《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 4̸


"26-24, Sakusa's team wins!" the referee said after a few seconds, the shock had taken a while to process.

The coach had looked at the two players as the two were breathing heavily, a bright smile on (Y/N)'s face and half a smile on Sakusa's face.

"I told her to do the impossible, yet it wasn't just her, but the two of them took it to the next level" he said to his advisor who was next to him.

"What do you think about these two?" the advisor asked as he looked at the coach, who was intrigued about the sudden evolution of the two.

"They can become professionals" he said as he crossed his arms again. "It's no wonder why they got chosen. But, despite having a weak immune system, (Y/N) is a really good setter that can bring out the best of people" he added.


The two looked at each other for a brief minute before looking away.

I hate to admit it...

She's really good.

He's really good.

They both thought as their practice match had finally come to an end.

"Hope you liked those sets" she had said and then walked away fo grab her jacket.

The boy looked at her, back in his usual self and nodded at her statement.

"Hope you're all prepared, we'll be doing double the games for the last two days" the coach said and all of the players roared with excitement in the gymnasium.

"Dismissed!" he added and all of the players started making their way out

The next two days were hell. All of the players had shown blood, sweat and tears, but finally, they had finally arrived to the very final day.

"Same teams as the first day!" the coach instructed everyone on the line.

"Yes!" everyone replied in unison and started doing around ten minutes worth of stretching.

Everyone went to their assigned areas, (Y/N) could see that everyone was tired and wanted to finish this as soon as possible, but she also knew that they wanted to play more.

(Y/N) looked at her players and after a whole week, she finally decided to go into her game mode. Putting it her all on the last day.

Tobio served and the libero was able to receive it. The ball was flying in the air as people kept passing it from one to the other. The ball had arrived at (Y/N)'s hands and she deliberately set it up for another player to spike.

Man, these are all monsters she thought to herself as the ball she had set up for someone to toss had hit the floor.

"Keep it going!" the libero shouted.

After a few points, it was (Y/N)'s turn to serve. She played with the ball as she took a really deep breath, her eyes filled with concentration as she picked up the ball when the whistle blew.


She tossed the ball up and slammed it on the other side, just for Komori to actually be able to receive it.

Aw shucks she thought to herself.

Tobio had the ball and he was ready to set it.

"Three man block!" (Y/N) told the players in the front as they looked at me in shock.

Kageyama seemed to notice this and set it to someone, but little did he know, that (Y/N) and Sakusa were already in a blocking position. Their libero in diagonally behind them in case that the spiker decided to do a cross-spike.

The spiker looked at the two and slammed it diagonally as the opposite team's libero squatted down a bit to be able to receive it without difficulty.

He got it up in the air and (Y/N) was ready to set it up. She looked around as she saw the opposite team blocking her team's spikers.

Guess all I can do is a dump huh? she thought to herself as she jumped and dumped it. The ball hitting the floor cleanly.

"The game is tied, 22-22!" the referee said as he looked from the scoring board to the court again.

It was only the second set, the first set was taken by (Y/N)'s team once again.

She looked at the court as if she was a woman on a mission, but she quickly came back to earth as the whistle blew.

Sakusa had served a service ace and was already going to serve again.

"Tch, show off" (Y/N) mumbled as she put her hands on the back of her head.

Can I just go ho- she was thinking to herself as she felt a really strong volleyball being slammed against her head.

She looked at Sakusa with a death glare, her aura becoming more evil by the second, as the boy just nodded at her.

"You better be prepared, I'm going to kill you after practice" she said, making some of the people on the court chuckle.

"And anyone who laughs will be joining him soon" she had added, those who were laughing became scared at those final words.

"23-23" the referee had said as the whistle was blown once again.

A rally, the longest rally the camp had ever seen. The ball was going from teammate to teammate and from court to court.

"Sakusa!" (Y/N) had shouted his name for the very first time and it made his eyes widen as the ball was set up to his hand.

He tried to slam it but the opposite team had received it.

"Tch" he said to himself as he got ready to block.

