《Blood and Honor》Chapter 19- Knowledge is Power
Jacob ignored the arguing people as he prepared to leave. They argued because he would be leaving alone and traveling the Underdark without an escort. He wasn't sure who was louder Eiloma or Thardan, they were both furious that he was refusing to take an escort. "Enough, none of my War Party will be coming with me and all the Guards will be staying to safeguard the settlement. This discussion is over. Now if you both have time to sit around and try to talk me out of what I am doing, I am sure that Jigibs can find something that you can do to help with the construction efforts." With that he strode away, in the distance he could see dozens of people scrambling to assemble the walls of the hall in the distance.
Jigibs had modified his plans of the interior to include secret storage area within the Hall and once the Hall was finished and the Fort was claimed he would be able to unlock the secret area. As he strode over to his Bonded tent he saw June hitting targets from various positions and stances. Shigna would be off with the work crews assisting Jigibs, who knew that an Elementalist would be so good with Masonry. Snaggletooth was inside sitting next to the unconscious Chalxae. "How is she doing my friend?" Jacob asked the Shaman.
The Orc let out a grunt before he responded "Healing well, within the next day she will be fully recovered. I do not know if she will be ready for battle though. Now, why are you going off alone?" Snaggletooth asked. Jacob just smiled as he walked out. He would be back later tonight or early tomorrow at the latest.
An hour later he approached the area patrolled by Blood Haven, a patrol group insisted on escorting him despite his protests that he would be fine. As soon as the Fort was within site they patrol broke off and resumed their normal operations. The Fort personnel were acting as everything was normal, despite the recent perils that they had faced. Then again they probably all needed a little normal. "Well, well. Look who decided to show up and without any Bonded? Since I am sure the Queen will ask when you see here, what exactly are you thinking?" Captain Oren asked.
"Hello Captain, Yes I am alone and I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time." Jacob responded.
The captain nodded and led him into the fortress and into his office. "So what was so bad that you ditched your Bonded and took a walk alone in the Underdark without any form of escort. You know if anything happens to you that the Queen will hold all of us responsible. We have too much depending on your survival and you cannot go off like some Adventurer. You are not, you are a Full-Blood Vampire and head of a noble House. Act like it. Now, what reason could you give for running off like that?" Oren lectured Jacob.
"What do you know about the Noble Undead and specifically Deathwalkers?" Jacob responded.
Oren sat back in his chair and let out a long whistle, "Well you certainly stepped into it now. Deathwalkers are the Noble Undeads ultimate weapons. Whenever they are given a target, they eliminate it. They have never failed and will hunt them wherever they are, on the surface or the Underdark. I would highly suggest you go talk to the Queen and go to the Library to see what you can dig up there. Now since you are going to the Tomb I insist that you have an escort since I do not want to lose my head. I have the perfect person in mind as well. Follow me." Outside the fortress, they approached an area where a small crowd had gathered watching a sparring match. Three warriors were fighting a single opponent. The individual ducked, weaved, parried, blocked and countered the other warriors perfectly. Impressive as the warrior was, he could only keep it up for so long and he was getting tired. In a desperate bid, he slammed his war hammer on the ground that produced a shockwave the nocked the other warriors back. It left the warrior exhausted, the other warriors recovered and started banging their weapons on their shields in admiration of the warrior. "Well done, I think that is enough for the day. Our new friend has other duties to attend just like all of you." Oren called out as he approached sparring ring.
The individual warrior looked over but then shook the hands and congratulated his sparring partners. All the warriors started removing practice armor and weapons. Jacob immediately recognized the Duergar that he had brought in yesterday that had been beaten and bloody. He was fully recovered probably due to magic, food, and a good night of sleep. "Thorgron Shadowsteel may I present Jacob Longstrider. He is the one you have been looking for and owe a debt to." Oren introduced the two.
"So you be the one who saved my life. Thank you, I thought I was a dead one. My name is Thorgron Shadowsteel, former House Captain of clan Hammerhead and I owe you a Blood Dept." Thorgron told Jacob, which made him smile as Jacob shook the warrior's hand.
"Thank you Thorgon, but no debt had been incurred." Thorgon smirked as he looked at Oren
"Are all Vampires that naive. No offense but you don't have a choice in the matter. Until I feel that the debt has been paid, nothing you say or do will dissuade me from what I choose to do. Now how can I be of assistance?" Thorgan asked.
It was Oren who responded "Our young lord here has been acting like an Adventurer and walking around the Underdark alone. I was thinking you might feel like stretching your legs since we have been keeping you here." The Tomb Captain responded.
