《Ghoulish insanity (incomplete/finished)》Chapter 13 - My Dwarf-san can't be this shy, and becoming an adventurer
Grom is an incorrigible delinquent and insisted that he needed to moisten his throat with an alcoholic beverage or two, so I struck a deal with him. In exchange for buying me candy apples, I would allow him to go drinking. Alyce-chan is good at the art of the deal, right?
So it came to pass that I'm standing before the candy apple seller holding several delicious looking, bright red, sugar-glazed candy apples in my small hands. Since I'm grasping sticks, I get a weird flashback to the melty jellies on sticks, but this time, Alyce-chan is going to consume people food, not people as food, you know?
Fufufu, call me gourmet Alyce, connoisseur extraoirdinaire! Pioneer of the secret cooking technique called Pillar of flame. Hohoho! I wonder why the Master Chef class isn't available to me. It's surely just System-chan being tsundere, right?
Not that I would ever pick chef as my class, but it's truly strange how it hasn't appeared yet. Perhaps to unlock the Master Chef class, Gordon Ramsay needs to appear and shout ''where's the lamb sauce?'' at me, and I need to reply ''there's the lamb sauce!!!''
Alyce-chan is puzzled.
“Ye happy with those, lass?” Grom asks and I nod. He's still holding his money pouch and gazing back and forth, but I can't realistically carry any more candy apples. Although I can make them float with telekinesis, I decide to not be greedy.
“Yes, this should suffice for now.” I reply, and Grom puts away his money-pouch with a sigh. By the way, money pouch is not a euphemism.
“Right. Time to uphold your end of the bargain.” Grom says and I nod in response.
“Lead the way then.” I reply, and Grom frowns at me. “You should head back to that fancy place and leave a dwarf to his drink, lass.”
“You won't fool me so easily Grom. If I leave you now, there's no way you'll attend the party tonight, right?” I say, and Grom sighs but confirms my suspicions with a reluctant nod.
In the end, I manage to convince him to take me along. We get a few weird stares as we enter a rather disreputable establishment full of mead guzzling brawlers. It's just mid-day, but there are already drunk people getting into fights. If you want to have knuckles for lunch, please go right ahead, just don't bother me.
It's no problem for us though, since Grom's massive frame discourages any rabid dogs that would approach in search of a knuckle-sandwitch.
I wonder what would happen if I train my manipulation of sand a lot... If I became able to manipulate sand like Gaara in Naruto as my third class, would that class be called Sand Witch?!
Oh mein gott! I don't want to read my status screen and see, Alyce sand witch.
Please spare me from the Alyce-chan Sand witch!
We make our way to a corner of the tavern and conquer a table for two, Grom ordering a large pint of pitch-black ale with foam on top. I don't order anything because I am content with my candy apples. Actually, I have to fight to contain my drool. Before I even notice it, it's already running from the side of my mouth and dripping onto the table like a water tap that you haven't closed proplerly. Drip drip drip. What an unsightly woman I am, but alas, this matters not when I have candy apples.
It's good that we're hidden away in a dark corner, just like I prefer, fufufu. But I'm definitely not a creep, okay? Goddamn it!
Grom sips his ale contentedly, a bit of foam getting in his beard. Perhaps beard-san will finally acquire the sustenance needed to gain sentience or perhaps that is just my wishful thinking... Grom's lazy smile as he drinks is enough encouragement for me as well. His eyes went far away and he's in his own world enjoying his beverage and chilling. It is time for Alyce-chan to enter her own world as well.
Putting four of my five candy apples aside for later, I grab my first victim and raise it to my trembling lips. Drool overflows, but that doesn't matter. A low growl escapes my throat and I engage this oversized old-school lollypop.
Running my tongue across the surface of the candy apple, a sweet and sour taste explodes in my mouth. It's so good! Candyapple-chama instantly gains my stamp of approval with it's amazing taste. My throat makes another weird noise because I am enjoying it so much, but that is irrelevant.
My long, prehensile tongue moves on its own, wrapping itself around the candy apple several times like a boa constrictor enveloping its prey. By the way, Boa Constrictor is not a euphemism either, alright?
