《Dragon Princess》Chapter 7 - Veralox
I at first wanted to make this chapter a 6.5; however it's size is around 3 chapter... I feel damn tired after writing it so I am going to sleep, I ll answer all comment tomorrow. Please don't forgot to let a comment about how you feel about him. Oh and that chapter introduce many event you didn't see in the previous ones, so don't skip it !
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Veralox POV
4 years before Shina's depart
Mystel : "Hey lazy dragon! Wake up !"
I was woken up by a telepatic message from one of my two lord.
Veralox : "Raaah.... Do you need something from me milady?"
Mystel : "I need you to take care of someone for me and Arsal, it is really important..."
Veralox : "You want me to kill someone?"
Mystel : "Of course not dumb lizard; I need you to protect someone for a few years !"
Veralox : "Protect someone? I though you never cared about someone else apart from Arsal."
Mystel : "It's half true, I don't care about anyone apart from Arsal and my daughter, by the way it's her you will have to protect."
Veralox : "I see, your daughter... Wait what?!"
I only took a little nap and now I learn that they have a daughter? I hope she won't grow like them, otherwise only hell await me...
Mystel : "We encountered some difficulty and will need some rest, meanwhile I wish that you protect her; you know I imagined a lot of nice new spells, I think if something were to happen to her while she is in your care... No, I don't think you want to know what would happen."
I started to feel sick, the last time she punished me... I don't want to remember about it.
Mystel : "I need you go come here in around four years, don't be late !"
With those words, she cut off the telepatic link without waiting for my answer...
Veralox : "Look like my peaceful life i finally over..."
* * *
Around four years passed since milady asked me to take care of her daughter, I gathered enough mana to open a rift to their current dimension.
Mystel often talked to me with telepatic message to brag about how cute her daughter was, she also told me many things about her past like her previous world and that she is still too weak to take her dragon form; however she can keep an half dragon form even if she do it because she unconsciously think she is an human.
She also gave me some instruction like sending her to a school and traveling around the world, she also want me to try to teach her a little more about magic. I should teach her transformation magic first, it would be bad if she come across a dragon in her half form.
Mylord Arsal contacted me only one time, he gave me three rules; "If you confine her, death","If she when we come back, she got a boyfriend or something like that..." he didn't finish his sentence but I felt some shiver in my spine,"And of course the most important; I know she may be hurt and that you may not be able to always look after her, but if she die..." I don't want to remember what he said after that...
I openned the rift and flew to their dimension; they left a trail inside it so that I can find my way easily.
After few hours, I arrived in their dimensions, it was a little world with no mana; no instead of that, I felt my mana being slowly drained from me.
I caught sight of the three of them in what looked like a garden, when I landed near them, I saw the girl hiding behind my lords.
Arsal : "Veralox, if you continue to scare my daughter, I will cut your head off..."
I should take my human form like them, it look like she is not used to see us in our dragon form.
Veralox : "My apologise my lord, I hope this form will make your princess more comfortable..."
Mystel : "Sweetie, you dont have to be scared, he won't hurt you"
I never saw milady talk to someone with such a sweet voice... There must be a first time for everything; the girl came in front of me still a little wary and introduced herself with a smile.
Shina : " Nice to meet you Verlox..."
Veralox : "It is Veralox princess Shinael, but if you cant pronounce it properly; you can call me like that." I replied with an indifferent tone.
My lords explained the situation to the princess; that their soul is tired from the amount of mana they used to give her birth and they will need to rest a few years.
I have to cut them in their explanation, my mana was being drained really fast; I will soon be unable to keep the rift open.
Veralox : "We have to go now, i can feel my power being drained by this dimension, soon I won't be able to maintain the rift open."
Mystel : "Shina, before you go take this" Milady is gave her something, but I didn't see what.
I transformed into my dragon form and placed my wing near her to make it easier for her to climb, my lord approached my ear and whispered something.
Arsal : "Remember the rules... I will ******* until the end of the time if you don't respect them..."
I feel sick; I know normally it is hard to disturb me; but their threat is beyond what someone can imagine.
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After some hours, the little princess finally stopped to cry.
Shina : "What will happen if we go into the wrong one?"
Veralox : "If we chose the wrong one, we may go into the wrong world, or come across a dead end from which we would be unable to escape; well your parents would easily escape from a situation like that, but even if I am the oldest and most powerful being from all world your parents made, I would still be unable to escape from there..." I answered seriously, I don't have any reason to lie.
Shina : "Are you sure it is the good way?" I could feel fear in her voice.
