《Blood and Honor》Chapter Intermission-Talks and a BBQ
Jacob woke up and rolled out of bed, he could only work half the day today because he had to face his friends tonight. He still needed to check on what he had acquired gear wise yesterday, but he had the check his character sheet that was nagging him. Sitting in his room was a robed being he had never seen before. Jacob tried to Analyze the figure and it came up with nothing....ok "Greetings Youngling, I apologize for intruding in your personal space but it was past time we talked. Please feel free to call me Bob, now I am going to try and enlighten you on what happened yesterday. Let me finish talking before you start questioning everything I say otherwise this is going to take all day."
"Now as you are aware Vampires have three Ranks: Commoners, Full Bloods, and the Royal line. You might have noticed you are a Tier 1 Full Blood, which means you are the least of the Nobility and that you can create/have 10 Commoners and 10 Bounded within your House. Acquiring a higher Tier is accomplished in two ways, time or challenging those above you, this is what is called a Blood Challenge. It involves two Vampires and witnessed by a third neutral party. What happened yesterday was supposed to be a Challenge between Allaric of the House Snow Wolf and Queen Talia, Mallic of the House Blood Raven and Thera of the House Black Thorn were supposed to bare witness. It was all just a ruse to get near the Queen armed. When it became apparent that Allaric could not defeat the Queen in honorable combat, they broke the rules of the Challenge. Due to this, we intervened and leveled the playing field so to speak. We also enhanced Moonlight with an ability that requires very specific circumstances. You can check that later."
"Now the Blood Challenge can only be offered to your peers or someone of a Higher Rank. No one of a higher Tier can challenge you but a commoner can challenge you if they believe they can defeat you. You cannot be challenged more then 4 times in a 6 month period and if they challenge you and fail, they have to wait another 6 months before issuing another challenge. Now the rules of the Challenge are either fighting for first blood on a blade with no Abilities or Skills or to the Death with no limits. If you Challenge for control of a House or the Royal line, the fight is automatically to the Death."
"Now the fight yesterday started as a Blood Challenge and because we had to give you a fair shot when you entered the fight, you gained no experience from the fight. You did increase your Tier to rank 2 and Moonlight gained a new Ability so the fight was not a complete loss too you. Remember we are watching so cheating will be punished, is that understood? Do you have any questions, Jacob?" Bob finished his rant.
"Yes, I understand. Thank you for all your help yesterday. Can you tell me why they rebelled? Do I have to issue any Blood Challenges? Can I set the rules of the Challenge or is the Party that is Challenge setting the rules? How can I ever issue a Challange to anyone when everyone that is higher rank them me is so much stronger? Do I have to accept a Challenge or can I decline it?" Jacob responded.
Bob quickly responded "No, you do not ever have to issue a Blood Challenge. That is entirely up too you. The one Challenged is the one who decides the rules. Now the rules that follow First Blood are decided with Skill with the weapon you use more than any level or skills and abilities you have. Most times, challenges are First Blood because we frown upon the needless waste of life. If you are Challenged, yes you can turn it down one time. The person that challenged you has to wait 24 hours before issuing you a challenge again and you cannot turn the second one down. This rebellion was caused because they thought they could lead the Vampire nation better and the Power of being of the Royal line. Any other questions? My time is limited here."
"How often can I participate in a Challenge? How many Challenges can I issue per year?" Jacob asked.
"When you participate in a Challenge you will have a week before you can challenge anyone or be Challenged. You can act as a Neutral Part as often as you want, but you must be Neutral. You cannot issue more than 4 Challenges in a 6 month Period. Now my time limit is up, you handled yourself with honor. We will not forget this, until next time." With a swirl of darkness, Bob disappeared.
First thing Jacob did was check the new ability that Moonlight had... Name: Royal Executioner
Description: This Ability only activates against Rebels against the Crown. The rebellious activity has to be witnessed by no less the 6 credible witnesses or by the wielder of the blade. The blade will bypass all defense, any non-mortal wound will cause excessive bleeding.
Full Blood: Tier 2
Description: Your growing strength allows you to turn or accept 15 common Vampires (Locals) within your House, have 15 Bonded, and 3 Minions within your House. Increases loyalty of your House by 5% and their productivity by 5%.
