《Howling Thunder》Ch.10 Game of Fancy Chairs
A/n Tried to get this out quick, failed.
Btw i appreciate reviews but try to keep full reviews less biased and spoiler free. thats what the comments section is for.
I look out the window, there are many tall stone buildings. I can’t see the tops in the darkness of the night.
Signs line shop doors, carts have been pushed up against the buildings to make room for the crowd of people watching us roll by.
I see, wolves, weasels, foxes, birds, cats, humans, people with horns, tall ones with pointy ears, and shorter versions of them, short barrel chested bearded men, the occasional hooved person, all varieties of tail beyond what I can imagine. It’s as if every race in the world is watching us arrive.
It finally hits me what they meant by center of the continent and capital city.
As we make it up a hill of white brick roads and fancy stone houses we reach and pass another wall and gate.
We begin to slow as well pull into a massive empty courtyard. The castle is built of immense white stone blocks. Its outer walls stretch into the darkness of the night sky.
I wish it was daylight, I can see rows of soft glows from torches all around the sky around us. They light up what appear to be massive bridges all connecting to the castle and spreading to the city.
I can almost hear the sound of running water over the crowd of people.
As I step out of the carriage in front of a massive set of armored doors I spot the massive water falls. There looks to be dozens pouring out from the castle towers and onto the torch lit bridges. Where does it all come from and where does it flow?
The crowd has gone dead quiet.
“Ahem” I hear Ulfa cough for my attention. I’m looking like an idiot in a new land aren't I.
I look back and give a hand to Akane as she steps down.
She’s doing her best to hide her emotions behind a straight face as she steps aside.
Walt steps out onto the first step and takes a look around.
I can’t help it, I offer him a hand same as I did Akane causing her to giggle before stopping herself.
He arches his eyebrow and grins before ignoring my hand and stepping down.
Next to hop down is a black wolf of normal size….with an annoyed look in its eyes.
I can hear whispers in the crowd but can't make out anything in particular.
Nowhere in sights are the other two carriages but before I can do anything a guard steps forward. His armor is slightly better than the rest, he stands eye level with Akane. The grey plate mail has a shine in the pale torch light, a long sword at his side, a wolf head shaped helmet under his left arm. He seems the picturesque Winter Tribe knight.
He addresses us, “I would be honored if the young alphas would follow me into the castle.” he gestures towards the doors.
We say nothing and begin walking towards the doors.
The sound when they open reminds me of the gate to the den, somehow this door feels like the entrance to something far scarier than The Dark Wood.
The entry guards close the door behind us and we are led to a small room off to the side similar to the old parlor. Crackling fireplace, comfortable looking furniture, a few bookcases, such is standard decoration for a waiting room I guess.
The guard bows, “I will be back shortly to bring you to the throne room once we are ready to begin.”
The moment he is out the door, “OUCH DAMMIT!”
Ulfa took a nice bite into my thigh before moving to lay by the fireplace.
“You just had to play a fool in the courtyard huh?”
“Maug would have done it, hells, I’m pretty sure you would have too.”
“Doesn’t matter, it's my job to make you look good and have you taught what you need to know so you don't die.” she puts her head down as if the conversation is over.
Akane walks over and scratches Ulfa’s ears, “It made me feel better though.”
Ulfa sighs as she leans into Akane’s hand, “Whatever, perhaps it is better he’s thought a bit of a fool as opposed to a threat in the eyes of the court.”
Should I be threatening somebody?
Walt browses the books while I lay down on a couch near Akane and the fire.
Ulfa has one last comment to add, “Nox, The Barghest bows to no one. Akane, an empress bows to no one. Walther… well it will look silly if only you bow.”
A little while later the guard returns, “Please follow me, young alphas.”
We are lead to another set of armored doors, the other girls are outside waiting for us. Lupa looks impatient while the twins seem excited.
The girls fall in place behind us as the guard opens the doors.
He announces, “Hail the young lord alphas Nox, Akane, and Walther.”