My tongue moves and squeezes, licks and tastes all around the candy apple. It might be a slightly grotesque sight, but I'm sure no one will notice it since we are sitting in a dark corner away from the plebeian mead-brawlers intent on grinding their unarmed combat skill.
It is only after about 30 seconds of supreme candyapple-chama enjoyment that I realize Grom is staring at me with wide eyes. Oh... I quickly retract my tongue back into my mouth like Jar jar binks, but I'm still smiling because of the glorious aftertaste of the candy apple.
Wiping drool from my mouth with one of my sleeves, I look up at Grom. “What's up dog?”
“You... that tongue, those movements... That ain't right... I've seen something I cannae unsee.” Grom says, his eyes still wide.
“Oh come now Grom old chap, you've known since we first met that I was a ghoul, an undead abomination spurned by the god of light! Wahaha, praise your overloli of death-- Ahen.” I say.
I'm trying to say it quietly so I don't accidentally aggro the mead-brawler mobs in the tavern instance. I'm sure that they don't drop any good loot, and they give you the sweaty man and acidic barf debuffs, so aggroing them is definitely not worth it. Not by a long shot.
“No, I mean yes, I know you're an undead ghoul, but... that tongue and the way it...” Grom replies.
It seems he is deeply shocked. I just look at him with a question in my eyes, because I truly don't get it. Grom seems to shake himself from a stupor, quickly reaching for his mug of Ale.
“The way yer tongue moved...” Grom whispers under his breath. “That ain't no way for a little girl's tongue to be movin'.” Grom says, coughing once before aggressively taking a huge gulp of his ale. He glug glugs his ale a bit too vigorously and I start worrying. What on earth is wrong with Grom?
My frown deepens, but I don't ask Grom again. I have no idea what has gotten into his head, but perhaps he remembered our first meeting when I was still in tattered, rotten pieces. It probably offended his sensibilities. Maybe he was just thinking to himself that it was good he hadn't ordered any food, lest he vomit it back up. It's a bit sad that Grom thinks I'm so repulsive, but I guess it can't be helped.
Nevertheless, Grom's dislike of the way I eat candy apples is no obstacle for me. If the hairy old goat can't take it, then he shouldn't have bought me these lovely candy apples! Ufufu.
Slowly, my tongue slithers out from between my lips like a snake stalking its pray, and I bring the candy apple back up to my mouth. Grom hurriedly looks away, which just confirms how much he finds my way of eating disgusting. I'm sorry I'm such a rotten woman, okay? I can't help that I'm a corpse monster, you know?
Even if Grom ends up becoming super repulsed by me, I proceed to eat my candy apples using my tongue to thoroughly taste the outer layer before eating the apple itself. As I serenely eat my candy apples, I see that Grom is speeding up his drink guzzlin'. He keeps ordering more and more ale, and he wont look at me no matter what. He averts his gaze like a frightened little girl...
What a whimp, he can't even look at me when I'm in my beastly monster mode! Tehehe. I guess I overestimated you, Grom. But I will forgive you this once, because you bought me these delicious candy apples. With this, we're even, okay?
So man up and look at me! I'm your table companion, goddamn it!
In the end, no matter how hard I tried, Grom kept averting his gaze from me. I bent this way and that while licking the candy apples, but Grom would always turn his head away from me and take a deep drink of his ale.
What a strange thing. I really don't get it. Tehehe, Gyuuh~
“My, my... aren't you lucky that I'm done eating Candy apples now.” I say. Grom finally looks this way, so I quickly grab the last candy apple and lick it before he can turn his eyes away again.
“By the seven blacksmiths!” Grom yells, looking away and slamming his now empty mug of ale down into the table. I chuckle underneath my breath as I finish up the last candy apple.
“Okay, I'm really done eating them now.” I say. Grom is reluctant to look my way. It's a scenario similar to the boy who cried wolf, so I let out a sigh.
“Anyway, I wanted to ask you about something. You still remember what you said back in the Lintball forest? You promised to answer my questions.” I say, and Grom finally mans up and looks at me.
I smile to show him that I'm just a cute little corpse-loli, not a horrible ghoulish monster. He clears his throat, but his eyes narrow and his brow furrows. It seems he's steeled his resolve to face me HEADON, apply directly to the forehead.
