《Smitten With Him [Editing]》22. The She Wolf
(Photoset; Camellia)
A/N: I'm changing Camellia's age to thirteen because we all underestimate twelve year olds xD
Also, I was wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to make more chapters in Jace's POV. Personally, I think it might give some important information away so I will not be making chapters in his POV during this period of time in the story but maybe later in the book I could do it. If not, then I can add bonus chapters at the end of the book. Tell me what you think. Xx
I awoke to the sound of soft snores that sounded far too close to me for my liking. Don't you just absolutely hate the word 'snore'? Snore. Snore. Snore. Nope?
My eyes fluttered open and I remembered all of last night, causing my mouth to contort into one great big creepy smile. You know what they say, a happy thought in the morning brightens up your whole day. I was glad that he had blackout curtains in his room because I did not want to be blinded by the sun streaking in through the top of the curtains. Jace's arm was limp across my chest and his head was in the space between my head and my shoulder, laying on my pillow.
I twisted my head towards the sleeping boy next to me, peppering his face with kisses. Ok, so maybe I was evil for attempting to wake him up but I was extremely bored and hungry. Finally, a beautiful green eye replaced Jace's closed eyelid and I smiled. Something was at the tip of my tongue, and whether I should say it or not depended on how completely and utterly weird it would sound.
"Morning beautiful." I murmured. There, I said it. Shoot me. Jace just gave me a black stare then grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth. He buried his head into the pillow, face down, and I was no longer able to see his face.
"You're like the cliche monster." He mumbled into the pillow. "You don't realise how gay you just sounded."
I snickered at him using 'gay' as a term to describe what I said and twisted my whole body just a little so I was able to comfortably comb his hair with my fingers. He unburied his face from the pillow and I brushed away some hair that was in front of his eyes. I moved my hand from his long black locks to his face so I could caress it with my hand. My thumb ran across the love bite I gave him yesterday, the once very red mark was now adorned by patches of a dark shade of purple. I smiled at myself at my accomplishment.
"I'm hungry, go make me food." I ordered him jokingly. He flashed a small, lopsided smile in return. I was about to pull my hand away when Jace's left hand covered mine and rested it back on his cheek. He intwined our fingers together and pecked my swollen lips.
"What time is it?" He whispered and rubbed at his eyes.
I let go of his hand, and twisted around to look at my phone that was sitting on the bedside table. I saw the time and also saw that I had like fifteen messages from both Liam and Mum.
"It's nearly ten." I said as I felt Jace's arm snake itself around my waist from behind.
I squinted at the bright light of my phone as I brought it closer to my face and went to the messages app and groaned at the fact that a message from mum is never a good one, especially if there's more than two.
Liam: you never said you're staying over.
Liam: wait, you stayed over right?
Mum: where are you?
Mum: Zach please text me when you're near home.
Mum: do you need picking up?
Liam: mum's pissed, you're in sooooo much trouble.
It was now my turn to bury my face in my pillows. I let out a huge groan and dreaded my imminent death.
"What's up?" He spoke tiredly.
"I didn't tell my mum I'd be staying over and now she's pissed."
I could only wonder why mum is suddenly growing overprotective of me. Just yesterday morning when I received a pointless phone call she interrogated me about it all through breakfast.
Jace didn't say anything after that but I felt a lot of movement next to me and soon, the warmth of having another person sleep next to me was gone. Jace came in front of me and I looked up to see a mischievous smirk creeping on his lips. Forcefully, he clasped his hands around my wrist and heaved me upwards, I always thought that he would have never had enough upper arm strength to lift me up but my theory was soon put to shame when I literally face palmed the floor.
"Ow!" I whined as I rubbed at my forehead, I looked up to Jace who looked as if he had just kicked a puppy. My frown was soon contorted into a smirk and I grabbed Jace's skinny wrist and pulled him down to the ground but in the end, I only ended up hurting myself when his body collided with mine.
"Zach!" Jace rolled his eyes but didn't try to get up off me. He lifted up a hand and for a second, I thought he'd slap me or something but instead, he moved the area of my forehead that I was covering with my hand and leant down to place a kiss on it.
I for one, do not like forehead kisses and grabbed his head, smashing my lips against his.
My mind was so occupied with my lips against Jace's and didn't notice that Cammie was stood by the doorway until she cleared their throat.
