《Howling Thunder》Ch.7 The End of the Easy Days
A/N imagery is important i feel so lets update/refresh on looks.
Nox, combine Zach from FFVII crisis core with Inuyasha
Akane, similar to Firefox Ahri from LoL with one tail and near Vi sized samurai gauntlets. she's over 6ft tall
Walther, albino Thor?
Asta and Sassa, Albino lulu? from FFX. white version of Sui-Feng's hair from bleach
Patra, petit Egyptian similar in the vain as Talim from Soulcaliber.
Lupa, for the hair, WoW female troll mohawk, cream blonde, and Halibel from bleach style tribal dress.
grandmother Hyndla, try lookin up Inutaisho, sesshomaru's mother in the inuyasha anime, excpet nordic styled?
Mother Inari, check out the pirate queen from Suisei no Gargantia except more oriental
thats all for now, this well be copied every few chapters i guess? i dunno maybe ill stick it in comments after each chapter.
Also remember, teenagers don't think like grown ups, despite what they'd like to think.
“Fine, you wanna play little sister?! Hit me with your best shot!” I’ll not back down with the entire den watching.
Akane does a giddy hop taping her knuckles together, spurts of flame shoot from the openings on her massive black and red gauntlets.
Those spurts turn to incredible trails of flame as she seems to almost fly forward like a shooting star.
I barely fog to the ground in time as she blasts overhead.
She inverts herself as she passes over me landing feet first on the side of the nearest black pine.
Barely making contact for a second she ricochets off the tree causing its bark to cave in, sending black splinters flying everywhere.
Her new trajectory, right at Walt, sends him diving for the dirt.
This time she lets herself tumble in air just before reaching him. Facing down as she passes she fires a massive cone of flame directly at him on the ground.
Walt flickers before disappearing; now a small distance away he’s patting out the smoking fur on his armor….wait… Walt is dirty and singed. Great she’s already one upped me.
With a graceful flip Akane lands, still hopping back and forth between legs, taping her knuckles to stoke her flames.
She's looking back and forth between me and Walt. While I can’t touch her with lightning, Walt can’t hit me with his sword. On the other hand she can’t keep up with Walt’s speed but hitting her would be like banging on the cave walls. Still, he has a better chance than me against her.
“After you little brother.” I deform and move to a nearby tree branch to sit down with my trident playfully tapping it against my boots.
Walt gives me an annoyed look before coating his sword in ice again and rushing Akane.
“No fun Nox!” she says this as she slams a fist into the ground, the small quake and heat wave halting Walt in his tracks and shattering his Ice enhancement.
She then bursts flames in a small vortex from her boots as she jumps right at me.
Fast! Way faster than the first time! I barely fall backwards from the branch to the ground below as she flies past the branch I was on, crashing into the tree. Another salvo of black splinters carpets the area. She stands and looks down from the small hole she just punched into the trunk.
“Sister dear, play nice.” Who the hell let this monster out here!?
“Oh? And what do you call that fog move while you’re fighting Walty?”….fair?
She doesn’t wait for my answer, “What is it Miss Lupa always tells you? Right, Man up brother, now let’s play!”
She dives at me, boosting herself forward again. Fine, I’ll play.
I take a fog form to get a better position.
She tumbles in her decent, landing on her feet she punches the earth once more and another heat wave blasts out. If feels like the air is being choked out of me as my fog is dispelled and I take form stumbling a bit away from her.
“Holy shit sis!” as I choke to speak Walt thrusts his wind coated saber at me.
I hook it with my trident send a shock through the sword.
I use his momentum and disabled grip to pull the sword from his hands and launch it at Akane.
It flies fast as an arrow thanks to Walt’s wind spell.
She blasts a short cone of fire in front of her cancelling the wind and she catches the slowed blade in her right gauntlet. She tosses it back to Walt.
“Hey Hey, two on one now?”
Walt speaks up, “Just joining the winning team brother.”
Akane stomps the ground for another of her waves to negate my fog.
Spotting Walt blur from sight I send out a field of static.
With hardly a second to spare thanks to my heightened reflexes, I block Walt’s overhead slash from my right.
In the reflection of my trident I spot a red glow.