“Aye, I do remember. Ask away lassy. I'm no librarian, but I do know a thing or two.”
I proceed to ask Grom about trait and talent points. He's very surprised when I tell him that I have talent and trait points I want to spend. So I tell him that I leveled up when the boners attacked and tried to roofie-abduct my precious Tie'sha.
Grom tells me that talent points are very important, and that they can be used to boost your fundamental power. From what I can gather, they're equivalent to the monsters trait points, and what talents you have access to is determined by your classes.
… I get both talent and trait points when I level up... so could it perhaps be that I am overpowered? Fufufu... no seriously, am I really going to become overpowered? If so that's great news. No matter how romantic it is to mudwrestle with low level minions as you struggle up the ranking ladder, wouldn't you prefer an escalator and some snacks on the side instead?
In any case, it seems that you go to one of those rooms Grom mentioned back in Lintball, and use those rooms to pick your talent points. Since I was able to allocate my attribute points without going to such a room, I wonder if I can just do it right here. I hold off on that idea for now though. I only have 3 talent points and 3 trait points. It's no time to be messing around and experimenting.
Besides, I kind of want to go and see this infamous room and it would serve as a great cover for me. After all, ghoulish monsters don't go to those rooms to set their attribute points and stuff, right?
Rising to my feet, I look over at Grom with a smile. “I wanna go right now. I've got points to spend, you know?” I say. Grom waves at me to go. I can tell he is still inexplicably shaken by the candy apple incident, but I cross my arms over my chest.
“Grom, if you don't guide me there, I'm going to have to get more candy apples and eat them in front of you, okay? Goddamn it!” I say, stomping the ground.
I'm making a bit of noise, but this time I'm doing it on purpose to aggro the tavern mobs. If I aggro them, then Grom has no choice but to guide me. Fufufu, I'm a great evil mastermind, aren't I? You can praise me more, you know? No one can match my evil manipulative genius mind, alright?
So we end up back at the adventurers guild a few hours after we left. The sky is beginning to glow with pretty red, orange and pink colours and it looks like it's on fire almost. Nightfall will soon be upon us and I have to go to the party. I bet Tie'sha is nervous, and butlerman could be panicking too, fretting about whether or not I will make it. Ufufu, what an enjoyable thought.
I enter the guild behind Grom and look around. It seems the population of ruffians hanging around in the guild hall has decreased significantly. If I had to guess, they've relocated to taverns such as the one Grom and I just came from. Suits me fine, since I don't feel like fighting my way through a crowd of sweaty men to get to where I need to go.
I spot the rude lady receptionist from before. Unfortunately, she is the only one here so I have no choice but to walk up to her. “Hello again Tilly.” I say, keeping my expression neutral. I'm trying really hard, so I can feel my face working to stay neutral. It almost feels like my left eye is twitch-twiching, but that can't be right since I practiced my pokerface a lot. Surely it has skilled up, right?
Still, Tilly's face goes pale when I approach with Grom in tow. I wonder why. I tried very hard to make my face neutral and relaxed, okay? Goddamn it!
”My.. my lady, how nice to see you again.” Tilly says. The bullshit is strong with this one. She definiteny doesn't like me. ”What bring you back here so quickly?” Tilly asks.
I place my hands on the reception desk and look up at her.
”I want to go to the room.” I say, trying to keep my voice flat and emotionless. I don't want any unnecessary friction, so I'm trying hard to activate the diplomacy skill.
”Bathroom?” Grom asks, his voice loud and bellowing. I quickly twirl around and glare up at him. ”I don't. You should know me well enough by now to not insinuate such things.” I say, still glaring up at Grom, my face slightly red. The bearded beast merely chuckles as if it's no big deal to joke with a lady's dignity and I'm of half a mind to punch him, not that that would do much, but still... “Payback.” Grom whispers neath his breath, and I frown.
I slowly raise my right hand and fold my hand into a fist. Puffing out my cheeks like a child, I punch Grom in the chest. Just when my fist is about to make contact with Grom, I realize that he is wearing his golden breastplate thingie, but it's too late for me to stop.
