《Saints and Suffering: A Naruto Fanfiction》Chapter 28- Meeting the Elders


Chapter 28- Meeting the Elders

After Domaru left Yama alone in the training grounds, Yama stood there for a couple moments, completely still.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

His hands were clenched and trembling, and he fought to control himself.

A small pebble a few feet away jumped up from the ground, untouched, as if by magic.

Soon more and more pebbles joined in and started to skitter along the ground and ring out as they bounced into each other.

Yama took another deep breath and counted to himself as he cycled through the process.

In, two, three, four.

Hold, two three, four, five, six.

Out, two, three, four.

Rest, two.

In, two, three, four...

After a couple more breaths, the pebbles fell back to the ground and laid still.

Yama's fists unclenched, and the hidden tension was shed from his shoulders as his posture eased a slight amount.

Yama looked west, narrowed his eyes, and all the birds in the village stopped singing for a half beat.

West, beyond the village, a small, silver fox rested in the crook of a tree as it lazed around.

Ginou was napping comfortably when it hit.

A momentous spike of killing intent wrathed its way through his psyche, shattering his previous peace and solitude.

Ginou instantly jumped to his feet, almost losing his form and reverting to his normal size and appearance from the sheer shock of the mental blow.

Ginou, hackles raised, heart beating rapidly, looked east, back towards the village.

He had never felt Yama's true killing intent before, and it had shook him to his core.

However, as soon as it had appeared, it withered away, and sank into the earth as if it had never happened in the first place.

The birds sang again, and all was well in the world.

Ginou lept down from his perch, and started making his way back to the Hatake compound. A single thought crossed his mind as he remembered what he had done to rude boy who Yama had claimed to care for.


Yama, back at the academy ground, brought his gaze back, tearing his eyes from the west, and turning his attention back to his surroundings.

No one was around, and the training grounds were empty.

He found a nice tree to sit next to and plopped down as his thoughts wandered.

Healing Iruka of Ginou's blow has taken the absolute last of the dregs of life energy I had left.

If I keep it up like this, it will never return. I might have to put a seal on the power, even if that causes problems here and there.

Maybe Shijin will have some ideas? Anything I do myself might be too heavy handed. Can't really talk to him right now with the house arrest and all that Kakashi told me about.

If I keep on using the power as its convenient, it will never recover, and it won't be there when it's actually necessary.

Kinda wish I had someone like Sakura or Tsunade around right now. They would've been able to heal Iruka with only chakra.

What I did was way too inefficient, like using an entire river to put out a campfire.

That being said, I couldn't even remove the scar from Iruka's face. Ginou had put some serious grudge and intent into that blow.

I'll have to talk to him about that later. I almost lost it when he injured Iruka, and then again after school.

It is curious though. Ginou happened to carve the exact scar that the Iruka I knew had. Perhaps the workings of fate?


Will Iruka be injured in the same place again maybe? Too many questions and too few answers.

My chakra almost caused a disaster today. I must redouble my meditation efforts and chakra control exercises.

The pebbles were jumping as my anger flared. My chakra is normally dormant, but it started to roil as my emotions raged.

Had I released my fetters completely in my wrath, it might've been like an entire Bijuudama landing on the academy.

A brief look of fear flitted across Yama's face as he considered the consequences of him losing control.

Yama looked down at his hands for a few seconds as his mind wandered further.

Iruka is pretty much right on point when he calls me a cripple, even though its not for the right reasons.

My chakra control is so poor right now that I wouldn't be able to cast any jutsu.

The best I can do is a Shunshin where I can't control the distance.

Between having no chakra, or no ability to control chakra, the effect is the same.

I have no ability right now beyond taijutsu, and even then, my control is so poor I can't enhance my speed or strength.

The only force I can wield adeptly right now is life energy, and I just lost the last remaining drops.

A small sad smile crossed his face, and Yama laughed at himself quietly.

Kinda reminds me of my own academy days. Except the stakes are a lot higher now.

Can't make a clone, can't perform a substitution, can't do a transformation.

Funny that I'm almost nostalgic about those days, even if they weren't all that great.

Yama thought back to his younger days, and remembered sitting on a swing by himself, watching the other children with their parents.

Hopefully its all a little brighter this time around.

Yama looked up. The early Autumn sun was still in the sky.

The wind, the first hint of cold creeping in, blew lightly across his body.

The rays of the sun kept him warm.

Yama leaned against the tree a little more heavily, closing his eyes for a quick nap. His mind was all tangled up right now, and he needed some solace.

As he drifted off in the warm afternoon sun, trees sang with the wind, and the clouds drifted freely.

Later that night, Yama was meditating in the Hatake Courtyard when Ginou finally made an appearance.

Rather than his normal perch atop Yama's head. Ginou sat on his haunches in front of Yama, and waited for Yama to open his eyes and speak.

Ginou calmly inspected the man known as Yama, who was sitting in the lotus position beneath a willow tree.

His hands were folded in his lap, and the man had his eyes closed with his head slightly tilted downwards.

Even while sitting, it was evident that Yama was tall, somewhat skinny, but broad in bone structure, speaking to a strength that must have been precipitous in his youth, before age started to claim his vigor.

His hair was pure white, broadcasting his age and troubled years to anyone that could see.

Yama's face was normal enough. Somewhat wrinkled, still a hint of youth, and with deep laugh lines.

Right now though, the face was stony, impassive, and free of anything that Ginou might have been able to glean.

As Yama sat there without acknowledging Ginou's presence, Ginou started to get a little bit antsy, though he would never admit it himself.

The fox shifted his weight from side to side, and turned his head to look all around him at the garden he occupied.


Ginou didn't have to wait too long though.

Yama opened his eyes and stared directly at the fox.

Ginou could feel himself somewhat wither under the gaze. the fox looked down and away.

Yama said nothing, so Ginou spoke first.

"I shouldn't have injured the child that you care for.

It was beneath me, and I simply could have let it pass over, but my pride reared its head."

Ginou shrunk as he gave his apology. It was the first time that he truly felt as small as his current form.

The fox expected further chastisement from Yama, but was surprised when none came from the elderly man in front of him that somehow reminded him of his father.

Yama didn't level any hostility at the fox, and even his words were soft.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I reacted even more poorly than you did.

I can't expect you to take abuse without retaliation, and then retaliate myself when you retaliate.

It would make me a hypocrite."

Ginou tilted his head.

"You're not mad?"

"I was, but I calmed down. At this point, I'm much more mad and disappointed in myself than I ever was with you.

I almost lost my cool, and I could feel the negative emotions welling up within myself that you are so on guard against.

Had I lost control of myself, I would have caused untold catastrophe.