"Mum!" Cammie screamed.
In a heartbeat, loud thumping sounded by the stairs and they got closer and closer. Jace scrambled off me and ran over to his little sister and clasped his hand around her mouth. I stood up hastily and pretended that I was making the bed... The thing is, I never make beds.
"What? What was it?!" Janice panicked as she opened up the whole door.
"N-nothing!" Jace said.
"Oh hello Zach, I didn't know you stayed over."
"Morning," I said and even waved. I waved. "It was a last minute decision."
"Did you tell you mum? She'd be worried." She glanced to Jace and her eyes widened.
"No.. I erm, forgot."
Janine nodded, smirked, and left the room, I let out a breath that I was holding in and dug my head in my hands.
"Ew! You licked me!" Jace cried and wiped his wet palm against his trousers. Cammie stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms.
"You were kissing Zach! I saw!"
"So..so what?" Jace huffed. From what he had told me before, Jace has yet to tell Cammie that he's pansexual but I guess now, he doesn't need to.
"So what?!" She looked pretty angry right now. Wow, talk about a thirteen year old going crazy. "You didn't tell me that you're... Gay!"
"I'm not gay. I'm pansexual."
"Never mind."
I walked over to Cammie and crossed my arms. "Please don't tell anyone."
"Well, I have to tell my friend Jessica so she can add it to her scrapbook of 'favourite gays' and of course, I must tell my other friend Nelly, she will be so happy-"
"Don't tell anyone." Jace told her sternly, but his facade didn't last every long because Jace can never be serious.
"Fine fine." Cammie rolled her eyes. "I would have never thought Zach would be gay but then again, it's always the hot ones that are gay."
"Excuse me?" I questioned and cocked a brow.
"Nothing." She waved off and left the room, but not before saying something along the lines of, "I took a picture so don't get on my bad side."
I rubbed my tummy after it had made some weird gurgling sound. "I'm hungry."
Jace rolled his eyes and motioned for me to go ahead of him out the doorway and I did, but not without feeling him slap my butt.
"Bastard." I muttered and he chuckled.
* * *
"You could've at least messaged me! I do read my texts you know!" Mum shouted, furious. I still don't know why she's all of a sudden caring so much about my whereabouts.
"I forgot!" I yelled back. Yelling at your mum, good one Zach.
"You could've been anywhere and I was sat here panicking! You could've been kidnapped or taken hostage!"
"Don't give me that look young man!" She crossed her arms when she noticed the incredulous look I had given her. Taken hostage? Really?
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"I'm sorry." I said louder.
"Sorry doesn't replace all the panic I felt, so I'm going to punish you." She picked up a drying cloth and started drying the crockery.
"What? You can't do that! You haven't done that in like, forever!" I raised my voice once again.
The last time mum punished me was a couple years ago when I refused to finish my food when I was visiting some family so my mum gave me the ultimate punishment by not allowing me to eat until I appreciate food and give a phone call to my aunt apologising for telling her out loud, in front of everyone, that her food sucks. It's not my fault though that my aunt's food tastes like cow dung, not that I would know how that tastes like.
It was a major dick move to embarrass her but come on, we all knew that she couldn't cook.
"I don't care." Mum glared at me, "you panicked us all! I don't even know Jace well enough to allow you to stay over, he could've raped you."
It wouldn't be rape if I enjoyed it, I thought.
"What about that time when I stayed over before? You didn't tell me off then."
"I didn't know you were gay then."
"Fair enough." I rolled my eyes and saw that Liam had come downstairs, tiredly might I add, only in his boxers. "What's the punishment?"
"You're not allowed to go over Jace's house for the next two weeks." Mum said smoothly and she looked down at her perfectly manicured nails. "And that means no going out and about with him either during that time."
I turned to Liam, seeing him trying to stifle a laugh. "Mum, that's ridiculous! Where will I revise with him then?"
"At school."
"Oh come on! Mum, you can't do that, Jace is like my best buddy!" I cried.
"Yeah well, you should know to ask my consent next time you stay over someone's house."
"Fine." I huffed and crossed my arms, knowing that arguing back would make things worse. "Night." I stormed out the kitchen and in to my room.
Angrily, I slammed the door shut only to hear a noise that sounded a lot like a strangled cat and hastily opened it up again, only to see Liam on the floor curled up into a giant ball.
"You... Twat." He said breathlessly.
