《Smitten With Him [Editing]》21. Pizza Party


(Photo; Zach) (Video; the most amazing song in the entire world).

Zace fans, behold, the awaited chapter....

Also, this chapter does break the PG-13 barrier just a bit... ;)


"To be honest," Jace cheeks went pink and he looked down at the various worksheets on the table, "it was kind of hot."

"Really?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Well somebody needed to tell her off, she can be such a bitch sometimes, you know?" He had worked up the courage and looked up, exposing more of his rosy cheeks.

"Yeah I know, too well actually." I put my head in my hands and grumbled. What even possessed me to go out with her?

"So back to physics..." He said, changing the subject completely.

"Oh fine." I rolled my eyes, "I hate physics with a passion."

"Physics is amazing." Jace snorted.

"I know, protons are oh so sexy." I mimicked him.

For about five seconds, he tried his best to hold a poker face but when his nose flared and his lips were pursed tightly together, I knew he couldn't hold a it, even when I'm mimicking him.

He spilled out with laughter and covered his face with his hands, eventually stopping him from going into a laughing fit.

"Sh...shut up!" He said in between breaths.

So adorable.

"Continuing on..."

For the next hour, we carried on with the revision session. I kept falling into a half asleep half awake phase and its now become a habit. Weird.

"Zach!" Camellia grinned from ear to ear as she saw Jace and I making our way upstairs from the basement.

"Oh hey-" the wind was knocked out of me in an instant as Camellia's body collided with mine.

I felt like I couldn't breath and I was struggling to inhale. I could only take small, raspy breaths and to be honest, it genuinely felt like I was going to die. My vision went all blurry and I felt lightheaded but goddammit, I can't even yell at Cammie because she's just a little kid.

I saw Jace having to stifle a laugh at my suffering, gosh, what a nice person he is.

When I finally recovered, I punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and seeing him in the same position as me. I didn't punch him enough to hurt him badly or bruise him... Hopefully.

I felt something inside of me, a sense of remorse.

Was it remorse?


"You... Dick." Jace clutched his stomach and his voice was drowned out by Camellia's mad laughing fit.

"Boys, what is all that noise?" A familiar female voice shouted from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" Jace shouted back and glared at me. "You twit."

"You're a twit."

"No you are!"

"You are-"

"You're both so childish." Cammie rolled her eyes and made her way to the kitchen.

I took a glance at my watch and read that it was quarter to seven. "Damn, I need to get home, my mum is going to kill me!"

"Chill out, there's no school tomorrow. You can stay if you like, I bet Janine has already cooked for you."

"Oh fine." I smiled.

I followed him into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table. Janine was still cooking at the stove and the heavenly scent of freshly baked pizza was in the air, causing a loud rumble from my stomach. I don't think anybody actually noticed however, not when the radio was playing on full blast.


"While the food is cooking, the table needs to be cleaned and set so get on it." Janine said.

"Go clean and set the table, Jace." I snickered and he rolled his eyes.

"That means you too, Zach."

I groaned and stood up from my seat, grabbing a wet cloth to wipe the table with. It currently had pencil sharpenings on it of every colour in the rainbow and lots of eraser rubbings. Cammie.

I wiped the table down and threw the rubbish in the bin. Jace brought over all the placemats and I went back to get some plates and cups.

"It's so nice to have you round, Zach. Maybe next time I can meet your parents?" Vince said as he walked into the kitchen in a suit, briefcase in hand. He walked up to Janice and pecked her on the cheek.

"Yeah, I'll ask but no promises, they're pretty busy people." I shrugged. Of course I'm not going to ask, imagine all the embarrassment and humiliation towards me.

"Great." Vince smiled and slapped my back. Um, ouch?

I sent a quick text to my mum telling her I may be spending longer at Jace's but i'll be home soon but I doubt she would read it because she's always complaining about the technology we have nowadays so I sent the text to Liam too. Shortly after, I received a reply back:

Liam: just make sure you're using protection.

Zach: yeah, whatever bro.

I was snickering to myself as the food was brought to the table, making everyone give me a puzzling look. Jace sat beside me, trying to take a peek at my phone so I decided to push my palm against his cheek and move his head away.

"Dude!" Jace cried and he moved my hand away from his warm cheeks.

A pepperoni pizza was places in front of Jace and I and it had at least 10 slices. Jace glares daggers at me and moved the pizza close to him at the same time.

"Jace, share your pizza." Janine sighed. "You know I never give you a whole ten slices unless it's to share."

"But why does Cam get her own!" Jace huffed and pointed his finger accusingly at his younger sister dramatically.

"She only has like, six slices and she's the only one who likes olives." Vince smirked, causing Cammie to giggle.

"Zach likes olives." Jace retorted.

"I do?" I smirked.

"You do!" Jace cried and sent me a look as if to say 'play along'.

I'd rather not.

"Nah, I'm- gah!" I nearly choked on the pizza I was eating when I felt clammy, skinny hands on my thigh and getting closer to a particular area. His touch felt like fire against ice and right about now, something sure felt on fire.

