《Blood and Honor》Chapter 18- Raiding the Raiders
Jacob looked out at the budding settlement, everyone was just waking up and heading for breakfast or going to take a quick bath before the day started. Jacob was still reviewing everything he had gone over with Matt. They had discussed his discoveries and he had agreed that having a raid boss so close to his new home was a problem and that it was denying him a potentially valuable resource in the form of the mana well and cave. Until he cleared it out he would have no idea how strong the well was or what it would be capable of supporting. Today Jacob planned on exploring the ruins of the Gem'Lock Tribe. To see if he could gain any insight into what happened to them and what he might face in the dungeon. Any insight would be valuable.
The Ziggurat had been completely leveled yesterday and Jacob could see Jigibs in the distance already marking out the outline of the Fortified Hall in the ground. Jigibs believed that they could finish the foundation and at least one wall today. Magrum was already gathering a crew of Unbonded to work at the quarry, he would begin production today. Until the Fortified Hall was completed he said he could only produce 6 blocks a day due to the quarry being a primitive set up and not a professional one that Jigibs could design and build. Jacob also remembered that he was going to have to raid the camps of the clanless so that Torgan had enough ore so Jigibs could finish both the Fortified Hall and wall. It was frustrating, to say the least.
As Jacob continued to mull over everything he had to do and worry about he sensed Chalxae approach from behind him. He was in no mood for her games so he decided to push back at her for once to scare her just a little bit. He waited until she was within arms reach then he whirled around and grabbed her and dragged her close. "Have you come to offer yourself as breakfast my little shadow??" Jacob could feel the fear through the Bond they had, he slowly grazed her neck with his fangs but then suddenly withdrew and shoved her away. "I have already had something to eat. If you have not eaten yet go and get some breakfast then prepare for the day. Make sure everyone else is ready, we will leave within the hour."
Jacob commanded as the rogue Drow darted off. "Did you really have to scare her like that? And we both know you have not eaten today because I told you when I saw you earlier I was bringing you breakfast." Eiloma asked Jacob.
"I had to scare her just a little bit, she was enjoying the game of stalking me too much and I had to remind her that I was a predator as well. Any other vampire would have bitten her just to prove their point. Hopefully, she will learn her lesson. And yes I was aware I had not eaten yet and that you would bring me my breakfast. Thank you very much, my Seneschal. I have no idea what I would do without you ever present nagging and need to order everyone around you." Jacob teased the High Elf.
"I do not order people around, I give them highly motivated suggestions. Now eat your breakfast and come back safe mylord." with that the High Elf walked off. A little over an hour later, Jacob and his party were geared up and ready to leave. Chalxae refused to look at Jacob and for some reason, June found this highly amusing. She none the less scouted ahead for the party even though it was obvious something had happened between the two, but no one knew what. Other then a couple Slimes and an occasional Goblin running around the party didn't encounter any major threats. As they approached the grotto, an ominous feeling permeated the air. Something had changed or they hadn't felt it yesterday Jacob didn't know, but this time the area was being patrolled by Imp demons. In small groups of 2 to 4, they were fine for all of them were only level 13 - 15 and none had any healing abilities. As they started scouting the rooms though it changed, some of the Imps were Prime Imps, which were level 17 or 18, that had a buff that increased the damage of all Imps around them and they had an ability that summoned more Imps to their location. Fearing that they would get cut off and swarmed by the creatures Jacob decided to fall back and wait until they became stronger before coming back and searching the ruins. Instead, they just cut their way through the roaming patrols and into the next tunnel. According to the coordinates he had received from Torgan, one of the camps he could raid was less than 10 minutes from the grotto.
About 6 minutes later they found the first patrol for the camp, it was four Goblins and an Orc. These creatures were at a more manageable level at 13, for the Goblins, and 17 for the Orc. They were lower level the demons but the Orc was a Shaman and had some healing magic. Once that became apparent, Jacobs companions quickly concentrated on him while he did his best to keep the Goblins from going to assist the more powerful friend. None of the Goblins had metal weapons, only clubs, and claws, while the shaman had a staff. The other patrols were far weaker with 1 or 2 goblins with an Orc warrior. The camp contained an Orc Warlock, lvl 18, a Goblin Shaman, lvl 16, and three Orc Warriors that were all lvl 15. A tough fight, but Jacobs companions remembered their lesson to always down the healer first and Snaggletooth kept Jacob healed up while the others dealt with the Goblin Shaman. After the last warrior died they checked the cart that was located in the camp, it contained mainly food and beer but they found one box with 6 ingots of Iron and copper in it.
30 minutes later they found the second camp, this one mainly consisted of level 17 and 18 Orc warriors and shamans with only one level 20 Warlock that had summoned a Prime Imp. They found no ingots in the camp but every single warrior was carrying Iron tipped spears(8) or iron swords(6). Although they should have enough metal now, they were about 15 minutes away from the last camp and 30 minutes away from Blood Haven. They could clear the last camp and then Jacob could check in with Captain Oren. In addition clearing, the camps would decrease the random attacks in this area of the Underdark and make it safer for people to travel.