With a loud thwong~ my fist impacts his breastplate. There's also a wet crunch as pain shoots up my arm. Pulling back my hand to ascertain the damage, I realize it's only a broken pinkie, but it's still annoying. I look up at Grom, who has a horrified expression on his face. Sticking out my tongue with a bweeh~ I turn my back on Grom and face Tilly again.
I grab my broken pinkie and squeeze it to set it right, then activate flesh manipulation to knit it together. “The blue room, you know?” I say, deciding to ignore what just happened. Not because it's embarrasing or anything. Definitely not, alright?!
Tilly nods, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. She quickly points me in the right direction, and I set forth on my quest to finally solve another part of the system-chan puzzle.
Unfortunately, when I am halfway there, I remember that you need an adventurers plate to use the device in the blue room... and I haven't become an adventurer yet. I take a deep breath and clench my fists, but I've got no choice but to go back. Extremely uncool!
Walking back to Tilly and Grom, who just look at me with blank expressions, I grumble to myself underneath my breath.
”Goddamn it, I wanted to become an adventurer in the proper way. There should be a group of ruffians, and I beat them up. Then the guild master comes down and is like oya, oya what a strong one, I haven't seen your face before, are you from another adventurers guild? And I tell him I'm not even an adventurer, and he is like oh we can't have that, then I get a special and awesome induction to the ranks of the adventurers and meet a novice party of adventurers that take me to a dungeon out of mercy, but they get in trouble because they're noobs and I save them and they praise me. Then when we return to the guild, they tell the receptionist about the request, but some people don't believe it and my party gets angry on my behalf and I have to beat up some more people and the guild master calls me to his office and...”
Bump, I walk into Grom. I look up at him with a frown. ”Ouch, watch where you're going.” I tell Grom, but I'm already at the desk.
Grom looks like he is going to fart, his face going red, but instead of farting, he lets out a massively huge bellowing laugh. ”Bwahaha, oh lass. I never get tired o' ye, mad little bugger you.” Grom says, poking me with a finger like I'm some sort of strange animal. How rude!
I ignore him for now and face Tilly. ”I can register as an adventurer, right?” I ask. Tilly shakes herself from a stupor and nods absentmindedly. ”It should be possible, yes.”
”There are two ways. You can go to the blue room and have your status read and printed, then you can apply for up to D-rank, but to become C-rank you need to pass certain tests to prove you can do adventuring stuff and that you're not just a muscle-head. That's the way I recommend for most people.” Tilly says.
“So you're saying I have to fill out a form to get the D?! Where's the romance!” I say, shaking my fist in the air. Two blank faced stares greet me, but I ignore them. I'm used to being underappreciated.
Come to think of it, I haven't asked about the structure of the adventurers guild yet, but I imagine it's something cliché like usual. Therefore I press forward despite my ignorance. ”What's the second way?”
Tilly clears her throat. ”The second way starts you out at the bottom rank and you work your way up by completing requests and commisions. 95% of people that use this method do so because of the Adventurers academy.”
Cocking my head to one side, I reply. ”Oh, that's interesting. There's an adventurers academy? Like a school or university?” I ask.
”Not quite. The main focus is to teach potential adventurers how to fight, and how to successfully complete requests. You also learn how to read and write, and study the weaknesses of various monsters. It all culminates in a written and practical exam with grades and everything. Based on your grade, you can skip some ranks when you become an adventurer using the second method. It's primarily for unruly noble children with delusions of grandeur.” Tilly says with a frown. Oh dear, it seems someone has a bone to pick.
”I don't have to go to this academy if I use the second way, right?” I ask just to be sure, and Tilly confirms with a nod. ”Good, then please register me using the second method. Quickly! I want to go to the blue room...” I say. Tilly lets out a short sigh but nods in the affirmative.
”Very well, here's an empty copper plate. You can fill it in the blue room, since you're going there anyway. Now, the 10 silver processing fee please.” Tilly says. Before I can react, Grom flicks a thump of silver to Tilly and I look from him over to the receptionist lady and back several times.
By the way, a thump of silver is a fat silver coin, and it's worth ten normal silver coins. People call it a thump because of the satisfying sound it makes when you slam it down on the table.