Veralox : "You don't have to worry, i can feel the thread of mana coming from my world, if we follow it, we won't take the wrong way."
As I flew through the dimension's tunnel, I could feel the mana from my world get stronger and trying to drag us there.
Verlox : "We are almost there, hang on..."
As I was getting dragged by the mana, I was getting faster and faster, I then felt a source of magic drop from my back, it was the bow of the princess; I was going to catch it with my tail but I saw her jumping after it. I caught her before she fell into a different dimension.
We arrived in my world, but I lost my concentration; it distabilized the rift but we still arrived safely.
We arrived near my cave, the forest looked somewhat strange, there were monster; the forest itself grew bigger, it look like that disturbance brought us in the future. I always sleep severals centurys so it's not like it will disturb me...
I landed near my cave and let her come down.
Veralox : "I saw that you lost your weapon, but please next time don't do something like that again; it may have been important for you, but your life is far more important than anything else..."
She nodded at my words but I felt like she truly regretted her action, I don't think I have to push it further.She also look tired physically and mentaly.
Veralox : "For now, let's sleep inside my cave, we travelled for a dozens of hours, you should be tired."
As she went to sleep, I looked at Mystel and Arsal in the sky; they are beings outside of the time flow, even if the princess travel to the future, it won't change her parents conditions, there are no shortcut for her... All she can do is wait.
* * *
I left a barrier on the cave last night and went out to hunt all the monster around, even if I left for some century, how dare they try live near my cave?!
I came back in the middle of the night and saw the princess crying; she cried all the night. It seem she is still sad about leaving her parents. I envelopped her around my wings and waited for her to wake up.
I took my time to observe her; she give a feeling that make you want to try to pet her... In my whole life I never experienced a feeling like that; is it magic?... Mhhh I should investigate that closer later.
As I observed her, she woke up.
Veralox : "So you are already awake? Guess it's time to get up..." I said while transforming in my human form.
Shina : "It's already afternoon i think you know" I hurried and covered my eyes as she spoke; the mana around us gathered and formed a blinding light.
She tried to say something else but I stopped her.
Veralox : "Please, stay silent for a moment and don't say anything until I am done speaking."
I explained her about the Ancient Language and transfered my knowledge of this world language to her, it is an universal language which lasted since the world was made, there are very few other language like elfish; but most of the habitant of this world use it.
Shina : "It feel strange"
Veralox : "Look like it worked, it is the first time i use it on someone, you can now speak this world language"
Shina : " Hey Verlox, I wanted to ask you; you said that you are an exception from other dragon, but why?" She asked while tilting her head, I don't know why, but i feel like putting my hand on her head.
Veralox : "It is because I am a god in this world, the Dragon God..." I stopped as I felt the presence of two dragon coming this way. I can feel the energy of the Dragon King Icris, but I don't know the young one.
Veralox : "It look like i have some guest; you can go play around in the forest, but don't go too far, because of my aura there should be no agressive monster in the 2 km around this cave; don't go further than that."
She just nodded and advanced to the forest with single bounce; I though I saw two large bunny ears on the top of her heads... It must be my imagination...
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I waited for my Icris to arrive, when he arrived he took his human form followed by a young boy behind him.
Veralox : "Hello Icris, I didn't expect you to come today, is there something you need from me?" I asked him with a tired tone; I guess he came to ask me another boring things like always...
Icris : "Greeting my lord, my son need your blessing in order to become my successor."
Veralox : "Last time i saw you, you didn't have a son; how many time passed since i left?"
Icris : "Around 1000 years my lord; my son is now celebrating his 326th years."
1000 years? It isn't that much; but I remember the human race being a race that can change a lot within century, maybe some interesting things happened.
Veralox : "Is that so, before i give him my blessing, I want to know everything that happened while I was away..."
Icris :"Yes my lord; Serac, you can go play in the forest meanwhile, come back before dusk."
Serac : "Yes Father"
While I was speaking with Icris, I completely forgot about the existance of the little black dragon; letting him leave was one of my biggest error as the princess's caretaker.
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It seem a lot things happened while I was away, some country disappeared, some were founded and a school allowed to all race opened, I should send the princess there like milady wished.
But the most interesting things that happened is that a few years after I left the Godess of Light Eskiel and the God of Darkness Kelio started another of their pitiful war.
Kelio choose his Demon King while Eskiel choose her hero among the angels who try to assasinate him. The two of them fight to the death equiped with the holy and the daemonic sword made by the two Primal god.