The ball had passed next to him and the ball had changed trajectory as the libero couldn't receive it properly.


(Y/N) had seen this and was sprinting as the ball was going further and further away. She jumped through a chair and set it back. No one knowing who it was going to and the players themselves were surprised that the girl could set the ball from far away.

"If you don't get this point I'm going to beat you all to a pulp" she said as she proudly looked at the ball that she had set. "I've grown once again" she mumbled and started sprinting back to her position.

It seemed that the ball was somehow going to Sakusa so him and another player jumped. The first player had faked it and Sakusa slammed it on the other side, no one was prepared for that.

"24-23" the referee said.

"One more" she mumbled. She was on the back row again.

The player server and it was received by the others. Everyone getting ready to block and receive.

"If you get the ball, pass it to me" (Y/N) told a player next to her as the libero was receiving it. He nodded at her statement to which he had questioned.

The player passed it to her and she jumped.

"Sakusa! Get ready!" she said as she set the ball really fast and Sakusa had slammed it, no one had time to catch up to them nor to what was happening.

"25-23, (Y/N)'s team wins!" the referee said.

"Did you see that, coach?" the advisor asked the coach and he nodded.

"Another evolution, a great way to end the camp" he said as he walked towards the certain court.

"You guys can pack up, but make sure to do your stretches" he told the court and they all nodded.

"Sakusa" (Y/N) called the two moles guy.

"What is it, you disease?" he said.

(Y/N) brought up her fist and punched him in the stomach. "Revenge" she told him and then walked away.

"Wait" he told the girl, making her turn around to face him.

"What school do you go to?" he asked her as she put her jacket around the jacket.

"Itachiyama High" she said.

She's in my school and yet, I've never seen her before at all.

"What about you?" she asked him.

"Same school as yours" he replied.

I think I've never seen him before, but I guess you learn something new everyday.

"I'll be going" she said as she walked away to her hotel room. Leaving the boy there, with a hand around his stomach.

She has total brute strength, I'd rather die from a germ than a monstrous disease like her. He thought to himself and then walked away to Koromi.

All teams were now loading to leave, well, those who didn't exactly live in Tokyo were. Itachiyama High had two buses and both coaches had agreed to let them mix around for this trip only. So they were given the chance to choose on which bus they could get on.

Komori was nagging Sakusa about going to the girls' club one since (Y/N) was in there but Sakusa didn't want to agree on it.

"I'll go by myself then" he told Sakusa as he walked away.

Sakusa looked at Komori's back as it slowly kept getting further and further away, he thought about it sensibly, if Komori left he'd be alone with a bunch of diseases so he caught up with him.

"There are too many diseases over there" he said as he pointed at his team's bus.

They both entered the bus and saw (Y/N) with her best friend Seiko at the back of the bus. She quickly looked at Komori and Sakusa who was following behind him and then looked away.

(Y/N) was on a window seat, her friend forcefully sat with Komori to leave Sakusa and her by themselves.

"What year are you in?" he asked.

"Second" she replied. "You?"

"Second" he answered.

"Tch" she said really quietly.

The ride wasn't pleasant, the two of them had nothing to say so (Y/N) took out her phone and headphones and started listening to music.

"Sorry about her behaviour" Seiko apologised to Sakusa. "She can always get shy and awkward so she starts listening to music" she added.

Sakusa just nodded.

The ride was tiring for everyone, they just wanted to get off and leave to go home. They came back to their school and saw both respective teams bunched up to welcome them back.

"Tch" (Y/N) said and left with her bag, Sakusa doing the same thing. Both of these clean freaks didn't want to stay and be next to germs that could potentially kill them both.


Monday, hell is once again reality. (Y/N) put everything in her bag and left to class, she arrived as early as possible to avoid germs.

Unfortunately for her though, there was a boy in her class who had arrived earlier than her. The thought of this made her mad. She kept her mask on and sat down at her seat, in the corner of the room, next to a window.

She looked at the boy to realise,

It was Sakusa.


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