《The Dungeon King》Chapter 19 – Where Shadows Lurk
I sat cross-legged within the crystal room. I was practicing mana control, trying to see if I could decrease the mana concentration on the first floor through my dungeon abilities. We had realized late that my [Aura] worked through my dungeon’s mana field as well, and worse of all, it affected everyone not just dungeon folk, thus if I could control it, it would reduce the benefit for those adventurers that had come. At least that was the plan.
‘The mana in this world is so thick… comparing the mana here to back on earth is like comparing a swimming pool to an ocean…’
Earth had originally been without mana, until the huge blackhole vortex was ripped open bringing both mana and monsters into the world. Then humans slowly started gaining the ability to use mana to transform their bodies entering the system.
‘It’s actually unfortunate that I got such an advanced skill so early,’ with my acquisition of my [Contract] skill, it was close to impossible for me to empower my stats by killing monsters. And on earth that truly was the only way to gain stats.
But it was different here. Instead of wasting my time trying to kill a large amount of monsters and creatures, hell or humans and beastman to loot them for their mana and power up my own body, I could train the old fashioned way.
The way the 5 stats gained power was through the use of mana. Mana is the manifestation of a supreme source of energy. And by condensing it and applying it for use in the body, stats will rise. At least this was the theory. By condensing mana into muscles, strength and agility will rise. By condensing it in the brain, intelligence rises. The heart, lungs, abdominal organs and skin lead to stamina. And the centre of the chest is where magic power rises, there an organ exists for the processing of mana, beating like a second heart.
However knowing all this and practicing to actually gain stats this way are two worlds apart. But for me, this would be the easier of the two paths. Seriously, to gain a single free point, I would have to kill over 3000 monsters. If I killed some the same rank as me then sure I’d get more benefit… but I’m a Skill Ranker, not a Stat Ranker. Got to know my limits.
Right now, I was breathing in and swirling mana throughout my body. I had gotten this idea when Levine used mana burning… if Rox knew I got this idea from that she would curse me. I wasn’t crazy though. My idea was thus, move the mana through the different organs, ie muscle and try to concentrate it there for a few seconds before moving it back to the centre of the chest. That way I would move it back to my centre before it burned or worse... exploded. (Author's Note: ... or worse... expelled! Hahahahaha, this will never not be funny.)
I was convinced that if I did this enough, it would lead to a rise in my stats. Although I didn’t pick the best of times to start my experiments seeing as how there were enemies outside… but they weren’t doing anything. I had originally been watching with Max and Levine but I got so bored I just left. Which led to this. There was a saying about something like this right? Idle hands breeding disaster? Or something similar.
It happened about 3 hours after I started moving mana in my body. Before, I was just moving my mana back and forth within my body, trying to find the right combination to try and strengthen my body. Then I noticed it, a tiny miniscule amount of mana would condense, like a crystal and enter some of the cells and structures of my body. It was extremely difficult to notice if I hadn’t been focusing with all my might to see if I could find a way.
Perhaps, I was motivated from the abundance of mana in this new world. But I think I was more motivated from my lack of ability to power myself up on Earth. Always having to rely on Bird and my sister. Well now they’re relying on me so I need to get stronger quickly! My experiments for trying to find shortcuts to summon them out had all failed... so this was the only way! Power! I needed power!
I focused and controlled the mana within my body and tried to copy what I had seen. Focusing, condensing mana… that purest of energies within my body in small crystals… like small dungeon crystals flowing through my bloodstream, entering my muscle cells, my bone and tendons, ligaments, diffusing through my skin my organs, flowing through my brain.
I felt like I was in a trance… like a state of… enlightenment.
The power of mana swirls through your body at your command
Through enlightenment, pristine mana control, and pure willpower a skill unique to the path of purity has been created
You have gained the skill [Mana Empowerment]
Mana Empowerment (Rank B - Unique, Active Ability) Lv 1 Mastery 0.0%
The Path of Purity, the path of enlightenment
This skill encompasses the essence of diligence and perception through enlightenment
This skill is unique to the Path of Purity
If special requirements are met, this skill can evolve
The skill user can actively use mana to permanently increase their own power
The rate of this increase and the effectiveness of this skill depend on the user
The skill [Troll’s Blood] has reached Lv10 – Max
Special conditions for evolution of the skill have been met
Due to interactions with the skill [Mana Empowerment], this skill has evolved
[Troll’s Blood] has evolved into [Lesser Troll’s Regeneration]
Lesser Troll’s Regeneration (Rank C, Passive Ability) Lv 1 Mastery 0.0%
An evolution from [Troll's Bood], this skill employs the marvelous regeneration of Trolls and infuses it into whole body.
