《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》Chapter 6: Approaching crawlies


So was dragged off for a halloween party yesterday sooner than I had thought that i would be ! I also had to go through some more thoughts on how to develop the storyprogress. But might just be able to put out another chapter today if all goes well.

Enjoy the crawlies.

A new day a new beginning !

As I woke up I begun to miss the feeling of having a body. The sensations of stretching your muscles and feeling all the sensations.

Well then how shall I make the little greenskins grow in the future.

I did a leisure morning round, zooming through the dungeon to inspect the happenings that were going on. The goblins were already busily going about their duties. Training, working and the group for the daily hunt was organising themselves with the kitten laying at the dungeon entrance. Most of the goblins were now armed with proper stone tools for combat. Sadly the process for new clothing would still need a while. I had ordered the shamans to help out with their magic to speed up the process as far as they could. But they were still experimenting with how to do it properly.

Hmmm which reminds me, the goblinas should be getting done with their project.

I went back to the goblin home for now and went towards the area that the women had claimed as their workspace as soon as the males had done their training.

“Well then girls how is it going ?”(Me)

“Lord, we think we have successfully completed the thing you asked us to do.”(Goblina 1)

“Hmm hmm let me see. ”(Me)

I carefully inspected what the goblina held in her hands. It was a thicker thread of a silvery quality. I had instructed them to try and see if they could make some good ropes out of the Silverthread Spiders strings. At first they only used them for sewing. But after some trial and error they apparently found ways to make it work as i had wanted. They had entwined several threads to make a proper rope.

“Very good, it also seems to not stretch too much. You did a excellent job. With this we can make slings. Get to it right away ! ”(Me)

“Yes, Lord!”(Goblinas)

Very good now we will have some better ranged weapons. But I bet during training with those there will be some accidents.

I could already imagine the goblins giving those new weapons a try and the stones sailing through the entire cave during the process. The shamans would become busy with healing that is for sure. After that I went to the insects pit, Gorin was busily selecting some of the adult insects to be used for meals. The big Cave had become a lot more busy now. The various species were buzzing, crawling and flying around, devouring plants and each other.

The ones that had evolved were of course in a big vantage point.

Hmm i will had to extend this cave soon. But for now it's better that they fight. Should bring them towards evolving again and it brings in exp for me !

With my tour done there was one last thing to do. That was inspecting the map. Each time my goblins returned the map got an update. Of course the outside was not as detailed as it was for the dungeon itself. But i got a general outlay. I had taken a few looks outside of course. But it was rather boring. The dungeon was located towards the upper part of a mountain. There were the woods were already beginning to grow smaller and thinner. It seems there were also less dangerous beings up here then in the thick forest down below. Anyway as far as I could see there were just trees that bordered the mountain range and I could not see anything of interest. The map had been expanded in a roughly circular manner


as the goblins explored the surrounding more thoroughly. But it was only as far as they could make a way back to the dungeon before night fell.

Well then the problem is… what shall I do now. Over those two weeks I got a lot of mana but no good way to spend it . ‘Status’

Name: Goblin Cave

Rank: F

Mana: 1.569.960

Mana recovery: 4610 M/h

Level: 2


Meh i was always a hoarder towards resources. I really need to get some better options on where to spend the mana. Most likely i will need to make a huge investment in ores once i have a smith. So it is good to keep some reserves.

I had made sure not to reduce my incoming mana too much and saved up on the points. Currently there was enough space and resources that were needed. The mana crystals were used a bit fast but with the two pillars always replaced as soon as they were done accumulating mana we still managed to increase our stockpile steadily. Just i was thinking along where to spend some mana…

Your scouts have returned

No new map data.

No spoils.

Alert a challenger is approaching your dungeon!


I was startled at the sudden message. But soon enough my brain kicked my ass towards the entrance of the dungeon. Right away i spotted the group of scouts that were breathing hard and drenched in sweat.

“What is going on ?! Did you lead enemies here?! ”(Me)

“We would never do that Lord! There is a huge amount of spiders approaching the dungeon. It seems they are led by a much bigger one and they came straight there. We killed some and tried to lure them away but as soon as we were no longer attacking them or blocking their way, they marched on. ”(Goblin scout 1#)

“Damn it ! Well done anyway. How long will it take until they arrive.”(Me)

“The smaller spiders would be here soon, but they are guarding the bigger one and approach very slow like that. I think it will take them around half an hour.”(Goblin scout 1#)

“Shit! One goblin stay here to keep watch. All others get to the cave ! We need to plan. Seems we have some bad guests coming. Take anyone you meet along with you on the way”(Me)

As soon as i had given out instructions, I rushed back into the dungeon and alarmed the ones working in the insect cave as well as Gobar. Word spread quickly and within minutes all goblins were seated in the center of the goblin home.