Grom takes the copper plate and hands it to me. ”Let's go lass.” Grom says and looks back at Tilly. ”I'll take it from here, I know what to do.” Grom says. Sighing in relief because I can finally escape from the receptionist woman's judgemental glare, I follow Grom's huge meaty frame to the other side of the adventurers guild and into the blue room. Yaah, blue room-chan, how lovely you are!
I get it now, why they call it the blue room. There are several crystals in the room all pulsing with blue light and it makes me feel comfortable because it reminds me of the light from my monitor back on earth. Back when I was in a prominent raiding guild in WoW, people always used to joke that I was tanned by my monitor and that my eyes were square-shaped, but they're definitely not, okay? Goddamn it!
Ahen. Anyway, I follow Grom over to one of the blue crystal formations. 8 Crystals surround a transparent, glowing plate that fits with the size of my adventurer's ID.
“Here's where ye register yer adventuring data like yer rank and stuff. Ye come here to change it when new stuff's available, like after ye have completed nough missions to rise ta the next level.”
Grom explains and I nod in response.
“Okay, so how can I make it only display the basics? I don't want it to show my race as undead.”
“Well lass, ye have multiple options there. Ye can pick demon or high-elf, or combine them. Just because the option is available, it doesn't mean ye haf ta show it. Now place yer plate there.” Grom says and I proceed.
The blue light intensifies as my plate is placed into the table socket fit for its size, and a strange faint buzz fills the room. It sort of reminds me of the background hum of a hyperdrive engine and it's kind of cool.
Soon, the blue light licks at my copper plate and that is not a euphemism, okay? Goddamn it.
The blue light shines on my copper plate and letters start appearing.
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
F Rank
Title: (Chosen title = N/A)
Age: 10
Race: Undead (Ghoul/Demon/High-elf)
Level: 37
Class: High-Warlock & Fire Witch
Highest stat: Int
2nd highest stat: Cons
When the blue light fades to reveal what was written on my copper plate, I frown. It's clear that this needs some adjustments. As I had suspected, it put my race as undead. Rude bastard! I thought we were friends blue room-chan... how could you betray me like that. You inferior display! You're less graphically advanced than the pop-ups in my vision! Hah, I should've expected as much from a lowly creature such as you, tablet bastard. Hmpf.
Thankfully, only Grom is here, so it's fine for my tablet-chan to misbehave a bit.
Grom was staring at my adventurer plate with a frown on his face. “Why does it say yer second highest stat is constitution lassy?” He asks, perplexed.
I shrug. “Because it is. I gain quite a bit of it every time I level up, so it's natural. Actually, it's threatening to become my highest stat, you know?”
Grom's eyes widen slightly. “Just how high is it?! I know your int isn't normal, that is evident from how powerful yer spells are.”
I quickly check my stats to confirm the numbers. “I've got 466 constitution.”
Grom's face goes blank for a moment, but then he shakes himself. “You're a monster... I keep forgetting. But with this kind of constitution, ye be a monster in a different sense of the word.”
How rude! Anyway, I choose to ignore Groms badmouthing because I want to quickly adjust my copper plate so it isn't so revealing. The bad tablet-chan has to be punished, yes yes. A right good old spanking for tablet-chan is in order.
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
F Rank
Title: Lady of Ravens.
Age: 10
Race: Demon blooded High-elf.
Level: 37
Class: Fire Witch
Highest stat: Int
2nd highest stat: Cons
There! That seems good. Fire witch is still a conspicuous class, but now I'm glad I didn't pick necromancer, otherwise I'd have no option but to stand out even more. Fufufu, Alyce-chan is a tactical genius after all.
With a proud smile of triumph on my face, I grin up at Grom and show him my modified copper plate. “Look at the greatness! The grand deception!” I say, proudly puffing out my chest and standing on tippy toes to shove the plate in his face.
“Aye lassy, it'll do.” Grom replies, pushing the plate away.
“It'll do!? Just that? I worked hard to make it look cool! You should praise me more, you dirty dog!” I yell, shaking my fist at Grom. That's when I notice that a young adventurer is standing in the doorway, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth half-open. When he notices my gaze, he quickly retreats and I can hear running footsteps in the hallway outside.
