《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》First poll for the new Story


So, since beginning to write I came upon a rather interesting choice. So I will give this polling thing a try(hopefully it will work as intended XD). The choice in question is the familiar that the MC will get. This is a rather important thing. Because, depending on the chosen familiar, it will influence a number of things. This includes but is not limited to: Fighting style, abilities, etc...

I will of course not explain what each animal will bring with it, that would kill the fun.

If people think I missed a very important Animal that anough peole show interest in I might add it to the poll later on which is another reason why I made this post so early on.


The only animals that will join in are non magical animals from tiny to the size of a bear. (magical evolutions and such things will come later in the story depending on the course it takes.)

Hope you guys enjoy the polling and have fun!

[T]/ praise be

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