《Howling Thunder》Ch.9 The Fastest Solution
A/N Woot for breaking into the top 30!
I’m awake, but I’m not getting up yet. I collapsed after that poor excuse of a fight. Those birdmen, they didn’t even hesitate to counter my fog. That was my first real fight alone. I got stabbed, kicked, sat on, and slashed.
My shoulder is sore but that is all I feel of my injuries. I must be in the back of one of the wagons. Laid flat on the wood as we travel some poorly kept road. I can smell the river still, there is a warm breeze.
I keep my eyes shut, “this is horribly uncomfortable.”
Lupa answers, “You should have thought about that before you decided to go on a reckless rampage.”
I open my eyes and look towards the voice, Lupa is sitting next to me in the back of Mother’s wagon.
The soft breeze is blowing through her gorgeous cream hair, it's no mystery why I’ve fallen victim to this girl. I feel like I would do anything for her.
Without getting up I look her in the eye, “I’m sorry, but I'm also not.”
She arches an eyebrow, “Oh? Well, it isn’t like I don't understand what you mean.”
“Hey, I’m going to put this behind us. You going to stay angry or can we get on with our lives together? Thanks for patching me up again by the way.” I slowly sit up.
She helps me, I guess she’s not too angry still, “Ouch!” she poked where I was stabbed!
She raises her voice, “Just forget a week of being ignored!?”
“Hey, that was more you than me. I still want you by my side when I meet my father, what about you?” great let’s just keep digging that grave.
She sighs, I can tell she’s just as exhausted as me with this, “You can't ditch me that easily, of course I’ll be there.”
Mother calls back, “If you two idiots are done with your nonsense talk come take over driving the wagon.”
I hobble up to the front seat. Well, we are out of the woods.
The occasional tree and hill can be seen north but the majority of my sight is filled with green, grassy fields.
I take the reins from mother, Lupa sits next to me and falls asleep in my lap.
Mother steps into the wagon and leans out next to me over the bench. She reaches down and waves her hand over Lupa. It is Mother’s sleep spell.
“Son, you will have many girls in your life. You honestly shouldn’t get too caught up on this one. I’ve seen as much in your fate.” She is gazing out at the fields ahead.
I give her a questioning look, she continues, “I am 364 years old, these seven tails do more than you can possibly imagine. After we're done meeting your father you need to do several things before he sends you south to the war.”
“So I will be going then, do I even get to spend a week in the city?” I’ve been looking forward to this so much.
Now I’m just going to pass through on my way to more fighting.
“Yes a week at most for rest then you will get new equipment and a days’ worth of instruction from Patra once she receives her shop that her mother has set up for her. It’s her third year present. “
“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.” really that’s great for her, she gets a shop and I get a war.
Mother ignores my comment, “You will spend a day in the gladiator amphitheater, all magic abilities will be forbidden while you show your father and the court what you can do.”
“So gladiators are fighters that put on a show?” That sounds a bit fun actually.
She nods, “Basically. After that you will spend a few days in the Valkyrie bastion …”
“What’s a Valkyrie, or a bastion?” the list of things I don't know just goes on forever.
Mother hesitates before answering, “Umm, on second thought I may change my mind about that. Perhaps we should see if there is a raiju in the mage tower.”
Hey now what’s a raiju?!
As she’s thinking I have to bring the wagon to a sudden stop. A Large black dog has stepped out onto the road.
It’s nearly the size of the horses, its black coat shines in the sunlight, and it has a pleasant silky sheen.
Its large green eyes lock on to mother, it makes a slight bow.
It speaks in a soft feminine voice, “Greetings Madam Inari.”
Mother looks excited, “Ulfy! Why has Freki sent you?”
The warg looks at me, “I am to oversee the mistress’s pup during his stay in Yoden, after the events earlier she figured it would be best if matters were handled a little more directly. He’s not stupid fortunately, just ignorant.”
Maybe it’s because she appears so much bigger that I didn't recognize her.
As I think that, the horses try to back up in fear. She shrinks herself in a bit of black fog.
