.
The two scared men seemed reassured and the three of them came at me, two of them and came from each side while their leader came from the front.
I infused both of my swords with wind magic and made a horizontal slash with both my swords, but they just dodged the slash and countered with a quick piercing attack aimed at my knees which showed that they didn't want to kill but subdue me.
I didn't have enough time to infuse my knees with wind magic like before, I however had enough to make two earth ball which I threw at the wrist of the two men; the impact broke their bones and made them drop their swords.
But while I was occupied with the two of them, their leader took that chance to throw a punch at my stomach; but he was stopped by a red little fire burning his face. It was Pan's breath attack.
While the man was still blinded by Pan's breath into his face, I dropped my weapons and gathered mana in my hands; I caught his sword with my hand and infused it with fire magic.
The sword melted and burned his hand, the mana around my hand protected me from being burned, with no means of defending himself, I kick him in the stomach which made him drop to the ground.
It was at around that time Veyna arrived accompagnied by Fiona, Estiel and Faust.
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A little earlier
Veyna POV :
After I finished today's work, I was going to rejoin the others girls, but I felt some bloodthirst aimed at me; it was six men dressed in commoner's clothes, but from their aura I can tell that they should be A ranked in a swordstyle.
The six of them walked to me and unsheathed their weapons, two of them are armed with an espadon while the four other with a sword and a shield.
Veyna : " Earth-Shaking... and Waterfall style... "
There would often be some assassination attempts on me, it is the routine of the wielder for Kiel to be attacked by someone who wish to obtain the holy sword.
I slowly unsheathed Kiel and took a stance, the two men armed with an espadon rushed at me and released a powerful horizontal slash, but I easily dodged them and countered with a rapid slash aimed at the head of one of them which was blocked by one of the Waterfall style user... is what he thought.
Kiel is a sword sharper than anything and which hold many secrets; it was strong enought to destroy the demonic sword made by the God of Darkness himself. There is no way a simple shield would be able to stop it.
Kiel just cut through the shield as if it didn't even exist and separated the man's arm and the Earth-Shaking user's head.
Those men should be around my level in term of skill, but the difference of weapon is too big.
Right after my attack, the second espadon user used ' Mountain Slice ' ; it was a really fast and heavy slash which can easily cut through a dragon's scale; I blocked his espadon by making a vertical slash at him.
My sword just passed through his espadon, cutting it in two and making a profound wound in his torso. If I was using a normal sword I am the one who would have been cut in two.
The Waterfall user who was missing his left hand tried to run away, but I didn't give him the opportunity and stabbed him in the back.
Only three persons were left, they were shaking in fear until someone voice echoed.
??? : " So this is the strength of Kiel's, very impressive. "
It was a woman's voice, she was only armed with a blade; it means that she is another Waterfall user but prefer dodging attacks instead of blocking. After hearing that woman's voice they all regained their spirit.
Veyna : " Who... are you? "
Woman : " In other circumstances I would gladly give you my name, but under a secret mission it would be pretty dumb right? "
Veyna : " Indeed...my bad "
This woman may be the worst type of enemy I could come against, from her stance I can tell that she is stronger than anyone here, she must be at least a S rank swordwoman.
I positioned my sword horizontally at my left; the stance of ' Thunder Strike ', I instantly moved at her and made an incredibly fast horizontal slash at her. The slash left behind it a black blur of the color of Kiel.
But that woman easily dodged it and appeared behind me, she pierced through my back but I managed to make her miss my vitals.
Even if I managed to protect my vitals, her attack made me unable to stand up; the three others men took this opportunity to try to finish me, but while they were dashing at me, thunder came down from the sky and killed them instantly.
Faust : " I am looking for Miss Veyna and what I find are some intruders, what should I do with you? "
The woman started sweating, I estimated her to be around S rank; but Faust is an SSS ranked mage, he is sitting at the rank of the strongest mortal wizard who ever existed in this world. The woman tried to run away but...
Faust : " Spirit of the Wind, Bring my judgment upon thy enemy... Thunder Wave "
A massive lightning wave came out of Faust's hand and nothing remained of the woman.
Veyna : " Now... no one left... how do we find out... their identity?... "
Faust : " ... Sorry, my bad. "
While Faust was healing my wound, Estiel and Fiona came running to us.
Estiel : " Veyna ! Shina is in trouble! We were ambushed by some stange men and she stayed behind to hold them off ! " She cried desperately.
Fiona : " Pl-please help her ! " Fiona was already crying.
Faust's face turned white, he took Estiel and Fiona and ran in Shina's direction, I ran after them.
When we arrived, Shina was standing among the unconscious bodies of five men; some of them had broken wrist, burned face and even one had his arm cut
Estiel : " You are safe ! " Estiel cried with her tears coming down, but while she was running toward Shina.
Leader : " Nobody move ! " The man with the burned face shouted, he had a dagger in his hand placed at Shina's neck.
But right after those words left his mouth, his head rolled on the ground. It was cut by what seemed to be a boy, no it's a girl; a demihuman girl with doggy ears, brown short spiky hairs who reached her shoulders and cold eyes made me feel oppressed. She is dressed in a simple shirt and pants covered in blood, she is armed with two katana, one is still in it's sheath on her waist, the other is in her hands.
