《Blood and Honor》Chapter 6- Awakening and Clearing the Depths Cont..
Tomb of Eternal Night
Palace of Night
Well, Jacob would give the Vampires one thing, they knew how to build. He was standing on the steps leading up to the Palace, from the outside it was a thing of beauty. Arches, glass pane windows, battlements, and statues of long dead Kings and Queens.
1/3 Significant Sites Visited, Palace of Night
Woohoo, one down and two to go. As he walked the streets he noticed that Vampires were the primary species in the city, it wasn't the only species. He saw goblins, elves, humans, running around with supplies or doing errands, and he occasionally saw knots of Orcs and Dwarfs...wait not Dwarfs but Duergar. He didn't even know that Duergar existed in this world, they were the dark cousins of the Dwarfen race supposedly. Jacob got over his amazement and continued his walk to the Royal Barracks to get some equipment.
As he walked toward the Barracks, he saw a practice area where he saw guards sparring against training dummies and themselves. The two Royal Guards stiffened and opened the door for him, Jacob walked in and the door closed firmly after him. Now if only he could find the Armory..." Guardsman, what are you doing out of uniform. Get your ass out of my sight before I demote you... Oh, the Youngling I apologize." Jacob looked over, it was obviously a Vampire. Red eyes, dark hair, face that was youthful and eyes that had seen and done too much through the ages. This one though had Grey at his temples, that was new. Jacob Analyzed him before he responded.
Name: James Shadowstrider
Race: Vampire (Common)
Class: Tomb Guardian-Sergeant
Level: 325
"Yes sir, I am the newest of our race sir. I was just trying to find my way so I can get some basic armor so I can get to work. If you can point the way, I will pick up my equipment and get out of your way. Please." Jacob responded. "Wow a Full-Blood that is both polite and willing to do work without being yelled at or trying to get a favor out of me...now I have seen everything." James responded "Just yanking your chain kid. Hahahaha. Just follow me." James walked away while chuckling. Jacob just shrugged and followed the older Vampire not understanding his joke.
James lead him down the hallway then turned right and before him was a large door reinforced with both metal and magic. James touched it and it swung open on its own. Beyond the door racks of weapons, armor, and shields of every type were on racks and stacked. Once a vampire was working at the desk and looked up when the Sergeant walked in. "Anastasia, this here is our very own Youngling. Can you get him kitted out so he can get to work, include a shield as well."
Anastasia eyeballed Jacob, sizing him up before walking away from them both. She went to some shelves and pulled down a pack and walking back and slamming it down on the desk. "Token," she said while holding out her hand. Jacob handed it over and she threw the pack at him. "Out" was all she said, and they no longer existed as far as she was concerned.
James chuckled and turned around and walked out. "Don't let her tough exterior put you off, she is a real firecracker." James led him out of the building and to the practice yard, "Well what are you waiting for kid gear up and let's spar a little." Jacob opened the pack and pulled out all the equipment and started equipping everything he had.
Name: Chainmail Iron Shirt
Level: Common
Properties: Armor Rating +10
Durability: 50/50
Description: Basic chainmail shirt made from Iron, although it has no magic properties or abilities it will protect you.
Name: Chainmail Leggings of Iron
Level: Common
Properties: Armor Rating +10
Durability: 50/50
Description: Basic chainmail pants made from Iron, although it has no magic properties or abilities it will protect you.
Name: Tough Leather Walking Boots
Level: Common
Properties: Armor Rating +5, Movement Speed increased by 25%
Durability: 25/25
Description: Basic boots for any soldier or adventurer, without good boots you won't get where you need to go.
Name: Skull Cap
Level: Common
Properties: Armor Rating +5
Durability: 25/25
Description: Basic helm of leather and iron that helps keep your brains where they need to be.
Name: Oak and Iron Shield
Level: Common
Properties: Armor Rating +10, Chance to block increased by 25%
Durability: 35/35
Description: Basic shield of Oak and strips of Iron
James eyeballed the sword and scabbard hanging on his hip but said nothing else "What happens if I hit you, I don't want to accidentally maim or kill you." Jacob stated.
