《Saints and Suffering: A Naruto Fanfiction》Chapter 29- Fallout


Chapter 29- Fallout

While every other Aburame was trying to figure out what the hell had happened to their insects, there were 12 that had witnessed everything first hand.

To say that Aburame Shiko and the 11 elders of the clan were freaking out was an understatement.

"Friend to the Aburame" was an impossible title. Hashirama Senju was the most recent one, and he was long dead. There were no records of any other, the era of the warring states leading to a mostly incomplete clan history.

Shiko, still sitting in the room, facing Yama, was frozen.

Her kikaichu were rejoicing, and she was at a complete loss for words and actions. Some chakra lingered in the air, and the aura was influencing her kikaichu.

The insects were celebrating, and a few of them flew over to Yama and crawled on his clothes, skin, and hair.

They basked in his chakra, which was quickly fading away. They knew him to be a friend, and found comfort in his presence.

Yama held up one of his hands and looked fondly at the insects.

He smiled and laughed as he observed them.

A small beetle was on his hand, shaking its abdomen to and fro in a figure-eight pattern.

It was dancing, and Yama could feel its exuberance and love of life in that moment.

Its life was tragically short, and it would more than likely die before the day was over.

But in this one moment, it knew a friend.

In the same way that this insect would gladly lay down its life for its queen and its host, there was now a third being that it could trust inherently and would sacrifice everything for.

Greater love hath no one than this.

How beautiful it was to have an unshakable faith.

In such a short existence, how great it was to know such love!

Yama felt it all and more. It resonated and shook him to his core.

Yama smiled from the very depths of his heart, and the hint of a tear started to form in his eyes.

He had known such pain, seen too much, and had endured.

But here he was, moved to tears from the simple dance of a simple bug.

No matter what one could say about this bug, in this very moment, it had lived!

Yama watched on, the smile never leaving his lips.

All creatures great and small...

This too shall pass, though.

Yama had already reined back in his chakra after its momentary release, and its remnants were quickly dissipating.

His body was soon without energy, and even the aura in the room disappeared as it returned to the earth.

The bug had felt the aura slip away, but it did not have complicated thoughts.

The Friend was here. The Friend was not here. It would go back to the hive and share. Never would the hive forget.

It unfolded its carapace and wings, took flight, and disappeared somewhere in Shiko's sleeves.

Yama watched it go.

Shiko was still trying to recollect herself and set her bearings.

Luckily, an elder spoke over the room's intercom and came to her salvation.

"Shiko-san, please guide our honored guest to the primary reception hall.

We will be speaking with him in a much more hospitable format."

Shiko let out a sigh that she didn't even know she was holding.

The fact that Yama had utterly destroyed the chakra suppressing handcuffs he had on had not escaped her notice, and quite frankly, she was terrified of Yama.

The fact that the elders had decided to treat the man in front of her with more respect and hospitality was all that she had hoped for in the current moment.


If hostilities were to break out, she would've been the first to die undoubtedly.

Back in the observation room, the head elder, who had just spoken through the intercom, released the broadcasting button and turned to face his compatriots.

One of the younger elders broke the silence.

"Head Elder, Yama just attacked Shiko, what are we doing?

Shouldn't we attack back?



The head elder just looked at him like he was an idiot. The man who had asked the question looked around the room for support, only to find that the other nine elders wouldn't even make eye contact with him.

Then the head elder spoke.

"Go ahead and do it yourself then. Maybe your kikaichu won't eat you alive for hive-treason?"

The elder paled, especially when his kikaichu started to roil and writhe. His colony was questioning his intentions toward a Friend.

He quickly shed any malicious thoughts. The Aburame were as beholden to the insects as they were to the Aburame.

If the Kikaichu said someone was a Friend, they would not be able to do anything against them without the Hive's permission.

The twelve elders made it to the reception room a few moments before Shiko and Yama would join them.

A young clan head, Aburame Shibi had found them immediately and started to question.

As the holder of the insect that could name the "Friend to the Aburame" the revelation passed onto him by his insects was particularly shocking, since he knew of no one alive that should cause this reaction.

His first thought had been panic, thinking that someone somehow had gotten ahold of the strain and co-opted their use for nefarious plans against the Aburame.

Before he could address his concerns though, the head elder preempted him.

"Shibi-sama, if you have a little patience, I can read you into the situation, but considering the details, this is an extremely sensitive subject. We respectfully request your discretion on this issue."

"Very Well, Head Elder."

The head elder then turned to his fellow clan elders.

"I would respectfully request that all elders other than myself leave. I believe this to be a situation where the fewer people that know the better. I intend to only have myself and Shibi present."

The rest of the elders left the room without a word.

Shibi and the Head Elder sat down at a tea table and waited.

Soon enough, Shiko and Yama made their way into the room.

