《Blood and Honor》Chaptor 4- Choices and Consequences
First Memorial Hospitol
Kevin knew he was still alive due to the fact he felt like complete shit. His whole body ached but his brain felt a lot better. It no longer felt like he had cracked open his skull and left his brain in the sun. He cracked open his eyes to check on to see where he was, BIG MISTAKE. It felt like 2 red-hot pokers had been jammed in his eyes. He screamed and rolled off his bed and onto the floor. His door opened...wait his door opened?!?! "Sir, I need you too calm down. Breath, you are fine and completely safe. Siri, please close the blinds and set them at 90% and the lights too 50%. I apologize sir, we should have thought ahead and had the blinds closed encase you woke up."
Kevin, slitted his eyes and checked the surroundings. This was a lot better and that's when he noticed he wasn't at home he was in a hospital. He eyeballed the nurse while crawling back into the bed, "What happened too me?"
She paused before responding "The doctor will be in shortly now that you are awake. He will be able to answer all your questions. From what I understand, you were admitted into this hospital yesterday. Beyond that, I cannot say anymore." Kevin pondered her words before thanking her, she left and said that she would notify the doctor that he had woken.
Kevin intended just to lay down and rest his eyes but before he knew it, he was asleep again. The next time he woke up, the blinds were open again but it was night outside, so he didn't have to worry about too much light. Sitting in the corner dozing off was a man not much older than he was. Kevin cleared his throat to get the mans attention, the guy reacted like he had pinched his ass. "I am so sorry Kevin, I was told a couple hours ago that you had woken. When I came in, you had fallen asleep again, so I planned on just letting you rest for a little while before waking you, but before I knew it, I was asleep as well... Sorry. Now from what the nurse told me, you were wondering what had happened and how you had gotten here. Due to a glitch either with your Visor or the program you were running, your brain suffered under a Data and Power surge. This caused some neurological damage, nothing major or long term but something we had to fix it before allowing you to wake up and leave. You have been asleep for the last 18 hours. Now before you ask, all your medical expenses have been taken car of by Blackrock Entertainment so don't worry about anything medical wise." The Doctor finally finished his rant.
"By the way, my name is Aaron. Now I just need you to answer some routine questions to make sure your brain is working correctly and based on that we can give you an ETA on your release. Also while you are waiting, we have a representative from Blackrock Entertainment that needs to talk too you. Looks like a lawyer FYI. Now lets get started on those questions." After about 30 minutes Aaron was done with his questions, and he was very happy with Kevins responses and stated that he would gladly discharge him within the next couple hours.
Shortly after Aaron left, a man in a suit walked into the room. The first thing Kevin noticed about the man was that he looked nervous for some reason...interesting, he wondered how much the lawyer actually knew about what he had caused. Time would tell what exactly he knew, he waited patiently for what the lawyer, after a couple minutes the lawyers whole demeanor changed. It was amused now, this caused Kevin to re-evaluate the man. "Relax kid, I am not your enemy. I am just here just to cover Blackrocks ass. I am sure the Doc told you that Blackrock will be covering everything health wise and to and from travel as well. In the next couple weeks we will require you to continue to see a Doctor to make sure you don't have any long term damage to your brain, again Blackrock will cover those expenses as well."
The lawyer cleared his throat and took a drink of water before continuing "Now, due to the fact you visor was damaged and...something else in game Blackrock will be upgrading you free of charge to a FIVR capsule. We have already taken the liberty of installing it into your home unit and hooking it up into your homes Cortana AI. By the time you get home, it will be fully operational and usable. In addition, the Developers over at Fate Online want you to start streaming your game play, they are prepared to offer you a minimum of 5K a month as compensation. Now before you start throwing questions my way, I do not know all the details. The Devs want to have a virtual meeting and will explain everything more in depth. You will be prompted with a meeting request the first time you start of the FIVR capsule. Ok kid, good luck. Something tells me you will need it." With that, the lawyer waved goodbye and left.
To say the least, Kevin was a little weirded out, the company had dropped nearly 200K easily between all the medical attention and the FIVR capsule. Kevin would also have several more medical visits, that was a minimum of another 30K. Also the way the lawyer acted was a little off, between the way he acted at the beginning of the meeting and his curiosity about why the company was giving him a brand-new capsule. Someone at Blackrock or Fate is protecting him for some reason. Time would tell why...
About two hours later, Kevin was almost home. He could finally shower and eat, he was starving. Of course some big gym rat was standing in front of his door...WTF. Gym rat eyeballed Kevin before stepping aside and letting him to his own home.seriously WTF. When he opened the door he knew why he had an additional door ornament. "Before you ask 'Mom', yes I am fine. My Visor did its best to scramble my brain but it completely failed. Now why don't you tell me why u are in my room dude?"
Matt tried to hold his stern demeanor but ended up laughing, "Hey bud. I was just coming by to check on you. Heard from certain sources that you got sprung from the hospital, so I just wanted to make sure I was here for the warm welcome home. Also if I was really your mom, I would expect you to call me more often."