I give Walt a powerful kick to the chest and launch myself up in a backflip with the force.
Akane’s shooting star like punch passes below me, Walt barely blurs to dodge her.
We’re once again at a standoff.
Walt spikes his blade in the ground and waves his surrender.
“Hey Walt, done already?” How lame brother.
Akane pouts at him as well.
He just shrugs looking like he’s had enough while pinching out a still burning bit of fur on his shoulder.
Akane speaks up in an almost boasting tone, “Well I'm not surprised, I’m just too hot to handle.”
“More like, between an iron furnace and smoke in the wind, what is there to swing a sword at?” I really don’t fault him here.
Ah! Smoke! I may not be able to control her fire but I should manage that much.
“Who you calling an iron furnace!” please don’t tell me Akane took offence.
I turn to her with my wicked grin stretching from ear to ear.
“Why you, sister dearest. Now, why don’t you see if you can actually touch me?” I toss down my trident, and beckon her forward.
Time to see if dreams come true.
As she vaults up to come down on top of me I shift my arms to the massive black metal fur spikes and claws.
I catch her leading fist as she comes down and swing her momentum into a rotation.
I absorb as much heat as I dare as I toss her at the tree she first kicked off of.
She regains her balance enough to land in the same position; this time however enough splinters go flying to be followed up with a thunderous cracking sound as the original dent spreads, the tree slowly begins to lean.
With angry punch Akane finishes the damage, felling the massive black gigapine.
She now stands upon a splintered and charred stump, staring down at me with a new fury in her eyes. Her red flames now black as me.
I'm not about to back down myself. My stance more bestial, my shaggy black hair and fur waving in billowing black smoke from my arms.
She dives once again, I smile wickedly in return.
Just before she hits I burst into smoke, immediately passing and reforming behind her, I kick back with both feet.
She takes it and rolls forward igniting the dead pine needles as she moves.
She plants her feet and launches back ward at me before I can recover from my kick.
Unprepared this time I put my arms forward to block but she puts forth too much pressure.
I fly back barely managing to shift into smoke before impacting with the fresh stump.
I reform at the base. I'm not used to the smoke. My metal fur arms still don’t match the power behind her punches. What can I do, she's a walking fortress…on fire.
I look at the fallen pine. Suppose I can throw playing fair out the window for good against her.
I charge my arms with a vibrant blue arc. I will not lose.
I smash my hands against the stump behind me. Everything left above the roots shatters as I smoke form.
The fragments of wood explode in every direction with frightening speed. Akane raises her arms for protection.
I reform at the next tree closest to her back, slamming my fists against the trunk, another eruption of man sized splinters.
This time Akane creates a vortex of black fire around her as she slowly walks towards me. The wooden spears instantly incinerate on contact with the inferno. With each added bit of fuel her fire reaches higher.
I can feel my smoke being pulled back to her. I Will Not Lose!
I spot my trident; I kick it up and charge it with as much lighting as I can. A black pulsing spear, I throw it with impossible speed leaving trails of black sparks.
And that’s it, everything stopped after that.
There’s no black tornado of fire, no black lighting spear of death. Akane is confused but perfectly fine.
She actually looks slightly afraid as she looks past me, “OUCH FUCK!”
I’ve been hit on the head! Gods that stings!
Mother is standing behind me fiddling with my trident which must be what she smacked me with. All seven tails out and looking seriously pissed off.
“Tell me dearest children, at what point did play become a fight to the death?” she looks like she's about to snap the trident like a twig.
Akane, “He started it.”
She's looking away!
CRACK! Hey hey! Mother really did just break my trident!
She looks with an annoyed glance at the broken bits of metal in her hands. With a sigh she turns around to walk back to the den. She looks back at us and raises an eyebrow.
Suppose that means to get my ass moving.
As we approach the gates I realize we may have not been far enough out into the woods. Being in view from the den was all fine and good except for now there are dozens of charred wooden stakes about the walls.
“Look Mother, we were aiding in building defenses!” without looking at me, mother points at the stable.
There is a massive spear of wood collapsing the roof. Ptah is already overlooking the repairs. Iris is sitting on his shoulder pretending to give out orders.