Besides, I even egged Iruka on a little bit towards his words and actions against you.

I wanted him to learn humility, and I wanted you to teach him a lesson, I just wasn't expecting how poorly I would react to it.

I didn't have enough control over myself.

This entire issue is my fault."

Ginou was surprised at what Yama was saying but still responded.

"But we both have lessons to learn."

"Yep, we still both got a lot of growing to do."

The next morning was business as usual. Yama was at the classroom a few minutes before class started even though he didn't need to do anything to prepare for the lessons.

He hadn't seen Kakashi in a while, but he figured that the young man would come to find him if he needed anything.

Besides, based on how heavy his footsteps were when he came back late at night, it was evident that Kakashi was training hard.

Yama didn't need to bother him any more.

The children slowly filtered in, the clan children coming in first, with Iruka, Mizuki, and Tsubaki joining them later.

Today was somewhat unusual, it was the first time that Iruka had spoken with his classmates since his parents had died.

Slowly, he was coming out of his shell, but it wasn't completely.

Tsubaki and Mizuki would try to keep conversations going, but Iruka's one word answers would torpedo the discussion frequently.

But Iruka was speaking with them, so still upward progress.

As Iruka entered the classroom, he first noticed Yama at his desk, gave him a quick glare, and then threw a quick and conspicuous glance towards the lectern, where Ginou was noticeably absent.

A hidden sigh escaped his lips, and Iruka's nerves somewhat unraveled. He was pleased to see that the fox wasn't around.

Yama, even though his face was buried in some form of paperwork on his desk, didn't even look up as he spoke.

"Iruka, be a bit more subtle about your gaze. Ninja's shouldn't easily reveal their thoughts like that.

The sigh, too, just more confirmation about what you're thinking."

Iruka snorted and ignored the man, but still filed the comment away for later.

How had Yama even noticed me looking for that stupid fucking fox? And I didn't sigh.

A couple more minutes went by, and the bell eventually rung, signalling the start of the school day.

All the children sat in their seats and waited for Yama to speak.

Yama looked up, looked back down, and straightened all his papers before making his way to the lectern and addressing the class.

"Today is Friday, so what we'll be doing today, and each Friday from now on is a review of your self study.

I'll speak with all of you individually in the room next door. You'll fill me in on your accomplishments, and we'll decide your path for the upcoming week.

When its not your turn to speak with me, just self study as always.

Shimiko-chan, you're first. please come with me."

And with that, Yama and Shimiko left the room, leaving the other students to their own devices.

The duo chatted a little as they walked to the room next door and settled into their seats.

After they sat down, Yama spoke first.

"So, Shimiko-chan, before we talk about your self-study. Let's talk about your chakra exercises first. Still keeping up with them, even with the self-study?"

"Yes, sensei. I still do 2 hours of reserve training with the Aburame version of the Chakra Forge, and another 2 hours of control training each and every day."

"Even weekends?"

"Every day."

Yama nodded his head in approval.

"So how's you self study going?"

"The last week, I have spent researching the various insect species that my clan have tamed and cultivated throughout the years.

I still need to decide what colony will be my second, and honestly, I'm kinda late on that decision by my clan's standards.

I have the Kikaichu already, but they are mainly to stress my chakra production by eating my chakra and encourage the growth of my chakra coils.

I'm not sure If I want to base my ninja career on them just yet."

"Any thoughts so far then about what insect you wish to use?"

"A little. The main thought I have is that my chakra reserves and control are excellent, and I have aspirations to become an actual Jonin.

Most Aburame become too specialized with their insects and stall out at Tokubetsu Jonin.

I'd rather avoid that, so I want to select an insect that can leverage my strengths and make me more of an all-rounder."

Yama smiled.

"I really like your train of thought. I agree with you somewhat, and I also think that you shouldn't get caught being too specialized.

I however do not want you to discount the strength of your clansmen and their insects either.

Those of your clan that are Tokubetsu jonin would potentially be Chuunin or even Genin if it were not for their insects.

The insects are a great source of power for them, and it is those insects that allow them to reach new heights.

You, who has to raw talent to become a Jonin without insects, will not get stuck at Tokubetsu.

I don't think you should worry about it too much.

Even if you do choose a specialty insect, you'll be able to fill your gaps with things like elemental ninjutsu and genjutsu."

Shimiko smiled a little at the praise, but kept her expression neutral otherwise.

"If you were me, what would you like an insect to have the ability to do?"

"Aren't you supposed to tell me that, Shimiko-chan?"

"Yeah, and I will, but I want to know what your opinion is without taking into account my feelings or opinions."

"I would offer you the same advice either way though. I wouldn't compromise my guidance to spare your feelings."

"I believe you, but better this way, because then I don't even need to trust you."

Yama laughed; the girl was already thinking like a ninja. She reminded him a bit of Shino, He was the only one that graduated the academy with the correct mindset.

He started musing.

"Well, here's my thoughts.

Aburame are extremely dangerous, and I've fought them a few times in my day.

They were the type of ninja that---"

Shimiko instantly went on guard and harshly interrupted Yama.

"You've fought the Aburame?"


"Did you kill them?"

Shimiko was staring at Yama intensely, even if her eyes were hidden behind her reflective goggles.

Yama responded.

"No. I never even got into a life-or-death battle with one. A serious spar at most."

Shimiko somewhat eased up, but still was tense.

"I'm not sure if I believe you."

Yama chuckled a little.

"I don't think you have to. You have the Kikaichu correct?"


"Well, then you know that I've never killed an Aburame."

"What are you talking about?"

Yama looked a little puzzled. It seemed to him that Shimiko didn't exactly know everything about the Kikaichu. Shino had once told him about the "Dead-man's switch of the Aburame clan" and Yama supposed that each of the Aburame would know about it.

He thought for a few seconds and spoke again.

"Are either of your parents Jonin or high up in the Aburame clan?"

"My mother is a Jonin."

"Ask her about the 'Dead-Man's Switch of the Aburame'."

Shimiko was somewhat confused by the conversation so far, but she made a mental note and would remember to talk to her mother when she got home.

Yama continued.

"Well getting back to the task at hand.

I can tell you that the Aburame are some of the most deadly and dangerous Ninja in Konoha.

The reason that they cannot make Jonin very often though is that they are predictable.

Once a ninja knows that he is fighting against an Aburame, he will take countermeasures.

An Aburame shines with the element of surprise and a healthy does on concealment.

If someone is focused completely on countering them and the insects, it can be damn near impossible for an Aburame to overcome that.

That's where someone like you comes in.

You could use your own personal power to overcome any countermeasure.

With your reserves and control, you could host a huge amount of colonies of Kikaichu and Kidaichu. Your enemies would have no chakra and be eaten from within in the blink of an eye."