Kevin just arched his eyebrow before responding "Mhhm, sure whatever you say 'mom'. So what's with the gym rat?"
Matt responded quickly "Just another member of the Swords watching my back. I know you don't believe me but money and power in Fate online effect the real world as well. Don't underestimate people on trying to effect Fate Online by doing something in the real world. Now I am going to head out, get some food and sleep." Matt waved goodbye as he left, the gym rat followed quickly after. Time for shower, food, and sleep.
The next morning, Kevin got ready to log in for the first time into his new FVIR capsule, he was both excited and nervous. He hoped nothing would go wrong like last time not to mention everything going on in game and what the company wanted to talk to him about.
Please wait, the Capule is callibrating to your physical and mental specifics. You can still browse the internet explorer, it just won't be in full dive mode observation mode only. Thank you for you patience...
Kevin sighed, ohh well lets check on the forums for Fate and see if anything was leaked about what he had done. 30 minutes later, he had failed to find anything about the Tomb of Eternal Night or about Vampires.
Thank you for your patience Sir, are you ready to continue?? Yes/No
Do you Wish to initialize your Stream?? Yes/No
You have been asked to attend a private meeting, do you wish to connect?? Yes/No
The next thing he knew he was in a small room with a table set up food and drinks. "Please wait while the other parties are notified of your presence, please stand by" a voice said from a speaker on the ceiling. He didn't have to wait long. Three people materialized before him, 2 men and one woman. The guy in the center had a shit eating grin on his face, "Look it is the man of the hour. Seriously kid how the fuck do you not only unlock a nearly extinct race but almost die of a data surge on the same day? Either you have the best luck or worst, I have no idea which one it is. On to introductions I am Marc, I am the Developer that you will be in contact with during your employment with Blackrock. This is Anna, she is a manager with Marketing and last but far from least, this is John a lawyer and part of HR. First off we need you to sign the NDA and if you are good start filling out the paperwork for employment. ok??"
Kevin nodded and John started typing on a virtual keyboard and suddenly virtual paperwork started popping in front of him. After reading through everything and signing all the paperwork, Marc smiled and started to talk again. "First off, due too your mishap we will take care of all your medical needs, we are currently trying to find out what exactly happened too you. We don't know what caused Data and Power Surge, we are investigating both your hardware and the games programming. We hope to have a reason within the next couple weeks. Now as far as employment goes you will receive 5K a month in bitcoins, you must 'work' a minimum of 8 hours a day, you will have 14 paid days off that you will receive at the beginning of every year, and of course everything you do will be streamed."
Kevin remained silent and prompted Marc to continue "Now you will also receive full medical and dental coverage as well. As far as the streaming you will have the ability to edit out anything that could negatively impact your play. Now when you go back into the game Jacob Longstrider will be gone, but all your items and gold will be transferred to your new Character. The Race choice will be locked too Vampire though. Now as far as classes go, you will have the normal 3 classes unlocked i.e. Warrior, Mage, and Rogue. Due to you unlocking the Rise of the Vampire Scenario a Legendary class will be available too you as well. Now we cannot tell you what to do but to increase your chance of success, I would recommend you to choose the Legendary class."
"Now game play wise, the Devs are supposed to be nuetral, but we have been waiting for 3 years for someone to unlock the Rise of the Vampire Scenario. We have given enough hints between Lore and Random monster Spawns but no one has ever found the Tomb of Eternal Night before. We are unwilling to let chance decide if you will succeed or not. Now we can't just say you win and complete everything automatically for you, but we can help you and give you some small advantages. Due to this we have caused unforeseen consequences. Adam and Eve, the Overminds of Fate Online, have a strong sense of fair play and try to balance out everything. If the Vampire faction wasn't in such dire straits we would have never had gotten away with half of what we did." Marc paused before continuing "So what do you want to know first, good or bad news?"
Kevin just smiled, nothing was ever simple "Hit me with your best shot big guy!!"
Marc threw his head back and laughed, Anna and John just smiled. "Ok so first and foremost you will be part of the weakest Faction in the game with only one City, yes it is a major one but its nearly deserted due to the Vampire race being nearly extinct. So the economy and military are in the shit. Second all the major powers and both Pantheons in the world of Fate have KOS orders for any vampire. As you probably noticed all the random vampire spawns have been completely feral, when they find out that vampires with full control are now back in Fate Online they will do everything in their power to find the Tomb of Eternal Night and finish what they started over 2000 years ago. Next all your stats will be reduced by 90% when you are in direct sunlight and of course you are weak against Light and Holy Magic schools like 50% increased damage from both schools if I remember correctly. You with me so far Kevin??"
"So to sum up all the negatives I am pretty much pushing a boulder up a hill while I have people on the other side trying to push it down and I got people poking me with sticks. Oh I forgot I am in a body of an older man that might have a heart attack at any moment. That a good enough allegory big guy?" Kevin asked.
Mark promptly responded "Yep, that's pretty good description."
Kevin threw back his head and laughed, the 3 other people were not sure it was in good fun or madness. "Well that is about on par with my life, so what's the good news?"