Before we reach the house someone calls, “HEY!” Patra walks over to me.
“Armor, Shirt, Now.” She stretches out her hands. …Huh?
Mother barks, “hurry up boy! Get them off and get inside to the parlor! Akane grab your robe then do the same, all your gear.” She hands the Patra the pieces to my trident.
I do as I'm told, although this is hardly the time, my mood isn’t improved by the complete lack of care from Patra as I remove my shirt.
Patra takes the gear and scurries off into the smithy.
“Um what’s that about?” I ask mother as I obediently follow her into the house.
She sighs, “You’re really asking now!?....Whatever. Who do you think made all yours and your sibling’s clothes?”
“Wait, Really?!” That annoying twit with eyes for my sister did all this work?
“Yes dear, Patra is very talented; she's spent the last year or so with her mother, a well-known tailor in Yoden. She’s done all your clothes since you pups where born. She came back here to get some more training with her father before escorting you to Yoden and joining the craft guild.”
This is a lot of new information in one go, but it seems I’ll have to ask later.
As we enter the parlor I see Walther, also shirtless with a sour look on his face.
Mother points at the seat next to him, “Sit, and wait for your sister.”
A few awkward minutes passes before Akane enters in her robe, blushing bright red.
Patra follows her in, disgustingly cheerful like she just received a gift. Akane sits between Walt and I.
Patra looks at me and Walt, “Right, pants boys!” the hell woman?!
Mother barks, “Work with what you got and keep your hands off my daughter for now! You may properly check her sizes later.”
Akane buries her face in her knees on the couch as Patra smiles and leaves the room.
“Now,” mother eyes us as she closes the windows and locks the door.
“I realize this place can be quite boring to pups in the last stretch of their time here but you three especially need to keep it together. A bit of play is fine but when pups not even out the den yet start knocking down those trees people are going to talk about it.” She goes for her usual bottle only to find it empty. “Damn that jackal girl!”
With a sigh she sits in her chair by the fire place as she lights it with a wave of her hand.
“You three have yet to learn the politics involved with your birthright and pack. Until we get to Yoden you are to spend your remaining days here quiet and obedient.” She's gazing sourly into the flames.
“You’re coming with us to Yoden?” Akane suddenly seems much more cheer full.
“Yes, Hyndla will be here next week to start taking over for me.” my mood just got worse.
Walt just rolls his eyes, I'm sure the twins will be thrilled.
Well she's cooled off and I have questions, “What happened when you arrived to stop us and how did you snap my trident….did you have to do that?”
Mother looks annoyed, she's staring right into my head it feels… sorry mother?
She gives another sigh as she looks at the empty glass in her hand…you’d think she had a pet die.
“I used a bit more power in front of an audience than I have for an extremely long time. Time by the way is your first answer, I stopped it basically. Just long enough put out Akane’s flames and disperse your damn bolt. You know you almost killed her? Anyway the trident is simple, improper heating and cooling of metal…this is not class time! It just broke, ok. Your fault, not mine!”
Well that’s being a bit childish, oh mothers is looking at me pissed again.
Akane elbows me to just shut up already. Sorry, I can’t just not think anything!
Mother gets up, she puts her glass on the counter and picks up the empty bottle.
“I'm going to my store room then to bite a smithy girl’s ear, you three try not to cause a cave in. Boys, drop off your pants for repairs. Akane, go save Ptah from Iris.”
After she left I turn to Akane, “So I won right?”
“HAH!” she gave me a single laugh and a right hook.
In the darkness I swear I hear Freki’s voice, “KO!”
End of Second year.
It is time for the final ceremony.
This one, however, isn’t some large pack event in the same sense as the first year one. While the feast in the dinner hall is just beginning, we are pulled one family at a time into the parlor.
Grandma Hyndla arrived a bit back. This will be her first time helping to conducting the second year viewings. The first year one is easy, she just had to supply the pack stone with power. This time since mother says it’s a more intense experience our family will go first.
The parlor is a bit cramped actually. Lupa actually talked her mother and mine into letting her do hers with us. The white twins are our cousins so they and our aunt, Hyndla’s youngest daughter, are here. Then of course is my siblings and I. Patra begged to attend while hugging Akane’s leg but mother decided to make Iris laugh by lighting the smithy girl’s tail on fire then locking the door as she ran to find water.
