《Smitten With Him [Editing]》17. Hella Flirty



1K reads?!! Seriously guys, I'm going all cray cray.... That's not a good thing.

Thank you so so so so much!

P.s. I can't actually believe that just one day in the story has taken three chapters.


We were all hanging around a few benches that faced the River Thames eating our M&M's. It was a beautiful view, really.

There were quite a few boats out and I felt kind of jealous. We didn't go on them because apparently Camellia gets seasick.

Damn, why did Camellia have to come again? Oh yeah...

The sun was about to set and I could see that it looked like it was going to dip in the water, it looked a burnt orange colour too. The sky was a mix of purple and blues and I could see the moon too, and I loved seeing the moon and the sun at the same time, I never knew why though.

"It's so gorgeous." Trish commented and we all muttered back agreeing with her.

"Can I have a moment with Jace?" I whispered in her ear. Immediately, she nodded and dragged herself and Camellia away and went to sit with Molly on the bench a few metres away from us. I couldn't miss the wink she sent my way or the giggling with Molly. They both took out their phones too, probably ready to take a picture.

I took a sharp in take of breath but tried to remain as quiet as possible because right now, there was a pin drop silence between us and it was agonising. I glanced his way at stared at the side of his face, I just loved how you could see his cute button nose and long lashes. I smiled, in bliss, this moment was just so wonderful and so was this person sat next to me.

My tummy started fluttering more than it was when we were sat idily and the M&M's in my hand didn't look so appealing right now so I put them aside. I watched as he scrolled down the touch screen phone with his skinny ass thumb and ate his M&M's two at a time, sometimes three with his other hand.

"So unsociable, jeez." I rolled my eyes and tried taking away his phone. He was probabaly texting that red head, Lori. At her name, a surge of some emotion ran through me, it was probabaly jelousy, anger and rejection all together in one.

"Hey hey, you do not touch my phone. Got it?" He snatched his phone back and glanced up at me for the first time since we sat down. For a second, our hands touched and as cliche as it was, everything was starting to slow down and I felt my face get hot. I hope he doesn't notice the redness, that would be embaressing but he could probabaly sense something because my eyes were wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Who're you texting?" I asked casually, or as casual and not in a I-want-to-punch-her-face-in kind of way as I could.


I knew it!

"Come on, we're in London, man. Put the damn phone away and talk to me." I growled out. Call me harsh or possesive, I don't care.

"Alright, fine." He slipped the phone inside his coat pocket. I shuffled closer to him so were thighs were touching eachother. He gave me a funny look but didn't move away.

"So..." I trailed off.


"So..." He mimicked.

I took another deep breath, my heart was pounding in my chest.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked awkardly. Something was bugging me, and kissing him would resolve it.


I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his waist like a side hug and coming closer and closer to his lips but when our noses were practically touching I wasn't so sure of the idea. I've kissed him before, it's no big deal but those times at the game, It meant absoloutely nothing. We were faking being a gay couple for no reasonable excuse other than slutty girls flirting with my Jace.

The distance between our lips were so close yet, I still couldn't kiss him. I could feel his hot breath fanning my face and usually, it would make me want to kiss him more but nope, that was not happening.

I backed away from him, mentally face palming myself. My arms were still wrapped around his waist but we were no longer at such a close proximity.

I felt his arm soon wrapping around my waist too, he brought his face closer to mine and for a moment, I couldn't breathe. His eyes scanned my face and he licked his lips before closing the distance. My lips moved in sync with his but as soon as the kiss started, it ended and his lips were pulling away from mine. Cheekily, he bit my bottom lip a little as he pulled back so it was jutting out before letting go of it completely.

My eyes opened slowly, I was still half stuck in the moment.

"That good huh?" He snickered.

"Shut up." I crossed my arms.

"I'm not going to ask for a legit reason why you wanted to kiss me but I can't say I'm not curious." he shrugged.

I glanced back out to the river, now, the sun was completely down and the moon was bright and high up in the sky; It was nearly full too and the strong wind was practically dragging me away.

My arms tightened around his waist, It was like a little twitch just to make sure he was here right now with me. If my heart was thumping like crazy before then it was practically wanting to jump out my chest right now. My hands were all gross and clammy too, why was Jace making me feel like this? It was so unfair.

The kiss, I guess you could say It just kind of made sure that my feelings for Jace were legit. They were, obviously. It was a stupid to 'double check' but hey, at least I got to kiss him, right?

No regrets.

At all.


We soon had to leave after that if we wanted to catch the train and my alone time was Jace was now nonexistant when Camellia came over and thanked me for the birthday surprise and she wouldn't stop talking to me about the trip. All the way to the London Underground, through the whole train journey and the ride home. Man, this girl could talk.

I still had to give her the Build-A-Bear present though, so Jace drove us all back to my house just in time for dinner.

Mum and dad and the smell of chicken and mushroom stew greeted us as we walked through the front door.

"Hey mum! Dad!" I shouted through the house, not bothering to greet anybody else- I.e My uncle and aunt. I wasn't all that sure if Liam was home, he goes gym sometimes in the evening.


I kicked my shoes off and practically threw the rucksack off my back. I felt so relieved then, that rucksack had so much shit inside and my back was killing me.