Shimiko nodded her head, she had come to a very similar conclusion.

Her best bet was to cater to all out assault. If she had enough offensive ability, any countermeasure they might take would be overwhelmed.

Yama continued.

"However, though that is one option, I would actually recommend a much more subtle option.

If your clan excels when they have surprise, why cede the advantage?

The Kikachu and Kidaichu only work once before the enemy can catch on and realize you are an Aburame.

Rather than trying to overpower them once you lose the element of surprise, I can think of a much better option."

Shimiko was leaned in and listening intently.

Yama paused for dramatic effect, and then spoke.

"Never give up the element of surprise!

You have enough talent and power that you could fight on even ground using conventional techniques.

Then, you could use Kikaichu for only sensing and information, using the specialized strain that your clan possesses, perhaps.

You could then cultivate the Kochu as well, the ultimate assassin's insect. It can paralyze or kill with everyone being none the wiser.

It's stealth ability is unmatched, and its barely stoppable even with someone expecting it, much less if they aren't.

While you fight with the enemy using conventional tactics, they think you're a normal ninja, not an Aburame.

In the background however, you are tracking them and can even kill them with the Kochu, which they wouldn't even be looking for.

Pretty much the only thing that would give away you're an Aburame and get their guard up is your own admission."

Shimiko was surprised by Yama's answer.

It was an extremely unconventional viewpoint. Aburame were known for their insects. The strongest Aburame had the most insects. That was common knowledge.

In the clan, the single best metric on if someone could make Jonin was how many colonies they could host.

The ninja of her clan would learn other jutsus to fill the gap of their insects, but Yama's idea was the opposite.

He wanted her to use the insects as a lethal, concealed weapon, to enhance her conventional skills which would make up the bulk of her skills.

It was almost sacrilegious, his idea, to a clan that was so reliant on insects.

In fact, it was somewhat antithetical to what she already knew.

It was the people that had the more specialized insects and not mass amounts of Kikaichu that were more likely to be Tokubetsu Jonin.

That being said, she tried to imagine what some of the Tokubetsu she knew would be like if they had Jonin level ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu.

They would be monsters.

Yama chuckled a bit.

"I'm sure you have a lot to think about.

Why don't you go back to the other room, and please send over Hikaru-kun while you're at it."

Hyuga Hikaru sat down in front of Yama.

"Hello, Yama-sensei."

"Good Morning, Hikaru-kun.

No need to beat around the bush.

You practicing control and expanding your reserves every day?"

"Yes sir, and I am also studying further Juuken techniques at home with the clan."

"Good. That's all I got for you for now. You've got enough on your plate."

"You're not going to ask how the control exercise you gave me is working."

"Nope. Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's not going well."

"Define, 'well', then."

"It's like this sensei. I am exactly where I started at before this exercise.

I can only keep one leaf on each hand and foot."

"What do mean 'where you started'?

It's world's different Hikaru-kun. Now you're only using one tenketsu! You've made great progress!

Maybe because you aren't sparring super hard with your classmates, but I'm sure your Juuken has improved significantly when it comes to actual fighting."

"What do you mean, sensei?"

"Stand up and face me."

The two walked over to an open space and faced each other. Yama continued.

"I want you to hit me with Juuken at complete full force. Open your Byakugan as well."

"Sensei, I don't think that this is wise."

"I'm telling you to do it as your sensei, now do it!"


Hikaru walked up to Yama, chambered one of his arms, and struck out suddenly and violently, landing an open palm on Yama's left chest, avoiding his heart and any major chakra networks.

Yama didn't seem to mind the blow.

"So what did you see when you hit me?"

"My chakra penetrated 2 inches into your body and would have closed your tenketsu if you had any chakra circulating there."

Hikaru was still somewhat weirded out by his sensei's complete and utter lack of chakra, but he had given up after finding no information about any potential reasons.

As far as what Hikaru could find in the Hyuga library, Yama was dead, and must be a puppet of some sort, which was obviously not the case.

Hikaru continued.

"Its the exact same as my Juuken last week before I started this exercise. No improvement there."

Yama laughed.

"Obviously that would be the case for what you're doing. I thought you would've figured this out, but I'll spell it out for you.

Hit me with a Juuken using only a single tenketsu."

"But I won't be able to put as much force into the blow.

I normally use at least 5 tenketsu for a normal blow."

"Just trust me and do it."

Hikaru once again reared back and hit Yama with an open palm to the chest. except this time, Hikaru didn't say anything.

The boy simply looked at his palm in amazement before turning his gaze back to Yama, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Yama spoke.

"So what did you see this time?"

Hikaru was surprised at the results, but still got the words out.

"My chakra penetrated through your entire chest?"

"Right on."

"But I don't understand? Even though I used less chakra it penetrated further?"

"It's because you were more focused, even though you didn't realize it yourself.

On your first strike, you didn't focus enough on your tenketsu, you simply released chakra in a strike from multiple ones in your palm.

On your second strike, your chakra came out in a single stream. It was much more concentrated and precise because you were focused on emitting from a single tenketsu and not just your hand in general.

Obviously it would penetrate further that your first blow."

Hikaru was nodding his head and hanging on intently on every word that Yama said.

Yama continued.

"Imagine how you can extrapolate your results today.

Your strikes now go through my entire body.

You don't have to aim for a single tenketsu. You could alter the angle and hit multiple in a row. Hit one on the front and back of their body.

Or if you could independently target each tenketsu stream, maybe you could have each tenketsu in your hand target a different tenketsu on your enemy."

Hiakru was lost in thought and muttering to himself.

"But closing multiple tenketsu with a single strike is a main family technique. I can't learn it."

Yama started laughing uproariously.

"You just independently came up with the technique! Why would you need to borrow their version?"

The gravity of the situation was starting to dawn on Hikaru.

His sensei had essentially, somehow, given him a main family technique in the guise of a chakra control exercise.

If he kept walking the current path, he might become the strongest branch member around.

He would be able to rival members of the main family.

As soon as he thought that, he subconsciously touched his forehead, rubbing at the caged bird seal.

The main family would never allow a branch member to learn the techniques.

They would kill or cripple him to hold onto their power.

If he ever revealed the technique, he would be done for.

Yama looked on with profound sadness at the young boy.

Hikaru had just learned a powerful technique, but he wasn't celebrating like a normal boy his age.

Yama had a small sad smile on his face and continued.

"I am not completely ignorant of what goes on between the main and branch families at the Hyuga house.

Its a travesty, but you seem to understand the situation.

You will need to hide your abilities on some level in order to avoid persecution.

I hope that one day you will have the power to take your destiny into your own hands."

Hikaru nodded at Yama's words while still in a daze.