Demons are stronger than angel, but they are actually a pretty peaceful race which the angel tried to exterminate. The Demon King usually just kill the hero or die with him and the war is over.
However, this time the Demon King was far stronger than any others; he was strong enough defeat the hero's party, kill the hero and destroy his holy sword. Destroying something made by a Primal god is almost impossible, but he still managed to do it with his daemonic sword.
But a second event happened : while the Demon King was finishing the hero's party; an human swordman among them managed to kill him with a strange sword. Apparently the sword managed with many assault to destroy the daemonic sword.
The swordman however decided to keep the information for himself to leave some time for the demon to build their defence againsn't an attack from the angel. He was sick of this war and wanted to put a stop to it.
When he came back to his kingdom he was acclaimed as an hero; nobody knew he delayed the information apart from the dragon who always followed those wars closely, it sure is hard to live for a long time, your worst enemy is boredom...
The hero founded the country of Holy Kiel, Kiel was the name he gave to the sword. The sword is given to the most talented swordman in the royalty at every generation.
As we were talking, the little boy who I completely forgot about threw something in front of us
Serac : "Father, look at what I found in the forest"
The something he threw is a little half that I recognized almost instantly...
Icris : "Look like a dragon disobeyed the law and had a daughter, we will have to investigate that matter; it look like she was abandonned otherwise you would have come across some trouble, I don't think we would get any information from her; we might as well kill her right here."
Seeing her body full of bruise and some part bleeding, I couldn't control my anger and left all of my killing intent come out. Icris slowly turned back to me while his son lost conscious.
Icris : "Do you happen to know that half my lord?"
Veralox : "She is someone who is dear to me; you don't need to know anything else."
I could see his expression change many time, trying to evaluate the situation.
Icris : "My lord, may I ask you to forgive my son for his sin in exchange for my life?"
Even through I want to kill him, without him the dragonkin would go on a rampage, unless I want to take his place as their leader; but it would be a bother... There is only one thing that would make him regret his son's sin... yes 'that'...
Veralox : "Your son's and your life aren't even as important as one of her hairs; however killing you here would break the balance in this world. I will forgive you and give your son my blessing in exchange for your right arm."
Icris : "Thanks my Lord..." He answered with a relieved face... He didn't know what horror he was going to experience. I gave my blessing, a mark appeared on his neck, it was the proof that he is now the successor of Icris. I then walked to Icris to fulfill our deal
Veralox : "Cut the soul and make my enemy realise the true meaning of pain Shnealox"
As I spoke in Ancient language, a crimson sword appeared in my hand, I the arm of Icris without a second though.
Icris fell to the ground and started screaming like a madman, I knew what he was going through, it is one of the many spell milady have the hobby of creating; and the one she used on me one time. Dragon are known to almost feel no pain, but even me couldn't resist the pain this spell brought."
After a few minute, Icris managed to get up with difficulty; if it was milady, the pain would have lasted for a few days.
Veralox : "Now that your son and leave."
Icris : "Yes my lord." Icris transformed in his dragon form and took his son who was still unconscious in an human body.
Icris and his son are finally gone; I can't believe that just after I was tasked with the safety of the princess, something like that already happened. I need to be more careful, I am lucky that my lords are currently sleeping, if they saw what happened then I can't tell what would have happened to this world.
I took Shinael into my arm and brought her into the cave where i healed her, she is shaking; even if I can heal her body, I can't heal her mind.
All I can do for now is sleep beside her and wait for her to wake up...
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While I was sleeping, I was woken up by the noise of horse running in my cave, I opened my eyes and saw a little demihuman girl who is around eight years old, surrounded by human... Guess I ll just burn them all then go back to sleep.
I began with the most noisy one, the human and the horse who tried to run away... like I would let you run away after waking me up.
I breathed out blue fire to the human; not even a ashe or the scent of them burning remained, now only the demihuman is left. She stood there, staring at me, completely scared. I then heard some weak sound coming out of her mouth, but I couldn't hear them.
She then started to sing, at first it was with a weak voice, but it got stronger as she continued; I was going to kill her but stopped after hearing a voice.
Shina : "Mommy, Daddy..."
Like last night, she was crying, is it because of her parents? Or maybe becase of was happened earlier?
The demihuman slowly walked to her, it was like she completely forgot about me. I observed her action and am ready to kill her if she try anything suspect.
She arrived next to the little princess and started patting her head, the princess stopped crying, from the expression on the face of the demihuman, I could tell that she wasn't going to hurt her. If having her around the princess can make her feel, I will train her as her servant or a bodyguard; milady want me to protect her from afar at school, she said that having the Dragon God around her would dissuade anyone to become her friend. Having that demihuman around may help...