If special requirements are met, this skill can evolve
Every time your heart beats, blood will recover 1.0% and injuries will recover 1.0%
This will only occur up to 30% of the body’s injuries, once injuries progress past 30% the effectiveness of this skill will halve.
You can accelerate your healing by circulating mana in any injured site, no restriction on level of injury
This… was an amazing result. My experiment worked! I was fairly confident about the principle but I was also terrified the mana would all start burning as well. The skill [Bad Blood] before it evolved into [Troll's Blood] was one of the banes of my existence back then. But now? Perserverance truly is key... and...
Maybe… maybe I could even cure Levine!
Me and Levine were hiding in a hidey hole up above the first room watching the dungeon entrance. Sigh, it was so boring but it is our duty. At least I had Levine with me, things are rarely boring with him. Although everything he said was a whisper… I thought he said he lost the ability [Silver Tongue] when he got his class, why is he still able to talk for hours? I listened in on what he was saying.
‘… and then the Queen bee says that the honey is only to be given with the permission of her majesty Rox and I was like, her majesty? She’s royalty now? And the queen says that she is of the highest royalty…’
Right… rarely boring but somehow mind numbing.
The adventurers had set up a rotating guard of sorts in the first room. It seems they didn’t trust that some of the mages would want to break into the dungeon’s core and try to capture the dungeon crystal. At least from what I have been eavesdropping in on.
Throughout the day those adventurers would let in mages who would sit down cross-legged in the first dungeon room. Of course, they must have known that just a few hours were not enough. They needed at least a day inside to have any benefit, didn't they ask the first group of adventurers?
They also didn’t know that the effect was even weaker now since Alex had moved the dungeon crystal room down a floor. Well, he said it should be weaker but we don’t know by exactly how much… I mean if the difference is only a few hours there isn’t much of a difference.
So I was left on watch with Levine. Our shift was almost over though, with Eva and Tolk coming to take over.
‘Hey Max! We’re here to take over watch. Anything interesting happen?’
I would know that voice anywhere.
‘Oi, Eva, I’m here to you know? I’m not so egotistical that I can’t stand being ignored and all but a fair maiden such as yourself should definitely pay respect to your elders such as me and furthermore…’
‘Oh shut it hare brains,’ Tolk was here too. The strange newly mutated Tolk was a lot smarter than he used to be. And now one of his favourite activities was baiting Levine. I understand exactly why Alex and Rox didn’t pair those two together for a watch. They would have started arguing loud enough to alert the adventurers down in the cavern below us! Though it’s a pity since that means I couldn’t pair watch with Eva…
‘I know you’re there Levine,’ Eva was rolling her eyes at him. Maybe she was spending too much time with Rox too… she looked straight at me with those eyes of hers... like two bright fire orbs glowing in the dark. Was there a whisper? She asked me, ‘So did anything happen during your watch?’
‘N… no nothing,’ damn it all, am I a mewling? Did I just fucking stutter?! I cleared my throat, pointedly NOT looking at Levine who I KNOW will have that stupid knowing smirk on his face. Well if I told him that Tolk will have the exact same smirk on his face too. Those two could be twins I swear.
‘No, the watch was pretty uneventful. Well, we’ll go and have a rest, see you in a few hours!’ A good thing my fur was originally red, I could feel heat on my face... and my heart was beating a little too fast.
‘Alright Max my boy, let us go get some grub and some rest,’ Levine to the rescue, thank you thank you.
‘Shut up Levine’
‘Yes boss!’
‘Let’s just get some food then sleep a bit alright? Our next shift is after the covert ops team one have their shift.’
‘Alex came up with that name for the squirrel squad didn’t he?’