He stood up to leave the room. Yama called out after him.

"Send in Tsubaki-chan please."

Tsubaki showed up a few minutes later, carrying the candle she normally used to practice her fire chakra manipulation.

She walked right over to Yama and set the candle down on the table in front of him before sitting down herself.

She spoke up before Yama could.

"You want to see my progress right now, right Yama-sensei?

Prepare to be amazed!"

The candle was unlit.

Yama replied.

"Did you bring the lighter, Tsubaki-chan?"

"SHHHHHHH, I'm focusing!"

Tsubaki had her eyes screwed shut in concentration.

She suddenly made the tiger seal, and Yama felt her chakra flare.

Tsubaki then opened her eyes and unclasped her hands to break the hand seal.

In a quick and fluid motion, she then reached out with right hand, index and middle fingers extended in the same position they were for the tiger seal, and she pointed directly at the candle wick from a quarter inch away.

It burst into flame!

Tsubaki started to boast loudly.


However she was swiftly interrupted.

Yama was suddenly next to her, and picked her up by her armpits and threw her into the air before yelling himself.


Yama continued to throw her up in the air and catch her over and over as he praised her.


'Oi sensei, Put me down! Stop ----"


"I said stop throwing me~~~~~~~"


This continued for a few more cycles, until Yama calmed down enough to set Tsubaki back down in her seat.

Tsubaki was completely flushed, and he face was beet red, embarrassed by the praise, but still happy on the inside.

Yama eventually gathered himself enough to talk calmly.

"I mean, how? I expected you to master growing the flame, but you're already two or three steps ahead of that!

You should be good to start practicing actual jutsus next week!"

Tsubaki was happy to hear it and started regaling Yama with her tale.

"So this is how it happened Yama-sensei.

You showed me how to grow the flame the first day, and by the end of the day I had started to master it.

The next morning though, I didn't fail a single time. It just came to me naturally or something.

It was honestly way too easy.

So then I figured, If I can use fire chakra to grow the flame, why not try to feed the flame with my finger?

So I then tried to split the flame, and I honestly got the hang of it really quick.

Within a day, I could take the candle and use it to light a fire on my finger, using purely chakra.

From there, I got used to feeding and holding fire in my hand.

Yesterday morning though, I felt it deep inside me that I just knew how to light a fire.

I can't explain it.

I just let my chakra go WOOSH and the fire comes out.

Its just coming naturally to me at this point."

Tsubaki, realizing that she was bragging a lot to her teacher, started to get a little self-unconscious and turned away and played with her hair.

Yama was beaming a smile at her though.

"It seems like you've got the best fire affinity I've ever seen in my entire life!

You just might be the next Uchiha Madara!"

Tsubaki got even redder in her face and slapped at Yama's arm.

"Stop saying stuff like that. I'm just starting out right now!~~"

"I'm being serious."


"Really really."

Tsubaki grinned and stood up.

She practically skipped to the door as she cast her voice over her shoulder. She almost yelled the words out, much louder than she needed to.

"I'm gonna hold you to it Sensei, you said you're gonna teach me a fire jutsu next week. Now you gotta!"

Yama yelled back at the capricious and spirited girl.

"Stop teasing Mizuki, and send him in please!"

Yama looked back at the candle that Tsubaki had left on the table.

The flame was burning brilliantly on the wick.

It flickered. It danced.

And it Breathed!

Yama blew it out and thought a quick and silent prayer.

Matatabi, please don't be too mad at me. I didn't mean to!

Yama hoped that the two-tails would be somewhat understanding about a little girl running around understanding the concept of fire.

Mizuki quickly stomped into the room with a scowl on his face.

"If you're teaching Tsubaki another jutsu, you have to teach me another, too. Its not fair!"

Yama held his hands in the air.

"Easy there Mizuki, didn't I tell you that I had more than enough jutsus for you?

I don't make empty promises.

How is the Shunshin coming along?"

Mizuki replied.

"I've got it down somewhat okay.

I can move up to 6 feet in a single direction, and I succeed at least 3 out 4 tries."

Yama considered what the boy was saying.

The shunshin was a very low ranked jutsu, but Mizuki's progress so far was definitely good even discounting that.

"Show me then Mizuki-kun"

MIzuki stood up and formed a hand seal, before reappearing in cloud of smoke directly behind Yama.

"What do you think? I get the drop on you?"

Yama turned around to face the boy and chuckled a little bit.

"It'll take a bit more than that, but you're definitely getting closer.

It's very clear to me that you've been practicing very hard.

Your shunshin is theoretically complete, and at this point, all you need is more practice.

If you think that you can practice the Shunshin and learn another jutsu at the same time, then I can--"

Yama was interrupted.

"I can absolutely learn another jutsu while practicing Shunshin."

Yama was not caught off guard by the boy's enthusiasm.

"If that's the case, then we can move onto the next one. I actually already prepared the scroll, so here you go."

Yama reached inside his outer jacket and pulled a small scroll out from his flak jacket vest.

As he handed it over to Mizuki, who received it with two hands like it was made of gold, he explained.

"Consider this a personal gift from me to you to celebrate your hard work.

This is a jutsu of my own creation. It is derived from Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

Mizuki had a slight frown that he tried to hide.

"It's a genjutsu?""

Yama reached over and rapped the child on his forehead with one of his knuckles.

"Don't be like that Mizuki. Genjutsu are just as powerful, and sometimes even more powerful than ninjutsu.

If you can learn this one, I'll let you choose your next one to learn as long as I have it."



Mizuki thought for a moment, holding a hand to his chin, before grinning at Yama.


So what's the deal with this jutsu?"

Mizuki held up the scroll that Yama had just given him.

Yama obliged.

"Like I said earlier, its a genjutsu derived from the hell-viewing technique.

I call it the Golden Rule Jutsu."

"What does it do, then?"

"What, and ruin the surprise?

Don't worry, its a jutsu that you can practice on yourself, which is actually a two for one deal.

You'll learn how to cast and break genjutsu in a single scroll.

Pretty good deal, no?"

Mizuki eyed Yama suspiciously.

"Why should I cast it on myself?"

Yama didn't outwardly react to the question, but it further confirmed his choice in handling the young boy.

Mizuki didn't realize it but Yama had been carefully observing the boy for the past week.

Yama had thought that Mizuki would be satisfied with the opportunity to learn jutsu, but he was quickly disappointed with the boy's character.

There was nothing that he could directly call the boy out for, but the subtle ways that he would put down Tsubaki or remind Iruka of his parents did not escape Yama's eyes.

Yama was loath to admit that a child was evil, but at the very least, Mizuki was pretty nasty.