Now the size of an average wolf, she addresses me, “Nox, you may call me Ulfa. I will be in charge of your schedule for the next couple weeks.”
Ulfa looks back to mother, “Madam Inari, as to what you were speaking about as I arrived, he will go to the bastion. The mistress has chosen a Valkyrie currently in training there.”
Mother looks extremely happy, “Is Freki rejoining the Winter Pantheon?!”
Ulfa nods, “Yes, she proclaimed while standing atop her throne that 300 years has been plenty of time to mope. I suppose we have the arrival of this pup’s soul to thank for that.”
The horses get impatient bucking their heads back, they must still be intimidated.
“I guess we better keep moving, um Ulfa want hop up or …?”
Maug stayed out of the horse’s sight most the time. Of course Maug doesn’t have the same intimidating presence as Ulfa, he’s mostly just annoying.
Ulfa shifts into a black cloud once again as she floats up to the seat. I’m a bit stunned
Sitting to my right side is a slim and beautiful human woman. Her silky black hair gently rests over her left shoulder. She has the allure of a mature woman and is wearing a simple yet form fitting black knit, long sleeved, dress that reaches just above her knees, the neckline is a V shape that leaves me wanting to see more. She’s wearing black heeled boots that come to a point in the front and only extend slightly above the ankles.
Ulfa lets me look for a moment before speaking, “I would say keep it up pup and you’ll upset my Maug but I doubt that would make you stop.”
Mother hits the back of my head, "I know I mentioned you’ll have other girls but Ulfy is definitely not one of them.”
I flick the reins to get the wagon moving again, “Care to tell me more?”
Ulfa cuts in, “it is hardly appropriate while you already have a girl in your lap. We have better things to discuss at the moment.”
“Fair enough I guess. So what do you mean by, in charge of my schedule’?” the wagons ahead slowed for us to catch up.
She leans back on the bench and crosses her thin yet eye catching legs, I bet if Freki looked older she would look like this.
Ulfa answers, “After your little display of ineptitude earlier Mistress decided your ignorance should be eliminated quickly as possible. You lack a basic understanding of your abilities. It is entirely unacceptable for the champion of our goddess to appear a fool.”
“Well that is a blunt way of putting it. Take it easy on me a little, I’m only two years old.”
I mean I’ve never fought alone against a group like that before.
Ulfa flicks my head with a clawed finger, “Ouch!”
She scowls at me, “That line of thinking is weak and absolutely will not be tolerated.”
I think I understand why she is here now, “Fine, tell me what I did wrong, and cure me of my ignorance.”
It’s a long ride anyway.
She starts, “First, you have made it a habit of cloud bursting at the start, while fine in some situations, it is hardly necessary, and gives away a large portion of your capabilities. As well by now you should have noticed it is not all that difficult to counter with heat, adding more water, or air pressure. It would be better reserved to counter physical attacks while your enemy is unaware.”
She pauses to let me take it in before continuing, “Also your control is pathetic. You currently are unskilled at anything beyond all or nothing fog form. I will teach you later how to better control the amount you absorb, density, storing items, and more fluid movement.”
I comment, “The storage thing seems quite useful. Ok what next?”
She gazes out into the fields, “After the cloud failed you tried to sweep an erratic beam. You blamed the spear. The copper should have enhanced your ability, you didn’t take that or the spear’s shape into account, causing an uneven spray instead of a focused effect.”
“A trident channels your arc through its prongs allowing you to create a thick beam, a spear has a single point which could create a mid range fan effect. Charging the tip would have been devastatingly effective. Instead, you failed with fog and ranged lightning, then gave up using them in the fight almost entirely when you could have better utilized both.”
Where has this master of ideas been these last two years while I stumbled about on my own?
She looks over at me, “Are you thinking something I should flick you for?”
I shake my head, “No, just this would have been very helpful to know earlier.”
She gives a dry laugh, “And who would have been able to teach you? I will grant that it is not your fault you are young and have been sheltered, but do not make excuses, that is for the weak.”