Vince cocked an eyebrow, whether he knew what was going on under the table or not was unknown.

I hope he didn't.

I slapped Jace's hand away hastily and glared at him; his cheeks flushed in return.

The dinner continued and there was only small talk being thrown around here and there. Most of it was at me so Jace's family could know about me better but I was never good at small talk.

I helped with tidying up so I didn't have to see the wrath of Janine when she yells at Jace to tidy up. I already get told off by my mum who hates having to deal with all the kitchen work alone.

I followed Jace to his room and while I sat down on the bed glancing aimlessly at the room, he went to the bathroom. My eyes found a collage of photographs clearly taken on a Polaroid. Many of the pictures of Jace looked like they were taken just last year because his face didn't look that much different.


A couple pictures caught my eye. Jace partying, Jace with his friends, Jace as a little boy flashing a toothy smile, Jace on his sixteenth birthday and then... Jace with his two gay uncles.

I frowned at the picture, the people in it just looked so happy being just them. They were holding hands, not even caring about the people in the background seeing them together.

Little Jace was in between the two, he looked around nine or ten and he had two thumbs up, grinning at the camera.


The door closed behind me and I jumped, seeing Jace combing his fingers through his hair. He flashed me a smile and came closer to me until I could feel his body warmth behind me and his breathing fanning my neck.

"Oh yeah, you know about my uncles. That was when we went on holiday to LA." Jace spoke quietly in that deep voice of his; It sent shivers up my spine.

"You look cute." I commented.

He never said anything after that, what was left was just silence between us, comfortable silence. Soon enough however, he rested his head in the crook of my neck and on my shoulder. His arms snaked around my waist and I felt so comfortable in this position so without any speaking, we just stood in this position for what felt like hours.

A few moments passed and I twisted around in my spot, ducking my head down at my hands that were placed on Jace's chest. With arms still snaked around my waist, he came closer and brought his head back to the crook of my neck. I brought my hands up, deciding I should actually do something with them and touched his silky, thick hair, combing my fingers though it. I've always liked it when someone does it to me, it felt really nice. My dad used to do it for me when I was little and we were sat watching telly together while everyone would be upstairs sleeping. My dad and I were never ones to go bed early.

However, the present situation I was in didn't feel the same as it did with my dad because I was wrapped cozily in Jace's embrace and I was the one stroking his long black locks.

"This feels nice." Jace muttered into my neck. I couldn't help but shiver at his warm breath as it fanned my neck. Goosebumps arose on my skin but it didn't bother me too much. As a reply, I only nodded.

"You know, I should uh.. get going." I sighed as I thought about the interrogation I'd get from everyone at home.

"No, stay." Jace whined like a little kid. I couldn't help but listen to every command he says so I made it clear to myself that I will stay.

"Whatever you want." I whispered.

We seperated a few minutes later and Jace walked over to his dresser, taking out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I watched how graceful he was, in the way he walks, in the way he picks up an object or puts it down. I can never be that graceful, I'm just ashtonishingly clumsy.

He handed me the clothes and I hastily whipped my jumper off, feeling the coldness of the room for a moment or two before going back to slightly warmer temperatures when I had put the t-shirt on. I did the same for my pants, stripping off my jeans and socks and finally changing into something more comfier and less constricting.

I scurried outside the bedroom and slipping into the bathroom, quickly taking a pee and splashing my face with cold water. I couldn't help but feel a little embaressed thinking about last time I stayed over here. I remember how I cuddled up to Jace and woke up to nobody at my side. On top of that however, I did feel pretty excited.

By the time I had walked back inside the room, Jace was changed in his pj's, under the duvet and ready to sleep. I also noticed he put two extra pillows down and I smiled at him remembering I sleep with two pillows.

I shuffled further inside the room, turned off the lamp and lifted the duvet up so I could slide in. I wrapped myself up and let the warmth embrace me before turning to face Jace who was already looking at me. I flashed him a huge grin and he flashed me one too before shuffling closer to me so he was practically on my pillow.

"I needed to talk to you about something." I whispered. I received a confused look from the boy next to me and sighed. "Your friend... Benjamin... He hasn't told you anything right?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, but he didn't need to." Jace put vaguely and now it was my turn to give him a confused look. "So are you Flynn like a thing now?"

I could've sworn that I could have a heart attack right then and there. "No, we're not."

"But you-"

"Yes, I know... But we aren't. I'm just really freaking confused right now." I told him. I was no longer speaking in hushed tones, I was talking normally.

"I understand." He looked me dead in the eye with a pleading look, he looked pretty glum. "So... Do you think you and Flynn could..."

"I'm not sure. I have my eye on somebody else." I smirked just as he ducked his head down and went into some kind of daze.

He finally came back to reality, during the time he spent thinking, I was just staring down at him but not in that creepy way that looks like I want to eat him or something but more in admiration. Jace was so sweet, so gorgeous. He wasn't the most muscly or the most flawless but I just liked him for him.