Vampiric Ability Unlocked: Bite
Description: The Hunger/Thirst is a part of all Vampires no matter what rank. Whenever you Bite someone you will absorb their Health and will increase your own Health Regeneration by 100% for 5 Minutes. Benefits may also vary based on species and age of the victim. Repeated use will cause you to go in a Blood Frenzy, which is your ability to think clearly and will cause you to attack any living thing in sight. The Blood Frenzy will last 10 - 30 minutes.
Vampiric Rite Unlocked: Blood Challenge
Description: Challenge a peer or higher ranked Vampire. Either First Blood or to the Death. Challenges must be witnessed by a Neutral Party. Any Challenge rules broken can cause unintended consequences.
Name: "The Storm" a 2 Handed Axe
Level: Epic
Damage: 40-70 Elemental
Properties: Increases Wielders Strength by 15, Those struck by the Axe become more vulnerable to elemental attacks by 10%
Durability: 500/500
Description: "The Storm" was created during the War of Survival to fight our enemies. Somehow it survived and still serves its people in this new age.
Name: Refreshing Magma Staff
Level: Rare
Damage: 35-50
Properties: Increases the damage of Earth and Fire Spells by 5% and Mana Regeneration by 10%
Durability: 150/150
Description: This staff is bathed in the lifeblood of Fire and Earth Elementals, using this increases a mages utility with those elements
Name: Night and Day-Twin Daggers
Level: Rare
Damage: 40-50 MH, 30-40 OH
Properties: Increases the Wielders Dexterity and Agility by 15, Increases the wielders ability to blend with the background by 40%
Durability: 200/200
Description: Leftover twin daggers from the War of Survival. One is dark as night, the other light as day. The wielder of these blades will find light and darkness working together to obscure the wielder.
Name: Stalwart Plated Steel Leggings
Level: Uncommon
Properties: Increases Constitution and Strength by 5
Properties: Armor Rating +20
Durability: 75/75
Description: These Steel Leggings are imbued with the most basic magic to increase the wearer's strength and constitution in minor ways.
Name: Unbreakable Boneshield of Endurance
Level: Rare
Properties: Armor Rating +30, Chance to Block is increased by 45%, Increases the Skill Block by 5
Properties: Increases Constitution by 10
Durability: 60/60
Description: This Shield is made up of Bones and Steel. Over hundreds of years, it has refused to bend to the will of its enemies.
He also had 12 new rings that increased various stats by +1 and +2. So he had a bunch of nice new Weapons for his bonded and two new pieces of armor for himself. Hopefully, these would help him and his companion survive the coming times.
"Knock, Knock, anyone home?!?!" James asked as he walked into the room.
"You know you are supposed to wait for someone to respond to the knocking before actually walking into the room, right??" Jacob responded to his smart-ass friends comments.
"Blah, Blah, Blah. You aren't my mother. On to more important things, it has been decided that until the political climate settles down you, your bonded, and any friends will be staying here at the palace. The Queen and the Captain have insisted on that before you argue about that. Also due to your intervention, the Queen plans a reward for you tomorrow so make sure you have your best shirt and pants because it will be in front of the whole court at the main hall. Yes, you can have Moonlight on you, but no to the Armor. All the Nobility that should be dead because of the Rebellion are, only a few commoners are unaccounted for so we should be safe. Afterword the Captain needs to talk to you about something that is happening in the Underdark. Until tomorrow, rest check on your people and get organized. Something tells me you are going to be leaving soon after." With that James left.
James was right and he had less than an hour before he had to Log Out and go get groceries for the BBQ at Matts place and call Marc. As his Bonded walked into the room he handed out the new equipment to everyone and gave them walking orders about prepping for whatever new problem the Captain was going to dump in his lap. He also told them that the Queen would be having some ceremony early tomorrow and that they would be leaving soon after. So he told them to get any provisions they would need for the foray into the Underdark. They would definitely stop by the Drow Door and get rubbings of what was written and see of Octavious from the Library knew what it said. "I have a photographic memory, I might not understand what was written on the wall but I can write it down and hopefully this Octavian can translate it." June stated after Jacob told them his thoughts. Jacob gave them each 15 Gold and sent them on the way. He would also have to see James about upgrading his Abilities before heading out. So much to do. That was for tomorrow though, time too log out and face the music. Real World...