We enter the room, it is a vast circular room all in white stone like the rest the castle. However the center of the room is a large shallow pool of crystal clear water glowing with soft blue light.
I walk forward, it’s somewhat obvious what to do. Stone steps are spaced out moving forward into the pool center to a white circular platform.
Around the pool is a ring of white, torch lit columns. An audience watches from a ring platform between them, I pay them little mind. The girls stop at the edge of the pool behind us to bow.
Ahead on the opposite side of the pool a raised stone platform extends over the edge, the water seems to be flowing from it.
Three thrones stand upon the fountain, behind them is a massive statue of a golden hawk, wings spread wide and staring us down, behind it I can see into the night sky. Above me the ceiling is a tile mosaic dome depicting a cloudy blue sky.
The left throne is a red wooden bench with a flame motif and a few gold cushions, the backrest is a Torii as mother called the upward curved beam. She herself is seated on this throne wearing a slightly less revealing kimono than she normally wears, her hair is done up with a crossed pair of golden pins with delicate flame patterns.
The right throne is white stone carved to look like a wave, the thin back looks to have been carved into a waterspout. Seated on it is a beautiful woman with long golden hair. She wears a wreath crown of silver feathers, and she is wrapped in a white silk gown that goes over one shoulder, it barely contains her massive breasts. Her gold winged arms are crossed in her lap.
The middle throne appears to be made entirely of steel. As if taking a page from Freki, the back is the visage of a sharp wolf head. A large battle axe leans against the left armrest.
The man in the center of it all, The Lord Fenrir.
He’s toweringly large, shaggy, short white hair, short grey scruffy beard. A single green eye, the other hidden behind a black eye patch. His white, fur lined, grey leather coat reaches his feet.
He seems to be waiting for something, I stand in line with my siblings and look him in the eye.
He shows off some massive canines as he smiles down at us. His gaze starts at Walt, he looks him up and down, scratching his beard before nodding and moving on to Akane in the middle.
His eye narrows when he looks at her resting tail. I’m not sure what’s to judge, deep blood red with a slightly black tip. He looks to mother as if to compare, hers is a lighter shade with a white tip.
With a shrug he turns to me, his ear twitches. When he looks at my tail I intentionally shift it slightly allowing a small wisp of fog to fall to the platform, it splashes like water releasing some barely noticeable static.
He bursts into laughter, “So! Never mind the bowing, you choose to show off what you are from the start? Good! Anything otherwise would be an annoying pain in the ass.”
I can see mother roll her eyes. I can’t help but crack a grin.
The golden woman speaks to father, “I’m happy to see you pleased husband, I was worried with all the nasty rumors floating around the castle.”
Nasty? What have we done to earn such rumors?
He pounds his fist on his armrest and cheerily replies, “I’ve no reason to be otherwise, I can see the boys take after me and the girl doesn't have the presence of some useless dainty princess.”
“If my daughter has the will to become an empress then I will teach her to rule. If the youngest wishes to stand the leader of an army then I know many good generals. And if my eldest wishes to create a kingdom for himself then I will lend him the finest builders for his castle.”
I can see mother smiling, half relieved, half satisfied, “It seems your line is fated to have their names forged into this age in blood, fire, and stone.”
The gold woman nods excitedly, “As they should, my husband shall be revered as the father of great rulers.”
It finally strikes me what grandmother meant when she compared me to father. The shaggy hair, the bossy first wife, the bird brained second… Mother who was keeping an eye on me bursts into laughter.
The gold woman looks at mother cheerfully, “I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself Madam Inari and using that throne, I was beginning to worry it was a waste.”
Mother gives the woman a warm smile, “Yes it’s quite nice Queen Emese, thank you. Now, dear husband,” she pauses looking at odds with herself over saying those words, “shall we dismiss for dinner?”
I spot father’s tail wag we she called him husband, “Absolutely, I’m starving.”
