《Smitten With Him [Editing]》16. Duckface Selfies


Seriously? I had like 300 reads a few days ago and now I HAVE 600+.


I just wanted to say thank you so much and omgggg I still can't believe it *wipes tear from eye*

This is such a.. *wipes more tears* I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW.

I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I was really stuck for ideas, it was basically up to the point of writing a paragraph a day from just random ideas in my head.



We were sat in Wagamamas- probably the best restaurant ever. I chuckled as I watched Jace struggle with his chopsticks.

"Hold them like this." I showed him how I was holding mine and how I was making the two sticks go further and closer together.

He tried to copy the way I was holding them, sneaking glances my way but then he frowned, placing the chopsticks down and replacing them with a fork.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat the rice out of my chicken teriyaki. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jace finding difficulty in eating his soup and noodles, like seriously, the portion is huge but I never thought that somebody like him wouldn't be able eat it, he could literally eat the same amount of what I eat in a day in just one meal.

"If you're not going to eat that then I'd happily have it." Molly grinned and stared down at Jace's food like a predator about to pounce on its prey.

"Leave me and my food alone." Jace groaned and hugged his bowl. He got some weird looks from the people next to us. They were on the same table as us because the restaurant is set out like that. I didn't like it all that much because then you're super close to random strangers and it seems like they're inspecting everything you do.

"You're such a loser." I rolled my eyes at him and shoved some rice into my mouth.

"He's right, you are." Camellia laughed and I gave her a high five.

It's like we're the Anti-Jace team, with the exception we don't want Jace to leave us but instead, be annoyed at us even though he can't stay mad.

Jace grumbled and carried on finishing his dish.


"Who's stupid idea was it to go on the London Underground on a Saturday?" Trisha complained as we all stood amongst a ton of other people all trying to get on the next train.

"It would've been much worse driving, trust me." Jace commented, "but you're not the one driving, I am, so you wouldn't know."

Damn that... Friggin' hot, sexy, snarky idiot.

Trisha rolled her eyes and stayed silent as the train arrived. We all jumped on and it was literally the most impossible task. A ton of people hopped off and another ton got on. All at the same time.

Trisha ran towards an open seat and glared at anybody who tried to beat her to it. There was one woman; an elderly woman might I add who a looked Trisha up and down and scoffed, going towards the middle of the carriage to stand like everybody else.

The rest of us were stood up at the end of the carriage. It was less cramped here than the middle but still squishy nonetheless. I felt so claustrophobic, There were two guys much taller than me (which is surprising because I'm pretty tall myself) and their backs were faced to me, making it seem as if they were looming over me.


Jace and I were stood pretty close together but hey, I'm not complaining. I'm talking about back to chest close. My left hand was grasped around the pole on the ceiling of the carriage to support my weight and Jace's back was all up against my torso. He had nowhere to hold on and I guess he settled to using me as his support.

I lifted my free arm up and brought it over his broad shoulder, letting it flop and arm rest against his abdomen. The train started to move and he jolted forward do with as much strength i could muster, I pulled him back against my chest before he went flying to the other side of the carriage.

His weight against me was seriously distracting, it was making my tummy flutter and my breathing to become so uneven; I felt like it was way too loud so trying to steady it was becoming extremely difficult with the idea of Jace hearing my heavy breathing and catching onto that I may have a tiny gay crush on him.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in, and took in all the smells of the train. It stunk bad, and I'm talking about body odour and sweat. I looked to see if anybody was watching Jace and I but surprise surprise, nobody was. They were all minding their own business.

I wondered how the twins were coping, if anything, they would usually be frantically spraying themselves and everybody around them with whatever expensive perfume or body spray they could find in their purses, probably causing somebody to have an asthma attack.

I felt a familiar touch on my fingers that were laying against Jace's stomach. I soon found out that it was Jace himself playing with my fingers. I had no idea what I'm the worlds name he was getting at or even if he was getting at anything.

He pressed his index finger and thumb against my middle finger, the pressure on it fluctuating.

Hold on, was he massaging it?

No, this can't be good, it can't be. My whole body tensed and the butterflies in my stomach were acting more like vicious beasts, as much as I wanted to move my hand, I really wanted to keep it there. He moved on to the next finger and it was sending my whole body in to a frenzy, I just really wanted to kiss him right now, those rosy lips sure looked lonely.