“Ok, for now are there any more informations we have on the approaching enemy?”(Me)

“Lord, by the words of the scouts I assume it would be a spider horde and its mother. Though we have no idea why they would target this dungeon so straightforward.”(Gobar)

“So what does it mean if it is one of those? The reason why can be sought after later on. ”(Me)

“A Horde Mother would be a E ranked creature by itself. They have a very strong bite but they are also slow which makes them less dangerous. The true threat is that it continuously births new spiders as long as it has nourishment saved up inside its body. Those spiders are zealous protectors of their mother and will not hesitate to die for it. This is also why a decently big horde is considered as a D rank threat and can exterminate whole villages if caught off guard. ”(Gobar)


Well that much is clear, a whole army of spiders would simply overrun the enemy not caring about their own losses.

“Spears and won't do much against spiders. Especially it will be harder to hit them. Get clubs and prepare bigger stones to throw near the entrance. Gorin I am sending the evolved insects there as well. Take command of them as good as you can, they will be the first defensive line. Gobar, you and your apprentices are our aces. Keep your magic until it is critical, other than that only use it to heal in emergencies. Use all the magic crystals you need. We cannot be stingy right now with our resources. The pregnant goblins are to remain inside the nursery. I will pull that room to the north of this place. ”(Me)

As the goblins scrambled to follow my orders I moved as well. First I ordered all the Soldier Bugs, Silverthread Weavers, Acidic and Oil Snails. I left the butterflies because they had no offensive capabilities besides their poison. After that I quickly moved the goblin nursery to the place i had said.

Stupid of me to have left that one there, should be basic knowledge to move those rooms into a secure position.

I scolded myself as I went through those motions. As soon as I was done I moved to the entrance as well and called in the goblin keeping watch. I would be able to do so without danger. I swiftly surveyed the defensive measures that the goblins had arranged meanwhile and was pretty pleased.

Nice, it seems they used their heads.

Gorin who had worked for a while now with those insects had deployed them in a pretty orderly fashion. With the level of tamin she had there would be no coordinated tactics but it looked good for a start. This was when i noticed another error on my part. I made the goblins move back into the larger cave. I cut the small tunnel that led to the small cave and the insect cave. I reconnected that to the big cave as well. Like this there was only one entrance tunnel to defend. The males and kitty waited in front with their clubs and claws ready. The females were behind, ready to throw stones at the invaders. At the very back the shamans waited with some pots that contained the magic crystals.

That is as much as we can do for now.

I moved my view outside the dungeon after the inspection. It had taken around 20 minutes to set everything up and for now it was still calm outside. After approximately another 15 minutes. Saw the first signs. It was a slightly unsettling sight. The approaching mass of spiders came in like a wave, blanketing the earth and parts of the tree in darkness.

Gah all those legs make it sure look creepy. Appraisal

Bladeleg Spider

Known for its characteristical forelegs that consist of two

natural blades.

You are not strong enough to see more information on this enemy.

Poisonspitter Spider

Known to attack its prey with a spurt of poison from its fangs.

You are not strong enough to see more information on this enemy.

It seemed like the horde mainly consisted of those two spider types. Both were around the size of my Silverthread spiders. The Bladeleg was a black spider with some white patterns on it and had indeed the two foremost legs shaped into blades of chitin. The Poisonspitter meanwhile had a greenish tone to its exoskeleton and besides that didn't look very different.

After a while I could finally spot a larger shadow approach.

Wow that is one big ass spider.

Its black body alone was as long as the kitty and the legs were probably somewhere around one meter long. It was no wonder though that the horde was slow. While all other spiders gave a lean impression this spider was simply…


The legs moved slowly and were much thicker then i would have thought for a spider in proportion. But that was topped by its body's size. While it was as long as kitty it was also around three times as broad. The back part was partially translucent and i could even see some spiders growing inside of her. At the top the Mother had a bright red pattern that nearly shone in the sunlight. On its head, it had of course 8 quite big eyes and the mouth sported 2 pretty big teeth that made no doubt that IF you got caught then it would hurt a lot.

Hmmm i wonder if I can negotiate with that thing.

I waited until the horde was close enough. Since i couldn't even appraise the children properly I was sure i couldn't do it with the mother either. The first spiders already crawling under and over the little fence towards the dungeon.

Multiple challengers entered the dungeon area.

Building options are partially restricted.

Huh? why that now? Kitty never triggered that alert.

The Mountainstalker never intended to conquer the dungeon.

Ah damn so they are hostile to me directly. Anyway time to speak up.

“Halt! Why are you approaching my home!”(Me)

At my words the whole horde halted for a moment before a terrible sounding hissing came from the fat spider.

“This place will be conquered for our Master! We will eat your servants and destroy your crystal. Advance my children !”(Fatty spider)

So much for talking! Shit, shit shit. This better not be my end!

At their mother's command the spiders charged towards the dungeon entrance without hesitation and the first war for my dungeon begun.

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