He stands up, great coat reaching the floor, his heavy armor boots echoing on the stone. He picks up the axe that was leaning on his seat, I get a quick better look at it. A black metal haft the length of his massive arm, the head in the shape of two mirrored, black, crescent moons.
He throws it on his shoulder and addresses the room, “Welcome my pups to Yoden, now everyone off to eat!”
With a cheer people begin to file along the ring and out doors on the sides, mother and the bird queen walk somewhere behind the throne platform. Father however leaps out clear to the center where we stand.
Standing in front of him I now realize that he's a few heads taller than us. He ruffles Akane’s hair before grabbing Walt’s and my shoulder and leading us towards the door.
We stop at the girl’s, “Now who are these fine young ladies ...Hmm ah! You two must be my sister’s girls! You girls look just like she did back when she wasn’t a nagging bitch.”
Sassa seems at a complete loss while Asta isn't the least fazed, “An honor to meet you uncle Fenrir” she does a slight bow of her head, she seems very excited.
He laughs with a bellow, “Ya look like fine girls, I’m sure you’ll be grand sorceresses just like your grandmother. Now, who is this overly matured Nico girl?”
Lupa does a slight bow, however...
Yes he’s looking right at her chest without a shred of shame.
I answer, “Lupa, and she’s mine, along with the fancy puppy that looks like she’s ready to bite me.”
The room is empty of others so Ulfa shifts into her human form and walks over to hit me on the head.
I lazily block her chop only to be punched in the gut, “You Idiot! Who said to go showing off in front of the court, you could just hang a banner that proclaims you a threat to all their ambitions!”
Father scratches his beard, “The pretty lady isn’t wrong pup, and while I’m glad to see your like myself you need to be careful in these walls under the eyes of others.”
Ulfa turns to him, “Either way it’s a pleasure to meet you lord Fenrir, I am the servant and consort of the wolf goddess Freki and currently nanny to this pup.”
He looks Ulfa up and down, then down again stopping at her legs, “Can’t say I often feel jealous of a god. How is the moody vixen, lil Miss Nemy never has anything very nice to say about her… or anyone for that matter.”
Ulfa has a slightly pained expression, I think she already finds father tiring, “She’s cheered up quite a bit these last couple years with the arrival of her fuzzy pup here.”
He starts walking towards the door, “Good, the past is best left in the past. Now, I'm hungry and I’m sure there is a line of venomous snakes waiting kiss your asses to the jolly tune of superstitious whispers.”
Lupa locks her arm in mine as we follow the giant man out, I can tell she’s not pleased with how the introduction went. It’s not hard to understand, father only stopped to notice her breasts before he completely ignored her. This would probably be a sign that I should avoid becoming too much like my father.
After a bit of wandering through the dim stone halls we arrived at an arched entry to an enormous dining hall. Ulfa didn't bother shifting back to wolf form.
Several tables lined up in front of one turned the other way, I could see mother and the bird queen Emese seated on either side of a massive wood chair carved to match the throne.
Lupa kissed my cheek before moving towards a table filled with similarly colored people. I spot her mother in the crowd, they must all be from the Nico tribe.
We moved toward the head table, hanging from large wooden beams overhead are massive metal pans filled with fire. Behind the head table a massive window allowed view of the glowing city down below.
I spot Patra standing to the side of the table with a sleeping Iris, Ulfa gives me a warning look before going over to stand with Patra.
I sit to mother’s side, Akane next to me, then Walther, then the twins and last came their mother.
I think this is the most uncomfortable seat I’ve ever sat in, it could be the hundred or so people looking at me. As my ear twitches I see a few faces warm.
Mother nudges my side, “just ignore them and eat for now.”
A massive boar on a tray is placed in front of Akane, fully roasted and complete with apple in mouth. It’s the first time she’s seen a whole cooked animal, the food in the den was always prepped in the kitchen. She actually looks like she’s about to cry she’s so freaked out. I hand her my tail under the table and she keeps her nerve.