Kevin stretched his arms and legs as he got out of the Capsule. "Cortana, call Marc." After a half a dozen rings he hung up but left him with a message to call him back ASAP. Shower and lunch later he was getting ready to go out when his comm began ringing, it was Marc!!! "Hey Marc, glad you got back to me so quickly. I had a question about the NDA I signed, specifically about what I can tell my friends about my current whereabouts and activities?"
Marc said with enthusiasm, "Woohoo, coming out of the dark and into the light are we?? Well, you can tell them what you want as far as what and where but nothing to do with our assistance in-game or streaming pay. If that gets out, big problems for all of us even though its necessary just to give you a small chance. We won't be able to cover the fact that the Vampire Race is back if it leaks through. So if your friends drop the ball we will have to go live with the Vampire Patch. You will still have the Rings that protect you from being found and from the Curse but if anyone sends spies to the Tomb of Eternal Night it won't matter much. Good job with the rebellion Event, it was never meant to be a solo scenario but you got through it."
"Advice?" Jacob pleaded.
"Dude, this is all on you, but I told you day one you will need Friends, a strong Guild, and Allies to have a chance at finishing the Rise of the Vampire Scenario. You got the Bloodfangs in your pocket and the Queen and Guard love you. You will need more than that though, a lot more. Anything else?" Marc asked.
"Who is Bob and should I open the Drow doorway I found?" was Jacobs questions. Marc hung up in response, guess it was too much to ask he would have to find out on his own. Time to head out and get food.
About 2 hours later, the taxi was about 5 minutes out from his friends' Apartment building so Jacob decided to call him. "Hey buttmunch, don't tell me you are going to ditch the party you requested?" Matt responded.
"Nope almost there. Was just wondering if it was going to be at your place or on the roof?" Jacob responded.
"Roof, just scan your comm at the door and elevator and it will take you to the roof directly. Hope you brought some Potato Salad and Beer!!! I also want the Story and the Bloodfang Clan, you are aware you are going to have to tell people something." Matt said.
"I know, see you soon." 10 minutes later he walked out onto the roof, Matt had a Smoker and Grill cooking. A couple of people were in the Hot Tub laughing and drinking beers, people he didn't know...
Kevin gave Matt the stink eye, "I know dude, but they are in the Swords and live in this building too. Between you finding a lost clan and this meet and great you have 100% chance at getting in, just make a good impression. I know it was your plans to join one of the big 10. Here is your chance dude."
Kevin continued to give him the stink eye "Plans change brother, plans change. Not now, but I need you Jordan, Bree, and Jared to stay as sober as possible tonight. We are going to need to use your clean room (a room that cannot be bugged or spied on) later, we are going to have a serious chat about somethings. I also need help running interference about the Bloodfang Clan." Kevin told him. Now Matt was eyeballing Kevin, but he nodded in acceptance.
About 4 hours later, after much food and alcohol had been enjoyed and some BS story had been made up by Kevin and Matt, the party was broken up. So as everyone else made their ways home, Kevin and his closest friends made their way to Matts clean room. After the room was closed and sealed, Kevin poured a round of shots of tequila for everyone. Jared raised his eyebrow, he didn't like drinking much either. "So...whats going on Kevin? What's with the cloak and dagger man, I have never seen you like this?" Matt asked.
Kevin could feel Jared's eyes on him, he meet his friends look. Jared was former Military Intel and Kevin was pretty sure he ran with a Black unit as well. He knew how to read between the lines. "You can trust us with anything Kevin, no matter what. Every single person her will stand by your side man. You have been here for all of us at one time or another." Jared simply stated.
Kevin nodded and made up his mind "Ok as you guys are all aware, I found a lost clan the Bloodfangs. Now look up the clan in the Wiki, it will show the clans location as UNKNOWN. Now as far as me joining the Swords of the Light or any of the top 10 is on a permanent NO. First off my character reached level 15 last night and second my situation precludes me from joining a Guild because they would just steamroll me. This is the first time in a long time I have had anything remotely looking like good luck and I am not going to let anyone take it from me." Each of his friend's faces had a different look, Bree and Jordan were confused, Matt was surprised, and Jared had a look of contemplation. He was always the one that was quick on the uptake and he never failed to disappoint.
