《Cheating Monster》Chapter 26 - The power of money


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


[Irene's POV]

It has been 9 days since then... Me and Kneeko are still in the circular room leading to the sphinx room. The atmosphere has been very strange and scary since 9 days ago. Kneeko is getting...scary. Right now I was playing a memory game developed by brother.

There were 30 pairs of cards with different symbols on them turned upside down. The game was simple, try to form the pair and make as little mistakes as possible. I didn't understand why he asked me to do this until I received this message.

(+1) Intelligence.

I immediately understood what all of this meant. Brother thought I was too stupid and had developed a training method to help me overcome it. During my first years of life in the dragon lands I had been ridiculed, laughed at and belittled.

For a soon to be dragon I was judged inadequate and lacking. Eventually even my own clan came to despise me due to other clans teasing them because of me, a failure, being part of their clan. Here I was, being considered stupid once again but this time it was by my own brother.

The feeling made my heart bleed and sadness overcame me but then I came to realize something. Everybody has been horrifyingly mean to me because of it, but brother had instead developed a training method just for me.

A training method that could eventually help me break this curse that is my stupidity. Yes brother, I will train, train and train more!! This game you gave me, I will play until I become as smart as you! Or at least smarter than other dragons... Brother was still a brain monster after all.

Seeing that my mana was totally recovered, I raised from my sitting area and walked up to a giant mana stone at least 1 meter high and began pouring all my mana into it. This was also one of brother's orders. Empty my mana into this big stone, play the memory game, empty mana into the stone...

I had been doing this for 9 days now but even if it was really tiring, I kept at it. Brother was also storing his mana into the stone at frequent intervals. I wonder what he intended to do with such a giant mana stone. This mana stone wasn't something you see everyday.

Actually this stone was dwarfing any other mana stone I had ever seen in my life and even mother had probably never seen such a treasure. As amazing as this stone was, brother had simply pulled it out of nowhere and placed it there before asking me to pour my mana into it.

I still don't know what he intends to do with so much mana but it can't be anything good. The way brother is acting right now is... scary. There's no other words for it. He stays in his corner all day moving his fingers around as if playing the “air piano” and sometime lets out a lau-.

“Gughuhuhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

Laugh... Just like that. Every-time it gives me the shivers. Feeling that all that had been going wrong lately was my fault, I took the firm resolution of doing everything brother asks me and don't ask or complain about anything. Making myself as small as possible, trying to disappear.

“I'll show you who's the smartest you f¤»¦! Guhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

Brrrrr...* Creepy...

[Kneeko POV]

Yes yes! Then I add this here and this there... Yup.. Perfection. GGUHGUHUhuhuhuhuh*!!! You big stupid flying cat! NO ONE FUCKS WITH ME LIKE THAT! Now this is personal, I'm dealing with you on my own. I had allocated half of my points into resistance and the other half in intelligence. I'll show you the power of money and intelligence you scum sphinx!


Do you wish to save this circle?YesNo


Give a name to the spell:

[Immovable Mountain]

Finally ! Guhahahaha!* It took me 9 days, but I finally did it. It's far from perfect but with the treasured phenacite stone and this circle, it deserved the name of Immovable Mountain. This new magic circle was a dome mana shield but not any kind of shield.

This one was my baby, a shield rendering me untouchable. Well I think... It's not like I tested it or anything but I was convinced my codes were correct. I judged it imperfect because of its insane mana consumption. I would later need to refine it and add code allowing it to idle when there's no attack but for now, it's all I had time to do.

The phenacite stone was one of my treasures from AL1 hidden within my rings. This stone was a legendary artifact of an unimaginable magnitude.

Phenacite Mana StoneMana:8.4/10milDurability:∞Rank:SSRarity:UniqueConsidered to be "God's heart" this treasure has been changing owner countless times over the ages and is said to bring war to the country possessing it.

Nonetheless, for its unequalled mana storing capacity, this treasure has always been sought after by the most powerful people in the world.

This stone was the key piece to my revenge. Mana stones could be compared to batteries, except that instead of electricity they can store mana. Usually the highest quality mana stones can hold around 50k mana units and sometimes more in the case of some rare treasures but this phenacite stone could hold a staggering 10 million mana units.

Back in the days I had to kill a king to get my hands on it. Now thinking back on it, I had never used the stone after obtaining it. But this was about to change. I tasked Irene with constantly feeding the stone with her mana and I did the same.

The stone already had quite a bit of mana stored in it but I wanted to make sure it could sustain my crazy mana shield. I had gone overboard with my plan but if you make me angry, don't expect any mercy from me. That winged cat has it coming.

Standing up I called out to Irene who was still playing the game I had given her. Training her intelligence was definitely what she needed to do to become a dragon but I refrained myself from voicing my intentions since I wasn't supposed to know she wasn't a dragon after all.

“Irene, pack your things up. It's time.” (Kneeko)

Without a word she quickly grabbed her things and readied herself. During that time I placed the giant mana stone back in my inventory and approached the giant door once again with Irene following close behind.

“You stay behind me and don't do anything. That golden asshole's life is mine to take.” (Kneeko)

Once again, she silently nodded. Same as the last times, the door slowly opened blinding us with the golden light. We walked forward and stopped in the middle of the giant room. I sat on the cold ground and silently began pulling out tens of spell-scroll from my inventory and placed them in order on the ground all around me.

Next I pulled out 1 mana fast regen, 2 health and 15 mana potions and once again placed them around me. I uncorked the mana fast regen and drank it all in one go. This potion accelerated the mana regeneration speed and would come in handy later.


With all my “VERY” expensive items strategically placed all around me I finally placed my right hand on the ground and invocated my newly created arcane circle. A 5 meters in diameter black circle appeared under us.

