《Cheating Monster》Chapter 27 - The power of love


Something have been brought to my attention thank to rosidbeken2.

After fighting in the dungeon I forgot to give Kneeko:

Unarmed Mastery

Blunt Weapon Mastery

Which is now added to the status window.

(Moushiwake gozaimasen deshita.)


After finally getting out of the dungeon, Irene and I stumbled upon a man wearing armour who seemed overly surprised by our sudden appearance. Breaking the silence I decided to greet the stranger in a friendly manner.

“Hello there! Hope we didn't scare you.” (Kneeko)

“A red stone on its forehead! It's him!! I need to subtly alert the others.” (Stranger)

“Heyy!! Hello there! Where did you two come from?... If you'll excuse me for a minute I was looking for a discrete place to take an urgent shit hehehehe I need to go before it leaks, I'll be right back stay right there!” (Stranger)

Unhappy by what I just heard I couldn't help but show a frown. Before the man had time to leave I quickly used [Vines Hell] to immobilize him and had one of the vines making its way up the man's mouth to prevent him from screaming (Tentacle porn style). [Identify]

OmegaFFX (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:62Class:ScoutTitles:-Tracking Master

-My home is outside

-Rabbit Slayer

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Urggg.. Player. These ones couldn't be treated lightly. [Poison spit] Now under the effects of the obscuro poison, the man was blind and slowly losing HP. Panic could be felt from him as I made my way toward him.

Next I began sticking my tongue in and out and carefully analyzed the smell/taste. 30 of them were scattered throughout the forest visibly looking for me but this wasn't what shocked me the most. What did was the 3 familiar scent among them.

“I heard that even if you “jumpers” are immortal, the penalty for dying is quite severe... What was it again, minus 50 random skill points was it? That sounds a bit harsh doesn't...” (Kneeko)

“Mmffm fmff fmfmfm mmfmfm*” (OmegaFFX)

“I didn't do anything, nooo! Do you know how much of a pain it is to grind 50 skill points back!!!” (Stranger)-

“But you know... I am not cruel and will gladly let you live if you tell me why you people are looking for me.” (Kneeko)

“Uhh? What are you talking about brother? Are there people after you??” (Irene)

“Use your nose, there's a bunch of them around. I actually have a really good idea of what's going on but I am willing to give this man a chance to save his life.” (Kneeko)

“Mmhhh! Mhhm hmh hmh hmhmhhmh hmhmhh!” (OmegaFFX)

“It was just a job! We usually don't see such a large bounty so we thought this would be easy money. How am I supposed to explain all that with this thing in my mouth!! Free me dammit!” (OmegaFFX)


Umf... Bounty hunters. Exactly what I thought was going on. After my last visit to Niardo Kingdom and my little display of affection toward An'dalia, she must have placed a bounty on my head. And since the 4 players we met at the dungeon were heading to Niardo when we parted, they must have seen the bounty and recognized me.

Someone or something with a red stone on his forehead was really hard to miss after all. This also explained why I could smell 3 of them out in the woods. They had brought backup with them and came back to hunt me. As usual, humans were corrupt creatures always ready to betray you for money.

“Guhuhuhuhuhuhuahhah*” (Kneeko)

“Brother? Why do you seem so happy all of a sudden?” (Irene)

“Because my little princess is thinking about me. Maybe even dreaming of me. Guhuhuhuhu* Be patient my love, I will come for you soon enough.” (Kneeko)

“Urgg, I don't know why I feel totally creeped out right now.” (Irene)

“Mmhhh! Mhhmh hmh hmhmh hhh!” (OmegaFFX)

“Yea yea! Don't worry I won't kill you... Irene!” (Kneeko)

Slash!* With one slash of Irene's bastard sword the man lost his head.

“But I never mentioned anything about my sister. Guhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

“What do we do now? Kill the rest of them?” (Irene)

“Nhaa... Humanoid DNA is trash... Let's go to Niardo! My future wife voluntarily ignored one of my warnings. I had been very clear when I told her, 'if you send people after me, you will have to live with the consequences.' Guhuahah!*” (Kneeko)

“Deehenhay?” (Irene)

Totally exited by the prospect of seeing An'dalia again I rapidly used my morph ring to turn into a crow and flew away with Irene. Destination: The micro-Kingdom of Niardo.

[Two days later in Niardo]

Tonight was a full moon but the moon couldn't be seen as the sky was covered with clouds. Under the cover of darkness a small black crow landed on the ledge of one of the castle windows. This window located on the 4th floor of the castle had nothing different from any other windows except for the smell coming from it. Lavender.


After flying all the way back to Niardo I couldn't wait to see my beautiful An'dalia once again. I had followed my nose and easily found her bedroom window. After a quick look around I saw 2 high level guards outside the door and confirmed that An'dalia was sound asleep on her bed.