Fine, “Anything else from today?”
She looks at the sky, “Charring their feathers was a lucky effect of your scattered lightning, if your enemy presents themselves to you like the leader did, use that time to look for such weaknesses. Next, do not be so ready to disarm yourself and then let your guard down so much as to take knives in the back and destroy your momentum.”
Hmm, “So know my abilities, know my weapon, know my enemy, anything else?”
She grins, “Tell me, what would have happened if you had let them approach you before properly releasing a fan of arcs through the spear with the intent to ground them and then lured the fight into the river before cloud bursting with a large discharge?”
I see, “I could have dropped them all at once, know my surroundings huh?”
Mother pats my head, “See we knew you were smart.”
I look down, “Mother, is keeping Lupa asleep still needed?”
Mother looks like she completely forgot, “Do you want to explain why the gorgeous Ulfy is sitting next to you?”
No that sounds like a pain.
Mother sighs, “I suppose we’ll leave her for today, we can just tell her she was tired from healing you.”
I look back to Ulfa as she starts bouncing those distracting legs, “Hey when you shape shift to this form do you have like a mental image of what you want to look like?”
She gives me a sideways glance and a teasing smile, “Is it that distracting for you pup?”
She chuckles, “No boy, think of yourself, did you try to picture something when you shifted into a warg during the fight?”
“No, I just followed my instincts.”
“Exactly, if I was truly a human, I don't doubt this is how I would look. Same goes for my handsome Maug.”
That lucky asshole, but I can't picture him as anything more than a cackling idiot.
She goes on, “On that note however, you must never lose control of yourself, and try to avoid that form for the time being. The white lineage is raised with horrible stories of the fallen black tails.”
Mother adds in, “I was there Ulfy, most of those stories are not far from the truth.”
Ulfa frowns, still gazing away into the vast plains to the south, “Those pathetic mutts are dead and gone. This pup will give the Winter Tribe new stories to tell.”
I cut in, “That seems like a lot of weight to throw on my shoulders. Ouch!”
She flicked me again, “You know pup I’m beginning to miss that impudent soul of yours from our first meeting. He may have felt lazy but he didn’t seem afraid to take what he wanted.”
Mother flicks Ulfa earning a look daring her to do it again, “My son will grow into a great Alpha, and I know your pride won't let him fail.”
Ulfa scoffs, “Of course! As the first true barghest since the Mistress herself walked this realm, he will be a wolf of legends, it is in his very blood.”
I rub my head, she is nailing the exact same spot with her claw each time. What is it I want anyway. I know nothing but the den… I did really enjoy being in charge at that fort in that shitty village to the north. The meals together with the cute girls, my brother and that silly Maug, the view from the tower overlooking the small river valley. To lead? To enjoy good company? My own tower? Certainly none of it sounds bad.
I ask, “How do I get my own fortress?”
Ulfa smiles with mirth, her green eyes have a shine to them, “Now that’s what I want to hear from you. You will have one, you will have everything you want, and you need only take it.”
Ulfa pauses and her expression turns grim, “Just remember, None may order you. If you fall like the stupid mutts 300 years ago I will kill you myself. Their greed let them be manipulated into them desiring things they had no knowledge of or need, things that poison the soul and turn the whole world against them.”
Mother adds, “Conquerors and heroes unite people under banners and create legends. While the wars may be brutal and short, they do not fail to bring progress to this world. Petty usurpers and cruel leaders cause stagnation, give rise to rebellion, and cause many pointless deaths.”
More weight, “Seems an awful thin line.”
Ulfa flicks me again, seriously you’re going to draw blood woman!
She simply states, “It’s a line you will walk, I’ve been watching you. I don’t think you will fail. You will be feared, you may be hated by some, and you will go to war. However I can tell, you have no mercy for the filth of this world. You will be a fine leader.”
Encouraging yet daunting.
Tonight we camp within a small wood on a hill. Akane is in a tent with Mother and Iris. I brought Lupa back to my tent, Ulfa shifted back into a dog and is asleep in the corner.