Coughing a few times, I press the reset button so that everything is okay, then I move on to the other crystal formation which I assume is for the stat priorities and talents.
Like before, there are eight crystal pillars set up in a formation around a translucent blue surface. This one is slightly slanted and looks a bit like a sci-fi console on a spaceship. There are only two buttons. The top says priorities and the bottom one says talents. I definitely have enough talent for the bottom button, so I touch it with the tip of my finger and the blue lights flash, showing some writing.
3 Talent points available. Display available talents list? Y/N. The two buttons change to yes and no, so I click yes to display the list.
Many many options pop up, and I note the most interesting in my mind.
[Demonic Embrace: Your summoned demons gain 10% of your max HP as extra life.]
[Preparation: Able to store spells for later instant cast use. Can store one additional spell every 200 int. Stored spells reserve double their mana cost in your MP pool until released or cast by preparation.]
[Ghostly Wildfire: Your flames burn with a strange haunting intensity, flickering unpredictably to deal more damage.]
[Master summoner: Your summoned creatures receive an additional stat increase based on the summoners int stat. 10% of int added to summoned creature's overall stats.]
Ghostly wildfire sounds awesome, but the other three seem to be really good considering my skills as summoner, and preparation is a really cool concept. With it, I can store up huge spells and cast them all at once for amazing burst DPS. The downside is that it reserves double the mana cost for the spells, reducing my overall MP pool. However, that is a small price to pay for that kind of instant cast goodness. It's like the WoW mage's Presence of Mind talent on steroids, and reminds me of the negima manga when negi learns to store spells and cast them one after the other in glorious pwnage.
One day, I want to store many huge amazing spells in preparation and blow everything up! That would be so fun, fufufu. And when they ask if that was my trump card, I will keep revealing another and another and another until they are left flabbergasted at my amazing awesomeness. But that is still a ways off. I have to learn some big flashy spells in the future...
It's a bit sad that the console doesn't show my traits, but I was half expecting it.
I shrug and move on, picking Master summoner, Preparation and Demonic Embrace. I also want Ghostly wildfire, but alas we have to make hard choices sometimes.
Ping! You've gained the talent: Master Summoner Ping! You've gained the talent: Preparation Ping! You've gained the talent: Demonic Embrace
Excellent! Now I just need to assign the trait points that I have, and I'll be well on my way to becoming a great adventurer. I remember the party at the Corneliáves house tonight and decide to quickly get it over with so I can return there and hopefully eat more of their honeycakes. Or perhaps they have other delicious specialties I've yet to sample!? Of course they do, fufufu, what a great plan. I will eat them out of house and home and mansion and castle, yay!
I turn away from the console and close my eyes. I've become pretty adept at navigating my character screen mentally, so it's no biggie for me to pull up the traits since I've already seen how the talents were pulled up. I just imitate that feeling, but for my more monstrous traits instead.
Again, a huge list appears and I note down the most interesting. There are even more here than in the talent section... and I only have 3 points to spend. Such a shame.
[Blood frenzy: The more health points you lose, the higher your melee damage becomes. Resets awhile after you've regained full health.]
[Sharpened claws: Your Ghoul claws cut like the sharpest of blades.]
[Firebrand: The firey blood of the demonic race flows strongly in your veins. +7% fire affinity -11% water affinity. Tempered by high-elven blood.]
[Demon monarch's killing intent: Lesser beings shiver in fear when they stand before the true ruler of demons]
[Habeas Corpus: Your unholy undead presence seeps deeply into your flesh, increasing your overall co-ordination and control and making you feel more at home in your undead body]
Of course I pick Habeas Corpus as soon as I see it. After all, it says I can increase my co-ordination, which should mean that it will make me more elegant.
It will, right?! It definitely will, alright!? Deus vult! God wills it! And I am god, so it's fine. Fufufu.
Next, I pick Firebrand. Although the water penalties are starting to stack up, I am a fire witch so more fire affinity is very delicious.
