《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》Anouncement !!


First off ! Sorry for the wait guys. To give you the short version, life has been very turbulent. It ended up with having to move to a new place, lost job and still looking for a new one. But at least most of the other things have settled down. So I´ll have time to write again.

The good news is, I am confident to make the story a whole step better. Be it story or writing. For that I am considering to make a complete rewrite. This would include a complete exclusion of the game aspect because it felt mostly cumbersome and unnatural, for my purposes in this story, when I reread it. What do you guys think about that?

Characters will stay a lot the same and the rehaul I have in mind lines up quite well with the previous one except that it will have a more fleshed out goal and other things. The biggest change will likely be that the MC gets a very different origin story.

So all in all glad to be back and hope people will enjoy the renewed Goblin Dungeon.

With kind regards to everyone !

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