《Little Rebel》Chapter 15


I woke up the next morning to someone jumping on my bed. No wait, someones.

Without opening my eyes, I stuck my leg out and kicked them off my bed.

"Ow," I heard Nash say.

Then I heard Cam laughing his head off.

"Why did you wake me up?" I whined, turning back over and burying my head in the pillows.

"Nooo, you can't go back to sleep." Cam said, ripping my blankets off of me.

"Why not?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Because we're bored." Nash said.

"Well I'm tired. So goodbye." I waved my hand as a motion for them to leave.

But I don't think they got the hint. Because two seconds later they both climbed on my bed and laid down on top of me.

"Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn, Jordyn," Nash said, poking my arm every time he said my name.

"If you do that one more time I will bite your finger off." I warned.

"Jordyn," He poked my again, smirking.

I glared at him.

"Do it." Nash said, sticking his finger in front of my face.

So I opened my mouth and bit down on his finger hard.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He yelled. "She's actually going to bite my finger off!"

I rolled my eyes, "Baby." I muttered.

Nash just stuck out his lower lip and examined his finger.

"Look at the teeth marks she made." He said, shoving his hand in Cam's face.

"Dude, I can't see anything when you do that to me." Cam said.

"Kay, now you guys need to leave." I said.

"Nu-uh. We are not leaving just so you can go back to sleep." Nash said.

"Uh, no. I need to get dressed smart one." I said.

"Oh yeah." He said. "But we're coming in here if you don't come out soon to make sure you didn't fall back asleep."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just leave." I said, climbing out of bed.

Nash and Cam left my room, closing the door behind them.


It was surprisingly chilly today for being in LA, or maybe that was just me. I get cold really easily. So I wore an oversized black jumped, which I paired with my favorite batman leggings .

I just put my hair up in a messy bun, put in my contacts and swiped on some mascara, not really caring today.

I slipped on my black slippers and went downstairs in search of food.

When I got downstairs, Connor and Ricky were already awake with Cam and Nash.

"Good, you guys are awake. Now I can go back to bed." I said to Ricky and Connor.

"No you can not." Nash said, jumping up and running over to me.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because you have to hang out with us." Cam said.

"Why can't you just hang out with the guys?" I asked.

"Because Kian and Jc are still asleep, Sam and Trevor went home last night, and Ricky and Connor are gonna go for a run." Nash told me.

"Then go for a run with them. You kinda need it." I whispered the last part and patted his stomach.

I then jumped up and skipped to the kitchen.

I opened the cupboards to try and find something to eat. Deciding to make pancakes, I pulled out all the ingredients.

I mixed everything in a bowl and added chocolate chips.

I heated up the pan and sprayed it with cooking spray.

As I was cooking the pancakes, the guys came into the kitchen.

"That smells so good." Nash says, looking over my shoulder.

"Thanks, but back away. Personal space." I said, pushing him away from me.

He stepped back half a step and smiled at me. "Good?" Nash asked.

"Either back away, or no pancakes for you." I said, holding the spatula up threateningly.

Nash quickly backed up to the other side of the counter.

"Better." I told you, adding more batter to the pan.

"Something smells good. Oh, Jordyn. You're up early." Kian said, walking into the kitchen.


"Early? It's past 11:00 in the morning." Ricky said.

"Yeah, two certain someones decided to wake me up before I was ready to." I said, staring at Nash and Cam.

"Sorry that we aren't all like the Lawley family who thinks noon is too early to wake up." Cam said.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "I don't appreciate your sarcastic tone mister."

Cam stuck out his lower lip. "Sorry Jord."

"It's ok." I said.

I put all the pancakes on a plate and put it on the table.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!" I screamed, making Cam and Ricky cover their ears.

"Jesus Jordyn." Cam said, rubbing his ears.

"Yes, I am Jesus Jordyn. Bow down bitches. Bow down bitches." I sang.

Connor, Jc, and Nash came into the kitchen.

"Why is Jordyn dancing?" Jc asked.

"I have no idea." Kian said, shoving pancakes in his mouth.

I was humming Bow Down/I Been On by Beyonce and dancing weirdly.

"NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BATMAAAAN!!!" I screamed, running into the living room.

I heard the boys laughing in the kitchen and I turned around and went right back in there.

"Jordyn. Here, you need it." Kian threw my meds at me.

I opened the container and took them with some orange juice.

"Now come and eat something before everyone eats it all." He told me.

I grabbed a plate and sat down in between Connor and Nash and put three pancakes on my plate.

I put a mountain of whipped cream on them, and dug in.

"Uh, Jordyn. That's alot of whipped cream. I don't think you need any sugar today." Kian said, not even looking at me and eating his breakfast.

His comment made me kinda made, so I grabbed a chunk of the whipped cream and threw it at him, stomping upstairs.

"That was probably the wrong thing to say dude." I heard Cam say.

I went to my room and stuffed my ear buds in my ear, turning on Don't Tell Em by Jeremih and putting the volume up all the way.

I changed from slippers to black Vans and grabbed my skateboard and ran downstairs and out the door, not bothering to say anything to the guys.

I skated around for a while, listening to music until it started getting dark. Then i skated towards Kian's house.

When I got back, I threw open the door to see Kian standing in front of it with his arms crossed.

I didn't say anything, just rolled my eyes and carried my skateboard upstairs, aware that Kian was right behind me.

"What?" I screamed, turning around.

"Are you aware that you have been gone all day and you left without telling me." He said.

"Yes, now are you aware that you are a douche and I did that on purpose?" I said, putting my hand on my hip.

Kian looked taken aback.

I smirked at him. "Well, I'm going to bed."

With that, I whipped around and went into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I changed into a pair of plain black leggings, an oversized grey crew neck, and pink knee high socks over my leggings. Then I took out my contacts and put my glasses on.

I got into my bed and pulled out my phone, having no intentions of going to sleep.


Hey guys, so I'm home alone. Mwahahaha.

Well, only for another half an hour or so, then I'm getting picked up to babysit. But my older brother is at work, and my younger brother is on a scout camp out, and my parent's are on a 'date night'. So guess what that means?

Nothing! I'm doing the exact same thing. On my computer writing my stories and listening to music. Except now I'm singing alone at the top of lungs. Just tonight, I can do it without my mom yelling at me to "Get off my butt and do something."

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Asdfghjkl, bye lovelies. Stay cloudy :)

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