The last camp was a mix of Duergar and Orcs, all of them were a minimum level of 18 with a few 19s and a pair of lvl 20 Berserkers. They almost managed to kill Jacob but Shignas' Golem had managed to distract them long enough for him to trigger Bite on one of the Berserkers to drain the Orc and heal Jacob enough to finish the other. They had a dozen ingots if various metals in their camp and a chained Duergar prisoner named Thorgron Shadowsteel. Why they had chained him, Jacob had no idea. The only reason why they knew his name is because Jacob used Identify on him but his skill level was not high enough to reveal more than that about him. Jacob and Shigna got the unconscious Duergar loaded on the cart so they could take him to Blood Haven. All his companions had reached level 17 at this point, and Jacob was sure both Snaggletooth and Chalxae were not very far from leveling to 18. Jacob had gotten level 19 and was halfway to 20, so the day was not wasted. To say that Oren was surprised to see Jacob and company were, to say the least. He was even more surprised that they were pulling a cart loaded with a badly beaten and bloody Duergar even more. The Captain gladly took Thorgron off their hands and insisted on Jacob and company staying for lunch. After a long lunch, in which the Captain dragged every detail about what had been happening in their part of the Underdark, the Captain promised to send a message to the Queen and update her about everything that the young Vampire had encountered and done over the last couple days. After that, Jacob and company left to head home, to check in to see how everything was going and to see if they could assist with any of the construction. 45 minutes later they were home, Jacob quickly dismissed his companions and told them to check in with Jigibs or Eiloma while Jacob took the supplies they had acquired toward Torgans temporary smithy. He was happy to that Jacob had acquired all the extra metal including the copper. He told Jacob he had some Tin so he should be able to smelt the copper into bronze. With that Jacob left to go check in with his Jigibs to see how the construction of the Fortified Hall was going and to see if the Goblin needed any assistance. "Sir, no offense you couldn't put a nail in the broadside of the wall. The only thing you could do is hire another overseer and more general labor to get the construction done faster." was the Goblins response for his offer to assist.
The foundation for the building and the first wall was mostly done. The Goblin stated that they would start tearing down the old wall tomorrow and that the other three walls of the Fortified Hall would be completed tomorrow and that the carpenter had finished sawing and shaping all of the wood that would go on the roof. "I have one last question when you are building the interior, can you make a secret area that only I can access. I need to store some sensitive items that only I have access too." Jacob asked the Goblin.
The surly foreman thought before he responded "Between Torgan, Magrum, and myself we can build something yeah. We will build a lock that will be keyed to you and only you. At a later time if you want others to have access we will be able to change the lock if you wish. Anything else Sir?" Jacob shook his head no and left to go find his Senchal.
After looking around and asking for 10 minutes, no one had seen or heard from her in hours, not even Magrum or Torgan had seen the High Elf. Jacob was getting worried but he could sense her close by through the Bond they shared. So he followed his senses and that leads him to one of the darker and less populated areas of the fortress where the trash was kept and burned. Jacob had ditched his armor and his shield in his tent and only had his sword on him. What he found disturbed him, he found Eiloma being held with a knife at her throat, two goblins unconscious, and Chalxae with a dagger in her gut. "Finally you came, do not worry, neither of your friends is dead and the only reason your friend ended up with a knife in her was that she tried to be a hero and save the High Elf. Who knew that a Drow would almost die to try and save a High Elf. Anyway, I came to see you, little lord. I was perfectly willing to wait in your tent for you to come back and have a pleasant conversation but your Seneschal here had to get smart and stick her nose where it does not belong."
All Jacob saw was a shadow that hardly moved and a dagger at his new friend's throat, "I don't know who you are or what you want. If you came to have a peaceful conversation say your piece and go. I won't stop you and if you were able to get around my guards I am sure you can leave without them knowing as well." Jacob responded.
"Finally someone with some sense. I can see why you are in charge of this place and why she made you a Full-Blood. Already rumors are swirling about you in this part of the Underdark. The Vampire that the Curse cannot touch, that walks outside the confines of the Tomb of Eternal Night. That put down the Kobold rebellion and captured this fortress from the Sisters of the Damned. Now hopefully some of the stories about you are true and you are smart as well as brave. My people are concerned about what you could become a young one. I am what my people call a Deathwalker, a Master Assassin and Spy. I am one of the eye, ears, and if called on, the knife of the Noble Undead. You can call me Mikeal, know this I will be watching young one and if you prove a threat I will end you." with that Mikeal threw the High Elf at Jacob and darted away into the dark.
Eiloma immediately turned around and darted after the assassin "Enough, leave him, we have to take care of our own people first." Jacob called after the High Elf as he kneeled down and turned Chalxae onto her back. Her only response was to groan in pain. "Eiloma, this is what is going to happen. You are going to use the daggers and cut both of my wrists and then you are going to pull the dagger out of Chalxae stomach. My blood will keep her from dying and heal her enough to keep her stable. Then you are going to go find Snaggletooth and bring him back here, no one else. I don't want it getting about what happened here." Less then 5 minutes later they were back and the Shaman finished the healing. Jacob had lost almost half his health and because he had donated so much blood he would require blood again tonight. All that mattered was that Chalxae was stable and healing and would be ok in a couple of days. Jacob brought Chalxae back to the tent that housed the rest of his War Party and explained what had happened to Shigna and June and asked the other drow woman to watch out for her until she was fully healed. He knew that they had some animosity but Chalxae dearly needed help. With that Jacob left his companions tent to go find some blood and food. He had to figure out what to do now that he was down one member of his War Party.
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