The kid hid it well from most adults, but if someone paid a lot of attention like Yama did, they would realize that the boy is a bad egg, through and through.

Yama had offered a chance to Mizuki to prove him wrong this past week, but by this point it was evident that all that Mizuki cared for was power and his ambition.

He wanted everything and would do anything.

That being said. Wanting power was not a sin. What was a sin was the way in which one gathered it.

In his previous life, Yama had seen the difference between Jiraiya and Orochimaru, two people who had both chased power.

Jiraiya was a hero, and Orochimaru a villain.

Yama felt that it was his duty, as Mizuki's sensei, to correct him, and prevent him from following in Orochimaru's footsteps.

For that reason alone, he had been coming up with this jutsu, the Golden Rule Jutsu, for the past few days in his spare time.

It was a very simple technique, but it would hopefully help Mizuki turn from his current path.

There was little hope of changing Mizuki's personality, it was well and formed at this point, but there was a hope in guiding him productively.

Mizuki was extremely goal oriented right now and searching for power, and he would likely remain that way for the rest of his life.

What Mizuki needed to realize that power did not come at the expense of the people around him, but with their aid and support.

The Golden Jutsu rule would try to influence him in that manner.

The exact scenes that Mizuki would see were unknown to Yama but he had a guess. The jutsu would draw on the subconscious of the user.

Mizuki would see things like a healthy rivalry with Iruka leading to them both becoming Jonin.

He would see training session with Tsubaki, where her higher skill in ninjutsu helped him learn faster.

He would see that he would be treated better and trained more diligently if he inspired confidence in those around him.

Yama did his very best to imbue a few core concepts into the genjutsu.

He that humbles himself is exalted.

He that exalts himself is humbled.

Steel sharpens steel.

The total is greater than the sum of the parts.

Treat others as you would have them treat you.

Yama knew better than most that strength was built from the ground up with the aid and support of comrades.

Yama turned back to Mizuki

"Why should you cast it on yourself?

First of all, because I said so.

Second, I haven't given you the full technique.

You have to learn how to cast it on yourself before I teach you the complete version."

Mizuki hid his scowl well, and smiled at Yama.

"I understand, sensei. I will be sure to follow your instructions."

"Very well, Mizuki-kun. You can go now. Please send in Iruka-kun after you."


Iruka came without complaint. He sat down in front of Yama, but said nothing, simply glaring at his sensei.

Iruka was resolute in not speaking to his sensei as much as possible.

Yama sighed and broke the stalemated silence.

"I know you don't like me.

I don't particularly want to extend our interactions as much as possible.

You can practice with Domaru-kun or Hikaru-kun.

Here's some chakra paper. If you have fire affinity, you can practice with Tsubaki-chan.

As long as you are studying the same things as one of those three, I will leave you alone."

Iruka grabbed the chakra paper from Yama's hand and left the room without a word, leaving the door open behind him.

Yama called out.

"Send in Domaru-kun please!"

Akimichi Domaru showed up a few minutes alter.

He strolled in with a slight swagger in his step.

"Iruka came back but didn't say anything. I guess you wanted to speak to me?"

"Right you are Domaru-kun. Let's discuss your practice.

How's your chakra control?"

"Still fine. Why are you still concerned over nothing?"

Yama sighed.

"I know you trust your elders over me, and that's why I'm meeting with them after school today.

That being said. can you make the most clones you can right now?"

Domaru snorted and stood up, made a quick hand seal, and five identical clones popped up around him.

He then said with a smirk.

"I can actually create one more clone than Shimiko can."

"Five is pretty good for your age, Domaru."

"Thanks, Yama-sensei."

"Just remember this moment, Domaru-kun.

Your maximum is five right now.

What do you think it'll be by graduation?"


"High aspirations, huh?"

"I'm going to be the right hand of Chouji-sama one day."

Yama smiled at that statement. Domaru was arrogant and annoying to deal with, but the kids heart was in that right place. Yama would stake his life on it. It was very different from his interactions with Mizuki.

"I have no doubts that you will grow up to do great things, Domaru-kun.

I will be here to support you in your endeavors, even after you graduate from the academy."

Domaru sighed.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Yama-sensei, but I'm aiming to be on a Jonin-led genin team.

If I get relegated to the Genin Corps, I might take you up on your offer."

Yama smiled even more. The kid really was a breath of fresh air. Didn't even attempt to blow smoke. Just spoke his mind clearly at all times.

"Well, until then, you're still in my class, and I want you to continue you control exercises every day until you graduate.

"Are you serious? That's such a pain in the ass though."

"Its that or I lecture you about chakra theory and you take tests while reading textbooks.

"Control exercises please."

"That's what I though.

We'll see each other again after school. You're dismissed."

Domaru left the room, leaving Yama alone with his thoughts.

Kakashi showed up as soon as Domaru left. He appeared in front of Yama in a cloud of smoke.

"So how's your first week as an academy teacher?"

"Can't complain. The kids seem to listen to me well and they're good kids. I don't even really have to teach them anything. Very driven they are."

"Sounds like a sweet deal."

"What brings you here though, Kakashi? I thought you would be spending more of this time practicing on your own."

"Funny you mention that. I've got a sparring partner that I told about you. He's really interested in you Taijutsu after hearing that you mastered the Konoha basic styles in a single night.

He wants to meet you tomorrow. How does 0800 sound at training field seven?"

Yama had an exact idea of who Kakashi was talking about, and wasn't keen on the idea, even for nostalgia's sake.

"I don't know Kakashi, I can't really offer anything to someone who can spar with someone of your level.

"It'll be fine."

"I don't really want to though."

"Hmm, did you say something? I'll tell him you said yes."

Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves, leaving Yama once again alone in the room.

Yama cursed under his breath.

Dang it. Kakashi is really throwing me under the bus right now. He just wants some free time this weekend and I'm the sacrifice.

Yama didn't return to the classroom, and the six children continued to study on their own without his input.

When the bell rang, they broke for lunch and ate before showing up to the training field outside in time for afternoon classes.

Yama was waiting for them by the central dueling platform.

He clapped his hands to get their attention before speaking.

"Friday is full contact sparring day from now on."

Domaru clenched his fist and pumped it with vigor.

"Hell yeah!"

He jumped up onto the central dueling platform before continuing.

"Get the hell up here, bug-girl! Let's see how tough you are when I can actually use my full strength.

Shimiko was enraged and about to yell back when Yama slowly walked over to the platform, stepping onto it as he spoke.

"If you had let me finish, I would've let you know that each of you will be fighting me at full strength."

The wind had been taken straight out of Domaru's sails, and his visibly deflated.

Yama settled into a casual fighting stance, and made the seal of confrontation while facing Domaru.

"Now come, Domaru-kun."