Lupa should wake by morning. I undress her and put her in the blankets.
What a waste to finally have her in my tent and be unable to play.
On the other hand, this seems like a fine time to practice manipulating dreams.
I focus while placing my hands on either side of her head. The best I can do is to stimulate a driving emotion within her dream. I’ll try to give her a ...pleasurable night.
I can feel the spell take hold but being unable to enter her dream myself I really don't know if it worked, I’ll ask when she wakes up.
I lie down next to her and blow out my lamp.
Morning arrives to a tight feeling and the sound of moaning.
The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Lupa awake and biting the edge of the blankets over us while she is grinding on top of me.
“Guess you had some good dreams?” She gives my chest a light tap with her fist.
She clamps down and shudders before collapsing. After a moment of lying on my chest she spits out the blanket.
In an exhausted whisper, “You ass, I wanted to wait till I had you begging for it.”
Ulfa speaks up from the corner, “Thanks for the show.”
Lupa yips and hides under the blankets, “Is that Maug?!”
I laugh, “Did it sound like him? No, she is his mate, Ulfa.”
Ulfa stretches her front legs and then moves towards the entrance, “I’d say it’s a pleasure meeting you but I believe the pleasure was yours.”
The sun is already up when I step outside, I spot Ulfa, Mother, Akane, Patra, and Iris eating breakfast. Walt must be off swinging his sword somewhere while the twins watch and admire.
Ulfa is in Human form and being questioned by Iris.
“....Where did you come from, why is your hair black like Fuzzy, where is your tail, do you have a husband or a wife, you have pretty eyes, are you gonna finish that?” Iris is hoping up in down in front of her.
Ulfa sips her drink and calmly responds, “My name is Ulfa, I’m over 200, I’m here to guide your future husband, I came from the god realm, I am a black wolf, my tail is hidden, I have a mate, thank you, and yes these are my sausages.”
Iris looks to be struggling in deep thought, “What’s a mate?”
Before I can step in, Ulfa answers, “Nox is your mate, and you will sleep with him in attempt to make pups in the future.”
“Do pups come from eggs like I did, why must I sleep with him to make an egg, have you laid eggs before?” She’s back to bouncing on her feet.
Once more Ulfa quickly answers before I can get a word in otherwise, “Pups don't come from eggs, but they come from within you like an egg. You sleep together to attempt to make an egg grow inside you. I... have been unable ...to make pups. No more questions.”
Mother reaches over and puts an arm around Ulfa. Iris seems to get the hint and runs over to me.
Patra hands me some food and I sit down next to Ulfa letting Iris hop in my lap.
Iris whispers, “I think I made the pretty green eyed lady sad.”
I whisper back, “Would you be upset if you couldn’t lay eggs?”
Iris looks terrified, she spins in my lap and hugs me nearly knocking away my food, “Iris will sleep with Fuzzy every night from now on!”
I pat her head, “When you’re a bit older.”
“How old!” she puffs up her cheeks.
Hmm, “At your second year.”
She looks appalled, “That’s in forever!”
I give her a hug and finish my meal.
Lupa, Walt and the twins arrive.
Mother speaks up, “We’ll reach Yoden this evening. You’ll sleep in real beds tonight.”
Patra and Akane look ecstatic.
“You pups will change into your best gear once we reach sight of the walls, the wagons will be left on this side of the river to have the horses rest. Small carts will take your stuff to the castle. You will quickly bathe in the Inn before meeting up again. We will ride in carriages across the river and through the city.”
I’m having trouble calming my own excitement.
“Once in the castle you will enter the grand hall when instructed. Nox, Akane, and Walther will approach the throne even with each other. You girls may follow at a distance behind. I will already be seated at your father’s side. Patra you are to follow me at all times tonight, during the ceremony stand near the other attendants, hold Iris and remain silent.”
Now I might be a bit nervous, “Ouch!”
Ulfa flicked me! Ah, “Hey what about Ulfa?”