I carve her and myself a plate. As I go to take my first bite I see a man standing in front of me waiting patiently. He has short pointy ears of golden fur. His beard is braided and in a tight square shape. His inspecting gold eyes have vertical slits, his skin tan like Ptah. He’s wearing a gold and white robe over one shoulder. He’s wearing a strange, large hat with blue and gold stripes, it covers the top of his head then the cloth drops down in front and behind his shoulders.
Father speaks up, “How are you Phix, I didn’t spot you in the throne room.”
The man displays a handsome smile, “Yes my apologies Lord Fenrir, we have just arrived, a rather annoying flock of birds delayed our caravan.”
Father rolls his eyes, “These ignorant fanatics have been cropping up, dealing with them has become taxing while we continue to send people south.”
Phix waves his hand, “I completely understand and I certainly appreciate your aid in matters so close to my own kingdom. Now I’d like to introduce myself and my daughters to your fine looking pups.”
He waves to his right, two women walk up. I’d guess them to be a few years older than me but I’ve no way of guessing. This is my first time meeting anyone from the Neko clans.
The man smiles broadly at me, his teeth are perfectly white and exceptionally sharp looking.
“Young alphas, I am Anax Phix of the Parsa cat tribe, ruler of many lands not far south from here. And these…” He places his hands on the two girls shoulders, “Are my daughters Ailu and Sachi.”
Sachi gives a strong impression, her toned muscles showing in her revealing red silk gown. It’s similar to Patra’s, it crosses her modest chest in front before forming a knee length sarong. Her shoulder length white hair is done in hundreds of thin braids. Her long tail has short white fur.
Ailu is shorter than her sister, her black hair is extremely short and messy and contrasts her white gown. The dress matches her sister’s which means it clearly shows off her larger breasts. Gold rings line the bottom sides of her black furred ears along with a small gold nose ring. Her tail is also short furred, but black.
Ailu winks at me while Sachi gives me a polite nod of her head before showing interest in Walt who like wise gives a nod invoking an ever so slightly noticeable smile from the warrior girl.
Gods is it that easy for him?! And what’s up with this Ailu girl...now she just licked her lips. Personally I’m flattered but the short hair and overly forwardness aren’t doing anything for me. The slight display of shyness from Sachi was much more appealing.
I speak to Phix, “It’s nice to meet you and your daughters.”
He keeps up that unsettling grin, “Naturally, I’m sure you’ll find time to acquaint yourself better with my girls.”
Not if I can help it.
Suddenly Phix jumps a little, “Ouch!”
Clamped down on his golden tail is a small, white creature that looks like a bear and rabbit combined, on its forehead is a small red gemstone horn.
Phix shouts at the man approaching the table, “Dammit Hevel, get this thing off me!”
An old cat with grizzly grey hair with tufts of black on his ears, no tail can be seen in his grey robes. With his wooden staff he whacks the little white thing. I notice the staff is topped with a reddish gem matching the one mounted on the creatures head.
He wheezes a little while he laughs, “My apologies Lord Phix, Monty is a very young carbuncle.”
Akane looks like she is about to explode with excitement. I admit it’s damn adorable, and the red gem matches her.
The old man named Hevel picks up the creature and hands it across the table to her. It immediately takes to her curling up in her lap.
Father speaks up, “Already spoiling my daughter Hevel?”
The cat just chuckles more, “I see no issue with it, enjoy your meal young pups we will speak later.”
He hobbles off out of the hall, Akane looks sad she didn’t get to thank him.
Mother looks to be inspecting the creature, “Take good care of that creature, it may serve you better than you expect. You will get to thank Hevel later tonight.”
Phix looks rather annoyed, his creepy grin gone, “Madam Inari, might I suggest cooking the vicious thing?”
Akane looks terrified as she pulls it into a hug.
Mother looks at him with curiosity, “You know exactly what that creature is Anax, suggesting such a thing is akin to placing a dagger in your own back. Be a good kitty and go back to your table.”
Phix storms off in a huff, the girls politely bow before following their father.
The rest of the meal is more of the same, gifts for Akane, daughters for introduction to Walt and I.