James arched an eyebrow before responding "Kid you won't be able to hit me, much less hurt me. Even if you somehow do, the magic here will prevent any permanent damage or death and your equipment will not be degraded while training. Also put that sword away and grab one of the practice blades off the rack over there and show me what you got kid."
For what felt like the 100th time, Jacob hit the ground while his sword and shield flew two different ways. "What have I told you time and time again, 'Keep your shield up and your sword in your hand'. What do you do, I keep catching you with one or the other out of position. This is why I keep beating you. Now I have other duties to attend too, good luck kid. If I am not here, just ask around and you will be able to find me. Feel free to come back for some more training anytime." James said before moving off. Jacob groaned and got up and picked up his sword and shield. Another soldier jogged over and handed him a minor healing potion to drink, he nodded his thanks and moved off. He reviewed the pop-ups he had received over the last hour.
WOOHOO, after an hour of sparring (ok that's being generous, you got your ass kicked) you have acquired the basics of being a warrior.
Skill Acquired
Name: Block
Level: Common (lvl 1)
Properties: +1% Chance to Block (Will increase as skill levels, Passive)
Description: Increases the chance that you will block a hostile attack (Physical, Ranged, or Magical), keep your shield and between you and the enemy. (If you are going to be a meat shield, put something between you and the pointy objects so you last longer)
Skill Acquired
Name: Parry
Level: Common (lvl 1)
Properties: +1% Chance to Parry (Will increase as skill levels, Passive)
Description: Increase the chance that you will parry a physical attack, at certain levels, it is said you can cut arrows and magic also (If you can't block the pointy end, make sure it doesn't hit you)
Skill Acquired
Name: Dodge
Level: Common (lvl 1)
Properties: +1% Chance to Dodge (Will increase as skill levels, Passive)
Description: Increase the chance that you will Dodge an attack (No you are not dancing, it's making sure the sharp points do not hit you)
Ability Acquired
Name: Charge
Level: Common (lvl 1)
Cost: 25 Stamina
Properties: Move to your target and possibly (50% chance) stun them for 3 seconds, cooldown 1 minute
Description: Rush your target and get right in their face, you might even nock them for a loop if you are lucky (Here comes the train baby, woo woo)
Ability Acquired
Name: Power Slash
Level: Common (lvl 1)
Cost: 25 Stamina
Properties: Increases your attack by 50%
Description: Your next attack will hit your target for additional damage (I HAVE THE POWER)
Quest Complete: Class Training
Description: Head to the local Barracks and learn basic skills and abilities from the local trainers
Reward: Skills and Abilities appropriate for your level
Another quest down, three more to go. At least he had a chance at defending himself now, even though it hurt to learn. He moved deeper into the city and away from the Palace, and he was completely lost. That's when he knew something was wrong, ahead of him were 3 cloaked and hooded figures. Jacob looked behind him, 2 more stood there. In other words, he was cut off and surrounded by someone who wanted him isolated. He put his hand on Moonlight but did not draw it yet. "Peace, if we wanted you dead you would already be a corpse. We have only come to deliver a warning, plans have been made. Do not interfere, this will be your one and only warning. We have no wish to kill you youngling, but we will do what is necessary for our survival." With that, the cloaked figures moved off. Well, that was interesting...
Secret Quest Found: Cloak and Daggers and Politics Oh My...
Description: A faction has warned you from interfering with their plans. What those plans are or who is involved you don't know. Warn the Authorities or don't, the choice will be yours.
Rewards for Warning the Authorities: Experience, Unknown Rewards for doing nothing: UNKNOWN
No, accepting or declining...great he hated politics. Well nothing he can do about that now, he moved off from the alleyway and continued to roam the city. Once he was free of the alleyway he saw a building across the street. It was once beautiful, now it was run down and shoddy. Cobwebs, walls, and pillars cracked, and one old creepy guy sitting on the steps leading into the building. "Hello sir, do you mind if I ask what building this is?" Jacob asked.