Mark smiled before continuing "First off we won't announce that the Vampire Race will be playable for 30 days after you log in again, no streaming, no nothing for 30 days, a complete media blackout as far as Vampires go. Second, for the first 3 months no one will be able to scry your location in game, that includes players, Champions, Gods, and Devs. The only ones that will be able to find you using magic will be the Overminds. Also as far as the real world, only a small amount of people will be aware that Rise of the Vampire Scenario has gone into effect. The majority of the work was already done before the game was launched, so we will have to do some touch-up up work and the Overminds will take care of most of that work. Now as far as the Vampire Faction is concerned, you will hold an Exalted Status with them. That means access to hidden locations, secret quests, discount prices, and you know all the other small perks. Also if you decide to start a Guild the cost of the charter has been negated, you will just need 10 signatures. Oh and finally for your Streams for every 10K viewers, we will credit you with 500 Gold or Bitcoins it will be your choice. Any questions or comments before we wrap this up and you can get to work?" Marc finished up.
Kevin had a hundred questions, but only a few were important right now. "First off how can I hide my race in game? It will only take one high lvl player to look at me to see my race. Second, I have the right to clip ANYTHING from my stream right? Anything I deem critical for the progression of the scenario correct? What assurances will I have that no one on your side won't spill the beans early? What contingency plans are in place if it does happen??"
Anna jumped in quickly "Yes you will be able to clip things from the stream that you consider important for the scenario. As far as the 30 days media blackout that isn't exactly correct, we will be pushing some promotional videos the weeks before launch. Nothing concrete like 'hey in 1 week you will be able to play as the vampire race' we will keep it subtle and only the most hardcore fans will figure it out and most of the player base will ignore them."
Marc nodded to everything she said before continuing where she left off "One of the Items you will get for accepting the To Rise or Fall Quest will hide your Race from anyone. So no high lvl players will be able to sneak a quick peek at your race. As far as any rats in our house, we will find anyone who releases ANY information about you and if they still release information, we will have to deal with that as it comes."
"I guess that's all I can ask, thanks." Kevin responded. "Kid you got more balls then brains, you got very few friends in and outside the game, no faction allies, and no Guild support. You need to learn to work with others, you don't have a choice if you want to win. Now the last thing, to win the Rise of the Vampire Scenario you will have to break the curse within 1 year. The dungeon or raid will be locked to any party/raid led by you, after the year anyone will be able to find and defeat him if they choose. Now if you have any more questions please feel free to email me. Now we will get out of your way, good luck. You will need it." with that Marc, Anna, and John faded away and with them the room faded too.
What application do you want to initialize? Fate Online
Race Choice locked: Vampire
Before Kevin stood 4 figures, 3 were shrouded in shadows
The first was easy to identify
Class: Blood Guardian (Warrior)
Description: Blood Guardians are the front line warriors of the vampire race. They are willing to do almost anything to defend their people. After the War of Survival very few Guardians remain, those that have survived are some of the most hardened warriers in existance.
Starting Ability: Blood Fusion-The Blood Guardian sacrifices 10% of their health to increase attack speed by 50% and movment speed by 10% lasts for 1 minute, Cooldown 10 Minutes
Class: Blood Mage (Mage)
Description: Blood Mages are some of the most powerful mages in existance. They have had nearly 3000 years to perfect their Art. Underestimate them at your own peril. The survivors of this order are eager to teach a new generation.
Starting Ability: Path of the Blood Mage-Passive ability that increases the damage of any ability a mage uses Blood for by 10%, decreases health regeneration by 20% while active
Class: Blood Rogue (Rogue)
Description: Blood Rogues are experts at the Art of Shadows. Some of the best Assassin's and Spies have been born of this order, even though they use questionable tactics they are the first line of defense of the Vampire Nation.
Starting Ability: Blood Calls to Blood-Instantly teleport to a target, 30 second cooldown
3 Down, 1 to go this should be the Legendary
Class: Blood Knight (Legendary)
Description: Blood Knights are the ultimate champions of the Vampire Nation. According to lore, these Knights were born, not made. The Order of the Blood Knight was wiped out during the War of Survival and the last member was turned into the Keystone for the Curse.
Starting Ability: Blood Pact-The Blood Knight makes a pact with a friendly target, the Knight will obsorb 50% of the targets incoming damage. It will also increase the Knights health regeneration by 10% for 1 minute whenever the friendly target recieves damage, can stack up too 3 times
Kevin selected the Blood Knight and moved on to Naming his new Character, Jacob Longstrider. He started this game with that name, he was going to finish the game with it.
Thank you for your time, enjoy your game..
Initializing Fate Online
Acknowledged. Remember the only Fate is the one you make, but every choice has a consequence
Fate Online
Before Jacob could do anything the Phone Icon popped up in the middle of his HUD and registered as Marc the Dev, it was a voice message.
Do you wish to play voicemail? YES/NO
Hey Kevin forgot to give you the heads up on one more negative, when you login you will start at Level 1 no matter what class you choose. Goodluck brother alot of us over here are rooting for you.
FUCK YOU MARC!!!!!!!!!!!!
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