Today was no different, an idea dawned in his eyes and before he could say anything Matt responded "Why, why would you reroll?? You were so close to being able to join. Dude, what happened man? I know you were on the run from the Guards due to being a bandit, but come on..."
Jared rolled his eyes and slapped the back of Matts' head "Stop being a dumbass. I bet you an item from your clans Alpha Vault that he had a very good reason as too why he is level 15 right now. The location for the Bloodfang clan is key. A location is always listed for every faction, even if its just the continent where the faction is located. If the location is being suppressed that means the Developers are involved, and if they are involved something big happened. If one lost faction is found another one can be as well. Now if you were part of a clan that says, specializes in assassination and information gathering, you might know that the Bloodfang Clan has not been seen in almost 2000 years. They were once strong allies of an empire that was wiped from existence about the same time. That lost empire ruled the whole Arakon continent and most of the ruins around the old continent are from that Empire. It is said the Desert of the Moon is where that Empire made its last stand."
Bree whistled and responded to Kevin's unspoken question "The Desert of the Moon is pretty much a dead zone. It has a couple of Human and Orc Clans that are constantly roaming the Desert part of the zone. Other then an Oasis here and there and a Mountain chain that runs North to South and ends in the Ocean, nothing is there. Well a couple of broken fortresses near or in the mountainous area, are the only indication that region was ever settled. You have to fight your way through those roaming clans and plenty of monsters too. If I remember correctly the Zone is level 50-75. From my days exploring that zone, the Mountains had plenty of mineral deposits but no clan will claim the area because of the location away from everything and the dwarfs won't even settle the area for some odd reason. The only reason they give is 'We remember, you don't but we will never forget.' I dropped a bug report but the Devs said everything was working ok."
Jordan was nodding at what his wife said "Yeah I remember those days, the Dwarfs acted really odd. I talked to a dwarven archaeologist, about those ruins but he just said they once belonged to an Empire that once ruled the whole Arakon continent before they were defeated by an Alliance and the Gods. Who ruled that empire, they were pretty mum on but they respected and/or feared them. From what I understand, the Dwarfs think whoever built those forts will be back someday and they don't want to piss them off when they get back."
Matt was just staring at Kevin now, then he started laughing so hard until he was crying. "Dude you go the worse luck. Tell me you did not find a new race, please tell me you just go tired of your old character and decided to re-roll. Don't tell me you found a new race please..."
Kevin shrugged his shoulders and said, "You know I do not like lying, I can if you want me too if that will make you feel better." Matt put his face in his hands and started laughing again.
Kevin lined up another set of shots for everyone, "Ok, if anyone wants out, now is the time...Ok but the shit is about to hit the fan because it's far worse then you think. First off, the faction city is below the surface with very little in amenities. Before you ask Bree, the economy is in the shitter because the city has been isolated for almost 2000 years. The military isn't much better, they don't even control the whole faction city. I am the only player currently, no guild support, no guide what-so-ever. I am blind and I have very little lore to go on. Second, when this faction becomes known, every major power and god will green light the destruction of the Vampire faction. Everyone hates my people. Third, is that my race is under a Curse. If I step out into sunlight I lose 90% of my stats and to lift the Curse I got to kill the last King that ruled the Vampires and I have 1 year of exclusive rights to do that. Fourth, the Vampire race information will be going live in 27 days as playable but I can change you guys tomorrow if I can find you or you guys find me. I am not sure how to even get to the surface right now. Fifth if you guys go for the conversion, I don't know what you will lose. I am sure you will lose something though in levels or classes."
"From what you have found out about in the Lore, the Vampires once ruled Desert of the Moon and it was their base of Operations. That isn't the case anymore but I am sure it can be and would be the perfect place to get the Vampire faction going again. Plenty of resources and out of the way of any major power. It would give us a chance to build up before everyone marched on us. I know I am asking a lot, but I need you guys. I need your help to survive and possibly even thrive." Kevin said. He knew he sounded desperate, but dammit he was desperate.