For my last pick, I hover between the killing intent and blood frenzy. I'm not really sure what killing intent does, and blood frenzy is melee oriented. Still, since I've got a huge healthpool which will only grow in time, blood frenzy might be an interesting choice, especially compared with something indefinite like killing intent.
It's a tough choice because killing intent sounds so cool, but on the other hand, blood frenzy isn't half-bad either. In the end, I pick blood frenzy and hope I can still pick killing intent later on.
I don't open my eyes to let Grom know I'm done. Instead, I open my status screen so that I can get an overview of all my abilities.
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
Titles Demon Monarch Lady of Ravens Lifebinder Scholar Paragon Acolyte of Death Witch of the burning horizon Psionic Scion Monster Rank: E++++ (Mythic) Basic Information Race: Undead (Ghoul/Demon/High-elf) Gender: Female Age: 10 Level: 37 Character Status Health: 5000 Mana: 21132 Stamina: 2906 Class: High-Warlock Strength: 53 Intelligence: 610 Charisma: 68 Sub-Class: Fire Witch Dexterity: 37 Wisdom: 146 Spirit: 72 Sub-Class: None Constitution: 466 Perception: 46 Karma: -100 Sub-Class: None Affinities Holy: -100% Light: 0% Death: 100% Darkness: 100% Water: -26% Earth: 10% Fire: 47% Air: 10% Resistances Holy: 100% Light: 100% Death: 100% Darkness: 100% Water: -15% Earth: 10% Fire: 40% Air: 10% Poison: 100% Curse: 99% Talents Master Summoner 10% of your int added to the overall stats of your summons Preparation Can store spells for instant use later. Gains an additional spell storage slot every 200 int. Twice the spells cost rerserved in MP Demonic Embrace Summoned demons gain 10% of your max HP as extra life. Traits Untiring (Undead) 99% decreased stamina drain at night. 33% increased Stamina drain in daylight. Life Sense (Undead, Ghoul) You can detect the pulse of life all around you. Radius is twice your perception but 100m max. Hungering (Undead, Ghoul) If you eat the majority of a corpse, you will gain 10% of the experience you would get from slaying it normally. Spitfire (Demon Racial) +1 attribute point per level. +20% fire attribute affinity. -20% water attribute affinity. Ancient blood (High-Elven Racial) +1 Attribute point per level. +5% earth affinity, +5% air affinity Habeas corpus (Undead) Your unholy undead presence seeps deeply into your flesh, increasing your overall co-ordination and control and making you feel more at home in your undead body Firebrand (Demon) +7% fire affinity -11% water affinity. Blood Frenzy (Ghoul) The more health points you lose, the higher your melee damage becomes. Status Effects Perfect Corpse (Condition) -1 Charisma. Uhm, you look perfectly fine, if a little cold. Those with the darker predilections such as necrophilia may even prefer you this way. To those people you appear to have an extra 20 charisma. Curses Eian's Condemnation (Curse) -100% to all attribute gains. Hurry up and perish. Titon's Judgement (Curse) When exposed to the sun and when outside in daytime, -50% to all attributes. Blessings Darkness of the Demon Monarch (Blessing) 100% resistance to holy and light magic acquired. 100% affinity to Darkness acquired. Call of the Grave Queen (Blessing) By consuming the flesh of the fallen (dead), you will absorb a small part of their stats. 100% death affinity. 100% increase to all death related skills. 100% immunity to poison and mundane (non-divine) curses. Odin the All-Father's Retribution (Blessing) 1000% increase to all mana related skills. 1000% increase to growth of all mana related attributes (doesn't apply to achievement bonuses). Skill acquired: Summon Raven Familiar(s). Title acquired: Lady of Ravens. Earthmother Gaia's Compassion (Blessing) 200% increased growth to all health related attributes (doesn't apply to achievement bonuses). Skill acquired: Flesh Manipulation. Skills Summoning Magick 4 Capable of contracting and summoning creatures. Strength depends on character attributes. Higher proficiency allows for more and higher leveled summons. Flesh manipulation MAX Through excruciating effort and pain, the user can manipulate their own biomass. Eating flesh will add to available biomass. Mana Sense 3 The basic skill of sensing mana allows you to more freely use your mana. The more you train, the higher the precision and control over your spells will become. Mana Manipulation 5 The basic skill of mana manipulation allows you to more freely use your mana. The more you train, the higher the efficiency and strength of your spells will become. Telekinesis 6 An advanced magic manipulation skill that allows the user to manipulate objects by using their own mana as fuel. Telepathy 