I decided against it though and remained standing still and allowing him to massage my fingers.

With Jace touching my fingers, I had this weird feeling come over me, it was like a sense of nervousness or something, why was I nervous?

It could've easily been mistaken for something else, like shyness. The feeling was extremely foreign like seriously? Shyness? I reckon that if I spoke, there would be no voice coming out or I would sound like a mouse. I haven't felt shy around anybody since maybe twelve or thirteen years old when you're family introduces you to distant relatives who you've never met before and they look scary as hell.

Lately, I haven't been sure about many things, I've been completely lost in my thoughts, and dammit if i can't get my head sorted out. I've just been so overwhelmed with so many damn emotions and half of them don't even make sense - like how timid I just felt.

I snapped back to reality as the train braked hard as it reached the next stop, people all around me were both trying to get on or off and Jace and I came even closer, if that was even possible.


Jace momentarily stopped touching my fingers when I put my arm across his throat to drag him back. I was probably strangling the poor kid but really, he had to move out the way if he didn't want to get run over by the stampede of people.

My left arm was starting to ache but I knew I couldn't take it down. Jace's right hand starting rubbing the arm that was around his chest and throat. His touch felt like fire against ice and at each time his right hand went up and down my arm, I felt more and more aware of the simple act.

Seriously, what was he doing? Does he not bloody realise how much of a reaction he's getting out of me?

I could see the side of his face and his whole face was placid, as if even he didn't know what the hell he was doing at all. He seemed deep in thought and I had the sudden urge to slap him just to snap him out of whatever stupor he was in.

He looked kind cute, his eyebrows were furrowed together and his lips were pursed but ever so slightly moving, showing whatever emotions he must have in said daydream.

Being on the London Underground was not as exciting as I thought it would've been, I was literally starting to sweat and I was getting impaitent waiting to arrive at our stop.

Two more stops.. come on.

I reckon that as soon as I get off the train, I'd want to get back on but only for the affection of Jace. He had this strong hold on me and dammit, It really needed to go because it's no fun when I can't tell Jace that I really do like him.

The train came to a halt and so did the warmth and fluttering as Jace moved away and got off the train. My ragged breathing was now stable but my heart was still racing.

We finally got out the station, seeing the beautiful landscape in front of us. You could clearly see Big Ben and Westminster Bridge.

All our eyes were glued on to the view in front of us, I mean, seeing it on New Year's Day on TV with fireworks and shiz is one thing but seeing it right in front of you is another.

"Holy shit." I let out but then covered my mouth.

"My little sister is here if you haven't realised."

"I hear swearing all the time when you're on the phone with him every night." Camellia snickered to Jace, about me and instantly, Molly's eyes lit up.

"So that's why you always spend ages in the bathroom sometimes. I thought you had a toilet problem." Trisha cocked an eyebrow and snorted.

I scratched the back of my head, completely out of awkwardness. Yes this was awkward as hell, it sounds worser than it is though. Camellia and Trisha made it out as if I have phone sex with him and no way, I do not do that. Nuh uh, nope.

Jace doesn't ring me every night, and if it's not me he's ringing then who is it?

"Awww!" Molly cooed, it was as if she was holding it in for ages.

I frowned at her and I would've said something about her smiling at her phone all the time when she's texting that Carrie girl from Build-A-Bear but my mind was elsewhere.

"I don't talk to Jace every night." I sighed. "Jace who else do you talk to?"

He looked at me with amusement. "You sound like a clingy girlfriend, I can talk to whoever I want."

"Yeah sure whatever but... Who is it?" My eyebrows were furrowed and I was kind of disappointed. I had this sinking feeling inside of me, it didn't make me feel too good.

"If you really just know it's that girl from the football game, the redhead." He rolled his eyes.

I gulped, I tried my best to remain calm and composed because I didn't want to give off any signs about my tiny... Crush.

Was it a crush? An infatuation? I don't quite think I could pop the L word in there, it's too soon.

This feeling came over me, It was anger, or was it? It wasn't the feeling of revenge or fury. It was jealousy. Really, Jace could date who he wants.. It's not like I-

Oh who am I kidding.

We were just in silence, all five of us. It wasn't a comfortable silence either.

"Let's go see Big Ben." I grinned, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Yeah, sure." Trisha said and tugged gently on Camellia's hand towards the direction.