The katana in her hand doesn't have a single drop of blood on it even after cutting through that man's head, it means that her slash was so swift that blood didn't even have to time to touch her sword.
Girl : " I finally found you... Shina. " The girl said while hugging Shina, her cold eyes who made me feel an incredible pressure were now looking at her as if she was her treasure.
Shina : " Glad to see you too... Eniel. "
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A little earlier
Eniel's POV :
It's been almost three months since I started training in order to protect Shina, now it's finally the day for me to be at her side. I arrived at school with Veralox, we are now looking for her, while I searched around the garden, Veralox searched around the cafeteria.
I came upon 23 strange persons, they weren't dressed like other students but I didn't care; I was going to ignore them until I heard their conversation.
Man1 : " It's about time to ambush that demihuman, what was her name again ? "
Man 2 : " I think it was Shila? No I think that was Shina... yeah it's Shina. "
Man 3 : " Half of you guys go ambush her, while the other half is going to help the one against Veyna; we will take Kiel while were at it. "
I didn't need to hear more, they wanted to ambush Shina... they are Shina's enemy... my enemy.
I unsheathed my two katana and cut in two one of those men from his back.
Man1 : " What the?! Kill her ! "
I slashed another man, cutting his arm and his head, then another stabbing his eye and his heart, then again another and again... I killed them one after the other and only 3 remained.
After killing the 15th they stopped moving; my clothes were covered in blood, but I didn't care, they are Shina's enemy, my enemy, enemy need no pity.
Man : " W-Who are you?! "
Eniel : " I have no name for you, trash... "
I dashed to the three man and in less than a second their three heads were now rolling on the ground. I was now surrounded by the mutilated corpse and blood of the 23 men, but it didn't bother me. I simply walked away looking for my sister.
I finally found her, she was among the body of five man; three months... I trained for three months to be able to stand by her side. But as I was going to meet her the body of a man with a burned face behind her took a dagger out and put it at her neck.
Unforgivable, I unsheathed the katana on my back and quickly cut his neck; his head was now rolling on the ground.
I was now in front of Shina, I waited so long to see her again... my sister.
Eniel : " I finally found you... Shina. " I said as I hugged her.
Shina : " Glad to see you too... Eniel. "
* * *
While I was hugging Eniel, everyone's body suddenly stiffened.
Veyna : " You two, hurry and come here ! Someone incredible is coming ! "
As she said that, a man came out of the bush at our left, dragging the body of a woman. The body of the woman suddenly started burning in a blue flame and not even ash remained of her.
I recognized this man and runned to him.
Shina : " Hey Velrox ! " I said hugging him.
Shina : " You could have visited me at least once you know ! "
Veralox : " Haha, sorry princess, I was busy with that girl's training. "
Faust carefuly approached Verlox to greet him.
Faust : " Glad to see you again old one... " He said with a careful voice.
Veralox : " Are you really glad to see me? " He answered him with a grin.
Veyna, Fiona and Estiel were looking at him while their body was shaking.
Veyna : " Shina... you know.. him? "
Shina : " Yeah, come on Verlox, stop playing with Faust and introduce yourself ! "
Veralox : " Hah, sorry princess; I am Veralox, the Dragon God, Nice to meet you. " He said with a grin.
The face of those three froze, well it is indeed difficult to believe that the most powerful of the Primal Gods who try to avoid appearing in front of mortals and moreover this one wasn't seen for 1500 years.
Veralox : " By the way... who are they? " Veralox asked Faust with a sadist smile.
Shina : " Hey, I hope you won't burn a city right? "
Veralox : " Haha, don't worry, I won't. " 'I won't stop at a city, but the whole country...' was what he thought.
Faust : " We actually don't know, we are going to interrogate those five man, they should be still alive " He said as he pointed to the five body around us.
Veralox : " Who? All what I see is five corpse of man who died after they bit their tongue. "
Faust hurried and checked all the bodies, but they were all already dead, they must have bitten their tongues when they awoke and saw they had no chance of escaping.
Veralox : " It mean we don't have any information about who tried to kill Shina? "
Faust : " Their target may not have been Shina, but this country's princess; the two princess were attacked simultaneously, I think Shina was involved because she tried to defend the second princess. "
Veralox : " I see, I ll let it slide for now... By the way, I ll need a room to stay in, prepare one. "
Faust : " Yes sir, shall I also prepare a room for that demihuman ? "
Eniel : " No need, I ll stay in Shina's room. "
After a while, we all separated; Veralox followed Faust to his new room, I took Eniel and showed her my room while Fiona, Estiel and Veyna went to the cafeteria waiting for us.
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Meanwhile :
Kerser : " Today is finally the day she will become mine ! "
Roef : " They should have already captured her, she should be on the way to Theristid. "
Kerser : " After the School Tournament, in the vacations I will take my time to train her properly.
At those words, the three of them were laughing loudly... little did they know that the whole force was wiped out.
Retreat!!Main pageContinue ?
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