On those though, I closed my wings around them and went back to sleep.
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I woke up before the two girl, I left the cave placed a barrier on it before starting flying; the barrier should be strong enough to not even let an High god enter, I know the demihuman won't try to do anything to the princess.
I extended my sense, looking for a place with a lot of living being inside; I found one with around 500 000 living being, then flew there at full speed.
It took me a few minutes to arrive to that place; it was what I was looking for, a city. The first reaction of people were to attack me with magic; an useless attempt... I didn't even need to put any defence, their attack didn't even put a scratch to my scale.
The attack didn't stop, annoyed I hurled a firebreath at the left part of the city destroying almost half of it.
I then landed at the entrance and after a few minutes, a fat man dressed in expensive clothes and ring with jewel on all his finger, he is surrounded by soldier who looked as scared as him. He must be the leader of the city.
Leader : "Is there something you need from us noble beast?" He was shaking as he asked me that question.
I didn't wait even bothered to answer and just ate him; I can't stand the sight of pigs like him who don't have any strenght on their own, yet stand above others
. I then took my human form and walked to the soldier, they were trembling and too scared to move.
Varelox : "I want food, enough food and water for an human to live for two week."
I could have paid for that food, but my treasury was in another country, it would take me a few hours to go there take some money and come here to buy it. I could have hunted some monster, but most of them are poisonous for human body.
Seeing nobody move, I made a pillar of fire appear beneath a soldier and burned him to death.
Varelox : "What are you for? Bring it now or I will burn your city to ashe."
The soldier all ran in the city, and 3 of them came back with five box full of dried meat and fruit. I transformed in my dragon form and told them to attach the box to my scale.
I then put a barrier reinforced the five box with my magic so that it won't fall while I am flying and flew back to the cave.
When I arrived, dispelled the barrier I placed at the entrance and checked on the girls, they were still sleeping.
I left for not even 1 hour, I took my human form and placed the box at the end of the cave then came back to observe the princess once more.
However when I came back, she opened her eyes and started looking at the demihuman girl, she was half awake and patting her doggy ears. It is quite a strange sight, after a few moment, she started stroking the doggy tail.
The princess face is showing a delighed expression, i can't help but let out some giggles at this scene. I never felt that feeling before.
The doggy woke up, I wished I could observe that situation a little more but whatever...
It look like the demihuman's name is Eniel, her clothes are pretty ragged, I will 'get' her some later. For now, I need to talk a little to the princess about what happened yesterday.
We spoke about a lot of things, at first I just wanted to teach her about about dragon half, but I ended turning it into a lesson.
I then told her about what would happen in the future, that I would let her attend to school and when she ll be done travel around the world.
The princess then went to talk with Eniel, I don't know they said, but after a few moments Eniel jumped on the princess and hugged her on the ground crying. I feel that observing what happen around the princess may become my hobby.
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After Eniel stopped crying, I talked to her, I told her that the princess would go to school starting today and that she will have to stay with me to train for a few months before she can join her there.
At first she was reluctant to leave her alone, however after I told her that I will make her strong enough so that she can protect her and powerful enough so that she won't lose anyone again, she accepted.
I think that she now mentally depend on the princess, she must have seen her family die when she was tracked and want to be strong enough to be able this time to protect her herself.
I told her that I placed some box full of food at the end of the cave, that I would stay with the princess for two weeks and that this food was for her so that she can survive until I come back.
She then went to sleep and i took the princess out of the cave to teach her about transformation magic; she can't stay as an half dragon, it is far too dangerous for her.
She easily managed to remove her horns and tail on her first attempt only after I taught her the instruction. Normally dragon only manage to master this magic after they are around 100 years old, well she is their daughter after all...
After her tail disappeared, she dropped to the ground and couldn't get up, it look like she isn't old enough to manage to conserve her balance without her tail. I advised her to try to transform into a demihuman.
Shina : "Like Eniel?
Veralox : "Not necessarily; why don't you try to take the appareace of a cat girl?"
Shina : "Like in anime?"
Veralox : "I don't know what anime are, but you should try; try to make a tail from about the same size as your previous one." Mental note, ask her later what anime is...
She easily finished her black tail, ears are far harder to make, they are related to the hearing, I will make them for her.
Veralox : "The ears are something sensitive, I will help for them."
I placed my hand on her head and gathered my mana on it, I made two little black cat ears grow up; I hesitated to remove my hand, I somewhat wanted to rub her head... how interesting.