"Hmm, what? Well, well, well, who is this? Ahh, a Youngling isn't that interesting. Haven't seen one of those in 2000 years, guess its time for me to re-open then. This my dear boy is a Library, the Library of the Eternal City to be exact. It was once one of the greatest collections in all the world. Now...now its just a reminder of all we lost and what we might be again. Well, either way, you are welcome here at any time We have plenty for you to read or research. By the way, I am Octavious head librarian." Octavious said.
2/3 Significant Sites Visited, Library of the Eternal City
With that, Octavious waved his hand and the doors opened and lights sprang on. The inside was huge, three stories tall, and he could not see the back of the building from where he was standing. That meant a lot of information, information was power. "Not today sir, I am sure I will be back sometime soon. I got too much to do right now." Jacob said. Octavious smiled and nodded "I understand, ahh to be young again. Well good luck boy, remember you are welcome here at any time." With that Jacob walked away, he was sure though that he would be back though. As he walked along the street, he walked into the marketplace, a dead marketplace. Dam, Talia wasn't joking about the economy being in the crapper.
Past the market was a tall building, he would call it a temple but Vampires didn't worship Gods. So obviously he had to go check it out. As he approached the Temple, several vampires left and entered. I hooded person approached Jacob "Sir, how can I be of assistance?" Jacob was in awe, it was a beautiful building on the outside and in "I am sorry, I am new here and I really have no idea what this place is."
"Ahh, you are the Youngling I have heard about. This is the House of Remembrance. This place is where anyone can come and commune with those that have passed to the Eternal Night. A portion of their life source and memories are here. Anyone can come here and experience some of the most significant events that have happened since our people have existed. I am one of the Keepers, Natalia. If you need any assistance or questions, please feel free to ask me or any other Keeper." With that, Natalia moved off.
3/3 Significant Sites Visited, House of Remembrance
Quest Complete: Walk About
Description: Walk around the Innercity and explore. Get to know your new people and neighbors. Find three Significant Sights around the Inner City
Rewards: Key Knowledge of the Tomb of Eternal Night, 100 Exp
Well, the Inner City was explored, time to start exploring the Mid and Outer City. He needed to find the Chapterhouse for the Blood Knights in the Midcity and deliver the orders to the three Outposts in the Outer City. He still had most of the day left but lunch time was fast approaching so he headed to the nearest gate that leads to the Midcity. Once there, he logged out.
Real World...
Kevin opened his eyes and opened the lid on the capsule, he got out and stretched his legs and asked Cortana to start getting lunch ready. He wanted to hurry up and eat, he wanted to get back in and finish up his starter quests so he could see what would happen next. 20 minutes later lunch was done and bathroom run was complete. Time to figure out what was going on in the Mid and Outer cities.
Do you Wish to initialize your Stream?? Yes/No
What application do you want to initialize? Fate Online
Welcome Weaver, do you wish to continue down the path of Jacob Farstrider? Yes/No
Acknowledged. Remember the only Fate is the one you make, but every choice has a consequence. Tomb of Eternal Night
Inner City
Jacob Longstrider checked his armor and weapon, about a dozen guards stood around the gate encase something tried to push their way into the Inner City. Time to figure out what was going on in the Mid City, he checked his virtual map and made sure the Chapter House was flagged before he walked out. The general area was, but not the exact location. The area covered about six different building, slow and safe he didn't want to die on his first run. So he drew Moonlight and started slowly walking toward the designated area for the Chapter House. The streets were strewn with rocks and debris, the buildings were relatively intact. Although he did not see anything, he heard movements. So things were out there, just not very interested in introducing themselves, not yet anyway. As he got closer to the Chapter House, he started seeing webbing hanging off buildings. Shit... He hated spiders, he avoided them like a plague when he had been on the surface. They were dammed dangerous, eight legs, poison, and if they were strong enough they could bite through armor. Maybe he could avoid going to the Chapterhouse, but before he could leave the area a spider came crawling around the corner...Shit.