Mother brings out the pack stone. Grandma seems a bit nervous, I'm sure she’ll be fine. We may not have the best relationship but I still respect the woman. Huh, she actually just gave me a little nod. Good luck grandma!
Mother chuckles a little, “Alright Hyndla, Well do your nieces the twins first. You are also blessed by Vasilisa so it shouldn’t be an issue should the goddess decide to speak for the girls.”
As the four women gather about the stone a soft white glow spreads and surrounds them and blocks our view. Mother had mentioned earlier this usually takes a few minutes.
While we wait I'm playing with Iris in my lap, its simple, who can hit the other’s hand. I may be letting her win but every once in a while I release my hand into fog. We’ll be doing a simple viewing for her tonight. We’re leaving and of course she's coming with us, we can’t take the pack stone with us to wait for her actual end of first year.
The glow dissipates. Asta looks ecstatic while Sassa is blushing completely red. Grandma has a slight flush but she seems proud.
Mother chuckles before announcing to the rest of the room, “Congratulations for reaching their third year Asta and Sassa. Both blessed by Vasilisa. Asta favored by Skadi, Goddess of winter and combat. Sassa adored by Nerthus, the very naked witch goddess of fertility and peace.”
Grandma looks at Walt absolutely thrilled, I can see fear in his eyes. “Walther boy I look forward to your third year ceremony it will be a wonderful traditional wedding and soon after I’ll hear of my great grandchildren!”
Hah sucks to be you brother, you still have to wait another year for Sassa but I bet Asta tries to sneak some early fun.
“Ouch!” mother smacked my ear, so not fair.
Mother ushers them to the side before snapping to get Hyndla’s focus.
“Hyndla dear…from here out, I’m basically letting you experience the worst case scenario. While the twins are certainly worthy of your pride, I pray that you do not let that same pride polarize your view towards the children representing the gods of less noble natures. You are at an age where you should know things in this world can never be painted either just black or white.” It’s a kind mannered speech but I can feel the weight of such words.
Mother motions towards Lupa, she steps up to the stone and the glow once again forms.
While waiting I can’t help but wonder why she said that before Lupa instead of our own family. I’ve always heard whispers since the last year about the darker nature of my family’s patron gods. The glow fades once more.
Grandmother looks a bit confused, like she can’t make up her mind.
Mother announces, “Again we will congratulate Lupa, blessed by the wolf goddesses of her homeland Silvia and Letona, representing beauty, order, and justice.” Grandma looks even more confused at mother.
Lupa notices none of this and runs to my side looking for reward.
I give her a quick kiss before letting her run to her mother who is also displaying a somewhat forced smile.
Mother then carries on, “Iris dear, it’s your turn.”
Even grandma smiles as Iris nearly trips in her excitement as she run over. Her little wings flutter to save her.
There is no glow this time. Grandma herself takes a knee to be closer to Iris as she places both hands on the stone.
Its short, Iris giggles before going to mother for a hug.
Iris runs to hop on Akane’s lap as Grandma announces, “Let us praise and respect Iris, Demi goddess of clouds, and beloved by her sister Aello, goddess of speed and….other things.” She trailed off there.
Mother Laughs, “Come now dear its rude when in the family meeting not to properly introduce a member’s patron.”
Grandma whines, “Oh come on, you cheated when announcing Letona. Whatever, sadism, goddess of speed and sadism.”
Grandma is a bit embarrassed by the very word it seems.
Honestly, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Iris is always looking for someone to tease or hit just like Akane did. I’ll have to see if she can control my fog sometime. Right now however, I’m up.
As I walk up mother warns grandma, “Hyndla dear, for his first reading she went so far as to speak, I don’t doubt you are about to personally meet someone you very much dislike.”
As I touch the stone the odd white glow expands again, it barely lasted a moment.
We are standing before a familiar black wood throne.
The black fog forms into a single green eyed warg.
“HIYAAA!” grandma screams, before covering her rear and crouching.
Maug is behind her and laughing on his back, a small wooden branch hanging from his mouth.
