《Little Rebel》Chapter 14


I went back upstairs and took my hair out of its braid and brushed it. My hair was mostl dry, so I just left it how it was.

I put on my light wash high waisted shorts, white crop top, with a red and blue plaid shirt.

Slowly making my way to the backyard, I could hear everyone loud and clear.

I went out the sliding glass door and stood awkwardly as Jenn and ricky finished filming their 'Inuendo Bingo' video.

"Wow Jordyn, I didn't know you owned anything other than black skinny jeans." Kian laughed.

"I'm changing." I said instantly, turning around.

"No your not." Kian grabbed my arm. "I like it."

"Uh, thanks." I said.

"Ricky and Jenn are just finishing up then we can film. I found the questions that we're going to answer." He told me.

I just nodded and watched Jenn pour her water all over Ricky.

Ricky and Jenn finished up and then Kian set up a bunch of food.

"Wait, whats the food for?" I ased, scared.

"If someone gets something wrong, the person who asked the question gets to dump one of these items on the other one." He said.

"But we literally know nothing about each other!" I yelled.

"Thats why this is a good video to film. So we can get to know each other." He said, putting a sim card in the camera.

"But we're going to put something on each other for every question." I said.

"Exactly." He winked.

I groaned and stood where Kian told me to stand.

"Howdy everybody, it's Kian. And this week is tag week, which I'm sure we've already done. But who the fuck cares." He said, doing his little awkward smile thingy.

"Today I'm going to do the brother sister tag or sibling tag, or whatever you want to call it." Kian told the camera.

"This." He said, putting his arm over my shoulder. "Is my little sister Jordyn."


I waved awkwardly to the camera. "Hey."

"She's pretty awkward." He whispered loudly.

"So should we get started." He looked at me and did the awkward smile again.

Sure," I nodded.

Kian stopped the camera and put a tarp where we're filming. I took off my flannel, not wanting to get stuff on it.

He started recording again.

"So!" He shouted. "Since it's my video, and my camera, and my house, and I'm better...I'm gonna let Jordyn go first."

"Ok, who is my best friend?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"Perrie! Boom! Boom! Booooom!" He yelled, flailing his arms around.

"Easy, my turn." He looked at his phone. "What, is my pennyboard's name?"

"Uhhhhh..." I said stupidly.

"Are you fucking serious! I say it all the time! It's in so many of my videos!" He screamed at me.

I laughed. "Dick?" I blurted.

"'Scuse me?" He asked, looking offended.

"You know, cause thats what you want most in life?" I asked, making everyone else laugh.

"Well, your wrong. It's Ghost." He said, matter-of-factly.

"I was close." I shrugged.

"No you weren't." Kian said. "But now I get to pour something on you."

He scanned the items until an evil grin broke out on his face.

"Lets go with cottage cheese." He said, grabbing the huge tub.

"Kian! Cottage cheese is totally disgusting!" I cried.

"Exactly." He smiled, then dumped the entire container on my head.

"Ah!" I screamed, covering my face.

"Ok, your turn Jord." Kian said, like nothing happened.

"Ok, how many times have I been suspended?" I asked, smirking.

His face fell. "Ok, um. I'm gonna sya this because it's what I'm hoping. But this was your first time?"

I laughed. "Ha, just once. Your funny. Nope, this was my sixth time."

His mouth fell open. "Six times?"


"Yup." I said popping the p. "Now what should I use?"

I looked at everything then decided at caramel syrup.

"Jordyn! That's gonna be so sticky." Kian whined.

"Thats the point." I said, opened the top and pouring it all over him.

"Ewww," He screamed.

"Kay, my turn. Jordyn. How old was I when I moved here?" Kian asked me.

"Um, was it. No, it was younger. Uh." I thought.

"Tick tock, tick tock." He said, reaching for an item.

"You were 17." I finally said.

"Yes," Kian sighed.

"Ha!" I screamed in his face.

"Ask me a question!" He screamed in mine.

"Kay!" I screamed back. "Who is my favorite band?"

"How should I know?" He asked. "You listen to like ten million different people."

"But I have a favorite." I sang.

"Uh? Whatever band is your ringtone?" Kian guessed.

"My ringtone?" I said, confused.

"Yeah, when I called you your ringtone went off really loud in the airport. Whoever sings that song." He said.

"Oh, Green Day!" I said.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed.

"No." I shook my head.

"What?" He yelled.

"It's not my favorite band. And the song is American Idiot." I pointed out.

"Kay, then whats your favorite band?" He asked.

"Either Nirvana or Marianas Trench." I said.

"Ugh." Kian whined.

"Shut up," I told him. I grabbed four eggs and smashed them on his head.

"Ow!" He screamed. "I think you cut my head!"

"Oops," I shrugged.

We finished the video with us both covered in tons of gross stuff.

"I hoped you liked this video and give it a thumbs up for Jordyn being in it with me." He told the camera.

I grabbed a thing of apple sauce and tried to sneakily pour it on his head.

"I can see you!" He yelled, looking in the view finder.

I froze with the apple sauce hovering above Kian's head.

I dropped the entire thing, container and all and ran away.

"Kay, I'm gonna go kill my sister. Bye, see you next week." Kian put his hand over the lens and turned off the camera.

"You better run Jordyn!" He yelled at me.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran inside.

"What?!" Everyone else came unning, almost bumping into me, looking worried.

"Who died?" Jenn screamed.

Suddenly Kian came around the corner and they all looked at me.

"I'm taking a shower!" I yelled, and ran upstairs, careful not to touch anything.

I took a mirror selfie and posted it on twitter. 'What happens when you film a video with my brother...' I captioned it.

I turned on my music and got in the shower.

I sang along to Human by Christina Perrie as I washed my hair and body.

I got out and put my pajamas back on.

"I'm going to sleep!" I screamed form upstairs.

"Goodnight!" Everyone yelled up to me.

I went to my room and got in bed. I practised a few cords on the guitar then put it away.

Getting under my blankets, I put my headphones on and turned on Holiday by Green Day.

I turned over and almost instantly fell asleep.


Hey guys, I finally updated! Yay!

But yeah, I just got back from Oregon, which I stayed for the weekend because it was a girls weekend with my mom, my friend, her mom, my aunt, and me. It was super fun. Especially since it was a weekend away from my brothers.

I live in Washington, so yeah, we drove and I practically slept the entire way there and back, so I'm sorry I didn't bother writing then.

Vote and comment and follow me on twitter @CartahftCaniff and instagram @sxrxh.bxnxnx

Later babes, stay cloudy :)

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