Mother thinks on it before sighing, “I’m sure rumors will spread as soon as we reach the stables due to your transformation in front of all the caravan guards. And despite my efforts at other options, you look silly in anything but all black.
“So you with your ridiculously sinister appearance will be entering the great hall with a large warg at your side. It will cause speculation but it’s possible the rumors will confuse you two in the story of yesterday. Might as well make a grand show of it, court is silly anyway.”
Not sure how I feel about the extra attention, “Ouch! Come on I didn't even say anything!”
Ulfa chuckles, “No, but you still looked like a nervous dog….and its fun.”
….her and Maug were made for each other.
I hear Patra giggling. I shoot her a mean look.
She laughs, “Ooh scary. Want me to lick it better for you Mister Big Fuzzy?”
I know what she can do with that tongue…”Hey!”
Lupa slapped the back of my head…
”Ow! Cut it the hell out!”
Ulfa flicked me again, “Don't be such a whipped pup.”
Iris is laughing so much she falls out of my lap.
“Whatever! Ulfa! Help me pack up, the sooner we get there the better, and none of you others are riding with me today.”
Ulfa gets up and follows me to my tent without response until we arrive.
“I like your girl Iris, she’s sweet.”
“I fear for when she gets older.”
Ulfa looks at her claws then glances at me threateningly.
“Got it, keep comments like that to myself.”
She walks past me into the tent, “Doing better already pup.”
As we roll along the hills lessen, the plains become flat, and in the distance I can see wooden towers with long, rotating cloth blades.
Ulfa follows my curious gaze, “Those are windmills pup, the food for your den and capital comes from the farmlands out here.”
I look at her, trying not to be distracted by her legs in the bright sunlight, “have you been to Yoden before?”
She stretches out on the bench to sun herself, placing her legs across my lap. The bottom edge of her knit dress rides up a little. Her more than decent breasts become more pronounced as she lifts her arms over her head.
She laughs at my wandering eyes, “These legs and breasts belong to Maug young pup, though your mother has had her time with them, as well as the mistress on occasion.”
“You shouldn’t leave me out of the fun.” I can’t help but smirk.
She chuckles, “You should look forward to the Valkyrie bastion then. But to answer your question, no. I have only viewed it from the god realm. In fact this is my first time leaving Freki’s wood.”
“Has she really been moping on that tremendous throne for 300 years?” I feel a deal of concern.
Ulfa closes her eye as if to reminisce, “As long as I’ve lived she’s never strayed from her home in those woods. When other gods came to visit I’d hear tales of her past antics and glory.”
Her eyes shoot open and she looks at me, “I’ve just remembered, I must warn you. The mistresses so called, niece Nemesis, Your father is her champion. He will undoubtedly be fully aware of what you are.”
“What is this goddess like?” I think I’ve heard her name mentioned before.
“She is a fanatical little brat. She is always looking to rise to action over some new cause. She gained great influence for her role in aiding the creation of the Yoden tribe. Basically, she’ll be a pain in your ass, but it won't hurt to help her.” She yawns.
Ulfa roles over and puts her head on her arms to nap.
...speaking of ass.
At the first farm houses Ptah stops the caravan for us to put on clean armor.
I see Patra’s slightly perverted gaze looking at Ulfa as she walks by my wagon.
Thinking it might be fun to tease Maug a bit, I pat Ulfa on the butt to wake her up.
I catch a jealous look from Patra, but before I can laugh Ulfa has me by the tail.
“You won't get a flick for that pup, but remember I’m off limits.” she sounds mad but I can see a hint of a smile, she might be bragging a little.
As the sun begins to set I barely glimpse a long white wall in the distance slowly being lit up by what must be torches.
As we get closer I see a massive wall behind a large village.
The road has become properly maintained as we reach the first houses, a pair of guards bow as we pass.
The houses at the edge had thatch roofs and mud looking walls.
Not long after I begin seeing wooden homes, much better than the shacks in the village to the north.
The road becomes stone bricks. Small stalls pop up along the road here and there, the houses get larger and more complex, and the wall in the distance continues to grow. I can’t make out much detail in the buildings towering over it in the all but gone daylight.