Everyone mimicked me and took their shoes off but it was Jace who neatly tucked his away so nobody trips over.

"Hello Jace, it's nice to see you again!" Mum greeted my cough boyfriend cough friend.

"You too, Mrs Hamilton. My sister is with me too, she's with Molly though." He shot her his award winning smile. Damn, how are his teeth so white? That's not right, we British people drink enough tea a week to fill a paddling pool to the brim.

"He has manners!" Mum grinned. "Zach, you should be more like him."

I just shrugged and joined everyone in the kitchen. Molly and Trish were already sat down with Camellia and they were filling our plates, making sure to give Jace a huge portion. I'm so proud of my munchkins, knowing my (boy)friend so well.

Wait what?

I think I need some sleep, I'm getting all crazy in love like Beyoncé except, not so much in love but more in lust. Wink wink.

I sat down at the table in the corner with Jace opposite me and Trish to my right. She handed me my normal sized portion and Jace his giant portion. He didn't complain, typical Jace.

We finished our dinner, it was hard to eat quickly when Jace and I kept glancing to each other and snickering for no absolute reason.

Jace stood up with his bowl in his hand that looked like it was licked clean and I followed. I just put it in the sink but Jace turned the tap on and starting washing it. Sigh.

I had to turn the tap off and haul his ass away from it.

Soon, the table was cleaned and we were all sat back down with Camellia sat in the middle. Mum brought a cake to the table with eleven candles lit up singing Happy Birthday to her and giving us all glares to join in.

The cake was put down and all I wanted to do was devour it right now, even if the candles were pink or if it had princess patterns and pink ribbon on it. I will eat that shit.

"Make a wish!" Aunt Stacy said before allowing Cammie to blow out the candles.

It was at that moment Liam walked in to the kitchen, sweaty and still in his gym clothes.

"Dude you smell like a rat's butt, go take a shower." I groaned.

"How would you know what a rat's butt smells like?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I turned back around to face the cake which was now being cut.

"Cake cake cake! Gimmie!" I stuck my arms out and received the first slice of cake. Praise the Lord.

When everyone had cake, we all dug right in. The jam filling was sweet but yummy nonetheless and there was the perfect balance between icing and sponge.

Soon enough though, we all finished our cake and went inside the living room where Liam was sat still in his gym clothes with his feet propped up on the coffee table.

"Ew, you're getting your sweat all over the sofa!" I cringed for a moment and sat in between him and Jace.

"Is it me or are you getting more feminine by the hour?" He laughed and then clamped his mouth with his hand.

"It's cool." I snorted. "He knows."

"He is very feminine." Jace agreed with Liam.

"You're way more feminine than me!" I shoved him hard on the shoulder.

"Well, two bottoms, that's kind of awkward. It wouldn't work." Liam pointed out for everyone to hear.

I just stared at him, and glared. Why did he have to go and say that for? I'm obviously a top... Aren't I?

"No way, I'm a top." Jace smirked. He's a mind reader!

As giddy as I felt with Jace subconsciously pointing out we'd have sex, this top and bottom conversation needed to be resolved.

"Please." I snapped my fingers all drama queen like, "you're not a top."

"I so am!" He laughed. "You're probably a switch..."

"No you're probably a switch!" I groaned. I was glad that the adults were all in the kitchen. Molly, Liam and Trisha were here though with Camellia but I doubt she'd know what we're on about. She's too enthused in her new Build-A-Bear gift.

"Oh my god." Liam groaned and slapped his forehead then slapped me. "Shut up! You're making me cringe!"

"We need to resolve this issue now!" I said.

"Can't you agree on both of you being versatile..." Liam said.

"Fine." I huffed and cross my arms.

"No because I'm a top." Jace snickered. "And you just admitted that you'd bottom."

"Every top has to bottom at some point..."

"That's not necessarily true."

"Oh for god sakes, shut up or get the hell out of my home." I said jokingly but Jace was already getting up.

I stood up quickly and followed him. "Don't go, Don't leave, please stay, with me-"

"That song sucks." He pointed out and I gave him the most offended look I could muster.

"You suck!" I crossed my arms.

"Damn right I do." He winked and I smirked before walking closer him, wrapping my arms around his waist and bringing my face closer to his ear so that I could whisper.

"For a virgin, you're pretty good at getting me all hot by saying things like that." I felt comfortable joking around like this with Jace, he already knew my secret. "oh and you just admitted you're a bottom too."

He shoved me back and his face was all flustered. "Camellia, we're going!"

I turned around to face the door of the living room, seeing Molly, Trish and Liam all stood in the doorway. You want to know what's worse? Trish had her phone out and I reckon she recorded the whole thing just so she could taunt me with it.

Camellia emerged from the group and ran up to me. "Thank you for the present!"

"It's fine, remember to kiss it goodnight before bed." I said and glanced up to Jace and winked.

"Jace stop zoning out!" Camellia said to Jace who seemed a little fazed. She poked his tummy and he flinched and looked down to her.

"Bye!" We all said as they got in the car and drove off.

I turned around just in time to face the music.

"You two are so flirty!" Molly said.

"What the hell did you even say to him to get him so red? Poor guy." Liam cocked an eyebrow.

"I ship it!" Trish laughed.

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