Jared looked at the rest of the group before responding "I already told you and I am pretty sure I can speak for everyone else here. We are with you. In 27 days I will either be getting bit by you, no gay jokes please, or I will be rolling a new Vampire Rogue. Either way, I will be with you, brother. Now you are right, you are up Shit Creek without a paddle or much of a boat. For the next 27 days, I will do everything possible in finding this King, I am assuming he will be named the Cursed King or some such thing. Once we got that done, grind like a mo-fo for a minimum of 6 months before trying the King. Considering the Time they give you to down the King, I am guessing his level is minimum 60 with maxed out at 80."
Matt was nodding his head in agreement "Yeah we got you, start mapping out the Zone you are in, try to find some dungeons. They will be critical to grind for the levels we will need, map them all out. What class are you? If you are a Rogue or Ranger it will help you to explore. Find your neighbors, get to know them. Recruit Allies for your faction, or get it too were they won't attack our people on sight. Exploring will be critical right now. What is the Vampires outlook on other species?"
"I am not a Rogue or Ranger, I had a one time chance at gaining a special class and I took it. I won't be giving it up. The the last 2000 years have made the Vampires isolationists. That will have to stop, they will need non-aggression and trade treaties just to barely survive. The war that wiped out the Vampire Empire, they called it the War of Survival, devastated the Vampire population. The Vampire nation has 2000 Vampires, well it was. I helped put down a rebellion last night so not so many anymore. I want to build up a guild also so the big 10 won't steamroll the Vampire area, between us 5 and our closest friends will make the core of the new guild. I want it ruled by a console with promotions based on merit not money and who you know. The Bloodfang clan has allied themselves with the Vampires and specifically my House. Before you ask, I really don't understand the Vampire Politics so don't ask. I am in favor with both the Queen and Royal Guard, pretty sure whatever console advises her does not like me though. I also have a direct line with her Spymaster and conquered a fortress. I discovered a Drow Vault that is sealed and I was warned that it could contain a great treasure or evil." Keven stated.
Jared had winced when he heard about the Drow Vault "Dude be very careful with the Drow, it can contain a Legendary Item or it can contain a Demon. Be very careful, but due to your description of the area, I would think it would be in your level range. Do not open it without a full group behind loaded for a bear. You will definitely need to form a Guild to prevent the 10 from rolling that area. Do not sell any info to anyone, as soon as we get there we will start vetting people. We will get help from the Queen and from the Spymaster, if you are really in favor by the ruler she should have no problem supporting the founding and construction of your guild. With what you have saved and what everyone else has we should have enough gold to support the founding of a new Guild. I can also negotiate a Non-aggression treaty with the Shadow Daggers (Jared's Guild and #10) and we can negotiate with them about buying any information about anyone who could be a threat to us."
Matt picked up where Jared left off "Yeah, and I can guarantee that I can steal at least 2 dungeon diver teams from the Swords and an Analyst also. All have been considering leaving the Swords for a while, but we will need to pay them a salary. The Swords leadership are Hardcore Lightside but the core of the Guild not so much. As long as the money keeps flowing they will stay for the most part, but a new playable race means new opportunities for World Firsts and Achievements as you are well aware. That will rally a lot of players to your side you just got to filter through the good and bad, some will be obvious spies."
"We can get some rovers, people who specialize in exploration. For a new region like this, it will be critical for the expansion of both the Vampire Race and Guild. It will also help you find dungeons and Raids and help you get to know who your neighbors are and where they are located. Starting out all those things will be critical for survival and expansion." Bree stated.
"I understand exploration and expansion, but I am pretty sure when we break the Curse the Tomb of Eternal Night will be transported to the surface. I am sure we will leave an outpost below ground but concentrated power and city will be above ground again then." Kevin stated.
Jordan quickly responded "Do not tell anyone else that. That will change everything again and since you were the one with exclusive rights to the Slaying of the King for the next year, no one else will learn about it. Information is power and changing the location of a faction capital is huge!!! Now, as soon as you can we need you to get the new guild founded so we can recruit and vet people as soon as the floodgates open. Advise the Queen that you will need assistance in screening the new people about their intentions about joining your guild and you should be good on that front. Ok, after you get done tomorrow we can set up a video conference so you can update everyone about what is going on."
Kevin waved his goodbyes and went home. He slept better that night then he had all week. Telling his friends about his burden had helped immensely.
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