I cleared my throat, it was silent between Jace and I and it was even worse because we were stood behind everyone else.

"So uh.. are you into that redhead?" I tried.

"She's alright, easy to get along with, you'd absolutely love her." He smiled, as if recalling something. He never does that when he recalls something with me!

You'd absolutely love her.

Yeah, I sure as hell will when I hold her up by her hair from fifty floored building.

Okay, that was kind of low but come on!

"I have a wedgie." Molly complained as we stood in front of Big Ben. Everyone else was stood closer, taking pictures and Molly and I were standing behind, enjoying the view from a distance.

"Good for you." I said after a moment and rolled my eyes.

I didn't get a reply and I glanced to the girl beside me who was smiling down at her phone and her and thumbs moved rapidly over the keypad.

"Who're you talkin' to?" I smirked and shuffled closer to her to take a peek at the phone.

"That's none of your concern." she pulled her phone towards her chest. "dude, get the fuck outta here."

I smirked back, a mischevious smirk and grabbed her phone that was hugging her breast, who gives a shit about boobs anyway?

"Hey- stop! Zach-"

I turned my back to her and finally caught a good look at the screen of the phone in my hands, she was talking to Carris or Carrie or whatever her name was. Well, I mean, that was obvious.

Hastily I typed Hey, you wanna meet up tomorrow? and pressed the send button.

"Zach!" Molly screamed from behind my shoulder.

"Molly!" I yelled back at her face.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, remember? I can't possibly meet up with her." She whined.

"You're leaving after dinner, at least, that's what my mum said. You can go out together in the afternoon." I informed her.

She punched my shoulder but it was a pathetic punch and I had on a thick coat so I didn't actually feel anything.

"You want to thank me really," I smirked.

"No." She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why not?"

"Because if I start to like her, we'll be almost three hours away from each other."

I didn't know what to say to that, I've never been in a long distance relationship, what could I say? It wasn't as if they were in different countries but still, being three hours away from your potential lover must be pretty sucky.

"You'll figure something out." I countered pathetically. "So what are you going to do together tomorrow?"

She smirked at me and shook her head, saying something about me stalking them if she eventually did tell me.

"Hey, it's not as if you don't join me when I go out with Jace." I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Honestly, since you've come the only alone time with Jace I've had is when I go over to his house for tuition and when I see him in school and the football game."

"Hey, Trisha and me are your biggest fangirls." She grinned and held her hands up in surrender.

I just rolled my eyes dramatically once again, starting to feel exasperated. Having fangirls is a cool thing but having Molly and Trisha as your fangirls? Not a good thing. They would literally claw your eyes out if you didn't tell them every tiny detail.

"Right, bye then." I waved and walked up to Jace and co. They were currently taking selfies, Trisha had her phone out in front of Jace and Camellia and herself and they were all pulling duckfaces.

I pulled on Jace's arm and dragged him away, no way is he going to turn like Trisha with all her duckfaces and cleavage pictures. Nuh uh, no way.

"You chav." I laughed.

"Shut up." He snorted and tugged his arm away and slipped his hand into his pocket only to take out his own phone. "Selfie!"

I frowned and he stuck the camera in front of our faces, he did like ten different facial expressions while I just frowned the whole time.

Eventually though, I did actually pose a little, just for Jace though because he was beginning to look a little annoyed at my frowning face. I moved the camera higher and to the right a little so we were on the edge of the picture and Molly, who was in the background oblivious to everything and everyone around her was in the middle of the selfie.

I started laughing as she looked up from her phone and looked pissed, she started to walk over to us but got caught in between the crowd passing.

Jace and I both erupted into fits of laughter, the crowd was dragging her away and she was physically unable to get out of it.

"Anyhoo, selfie?" Jace grinned.

"We took like fifty."

Jace didn't say anything, he just went back to his phone and put it out in front of us, he came super close and snaked one arm around my waist. His left cheek was brushing up against my right one; It was warm, and I just wanted to stay like this, even if my tummy was curling up like crazy. My cheeks grew hot which actually wasn't a bad thing because it was freezing cold.

"Duckface!" Jace grinned and pulled his lips together and out.

"No way!"

He turned his attention to me and pouted. I was a fool for pouty faces, Jace's especially so after rolling my eyes and muttering an 'okay' I pulled my lips together and out just like his.

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