"Are you done?" Jace snickered. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I didn't reply, just simply cozied myself up on the duvet more. I closed my eyes but then opened them again when I felt small caresses on the side of my face. Jace was running his thumb up and down my cheek.

I leant in closer by instinct, it wasn't even my mind controlling my body right now. It was some kind of invisible force that objects any command my brain throws at it. So cautiously, I brought my face closer to the boy next to me, his scent filled my nose and his warm breath felt nice on the bare skin next to my neck. Jace didn't move a muscle, he only just stared up up my eyes and my lips and I most definitely knew what that meant.

My eyes fluttered shut as my lips met Jace's plump, moist ones. For a few moments, we stayed like that. Not moving any part of our body but our lips that were moulded together. Finally, I worked up enough courage to go right in and run my hands up and down his torso. I loved how Jace would flinch slightly as my hands went pretty low down his front and I loved the feeling of his calloused thumb caressing my cheek.

Tearing my lips apart from his, I sat up and brought one leg over his body so that I was straddling him. His hands ran up and down my front, mimicking the same thing I was doing to him. The only difference was that his hands were under my shirt. His touch felt electrifying, making me flinch when he ran his hands down my sides or past my nipple.

I leant down, once again joining our lips together. I flicked his bottom lip with my tongue, I didn't know whether I was rushing anything because I didn't know how much experience Jace had, he's never mentioned anything about an ex to me. Whatever though, he wasn't complaining because he opened up, allowing my tongue access to roam his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance for a while, the kiss was filled with so much passion, so much want, and that confused me a hell of a lot because I didn't feel the exact same way as the time I kissed Flynn.

We parted so that we could breath and I brought my head to the crook of his neck, ready to give him a hickey. I looked to Jace and telepathically asked if I could give him one. In return, he angled his neck so that I had better access and smirked. Jace's hands roamed up and down my abs as I sucked and licked all around his neck and behind his ear, trying to find his sensitive spot.

I was about to move to his shoulder when Jace's hands went a little too low down my front but in all honesty, I didn't mind. His hands played with the waistband of my sweatpants and he stuck a finger between the waistband of my boxers and my skin. It was beginning to get hard to focus on finished that sensitive spot when he was going back and fourth into deciding whether his hands will be in or outside my sweatpants and as annoying as it was, it was only causing me to get majorly turned on... In a good way. A kind of way that makes you writhe and suffer before it actually happens and oh boy, when it does...

However, it was not going to happen because I personally felt like it wasn't the right time to get too deep into it, especially with Jace. Sure, this moment is like a dream come true but then there was this feeling, at the pit of my stomach that didn't have the same need to do anything like that with Jace so soon as I would want to do with Flynn. It was odd.

"Jace, I'm not ready for... That." I looked him dead in the eye.

"Me neither. No rush." Jace breathed out and gave me a close lipped smile, to which I returned.

I buried myself in the crook of his neck once again, eager to find his sensitive spot. I retraced my steps, sucking and licking from his neck to his ear. I went back down his neck, now in the awkward place just underneath his jawline.

"O-oh... Zach-" I saw Jace's eyes squeeze shut as I carried on sucking and licking underneath that chiseled jawline of his. It was a funny place for his sensitive spot but hey, I finally found it right?

My elbows were starting to hurt from all the weight I was putting on them because I was crouched over Jace and technically, not touching him. I relaxed my whole entire body and stopped keeping myself upright and instead, laying right on top of him so that we were sandwiched together. He snaked his around my neck and I sucked even more on his jaw, making the hickey as obvious and as dark as I could.

Jace was moaning out my name, only making it even more difficult to handle the pain I was feeling down there but nope, I was not going to do anything like that... Yet.

Finally, happy with my mark on his jaw, I brought my head back to and my lips once again moulded with his plump, pink, swollen ones. I dove right in, using my tongue to massage his, pleasuring the both of us. A lot of minutes passed, part of me was in agony, having a hard-on but not being to turn it off mentally was just pure agony. I could feel Jace's own hard on near my butt but he too, was not doing anything about it.

We reluctantly parted, quite breathlessly might I add, and stared up at the ceiling for the longest time. The only thing heard was our raspy breaths.

"Damn... My parents are just... Down the hall." Jace groaned.

"They didn't barge in telling us off so..." I shrugged.

He turned towards me, one arm under his head. "That was amazing."

"I know." I smiled. I turned to face him and told him to turn around so that I could wrap my arms around his chest. I leaned up, pecked his exposed shoulder and fell back into the pillows, allowing sleep to take over my body.

I was in pure bliss.


A/N: The chapter you've been waiting for... ;)

I've never actually wirtten so much on an intimate situation, sure... i've done bits like when Zach and Flynn had their moment but quite a bit of this chapter is intimate... it's new to me.

So... how was it? Be honest and tell me how I could improve... pretty please with a Zach on top? ;)

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