I had butterfly in my stomach as I took human appearance and slowly walked toward her bed. I stood there for an undetermined amount of time, looking at her sleeping face. The poor child, sold by her father then losing her lover.. Guhuhu*

Is it love? I don't know... What I do feel is that I want her. But forcefully taking her didn't sound as interesting as trying to win her heart. Since when did I ever cared for such a thing? This girl had transformed me. 'Could she be a succubus?' is the only thing that made sense to me.


Whether she likes it or not I'll make her want me, love me. With that thought in mind, I began undressing myself. Removing everything excepted my underwear then slipped into the bed next to her. Shimming closer, I gently wrapped my arms around her, hugging her.

-5HP -5HP -5HP -5HP

“Hhmmm warhfns (incomprehensible mumble)” (An'dalia)

Getting poisoned by the obscuro poison, my little princess began to wake up. By fear of having her two guards coming in the way of our love I swiftly bit her neck with [Viper Bite] to paralyze her. Considering our level difference, the poisons were highly effective and she couldn't move at all but for some reason it seemed my obscuro poison had less effect on her.

She's probably developing a poison resistance. Guhuhu* My dear love, you are getting stronger against poison so that we can have intimate moment together without you getting poisoned each time aren't you? Going so far just for me, just so that my poison wouldn't stand between us.

An'dalia was now totally awake, her eyes as big as coins. Panic and fear could be seen as she laid there incapable of seeing, moving or speaking.

“Obscuro poison??? Kneeko!!! KYAaaaaaaaaaa No nO no! Don't kill me WANNNNnnnnnnnn*!” (An'dalia)

Listening to her train of thought I gently caressed her cheeks and her hairs. Trying to show as much tenderness as possible to my poor little princess.

“Hello honey. Did you miss me?” (Kneeko)

“KYAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa NOOOOOOoooooooooo cry* cry* panic*” (An'dalia)

“Calm calm.. Shhh shhhh* there there...” (Kneeko) I said gently patting her head.

“I would never hurt you my sweet princess. I'm truly sorry for paralyzing you but I wanted to talk with you without interruptions. You see, these last days without you... Well how should I say, I missed you a lot” (Kneeko)

“I want you dead! You monster!... How did he even take human appearance? Kneeko is scaryyyy wannnnnn*” (An'dalia)

“You see I intended to leave you alone, to be a good future husband and not be in the way of your self development... But I warned you didn't I? About sending people after me?... And what did you do? Put a bounty on my head?

Bad girl, you've been a mean girl An'dalia. HO! I almost forgot. Here! I bought this necklace for you. I know you can't see it but it's a beautiful golden butterfly with a gotorite stone in it. It's worth more than this castle you know... The gold and blue stone fit perfectly with your hairs and eyes. You are so beautiful my love.” (Kneeko)


“Hmm.. I was thinking about putting the heads of your siblings on your bed and leave stealthily before you wake up but I decided to be a good future husband, so I will be merciful and give you a chance. Tomorrow when you wake up, remove that bounty immediately. Be a good girl and don't force me to scold you again. Okay?” (Kneeko) I whispered into her ear in a playful manner.

Nod* Nod* Nod*

“Anything!! But please don't kill me or my family!! Leave me alone pleaseee cry* cry*” (An'dalia)

“Gooood girl. Pat* pat* pat*” (Kneeko)

I gave her a final hug followed by a “rape-ish” kiss before putting my clothes back on. I used a detox scroll on her and quickly flew out the window before she saw me.

[10 minutes later in the outskirts of the city.]

“So, how did it go?” (Irene)

“Ha! You should have seen her! She was so ecstatic to see me again, she was barely able to talk! She must have placed this bounty because she wanted to see me again gnahahaha!*” (Kneeko)

“It says “dead or alive” on there... Seems a bit extreme to me.” (Irene)

“Such a passionate girl gnhahahahaha!*” (Kneeko)


“I'm kind of glad to be his sister and not a potential lover.” (Irene)

“Well never mind that, what do we do now?” (Irene)

“Hmmm.. Mother should come back soon... I'd like to go in a pub to get a few drinks but I'm a wanted man in this city at the moment... How annoying.” (Kneeko)

“By the way do you still not know what's inside the small box you got in the dungeon?” (Irene)

“Ho! Right... I had other things(An'dalia) on my mind and didn't think of checking it out.” (Kneeko)

Then grabbing the small red box from my inventory I turned it around and looked at each side but didn't see anything. No carvings, no nothing. What was most peculiar was that the box didn't seem to have any lids or openings.

How do I open this thing? Did the dungeon master play a trick on me and give me a worthless piece of wood? I kept fiddling with it before losing patience and simply crushing it in my hand.

You have activated a new Interface Skill [Chimera Forge].

You can now access a new interface allowing you to design and customize your true body.




“....... huhuhu.............guhuhu..... GUHWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!*” (Kneeko)


PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:218GENDER:MaleMONEY:445G 36S 31CRACE:(Chimeric) Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:5800STAMINA:600MANA:8650STRENGTH:1335 (+50)(M)INTELLIGENCE:750 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:415 (+150)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:365 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:435FAME/INFAMY:-1800 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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