Next I took the giant Phenacite stone and placed it in the middle of the circle before linking them together which made the circle glow an intense blue and green colour. As soon as the shield became alimented by the mana stored in the stone, a bluish translucent dome formed over Irene and I.

With the shield activated and rapidly eating mana, I had no time to loose and asked Irene to walk in front of me where it was till in the dome yet close enough to activate the sphinx's usual greeting.

“Two visitors. Answer 3 of my questions correctly and you shall be allowed to ........” (Boeotian Sphinx)

Time for the most expensive and unfair battle in human history to begin!!

[Death Stare]

The beast was once again under my most powerful poison magic but I wasn't finished. [Spell-Scroll HellFire] A storm of flames engulfed the sphinx immediately after I had used the scroll. “Which was worth 20 gold by the way...” Worth a 20 years supply of food to any poor family out there...

Drink a mana potion.

[Spell-Scroll Dark Prison]

A cage made out of black mana imprisoned the sphinx for a few seconds before getting obliterated by one of the beast's mighty roars.

[Spell-Scroll Blizzard Storm]

[Spell-Scroll Dark Prison]

[Spell-Scroll HellFire]

Drink a mana potion.

[Spell-Scroll Dark Prison]

[Spell-Scroll HellFire]

[Spell-Scroll Blizzard Storm]

[Spell-Scroll Dark Prison]

[Spell-Scroll HellFire]

Drink a mana potion.


The sphinx kept being caged, attacked, caged, attacked. But being as strong as he was the sphinx still managed to launch many powerful attacks toward Irene and I but were completely nullified by my Immovable Mountain shield.

More than 6k gold worth of items later the sphinx was pitifully limping with a mere 2% health remaining. Seeing a wounded prey blinded me with predatory instincts. I wanted to tear it apart, to see it suffer in agony as it realized I was the superior being.

I grabbed all my remaining items and stored them before deactivating the shield which had consumed a staggering 3million mana units. (Definitely need to improve this circle if I want to be able to use it in the future.)

I rapidly transformed into my giant basilisk form and faced the wounded guardian. [TerrorEyes] I hissed as I was coiling my body ready to pounce forward. This time, to my greatest satisfaction the sphinx flinched and took a step back.

“Not acting so mighty now bitch!” (Kneeko)

I launched forward and just like the first time bit its neck with [Viper Bite]. Being weakened, the sphinx felt some of the paralytic effects of the poison leaving me time to coil around its neck. Then I began tightening my grip, more and more.

The beast was clawing and contorting in all directions but it was the end for him. I had made him my prey and I never let one of my prey go unharmed. The creature's movement began to slow down, then eventually stopped altogether. The beast was no more.

Level up! (X29)

(+6) Intelligence

New title: Sphinx Slayer

If activated, this title grant (+50 Strength)


At this point I wanted to trash its body around but couldn't as the system made the giant carcass disappear and replaced it with some items.

Boeotian Sphinx's Golden ManeType:Crafting ItemDurability:900/900Rank:ARarity:UniqueWho knows what can be crafted with this.

That seemed to be something good, the rest was the usual stuff...

“Gulp*..................” (Irene) She was silently staring at me, not knowing what to say.

“Note to self: Never anger brother...” (Irene)

We walked around the giant pedestal where the sphinx was usually sitting and saw a small red door. We walked up to it and it opened effortlessly. What we saw behind that door defied imagination. A mountain of gold and treasures of all kind.

“WOAAAaaaaaaaa!!” (Irene)

“Yay! I'm rich!! No wait... I already am... Bummer... “ (Kneeko)

“What did you say?” (Irene)

“N'tin...” (Kneeko)

When we approached the treasure, as if to ruin my good mood Mr.Carrot came back again.. Out of a dark corner of the room the familiar black silhouette made its way toward us.

“No way.. Do we have to fight again?” (Irene)

The silent silhouette stopped a short distance from us before talking.

“You, have survived...” (Kakaroto)

“You sound surprised.” (Kneeko)

“No- euh- well.. I am impressed. I will now present you with two choices.” (Kakaroto)

Hearing this I instantly tensed up and readied myself for whatever was coming.

“You can either have this treasure, or this.” (Kakaroto) He then presented a small red box he was holding in the palm of his hand.

“What is it?” (Kneeko)

“...........Power.” (Kakaroto)

“What kind of power?! The entertaining type or the boring ones?” (Kneeko)

“I do not comprehend this question. It is......... power.” (Kakaroro)

Erff... This wasn't such an easy choice. I could feel this room had many sacred artifact and relics that could be very powerful but to only present this small mysterious box as alternative was, intriguing... Ho well I'm rich already so let's go for the mystery box.

“I'll take the box.” (Kneeko) Mr. Carrot handed the box to me and immediately opened a portal before pointing his index toward it.

“Now leave and never come back. Next time I'll kill you myself.” (Kakaroto)

Tss* Sore looser. Of course I'm not any better but never mind that. We hastily walked through the portal before Mr. Carrot changed his mind.

The portal transported us back to the outside. Behind us was the waterfall where the dungeon entry was hidden and all around us was the familiar forest. Irene let out a loud sigh before crumbling on the ground.

New title: Dungeon conqueror

If activated, this title grant (+100 Vitality)

“No more... dungeon for me...” (Irene)

“Uhh?” (Unknown voice)

A man wearing armour stood there, staring at us.


PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:218GENDER:MaleMONEY:445G 36S 31CRACE:Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:5800STAMINA:600MANA:8650STRENGTH:1335 (+50)(M)INTELLIGENCE:750 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:415 (+150)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:365 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:435FAME/INFAMY:-1800 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler :

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

Immovable Mountain


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