Thorgan nodded his head "Give me a couple minutes. I will be taking some basic armor, shield, and hammer from your armory and will either pay for them or give them back at a later date. You, my young lord, will wait here until I get back otherwise I will tie you up and carry you to the Tomb of Eternal Night." with that Thorgan darted off to gear up. So that is how Jacob ended up with a new companion that he did not want. Time would tell if he would if he would be useful or not, it was obvious that he was an experienced warrior but he really didn't need another tank type at the moment even though he could add three more Bonded to his War Party. As they entered the Inner City, Thorgen made comments about the lack of population and that the Mid and Outer city were pretty much abandoned other than small garrisons. "Yes, the Vampire people really have not recovered from the last war. I am the first Vampire to be created since then and they are hoping I can change their fortunes. A lot of hopes are riding on me, and Oren took me to task for not thinking like a leader. It does not matter if I want to be one or not, fate has put the responsibilities on my shoulders." Jacob told the Duergar. As soon as he found an available Tomb Guard he asked them to relay a message to the Captain of the Heart Guard requesting a meeting with the Queen when she had time and that they would be waiting at the Library.
As they walked into the old library, Jacob was once again greeted by Octavious "Welcome back young lord. Have you come with another Drow riddle? Or do you want the Keys to Hollowed Tombs?"
Jacob smiled at the older Vampire and his antics before he responded. "No sir, I was just wondering what you could tell me about the Noble Undead and Deathwalkers?"
At the mention of the names both Octavious and Thorgen flinched. Interesting, they both knew what a Deathwalker was and what it meant to encounter them. "So knowing that is dangerous in its own right young one, but half the danger has passed if you already have the knowledge of those names. I am saddened to say that we have very little knowledge on both subjects for the Noble Undead were founded after the City of Eternal Night became a Tomb. What little information I have you probably already know. Such as they are a very secretive people and that the Deathwalkers are Elite Assassins. What you probably do not know is that all higher undead have an innate sense of where the city is. It calls to them for some reason. Now my dear Duergar, how is it that you know those names, new knowledge is always welcome here." the Librarian asked Thorgen
"At one time after I was cast out of my clan I was working as a mercenary for this Drow bastard. A really shady guy that would do business with anyone that had two silver to rub together. Apparently, he crossed the Noble Undead with one of his dealings and they sent a Deathwalker after him. It hunted him for over a year before it caught up to the Drow, I was away escorting one of his shipments and this assassin cut through a dozen highly trained mercs as if they were not there and cut that drow into bits. Placed his head on a spike then burnt his house down. Only client I ever lost. What is your interest in them if you don't mind me asking?" Thorgon told Octavious.
Jacob considered lying or withholding the information but, they had both been honest with him and it was the least he could do with them. "Not too long ago I lead a raid that destroyed a Fortress that was controlled by the Sister of the Damned. They had been enslaving Undead for a while and their actions were causing problems in the region. Well by destroying the crystal brought the attention of the Noble Undead on me. Recently a Deathwalker visited and warned me that they would be watching me and if I became a threat that they would eliminate me."
Octavian smiled before shaking his head "Ahhh to be young again, always going places and meeting interesting people and making powerful enemies. I would suggest you bring this information before the Queen before she decides to lock you away for your own protection." the librarian stated before chuckling and walking off.
With that, they headed off to find some lunch as Jacob thought about what else he could get done while he was in the city. As they sat and ate food, Jacob explained everything about his House, and how he was trying to expand it by finding skilled and industrious people, his need to find two more Minions, and that he needed two add more Vampires to his House as well so he could expand the number of Bonded he could take into the House. How his Fortress wasn't even complete yet...all the problems he had with trying to found a new house with very little time to do it in. "I have one-month Thorgan to found my House. Others had years and I have one month. What would you do if you were in my place?" Jacob asked the Duergar.
"Well for one, you have a potential candidate for your first Vampire within your own War Party. From what you told me, you have earned this June's respect and trust. It is obvious that you trust her. So why not her? The Orc will turn you down probably because he will not want to lose his connection with the spirits and I have no idea how the Kobold would respond. Give it time and I bet you could turn the High Elf that has become so close to you as well. As far as filling out your house with competent people, it sounds like you have started down that road you just need to walk it." Thorgon told the young noble. Food for thought Jacob considered as a messenger came up to them. "Well, what's the word?" Thorgon asked.
"I can get a meeting early tomorrow at the earliest if I want to wait. Well, I have a couple more places I need to check out and then I want to run out to the Mid-city to check out something real quick and then we can settle down for the night. I have some rooms at the Palace that the Queen has extended to me for the foreseeable future. If you want a room you are more then welcome to come." Thorgan just nodded as he continued to eat.
30 minutes later saw the two at the Pit, although Jacobs favorite clerk was busy other were available "Hey, I am looking for any Unbonded that have Cartography and maybe map making skills." Jacob requested.