Finally, after I’ve thoroughly lost my appetite because of these annoying people, mother stands.
She looks towards father, “Let us retire to your study to chat with the pups. Will you be joining us Emese?”
The gold queen takes another sip of wine before slurring her speech, “Nope, I wills go tos my hubby’s bed to prepare, Will you be joining us Vulpi?”
Mother walks over and gives the woman a hug, “No dear, you can have the brute for yourself. I promise not to keep him busy long.” she looks back at father once more, “Skoll, escort your darling wife then join us.”
As we all get up to leave the rest of the room stands and bows, Patra and Ulfa follow us out.
I swear this castle is a white stone maze, if mother wasn't leading us I’d probably get lost and die in some random corridor.
We enter a large room lined with bookcases. On the far side a massive carved desk and chair are placed in front of another massive window facing the city. In the center of the room a lowered section lined with cushioned seats and a large fire pit is prepared in the middle.
With a wave mother lights the pit before taking Iris from Patra and laying her on the cushions. She takes a seat herself and places Iris’s head in her lap. Akane joins her side and pets the carbuncle in her lap.
I take a seat, “Ulfa?” I pat my lap.
Walt chuckles as he walks over to look at the desk. Patra follows him, curious as well I guess.
Ulfa sighs as she walks over and sits next to me, she doesn't flick or kick me. I raise an eyebrow.
She mirrors me, “What you want me to hit you now? Unfortunately for others, being annoying comes with our warg blood. You forget who my mate is.”
Ah, I guess if Maug doesn’t bother her then I don't stand a chance in teasing her… Boring.
Mother laughs softly so not to wake Iris, “You sound as if you already want a new toy son.”
Ulfa stretches out across the seat on her back, once again placing her legs across my lap.
This is just cruel, “Ok you win.”
She takes her foot and scratches my ear, “Awe poor puppy worried his bed will be empty tonight? Don’t worry, I’ll curl up by your feet like a good dog.”
I swat her foot away, “That’s good way to tempt me into something that won't make Maug happy.”
She sits back up, “Just try it pup. Anyway don't worry, you’ll have a new toy in a couple days when we fetch our valkyrie.”
Patra plops down next to Akane to check out her new pet, Walt is looking out the window.
The Fenrir enters the room followed by Hevel. He walks past us and sits at his desk, leaning his axe on the chair, its a powerful image.
He looks over at mother, “So that’s the demi god bird girl, she’s cute, Nox is lucky.”
Mother doesn’t look at him, she preens Iris’s feathers, “Yes she’s a wonderful child and as long as I’m here in this twisted capitol she is not to be out of my sight.”
He nods, “Makes sense, seems we’ll both have little girls at our sides for the foreseeable future.”
Akane pouts but Hevel steps up, “Don’t worry little miss, that fluff ball will take good care of you.”
Mother adds, “Akane dear, aside from its charming appearance, the creature can tell when someone is telling a lie or being deceitful, a valuable asset here.”
Akane smiles and continues to pet the fluffy white thing, finally a replacement for my tail.
Mother chuckles before addressing father, “This girl here is Patra, I’m sure you’ve heard of her from Ptah. She has been equipping the pups.”
Father laughs, “Yes she’s been doing a fine job but if I’m to believe mother she’s been servicing Akane here in another way.”
Akane turns red and so does Patra.
He chuckles more, “We’ll she certainly does take after you Madam Inari. Now let’s get to business. It is my regret you pups were born into this family at this time but all the same I’m thankful to the goddess that you are all strong.”
He pauses looking at Ulfa, “Yes all of them, I’ll raise no issue on this account. The more gods in our families favor the better.”
He looks to me, “Boy that man Phix, it would be unwise to trust a single thing he says, I even doubt whether those were actually his daughters. He is the son of the very man who drove the jackal tribe from their home.”
Patra is suddenly much more attentive.
He continues, “Be wary of his daughters, particularly the black one. I’ve already heard rumors of this very night she was seen attempting to chat up the father of your Lupa girl.”