The head elder introduced himself and gestured to Aburame Shibi

"Hello Yama-sensei, my name is Aburame Jinto. This person right here is our young clan head, Aburame Shibi.

We apologize for your previous treatment and invite you to sit for our discussion, should you wish to continue it?"

Yama smiled before sitting down.

"No harm, no foul. What can I help you with?"

Jinto responded.

"Before that, Shiko-san?"

"Yes Jinto-sama?"

"Everything that has transpired here today is secret. Not to be shared under any circumstance with anyone,

The only authorization that can allow you speak of it is the unanimous consent of all clan elders personally witnessed and communicated to yourself.

Do you understand?"

"Yessir. By your leave, then."

And with that, she quickly strode from the room

Yama waved goodbye to her before turning his attention back to the pair in front of him.

"I appreciate your discretion, and I fully trust the Aburame in this matter.

I also prefer that any information related to today stays within the confines of this compound and the people directly involved."


Jinto waved his hand with dismissal.

"It is the least that we can do for a Friend."

Shibi's face tightened as he looked towards the Head Elder.

"This man is the 'Friend to the Aburame'?"

"Yes. "

"But my kikaichu aren't saying anything even though I'm right in front of him?"

"I know. Mine as well, but he is still a Friend."

Jinto then looked towards Yama.

"I know that you already said much of this, but could I trouble you to inform Shibi-san here of who you are and the situation."

Yama chuckled good naturedly.

"Sure, sure.

Where to start?

You know, this whole Friend to the Aburame thing is ending up being a much bigger deal than I expected it would be.

The situation simply put is that I am crippled, and thus invisible to your kikaichu.

Furthermore, I was named as Friend a very long time ago, and apparently that means that I know a lot of things that I apparently shouldn't when it comes to your clan.

I promise you that I mean no harm, and I still remain your Friend.

That being said, I have to know what is going on with the cataclysm jutsu.

Was it cast due to myself or is there an actual threat?"

Jinto responded.

"No actual threat. the woman you were with, Shiko, cast the jutsu when her daughter revealed that you knew forbidden knowledge.

I have cast the calming jutsu, and things will slowly go back to normal.

We will explain to the clan that it was a false alarm and a simple test of function. It's been so long that we needed to test it anyway. It was just a bit unexpected.

Providential, though."

Yama laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Great news! I'm sure you have more questions though since you invited me here?"

Jinto continued.

"Right you are, Yama-sensei.

I would like to know how you found yourself named as Friend and how you can recognize the Cataclysm Pheromone.

There should be no one alive who can do either, but we find you have done both."

Yama looked off into the distance before replying.

"I once saved the Aburame Clan, and the Head named me as friend.

Later after that, I failed to save it, and they were forced to release the Cataclysm Pheromone.

I can't give you any more details than that."

Shibi took this opportunity to speak up.

"We haven't cast the cataclysm jutsu since the warring states period and the last friend we named was Hashirama Senju.

How can you explain that?

Furthermore, if my insects cannot detect you, then how can I verify that you are actually the Friend.

My insects have simply told me a friend exists, not that you are he."

Jinto harshly reprimanded the young clan head.

"You speak out of turn, Shibi!

The other elders and I have personally witnessed his status!"

Yama mediated.

"Jinto-san, its alright.

Shibi-san brings up valid points.

And the fact of the matter is that I am not in the position where I can easily assuage any of his worries.

What he believe is reasonable."

"But to doubt the Friend to the Aburame is the greatest shame that-

"I said its okay."

Jinto closed his mouth with an audible click of his teeth.

"Very well."

Yama the took his time to directly address Shibi.

"I really do understand your concerns, and by all means, it doesn't make sense.

Like I said, my interactions with the clan happened an extremely long time ago.

I doubt you have any records that could verify them even if I gave you further details to corroborate my story.

What I can tell you is that I was once known as an Uzumaki. I'm sure that you know of their longevity.

That being said. I can't verify that either, so it doesn't really help out situation at all.

I believe we find ourselves at an impasse."

Shibi nodded.

"I agree. Though the elders are sure of your status, I am still the head of this clan.

Until you can personally prove your identity to me, we must go our separate ways.

However, based on the testimony of the Jinto-sama here and the other elders, supposedly, I would prefer us to remain amicable."

Yama smiled.

"I would much prefer that as well.

I promise to you, however, that I am and always will remain a friend to the Aburame.

Should you ever require any assistance, I will answer.

One day, I will prove to you my status."

Jinto sighed.

"You shame us, Yama-sensei."

Yama waved his hand dismissively.

"Shibi-san is right. Until I can actually prove my status, this is the best solution."

Jinto remained silent, and Shibi replied.

"Until that day then."

"Until then."

And with that Yama left the Aburame compound and started his long walk home to the Hatake household.

It had been a long day, and if he recalled correctly, a young Might Gai was waiting for him tomorrow morning.