The Clerk immediately came back "Anyone who has the Cartography skill has the ability to make maps my lord and here is the list of available candidates." Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Brosz
Race: Hobgoblin
Class: Apprentice Map Maker
Level: 20
Cost: 5 Gold
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Damien Henderson
Race: Human
Class: Apprentice Map Maker
Level: 21
Cost: 5 Gold
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Wruzrar Myzynge
Race: Drow
Class: Master Map Maker
Level: 40
Cost: 20 Gold
Nice, but expensive. Until he found out what his budget was going to be he could not afford to acquire one yet. No matter how valuable having someone like that attached to his household. His second best bet would be to get an Adventurers Map, but such maps could be even more expensive than the Map makers themselves. Time to find out. He thanked the clerk for the information and headed off to the Cartographers shop.
The shop, surprise, surprise, was full of maps from all over the world. It was run by a gnome of all beings. He was chipper and very outgoing Although he was slightly disappointed that Jacob was mainly interested in information over buying actual maps. "Can I interest you in this mapping table, its old yes but every Noble house has at least one. At the cost of 1 Platinum, it is a complete steal for you."
Jacob snorted. He really did want something similar built at his fortress but he did not have time or money right now for it. "How much would it cost me to purchase an Adventurers map. One that is interactive and is bound to me?" Jacob asked the Gnome.
The shopkeeper sighed in defeat before responding "For a map like that its 50 Gold for a brand new Adventurers map. Unless...I can make you a deal for an older map that is used. With the travel restrictions set for everyone here, it is difficult to update the maps I sell. I will sell a used map for 5 gold if you carry this trinket around for at least a month. Everywhere you go it will send me information about. You, of course, will get a copy of the same information. What do you say mylord?" Jacob considered the offer, he really did not have a lot of extra money to spend. He looked at Thorgan for confirmation that it was a good deal. He slightly nodded and Jacob agreed to the Gnomes deal for the Adventurers map. Five minutes later he was walking out of the shop with the new map and trinket and stone attached to the enchantment.
Name: Trinket of the Pathfinder
Level: Rare
Properties: This trinket relays the bearers travels and location to the corresponding stones. The bearer if this trinket has an increased chance of detecting hidden places and traps.
Description: This Trinket is one of the oldest items the Cartographers Guild has produced and continues to produce for map makers and wonderers.
45 minutes later they finished up the search of the old chapter house, no new monsters had moved in. Although they had not found anything groundbreaking, Jacob had gotten lucky and an old smithy that was nearby had an old piece of Plate Armor that had been used by newly minted Knights of the order.
Name: Stalwart Plate of the Novice
Level: Rare
Properties: +100 Armor Rating, +20 Const, +15 Strength, Block +5, Parry +5
Durability: 150/150
Requirement: Lvl 20, Str 45, Const 45, Blood Knight Class
Description: Plate Armor made for the youngest members of the Order of Blood Knight. It was mandatory to wear until they had earned their own custom armor.
Not a whole set but better than nothing and as soon as he leveled up to 20 he could wear it with his new shield and since he was the only member of the Order in existence he felt compelled to uphold their standards somewhat. After that, they made their way back into the inner city to rest and relax. Tomorrow would be a long day between a meeting with the Queen and then getting back to his home.
When Jacob awoke, he noticed his armor had been placed on a stand and formal wear had been laid out. His sword was still available to him being the Royal Executioner, but his shield was placed with his armor. A note was placed next to the clothing with an invitation to join the Queen in her sitting room as soon as he could. In other words, get his ass in gear and go see the Queen ASAP. Waiting in the Hall was Captain Isiah "Fancy meeting you here Captain. If it isn't too much to ask you might want to be at the breakfast I was invited too since I am sure the Queen will want your input in what I am about to tell her and ask about." Jacob quipped to the huge Vampire.
"You slept longer than usual for one of us mylord. Has something happened?" Isiah asked
"As I said, the Queen will probably want your opinion in the matter I am bringing to her and I really do not want to tell the story twice. So I will save it until I am there, ok?" Jacob responded and all the Captain of the Heart Guard did was remain silent...
Within 5 minutes Jacob was sitting with the Queen, enjoying a much-needed breakfast while exchanging pleasantries. Ahh, shooting the shit when he had more important things to discuss. Politics and politicians had a special place in hell Jacob hoped, but eventually, the Queen cut to the heart of the matter and Jacob explained everything about what had happened with the Deathwalker and the information he had acquired at the Library. The Queen and Captain both looked worried, they knew what the threat a Deathwalker represented. They started talking and ignoring Jacob which was fine with him, it allowed him to finish eating. In the end, they agreed that they really could not do anything at this point. Until the threat became more apparent, they could do nothing. With that, he was dismissed. The Queen had responsibilities and Jacob had to get back home and check on his people. "I talked to your new friend, the Duergar guest that you brought. He is impressive and he owes you a Blood Dept. It is up to you, but I would suggest you that you bind him more closely than some sense of Honor. He could be a valuable asset to you and your House in the coming days." Isiah advised before leaving. Time to get out of the monkey suit and head back home.
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