Mother giggles softly, “Hello Maugy, Ulfa.”
The other warg speaks with a feminine tone, “Greetings Madam Inari and elder of the winter tribe.” I raise my eyebrow, “You too fuzzy idiot. Maug! Get over here jackass. My apologies Winter Elder, I believe he likes you.”
Finally Freki forms, except she’s bent over in her seat out of breath yet still laughing.
As she catches her breath she looks at grandma, “I’m so glad Maugy was able to get that stick out your ass Hildy.” She breaks back into laughter.
I am really doing my best not to laugh, I can see mother covering her mouth and looking away.
Freki continues, “Lovely to see you Vulpi, nice to meet you Winter Bitch, and as always my toy…” she quickly hops up to give me a kiss on the cheek before returning to her seat, legs crossed and cheerily bouncing as usual.
Grandma tries to say something but Freki cuts her off as she makes a small scroll appear, “Before I speak my part I have a note from the west wind lord Zephyr, “Fuzzy boy,” she giggles at me, “please continue to look after my darling Iris, I give my thanks to the aid of your sister and the Madam Inari. I’ve no doubt she will make a great wife for you but more than that a wonderful part of your life, may it ever be long. Also as a man of several wives I say good luck with the bossy blond. I suggest you fix who holds the leash before it’s too late.” She tosses the scroll as it crumbles away.
Freki then stares directly at grandma, “Hyndla, as one of the winter elders you are, like it or not, a leader of the only descendants of my tribe. This makes me, Freki, one of your tribe’s guardians. You will respect me and encourage others to do likewise. In return I will properly perform my duties, mostly by way of my champion for the time being. Also at this time I will warn you. The Nico War as you call it will soon reach climax, I regret to inform you that there is no favorable outcome possible for our race at this point. It would be best to force it to an end as soon as possible while the Fenrir is in good health and has the respect of the humans currently in power in Yoden.” Mother and grandma seem deep in thought.
Freki gives me her usual one fanged grin, “Now my darling, I'm afraid you’re almost out of time so I can’t teach you anything fun today, I will only suggest that once you reach Yoden you learn about the history of the black tails. Do Not repeat their sins! I will not have any more of my family taken from me.”
Freki walks over to mother, “Come play soon Vulpi!” she says with a hug.
She then reaches up and pats grandma on the head, “Try to keep that stick out your ass.”
She giggles running over to me, “Have fun my pup!” she nips my ear as she slaps my ass.
She skips back to her throne, a gorgeous doll in the mouth of a great beast.
Freki wave’s good bye as the fog shrouds us.
Just like that we’re back in the room. Grandma just walks over to the counter and downs a glass in one take.
Mother chuckles and says, “Hail Nox champion of Freki, mistress of hunts. As well, future son in law of Zephyr, lord of the west wind and protector of polygamy.”
Iris runs up, “Did you talk to daddy?”
I pick her up and place her on my lap as I sit down, “Not this time but he sent word he’s happy for you.” Iris seems happy with that and bounces her feet from my lap.
Lupa seems a bit annoyed as she comes to sit next to me. She just locks one of my arms up as she watches Akane step up to the stone.
Mother doesn’t activate it just yet, “Hyndla, if you value your life I suggest you don’t participate in this one.”
Grandmother who already looked nervous let go of the stone without a shred of hesitation or word otherwise.
As the white glow begins I walk over to her, honestly I feel like I should say something in regards to earlier.
She stops me however with a raised hand, “Don’t bother boy, it is hardly your fault and I admit I may have had that coming. I’ll instead be thankful for Freki’s advice.”
She pours me a drink out of mother’s bottle, hopefully mother continues to blame Patra.
Almost at the same time I go to take the drink the white glow fades. Mother steps away from the stone and Akane who looks ready to tantrum. Mother walks straight over to me, takes the drink from my hand and downs it. She takes a mean look at her bottle then to grandma.
She turns back to the room, “Hail Akane, future queen, favored of Hoji the exalted empress, and Lauma the mother.”
Akane scoops up Iris and helps preen her feathers while she cools off, I can see bits of black fire flickering in Akane’s hair.