After he left, the head elder leveled a stare at the young clan head.

"You do not trust the entire cohort of clan elders."

"Trust, but verify. You taught me that, Tou-san."

"I have ceded the position of clan head to you, and with that complete clan authority, but I hope we have not made a grave mistake."

"There is no chance of that."

"You would doubt a Friend and not call it a mistake?"

"If he is truly a Friend, then he would not hold it against us. He said so himself that he understands my position.

If he truly took exception to it and was lying to us, then he is most definitely not a Friend."

"Perhaps I trained you too well. You are an exemplary shinobi.

The hearts of man are fickle, however. We can only hope his stays true."

"Now who is the one without faith in a Friend?'

Jinto scowled.

"If I do anything before I croak, it will be to make sure that your son ends up nothing like you.

I will forge him in my own vision. I pray he is not as willful of a child as you were."

Jinto sighed and continued.

"Let's go, Shibi. We have a lot of fallout to clean up."

Shibi nodded and followed his father. He kept his thoughts to himself though.

Nothing would make me happier or prouder than a son that grew up to be like you, Dad.

As Yama strolled through the village, he took in the sights and sounds.

It was all familiar yet strange and distant to him.

The roads were close to what he remembered before the destruction of Konoha at the hands of Pein, but they were subtly different as well.

The stores, while some were the same, were different as well.

Though he didn't recognize everything, it still felt like home.

He wasn't in any particular rush to get home, so he immersed himself in the experience.

No one would say that Yama moved like an old man, but he was particularly lively while meandering though Konoha. There was almost a spring in his step.

He was reviewing his day as he made his way back to the Hatake compound, and thought there were a few hiccups here and there. He was handling things decent enough.

All my students are making progress beyond what I hoped for, though I am a bit worried about Domaru.

If I forced him to keep up his control exercises, it might've hid his symptoms for longer, but now that he will be performing reserve training at school as well...

He might not be able to create three clones by the time graduation comes. Its late October now, and he will test in May.

That gives him... 7 months or so.

Will he come to me as his control starts to suffer?

Will his family allow him?

I don't remember him from my past. He must have died before the God Tree acted.

I have a hazy memory of a similar chakra from when I had activated Sage Mode while fighting Pein at the village.

I can't be sure that it was him though. His chakra could definitely change during puberty, and I could've been sensing a different Akimichi.

Its not probable though. Whoever's chakra I had sensed was at least advanced jonin level but it leaked out like he had genin level control.

It'd be very surprising if another Akimichi had the exact same problem, but not impossible.

I feel terrible and guilty about it, but in some ways I am glad some of my students died before the God Tree killed everyone.

Sometimes its hard to even look at them.

Yama's footsteps were just a little heavier, but he trudged on.

He walked, lost in his thoughts, considering his plans for the future. There was just so much in flux though.

Mom and Dad are still alive.

Obito is injured.

I gave the Great Freedom Sutra to the bijuu.

None of that will stop Zetsu though.

I hate to say it, but I'm gonna need Shijin to help me figure all this out.


Ever since I've come back. Something hasn't felt right.

All I know is that assuming everything will play out the exact same is the worst possible decision.

Its all changed too much already.

Yama smiled and put his hands behind his head.

Nothing too much though for the number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja!

Yama stepped into Kakashi's house and called out.

"Hey, Kakashi I'm back. I hope you and Gai are decent! I'm coming in."

As he walked into the living room, smiling and chuckling to himself, he noticed a visitor to the house.

Seated in the living room was one extremely irate Kakashi, glaring daggers at Yama while white-knuckling the armrests of the chair he was in as well as the Sandaime Hokage, whose eyes were closed, trying to look somber.

However, the twitches in Hiruzen's face and the way his chest slightly shook betrayed the fact that the man was struggling not to laugh.

Yama grimaced, but it didn't last long. He had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, and a small chuckle escaped his lips.

Kakashi whipped his hand towards his shuriken pouch and prepared to launch them directly at Yama.

Hiruzen stopped him though.

"Stand down, Kakashi. That's an order.

Even if you are young, you cannot be moved so easily by words."

Hiruzen opened his eyes, which still contained a bit of mirth and met the eyes of Yama.

"Please sit down, Yama-sensei. I've heard you had quite the day and caused quite the ruckus."

Yama grinned before joining the two at the table.

"Yeah, can't really deny that."

Hiruzen propped his elbows up onto the table and gazed over his clasped hands at Yama. The previous mirth had been hidden, and he was all business now.

Kakashi noticed the demeanor change and he even sat up a bit straighter.

HIruzen then queried.

"Why don't you tell me your version of the events, then?"

Yama thought for a second before asking.

"Everything that happened today?"

"Sure. Enlighten me."

"To make a long story short. I went to the academy and evaluated all the kids.