1 An advanced magic skill that allows the user to send thoughts to those near her. Innate unique skill. Level up to establish mental links for two-way communication. Death Energy Manipulation 4 The basic skill of a Necromancer, one who manipulates death. Fire manipulation 4 The ability to freely manipulate the element of fire. Dark Energy Manipulation 2 The ability to control the mysterious dark energy. The power of the void, a high warlocks specialty. Spells Summon Raven Familiar 3 (Active) Summon a raven familiar to do your bidding. Summon rare Imp Familiar 3 (Active) Summon a rare Imp familiar to do your bidding. Summon Rare Fire Elemental 2 (Active) Summon a rare fire elemental to immolate your adversaries. Darkbolt 2(Active) Gather a heavy mass of dark energy and hurl it at your enemies. Fireball 1(Active) Gather a ball of fire and hurl it at your enemies. Explodes on impact. Conflagrate 3(Active) Channel the fires of hell to conflagrate your foes. Blast Wave 1(Active) Fire erupts from your body in a circular shockwave, burning enemies and buying you time. Fire wall 6(Active) Create a wall of fire to prevent your enemies from fleeing as you burn them to ash. Blazing Barrier 1(Active) A barrier of fire, reducing incoming damage. Burns whatever comes into contact with it. Death Energy Absorption 3 (Active) To become one with death is to go against the natural law of the world. You have somehow found a way. Conjure Soulstone 1(Active) Create a vessel to hold souls. The higher the level of this skill, the more powerful a soul you can trap. Curse of Weakness 2(Active) Curse your enemies, making them more frail and susceptible to physical attacks. Drain Life 2(Active) Directly reaps the life-force of the enemy for your own use. You are no ordinary warlock since death is also your domain. Fire Enchantment 1(Active) The Witch imbues something with fire, increasing the damage it deals.
I want to hurry up and dive into some dungeons, slay some monsters and level up a lot. But I also want to eat delicious things at the Corneliáves mansion, so adventuring can wait a day or two.
Oh, and there's also the annoying boner-kun that keeps harassing me. I wish he would just leave me alone. Can't a woman eat in peace for once?
Boner boner go away... okay? Goddamn it!
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Wait? did you say the Demon Lord was a...?
Daron had lived through 2 lives before so now, in a third, he has everything he needs to become great. It's just a matter of fighting his way to the top with what he now knows, but that might be a bit hard when he has to start from the very bottom. From the F- ranked monster the Horned Rabbit, to something great, but it isn't like it's impossible after all the Demon King in his last life was a Horned Rabbit too...
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My Birthday Wish to be a Dungeon Master was Granted!
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Ronan hasn't felt the desire to do much with his life. Being trapped inside of a survival Bunker for the entire duration of his life might have had something to do with that. However, when the opportunity to return to the surface is present to him and his two friends, the man finds a fire he didn't know he had. When they discover that the world has changed beyond their expectations, it is too late. Changed by the magic that now permeates the surface, they struggle to find their place in the world. Instead of keeling over and giving up, the three friends lean on their strengths and stake their claim on the new Earth. Fighting beasts and elemental ghouls, the trio seek out others, hoping to return humanity to Earth. They will either succeed and provide a haven for the other survivors or be forced to live strangled from opportunity and freedom.
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The Never-Ending Search for Amusement
For as long as I can remember, there was nothing. I didn't mind mind, because it was all I had ever nothing. There was just me, surrounded by a dark void, thinking. Before time existed, there was a being. It had no body, but was alive. When the Universe exploded into existence, it realised that it could move the individual atoms to create and destroy entore galaxies. This is the story of a god. Or When god gets bored, he creates deities to amuse him. He makes a planet and fills it with life, including people, and give them a challenge. The deities have 10000 years to make the people as advanced as possible, or they die. Oh, and there's magic.
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7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)
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8 181