Mother turns towards grandma as she pours another drink, “Hoji gave the same warning as Freki. She then proceeded to forbid Akane from departing Yoden for five years. She is only to study under myself and the Fenrir during that time. She is also to attend every meeting and court at her father’s side.”
Grandma only says, “How boring for a young girl.”
She gets up, takes the stone and signals for Walt to step up.
Mother and Walt take the stone and once again the glow forms.
Lupa walks over to the counter across from me. She gives a slightly evil grin then fills up a glass from a red bottle from the cabinet. She takes one drink for herself before handing it to me.
I taste it, gods this is disgusting, “what is this?”
“Wine, not good wine but still wine.” She takes another drink from my glass, she can finish it.
“I’ll stick to the mead and mothers sake. That was gross.” She just shrugs and pours herself more.
The glow fads, I hear grandma laughing.
Mother again walks over and sits next to me to drink. Her expression goes from disappointment to disgust as she spots the wine.
Walt has already taken a seat, he certainly looks sour. The twins sandwich him between them to cheer him up. I don’t care if it works, lucky jerk.
Grandma stops chuckling long enough to speak, “Lets us cheer up Walt, adored by Vilia of the vila, noble and fierce. Also praised by Woden, god of war and wisdom, and apparently enjoys vila.”
Grandmother comes and pokes my side, “Hey boy listen to this, there was a grand banquet, the vila wanted to honor Walther and get him drunk so they could play with him. Your mother was all for it. Woden bursts down the door demanding they treat him instead. He said a few kind words for Walt before sending us away so he could enjoy the party. He tried to invite your mother to the orgy as we left.”
Mother slams her freshly empty glass, “If I ever join a pantheon I’ll burn the heavens before I let a male god between my legs!”
There is in fact a flicker of white fire in her tail.
Iris tugs on mother’s robe, that’s all it takes for her to snap out of her anger. She picks up the little girl and moves to her favorite chair.
Mother speaks, “That concludes our family ceremony, Hyndla and I will finish the other ceremonies before joining you for the feast. We leave for Yoden morning after tomorrow. While this ceremony is a coming of age for you, I want you all to bear this in mind before we arrive in the capitol. You have only two years of life. Other races age differently, humans, while they may appear the same age as you, will have had more than sixteen or even eighteen years of life. In Yoden they spend the majority of that time in some form of schooling if they’re lucky, making you an idiot in their eyes. You leaving the den doesn’t mean the end of your education. Enjoy tonight but don’t slack off tomorrow preparing. Also, stay out of my bath tonight, all this work sucks and I want to relax.” She finishes looking at Lupa and me.
Dinner was fine, we always have more food than we need thanks to Walt. I’m sure the other hunters aren’t looking forward to having to pull their weight again once he leaves.
Tonight Lupa lays her foot down to Akane about having the last two nights in my room with me alone. Akane gives in and sulks back to her room. I’m a little torn, I won’t lie and say I don’t feel like a proud, protective older brother while my sister cuddles my tail to sleep better. She’s taller and stronger than me all other times.
Akane didn’t make much of a protest, she just raised an eyebrow before walking off.
It’s barely an hour later when I hear yelling in the hall. I poke my head out. Mother is dragging Patra by the tail in only a bath robe. Akane is following, bright red, and holding a bundle of clothes. Mother stops at my room.
She quietly orders, “Akane, you are to stay with your brother until we reach Yoden. Once we reach the capitol you may secretly be seduced by this idiot girl all you want.”
Mother walks off still dragging the giggling Patra. I think I see Akane stick out her tongue at Lupa’s back as she walks past us. Don’t tell me she planned this out?!
Akane hops on my bed and pats it, “Come brother I'm tired and it’s chilly.”
Lupa seems livid but once again she is forced to put up with three people to one bed.
The next day Akane refuses to either get up or release me. Lupa storms out of the room in a huff.
I look to Akane, “Now will you let go? I'm not sure I want to deal with this.”
She does let go, “Sorry brother I just don’t like her, and if I’m to be stuck in the capitol while you are sent far and wide I want to monopolize you while I can. The same for Walty of course but the twins never turn me away and I enjoy their company. They treat me as if I’m their sister by birth.”