Type: Spiderling
Level: 1
Abilities: Unknown
Health: Unknown
At least it was just a lvl 1, about as tall as his knees. Although the spiders' abilities were listed as unknown, they probably jump, bite, and maybe poisonous bite if he remembered correctly. Time would tell though, he activated charge and his shield slammed into the spider. The spider rocked back onto its back legs, it wasn't stunned though. It immediately lashed out with its forelegs, but Jacob blocked with his shield, he almost lost his footing because he forgot to set his footing, stupid noob mistake. He lashed out with Moonlight and cut off one foreleg. The spider screeched in pain and jumped back in surprise but Jacob didn't give it time to recover and pressed his attack. Before he knew it, the Spiderling was a twitching pile of dead spider and James gained 25 Exp points. He reached down and touched the corpse, he got some spider meat and fang....yeah noob monsters. Time to rinse and repeat... About an hour later he had made a complete circuit of where the Chapter House was supposed to be, he had killed about three dozen spiderlings and had leveled once, he would check what he had unlocked later. Time to check the final building, it had to be the Chapterhouse because it was the only fortified building in the area. He peeked around the corner and nearly ran away.
Type: Spider Warrior
Level: 3
Abilities: Jump, Bite, Unknown
Health: 50/50
This monster came up to about his hip, had chitinous armor, and venom dripping from its mandibles. This was going to suck, but it had to be done...30 minutes later he had cleared the house out of Spider Warriors and Spiderlings. He had almost been killed twice, leveled up to 3. He had no idea why the spiders were here, he had destroyed the eggs he had found in the basement but no Queen or Brood Mother. Time to look around and figure out why he was here. 45 minutes later, he had cleared the basement, the main floor, and most of the second. He was heading to wherever the big wigs would live during their stays here, he hoped whatever he was supposed to find was there otherwise he didn't know what he was supposed to be looking for. He had found several interesting books that were now in his inventory, but he did not have time currently to sit down and read them. He approached the door, it was heavily reinforced with magic based upon the runes carved upon the doorway. Opening the door revealed an almost perfectly preserved room, which should be impossible considering it's been nearly 2000 years since anyone had been here. He proceeded over to the desk, on it was a letter...
To whoever finds this, I am sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, but in my pride, I lead my people to defeat. I was to blind, I thought we could stand alone against of the might of the Gods. I was wrong and now my people stand upon the brink of extinction. The Outer City fell over a week ago, they have breached the walls into the Mid City. The army gathers at my call, we are going to make one last effort to break their lines so we can send the civilians away. Please tell my daughter Talia I love her and I know she will be a better ruler then I ever was. I can feel the Gods gathering to help with the final push, I am hoping my counter-attack can distract them from my people.
With Hope and Grief,
Alexi Sunstreaker
King of Vampires
High Seat of House Lightsbane
Lord General of the Order of Blood Knights
HOLY SHIT, talk about last will and testament. No quest completion though, but it had nothing to do with being a Blood Knight so not a big surprise. So he continued to look and hoped he would find something. After about 10 minutes he had nothing, and he was frustrated. And like every man, he kicked the nearest inanimate object which happened to be a bookcase...not smart. When he calmed down he noticed two things, he had a Stubbed Toe Debuff (Slows Movement Speed by 15% for 1 minute, stopping kicking things like that weirdo) and that the bookshelf had moved... So bad thing/good thing trade-off, Jacob finished moving it out of his way and behind it was the mother load. Within it was a full set of armor, he couldn't identify any of it, he was too low of a level. Under the armor stand was a chest, within the chest was a couple of bags of gold and jewels, two rings (again can't identify), a couple of (Skill) and Ability Books. After clearing out the chest, he checked the bottom of the chest for any hidden compartments. Boom baby, one more hidden compartment, a book that was highlighted in purple. He had never seen that before."Cortana, quickly Google Fate Online Purple books"...." No known results"... Well then, let's see what happens and of course another letter.