Domaru mirrored the seal of confrontation before launching into his attack. He cursed under his breath at the same time.

Fuck, this guy is gonna beat the crap out of me again! Me and my big mouth, idiot Domaru, idiot!

The afternoon bell hadn't rung yet, but Yama was standing on top of the central dueling platform as six children looked up at him.

Each one was nursing some part of their body.

Shimiko had taken a hard kick to her liver. She was somewhat hunched over, and it kinda hurt her to breathe.

Hikaru had his bell rung from a hook to the chin and was still seeing stars.

Domaru was cradling one of his hands. Yama had let the boy punch full force into his solid metal arm guard.

Iruka and Mizuki both had shiners covering one of their eyes.

Tsubaki stood there, leaning heavily on her right leg after taking a devastating sweep on the left.

Yama surveyed the kids and eyed up their injuries before speaking.

"Yeah, you all are pretty beat up. Go home early and rest this weekend.

God I love this job. In what other profession can you hit brats and get paid for it?"

All of the kids simultaneously cursed Yama out before turning around and going home.

Stupid Geezer

Cripple Sensei





Yama laughed out loud and let them go.

He had a few minutes left until his meeting with the Akimichi Elder, maybe he had some time for Ichiraku?

Shimiko slowly made her way home, and by the time she got there, her mom was in the kitchen making the beginning preparations for dinner.

Her mother instantly noticed the slight hunch in her daughter's posture and determined her injury.

"Liver hit?"

"Yeah, sensei got a good one on me when I wasn't paying attention."

"Any ribs broken?"

"No, but maybe one bruised."

Aburame Shimiko's mother, Shiko, let out a tiny breath. The new academy teacher was properly pulling his blows.

Shimiko would be in pain, but no serious injury, and a little tough love didn't hurt that bad.

Shiko questioned her daughter.

"Will your injury impact your clan training this weekend?"

"I don't think so, Mom, I should be fine by morning if I ice it."

"Very well. Otherwise how was your day?"

"It was actually pretty interesting, I had a good conversation with Yama-sensei about our clan insects and what I should choose."

Shiko put the knife down that she was using to cut vegetables in the kitchen.

"Did he now? Come sit down at the dinner table, I would love to hear a bit more about this."

Shimiko sat down at the table, and Shiko joined her after getting an icepack from the freezer and handing it to her daughter.

Shimiko put the icepack against her ribs and inhaled a quick gasp before relaxing and continuing her story.

"He actually had some really cool ideas.

He said that the obvious choice is to use my large reserves and control to host larger amounts of Kikaichu and Kidaichu and using brute force to overcome any barriers or countermeasures that are normally employed against our clan."

Shiko nodded her head. That was standard doctrine in the clan right now.

Shimiko continued.

"The choice he actually recommended was really cool though."

"Oh, he didn't recommend the obvious choice?"

"No, not at all, what he recommended was that I train as a conventional ninja first and foremost, and then use our insects as hidden supplementary weapons.

He said that we have a special strain of Kikachu that are specialized for information gathering and tracking?"

Shiko was somewhat surprised by her daughter's claim. The insect strains weren't exactly hidden from the public, but not necessarily public knowledge either.

"Yes we do have a strain like that. It's not very common knowledge though. Did you sensei say anything else?"

At this point, Shiko was actually interested in Shimiko's new sensei.

Earlier this week, Shimiko had come home and asked "What happens to Aburame that depend on their insects too much for the senses?"

It was an important question that floated around the clan in order to caution Aburame against over-reliance on their insects.

Now, Shimiko's sensei even knew about one of the lesser known strains of Kikaichu by its specialty when most Konoha-nin didn't even know there were separate strains.

Shimiko continued.

"He also recommended that I host the Kochu. He said it would be the ideal weapon since it would be further concealed by a conventional combat style."

Shiko frowned.

"What did I say about the clan texts? Don't tell anyone anything they don't need to know. There was no reason to let him know what the Kochu are."

"That's the thing, I never told him about it though, he mentioned them by name without my input."

Shiko frowned again.

"Well his ideas aren't completely without merit.

One of our elders who fought in the Second Great Shinobi War had a similar idea. I can get you the texts associated if you want to read more about it."

"That'd be great, Mom, it seems unconventional, but I think there's something there."

"I won't try to influence you one way or another. Just make sure your choice are well informed."

"Yeah, I know Mom~~~~~~"

Shiko's smile came back to her face. Her daughter was shaping up to be a prodigy, and watching her grow was truly a pleasure to behold.

"All that being said, I'm now curious which Aburame he served in a team with.

There's no way he has all this clan knowledge without a close relationship with someone in the clan.

You said that Yama-sensei is quite old, maybe he knows one of our elders?"

Shimiko tilted her head and gazed inquisitively at her Mom.

"Yama-sensei isn't from Konoha though?"


"He's not from Konoha."

"Impossible. He wouldn't have such knowledge otherwise. "

"He said that he had fought against the Aburame before."

Shiko instantly steeled her expression and sat up ramrod straight. The sudden change in her mother's demeanor instantly set Shimiko on edge.

Shimiko spoke again.

"Are you okay, Mom?"

Shiko had a perfectly neutral poker face on that she normally employed only while on mission.

The last time Shimiko had seen her mother like this had been when she came back from mission where one of her teammates died.

Shiko started to question her daughter.

"He said that he fought the Aburame?"

"Yes, maam."

"How did your Kikaichu respond to this man?"


"How did they respond?"

"Mom, you're kinda scaring me right now."

"Answer the question."

"They didn't do anything. But they don't do anything normally either."


"When I spar with him, the Kikaichu can't detect him. He was crippled in the last war and has no chakra, so our insects can't detect him."

"Everyone has chakra."

"Well not Yama-sensei. My Kikaichu say that he doesn't exist."

"What else happened?"

"Why are you asking about the Kikaichu? Yama-sensei was asking about them, too."

Shiko's stony face somehow broke for a slight second and Shimiko noticed the alarm flash momentarily on her mother's face.

"Mom, what's going on? Please tell me what has you acting like this?"

"Aburame Shimiko, explain exactly what Yama-sensei said or asked about the Kikaichu."


"Do it Now."

Shimiko wasn't used to this. Her mother was never this serious, and the cold atmosphere and relatively harsh interrogation had tears welling up in the young girl's eyes.

Shiko saw the tears forming and eased her demeanor on the exterior, but her mind was still whirling at a thousand miles an hour.

"Shimiko-chan, it's very important you tell your mother exactly what Yama-sensei was saying, okay?"


Shimiko wiped the tears from her eyes before continuing.

"After he told me that he once fought an Aburame, I asked if he ever killed one of them.