We reach a large square bordered by two story buildings and a large fountain in the middle.
The fountain has a statue of a large majestic wolf howling. Smaller statues line the rim of the fountain, a bird, a fox, a weasel, and a cat.
As we pull to the side of the square at what must be the inn, Ulfa explains, “That is the Howl to Arms fountain, a symbol of unity in the beastmen race.
“And that,” she points at the walls on the other side of the massive river which borders the west side of the square, “Is the outer wall of the fortress city Yoden, sanctuary for the beastmen and center of all trade in the middle continent.”
Mother walks up, “those torch lit walls run for miles in around the city, and it would take hours to walk from one side to the other. But you can look as we cross the bridge, hurry go wash and put on your new ceremony outfit.”
Huh, “Miles, Hours?” I see Ulfa is also clueless
Mother shakes her head, “I worry about the point of the den sometimes. You can learn about distance and sundials later, get moving! I’ll be leaving the moment you all are ready, I have to change in the castle.”
Ulfa follows me all the way to my room at which point I have to ask, “Um are you following me in?”
She lightly flicks my arm, “Of course. I will help you clean up as well as take care of myself. I can't allow you to embarrass yourself by looking unkempt and as an alpha you should expect your attendants to help you wash.”
If I can get a look at her I won't complain.
The bath is tiny compared to mother’s was in the den but I guess this is standard for an expensive inn?
To my great disappointment Ulfa does not undress to wash my back and once I am clean she simply shifts into a miniature wolf before jumping into the water with me.
Adorable yes, but still disappointing.
My new black jacket is clean and fitted perfectly, it favors looks over practicality since i can avoid any physical attack...if I'm paying attention.
Outside Walt is standing in a full set of white armor, simple yet sleek looking, it’s probably fairly lightweight despite its decent protection. He has a flowing grey cape with a white fur collar.
The twins are in new and nicely fitting white gowns. The dresses are identical but the twins wear them differently. Asta leaves her shawl open exposing her breasts, you can see metal tips to her boots. Sassa clasps her shawl shut and is wearing silk gloves.
Lupa is in her usual ceremonial outfit, she has the collar tied all the way up her neck. The top piece seems to barely keep her chest from slipping out the bottom of it anymore.
Akane finally appears in a fancy red and black kimono, the pattern of what looks like burning flower petals can be faintly seen in the torchlight. Her height and wild red hair give it a strange appearance combining beauty and danger.
Akane loses herself when she spots the puppy Ulfa.
The warg has to shift into her actual size to escape Akane’s death hug.
Each carriage can fit four people, and is pulled by a single horse. There are three of them, the first looking a bit more extravagant having a very eastern red theme.
Mother had the first one to herself and Iris. Akane, Walther, Ulfa in human form and I had one to us. Patra, Lupa, and the twins had the third.
The bridge is long but wide enough for two such carriages to pass each other with room to spare, looking out the window I see grates in the white stone at a set distance apart, Ulfa says its a defensive measure.
As we reach the gate Akane grips my tail in a nervous squeeze.
She looks at me, “what if he doesn’t like us?”
It is Ulfa who laughs, “Don't worry red pup, the Fenrir will adore you to no end, I can tell. All of you will be wonderful in his eyes, it’s the court you have to worry about. Stand tall, speak only to your father and his wives.”
“Do not speak to them unless spoken to first. At dinner you will be annoyed by the castle guests along with the ambitious members of court. My advice is to do as this silver pup does and just politely nod without speaking to them if you can avoid it.”
Ulfa looks at me and Akane from the bench opposite, “The human’s greed for wealth is contagious and endless, often it causes pain and suffering to innocent people. It taints the soul and poisons the heart, it is selfish and different from our own desire to lead and build a grand home for our family’s prosperity. Never let that great evil befall you. The demons as well, they want nothing more than to cause suffering, it brings them no greater joy.”
“Well, this sounds like a hell of a party.” I grin at Akane, like I’d let any of that nonsense near my sister.
