《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 76: Mission Rewards


After the Guildmaster had unfrozen the people they stood stock still, not daring to move even an inch in front of the powerful Guildmaster.

"Oi. Scramble! Don't just stand around like you've just lost your brains! Although you must've lost them already, considering you people went crazy and wouldn't listen to reason."

I could tell that some of the people from Blackbridge wanted to respond and try to explain themselves but the people close to them noticed their mouths opening and whenever someone was about to speak they'd be tackled to the ground by their annoyed peers.

Hehe. That's kind of funny. I mean I feel bad for them but empathy aside it's a bit amusing to watch some of them try to argue their case only to be immediately tackled by their friends.

After the Guildmaster noticed people moving around, albeit not much, he left just as fast as he'd come, a plume of dust rising behind him as he practically teleported next to me.

"Hello, James. I figured we could discuss your rewards now if that's fine with you?"

I mean I would've liked to say hi to Stella and my other friends slash acquaintances but I don't want to get on his bad side, although I doubt he would get mad at me for that I think there's some saying about not keeping powerful people waiting.

"Yeah, that'd be great. I'm afraid we'll have to walk at my normal human speed though."

Normal human speed. Duh. Ugg. Hopefully, he doesn't find it offensive that I was explaining it so thoroughly. I mean it's obvious that I walk at normal speed. Well, probably a little below normal speed if I'm being honest with myself.

"Hahaha. No problem. I'll take you there in a flash. Literally! Hey you aren't sensitive to movement at high speeds or a barely noticeable probably temporary rearrangement of organs are you?"

Wait what did he just say? Rearrangement of organs? That doesn't sound very pleasant, even if it's temporary.

"Great glad you agree! Let's go!", the Guildmaster said with a mischievous smile.


"Wait please don't go yet."

"Go? Exactly what I was thinking.", the Guildmaster replied the twinkling in his eyes growing brighter.

Has he suddenly become deaf or something?

Then the Guildmaster grabbed my hand and the world seemed to whiz past as if it wasn't even there. I'd blink and suddenly we were 100 feet from our previous position.

Well, I guess this is what life is like on low FPS. Can't say I enjoy it.

I felt the urge to vomit but I managed to keep it in.

Hmm, this isn't so bad. It's kind of fun now that we're up to speed.

Then just as suddenly as we'd started, perhaps, even more, we stopped. The only reason I didn't go flying straight through the air is that the Guildmaster held me in place, likely using the same thing he'd used on the people from Blackbridge. After quickly inspecting me to make sure I was okay, at least physically, he unfroze me and I once again managed to work the bile back down my throat instead of it coming right out of my mouth.

Yeah, I highly doubt the Guildmaster would appreciate that. In fact, I have a feeling he might be a bit annoyed although I have the perfect excuse, which is the fact that he put a normal human body through speeds that it wouldn't normally have to experience. Maybe I should've thrown up just to teach him a lesson.

Although if I again look to the wisdom of some poet that I don't know the name of and the quote that I can't remember the words of I just generally shouldn't mess around when it comes to powerful people who could literally crush me and, turn me into a pancake. Well, I don't think all of that was in the quote but whatever it's more accurate now anyway...

"So are we gonna go inside?", the Guildmaster said, looking at me.

"Yeah just give me a minute. Well, another minute."

I literally feel like my organs have sloshed around in ways that they should not slosh around in. I'll be fine of course, I mean I trust that the Guildmaster wouldn't do anything to harm me, at least not permanently. Also, it doesn't hurt it's just kind of uncomfortable. Well, hopefully, the 'temporary' the Guildmaster mentioned isn't too long.


"Ok yeah, I'm good now. By the way how long do you think it'll take for the um I guess side effects to wear off?"

"It shouldn't be more than 5 minutes."

"Oh that's great.", I said, heaving a sigh of relief.

Good, I was worried it might be a few days or something because I don't think I'd be able to sleep while feeling like this.

"Hehe. I wouldn't be that mean to you. I just wanted to get back fast because I have a lot of meetings today. Although I have to admit a small part of me also wanted to mess with you a bit. I mean, you're famous now."

Hmm yeah, I suppose I kinda am. That's nice.

"Fine, I guess. I apologize if this comes across as rude but could we get to the point now please?"

"Ehh a little rude but I'll just put that to the side considering the fun I just had with you."

Fun?! What part of that was fun?!

"Rewards... hmm. What, rank are you right now?"

"Ah, I'm at F-Rank."

The Guildmaster made an unpleasant face, "sorry could you repeat that."

"Um F Rank?", I said a little louder.

"Well that's way too low!", the Guildmaster practically shouted.

"I'll have to fix that immediately. Okay so monetary rewards aside for now let me figure out a good reward Rank wise."

The Guildmaster thought for a minute, all the while staring directly at me.

It feels like he's peering into my soul or something.

Then he suddenly shook his head, as if trying to emerge from his deep state of thought.

"Alright James. I think you'll like this. I'm moving your Rank directly to D rank, effective immediately. As I'm sure Melissa explained, once you get to D rank, you have to do some really great and important stuff to be promoted. Basically, it needs to catch my eye, and then if I approve you'll go to the next rank. Make sense?"


"Ok good. Also just to clarify this would've counted but you weren't at D rank yet so what I did instead, as you now know, was to just boost you up to D rank, oh, and of course, since you're in a party your party members can now also go on D rank quests with you. Oh and one more thing regarding D rank. You can now no longer take any quests above your rank. The power difference is just too much. Besides based on your accomplishments I'm pretty sure you can handle D rank although considering this is a special case I'll allow you to take some E-rank quests if you want although you've already done an E-rank quest so I don't know why you would. Either way, the option is there."

Okay well nice of him to give me the option but I don't think that'll be necessary. Ohh I can't wait for my first D rank quest with Dob and Lob! It'll be nice and challenging, hopefully not too challenging. I have to help the Addersfield people first though. I guess after I get my monetary reward from the Guildmaster I'll go and sleep at the Big Keg inn. It'll be good to see Stella again and then I'll finally be able to pay off the debt I owe to her, then in the morning I should stop at Patrick's and get some healing potions for safety and also pay off the price of the potions that I got from him yesterday.

"Oh and the money reward. Hmm. Here just take 20 Gold. You've earned it."

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