He said 'No, that it was only serious sparring at worst.'

I said that I didn't trust him, and then he laughed and said that I didn't need to trust him since I have the Kikaichu.

When I asked him what he meant by that, he clammed up and dropped the conversation."

"Are you sure he was talking about the Kikaichu?"

"Yes. he then asked about you?"

"About me?"

"Well he asked if either of my parents were Jonin or elders."

"And then what?"

"He asked me to ask you about the 'Dead-Man's Switch of the Aburame'."

Shiko's face paled, and Shimiko did not miss it. Shimiko got even more scared by her mother's reaction.

Shiko was afraid. One of the greatest secrets of the Aburame was known by an outsider.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Where is Yama-sensei?"

"I don't understand Mom, I'm scared."

Shimiko had started to cry once again. She was still a young girl, and to see her mother in such a panic was terrifying.

Shiko went over to the girl and held her tight while stroking her hair.

"It's okay, do you know where Yama-sensei is?"

Shimiko choked out a sob and gasp before answering.

"He's meeting with the Akimichi today."

"Good girl. I have to handle some business. Go up in your room and don't come out until tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"

Shiko held the girl at arms distance and looked directly into her tear filled eyes.

Shimiko nodded her head.

"Good Girl. Now go.

Shimiko ran up the stairs and shut the door to her room.

As soon as Shimiko was gone, Shiko started performing the highest Kinjutsu known to any Aburame Jonin.

Its name was the Cataclysm Pheromone Jutsu, and when activated, every Kikaichu hosted by her body would release a specific pheromone.

The pheromone was only allowed to be released when the Aburame faced a clan extinction level threat.

Whenever the pheromone reached another Kikaichu, that Kikachu would release the Cataclysm Pheromone.

This was a signal fire that would put every Aburame on the continent on high alert.

The last time the jutsu had been activated had been in the warring states period, prior to the formation of Konoha.

It was the jutsu that Shiko wished she would never have to use.

She completed the jutsu and prayed that it was a false alarm.

At the Akimichi residence, Yama sat with Akimichi Domaru and Akimichi Gyobu, one of the junior elders of the clan.

The elder had the normal Akimichi build, strong and stout, but was obviously in his later years as the first signs of gray started to reach his temples.

The three parties sat a short, traditional floor table, covered with a spread of delicious food.

The Akimichi would never let a guest, even an unwelcome one, leave without being sated and full.

After the relatively silent meal was over, Akimichi Gyobu broke the silence.

"So why are you interfering with how the Akimichi clan trains its shinobi?"

The hard tone and strict words spelled out the elder's position clearer than day to Yama.

"I do not mean to offend the Akimichi Clan, and I certainly do not mean to interfere in clan matters.

I am simply here to help a promising student of mine."

"We are fully capable of training our own shinobi.

You have come here for no reason. Now be on your way.

We offer you nothing and wish for you to know in no uncertain terms that nothing you say will change our plans with regards to Akimichi Domaru."

Yama was a bit sheepish at the harsh and clear rejection. He looked over at Domaru, who was conspicuously looking in the other direction and forgoing eye contact.

Yama reinspected the elder known as Gyobu, and he noticed the similar face to Domaru.

Ah this must be his grandfather. No wonder where he gets his personality from, hah!

Yama sighed before speaking.

"I understand completely.

In fact, I hereby rescind all authority towards what Akimichi Domaru will do while at the Academy under my tutelage."

Akimichi Gyobu was somewhat taken aback. He wasn't expecting this turn of events.

"Domaru, your thoughts on this matter."

"My afternoon lessons and sparring are still fruitful, but each morning I practice chakra control exercises.

If I can use those couple hours for reserve training instead, it would benefit my chakra growth.

"Very well, Domaru. you understand our plans as well as anyone does. Spend you time wisely as you see fit. This is a test of self determination.

Yama-sensei, thank you for ceding you authority over Domaru back to the Akimichi. We appreciate the respect."

Yama smiled and waved it off.

"It's no matter. At the end of the day, Domaru is a child of the Akimichi and all authority I have is derived from your concessions.

I am simply returning to you what you own.

That being said. Please talk to me if you ever start to notice any troubles arising with Domaru's control.

I believe it may become a problem one day. I hope I am wrong, but I will help if it ever arises."

"We appreciate the offer. However, we do not believe it will be necessary.

Would you like to stay for tea, Yama-sensei."

"No thanks, I best be going home."

With that, Yama stood up and walked over to the door opening it, and stepping into the open courtyard of the Akimichi Residence.

He took a nice deep breath of air, and





Yama instantly stiffened as if struck by a ghost as soon as he opened the door.

Gyobu was somewhat alerted by the man's instantaneously tensing.

"Is there something the matter, Yama-sensei?"

No sooner had he gotten the words out of his lips did an large and stout ANBU appear from nothing, kneeling in front of the Akimichi Elder, reporting the following.

"All 11 elders of the Aburame are at our gates, demanding that we hand over a man named Yama.

They have in their contingent all ninja of the Aburame clan not on deployment."


Akimichi Gyobu damn near crapped his pants when he heard what the Aburame were doing, he instantly whipped his head toward Yama, and started to level his sizable killing intent against the man.

Gyobu was no fool. Even though the man named Yama had the backing of the Sandaime, the entire force of the Aburame came looking for the man.

If they were roused to such actions, the man in front of him must be at the center of something huge.

Gyobu coldly let out a couple words, his voice gravelly and an octave lower than it had been before.

"Yama, you are not welcome in the Akimichi Household. We are handing you over to the Aburame.

Comply or die.

Domaru, get behind me."

Domaru quickly complied with his grandfather but was extremely confused at what was going on.

Yama didn't seem to mind the killing intent.

"I came peacefully. I will willingly go with the Aburame peacefully as well."

Three more Akimichi Ninja appeared from nowhere, one of them being the current Clan Chief, Akimichi Chouza.

"We'll hold you to it.

Men, kill him if he does anything suspicious."

"Yes sir, Chouza-sama!"

Yama calmly walked to the front gate, and without a single word. the Akimichi handed him over to the Aburame, who quickly threw a bag over his head and whisked him off to a separate location.

Approximately 30 minutes later, at an undisclosed location.

Yama was seated in a chair, a bag still over his head.

There were enough fuin and seals on the bag to render a hawk blind and a bat deaf.

Yama well and truly had no idea where he was.

The bag was violently ripped from his head, an he found himself sitting in a nondescript room of white tiles, cheap industrial lights, and a single table.

He was handcuffed to the table, and sitting across the table from him was a single Kunoichi.

Yama gave her a quick look.

"Shimiko-chan's Mom, right?

You have the same eyes."

The stony faced kunoichi replied.