We walked off to the resting areas to find some food. It’s no wonder Levine got the name Brave and not me, I didn’t have the courage to look back at her as I left.
After resting, we came back to the lookout position. We had night shift, and even through the night the mages would come and sit within that first room. I didn’t understand how much of a draw Alex’s [Aura] could be but here it is.
The incident happened late at night.
The adventurer group on guard was a group of 6, although it was hard to make out their professions exactly, it looked like a standard 3 close quarters combat, 1 ranged, one healing and one mage, judging from their equipment.
The mage group that had come in this time was a group of 13. They wore black robes and strangely, they weren't using staves, actually they didn’t hold any weapons. And surprisingly, the adventurer group looked terrified facing this group.
Using my [Minor Heightened Hearing] I tried to pick up what they were saying, they seemed to be having a small argument.
‘… sir there is a limit to how many mages can come in at once. A limit of 6 per group.’
‘Oh? But we are 13. It would be so… cruel of us… to let just one of our members come by themselves later on would it not? So let us through… or do you intend to obstruct our Brotherhood?’ There was a deep raspy voice that came from the depths of one of those dark robes… of all of them, this one had its hood drawn up and it was difficult to make out his features.
There was a sound as the one I had identified as a ranged fighter, the archer suddenly collapsed to the ground.
The adventurers looked in shock, but showing their aptitude, their priest instantly used holy magic and set up a barrier around them, pushing the mages away.
‘Y… YOU! You dare attack us?! We’re representing the Adventurer’s Guild!’
‘Oh? Adventurer’s Guild?’
That dark hooded mage leaned closer towards the holy barrier, his body almost touching it.
He gazed at them and said, ‘And we… we are the Shadow Brotherhood,’ and touched his finger to the barrier. The barrier that was shining white rapidly darkened around where his finger had touched it then as if it was a corrosive acid, the darkness ate away the rest of the shield, leaving the adventurers looking dumbly.
Then the priest slumped to the ground.
‘Quick run! We’re too close to them! We need to make distance! Starla run! Protect Starla!’ Starla seemed to be the mage as the warriors quickly got into a line blocking the path of the mages towards her. She seemed torn but started running. While she was running away, the warriors slumped to the ground one by one. She could hear them, each one falling to the ground.
After she had run almost to the next room she whipped around shouting, ‘Eat ice you bastards!’
A frenzied blue glow surrounded her, and around her small bird shaped glows of light shot our icicles that flew towards the mages. One of them was pierced in the eye, dying, before they could react.
‘Shit, she’s a witch! Not a mage! Use a crossbow!’
The mages ducked to the sides, dodging the icicles. It seemed to have taken a lot out of the adventurer mage… or is that witch... because she was panting even as she started running again. A few of the mages of this Shadow Brotherhood brought out small crossbows from within their robes, struggling to fit crossbow bolts then firing in her direction.
Maybe because of bad luck, two of them managed to hit her, one in her left calf and another in her upper back. She collapsed to the ground, all that could be heard was her sobbing.
I looked at Levine, then said, ‘Alex, can you hear us? We have a situation.’
As the dungeon master, if we said his name within the dungeon, he would hear us.
‘Yes, I have already sent Tolk with his goblins to back you up. One of the squirrel troop will be hiding in the secret caves as well, Eva's leading them.’
A voice could be heard.
Coming from the fallen witch
‘... Fallen gods hear my prayer, I give unto you all of my being.
Please deliver me from damnation, please rescue me from this evil.
Oh dungeon master, please hear my prayer, I give unto you all of my being…’
Like a mantra she kept repeating her words over and over…
but a bright light had started swirling around her…
and those words became louder and louder…
the third time she said it
the light was so bright that the pursuing mages had to shield their eyes and fall back
and it was so loud that the entire dungeon was shaking.
Her voice, previously so soft now seemed to have an ancient quality to it.
The shaking of the dungeon must have alerted those adventurers outside but how long before they responded was up for debate. The bright light had filled the entire first room now. This wasn’t just mana anymore, she was offering up her soul, her very existence…
'Stop her! Fuck she's calling out to the dungeon itself! Fucking witch!'