Dear Sir or Ma'am,
Congrats on not dying, you should have but you didn't. So either you are a very powerful Rogue or you are a Blood Knight. Hopefully the later, if not we are going to hunt you down and kill you. Fair Warning.
For the Blood Knight reading this, the book contained beneath the chest is more important than anything else you have found here. It will help you refound the Order of Blood Knights. It will help you develop your skills and abilities and finding other potential Knights. You are not alone if you have found this letter it is time for our order to rise again. The only advice I can give you is do better then I did.
Alexi Sunstreaker
Lord General of the Order of Blood Knights
Quest Completed: Lost in the Past
Description: Head to the Midcity and find the old chapterhouse for the Blood Knight and read up on the Lore and abilities of Blood Knights.
Reward: 100 Experience, Book on Founding and Maintaining the Order of Blood Knights and Essential Guide of being a Blood Knight, 2 Skill Books, 2 Ability Books, Gold and Jewels, Unknown Armor Set, 2 X Unknown Rings
Time to get those Patrol Orders to the outposts in the Outer City. So Jacob left the Chapterhouse and headed for the Outer-city. He came across a couple more spiderlings but other than that he was free and clear. The Outer City was completely trashed compared to the Middle City, he saw random skirmishes between forces commanded by the vampires and what looked like opposing forces of Orcs and Goblins. Directly ahead of him was the first outpost he needed to get too but about 50-60 Orcs and Goblins were between Jacob and the outpost. So he waited patiently for his chance to get through. About 10 minutes later several explosions landed throughout the ranks of Orcs and Goblins, following those explosions a force of Orcs, Duergar, and Vampires slammed into the disorganized mob of Orcs and Goblins. Within two minutes the attacking force was being routed and being driven off. After the battle was finished, Jacob made his way toward the fort. The defensive force acknowledged his approach but did nothing to stop him from entering the outpost. As he walked into the Outpost he looked for the prettiest armor he could find and approached him "Good day Sir, I am here to drop off your Patrol Orders." The vampire eyeballed me before accepting the paperwork before nodding and accepting them.
Patrol Orders delivered: 1/3
"Thank you, stay safe. Its been a constant battle lately out here, Rexxar Skullcrusher has gained more power and he is breeding an Army to wipe out the Vampire Race." Jacob nodded his head and left. Stealth and Silence were his friends, even though his class did not support this. He saw constant patrols of both sides, sometimes they even clashed. Jacob avoided them as much as possible, he only interfered when he had too and when he knew he could make a difference. Those times were few and far between, but he had racked up an impressive amount of kills for a lvl 3 Blood Knight.
6 X Monster
Type: Goblin Scouts
Level: 3
Abilities: Power Strike
Health: 50/50
6 X Monster
Type: Goblin Warriors
Level: 4
Abilities: Pierce Armor
Health: 75/75
6 X Monster
Type: Orc Warriors
Level: 4
Abilities: Power Strike, Pierce Armor
Health: 100/100
The skirmishes got Jacob to level 4 and that meant he had 6 character points to invest but he had two more Outposts to visit. Once he was safe back in the Inner City he would distribute points, identify the Skill and Ability books and most importantly Book on Founding and Maintaining the Order of Blood Knights and Essential Guide of being a Blood Knight was something he needed to get into. Within an hour, he had finished dropping off the Patrol orders to the Outposts and gained another level.
Quest Completed: Messenger Run
Description: Run the Patrol Orders to the three outposts located throughout the outskirts of the city. Be careful, Vampires are not the only thing in the Mid and Outer city.
