《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 75: Conflict Resolved


I wonder if the Guildmaster will show up too? That would be cool.

As I watched the people from Blackbridge still seeming very confused I had an idea.

What if I made some sort of stun grenade? I mean I made a kind of sound bomb before which definitely had people stunned so it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

It'd be like a flashbang but well it wouldn't flash so it'd just be a bang. Granted I could probably easily find a Light rune in one of those magical lamp things. I think I'll do that after this is all over.

After deciding to acquire the Light rune later I just waited for the people from the Guild to appear and possibly also the higher-ups from the Guard as I watched the people from Blackbridge fumble around.

I wonder how long it'll take them to get back into formation. If I can even call what they had a formation. It was more like a mosh pit of people and sharp things, or just heavy things in the case of the few people with bricks.

Just as I was starting to get annoyed at the slow response time of both the Guild and the Guard I heard the sound of many people running coming from behind me.

That must be the Guild and hopefully also the Guard. I hope they can calm the Blackbridge people down.

I turned around to look at the people running my way. I knew that the Guild had arrived because I recognized the armor that some of them were wearing.

I could probably find the people from the Guild that were calming down the others earlier if I looked hard enough but that's not really important right now. Anyway, the people from the Guild are here so that must mean the other people are from the Guard.


They all seemed to notice me standing there and they all covered their ears after hearing the sound that my Program was making.

"Sorry about that", I said to the people with their fingers currently jammed into their ears.

Oh yeah, they probably can't hear me. Guess I should just turn it off now. I mean the whole point of it was to delay the people from Blackbridge until the people from the Guild and the Guard arrived and they have now.

So then I swiftly stopped the program after which the people from both Whitebridge and Blackbridge hesitantly uncovered their ears, fearing that the sound would suddenly come back.

It would be kinda funny if I just turned it on again but that would be kind of a jerk move and we don't have time for jokes anyway, I mean we have to stop the Blackbridge people!

"Sorry about that. Well, go do your thing I guess. Remember that we're trying to make peace and explain the situation so don't fight unless your life is in danger."

Some of the people nodded while others made seemingly no change in their expression. Then, as if it was coordinated beforehand, they all started to walk toward the Blackbridge people.

Oh yeah, it's good that they're walking. If they were running it would seem aggressive.

I turned around to see what the people from Blackbridge were doing.

Hmm, they seem to still be confused. I wonder if it's leftover confusion from the sound or if they're confused why their 'enemies' are walking towards them slowly instead of running.

It took a while for the people from the Guild and the Guard to meet the people from Blackbridge since they were walking but eventually they came within talking distance. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying since I was so far away but based on their reactions I knew it went badly. Clearly, the people from Blackbridge had now gotten over their fear of the weird high-pitched sound and hadn't liked what their opposition had said so they started to charge toward the people from the Guard and the Guild.


I wonder why they didn't listen to the Guild and the Guard. Maybe they thought that we were trying to trick them? Well, whatever the case I have to do something. I guess I'll just activate the annoying sound thing again.

I reached for the Programmed object and just as I was about to run it a rush of wind burst past me. I was completely startled and jumped up in surprise.

What the flip was that?

I looked towards the now-fighting people and watched as a blur neared both groups in under 10 seconds flat. My mouth was now hanging open and I watched with unmoving eyes, scared to blink as I might miss the blur's actions.

I wonder what it's gonna do.

Less than a second later the blur stopped moving and surprisingly so did everyone near it. I seemed to be too far away to be affected though. I squinted towards the now still figure.

It kinda looks like.. yeah it's the Guildmaster! Woo! I mean I expected him to be powerful but this seems kind of broken. He like froze them in place. I kinda wanna be a Mage now or whatever he is. Although I could probably make a Program to do what he just did. It'll just take some time and some new Runes.

Unlike before when the Guildmaster talked I could hear him loud and clear.

"ENOUGH! I will not allow this nonsensical fighting to continue! I'm sure my associates have already explained the situation. I know you might find it hard to believe but it's true and if you still don't believe it that's fine as long as you scram!"

Then the Guildmaster undid whatever he'd done to prevent the people from moving. I chuckled as some of them fell over, having fainted from being so close to the Guildmaster when he unleashed his power.

Yeah, now that's the kind of cool thing I wanna do someday. I wonder what Rank the Guildmaster is? S Rank maybe? Although I've never seen an A Rank so I can't really compare them. I'll have to just ask him when he gives me the mission rewards for infiltrating the Association for the Betterment of Whitebridge. It seems that this whole kerfuffle is finally over. Now I can go back to Addersfield and free those people from Mayor Burke. It's not like he needs them anymore anyway considering that Scorpion has now been dealt with.

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