《Desmend Dylan: How to Build A Kingdom》Chapter 23: Let's Get Naked!


It's been days since the Chosen One cleared the dungeon along with the Princess of the Ragnarok Clan. Celebrations were put on hold by Desmend and Athea falling out of the sky with the corpse of a fire dragon, but it looks like they will be able to return to everyday life soon. As soon as Desmend recovers from his injuries.

Athea will be able to continue her duties as ruler of her tribe. The plan was for her to return and to instruct her people back into the Kingdom and powers that the goddess granted them. But, as it turned out, the Princess had a different idea.

"Oh god... everything hurts." Desmend moaned quietly. He was bolstered down to a medical bed. Looking around, he recoiled at the sight of the room. It was clean and sterile. A large window looked out over the city far below. Aurania, it's been while he was back in his capital city. He can already see the antro rock clan building better roads from his town rebuilding plans.

His eyes drifted to Athea, who sat in a chair next to him.

"You save my people, Chosen One," Sword Maiden said simply, sitting up and immediately becoming aware of how high her tone was. She spoke as though she hardly believed the words coming from her mouth. "For years, that monster terrorized my clans in the dungeon. In my home. In my ancestor's home…."

"Hey, dry those tears, pretty lady," Desmend reassured her, already beginning to study the surrounding room. Plus, even if a woman is cute, hot, and has rock-like skin. Desmend D. Dylan won't let any girl cry... except for bitches and thots. "Now, where is Tanger–"

The South African king never had a chance to finish his statement because the Princess he'd just saved days ago from the impressions on his butt had thrown herself at him like a damsel in distress rescued from the fiery depths of a dragon's lair. The surprised king could do nothing but hold his arms out awkwardly as the skimpy woman wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself against his tunic, appreciating the feel of her bosom against his chest.


"You saved me," she said softly, practically hanging on to Desmend for dear life with her arms draped around his neck and her head resting against his chest. There were tears in her eyes as she spoke.

"Yeah, I did?" Desmend responded awkwardly, still unsure what to do; the Choson One doesn't have a plan to cheer up rock girls. Eliza would have a better idea of how to respond to this. "I should go and find–"

"No! Don't leave!" Athea begged him, looking up at him without seeing him, tears running down the make-up on her lovely face. "Please, my hero, do not go! I... I..."

Athea couldn't hold it back anymore; she cried. Her breath caught, her tears fell, and her dress was soon wracked with sobs. She cried as she hadn't cried in many a night, the memory of her torment at the hands of the monsters and that laughter of that dragon returning to her once again made worse this time, knowing she was close to giving up hope after her parents died. But, had Desmend not arrived in time, had he not come to save her just when he did…

She dreaded to think of such a fate, for it was one she had already experienced.

"Forgive me," she said at least once she was able to catch her breath. However, as she spoke, she still refused to extricate herself from the injured man. "I know you must think me foolish. But I beg you…please do not leave me. Stay. Even if just for an hour. Please stay."

Desmend paused for a moment. What the hell happened to this girl? Thinking it over, Athea used this opportunity to press herself even further against the young warrior, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Her arms tightened around his neck, her breasts pressed against his chest, her covered sex practically rubbing against his own crotch. She wanted him – needed him – more than she had ever desired anything else.

"Please," Athea whispered to him, her voice soft and sensual. "Stay, Desmend. Stay and allow me to reward you as a hero deserves…."


With that, not waiting for his answer, Athea finally pulled her arms from his shoulders and slowly lowered them. Then, as the Chosen One looked down in confusion, wondering what the young woman was doing in the world, she began undoing his belt and pants.

"Ayo?" he asked as the woman nearly finally pulled his unbuckled pants down just enough to see his cock, showing signs of excitement.

"I am rewarding you," Athea replied as she looked up at him with a small smile, pushing past the last of her tears, "the way a hero deserves to be rewarded."

Desmend didn't know what to say as the woman pushed his pants down to his knees and knelt before him. He suddenly felt himself getting excited at the thought of the woman kneeling before him, her lips brushing against the tip of his cock.

Before they could go further, a knock at the door scared the living daylights of two people. Athena let out a small gasp.

"Who is it?" Desmend shouted out, trying to cover his erection.

"Desmend, you awake?!" a familiar voice called out through the door as it opened.

Tangerine almost broke the door off its hinges in her attempt to get inside. Athea yelped and quickly rose, not wanting her friend to see her in such a state. Desmend hastily stood up as well and smoothed out his clothes.

"Hey Tang..." Desmend began getting the first person he'd meet in this world when the priestess hugged the Chosen One. His face went into pain because of the injuries still hadn't healed.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Tangerine exclaimed as she released Desmend and stepped back, allowing the South African king to look upon his silver-haired girl. "I've been worried sick about you, Desmend!"

"Ow!" Desmend winced, having forgotten about his injuries.

"What's wrong?" Tangerine asked, noticing the grimace on his face. "Are your injuries bothering you? I should have known."

"I'm fine, thanks," Desmend lied, taking a step away from the woman.

"You not fine!" Athea and Tangerine both said in unison.

"Yes, I am," Desmend insisted. "I mean, I'll be fine in no time."

"No, you're not," Tangerine said, grabbing the Chosen One's arm.

"Where are you taking me?" Desmend demanded, failing to pull his arm free from the woman's grasp.

"To your bedroom," Tangerine told him simply, looking at the man seriously. "Your injuries are serious, Desmend. We need to perform the ritual again."

That puts a cheeky smile on Desmend's face making Tangerine blush. "You mean that one with I sleep with you naked with another girl virgin?" Desmend asked with a wink.

".... I", Tangerine replied, her cheeks turning redder by the second. "J-J-Just!" Tangerine stammered, pulling him towards the door.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on there, missy!" Athea interjected, stepping between the duo.

"Athea, what are you doing here?" Tangerine asked, narrowing her eyes at the Princess of the Ragnarok Clan. The dwarves were incredibly happy that they were reunited with the anthropomorphic clan, but their happiness was short-lived as the princesses had to deal with Athea's weird attraction to the Chosen One...

"I came to check on Desmend," Athea explained, "to see how he was feeling." The pale woman looked down at the floor, not sure how to explain herself.

"He's fine," Desmend assured her. "But we don't have time for this now. I get need naked with Tangerine and another virgin." Desmend teased, causing both girls to gape and blush at his words.

"I'm a virgin!" Athea blurted out.

"So am I!" Tangerine added.

"Well then... I guess it's settled!" Desmend said, grinning widely as he turned to Athea. "Come on, Princess!" He grabbed Athea and then Tangerine's. "Let's get naked!" He exclaimed, leading the two women out of the room.

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