I will allow my sisters selfish scheme. I’ve already had one short trip without her and I did miss her quite a bit. I can only imagine how she’ll feel trapped in Yoden.
She adds while getting up, “Besides I love seeing how jealous she looks in the morning before you wake up. When she gets reminded how much you enjoy your tail being stroked.”
This will be an exhausting journey.
- In Serial51 Chapters
Gemstone Goblins (LitRPG)
Gild Domov found no solace in death’s embrace. The promised, eternal repose was merely the herald of his greater purpose. His soul, destined for the afterlife, was forcefully summoned by a desperate god.Under the pleas of the goblin deity, Gild is tasked with saving the extremely weak but intelligent Amber Skin Goblins.Unsatisfied with solely surviving, Gild will overcome his flaws and create a new legend. Under his leadership, goblin kind will rise once again! Cross-posted to: https://www.wattpad.com/user/HyperAlphaKing 1st Draft. Patreon closed, so all patreon links in the author notes don't work.
8 193 - In Serial209 Chapters
It Started with Slime
Before we jump in, let me say that the MC starts stupid, so the language and writing style is straightforward to reflect this. The writing improves with the MC and as the chapters progress (I hope). It is also a gradual growth story, so no zero to hero in ten seconds... with that out of the way: An alchemical experiment has gone wrong and results in a Slime Monster. It doesn't have a name at first and is something that it will need to work out! This story follows a Slime that starts as a Micro Slime with some level of consciousness, and there is more to it than meets the eye. Survival is the name of the game. To improve, it works hard to grow, evolve and become more powerful to survive its harsh new reality. There is a lot more going, and only time will tell if this Slime (all its various versions) can become strong enough to make it through the strife to the other side. It's a harsh world, after all. It Started with Slime is a story with a Monster Protagonist Evolution story. There will be no profanity and no sexual content, and there will be some violence and fighting descriptions. I am a native English speaker, and so the English here should be to a good standard. That said, even though editing, there may be some corrections and typos, so if you see some, let me know! If it bothers you a lot, I am working to make sure all chapters have no typos, but of course, some might slip through. I will endeavour to correct any picked up, though! Also, I started this a few months ago and so any feedback is always appreciated, also reviews and ratings! If you like or don't like the story, let me know in the detailed reviews! That always helps me see what is good and what needs improving. Working on releasing chapters twice a week, I will try to increase that as time goes, but at the moment, that is what I can release. Patreon has more. If the story gets more popular, then I will increase the releases. I am aiming ultimately for a chapter a day if I can get to that. Chapters are roughly 1500 words, with Interludes every five chapters being more or less than that! Enjoy! Edit: Book 1 finished on Patreon, and the format for Book 2 is slightly different with Interludes every three chapters, and the release schedule will be three chapters a week. Cover by: Faren Discord: https://discord.gg/eDuZaEAAqG This story is published and available on Royalroad, Webnovel, ScribbleHub, Wattpad, and extra chapters on Patreon!
8 98 - In Serial11 Chapters
Are you sure you are The Demon Lord?
Diablo die four times before and reincarnated again as a powerful Demon. He also gains his former four life, skills, and knowledge. He rescued by a girl named Elisabeth, with her he started his new life. what he survives new life as a demon or he dies again.
8 187 - In Serial128 Chapters
Absolute Divinity (JJBA)
When you're given the chance to bring prosperity to the entire world, would you deny it because of the horrible person you are now taking over? "It takes a fool to underestimate true justice. The Heavens have Spoken, for I am the bringer of peace for this world!" A look in a somewhat less-malicious SI!Dio's tale of deception, family and some bizarre stuff.
8 68 - In Serial19 Chapters
The Sleepless Nights!
This is basically a poetic catharsis when i feel too much emotions are piled up. Ps: this is my first work on wattpad. Please do give honest reviews. Suggestions and positive criticism are always welcomed.Thanku for reading !!( In advance)
8 145 - In Serial41 Chapters
Erotic Book Club (E.B.C) 2019
This is the Erotic Book Club's club book with the stories and feedback for the 2019 session. For information on how to join E.B.C., please check the current sessions' club book.
8 90