Ulfa smiles warmly, “Doing better fuzzy pup.”
My ear twitches at that name.
The gates are lined with ten guards on either side, as we pass though they remove their helmets and bow.
I look at Ulfa, “Tell me Ulfa, how many guards are standing there?”
She quickly frowns and averts her eyes before kicking my ankle with her sharp boots, “Ouch dammit!”
A/n thanks for the all the fun comments on the last chapter! I know its harsh giving the MC a reality check but he has to grow.
This part of the story is very detail oriented im sure i'll come back and nit pick these chapters later on. hopefully in the next ten chapters ill be able to come back and smooth these out without wrecking my pacing.
- End903 Chapters
Heavenly Jewel Change
[Zen’s Synopsis]In a world where power means everything, and the strong trample the weak; there was a boy born from a Heavenly Jewel Master. Born in a small country which had to struggle to survive, the boy was expected to do great things. Alas he turned out to have blocked meridians and was unable to cultivate, ending up the trash of society. His father’s tarnished pride… his fianceé’s ultimate dishonour…Being almost accidentally killed and left for the dead, heaven finally smiles upon him as a miracle descends, awakening his potential as a Heavenly Jewel Master. Or… is it truly a gift?Join our dear rascally and shameless MC Zhou Weiqing in his exploits to reach the peak of the cultivation world, form an army, protect those he loves, and improve his country!An all new world, an all new power system, unique weaponry & MC! Come join me in laughing and crying together with this new masterpiece from Tang Jia San Shao![Translated Synopsis]Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power.Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same person, the pair is known as Heavenly Jewels.Those who have the Physical Jewels are known as Physical Jewel Masters, those with Elemental Jewels are Elemental Jewel Masters, and those who train with Heavenly Jewels are naturally called Heavenly Jewel Masters.Heavenly Jewel Masters have a highest level of 12 pairs of jewels, as such their training progress is known as Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes.Our MC here is an archer who has such a pair of Heavenly Jewels.
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The Unbinding series Arc: The Dark Spiral Book: Darkborn Shae is broken. Deeply hurt by life, unable to fit in and without the perspective to understand what the people around her mean by their actions. Her only link to the world around her, a pet cat, dies, and her world is turned upside down. When an opportunity presents itself, she grabs onto it, unaware of the part she is made to play in plots that may well determine the fate of mankind. Forum post: https://forum.royalroadl.com/showthread.php?tid=100419 *** 03-May-2018 For all intents and purposes, this book is now finished. At least the second pass. Editing a book is soo much slower than writing it in the first place :( Book 2 of the Unbinding series, chapter 1 has been submitted, and should be readable any moment now. Please check it out, read it, enjoy it and maybe even comment on it. Join me on twitter to get updates on my progress, @mroysson *** Cover background Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash Cover design by Al Pearce (https://twitter.com/alpearcedev)
8 197 - In Serial16 Chapters
Reality Drift
Kaye's life always had been cruel to him, but then he met ava, his girlfriend. She spirited away every single problem from his life. Yet life laughed at him once again by taking his reason to live. It fully devastated him. He tried to commit suicide, but he heard her voice one more time while he was drowning in the water telling him: “Don't give up yet. Try to give life one more chance.” He did as her voice guided him and found himself teleported to another world. He started to live a normal life in a fantasy world. However, one day he found out that the world he had been living in wasn't even close in comparison to the previous one. He found the truth of the world that every single thing was possible in the world he had been living in. The same truth led him to believe that he could also bring back Ava alive. So he set off to the quest for finding a way to resurrect her, and his doings plunge the world into chaos without even him knowing.
8 752 - In Serial10 Chapters
Big Book of Fandom One Shots
I'm in a lot of fandoms. It's as if my fandoms sit in a lobby in my mind and any time I see anything related to a fandom, it just become chaos.The problem with having this many fandoms is that a multitude of them have little to no fanfictions.That's what I'm here for.I can't put all my fandoms in the description, but check the authors note for the rules and fandoms ^^
8 93