They're doing great by the way.

After that, I went to the Akimichi Residence to discuss Domaru-kun's training schedule with them.

We amicably disagreed, and rather than perpetuating the conflict, I decided to let them do as they wish and support however I can.

Then, the Aburame came for me. They had to ask me a few questions, but we sorted out our business and that too ended amicably."

"Did it now? I heard that every single Aburame not deployed in the field came to the Akimichi residence looking for you?"

"Of course it ended amicably, they let me go and I'm uninjured! That's enough proof, I should think."

"Perhaps, but as the current acting Hokage, I must ask you what occurred between you and the Aburame in specificity.

I have questioned every single person I can, but every single Aburame instantly clams up and says that the matters of today are a clan secret.

Their elders have even communicated to me in no uncertain terms that you are the only one that can tell me anything.

So what really happened today?"

Yama shook his head.

"I'm afraid that I can't give you that much information either. It does actually involve clan secrets of the Aburame."

Hiruzen's demeanor started to ice over.

"You might be under the false impression that I am asking you a question just because I am being polite with you.

Make no mistake..."

Hiruzen's severe gaze started to intensify further.

"You are a refuge within Konoha. Your mere presence in the village is at my whim and grace.

I can have you thrown to the wolves, imprisoned, exiled.

Not even to mention something as trivial as your teaching position.

I am in complete control of your freedom and well being right now.

And I am ordering you to tell me what you discussed with the Aburame."

With every word, Hiruzen Sarutobi escalated his aura and killing intent.

The man known as "The God of Shinobi" had engaged his full force of will against a simple, crippled academy teacher.

By the Sandaime's final statement, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

Poor Kakashi was on the sidelines, and his adrenaline was already pumping.

A cold sweat had broken out on his palms, and his heart was racing to the beat of a hummingbird.

Yama was unflustered. His steady gaze met the Sandaime.


Hiruzen was irate.

"You dare defy me?"


"You understand your fate is in the balance."

"I am eminently aware."

"And you tell me 'No'?"


"Very well. You have made you bed now lie in it."

The Sandaime called out with steel command in his voice.



Kakashi jumped up from his seat and drew a short sword from within his sleeve and held it in an aggressive stance aimed at Yama.

The short, sword wasn't the chakra saber of his father, that was still being repaired, but it was the same dimensions, and he had started to practice with it to ready himself to wield the chakra saber once more.

Hiruzen continued,


I think we're both pretty thirsty. And some Sake if you have it."

and all the tension in the room diffused into nothing as the Sandaime leaned back into his chair with a smile on his face.

Kakashi whose heart was still racing didn't know if he heard the Hokage right.

Tea? Sake?

Kakashi was frozen in place, and his face, even covered by his mask, was open like a book.

His eyes were swimming and his hands trembling.

The confusion had stunned him, and the rug was pulled from beneath his feet.

Hiruzen started to smirk.

'"Do you not have tea, young Hatake?"

Kakashi, still holding onto his short sword answered robotically.

"Of course I do, Hokage-sama."

"Well, then hop to it."

Hiruzen's smirk started to grow a little wider.

He and Yama were looking at each other.

Yama was grinning, too.

Hiruzen started to chuckle, and Yama started to laugh.

They played off each other, and soon enough both of them were laughing uproariously and slamming their fists on the table.








It was starting to dawn on Kakashi that these two codgers were laughing at him, and his face flushed with shame.

It then turned to anger.

"Get your own tea!"

And Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves, leaving the two old men rocking in their chairs, chests racked with laughter.

Eventually the laughs died down, and they both wiped a tear or two from their eyes.

The Sandaime spoke first.

"I haven't laughed that hard in years, Yama."

"Me too, Hiruzen, me too."

The chuckles completely died away, and the Hokage spoke again.

"I trust the Aburame implicitly as one of the founding clans of this village.

If there was a problem, they would handle it.

If they say there is no problem, then there isn't one.

Very few clans have served the village with their untarnished record.

I had to test you. They showed loyalty to you and wouldn't say anything about you other than that you posed no threat.

The fact that you would guard their clan secrets with your life shows that they have not misplaced their trust."

Yama smiled.

"Think nothing of it, and there is definitely no need to apologize.

You have extended a warm welcome and hospitality far beyond my greatest hopes and dreams.

If you would have me here, I would call Konoha my home until I die."

Hiruzen Sarutobi laughed and slapped his knee.

"Are you that quick to die? I feel like we've still got a bit more in our old bones!"

The Hokage stood up and performed a quick transformation jutsu, changing his appearance to a nondescript old man.

"Now let's go get some of that sake. I haven't been out drinking in a while."

"You sure your old bones can handle it?"

"I raised Tsunade and Jiraiya, I'll drink you under the table!"

And the two strode out of the Hatake compound headed towards the red light district.

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