Well she moves fast, “Don’t worry I’ve no intention of going near that cat.”
He raises his hand to stop me, “No, I suggest you carefully try to learn more from her. At the very least you and Walther should try to find out the true story behind the two girls. Leave their father for me to deal with for now, if your mother doesn’t decide to kill him and be done with it.”
Mother looks out the window, “If only it was that simple, the chaos having a head to keep it in control is rather important.”
Hevel chimes in, “Assuming he is even the true head.”
Father looks towards Walt still standing at the window, “tomorrow, you are to go with Hevel to meet some of my honorable generals, you may trust the eyes of the old lynx.”
Walt nods, he looks to Akane, “You daughter are to meet me early and as you’ve been instructed you will stay by my side, I’ll show you around the castle.”
Akane looks a bit conflicted, “You aren’t mad about having me tagging along everywhere?”
He laughs, “No I’m quite happy to have my cute daughter to brighten my work in this dull place, I’m only sorry you will be unable to freely explore with your cute pet...both of them.”
Akane turns red again. This time Patra has her slightly perverted grin.
Now looking at me, “have the guard you met tonight take you to the library, I’m told you have some reading to do. I cannot properly explain how important it is that you take this reading seriously. Many will look upon you with fear. If you want to be successful in life you must be aware of the mistakes of your black tailed predecessors.”
He glances at Ulfa again before sighing, “But I will not tell you what to do, it’s my task as your father to guide you. I don't wish to see the people hunt my son like a criminal or monster to be beheaded in the town square.”
I honestly hadn't realized that was even a possibility. Like hell I’d let my life end in such a pathetic way! ...My right shoulder itches and despite the fire I feel a chill.
Father gets up from his desk and addresses Ulfa, “I do need him to follow the tradition for Yoden pups, the event will be in two weeks, after that we will discuss sending him south to accomplish Freki and Hoji’s advice. Please ensure he’s ready.”
Ulfa nods, “Of course Lord Fenrir, It is my goal to have him ready for anything, even you should the need ever arise.”
He once more gives his deep jolly laugh, “I hope not, that challenge has already been decided for Akane.”
The girl in question suddenly looks confused and scared, “Wait I have to fight you?”
He nods, “Me and likely many more leaders if you are to truly become the first empress of the middle continent.”
He pats her head as he exits the room, followed by Hevel.
He pokes his head back in, “You sure I can't get you to join us Madam Inari?”
Mother pulls some fire from the pit and sends it flying at him.
He laughs once more as he dodges into the hallway.
With that I get up ready to call an end to this incredibly long day… and my stomach rumbles.
Patra notices, “Didn't feel like eating at that horrible ass kissing festival?”
I shake my head.
Patra hops up and with a cheer, “Follow me then, we can go to the servants dining hall. I was shown where it is earlier. There should always be someone keeping food warm.”
Mother stands up, “Don’t be too long, and don't get lost. This castle is old enough now to have attracted more than a few random spirits haunting it’s halls.”
“Hey, hey, you’re kidding right?!” spirits?
“Ouch shit!” Ulfa flicked me.
“No simple house spirit would dare assault the barghest.” her arms are at her hips.
You know, I wonder how your pride would fair against a ghost.
Patra, Akane with her pet, Walt, and I with wolf form Ulfa are walking through the dark stone halls. The four of us and the dog have been wandering for what feels like forever as my growling stomach is starting to make Akane jump.
Patra punches my shoulder, “Shut that thing up already.”
I retort, “Well then show me where this damn kitchen is, how long have we been wandering in the dark?”
I flick her shoulder.
She punches me again.
I lightly kick her butt.
She hops on my back and tries to bite my ear.
“Get off me you little bitch!”
“Kiss my ass stupid fuzzy!”
End Prologue Volume
A/N im sure this chap is a bit ruff to some with a critical eye, unfortunatly ill need to review it more later tonight as its a busy weekend but i didn't want to leave a complete chapter just sitting around.
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