Rewards: 5 Silver, 200 Experience
Nearly 2 hours later he stumbled through the Inner City gates exhausted and tired. He needed to get some food, blood, and his equipment repaired. He headed to the nearest market to drop off the armor, sold off all trash equipment and items, and went to the bank as well to drop off everything that he kept including the Armor, Rings, Skill/Ability Books, Gold, and Jewels. The only thing he kept on his person was Book on Founding and Maintaining the Order of Blood Knights and Essential Guide of being a Blood Knight. After a bath, food, and some more blood he could finally rest a little. Of course, that's when Isiah and Taliah came to check on him. "It's been a long day and I still need to get some things done. I dropped off the orders to the outposts in the Outer City. Its bad out there, you guys need to do something about Rexxar Skullcrusher he has become a bigger problem then you realize and I found a sizable nest of spiders but no Queen or Broodmother in the Middle City. I trained with Sgt Shadowstrider today, my god Isiah that is a very hard man but I think he is a good man. Queen Talia, I found something today in the Middle City that I think you need to read from your father."
Secret Quest Completed: Forewarned is Forearmed
Description: Warn Captain Isiah of the Heart Guard about the growing threat of Rexxar Skullcrusher in the Outer City and the growing spider threat in the Middle City.
Rewards: 10 Gold, 500 Experience
Secret Quest Complete: Love Beyond the Grave
Description: You notified Queen Talia of her fathers' last words before he died.
Rewards: 500 Experience
"Thank you, Jacob, I will read this letter later I personally owe you a debt that I will repay you when you need me. As far as the looming threats of Rexxar Skullcrusher in the Outer City and the Spiders in the Midcity, both threats are something we need to deal with sooner rather than later. As far as the spiders, we will immediately deploy scouts to find the Broodmother or Queen. When we find it we will notify you and I would like you to take care of the problem. As far as Rexxar Skullcrusher we have narrowed down where he is located in the Outer City, find him and deal with the threat he represents." Talia said.
Quest: Off with Their Heads
Description: Hunt down Rexxar Skullcrusher in the Outer City and put an end to his threat.
Rewards: Experience, Unknown
Quest: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Description: The Queen and Captain Isiah have heard of your concerns of the growing threat of spiders in the Midcity, they will dispatch scouts to the Midcity to find the threat and when it is found it will be up to you to deal with the threat.
Rewards: Experience, Unknown
With the meeting done, both the Queen and the Captain stood to leave. Jacob quickly jumped up "Captain, can I have a moment of your time alone please?" He turned around surprised and nodded. Once the Queen left Jacob filled in Isiah about the threat he received about not interrupting anyone's plans. To say Isiah was stunned, would be an understatement. He literally sat back down in stunned silence, before gaining control of himself and responding.
"In the 4000 years since the unification of the various Families under one King, we have not had a rebellion. Apparently, we stand upon the brink of one, and because you showed up we are aware. No offense but how could you be a threat to their plans? I will contact Master of Shadows about this, do not be surprised if he or an Agent of his contacts you. Thank you, Lord Longstrider." With that Isiah left. It was Jacobs turn to be stunned.
Secret Quest Complete: Cloak and Dagger and Politics Oh My...
Description: You notified the Captain of the Heartguard of the growing threat against the Crown. He decided to tell the Master of Shadows of the threat. What this will cause remains to be seen.
Rewards: 200 Experience, You are now Trusted by the Heartguard, Guards of the Eternal city are more likely to believe you and come to your aid.
Ok, it has been a long day. Time to log off and get some real rest.