As the bright light began to fade, the mages came out from behind cover blinking, trying to see. What they saw was… a hobgoblin. A strange hobgoblin holding the fallen witch almost tenderly in his arms. It was Tolk, he must have raced here as fast as he could.
An echo could be heard throughout the dungeon then… and a wind blew from the back of the dungeon outwards, as if the voice was born from within the wind.
‘I accept.’
I had been meditating, concentrating my mana when messages started to pour in, in front of me.
A ‘Forest Archer’ has died within your dungeon
This individual was of the Fox Beastman species
Your dungeon does not currently have the ability to summon this species, once the capacity is unlocked in the future, this species will automatically be unlocked
The skill ‘Aim’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Quick Fire’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
It is now easier for inhabitants of your dungeon to unlock the archer class
Then a short while later.
A ‘Priest of the Stoic God’ has died within your dungeon
This individual was of the Ox-head Beastman species
Your dungeon does not currently have the ability to summon this species, once the capacity is unlocked in the future, this species will automatically be unlocked
This individual was on the Path of Divinity, no penalty as you are on the Path of Purity
Some of the skills may be restricted for use
The skill ‘Holy Shield’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Stoicism’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Healing Light’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
It is now easier for inhabitants of your dungeon to unlock the priest class
A ‘City Guardian’ has died within your dungeon
This individual was of the Ox-head Beastman species
Your dungeon does not currently have the ability to summon this species, once the capacity is unlocked in the future, this species will automatically be unlocked
The skill ‘Strengthen Shield’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Lesser Physical Resistance’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
It is now easier for inhabitants of your dungeon to unlock the guardian class
A ‘Ox Warrior’ has died within your dungeon
This individual was of the Ox-head Beastman species
Your dungeon does not currently have the ability to summon this species, once the capacity is unlocked in the future, this species will automatically be unlocked
The skill ‘Shout’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Heavy Hit’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
It is now easier for inhabitants of your dungeon to unlock the warrior class
The ‘Ox Warrior’ message came up twice. An achievement message had come up as well but I ignored it needing to see what was going on. Where Max and Levine were keeping watch, there were indicators on the map that showed enemies. 13 of them.
‘Tolk, take a group of goblins and go back up Max and Levine. Eva, prepare some of your squirrels to wait in the secret rooms. Along the path for when the guys need to retreat.
I turned back to watch the dungeon map, seeing it on a map was easier to keep track of all the individuals.
While I was watching, one of the neutrals was running to the next room. As the indicator stopped, one of the enemy indicators disappeared while the others spread out to the sides. The neutral one must have attacked.
A ‘Shadowmancer’ has died within your dungeon
This individual was of the Shadow-serpent Lizardman species
Your dungeon does not currently have the ability to summon this species, once the capacity is unlocked in the future, this species will automatically be unlocked
This individual is of the Path of Corruption, there will be a penalty applied when trying to summon or utilize any of the individual’s traits or skills
Some of the skills are unable to be used as they oppose the Path of Purity
The skill ‘Summon Shadow’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Shadow Capture’ is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
The skill ‘Shadow Possession is now available for [Skill Bestowal]
It is now easier for inhabitants of your dungeon to unlock the Shadowmancer class
If your inhabitants choose the Path of Corruption, there is a chance they will infect the dungeon making that part of the dungeon uncontrollable for the dungeon master
Shadowmancer? Then I got a message in from Max, ‘Alex, can you hear us? We have a situation.’
‘Yes, I have already sent Tolk with his goblins to back you up. One of the squirrel troop will be hiding in the secret caves as well.’
Not even a few minutes later…
I felt my soul tremble… A heat like I have never felt before filled me.
And not just my human body.
I could feel the heat in my other body, the dungeon crystal too.
This was the first time it had happened.
Then I heard it, no I felt it.
A voice crying out to my soul…
it was a soul crying out to me and my own soul was replying.
‘Fallen gods hear my prayer, I give unto you all of my being.
Please deliver me from damnation, please rescue me from this evil.
Oh dungeon master, please hear my prayer, I give unto you all of my being…’
A soul, a crying soul calling out to me in yearning. I could feel the anguish, the pain the soul was going through…
‘… all of my being?’
Then I whispered into the wind.
‘I accept.’
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