I couldn't help the smile that crept upon my lips. What am I, A sadist?
He finally recovered and welcomed himself inside my room, taking a seat on my bed, or more like, taking up all the space with his huge frame.
"Pretty tough punishment. You can't see your lover now." He said.
"Shut up." I replied grumpily, I was not in the mood to deal with his shit.
He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, "so what went down at Jace's?"
I shot him the most annoyed like ever, why does he suddenly care a lot about my relationships? He never cared about my relationships with my past girlfriends. "Nothing."
"Don't lie to me."
"Gosh, I don't have to tell you! I don't butt into your relationship with Naomi now, do I?"
He just frowned, then nodded in understanding and sluggishly left the room, leaving me once again feeling lonely as ever.
I walked over to the door, locked it and fell back on my bed, just staring up at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing I've ever seen. We had a rule in the house to not lock the doors but to be honest, I don't care anymore.
I stripped myself down to only my boxers and wrapped myself in my bedsheets, silently hoping that at any moment, Flynn would come flying into my room so we could just gets wasted and have a good time.
But that is never going to happen because one, my window is locked and I can't be bothered to go open it, two, Flynn doesn't have the superhuman ability to fly and three, he's not legal to buy drinks.
These two weeks are sure going to be rough.
I could already feel myself wanting to be wrapped up in Jace's embrace again, repeating the moment we had last night and doing more. Spending one night with someone and not having anybody to cuddle with the next night sure makes it hard to sleep peacefully.
Since when did I become so needy?
* * *
The next morning, I felt myself getting a headache and also an upset tummy coming along. Gosh, what a way to make my day even more terrible.
Sluggishly, I hauled myself downstairs, wiping my hand down my face in an attempt to wake me up a little but of course, clumsy ol' me just had to lose my footing and roll down the rest of the stairs on my back with both arms flailing in the air like crazy in an attempt to catch the railing but it failed terribly.
"He really is finding it hard to live without his lover." I looked up to see Liam with an amused look on his face and my mum standing nearby with a concerned expression.
"Are you okay baby?" Mum cooed.
"Well no, I'm obviously not." I said grumpily and stood up, walking past the both of them to get to the sofa in the living room.
"Zachary Michael Hamilton! You get your butt here now!"
Ooh. She used the middle name card.
I didn't listen to her and instead, threw a cushion at the door so that it closes on her face, the last thing I saw was a furious Mummy Hamilton and an shocked Liam.
"You are so rude!" She yelled as she threw the door open and picked up the auburn coloured cushion, "do not throw my cushions!" She nearly put it in its designated spot on the living chair and grabbed the neckline of my t-shirt, hauling me up off the sofa and stood in front of her.
Maybe I shouldn't underestimate this woman, if she can lift me up by my t-shirt, she may also be able to drag me by my ear.
"Mum!" I groaned and straightened out my t-shirt again.
"Don't 'mum' me, you better apologise this instant."
"Sorry won't make me feel better after you threw the cushion." She said, picking at her manicured nails. I vaguely remember her saying something similar yesterday, before she gave me my punishment.
I looked to Liam who was stood by the door with his phone out and facing me as if he was-
"Mum! Liam's recording it!" I complained and I ran past her and to my idiotic brother, whose phone I tried taking. He shoved me away with one hand as held the phone up high in the other, snickering to himself.
"Liam, stop making him shout. Honestly, he's doing my ear drums in." Mum said, causing Liam to instantly stop whatever he was doing and frown. "Delete it." He did as he was told, and left.
"Zach, grow the hell up! For throwing cushions at me, you're doing the laundry this week." Mum walked past me, muttering something about me acting like a five year old.
I slumped down on the sofa, wiping a hand down my face and throwing more cushions. I rubbed my tummy, trying to sooth the pain but it didn't even help in the slightest. It felt like it had been prodded with a million pins and my head felt heavy on one side, as if at any moment, it would like slide off my neck like a scoop of ice cream sliding off a cone and going splat on the floor.
Now I knew how it felt for girls during periods.
A/N: it's a filler chapter (hooray) and now you've met Mummy Hamilton and you probably hate her guts right now, but she's not actually so... Annoying. Like a lot of mothers, she's only looking out for Zach and trying to prevent him having sex and stuff like that. She's also reasonable, you could say Zach brought those punishments upon himself. xD
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