- In Serial702 Chapters
Spirit Immortal
Over a million years ago, the first human contracted with the first Spirit. Ever since then, Spirit use has become commonplace. Humans used Spirits to carry items and start fires. Eventually, even start wars. Thousands upon thousands of years past and one day, one human did the impossible. He transcended his mortality and ascended to the realm above. In the present day, the Frie Clan was once a great clan of the Himmel empire. However, a devastating battle ten years ago crippled the clan and their numbers dwindled. To make up for their loss, the upper echelons decided to adopt young orphans and nurture them to become a future pillar of the weakened clan. Shin was one of those orphans. Although picked up by the Frie Clan, not all is smooth sailing for Shin and the other orphans... Chapters are released daily at UTC+8 0100 unless stated otherwise Support me at: https://www.patreon.com/Linodo For additional content, visit me at: Linodofictions
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Nameless Hypocrite
"Bastard, surrender yourself!" "You think you can escape our encirclement?!" "An omnicidal fiend like you can only atone in death!" Despite his precarious situation, a young man ignored the union's provocations. His violet robe was in tatters, showing the incredible number of attacks he received, yet there was no sign of injury. Noticing the light smile tugging at his lips, the pursuing heroes warily watched him, cautious of a final attack. It was only by working together that they could corner a monster like him. An arrow pierced the air, beelining towards the young man. A malicious gleam revealed itself in his eyes; he unsheathed his sword, a long, curved blade, and deflected the projectile, spiking it into the ground. The archer's eyes widened before being split in two. He died suddenly and indignantly. The group backed away; their former confidence diminished greatly by the invisible counter. It was then that the young man sighed, his voice full of lament and self-pity. "Being a saint truly is difficult, even the world cannot understand my righteous actions." The expressions of the surrounding heroes turned ugly. Such blatant hypocrisy! Yes, the protagonist is a villain. We don't do morals here. New chaps when I write them
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The Fortunate Cultivator's Treasure [to Greatness]
Oh, the Cultivator's Treasure, the most powerful group of mercenaries—and cultivators—to ever exist in the Eight Kingdoms. Legends say that they defeated the Spiritual Beast of the West with their hands tied and while drinking Daqujiu. According to Bakhtam's own accounts, they even defeated the Golden Dragon of the Southeast during Sun King's Summer Solstice. Truly an impressive feat that echoed across the Eight Kingdoms faster than Hari could say good heavens! However, at the height of its power and absurd stories, the Cultivator's Treasure disappeared. And now that the Eight Kingdoms are no more, and the Jade Immortal slowly grows his hold on the North, it's up to Hari to find the Cultivator's Treasure again and bring them back together. But do they even exist? Who knows? Follow Hari and her search for the Cultivator's Treasure, while she tries to find her place in a world filled with war. - - [I hope you all enjoy the story. From a Cultivation fan to another.] [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] [Also, on SpaceBattles and Scribblehub.]
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Automata Annex
This Fiction is intended as a suppliment to my main title "I was reborn into a fantasy world as a magic robot?! Automata Prime". This is the appendix that would normally go at the END of the book. I will be updating the entries as new information is revealed in the story and linking back here from the author notes. Here we'll explore the world that I've crafted in the book, learn new things about the characters, and get a deeper understanding of how magic works. Think of it as an Automata Wiki.
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Based on the CYOA by Lone Observer. Yanked from his everyday life nearing adulthood, an ordinary protagonist learns of his one in a hundred million gift of "Resonance", the ability to pilot enormous mechas known as "Slayers". As the only weapons effective against Outsiders, trans-dimensional beings from an unknown origin, he's now forced to fight against legions of eldritch nightmares bent on eliminating not just this new world, but every world thereafter. The likelihood of death is high, escape is not an option. Not every story has a happy ending. Original CYOA - https://imgur.com/r/makeyourchoice/fRsuzLv
8 275 - In Serial27 Chapters
A Gladiator's New World [HIATUS]
Number 1704 was raised to be a gladiator after years of combat he reached monsterous hieghts. Sadly for all his strength he wanted for nothing and strived for nothing his life was simply that of following his instincts through battle. After his death in the arena he thought he had finally reached the end but through the power of a mysterious item his soul was kept intact during his reincarnation. With a new life and for the first time gaining experience of the world outside of fighting he will live his new life by his new name.I'm going to start updating this on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. The donation button is there because I can be I will still do three chapters a week as long as I'm am able. If you wish do donate then please go ahead and show some love. Maybe you want me to buy a soda.
8 139