"Correct Yama.

You are currently in Aburame custody.

We'd like you to answer a few questions.

Will you comply?"

"To the best of my abilities."

"We appreciate your cooperation."

"Does that mean you're gonna remove the handcuffs?"


Yama sighed before laughing.

"Is this really called for? I am merely a crippled school teacher, albeit for the last week only though."

"We do not deem your constraints to be overly restrictive."

Yama sighed again.

"So what can I help you with?

I smelled the cataclysm pheromone on the wind.

I assume it has something to do with me."

Inwardly, Shiko flinched, She was not expecting the man before her to know of the Cataclysm Pheromone Jutsu as well.

Outside the interrogation room, the 11 elders of the Aburame clan were watching the scene.

One of them slammed his fist onto the table.


Back in the room however, Shiko continued with the interrogation.





"Village of Origin?"

"One long since destroyed."

"Relation to the Aburame?

"Friend to the Aburame" was the instant reply.

Shiko scoffed. Yama didn't even know what the phrase actually meant and he threw it around way too casually.

"Prove it."

Yama simply sighed and shook his head.

"Can we level with each other for a second?"

"Go ahead."

"We both know the same few things.

One, I essentially invisible to the Kikaichu. You can tell them exactly where I am, and they will tell you that there is nobody there.

My chakra is completely crippled, and they think I'm dead, and nothing you say will convince them otherwise.

With that in mind, you can't even use that one strain of them to determine if I'm lying based on my chakra fluctuations.

So if you don't take whatever I have to say at face value, you can't get any information from me.

You have no other choice than to trust me, since there is no way for you to verify anything I say."


"Two, this is just my guess so far, but I'm pretty sure that the reason I'm here is that I know something about the Aburame that I'm not supposed to.

If you activated the Cataclysm Pheromone Jutsu for a different reason, please let the Hokage know. I am well aware that only the direst of circumstances would lead to its activation."

"Anything else you have to say?"

"Nope not really. Please just ask exactly what you want to know from me, and I'll try to answer."

"Very well. How do you know so much about the insects of the Aburame Clan?"

"Had a good friend who was an Aburame."


"Doesn't matter. He's dead."

"Did you kill him?"


"How can we verify that?"

"The Dead-man's switch would have passed the genetic memory onto the remaining clan insects, they would recognize me."

"But you are invisible to Kikaichu as you have previously stated."

Yama went wide eyed.

"Fuck, I hadn't thought about that."

"I believe you now see our conundrum. Furthermore, how do you know about the dead-man's switch?

By now, I'm sure that you have figured it out that that is a particularly tightly held clan secret."

"My friend told me about it."

"The friend that you won't identify."


"How do you know about the Cataclysm Pheromone Jutsu?"

"Seen it before."

"It hasn't been performed since before Konoha was founded.

You're old, but you're not that old."

"Take it how you will. I have no Kikaichu on me, and only they have the genetic ability to recognize the scent without every smelling it before.

The only way I could have recognized it is if I've felt it before. You can make your own conclusions, though."

"You know too many of our secrets. If you don't allow a Yamanaka to purge your memories, you will either die or stay confined forever."

"Yamanakas can't mindwalk me. It's a long story, but you can talk to Inoichi about it."

"So do you prefer death or imprisonment?"

"Not really, Can you give one second? I think I have an idea."

Yama was flashing back to a very long time in the past, and the memory was hard to call to the forefront of his mind.

Following the destruction of Konoha at the hands of Pein, he had earned the respect and acknowledgement of the villagers.

One of the clans that was, shockingly, particularly warm towards him was the Aburame.

Perhaps it had to do with his friendship with Shino, but during the reconstruction, he had been invited to a ceremonial dinner at the Aburame household.

Following the dinner, Aburame Shibi, the head of the household, had pulled him aside for a private discussion.

The man was quiet and of few words, much like Shino, but Yama could still remember what the man had said to him.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you have saved the village, saved my clan, and saved my family.

Words can not even begin to describe the depths to which we owe you.

With your blessing, I would like to pass onto you the highest honor that we can give a non-clan member.

I would name you as 'Friend to the Aburame'.

No one has born this title since Senju Hashirama.

It is a mark of our debt and gratitude."

"What are you so serious for, Shibi-san? Me and Shino are already friends, of course I'm a friend to the Aburame, too, dattebayo!"

"We appreciate your acceptance."

"Oww, what the heck was that?

Naruto felt a sudden sting behind his left ear and reached a hand up to rub the spot, which was quickly becoming sore and tender.

Shibi responded.

"That was the mark that names you Friend to the Aburame.

A specialized insect that only I as the clan head have access to bit you behind the ear.

Its bite performed a small and nearly meaningless change to your chakra network in that area.

If you ever pulse you chakra there, it will produce a message that will be recognizable by any Aburame or Aburame Insect."

Naruto's eyes flew wide open.

"Shibi-san, I don't think I can handle any insects living in my body, with the whole Kyuubi thing, you should really reconsider."

"You have no insects Naruto-kun, It is simply a name. The insects will hear it."

"If you say so..."

Yama looked up at Shiko before looking back down at his hand cuffs.

"These are Kage level chakra suppressing seals right?"

"Yes, Yama. You'll find them quite unbreakable."

"No, this is actually perfect. I remembered a way to prove my identity.

But first, are there any non-Aburame listening in?"

"You are solely within the custody of the Aburame."

"Can the Aburame keep a secret?"

"Better than most."

"Good enough for me.

I don't know if this is gonna work, but don't freak out, okay?"

Before Shiko could respond, the entire room shook.

First the floor rumbled. Then the air started humming.

Before she even knew what happened, the chakra suppressing seals on the handcuffs in front of her exploded in a blinding light.

Her eyes instantly washed out, and her ears were ringing.

It took a couple seconds for her to come to, but as soon as she did, she found the table in front of her destroyed, with Yama still sitting there, except he had no handcuffs on, and he was looking a little sheepish.

She was caught unaware by the attack, and her insects were likewise paralyzed, not even in communication with her like they normally were.

She tried to rouse her chakra and prepared herself for another attack from Yama, who was still sitting in the chair, sporting an extremely uncalled for sheepish grin.

But one of her Kikaichu shook itself from its lethargy and what it said shook her to her core.


More and more Kikaichu started to wake from their stupor and they all shared the same sentiments with their host.










A similar scene was occurring all over the world, even among the deployed Aburame. Every single Aburame noticed their insects fall into disarray for a few seconds, and as they woke up, each colony said the same thing.

Each and every Aburame was almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of messages being sent to them by each of their colonies. But it suddenly grew quiet.

All across the continent, every single insect in service to the Aburame cried out with a single voice


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