After I removed my hand, she started to somewhat look dazed, it must be because of her ears.
Veralox : " Animal ears are better than human one's, you don't have to worry if your head hurt a little; it will get better with time. Now that you are ready, let's go inscribe you to your new school."
Shina : "Is it far?"
Veralox : "With normal means of transport, it would take a few weeks; but we ll be flying so it should take a few hours." If I was alone, it would take some minutes, but with her, even with a barrier she would have a hard time.
I turned into my dragon form, she made many leap on my wings and finally jumped on my back; I started flying but completely forgot about wind pressure; I usually don't have anyone on my back.
Veralox : "Ah, my bad, I am not used to have guest on my back." I said as I envelopped my body with in a transparent sphere which is blocking the wind.
As we were flying she asked me:
Shina : "What can you tell me about that school?"
Veralox : "This school is the biggest school in this world and is located in this country: 'Holy Kiel'; it is free of all prejudice and everyone can join as long as they got the money or the capacity to do so, most of the one attending to this school are noble and royalty from every country and there are really a few commoner who gainned their right to enter because of their talents.
Each race can send up to 10 people to attend to this school without passing any exam. Well since it was founded, the dragon race never sent anyone there; so you and Eniel will be the first one."
This is what Icris told me about the school, when he came.
Shina : "Do you really think I have my place among the noble?"
If I wasn't concentrated on flying, I would roll myself on the floor from laugh; the child of the two creator of this one worried that she don't have her place among noble. The princess really is interesting.
Veralox : "It should be the opposite; as the daughter of the two true gods, they should be the one who shouldn't have the right to join this school, so don't worry about that."
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We finally arrived to the school, only to be greeted by boulder and magic; however nothing passed through my barrier. It's been a long time since I played with some human for fun; this morning I was in a hurry so I couldn't enjoy the situation.
Veralox : "It look like those people forgot what the Dragon God look like... maybe I should help them to remember..."
However I can't destroy the princess new school, scaring them should be good enough. I gathered my mana into my lung and hurled a blue fireball at the mountain of the left of the city.
The mountain was now reduced to ashe; no attack followed. I could feel the princess stare at me with big smile on her face; she was somewhat amused by what happened.
I advanced to the city; I changed in an human form, but kept my wings to fly and carried the princess in my arms, there were no place for me to land in my dragon form there...
As I landed, an old human approached us, he looked in his 70, but I could feel that he is far older than that, somehow obtained immortality; maybe from an High god. I can sense a great amount of power coming from him, I think he is strong enough to defeat a dragon alone. Pretty amazing... for an human.
Old man : "I am Faust, the director of this school; who might you be noble dragon?"
Veralox : "My name is Veralox human; you know I should destroy this city for what you have done right?" I replied, I can't help but want to tease that man; teasing strong people is far more amusing than weak people.
Faust : "The Dragon God... Please forgive our offense old one; dragon usually doesn't have any interest in human city, we though it was a drake attacking us."
Veralox : "I don't care for your details, it doesn't change the fact that you human still attacked me!"
The man face started to change of color, what excuse will he try to find?
Shina : "At the same time seeing a giant grey dragon flying toward an human city at full speed, who would just wait and do nothing at this danger..." Answered with a little smile showing that she understood that I was only teasing him.
Shina : "And from the begin you knew this would happen, but you still wanted to have some fun with those human right?
Veralox : "Hahaha, you got me there princess; I ll forgive you Faust. I am here to inscribe this girl in your school." I replied with a little laughter, she really know what I was thinking.
Faust : "I founded this school 700 years ago, and it is the first time the dragonkin come to enroll someone."
Shina : "Actually, sister is going to join me in a few months so we are two. By the way, my name is Shinael, nice to meet you."
Faust : "I am Faust Sandspear, nice to meet you too Shinael."
Veralox : "I am leaving her in your care, but mark my words; if something happen to her until I come back, don't expect not only this city, but the whole human race to life another day." I menaced him, he know what I am capable of and that nobody will be able to stop me.
Faust : "Yes old one..."
Veralox : "Now I am going to start training Eniel, I said two months before, but it may take a little longer. I ll leave you in his care until then. I am going now." I told the princess.
Shina : "Byebye, come visit me soon !" I smilled at her cute reaction, and then jumped in the sky, I flew outside the city... only to stealthly come back.
I plan to stay two weeks hidden to guard the princess, I will first look at the situation, and if there aren't any danger, I will return to the cave to train with Eniel.
Retreat!!Main pageContinue ?
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